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Is it possible to have this kind of discussion thread? I recently remembered the fascination I had with a particular episode of Inspector Rex (Austrian-Italian police drama) as a kid. It was called Der Puppenmörderer (The Doll Murderer) and about a guy (played by Christopher Waltz) who wanted to turn women into submissive dolls, but ended up killing them because they weren't obedient. Do you remember any key moments like that?
When I was young I would daydream about things like being eaten and being inside someone, or being restrained or handled in some way by machines, or being turned into an inanimate object, or various other weird things. And as I got older, those thoughts became more sexual and evolved into fetishes. I think I've always been that way and there were no specific events which were the origin of my fetishes.
I was sexually abused at the age of six. She used the words "Little Cock." A lot. Now I can't get off without being humiliated. Futas, with their big dicks and unlimited sexuality, were the perfect weapon for turning me into some kind of sissy. My wife frequently uses a strapon in bed, and verbal abuse is a big part of getting fucked. What I wouldn't give to fix this...
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>At that age where puberty is kicking in for girls but not quite yet for boys
>I'd guess 13 or 14 years old
>Friends with a group of girls
>They get their first growth spurts and are mostly at least as tall as me or taller (but I was above average height)
>One day some playful teasing escalates into them holding me down and some light smothering and through-cloths cock stroking
>Also one of them must have had a foot fetish as they were crazy into my feet

And now I'm into smothering, femdom, futadom, /fit/ women, multiple women (e.g three-foursomes), sissification, humilation and that general area. Seems pretty clear cut for me but with one flaw. I had frequent dreams with similar themes (especially multiple women and smothering) when I was younger and before that experience even happened. When I was only just beginning to fap. No idea where that came from.

Unfortunately it's a hard fetish to get into reality. I'm 6'4 and 15 stone, not many women could actually dominate me or be a physical equal. I'm also really into shorter than average women because of some early girlfriends. In some ideal world I'd have a three way relationship. One 5 foot curvy girl who would be my sexual equal, and one 6'5 amazonian (futa?) dominatrix.

Porn recommendations welcome obviously.
Fantasy Island - Estrogen

That was my first encounter with MTF transformation, and I was hooked for life.
I grew up watching cartoons in the late 80s and early 90s. I am now into muscle growth. Believe me, that's pretty much all the explanation necessary there, but there are ones that stand out above the others in my memory: an old "Milk, it does a body good" commercial; the Real Ghostbusters episode where Peter becomes Venk-Man; the Tiny Toons episode "That's Incredibly Stupid!", with the beauty contestants who turn out to be hulking bodybuilders; and the two episodes in the first season of the Incredible Hulk cartoon with the She-Hulk.

The origins of my weight gain and BE fetishes I haven't been able to nail down as concretely, though; there aren't any WG instances in my childhood that really leap out in my memory save for that Doug episode where he gets fat after spending some time at his grandmother's.
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Would watch cartoons and other things and fantasize about being handcuffed or tied up, it was bound(haha) to happen eventually I guess.

Had my parents tell me awful stories about some kids getting feminized as a child and sold to cartels or something, was supposed to scare me apparently and the feminization part aroused me incredibly.

Later ended up watching porn like everyone as a kid, always got off on thinking how great it must be to be the girl and how wonderful it must be to be in those positions and having someone push into you as you moan and scream like a little whore.

Very few times while masterbating ever thought of being the guy, and it wasn't enough to ever get me off. Eventually I came around to the fact I liked guys and being the bottom.
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Batman started got me started on bondage, shiny clothes and light femdom.
/d/ prety much gave me all my fetishes
i used to be a normal person..
Friend's younger sister one summer day at their table eating 12 slices of bread with toppings like butter, cheese and what not, she could not eat more as their dad actually stepped in and made her stop. Guess she was around 12-13 at the time. This was a dark fiber rich bread, not some flimsy airy white bread mind you. Now as a grown man I 'd have to be pretty hungry to pull of something like that.

Few weeks later we're playing outside, friend runs inside to do a phonecall (cellphones did not come around for another 10+ years) and I'm just chilling in the grass looking at the sky.

Same sister comes over, says hi and then suddenly sits down on me, overflowing my head with her big, soft, warm and surprisingly heavy ass. Protesting out of reflex I actually enjoyed her big filling out ass on me a lot. Few seconds later she farts on my face, surprisingly huge ones coming from a teenage girl despite her being big for her age. She then got off laughing her ass of. Event is never spoken of.

Not I have fetish for women eating huge amounts, females farting and curvy, voluptous big butted tall girls.

I never liked her more then just my friends weird but cool younger sister tho.

Honestly, I think it could have been much worse.
>>4912546 (OP)
I watched an episode of Peter Pan, where a guy was turned into a mermaid/man or something. The logical question was, what happened to the D. And here I am, a /d/eviant with a knack for D growth/shrink and a bit of monstergirls.
I always liked snakes through my whole life. Didn't know why, I just thought they were cool. I would watch YouTube videos of snakes eating things, like live chicks being forced down their mouths or a whole deer. I didn't know why it was so cool when I was about 13. Fast foward 5 years and Monster Girl Quest becomes popular on /v/. That's when I came across Alice's unbirthing scene and got a boner so fast it scared the shit out of me.

That's when I realized I had a fetish for vore and I was really into monster girls. Fast forward 3 more years and now I have a thing for vore, sweater puppies, femdom, bestiality, and women having eggs forced into them by monsters.
I've always been into TF ever since I was a kid. As a kid, though, it was less sexual, I think, and just more strange and weird. I think it was confirmed when Demona turned into a gargoyle at night in the Gargoyles cartoon. Painful but erotic, that's how I've come to like it. Since then I've been into girls who have painful transformations into monsters.

Pregnancy is easy, that's because of Species 2.
Sometime around puberty I had to be a dog in a school play. All the girls were talking down to me/teasing me/ petting me and ordering me around.
>>4912546 (OP)
>Watch ranma 1/2 as a kid.
>Now I adore t/g.
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Saw Batman Returns and ever since I've had a major fetish for women dressed as cats, which over the years has expanded to encompass catgirls/kemonomimi, pet play, monstergirls, TF etc. I've never able to get into furry stuff, though, despite attempts.

I have other unrelated fetishes, but this is the one that has been with me for the longest, since I was 8 years old in fact. It just wasn't sexual at first.
You have my sympathy. I'm 192 cm tall, and would love it if my S.O. were taller than me. She gets up to almost my height when wearing high heels, but what I wouldn't give to have her tower over me, look down at me, jokingly tease me for my inferior height, and have to stand on my toes to kiss her.
Though I can't think of a reason for it I always liked the idea of being someones pet or slave growing up it didn't turn sexual till I was about 13 and started looking into porn though which made me realize I was a submissive, I also have a foot fetish which I can not trace back to anything at all
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I've always had a need to be in charge. Since childhood every time I've had to rely on someone else it's mostly been a disappointment. As time went on my stellar grades, college degrees, and then considerable professional success and resulting wealth continuously confirmed that superiority complex.

So I've been a pretty strong Dom all my life. Haven't had a vanilla relationship since puberty. I collared my first real girlfriend at the age of 15 or 16. There's been no going back ever since. Gender doesn't matter much when it comes to the fetish itself. I prefer females but males submitting are also powerfully arousing to me, but I usually like to sissify them to make them fit my non-fetish taste in looks better. Somehow, manly men look as good or better than traps when you crossdress them, to me. Because their submission to you is that much more evident when their hairy chests and legs are poking out of a sheer dress and their non-girly cocks are sticking out of some frilly panties as they sit on the floor at your feet.

That said, I still prefer females, because they hit both my aesthetic and neurotic preferences instead of just my psychological need to dominate, so my current stable is all-female. 2 live-in females and a married woman with an unofficially cuckolded husband. Though I guess technically I'm dominating him by proxy.
When I was around 7, my aunt would watch me while my parents were away during the summer. She is a huge feminist so she has all sorts of women's rights stuff in her house. Among those oddities included a drawing book that had pencil sketches of those Fabio book covers, except the genders were switched. I thought it was weird, but the images stuck in my head.

Now I am into femdom, muscular women, and always have fantasies of being captured and violated by bandit women, but then saved by a girl in shining armor.

Also vore, which has not reason to be in my life.
I was always a really anxious kid, so I like having someone else in control. It's nice to have someone make all the decisions, and just shut your brain off and do as you're told.

Also, I would lay in bed and pretend I was like, characters from cartoons all beat up, with black eyes and stuff. I liked the idea of being vulnerable and having someone care for me, I guess.
I have no idea where the love of humiliation and degradation comes from though. I really hate being embarrassed IRL, and it makes me cry, but in the bedroom I love being told how crappy I am. IDK.

I'm really into D/s, DaddyDoms, and ageplay. FYI.
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Same. I swear, that series is probably the number one gateway to that damned fetish.

>tfw no functional Nyannichuan
I have always shown only parts of my personality to people, whatever I think they'll like the most, so I've become a switch and will either be the Dom or sub, depending on my partner. I'm an only child do I don't like to share my partner with anyone (3somes or open relationships aren't for me, unless I'm the one being shared). I also grew up watching a lot of shows with werewolves or supernatural creatures and am into monster girls/boys and petplay (an would love a puppy thanks to the werewolves).
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I wish we lived in a world where women were the bigger, stronger and more aggressive gender.

I hear that. Probably got my first boners watching that depraved show.
Bible Black of course. Where else would I get dickgirl fetish?
At a young age (Probably 11 or 12) I remember having a dream about going around my local area and aiding bigger women against their fat by simply giving them an injection. However it was my choice to help their problem or worsen it. I had this dream twice so I had numerous chances in both to deflate or inflate a woman in any chosen area or all at once. It was my weird variation of being the knight in shining armor. I guess the Boobtube only deepened my fetish for this.

One of my only childhood friends was a massive tomboy to the point where she refused to wear a bra in her development. On lucky days she would also wear baggy shirts, so you can already tell what I rarely got a glimpse of. We don't talk anymore but she has hardly changed and I'm sure if I ever saw her again it wouldn't be hard to reconnect our abandoned bridge.
I wondered if there would be people like you. Thanks for clearing that up.
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I am an 18 year old male I have never ever had a serious gf. However I have come close many times but with those girls I was too timid or beta I guess *sigh* so those friendships never amounted to anything. For this reason my fetishes are Futa with one girl dominating another or a futa dominating a female and even just a female completely dominating a male. I guess this stems from my difficulty with approaching women even if they are attracted to me. For instance one friendship where i openly texted a girl in highschool and talked about how I loved her ass and buxom chest. We came close to a real relationship until one day she just moved on and a more dominant male she liked asked her out. We then didnt text each other frantically anymore as she obviously had her bf who she is with to this very day. Anyway thats mine and thanks OP that actually helped me get over that a bit. So yeah I just want a girl who would be very forward and dominate me in bed with a strap on and by riding my cock like a rough cow girl.enjoy the pic
Pretty much this.
Never had an experience at a young age or anything. When I first discovered those cheap little hentai sites that had links to pay-site preview pages(the ones with like 4 different ~30 second videos from a given movie), I quickly ran into Bible Black. Preg, futa, dom, rape. Eventually I just followed that trail to /d/ or other porn sites and got to my current "pretty much anything goes" pallet.

