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  • File : 1324491583.jpg-(87 KB, 510x765, {0888E043-5C5B-4659-9FF3-C86B5F34F61D}Im(...).jpg)
    87 KB Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:19 No.100309  
    So what do you think of this book?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:44 No.100321
    Misleading title.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:49 No.100323
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:57 No.100329
    gave one as a gift, it's awesome fun. the trick is to start a war...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)13:57 No.100330

    >friend has it
    >we try to build shit
    >nothing comes out properly
    >we could be failing or the book is crap
    >give up and go back to proper DIYing
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:49 No.101187
    where i can get the pdf?

    i cant found it
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)12:57 No.101193
    >> ╔╩╩╦╦ 12/22/11(Thu)13:11 No.101201

    I can't found it either. So much want.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:23 No.101205
    Here you go guys. I just uploaded it.
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)13:25 No.101208
    anon you are a true hero

    we thank you
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:03 No.101238
         File1324580601.gif-(2.77 MB, 417x235, 1323813249034.gif)
    2.77 MB
    Hey /diy/

    You might be able to help me. I have patches of mold in the corners of my bedroom. I don't think it's the dreaded black mould (UK here, does that matter) as I suffer from bad asthma but haven't really been feeling bad lately.

    Any tips for removal?

    Picture not related
    >> Anonymous 12/22/11(Thu)14:07 No.101240
    Make your own thread you pirate, then I'll consider helping you.

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