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  • File : 1327027243.jpg-(192 KB, 1920x1080, - 60658 byousoku_5_centimet(...).jpg)
    192 KB Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)21:40 No.125872  
    Seeing that's cold as shit right now for some reason here in FL, what are some cheap ways to heat your room?

    The room consists of 3 large windows and a sliding door. I was thinking heavy drapes might do the trick, but sadly it's still cold as fuck in my room.

    Pic unrelated
    >> !OATZZhAKok 01/19/12(Thu)21:43 No.125874
    overclock your computer.
    run folding@home
    light shit on fire
    buy a space heater

    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)21:44 No.125875
         File1327027464.jpg-(26 KB, 400x266, jimmy-carter-ap-photo-carolyn-(...).jpg)
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    Wear a sweater.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)21:45 No.125876
    1: host an orgy...err... a party of any kind, more people = more heat
    2: use CRT monitors instead of LCDs
    3: eat hot food
    4: I use nails at the corners of the windows and drap blankets over them and use clothes pins to hold them in place on the nails.
    5: use the burner caps on your cook stove, keep them on low
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)21:52 No.125884
    I vote quit being a bitch. It is currently -8, it was -33 this morning when I woke up. I live in an apartment. I don't even heat it. Plastic on windows covered by a heavy curtain. I drink hot beverages, wear 2-3 layers, and steal the heat from the people below me.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)21:59 No.125893

    some people tea candles

    be very careful
    >> U R Cold Anon non OP 01/19/12(Thu)22:30 No.125924
    Terry Cloth Bathrobe (good for all seasons)
    + Panty hose (srsly makes u warm)
    U live in Florida, invest in the bathrobe & wait till is warmer.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)22:33 No.125927
    Electric blanket/throw. Very efficient way to keep warm.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)22:36 No.125930
    Aww, babby's first cold weather.

    Wear two or three pairs of socks and a knit hat. Fingerless gloves if you have them. Keeping small joints and extremities warm is super important for feeling comfortable.

    Honestly, clothing is as efficient as it gets when it comes to insulation.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)22:36 No.125931
    If you have a clothes dryer machine you can unhook the vent from the wall, put panty hose or other filter over it, and enjoy hot humid air pumping into your home when you do laundry.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)22:41 No.125934
    protip: this goes over you not under you.
    you will catch on fire.
    >> >>125872 Anon non OP 01/19/12(Thu)22:55 No.125938
    unhook the vent from the wall,>>
    This concept is mindblowing. Do all Laundry exhausts need a T joint and a water reclamation point ? What about laundry mats ? Is it possible to turbocharge a dryer ?
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:02 No.125944
    I have an old ass laptop that I have folding@home running on. Not even 15 minutes have passed and the room is already 4-5 degrees warmer. This is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:15 No.125956
    Heavy curtains over the windows at night, but be sure to open the curtains to let the sun in during the day.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:26 No.125971
    i actually got a ceramic space heater for about 15 bucks on clearance, it is life changing! Im so warm now!!
    then again, i live in chicago, so being cold isnt a rare occurrence. if you cant fork out the dough for a space heater (or a SWEATER), then put towels or curtains around/over the windows and doors and stuff, it really helps. also, heat yourself up by briefly exercising, in your room, it helps make the temp more bearable.

    also shut up florida. stupid nice weather.
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/19/12(Thu)23:28 No.125973
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    Kerosene is technically the most efficent fuel to heat with besides wood. Most btu's for your dollar.
    Another option i would consider if you have some wood laying around is a large tent wood stove, Make a widow plate so you can run the stack out the window without major air leaks and you are golden. Those are the cheapest ways to do it period.
    Don't use electric space heaters, they are the most inefficient way to do it, especially in a poorly insulated home.
    Just set up a couple paving stones in a corner of your room on a clear portion of floor, set that shit down on them and run the stack carefully out the window (you will need to buy some plywood and a insulating stove pipe collar, Make sure to run the stove pipe far enough away from the house on the outside of the window to avoid burning and fires)
    >> !OATZZhAKok 01/19/12(Thu)23:30 No.125979
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:32 No.125981
    mine for bitcoins with your computer
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/19/12(Thu)23:34 No.125983
    Less efficient than space heaters.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:35 No.125985
    but you are doing useful work while producing heat, instead of just producing heat and doing no useful work :D
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/19/12(Thu)23:39 No.125992
    True that.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:42 No.125995
    Due to the laws of thermodynamics a computer drawing 200 watts to do some protein folding and a 200 watt space heater are both going to produce 200 watts of heat.