>tfw straight shota fantasies and no early childhood experiences
>tfw now burly manbear
I guess I can always hope I'll be raped in my next life by some horny bitch.
Damn straight. Me, too.

My fetishes almost always go back to cartoons i saw as a kid. There was a cartoon short on Sesame Street where a kid was carrying a barrel while wearing overalls, stops to pick up a bird's nest that fell out of a tree and puts it back, then when he bends over to pick up the barrel again, the buttons on his overalls pop off and fall down, and he's butt naked underneath and obviously embarrassed. There was also a Dr. Seuss book called Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? where a kid goes into a forest of pants-eating trees, and the picture has a tree yanking off his pants, and he isn't wearing any underwear.

Those were the earliest influences i remember of what would become a full-fledged humiliation fetish, with a special appreciation of wardrobe malfunction. Sex and humiliation were always connected in my imagination.

i'm not sure how i got my crossdressing fetish except that i was always curious about one-piece girls' swimsuits, and one year at summer camp i went into the wrong bathroom and found a suit hanging on the door stall, so i tried it on. i found out i was different when, while in the showers, i was talking to another boy about a girl we were fantasizing about, and while his fantasy was all about fucking her in the swimming pool, mine was about wearing her swimsuit. Later, panties became an additional obsession, just because they represented feminine sexuality in my mind. When i saw the movie "Weird Science" with Kelly LeBrock in those little panties - which the guy wears later on - i was hooked.

My fetish for Amazons, strong women, etc., i think just came from falling in love with an athletic tomboy in high school. Being rejected by her has fueled my humiliation/sexual inadequacy fantasies (SPH, premature ejaculation, etc.) as well as my desire to be "taken care of/protected/owned" by an Amazonian beauty. Being forcibly crossdressed and turned into a trap by her goes hand-in-hand with my other fetishes.
Excessive porn from the age of 13. Nuff said
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I'm legitimately surprised how few people in this thread are like this. I always figured most /d/ connoisseurs became such just from constantly jacking off and needing to find something new.
I almost feel like a lesser being since I can't tie my fetishes down to anything more specific than just "i stumbled across a thread."
My first girlfriend had a REALLY nasty vagina, like, she'd never so much as trimmed it (I'm not a stickler for constant shaving, but come on, even I trim my pubes when they get too unruly), it stank something awful, and the taste....not good. Anyway, as a result, for a long time I thought all vaginas were like that, and while I was still exclusively attracted to the female form I wasn't really attracted to female genitals. As a result, I developed a thing for futa, as well as the more convincing IRL dickgirls (Bailey Jay, Ana Mancini, etc). After a while I was with a woman who actually had a wonderful pussy, and I now genuinely enjoy vagina, but I still find dickgirls very attractive as well.
A picture of some hentai girl getting tentacle fucked in her pussy and belly button started off my belly button fetish.
Nah, some of us are fucked up from a very young age. I vividly remember the fun I had playing cops and robbers in kindergarten. The moment I stumbled upon terms like D/s (I think I was fourteen) things immediately mae sense.
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I was a pantswetter through almost the whole of elementary school. I didn't have any physiological issues, but I was the kind of kid who'd get so wrapped up in reading or playing or hanging out that I'd hold it until I just started leaking. It happened so often that, at one point, a teacher sent me home with a note pinned to my shirt telling my parents they had to do something about it. I promptly took the thing off and tossed it after class, but apparently it scared me enough that I stopped having accidents at school.

I'd still wet myself when I was at home or out somewhere else, though - I kind of had a childhood phobia of public restrooms - and so I'd get in trouble whenever my parents found my wet clothes shoved into the laundry. One time, this happened right as my mother was getting my little brother (who was only one or two at the time) out of the bath, and she sort of growled at me something like: "Go get your brother's diapers, so we can see if they fit you."

Of course, she actually just wanted them to get my brother dressed. Looking back, she probably didn't even think I'd taken her seriously. But I totally had, and I remember hovering off to the side even after she'd gotten done, frightened and confused about whether I was being put back in diapers.

So, needless to say, I have a pretty major pants-pissing/diaper fetish now, and nothing quite does it for me like the fantasy of an authority figure publicly making it clear that I've failed at toilet-training and need to be diapered.

I also have a broader humiliation kink, which I think stems from a bunch of other stuff unrelated to my home life, and that probably factors into why the above's so big for me. But it almost annoys me how obvious the psychological causation on my diaper kink is.
Let's see: an obsession with the aliens movies, a secret desire for girly stuff (guess what that turned out to be), and a long string of shows I watched as a kid that involved transformation or mutation. The first wet dream I ever had was about an alien style xenomorph raping an entire asteroid penal colony. The others had "SCIENCE!!!", forced transformation, and being a monster that stole women's beauty from them.
>Futa, Femdom, Bondage, Guro, Tomboy
My Mom was an abusive Dominatrix. When I got into trouble as a kid (I was a bad child) she would whip me, bind me, and put me in my room for days. I liked it for some reason.

>Trap, crossdressing, vore
My mom died when I was 10, and then I went to live with my brother and grandma. My Grandma kept my mom's clothes as a keepsake, and I would wear them and fantasize that I was being restrained and eaten by the clothing.

>Rape, NTR, Forced, Tentacles
I found my brother's porn stash and liked it. Pretty self-explanatory.
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Mostly likely cartoons and comic books, then later sci-fi novels. A bit of greek mythology too. My main interests are hypnosis, transformation and sex changes. I suspect Daphne hypnotized influenced a lot of people. Transformations have been used in many cartoons. The TG I'm not as sure of when that started. Author Jack Chalker might have helped that along.
Prepare your body because I'm goin' in deep.
also sorry if this is hard to follow
I have too many to count but I'll do my best.
Growing up with shows like animaniacs and what esle (shows with animorphic characters) is I'm pretty sure what got me into furry. Squirting is also big for me, I love to make women cum/ryth with pleasure so to see the big orgasm just turns me on to no end (think this comes from a deep rooted need to please my mom (inb4 wincest, we're getting there)) For some reason (I cant explain this one but I saw a lecture that said head trama can "cause" this and I fell from a 2nd story window and a 2nd story balcony (within the same month) when I was about 5) I dont know why but after watching porn for a few years I started to have my little sister watch with me sometimes. we would get naked and I would look at her vagina (even talking about it turns me on) this persisted for many years and even as recent at just over a year ago. I think it just translated to my mom because she was family too. Now with /d/ickgirls, I didnt start liking them until I came to /d/ and its the same with some others that I cant pick off the top of my head.
I feel you on the "its nice to have someone else make all the decisions"
my mom was very "we're doing it this way and ive already set it up"
Had a crush on a sadistic girl in high school, in retrospect I'm not sure if I liked her because she hurt me, or whether I put up with her hurting me because I liked her. Either way, nowadays I'm a huge masochist. Got jumped by one unarmed guy last winter, he punched me in the back of the head and tried to make off with my bag. I got all kung-fu on his ass and got my bag back; he got away, at which point I realised that I had the hardest erection I'd had in years. That was a real wake-up call to how much of a deviant I am.
>>tfw straight shota fantasies and no early childhood experiences
>>tfw now burly manbear
Interesting; I'm into fur but humans dressed up is a pretty notable turnoff for me.
ive heard of this happening to a lot of people when they fight, something to do with the blood pressure/adrenalin. youre not the only one anon
Are you me?
When I was young around Halloween, I got magazines in the mail that showcased various costumes. I was attracted to the ones with masks more than anything (though I wouldn'tve worn them at that time) and thought about people wearing various costumes that covered their faces and, at times, their whole body. That pretty much gave me a mask fetish.

I also have a latex fetish that stemmed from my mask fetish. At age 12, I browsed cosplay sites in an attempt to find ones with masks I could look at (since I couldn't into masturbation at that time). It was through that site that I found out about zentai, and then through that I discovered latex catsuits, and now you know the rest of the story.
I looked at porn before I knew about masturbation too. I would just look for a few hours and have to pee a lot. Never developed a pissing fetish though.it wasnt until one day I though "what if I could replicate the action of sex with my hand?" and ive never looked back
Correlation is not causation, but when I was 2-4 years old, I enjoyed trying to resist whenever my mom wanted me to do something. I ran away and hid, refused to put on my shoes, pushed with all my might to avoid being put in a stroller, etc. She always overpowered me, of course, and (according to her) she often sat on me to force me into compliance.

Though it feels strange to say it like that, my fetish for gentle minigiantesses and soft domination is basically exactly my relationship with my mom back then, though with added sex, of course.

Like with all of you, there were plenty of cartoons to reinforce that image. Even a Tom and Jerry episode got filed under "strangely entertaining" when I was 8 years old (Jerry is obviously female; just look at the eyelashes), but it wasn't the cause.

The fact that so many of us can name cartoons is strong evidence that it wasn't actually cartoons that caused our fetishes. Cartoons are hypersaturated with potential material, and there has to be some reason why each of us focuses on one particular fetish.
At the end of the Area 51 arcade game, if you die, you turn into an alien. That gave me a boner when I was like 8. Boom, transformation fetish.
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I think I might even be able to recall the chronological order of my twisted path:

Classy girls - Disney's Alice (in Wonderland)

Catsuits - Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, nuff said.
^Also contributed to skullcap/shaved head/bald/head shape fetish.

Tomboys + Short shorts - Pokemon's Misty
Assertive women - Pokemon's Jessie + Sabrina

Milfs + Straight Shota - Digimon's TK's mom - from a comic by Prophet

Furry - Those fucking bedroom eyes from Disney and Warner Bros toons. Damn good smut. I discovered bondage fairies and some passable stuff from the heap of crappy 'shitty western art' swamping my searches for Misty porn at the time.

Furfaggotry - Came across 'Taurin and the Yiffing Machine' on a forum about Pokemon porn. First gay material that mad me go "Y'know what, this stuff can actually be pretty good. Guess I'm into this too now."

Following my newfound appreciation for cock + even more anal, shemale porn helped to satisfy some of my curiosity. I got into checking out 'herms' (bimbo furry shemales) along with the odd furfaggotry that suited my tastes and soon found myself dabbling in a fandom that made me feel much better about my relatively simple porn enthusiasm =P

Fchan was my first chan, then I found 7chan and later 4chan in 2005.

There are some things I like now that I don't think had any early plant. Like amputees. One day I went to Gurochan's /f/ and went "Yup."
Thanks for the spoiler alert... Just kidding I don't care about the game. Thanks for sharing.
When I was very young (pre-5), my mom's roommate would babysit me while she was out. He was into to tentacle hentai, but couldn't leave me alone because I'd start screaming if I was left alone, so he sat me down beside him to watch tentacle rape with him.

I blame this one on my "sister". One of my best friends whom I've known a very long time who a) had a fetish/fantasy about the whole brother/sister thing and b) insisted on referring to me as her elder brother. All of my sexual firsts were with her, so it kinda sunk in.

These all kind fall under the same thing and, once again, mostly have to do with my "sis" who had an impregnation fantasy. The creampie thing was also doubled up by my last gf, who refused to have sex without a condom (but in turn made sure she was on birth-control.)

>Biting/Light Bondage
Guess who, again? Yea, she liked to be bit too... and tied... Such a great friend...

