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  • File : 1327523112.jpg-(6 KB, 192x144, 1326481790590.jpg)
    6 KB Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:25 No.130974  
    Riddle me this /diy/nosaurs.
    What should I do with my mother's broken laptop. I think It's the motherboard that's fried and she'll just get a new one.

    I was thinking about using the screen to put it on a Raspberry Pi and make a mini arcade cabinet.

    Got any ideas?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/12(Wed)15:35 No.130986
         File1327523737.jpg-(95 KB, 600x445, 1327263022440.jpg)
    95 KB
    What makes you think it's the mobo? unless you were tinkering around inside it should be fine.

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