    There's a thing called bitcoin mining where you make money doing something like protein folding. Its sort of an IT nerd circle jerk, but there are small amounts of real money.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:42 No.125996
    True! That's my motto for exercising too. No gym or weights, instead I build and move heavy things from place to place. I get in shape and have functional things created.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:45 No.126002
    mining for bitcoins with my sli rig is how i keep my room warm during the winter months
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/19/12(Thu)23:47 No.126008
    Yes but the efficiency of transferring that to the room is less with a computer because it is spread out over every single component of the machine not just what air is being blown over the heatsinks. However you are absolutely right, The margin of difference is less than what I thought and you saying that kinda made me take a step back and re evaluate my claim. I still think a coiled glowing wire with 200 watts of power going through it and a fan to blow all that heat off as fast as it can will produce more heat per dollar of electricity used versus a computer with the same power rating.

    I used to use grow lights to heat my room in the winter but I doubt many people have 2KW of grow lights in their room they can make use of.
    >> Anonymous 01/19/12(Thu)23:47 No.126009
    Pants and a sweater.

    Or: get a small sack and fill it with rice, heat it up in the microwave.
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/19/12(Thu)23:49 No.126013
    And again, electricity is bottom line the most expensive way to heat a house.
    >> OP 01/20/12(Fri)00:05 No.126027
         File1327035959.jpg-(308 KB, 1680x1050, - 27895 byousoku_(...).jpg)
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    Thanks for all suggestions, I don't have a desktop otherwise I wouldn't be bitchin. All the curtains I have in place are heavy yet it always cold as fuck in my room. Hell my desk is even next to the window and i can feel the cold emanating from it. Sometimes it's even colder in than the rest of the house/outside which makes no sense.

    I do have a space heater but being a poor college fag and living in a large master bedroom that can be pretty useless
    >> Pinzfag, /k/'s resident flashaholic 01/20/12(Fri)00:09 No.126032
    Try a kerosene space heater.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/12(Fri)00:21 No.126043
    lol. Weather underground says orlando is 10C right now. Where I live it is 40 degrees C colder.

    Don't sit by the windows.
    Pull all blankets onto your bed/gaming chair and cover yourself.
    Plastic wrap your windows. If you don't have plastic film, fill clear water bottles with water, leaving room, and stack them in the windows. The water will freeze before your room does.
    Cook with your oven. Leave it open after.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)08:45 No.127182
         File1327153546.jpg-(2.45 MB, 2000x1500, FILE0147.jpg)
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    Stop whining about "cold" and put on a sweater.

    Picture related, out my fucking window right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)08:56 No.127187
    Just remember to insulate the room well first so the heat doesn't escape! You might want to have some kind of detachable cushion-y insulation things with large velcro on doors or something. Even very thick curtains would work, I think.
    >> X 01/21/12(Sat)09:35 No.127204

    heat yourself by putting on much warm clothing and stoping air contact with your skin
    especially neck, ankles, hands, ears
    put your hands in contact with your skin to keep them warm or under your arms to warm them if they have lost too much heat
    more than one pair of socks
    more than one pair of pants, sweat pants, thermal base layer etc
    undershirt, shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie, windbreaker, coat, poncho
    however many layers you need for the moment
    dont worry about the room so much
    just dress to keep yourself warm
    and dont forget to eat; your body burns food to make heat
    >> X 01/21/12(Sat)09:55 No.127209
    the goal is; to trap a layer of air close to your body that will stay at about the same temp as your body
    if you can still feel the sting of cold through your clothing you dont have enough on
    cover your head too
    keep the humidity in the room down even if it means air-ing it out to the cold

    if you cant get foam insulation board from a hardware store to cut to fit in the large glass windows and doors then consider sealing off an area and heating only the sealed off area

    the inside of an igloo can be heated to about 45f with only a single properly reflected candle
    this reflector/candleholder can be as simple as a cut soda can

    if your life is on the line or you simply must be in a high exposure to cold environment a single plastic layer (preferably heavy guage) can be used to trap your breath and its heat near you but you have to stay awake to keep the condensate moisture off of you
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:47 No.127361
    So how is the weather in Florida now?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)15:59 No.127363