So yea, my /d/eviancy can be blamed, for the most part, on one of my best friends. Oh, she's into tentacle too, but I was into it long before she told me anything about that.
I have an enormous number of fetishes, too many to trace right now, lol.

Typo: *last gf refused to have sex WITH a condom
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I can't believe I found it after all these years, but this image is probably my first /d/ experience. They used to have those lame hentai topsites back when people were still on dial-up, and you'd jump from site to site looking for free galleries. I stumbled across this image and it was like a lightning bolt on my 12 or 13 year old brain.
I'm pretty sure Inspector Gadget is entirely responsible for my Damsel in Distress fetish.
I don't think /d/ really GAVE anyone any fetishes, so much as helped them realise exactly what their fetish was.
>Excessive porn
no such thing, man. No such thing.
Other possibilities include an already pre-existing fetish causing me to seek gratification through aforementioned interactions with my mother, and an unknown third factor causing both the fetish and my enjoyment of resisting her.

Children disobeying and being forced their parents is less common than the associated fetishes, so it certainly could not have been my disobedience alone that caused my fetish.

Humans are complex beings and the vast majority of psychology is worthless because of this kind of overeager reductionism. With this amount of data I simply can't justify an unqualified endorsement.
Attack of the 50 foot woman.

It all trickles down from there.

>Attack of the 50 foot woman->GTS->Attack of the 60 foot centerfold->Breast Expansion->theprocess.cc (Now process-productions.com)->Farhad's TG site(http://tgmanga.free.fr/index2.htm)->Hentai site which's name eludes me right now->Futa->www.overflowingbra.com->Unending BE Addventure (www.bearchive.com/~addventure/)->tvtropes->4chan.

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When I was young my parents put a lot of expectations on me to act a certain way, appear a certain way. I'd get yelled at if so much as played with the "wrong" toys or acted in a manner deemed inconsistent with my socio-racial-economic-norm. I think it led to a lot of feelings of low self worth and a strong desire to please. At around age 10-12 I developed a strong fascination with masks and the idea of becoming someone or something else. I remember sneaking away from my family many times in the local library to find the two books on masks and maskmaking they had and I probably popped my first boner from those, at least the first one I can remember. This was before my family had the internet so I'm certain it wasn't the internet that corrupted me. It did introduce me to latex though and my fetish has mostly shifted to encasement, transformation, and dollification.
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Oh the origins of mine are almost blatantly obvious. I was exposed to SOOO much vore as a kid it's a wonder I haven't tried to feed myself to any REAL animals.

The Goanna from Ferngully is of course one of the biggest culprits since he's practically seducing you into his mouth. Kaa from the jungle book isn't much better since he also has a musical number in where he wants you to trust him so he can eat you. The crocodile from Peter Pan had that catchy as hell theme song whenever he showed up, and DAAAAAMN did he look happy at the prospect of eating somebody. I saw that tongue flopping about just begging for a taste, and that part where Hook just starts running back and forth inside of him? Then there's the scene from Fifle goes West where he almost gets eaten by his friend Tiger, among other vore scenes from those movies. Even in commander keen there was that damn fish that eats you in that aquatic level, and I swear even as a kid who didn't know what the hell was going on, I'd still get a hard on. I'd always pictured what it would be like naked inside that mouth, tongue licking and tasting my body while the creature I was feeding just had the happiest smile on its face. God I am a sucker for those contented smiles in vore.
My two prominent fetishes are gender transformation stuff and (female) mouth stuff. I would Love to find out what lead me to this.
Yeah, I 100% blame Ranma for mine.
>unofficially cuckolded

I despise you.
>she would whip me, bind me, and put me in my room for days

Anon, you didn't 'like it for some reason'. Psychological trauma at that age likely lead to you later in life trying to justify it in some way, therefore the 'liking it'.

Your mom was shitty in all honest.
>>4912546 (OP)
It's all the internet's fault.
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Don't feel too bad for him. He's an alcoholic former trust fund baby that likes to pick on women, children, and anyone he thinks he can get away with. He only leaves her alone because he's dependant on her income since he blew all of his inheritance on gambling and partying when he was younger. He's basically her maid now. He cleans and does the chores and slowly drinks his liver to death. I'm sure he knows something is up and that just makes him drink more.

And before you despise me for THAT you should know she's staged not one, but two interventions for him and put him in contact with the best rehab facilities in the state more than once to try to help him. She loves him more than me, I'm sure, or she'd have left him since I've long since offered to let her quit her job and move in with us. She just won't quit on him. Even though he loves booze more than he loves her.

... Teddy Ruxpin...
>>unofficially cuckolded

your a sicko dude.

if she really loved him she wouldnt cheat on him & thats the truth.
Jesus says... drugs are bad... sex is bad...

I was looking for porn. Saw a ten second clip from bible black. Futa.
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>dickgirls, rl transsexuals, forced femme

I'm trans, pretty obivous


Not sure, but the memory of my early childhood I most remember is a girl at summer school pressing me up again a wall, pinning my arms and kissing me. And goddamn I loved it.

Masochism, I dunno, just seems to be inherent


How many turning evil/changing into a monster episodes of various shows did I watch as a kid? I don't even remember, but a lot, it seemed to be a common plot hook for a while.
I always had a fetish for... I don't know how to call it... Maybe... Power...
Kind of hard to tell, but it is very related to some sort of napoleon's complex. As if there was a given gauge at something I would always be comparing stuff. That's why my fetishes include what I use to call "big by (specific) universe standards", be it penis, butt, breasts, sometimes muscle, sex appeal, ability to please other sexually (shown by ahegao and stuff).
If it is somewhat clear that it can be related to sex in a way, if it can relate to pleasure or sex appeal, and if it's got some sort of "measurement" (just a scale of what's more and less is enough), then It'll be instant boner.
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He used to cheat on her. Back when he had money and an active social life. They met in college and got married after she forgave him for the 3rd or 4th time (that she knew of). She worked hard to get where she is. He partied and dropped out a few credits shy of a generic business degree and put the burden on her. She's already exercising infinite love by not dumping him to retire at a young age to a 5,000+ square foot house on 300+ acres where she'd be free to spend her day cultivating herself in any way she desires rather than working her ass off.

You know what the other two girls do with their day when I'm not around or have no tasks for them? One has a language tutor over twice a week to help her learn French. The other goes for walks with the dogs and her paint set and finds scenes on the grounds to put to canvas. She's gotten good enough that I've started hanging her work.

The married one has had a taste of everything service to me offers and she still works long and hard for the sake of the man her husband used to be. That's probably why I'm even interested in her. That's dedication and discipline that's rare in this generation of people.
Now that I think of it, a good comparison to what it is can be:
>I am very sexy
yeah I see that. no need to point it out. anything else you would like to say?
>I am sexier than most people/than 86.5% of people
excuse me while I change my pants, I appear to have burst cum into them
Have you seen the statistics on cock size then?
ie 7 inches is bigger than 90% of men, 8 inches is bigger than 99%, 9 inches is bigger than 99.99%, 10 inches is almost unheard of in legit measuring and bigger than 99.9999+%?

Next time you see a big dick in porn remember those statistics.
Jugga from Conker's Bad Fur Day
'nuff said
first time i ever saw futa porn it was a couple of panels with a poem about a guy confessing his love for a girl, then finds out she has a dick, but sucks and fucks her anyway. first futa porn i ever saw...and i liked it
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I would sometimes make videos with some of my friends when I was about 9 or 10. one involved my friend being tied up (I'm kinda good with knot so I got the rope nice and tight) as a joke I left him tied for awhile after we recorded. He kept begging me to untie him and a just laughed at him. Ever since then I've always loved the idea of someone helpless. I only recently realized I'm a sadist.
>He used to cheat on her

two wrongs dont make a right

shes a dumbass for staying with a cheating lazy loser & your a homewrecker.

porn dicks are cgi anyways.
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It's all relative. Her home was wrecked before I showed up. My home is better for her presence so I feel like I've done a net good. Especially from her and my perspectives.

Now, what if her home is better because of me? What if she only dodged foreclosure because I helped her catch up on house payments? What if she only stays with him because she has an outlet for her stress and frustration at my home? What if she only thought to create interventions and get the phone numbers of rehab facilities thanks to me? Nothing's black and white.

why doesnt she just leave him, there is no point in cheating at all.

cheating is a selfish act imo.
Not as often as you'd think. The thing is, they're often attached to short guys. iirc Mandingo is only 5'7. They pair guys like that up with 5'2 girls and then use a combination of smaller furniture (notice how many of the couches in porn sit right on the floor, no legs, because it helps make the actors look more average in size, compare the door frames and ceiling heights too) and specific camera angles to make the dicks look bigger. Combine that with how bad people are at eyeballing dick size and suddenly a 7" dick is a 9-10" dick. That's the truth of porn: Rarely is a dick 8" or larger. Let alone the 10-12" they claim they are.

And yeah, sometimes prosthetics or minor cgi or fisheye lenses are used to help create the appearance of more size but it's relatively rare compared to the just casting short guys with above average dicks against short, petite girls. And you can usually tell when a prosthetic is used, or a distortion is applied to the image.
>>4912546 (OP)
"Is it possible to have this kind of discussion thread?"

U WOT M8 ?
I got to mention that i make cg dicks

I always tell my friends that those are fake or rare.
I was into cartoon characters changing into something else on-screen. There was something interesting to me about a body changing quickly.
I was 13 when I started to get curious about the opposite sex, and, like a lot of pre-pubescent guys, I looked to the internet. YouTube, in particular, introduced me to anime videos about breast expansion and TG that went with it. It lead me to looking for other sites and anime with TG. The idea of filling that curiosity of the opposite sex by briefly being one turned me on.
So yeah, that's how my TG/TF/slight BE fetishes started out.
I think I just came anon
Seriously, I once was reading some porn story stuff, don't ask, and boner was pretty happy, but when the author decided to put numbers in it, boner was left in ecstasy
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Because he used to be someone she loved enough to marry. If he ever did get clean I think she'd stop seeing me immediately. As he is now she's just taking care of the husk of her first love until the end, even that takes a decade of slow decline, rather than walk out on him and leave him to suffer. He might end up homeless without her and he doesn't have the skills to survive that way.
>>4912546 (OP)
A winnie the pooh episode where tigger shrinks gave me a size fetish

fucking kill me
Well I really don't know. I was always and still sort of am a shy child who hadn't a lot of friends and no real realtionships. (I'm not a virgin, just no real girlfriend)

But I guess my fetishes that involve sadism against women stem from that rejection en masse for not getting a relationship and being the go-to chastised for having sexual thoughts. I'm studying Int. Relations, and the anti-sex feminists have to drag me into their rants about patriarchy and sex abuse as if I ever drank or did shit to those hypocritical cunts.

Maybe I do just hate women. I am only attracted to them though, perhaps that's why all my porn is so violent. I want sexual release, but I hate the people I'm attracted to for constantly deriding my life en masse. It's not a hate of outright lashing out, but I just don't trust girls much. I mean, my more romantic porn involves more anthropomorphic creatures, furries, aliens, etc., anything not a proper woman, cause there it has to habe some sort of body mod or transformarion or be a futa or else it has to be guro to get me off.

