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  • File : 1327361550.jpg-(78 KB, 600x400, kintaxeffect8-l.jpg)
    78 KB gp 01/23/12(Mon)18:32 No.129105  
    Hey /diy/nosaurs, does anyone here know about effects lighting for concerts or shows? I produce electronic music and I want to try to DJ at a venue sometime this year but I would really like to at least bring some of my own lighting equipment or at least understand how to use whatever I can that may be there already. It's a really important thing for the dance music that the light effects are good so I think I should definitely know about it. Does anyone have experience in this at all? I know essentially nothing at all about any of it...

    I have been to some shows and festivals over the years and I know that the light effects definitely make a difference. Also I recently went to a "Blue Man Group" performance at universal studios and the light effects were really fucking good so it turned me on to the whole importance of it.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)18:47 No.129109
    i got some pretty badass "tutorial" here.
    problem ---> it's german

    maybe you can translate some parts.
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/23/12(Mon)21:47 No.129251
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    Usually the DJ and lighting crew is seperate, at least in my experience. Usually the DJ brings the light for his decks and the DJ table.
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/23/12(Mon)21:53 No.129260
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    But then again, all I'm involved with are renegades and undergrounds.
    This was a campout where we have a party every night for the whole weekend and everyone camps there.
    >> GammaMan 01/23/12(Mon)23:32 No.129364
    I happen to be an expert in this area. Until very recently I was designing custom concert lighting equipment professionally with this company

    What I developed was a set of lights which accept DMX data through Ethernet using the Artnet protocol. Professional LJs (Light Jockeys) use a program called Madrix for controlling their lights through an ethernet network.

    You can just use DMX instead of Artnet, but then you can't use standard computer networking gear to control your shit.

    For an even simpler system you run sound into a microcontroller's ADC and use that to control lights standalone.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)23:36 No.129369
    what is that, mutant festival?
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/23/12(Mon)23:38 No.129372
    Your average renegade campout.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)23:53 No.129385
    OP better have big pockets for BLue Man Group type lighting.

    OP, theres a company called "American DJ" who makes the shit you want. It's not powerful, but its cheap, and good for starting out.
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/23/12(Mon)23:56 No.129389
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    Yeah we have some of their stuff, its alright. Not pro grade but good for starting out.
    If you want really immersive lighting you best hire a crew to manage it for you.

    I also suggest /diy/ projects involving LED tape. Its this really cheap adhesive backed stuff that runs on 12 volts, RGB is available as well as DMX controllers n stuff.
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/24/12(Tue)02:02 No.129491
    Example of a renegade.
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)06:28 No.129611
    If you are a general 'electronic' DJ scanners are your friend. Scanners are cheap and they move (unlike movers which are expensive and move). 4 scanners plus two strobe lights, generally all you will need.

    Dry hire that shit from a production company, the cheap stuff will go for $10 each a night.
    >> gp 01/25/12(Wed)14:10 No.130926
    OP here, thanks for all the information I am looking through everything now, I know good light set ups are gonna be pretty expensive but I can get the money if needed, I know that it's probably going to be better at first to hire a lighting crew but at the same time I want to get serious about it so I would like to eventually learn how to do it myself... Anymore info would be awesome,

    I will look into the network set up you were talking about, it sounds really promising, I don't mind bringing a shit ton of stuff with me to a venue to play a show if I can make it really good,

    my philosophy is: if I am going to play a show, I want to try my best to make it good and all inclusive, so many factors come into play about this stuff and I want to make sure all my bases are covered because it's not just about the music being played

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