    8/10, Op.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)16:09 No.127366
    Wear a hat.You lose a ton of body heat by not covering your head. Get a couple of hand warmers. Even one makes me uncomfortably warm, and I usually end up tossing it while it's still generating heat.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)16:31 No.127385
    Park the heater right next to you and heat only the space around you. That's why they're called space heaters, not room heaters.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)16:39 No.127386

    I do the same thing and it pisses me off when my roomate has his little portable self heater. We split the electric bill so I feel like im getting fucked over...
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)17:39 No.127433
    Which is why I went out and bought a space heater too. If I have to pay a higher bill, I might as well benefit from it. Of course this drives the bill even higher, but at least I'm warm and comfortable while I'm paying it.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)17:50 No.127441
    Can't tell if trolling or just a stupid Floridian. Try living in Northern Michigan, bro.

    Having said that, just put on some clothes.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)17:53 No.127444
    wear a sweater and knit hat. dont waste energy / money on heat. dont you know we've got a global warming problem?
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)18:02 No.127452
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)18:15 No.127464
    Are you me? I keep my 3 blankets on at night and turn the thermostat in my room to about 50. My roommate likes to bitch about how cold his room gets at night and keeps his set to 65-70. In one month he could buy a blanket with the money we save on power.
    My room is bigger and has two outside walls where his is about 80% as big and has one outside wall. He goes to bed before be every night so when he flips the breaker to the heat, I wait 20 minutes and turn it off until I go to bed. the 2-4 hours saves us quite a bit of power over a month.

    Other tips: I put a laundry basket under my covers before bed and stick a hot bag in there (rice in the microwave) and that makes my bed nice and warm for when I get in.

    Hot showers are great for warming up but when you get out into a cold house your temp drops quickly making it feel fuck cold. I slowly decrease the temp before I get out until it's barely warm.

    Layers. Buy long underwear and a long sleeve undershirt.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)20:27 No.127538
    Hot showers are the most expensive form of heat there is. All other heat in your house, (stove, space heater, ect.) stays there until it is lost through the insulation. Hot water poured down a drain is just gone and it takes a lot of electricity to heat water.

    $10 buys a small fan with a heating coil in it, smaller than a space heater. Point it at your feet, preferably sitting on a couch or chair that goes down to the floor so it deflects the heat up on you.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)22:54 No.127632

    this is exactly what I did. I bought a small ceramic heater and put it close to my feet and somehow my entire body feels ok.
    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)22:58 No.127639
    >overclock your computer.
    run folding@home


    >> Anonymous 01/21/12(Sat)23:37 No.127668
    Buy a 12v heated motorcycle jacket. Stick a 120vAC to 12vDC adapter into every power socket where you sit down. Now simply plug in when you sit somewhere. For the bed, electric blankets.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)18:34 No.128299
    Electric mattress warmer, and get used to using a laptop in bed all the time instead of a desktop, Keep a blanket behind you and over your head to keep the cold out. If you really get desperate, find a way to enclose your bed with a blanket (mini tent), and the heat from your laptop alone will make you very warm very quickly. Wear slippers to keep your feet from getting cold while walking around.

    Heat yourself, not the whole room.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)19:36 No.128341
    Foil over the windows of the room my PC is in, it's always warm. What part of FL?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)21:21 No.128422
    Should have said. I go what is the cheapest, not the most efficient. I don't pay for the hot water in my apartment complex. That is covered by the landlords. So when I run my shower for a half an hour, I don't pay a dime.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/12(Sun)21:27 No.128432
    Drapes won't do shit. Tape plastic wrap over your window frame and sill. Make a cushion of air between the window and the plastic.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)12:14 No.128879
    Will clingfilm do? I've got plenty of that.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)18:07 No.129093
    Where in florida op? Im going down to Palmbeach/ Wellington for the rest of the month for equifest.
    >> Anonymous 01/23/12(Mon)18:09 No.129095
    First you must summon the fires from hell
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)00:06 No.129396

    OP here. What a coincidence, I live in Wellington. Maybe you can come over and lick my arms!
    >> Anonymous 01/24/12(Tue)00:17 No.129401
    It was motherfucking -4 last night in my room and it has been pretty much the same for last 2 months now.

    Total money spent on gas: 0



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