...I wish I had some sort of outlet or way out, I don't want to be so bitter. But the porn's so much fun...
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I've managed to avoid a catastrophic loss of my saved porn ever since I first started saving things some 10 years ago. I can trace the time-frame as well as the development of every single fetish I have except the first few.

My bondage fetish I suspect came from cartoons like Totally Spies. The only thing I can't pinpoint is why I leaned towards wanting to be the one tied up rather than the one tying them.
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You'd be surprised what a lot of girls are into. It definitely sounds like you need to look outside of your typical peer group though. Just be a nice guy but open about the fact that you like sadism. There's nothing to be ashamed about that. Keep positive and keep looking.

sounds like a cop-out to me, she loves him yet she can cheat on him.

she doesnt love him at all imo.
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Humans are consistently internally contradictory. Everyone has beliefs that clash. Everyone sometimes does things that don't align with their imagined beliefs nor their explicit opinions. Just as nothing is black or white, nothing is ever as easy as it looks. When you find yourself hand-waving things out of mind to avoid addressing them consider taking a step back to examine your own internal contradictions that are producing that reaction from you.

You are my fetish.
i have always slept with considerable weight on me (and cant sleep without a blanket on me normally), through a series of idiotic stunts while being incredibly depressed for most of my life have taught myself to ignore pain to the point i do it without thinking and have to actively overstimulate to feel what would have others vocally in pain, and have been screwed over by every person of authority i have met.

i guess if that isnt a recipe for a submissive (or anarchist) i dont know what is
I worry about expressing my sadism comfortably, no real relationship experience feeds that. My fantasies strike me as horribly abusive or requiring a knowledge of ropes I don't have.

And it's not like I can't function around women academically. As study peers or debate partners or coworkers they're just people. But as women, all I want to do is beat them raw or tie them up in humiliating ways or give them obscene forms and eben saying this I feel wrong but I'm turned on as hell and it just irks me that I have no IRL conduit for this in Arkansas.

And yes I tried fetlife, everyone is already paired up or morbidly obese, the Little Rock munch scene is kind of shit.
I feel like I'm all over the fucking map. I like domination, but also being dominated. Crossdressing sounds amazing, but I haven't worked up the courage to try it. Love dickgirls / traps. I have no fucking idea where these fetishes came from; they just kind of developed naturally.

i just dont like cheaters or ntr so there is nothing to examine about myself at all.
that pic seems really cute to me
Multi-fetish master race.
Gotta catch em all
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I wouldn't go directly for the fetishes. The people on fetlife are there because that's the most important thing in their lives and... it tends to leave them somewhat out of balance with what's important. Try more mainstream dating websites if you can stomach it, but realize you're going to get rejected a lot, you're going to go on probably ten times as many first dates as second dates, that's just how the game goes...

...but it does work. I know because that's how I met the woman of my dreams. I live in Texas, so I feel your pain in dealing with this stuff in the south.

Attitudes are changing though, even down here. Just date normally and once things naturally get to the bed room you can discuss whips and collars. A lot of women will be disgusted, you can't help this, but more than you might expect will probably be curious, and if you get a little lucky she might already be into that.

It's a long and lonely road for people like us, but back when I was struggling with it one of these threads encouraged me to keep going. I could not be happier where I am now. I'm rooting for you.
My best guess about my fondness for (light/loving) femdom was this one time I was in martial arts class back when I was in middle school. We were practicing grappling that day and I paired up with this one girl to spar. She had me on the ground really quick, and had climbed on top of me in what was a sufficient approximation of my teenage mind as "cowgirl position" or what have you.

I guess it's a fantasy of mine to have an athletic GF.
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When I was young, I had two younger female cousins I never saw much. One day we were all at our grandparents house and they told us to take our bath together. I complained because I was probably too old for this sort of thing, but it happened anyways. Long story short they were obsessed with my penis - staring, saying how big it was, asking if they could touch it, etc. I'm don't think they'd ever seen a penis before, or if they did it might have just been their baby brother's one. I thought they were really cute and I loved the attention. After that I would show them my penis all the time when we were alone, and make them show me their privates, etc. I also started just exposing myself to neighborhood girls and at school by hiking it my shorts and letting it hang out. Eventually I got in trouble, but yeah - that might be one of the things that got me into exhibitionism later in life.

>(I'm pretty sure that this image is innocent enough to not bother anyone, but if it is against the rules I'll delete it)
Bondage, probably because the first pornographic image I saw was a woman in bondage on the cover of a porn vhs tape
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When I was young, about 7 or 8, I would stay up late and watch TV. While flipping through the channels, I came upon documentaries about serial killers. The first one, and the one that sticks in my memory the most, was about David Parker Ray. He kidnapped girls, strapped them to a gyno chair, and tortured/raped/killed them. I would lay down and hump my hand, not really knowing what I was doing, but knowing that it felt amazing. Now Im very into guro, with a deep running sadistic streak.
I don't honestly know if Goosebumps gave me my transformation fetish or made me aware of it. I think my liking for bondage is more a craving for intimacy than a genuine kink: the thought of having someone in my life that I trust enough to be completely helpless and vulnerable with them is compelling.
...The toy box killer? Really?
Just wondering, did you torture any animals?
No I'm not fbi, really.
Let's see...looking back, I'm pretty sure goosebumps gave me my giantess fetish, even though I'm pretty sure it was a male character who grew.

I got my weight gain fetish from a weird science fiction book I read in middle school. I don't remember what it was called or what it was even about, but one part of the book had the characters becoming embodiments of the 7 deadly sins, and one of the female characters became gluttony, and I checked that book out several times just so I could reread that one scene.

Futa and traps just came from looking at porn on the internet. I went from futa-on-female to futa-on-male to shemales to traps.

Most of my other fetishes just come from browsing /d/. I've been here since 2006.
When I was younger I fapped to some porn from Futanaria. I believe that was the first time I actually came and you can see how now I've loved the /d/ickgirls here.
0/10 should've used an email other than sage.
First porn I watched was lesbian porn which was very much enjoyed, but I've also never really been turned off by the thought of guys. Naturally lead to much futa on female, futa on futa, futa/male, etc.
I have a kind of abusive background that stopped when i hit puberty which has a given me a really strong dislike for violence, but the side effect of this is a huge weakness to seeing people enjoy themselves. Most of my /d/ fetishes have just come from seeing other people getting off on things -_-
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I've had a GTS fetish for quite some time. It started when I was about eight years old, when I would have a shitton of lucid dreams about huge girls. I'd basically climb up them and hide in their panties and they'd be clueless.
I got my first boner a year later when I realised what that all meant (and the anatomy of the female body.)

From there, I got a bit of a Vore fetish after watching this one music video. Can't quite remember what it was, I just remember a huge chick eating the people performing the song. I'd have lucid dreams from THERE where the inside of the woman was a factorylike setting, and going through hallways would introduce me to things like the hall of boobs, or the hall of ass, etc. Which were basically just statues of those things.
I'm into NTR and cuckolding because when I was a kid I read a penthouse letters magazine that was full of that kind of stuff.

Its hard finding quality porn of the stuff because gibbering retards seem to make alot of it.
Not porn, but this sort of thing?
See, I'm almost exactly like you, but I have a problem. I'm romantically attracted to women. But even though I 'like' women, I can never get off on just fucking women. I have to include my fetish, which includes being feminized and treated as a bottom.

I don't know how to reconcile dating women with wanting to be fucked by men in a non-romantic way.
Know that feel, although have been in relationships where group sex has been semi acceptable. It's always difficult trying to convey that cock is not an everyday meal and i would rather be with them T_T
It would be so nice to have a moderately overbearing girlfriend. The kind who gets jealous quite easily, and thinks I'm slightly too incompetent to let wander off alone. She'd also be wearing a cat costume while bossing me around at home.

These kinds of girls have to be one in ten thousand or fewer. Vast majority of girls seem to want to be submissive and passive. I do have a dominant side too, and am interested in pet play etc, but I couldn't just be the dom all the time. I have a need to be taken care of emotionally and physically too.

A bit weird, considering I'm tall, muscular and will be financially able to provide a good living for my partner and myself. Yeah, and able to buy lots of props for our little games.
That actually sounded pretty normal until the cat costume.

Aren't cats normally thought of as submissive in roleplay?

Yup. It's a weird idiosyncracy of mine. I'd settle for much less than the whole package, though.
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I live in Australia. Snakes fucking everywhere. My father killed them in our backyard on a semi-regular basis. I was fucking terrified of them, with reason. They are deadly as fuck.

When I was really young and staying with my uncle and his girlfriend, I watched a part of a movie with them, that movie was Anaconda, the one with the huge snake that eats people.

Suddenly, Lamia/naga fetish, which blossomed into a coiling and endo fetish. Interesting how something that I was terrified of turned into a fetish.

Dunno where my multi fetish game from though, because it's my biggest kink at the moment. Maybe it just makes the coiling better?
>pic related
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all of my fetishes revolve somehow around control and loss of control ,the pretty standard bdsm thing

in a somewhat more unique twist, a lot of what turns me on revolves around permanent changes to the body

i remember when i was really young the thought of a scar never going away permanently turned me on, and when i learned how tattoos work i was incredibly fascinated, and i even remember this time i saw a lady who lost a finger

it is sort of disturbing to look at it this way, i probably wasnt even 5 years old back then, i didnt even know what an erection means beyond that it feels kind of nice

today my fetishes revolve around control and loss of control as i said, including everything that comes under BDSM from all sides of the equation (i remember "playing doctor" with other kids when i was a small kid and it always took a pretty BDSM bent for some reason), and even more obscure things like someone having a scar whether they want it or not or someone getting a tattoo they can never get rid of properly or someone with a disability thats going to be there forever

i suppose some of those feel pretty wrong to have as a fetish but when i think back i really am sure ive feitshised these things since forever and it makes me feel somewhat better

so thank you for this thread i suppose, i wouldnt have come to this insight without it
buck rodgers, a sci fi show about space from the late 1970's early 80's. being a kid, i loved the idea of adventure in space. then i saw erin grey. she played willma daring. bucks spy partner. wears a lot of form fitting jumpsuits. had a great ass. kinda got me into puberty.
comics and cartoons had lots of "you've been captured" moments. at some point...i just started wanting to tie up the females in a certain way. started liking super heros like catwoman a lot.

used to like the naughty pin up girls that used to be painted on airplanes. kinda liked the whole burlesque thing. saw the movie Moulin Rouge. now i pretty much hate every thing from THAT era.

saw matrix, now im hot on latex and pvc outfits for women. dated a fat girl in high school. now i only date skinny girls. like em short so i can carry them.
like em fit cause i can go for a long time. most everything else i have as a fetish is just plain vanilla.

also helps if their nerd girls too. cosplay is a god send.
When I was about 10, I always got boners while watching Totally Spies, in the episodes they were transformed into animals and I always wondered why I got hard. Then I discovered transformation. And furry.
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Whenever I had a chance to play Street Fighter, I happened to pick Chun Li because I knew most of her moves. And then puberty came, and I started noticing dem legs more and more, and now musclegirls are a thing I'm into. More recently, I got into ahegao when I saw it in one of the /d/ alphabet images. From ahegao, I made the jump to hypnosis, mind control etc. and from there to f/f domination and things of that type. Latex + gas mask is also a major turn-on, but I have yet to see a good anime pic that features both of those things.

How the hell do you get a boner at 10? I only started getting them just before 13.
I swear to god I don't know, I always got them and didn't know why I got hard, only that because of that those episodes were my favourite
blood goes to the penis, thats the only explanation i can give

i remember having them when i was way younger than 10
The episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark" episode "Tale of the Doll Maker" has forever had me stuck on dollifications and transformations.
This thread is my fetish.
I've been having boners longer than i can remember D:
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When my sister watched me while my parents were away she'd hold me down and spit in my face, aiming for my mouth. She'd make me smell her feet all the time and called it a game. Sometimes she's ask for a kiss and slip her tongue in my mouth and grab on to me. No, I don't have an incest fetish but I do have a serious foot and femdom fetish because of it.
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I've had a hypnosis fetish for most of my life.

There was a Disney cartoon from the 40's called The Eyes Have It that I saw when I was probably 5 or 6. Donald uses hypnosis glasses to make Pluto act like different animals. Donald would zap Pluto with his eyes, Pluto would spaz out, and then act like a chicken or a lion. I used to pretend to get zapped, spaz out, and for some reason take off all my clothes (I was 5).

Fast forward to when I was maybe 13 or 14, there was an episode of What Would You Do on Nickelodeon that had a hypnotist. He made audience members do silly things like hit themselves in the face with a pie. One scene that stood out to me was when he said "Lose your butts", the hypnotized audience members would fall off their chairs thinking their butts were gone, and then they had to "try on new butts" until they found one that fit. I used to act out that scene at night.

Very soon after, I discovered the glories of masturbation and the fledgling internet porn scene. I used to download and print off stories (lol 1998) from ASSTR shotgun-style, just whatever my mouse clicked on. Got a lot of weird stuff that way (a unicorn fucking someone with its horn...), but one story I still read to this day was Hypnotic Roommates. Later I find out that that was one of the first erotic hypnosis stories ever posted to a website. It's still up, on the modern ASSTR mind control website, check out the date of posting:

So from Disney cartoons onward, I've been stuck with a hypnosis fetish, typically less BDSM-style and more like the "act like a chicken" stuff, even if it's completely nonerotic. Of course, my interests have branched out from there to stuff like humiliation, TG/TF, diapers, watersports, lots of things, but when I sit down to fap it usually starts out with hypnosis.
NTR/Cuckolding is up there with guro and rape in the list of 'Not morally applicable in real life' list of fetishes.

Stop trying to justify your, or her actions.
I have recollections of boners at the age of the 3. I've been fapping since I was in diapers, according to my parents, and I have a memory from about age 3 of doing it and having a hard-on. Dunno when orgasms started, though. And nothing came out until I was age 12 or 13.
People that let emotions override logic are truly the cancer of this world.
...are you me? >_>
My sissy fetish began at school(8-9yo ish) when myself included and a few other guys were dared to swap clothes with girls. I think, not sure. I started wearing my moms clothes at around 11yo after I had found her panties one time smelling like sex. Around the same time I started jacking and sucking our family dog.

My beastiality fetish started when our family dog tried to hump me more than on one occasion. It really took wind though when I saw the dog with a boner at around 11yo. Yes, I lost my anal virginity to a dog and yes, I gave me first blowjobs to a dog. He sure had an awesome cock, twas huge for a tiny sized boy like me.

My chastity fetish began at 15 at this religious camp. Two weeks super horny and no chance to masturbate as I had no privacy I fucking lost it. I loved being horny. Got my chastity belt at 17.

And my humiliation and submission fetish started at school(6yo ish).. I had no friends and I was bullied alot. Plus, my moms an alcoholic so there was no kind love there. Me dad died to alcohol when I was 3 so dont really know him.

Now-a days I live alone, I have a older sugar daddy whos married but he likes to fuck and humiliate me on a weekly basis. I also have my best friend, 'ham', a great dane. And I have my new CB-6000s(the smallest version). Arrived last week, been wearing it for 7 days now e
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My BFF and I used to have some pretty hardcore BDSM shit going on with our Barbies. Some of this was because we only had a couple of male dolls and a ton of ladies - harems, right - but there was also a lot of slavery, bondage, "fire ropes" in the crotch, and "torture treatments" (unspecified things that hurt that would get put on a character).

I've blamed this on another "friend" who told us all about sex when we were too young to be hearing about it, but even then ... she wasn't telling us about dungeons and whips. I'm not even sure I came across it anywhere. The general kidnapping/bondage themes, yeah, got them from books and tv, but I guess we spontaneously connected them to sex.

Sometimes I wonder if my childhood BFF has all the kinks I do now or what.
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When I was 16 this woman in my neighborhood was smoking hot! So one day my friend and I where playing. Grand Turismo in my garage and suddenly she walked up to us and asked if we had any olive or vegetable oil (it's been 6 years I can't remember exactly) I said possibly and Ran into the kitchen grabbed some and came back when I got back my friend was gone (something about his dad needed him at home) so I said "oh that's a shame... Blah blah blah" well she said to me thanks and that I was a peach (she was from the south so she said bull shiz like that) well she asked me to come over later I guess she was baking something. Well when I got there she started to seduce me
Well I took her shirt off as expected amazing tits that's where it got fucked up because I took off her shorts and she had a dick. I kinda got a little bit scared and I ran. Like 3 months later she convinced me to give her the D. Finally we started going out when I hit 18. I blame her for my futa fetishes.
I'll take "Things that never happened" for 100, Alex.
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>Long hair/hairjobs/prehensile hair
Probably Oedipal in origin as when I was very young my mother let me play with her hair a lot. One time she got it cut short and I cried like a bitch when I saw it. Growing up I've always liked the feel of hair and a well-kept head of hair is usually the first thing I notice about a woman. Might be worth mentioning that this doesn't extend to body hair, just on the head.

>Goo-vore, envelopment
First time I remember this arousing me was seeing Batman getting sucked into Clayface's body in Batman: TAS. And to a lesser extent when The Tick got sucked into that giant loaf of bread.

I think any other fetishes I have came on gradually over the course of years of internet porn.
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I blame my femdom fetish on these cunts.
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Huh. I could've sworn I posted this before, but whatever.

WAM came from a summer camp I went to when I was little. Long story short, when I was eight, a ten-year-old girl invited me into a mud hole to play with her, I accepted because she was ten (Double digits! Like, holy crap!) and associating with different age groups was forbidden for some retarded reason.

Snuggling? I watched some horrifying documentary on serial killers when I was little and got so afraid that I asked my sister if she could sleep with her in the same bed. She accepted. No, I do not have an incest fetish.

Yuri? Blame my 10-inch dick, I hate it.

That should be enough for now.
Damn, that's hot. i'm right there with you. Athletic girls with quick wits and somewhat dominant attitudes are my dream-women.

What's funny about that to me is that i would find that situation really annoying...up until the part where she's wearing the cat costume. Then suddenly it's giving me a hard-on.

Also, cats may be thought of as submissive in roleplay, but consider a) Catwoman, and b) cats' dismissive/independent attitudes and willingness to tease and torment their prey. Damn, i'm getting turned on.
Buck Rogers, hell yes. i was already developing a spandex fetish by the time i saw that. The 1980s gave me a huge spandex fetish. i can't see a woman in a leotard and tights without springing an erection.

When i was younger, i went as The Greatest American Hero for Halloween: red tights and leotard, black cape, a few accessories (i went with red shorts because i couldn't get the little skirt-thing). For months afterward, when i was home alone i'd put on the tights and leotard and pretend i was a superhero being captured by a supervillainess, who would strap me down to a table and slowly tug at my leotard, tickle my crotch with her fingernails, and so on.

i also had a Brave and the Bold comic book where, on the cover, Batman and Wonder Woman had been captured by some kind of circus. Batman was transforming into some sort of monster, but in the pose he was drawn in, it looked like he was looking down at his briefs and was about to unbuckle his belt. With Wonder Woman right there behind him. Something about that struck me as really sexual.

So, yeah: lycra/spandex fetish and superhero/superheroine-in-distress fetish.
Chun Li was responsible for a large part of my muscle-girl and thick thigh/butt love. The fact that she was in nylons while fighting only made it more glorious.

I always played the female characters in fighting games, because they were usually quicker, but mainly because they were sexy to watch (Felicia!).
>>4912546 (OP)

What is this called? This isn't Femdom, is it?
An interesting video from neuroscientists who analyzed the "phallic female" thing that so many of us are into:


The first porn I saw was a Penthouse with two lesbians on the cover when I was like 11. I remember turning to those pages and seeing the girls sharing a double dildo and it was like something in my brain just clicked and fused together.

I've got the exact same list as you do now. I sometimes wonder if I'd have spend thousands of hours looking at some other type of porn if it wasn't for that day.
I used to watch Stargate SG1 as a kid.
The goauld (don't know how to spell it properly) always fascinated me. because of that now I developed parasite worm and possession fetishes.
Also because of this I started getting a little fetish for symbiote (a parasite slime) and then for slime/goo girls as a consequence.
Corruption was instead a consequence of mind corruption caused by possession.
Just typical hentai for me I guess... Magic Woman M (Monsters), Bondage Game (Everything in it, lol), Bible Black (futa) and Kitty Pleasure Pack 1 and Blackmail series (Blackmail).
>TFW will never be happy because will never know how it is to have a dick and a vagina.

I was also abused by my cousin when I was very young. After that I always had sexual encounters with my classmates since pre-school. My teachers made me stop. Ever since childhood I was so sexually active it's scary for me. I have all kinds of fetishes. Putting weird household items in me is one of them and tentacle rape is something only from a dream.
/e/, /d/, anime that came on in the morning, and Toonami.
You. I like you a lot. We should be friends. I love that you love even the non erotic hypnosis like me.

Though I'm the hypnotist myself.
That was interesting.
What about women liking futa? Where does that put me? I'm straight though.

amen brother!
Can't find the source for it but supposedly women rate 80% of men "below average" in appearance and a majority of women "above average". That is, even women think women are hotter or more attractive than they do men.
Futa might be a way to get an aesthetically pleasing body and the genitals nature wires you to desire in the same person.
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I don't have a ton of fetishes, but I know 100% for sure that one of them is anal.

I was homeschooled until 8th grade, so I'd never heard of anal sex before. Hell, I was still not entirely sure how the female anatomy looked and worked. After I entered the public system, I went over to a friend's house to work on some studying or something and I ended up on his computer. I wasn't technically supposed to be over there, so when his mom called upstairs for dinner, I just stayed up there until I could sneak out. I started browsing through his folders, found one called 'anal' with a bunch of videos, and clicked on the first file I saw.

It completely blew my mind. I'm pretty sure I came in my pants just from watching it. From that day forth, I became obsessed with the almighty ass and everything associated with it.

I'm also reasonably sure that led to my feminization fetish, but that's a completely different story altogether.
Im sorry but that story sounds incredibly arousing, is there any possible way you can tell it in detail?
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Speaking of that story: when I was in high school, apart from the anal obsession, I was pretty much vanilla - at least for the first year. I was still pretty weirded out by tentacles and futa, so I just stuck to 3DPD. I was lucky enough in high school that I had the looks, the body, and the just-slightly-out-there artsy shit going on that pretty much got me into bed (or a bathroom or a closet) with any girl I wanted. Of course, the only ones who were interested in anal were skanks who pretty much everyone was sure had at least two diseases, so that desire went unquenched.

The second year, a kid transferred in from a different high school, and holy fuck, knock TV Tropes all you want, but this guy was my Closet Key. He was super-feminine, had shoulder-length bleached-blonde hair, was always wearing tight goth bondage gear, and rare was the day he WASN'T wearing only eyeliner. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and my hormones were going so bonkers that all "DUDE THAT'S GAY BRO" thoughts just fucking vanished.
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I blame Tintin for making me sadistic. Watching him get beaten, tied up and generally in distress turned me on so much for some reason.
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Lucky for me, this kid was gayer than walking up the stairs backwards, and we ended up fucking in the bathroom one morning. My god, it felt absolutely amazing. It actually surpassed my expectations. We were fuckbuddies the rest of the year, although I was exclusively dominant - I feel like an ass about it now, but the most I would ever give him was a reach-around/handjob in return.

I ended up transferring to a residential arts high school the next year, and that was just a completely different level. Gay guys (though not nearly as feminine as he was) and crazy artsy girls as far as the eye could see. It was heaven, and pretty much everybody fucked everybody else even when they were in exclusive relationships. During that time I finally started to get why people fapped to traps and tentacles, etc. - although some fetishes, like diapers, farting, and vore continue to confound me to this day.
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Now it's the first year of college and I'm putting my life back together after a long-distance breakup of nuclear proportions (the primary reason why NTR is an immediate turn-off for me and I'll leave it at that), and by 'putting my life back together,' I mean 'sulking in my room, mindlessly browsing the internet, skipping classes, and avoiding all human contact.' All the stuff I'd been getting off to - futa, tentacles, monsters, BDSM, etc. - wasn't doing it for me like it used to, so I started looking in darker and stranger places for stuff to get off to. Enter traps and shemales, which I had somehow been miraculously unaware of up until that point. It was like discovering anal for the first time again. Unfortunately, there were a couple of problems:

- I was going to college in South Carolina, so even finding a gay dude, let alone a crossdresser or a transexual was pretty much impossibly unless I was willing to brave the hazards of the city at early hours of the morning, which I was not
- I was more or less emotionally handicapped because I'd withdrawn so much
- My once-nice body had been completely destroyed by heavy junk food consumption

So now what?
I had a dream in first grade about a naked blonde woman putting on a stage show where she sucked a volunteer into her vagina. After the show was over, she just got dressed and left without returning the person. I didn't think too much of it until I saw that infamous Two Stupid Dogs episode with the hungry witch, and also that Power Rangers episode with Terror Toad. I think that's why I'm always searching for same size vore comics that are more than just the swallowing process and the belly/digestion, but also a detailing of what they do for the rest of the day as they are digesting. Teasing/humiliation doesn't do anything for me, so ideally the pred just goes on with her day like nothing extraordinary happened, simply enjoying the arousing afterglow of the act like a day excursion with a small vibrator set to low/medium inside her. I have no interest in the plant/monster kind, because I also had a dream where this one particular patch of weeds near a tree in my old back yard tried to eat me, and I NOPED right the fuck out of there and woke up.

So when it comes to vore, I just enjoy the "monster among us" mystique of a strong female pred. Like a selfish sexual superpower. I like devious and sinister ideas, but I don't like gore, shit or hyper violence.

THAT, and I've been throwing dicks on stronk females that don't need no man all through the years. As an example, I tend to imagine the more muscular women's pro wrestlers frequently fuck the shit out of the less capable ones.

Also cross-dressing. I fairly certain I'm not gay because I have a hard time achieving arousal trying to fantasize about being fucked... It just doesn't happen naturally. I've questioned it because I rarely fantasize about being the one doing the fucking, and figured it had to be something, but I think the simple answer is that it's just years of adhering to voyeuristic forms of arousal like watching porn and always imagining others fucking. Virgin, after all.
Tell us about what you did with her anon? How did she ask and what did you do?
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I did what any self-respecting /d/eviant would do - I turned my fetishes on myself. At least, sort of.

I began experimenting with fingering myself in the shower and shoving sharpies up my ass from time to time, but I was always too chicken to go further than that. Even fingering would make me feel disgusted after a few minutes - I also couldn't do a whole much with my size. But I certainly felt like I'd probably never fuck anything with my dick ever again, and that feeling eventually led me to check out feminization/sissification, and moreso the idea of getting (and giving) pleasure solely from the ass alone, which makes me pretty hot just thinking about it right now.

I've only recently been able to start buying toys and doing some real experimentation, but I'm still conflicted. I certainly don't identify as a woman (although I wouldn't mind being able to look like one), and I actually quite like having a penis, and being a dude and doing dude things. Manly men don't turn me on in the slightest - really the only ones who do are ones who could easily pass for flat-chest women if not for the cock. I don't really get any pleasure from stuffing things up my ass (at least yet, since I haven't been able to do anything consistently because of roomie arrangements), but I DO find it exceptionally arousing, and I also find the idea of crossdressing super-hot although I've yet to even try. Sissification/feminization is now a love/hate thing, because although I like a lot of the elements, the loss of control and being used as a fucktoy is an immediate turn-off.

So I don't know whether I want to be the little girl, or the big monster fucking her.

Anyone else here turned on by just one facet of a broader fetish?
I would like being the futa and fucked by men while telling me how shameful it is having a cock. I can't masturbate to futa if there isn't a real male involved so my fap material is very limited.

Also I find women attractive but not as much as men. I would label myself bisexual if I had any experience with women I just haven't though and don't think I will. Women's personalities are a big turn off for me.
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You might be attracted to the positive qualities associated with masculinity. Maybe the sexual freedom. The ability to "let go" and give into whatever perverse desires you have. Cocks = Sex = Lust. Having a cock might feel like a good excuse to be a wanton slut. A way to be invigorated by shaming rather than stressed out or "judged" by it.

If it comes with a side of attaching dominant characteristics, like you want to fuck men too, it might be classic penis envy.

But who knows. I ain't a psychiatrist.
Huh... I have almost the exact opposite problem. 99% of experience is with girls, would really love to have a guy fuck me if i could ever find one that i can talk to without freaking out :$ Do very much appreciate futa on male though, so we can hang out
im really bothered by the fact that I have no explanation for my Lamia fetish. everything else i can rationalize, but i have no idea why those tails are so cute
I can relate to this entirely. I've always found the idea of being turned into a woman interesting- though it's not something I'd ever attempt to do. I really don't think its something I'd even enjoy.

I honestly think that its a fetish I've developed from-weirdly enough- watching vanilla porn.

Ever since I was 10 I've been into porn but I've always made an active attempt to avoid porn that was demeaning to women. When porn isn't being violent towards women- it's putting them on a pedestal. I think years of watching gorgeous sex goddesses being ravished and pleasured- being beautiful and having a REALLY great time- it's not suprising that my brain started going 'hey, that looks like fun!'
But, reality sets in pretty quickly. 90% of the porn out there is pretty fantastical, and there's a lot more to being woman than having a great body and being able to enjoy a fuck. I've realized that my fetish isn't feminization- it's being transformed into some sexual ideal that doesn't exist.

I'm trying to counter this actually. I'm trying to find more porn where the guy is more than just a dick attached to a pair of legs that happen to be fucking a gorgeous woman. I'm trying to improve how I see men in sex and more importantly, how I see myself. Suprisingly it's extremely difficult to find a guy with a face in porn. And the few times they do have a face they're either disgusting or an extremely androgynous.

It's not hard to figure out why after all these years I've started sympathizing with the women in my porn more so then the men.
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That could definitely have something to do with it. Porn focuses so much on the female and her own experiences (or what the director wants the audience to think she's experiencing) that I'm sure some empathy has developed. And most guys in porn DO seem to be pretty goddamned ugly. I think the only guy I've seen who I thought "He looks alright" is James Deen. I do have the same exact reaction, though - any sort of abuse or somesuch towards the girl or the guy is an instant boner-kill.

And perhaps you're right about how it's not feminization or sissification. I really wish I could just shapeshift between a musclebound stud and a gorgeous woman at will. Like I said, I don't actually get pleasure from stuffing things up my ass, I just get extremely turned-on by it, and then I whack off. What's difficult is that I still get super-hot at the thought of being a cute, androgynous little girlyboi who only fucks with his butt. Maybe it's all that hypno shit I've listened and watched.

Just fucking last week I was like "Fuck it, I'm done fantasizing about being a little submissive fuckslut. I need to start lifting and running and fapping to straight porn." And then this weekend I ended up on NewFapChan's feminization board, furiously wanking to trap captions and wishing I'd brought one of the toys I keep hidden under my bed with me just so I could suck on it.

I'm into weight gain, transformation, sissification, TG, ABDL, being dominated, and more.

I would imagine a lot of it came from cartoons - I remember watching Bugs crossdress, other characters eat themselves into some kind of blob, but I'm not sure about how I got so submissive.

I do remember stuffing my sweatpants with a sleeping bag and waddling around as if I were fat.
So basically my fascination with diapers probably started when I was around five and just out of potty training. We had spare pull-ups sitting in my room and i remember putting those on and wetting myself and lying in my bed with a wet pullup. Felt great then and still does.
Yeah, I know the feeling. You can't expect to make big changes quickly though, it's hard to break habits. One trick I learned from /d/ is masturbating to one fetish but then finishing with the one your hoping to strengthen. It's pretty easy condition yourself (another one of my fetishes actually-training- though I'm not really sure where that comes from).

I'm a pretty big guy as well (6' 3" 200 lbs) which also probably has something to do with it. And I actually live in NC, right above you weirdly enough.
I can probably blame my TF fetish on the Animorphs book series and the Nickelodeon show The Secret World of Alex Mack (Alex could turn into a puddle of water).
Catwoman and Android 18 got me into Femdom.
when I first got into porn, I could never get over how half of every porno was a big not always attractive guy plowing the chick. eventually I started watching lesbian porn. it was cute, however I could never REALLY get off to it because without one of them with a dick, it just didn't feel like anything was going on. eventually I got into futa because I thought they were perfect. I always thought of myself as them when fapping, but as I watched more I found them constantly being on bottom, and I got into it. now I'm into traps/shemales most, wanting more to be one and feel naughty than to fuck one or be fucked by one
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I don't mean to give you bad feels, but your first paragraph perfectly describes this girl I work with, including the fact that she used to war cat ears everywhere she went except work, to the point where her current derpy boyfriend begged her to stop wearing them because it embarrassed him. She always refers to him as a pussy and wuss but tragically, he doesn't enjoy it; he really is just a whiny beta.

She tells people that she looks up to me but to my face she's extremely bossy in a playful but demanding kind of way to the point that my wife and the other girls at work call her my "workwife". She's barely 5 feet tall but she might as well be an amazon mommy for how she can make a normally dominant guy (read: me) bashful like a little kid.

Point is, your dream girl's out there. pic not related
> Incest.
> Futa.
> Rape.
> Slutification.
> Hypno / Mindbreaking.
> Domination / Submissiveness.

I've got the basic Oedipus complex going, don't find my mother physically attractive but rivalry with my dad is spot on and my mother coddled me hard.

Age 12 i started 'trolling' online forums / chats pretending to be a chick trying to get guys to post sex stuff, then eventually i stayed at one forum for too long and had to keep pretending i was a chick. Basically just pretended to be the sluttiest chick my mind could imagine.

Till about age 16 i continued pretending to be a chick, jerking off every day to sex chats and posting fake pictures, i loved the attention.

Stopped and sort of just lived the vanilla life for the next 3 years, had a GF who was a sub who enjoyed humiliation, rapeplay and bondage. It was never really my bag, i always imagined being dominated to be more fun than dominating.

Then i broke up with my GF and a week later found CoC, /d/ and reawakened my fetishes. That was probably a year ago.

I find dudes absolutely disgusting and love women but when i get horny the thought of just being absolutely lost to desire and not having to worry about anything except the next cock fix turns me on so much, although all my attempts with toys are painful and unpleasant so i doubt i will ever do anything about it.

> captcha: withxh Gaylord
I don't know much about origins but I can certainly trace the evolution of my fetishes.
I guess I remember a Kids Next Door episode where the KND get forcefed and end up looking bloated and stuff, which at the time aroused me though I didn't know what arousal was. I don't have a forcefeeding or weight gain fetish, but tit/ass expansion and pregnant/impregnation are where it's at for me.

Egging/oviposition is one of my biggest, and the only thing I know about where it came from is how it first manifested. I was half-dreaming in bed, about to fall fully asleep, and was having a dream about Kagome from InuYasha (loved that show at the time, I was 8 or 9 so it was hard to stay up and watch it when it came on though, I digress) fighting demons or something, and my thoughts strayed to her getting captured and tied up, and filled with eggs, and when I thought of that I sat bolt upright and feverishly masturbated. Not sure if symptom or cause.
Well I can say this.

I dated a girl for about 2 years. She ended being a complete bitch to me and betraying me. Now, about a year later, I realize I have fetishes for everything she wasn't.

She was 5'10". Now I like short girls.
She refused to give me head. I love Blowjobs more than any other kind of foreplay
She wore glasses. Glasses are a turn off.
She was always submissive during sex. Now I like laying back and letting the chick do the work.
She had long red hair. Long hair is a turn off and I hate colorful hair now.
I think i've always just been a beta person. i want to follow orders and impress superiors. which led to femdom bondage and humilition which spiraled out of control into sissification and cuckolding. i've also always liked panties and ass. blame instincts for that one though.
are you afraid of snakes?
back when I was like 8 or 9 I hung out with my (female) cousins whenever the family got together. I then didn't see them for a couple years and when I was 12 I finally saw them again and well puberty hit (they were older than me) one got much fatter and the other developed some big breasts. So my brain couldn't make logic of it at the time so deep down it made me develop a (light) breast expansion and weight gain fetish. That filtered into my general Transformation fetish I'm into today.
I don't even know, I just have fantasized about being female from a very early age. Somewhere along the line it evolved into a MILF thing, then finally a brood mother fantasy. Not the pregnancy or the birthing itself, but the idea of being the mother of a whole bunch of people gets my dick rock hard. Aside from that and TG I don't really have any fetishes. I don't really think I even 'belong' on /d/, I'm more into the ideas and process than the 'climax' (dohohoho).
Come to think of it, I think it's because I've always had strong women around me. I've never been into BDSM or anything like that at all, but I guess, for me, being surrounded with powerful females made me want to be a woman, or something. The MILF thing probably came from that. As for the broodmother thing, I used to fantasize about being a queen or goddess and being sexy and fucking lots of guys, so I guess that was just the logical conclusion.
I used to play as servant or pet to my sister and her friend all the time, they'd tell me to go get things and give me pieces of bread as a reward, so I guess that was my first inkling of substuff/petplay. Weird that I hadn't thought about the pet thing at all, but my boyfriend was already into pet play and it turns out I'm 100% cool with it.

my weight gain/ breast expansion with is a complete fucking mystery. Just about every cartoon ever has a wg episode though. I remember seeing that one episode of family guy where lois gets fat and feeling funny about it. the fact that I was turned on by an episode of family guy is my biggest shame
I've always found it weird that I'm into female weight gain and I think chubby women are really nice, but the idea of me actually gaining weight terrifies me and if I do accidentally I feel shitty and disgusting and generally horrible.
I don't have many memories from when I was this young, but this one's extremely clear to me.

I had a neighbor friend who I used to play with a lot when I was younger, and he had an older sister. I must have been about 13, and I think she was maybe 15-16. We would hang out a lot with her, too. One day, we were watching TV, and he and her were on the couch and I was laying on the floor (it wasn't a very big couch). I was laying on my back, with my head by her feet with a pillow under it. Out of the blue she decided to pick her feet up and put them right on the side of my face.

She didn't say anything, and I, being rather innocent to all this back then, didn't really mind it either. This lasted for at least half an hour, and in the meantime she'd started rubbing her socked feet on my face, gripping my nose with her toes, and jokingly telling me to smell her feet. Not really sure why I didn't object, because back then I didn't really have much in the way of fetishes. I guess I thought it was some kind of game?

She laughed at me when I did take an exaggerated whiff, and a few minutes later she had to get up for something. She stood up right there, one foot on my face and the other on my chest, though most of her weight was off my head, and she simply stepped off and away, going upstairs. I didn't see her again on that visit to my friend's house, and when I saw her next we never mentioned it again. Now I have a fetish for feet, trampling, giantess, humiliation, femdom, and socks.

Thanks a fucking lot, Kasie.
Who was she and how old?
I always remember being fascinated by breasts even at a young age. I was breastfed like most babies and when I was growing up it occasionally crossed my mind until I was about 10. I saw a film where a woman shows her big pair of tits and I got my first raging hard on. From there I became obsessed with tits, looking for all different shapes and sizes of them and wanting to suck on them and grope them so bad. It wasn't until I was 14 when I saw a hentai woman get milked by a milking machine that I knew my fetish had finally been narrowed down. My fantasy since then has been to capture a woman, force her to lactate through injections and constantly sucking her tits and drinking her milk.

While looking for milking porn/hentai I came across a few images of women being milked and raped by tentacles. This turned me on immensly as it showed the women struggling and being forced to give birth and having their milk sucked out. Since then I've become fan of tentacle rape even if doesn't include my other fetish. It also helps that it replaces the men in porn and hentai which I despise.

After watching so much tentacle hentai, I began to wonder what it would be like to rape someone myself. Although I'd never do it as I know the immense suffering it causes, I became obsessed with a few girls in particular. One girl from school who I always liked and three girls from college. They all have different phisiques and personalities but I always wanted to know what it would be like to force mysef on them. Funny thing is, I'm actually going out with one of those girls right now...

And that's the sick and twisted mind of a random anon. :)
>be 6
>go to friend's cottage for a week in the summer
>forget bathing suit
>friend's mom "it's okay anon you can just use the bottoms of one of friend's sister's old bathing suits, just think of it like a speedo, they wear them in Europe all the time."
>walk around for week wearing girl's bathing suit bottom

Aaaaaand that's when I realized I was destined to be a trap.

had the cutest tan lines that summer.

I mostly grew up independently of my parents. They never really asserted any sort of power over me, so I grew up on my own. From this I grew a very strong independent personality in conjunction with all of the negative connotations of women having sex in society. So my sexuality was bottled by this and my only release is being forced into sexual encounters via bondage or tentacles or just plain rape.
I've thought hard about why I'm into most of the things I am into. I'll list them.

1: Blood
Obtained: When I was at a party of someone I didn't like and it was really bad. I fucked the dude's girl and she bit my shoulder and tried to play it off like I raped her. My phone's recorder and other poeple got her ass clocked by her boyfriend, though. Since then, I've gotten aroused from the sight or taste of blood.

2: Furry:
Obtained: When I was young and found some porn of a doggirl and her master fucking on the computer. That night I remember having a wet dream where this strong-ass wolf girl basically carried me off and fucked me senseless, from sucking me off to riding me again and again even though I just got finished cumming.

3: Chains/Bondage
Obtained: When I was at a costume party on Halloween and I saw this girl dressed as the grim reaper. She had her sexual bits emphasized with chains around them and her tits were wrapped up, too. I remember her getting fucked somewhere and the dude going "Holy shit, those are real?" I faintly remember having a wet dream because of this, being tied up and ridden to death by a reapress.

4: Vore
Obtained: When I saw an animation of some worm-thing swallowing a girl and a dude. It focused on how it was sucking them in, with the girl's parts being probed inside by tentacles and the dude getting his balls milked by some alien thing while he was helpless inside. The violent way they were sucked in after the worms were finished with them signified that they were eaten. That turned me on, the fact that they played with their meal and enjoyed it so much.

5: Maids/Office Girls
Obtained: When I was a kid, my parents took me to a Halloween party after they got off work since they couldn't find anyone to babysit. I remember a maid holding me and saying sexy things and an Office woman who basically let me fall asleep on her tits while she stroked my hair. When I got home I asked if we could see the "Maid woman and Work woman" again.
I like diapers from wetting the bed. Not sure where furry came from.
>>4912546 (OP)
World of Warcraft female universe, met a girl who RPed a shemale... Got stuck ever since ~~
I have split personality disorder, except I have a lot of different splits in it. each one of these seems to have consumed things that really stick out, odd things. so my personalities grew from these, thus giving me my dgirl, Amazon, muscle, etc fetishes. milking, tentacles, monstergirls, be, and inflation all from /d/
Same poster,
Suprised how many others found their fetish the same way as me.
I wonder what the most comman gateway show would be?
I highly doubt that. Have you been actually diagnosed?
>although some fetishes, like diapers, farting, and vore continue to confound me to this day.
Cool, my fetish confounds someone!

I remember when I was little, I'd daydream about gassy characters all the time, but back then it was definitely more related to an immature sense of humor than anything outright sexual.

I also remember when I was little, I wasn't even allowed to use the word "fart." I knew there were other words I wasn't allowed to say, but even back then, I heard cousins and friends use the word near their parents without getting in trouble. So, as silly as it may sound, one of the first times I remember questioning authority was contemplating what's so bad about the word "fart."

Those things probably didn't necessarily lead to me getting the fetish but probably contributed to it. All I know for sure is that sometime when I was around 12 or 13, I seemed to decide farting was funnier when girls did it because it was less expected of them, so I started Googling things like "girl fart" expecting some immature laughs and instead coming across videos, comics, and stories obviously intended for people with this fetish.

It was around this time that, I started realizing asses are associated with sex even though I had been associating them with farts. I think this led to my line of reasoning becoming something along the lines of "Asses are sexy. Asses fart. Therefore farts are sexy" but then I arbitrarily decided this line of reasoning didn't work for scat.
>saying sexy things

Such as?
My flash player's been messing with me; anywhere I could find a transcript of that?
I used to know someone when I was fairly small that let me play with his legos if I pulled my pants down and crawled around

needless to say that's kinda fucked me up

The sod is that?
>I used to watch Stargate SG1 as a kid.
>The goauld (don't know how to spell it properly) always fascinated me. because of that now I developed parasite worm and possession fetishes.
Did you notice that the Jaffa in the first episode (the one in the harem girl outfit who's host to Ra's mate) is writhing in orgasmic pleasure every time the goa'uld in her pouch sticks her head out?

After that episode everything having to do with Jaffa's symbiotes was portrayed as unpleasant, but I still remember that in the first episode apparently it feels really fucking good.

Wonder why they changed that.
Its based on a book the guys published called "A Billion Wicked Thoughts" or something like that. Because one of their data sources was a billion porn site views from the biggest porn tube sites.
I guess that's because it's been possessed for long time and it's a queen. fuck it I want to be a queen goauld so I can possess a nice girl and start giving birth to little goaulds who will then possess others and follow my orders...
Wet And Messy.

It's a slang acronym popularized by weird fetishists.
>be 11
>watching tv late at night as a kid in the 90's
>American Werewolf in london comes on, mid-transformation scene
>Get scared shitless by the painful transformation, immediately switch channel and cry self to sleep
>Over the course of the next few years notice some transformation stuff in kids tv shows, jackie chan cartoon (Jade turns into a cat-chick), Mummies Alive! (the chick is turned into a cat girl)
>Realise that people transforming non-violently is kinda nice
>Mix in the internet and years of this to stew

And that /d/ is how I got my Transformation fetish.
All of mine started with kari from digimon
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>Can you trace back the origins of your fetishes?
Yes, and it ain't exactly a common one.

Playing Super Mario Bros 2 as Peach, in the desert worlds. As a kid, there was just something about her slowly sinking into quicksand that aroused me. I remember how when nobody was around, I'd just let her sink on purpose. I'd let her sink as far as I could without killing her. I have no idea as to why it turned me on, because I'm not into any other form of bondage at all. I just remember it making me feel weird at such a young age.

And It only applies to women. I also remember there was one episode of Jonny Quest where the red headed chick was trapped and sinking, and that did it for me too. I have absolutely no memory of that show, other than that scene.

Either way, women trapped and/or struggling in quicksand. Perhaps it's a "damsel in distress" sort of mentality? I enjoy it either way. I'd love to find a girl who'd being into that sort of thing.
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>>4912546 (OP)

Femanon here. My fetish fantasy is to be a futa lamia and to have sex with cute girls that involves wrapping them up and squeezing them in my coils so that they're helpless and fucking them. In another thread awhile back someone called it a constriction fetish. I don't think it's very common.

Anyway, I think I got it because my last gf used to choke me and force me to do things so I got to where I want to be the one in control. I'm sure /d/ helped create my fetish too.
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I got my giantess fetish by looking at some 007 image.
The image had feminine legs and a small James Bond on it.
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This one ain't hard. Being a young boy watching Return of the Jedi, the Jabba's Palace segment was basically budding fetish city. bondage, humiliation, domination, and two scoops of vore. For some reason I've never been able to really explain, the way that green twi'lek was collared, stripped down to practically nothing, and when she refused her master's wishes was forced to be eaten by a huge monster, probably writing and panicking in despair as she slid down its throat, was bizarrely hot.

My favorite though, was Leia. Not the bikini itself, mind you, but the leadup - this strong, powerful woman is outmaneuvered, captured, stripped of her power. In one scene she's in these thick militaristic bounty hunter clothes, being chained up and dragged into an obviously sexual closeness with this huge, grotesque slug monster, and when we see her next, she's been stripped naked and forced into this revealing, demeaning, objectifying bikini, and even though she's resisting, she's obviously been broken in some way. Even though they obviously never say it and I only was subconsciously aware of the implication until years later, looking back its probably because Jabba almost certainly raped her (or had some guards rape her) in front of a huge crowd until she begged for mercy and/or forgiveness as his little cumdump, and even though she tries to regain composure later she's still thinking of it whenever one of the spectators look at her.
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>>4912546 (OP)
My pissing fetish originates from when I discovered masturbation. This is for two reasons, when I began experiencing a proper orgasm around the normal age, I believed that it was pee. The other main point is that I used to masturbate to episodes of Rugrats where Chuckie was being potty trained.

I have always been attracted to women, but I developed a strong sense of empathy as a child. Because I didn't have access to a girl or a woman as a partner until I was 16, I learned to put myself in the girl's position for the purpose of the fantasy, imagining myself (or someone else) being the top. Once I found a female partner, I was able to enact the fantasies with her on the bottom and myself on top.

Try doing visualization and empathy exercises; if you can't seem to get off on top, imagine yourself as your girl (bottom). Also, I've found that my endurance in the top position has increased due to training myself to get off on the bottom for so long.
I have a major spidergirl fetish. No fucking clue where it came from though.
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When I was about 7 or 8 and first started watching Sailor Moon, and found the earliest translated manga from Tokyopop, I latched on to all the stuff that were basically tame tentacles, mostly it involved them being restricted and usually choked by various prehensile stuff, like wires, hair, etc. This was also connected to my later taste for bondage and d/s, and a minor asphyxiation kink, but I was mainly just really fascinated by the concept of tentacles before I even knew about tentacle hentai. I would sit down and write out my own stories about heroines who would get attacked and restrained, and usually strangled or choked by tentacles. Then when I was like 11 or so I found the less tame version of tentacles and it was all downhill from there. Tentacles love for life.
I also used to play almost-bondage games with myself, and occasionally friends. It wasn't getting tied up or anything, but in kindergarten my friend and I would pretend to be in jail and use plastic marti gras beads as handcuffs and it was all rather silly. I also liked to zip myself in a sleeping bag and pretend to be a fox caught in a trap. Pretty sure I have Fox and the Hound to blame for that. I just liked the feeling or being restrained or trapped.
When I was 5, Smash Bros. came out, and I would get the weirdest boner from watching Yoshi eat the other characters. I would go into the training mode, and turn the speed down to 1/4 so I could watch it in all its glory as my Yoshi devoured and pooped out the other characters as eggs. Funnily enough, I no longer enjoy vore.
I actually did something similar.

I'd go to training mode, put the enemy damage to 999%, then eat people with the grab attack. At that much damage, it's takes forever for them to break free.

I'd just watch Yoshi slurp up Peach and play with her in his mouth.

I'd also go to adventure mode with Peach and constantly get eaten by Like Likes. There isn't enough good Like Like material on the internet. Emphasis on "good".
When I was like <4, my sister, step-mother, and mother used to dress me up like a girl. My sister was very forceful, and she'd bring in her friends so I'd be humiliated. The root of my Femdom/Feminization/Familydom fetishes.

Foot fetish went with the above, just sort of popped up in the material I found.

An episode of Kid's Next Door gave me a dystopia fetish, where all the boys are reduced to being the girls' slaves, usually comes with feminization. I have now idea how to find dystopia material.

Jessy on Team Rocket gave me my Kaminoke Fetish, which pisses me off because there's NO MATERIAL for it.

Giantess was a derivative of Family Femdom, back in my DeviantArt days, I just searched, "Step Mom Femdom" and they were all Giantess pictures.

Diaper became yet another humiliation fetish, but I don't have a problem pinning it on being dressed up as a little girl. Came up when I was looking for family femdom.

My most prideful ones are Spider/Bee/Octopus... Been into those since I first came to 4chan, saw a Roll (Mods please don't ban me and everyone in this thread I promise I won't even look at my post number oh god I'm scared) thread about them... I guess the specifications came from, I don't know, Over exposure to a radioactive 4chan?
Not him, but I'm the same, it doesn't even have to be erotic to do it for me. There are lots of us out there
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Shapeshifting, liquidization, femdom, goo girls, whatever. All from her.
My biggest fetish is rape (femanon here). I remember watching kids' movies where there's the hero and the villain competing for the heroine, or she's going to be married to the villain and doesn't want to, or something like that. I would root for the bad guy to win.
I couldn't agree more.
>>4912546 (OP)
>Scars, strong women and warrior women
Trying to think.

My love for Scars came from Baiken from Guilty Gear.
Warrior women.. Valis I think.
Strong women I have no idea.
same anon, I've also got an impregnation/pregnancy fetish that I suspect goes back to wanting to find out what sex/reproduction was and all those encyclopedias and kids' books on the human body just limited it to shitty cross-sections of organs but also month-by-month illustrations of pregnancy, thus entwining them.

Also it goes really nicely with the rape fetish because it's absolutely complete physical domination, inside and out. He owns you now and offspring are living proof of that.
I hate that people even use the term "fetish". There should be a new term for preferences of things that one finds pleasurable. People associate "fetish" with something that's shameful, something that was forced onto a child rather than just a normal preference like for different movies, books, or games.

I think it's crazy how people don't give the slightest fuck as to why they do things, why they believe things unless it's something that they think is abnormal. Then suddenly you have to nitpick every little thing about it to find out why you're weird. I ask you why you think something should be done a particular way and you get furious, it's always been done that way. I ask you why you have a fetish and suddenly you can come up with the first time you experienced your desires and a detailed list of instances where that has affected your life in some way.

Why don't you put as much thought into why you're liberal or conservative? I bet none of you could tell me what influenced you to become liberal/conservative. Why don't you put half as much effort into that as into resolving the age old question of whether futa is gay or not?
http://www youtube com/watch?v=jktWMBk_U78
I got my armpit fetish from this video
I was like 7 or so, watching the '101 Dalmatians' cartoon there was this character that kept needing to pee. I'd drink lots of water and rewatch the tape over and over and press my hand against my bladder while I masturbated with a vibrating playstation controller.
I'm not really into watersports but I kinda like omorashi/desperation.
Whoa there buddy, calm it down.
Yeaaaah... Rancor chew their food.
Sort of bizarre to find someone more intelligent than you on /d/.
By the time I reached 7th grade, one of my friends pointed out how skinny I was. I never really noticed it before, but I was. Only recently I found out it was some birth defect that causes a concave chest. Maybe someday if I have enough money I can get it surgically corrected. Anyways, that created an intense self image issue, which became an inferiority complex. The inferiority complex gave me a bondage and femdom fetish, since I felt myself inferior and longed to be subjugated.

Then I came here one day to see what bondage stuff was here, and then I saw some tentacles, and then I liked tentacle porn. Not really sure how to explain that.

When I was in middle school, I really liked a boy and I used to keep a notebook and write poems about how beautiful he was. My "friends" later took the notebook and gave it to him during lunch. He then proceeded to read it out loud to the entire cafeteria.

I of course straightened up and avoided being close to people and stopped writing poems after that. But that rejection, and the ones following, hurt so bad that I just wanted to kidnap them and beat them into submission. I wanted to knock them out, tie them to a chair, and beat them until they got hard so I could have sex with them under my control.

But I try not to indulge in looking at this sort of thing since I should never treat someone that way (that and most men=not into femdom in the least).
When I was a kid I had a tape of animated Beatrix Potter stories. In The Roly-Poly Pudding, the kitten gets tied up by the rats. That was the start of my bondage kink. I also used to get spanked as a child, which may of started that one.
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>>4912546 (OP)
I watched it happen completely aware of what was going on the whole time. I never asked for this.

My girlfriend of 4 years kept me blueballed the entire time, refusing to even indulge my desire to discuss sex, even hypothetically, and would very often forcibly take charge in the relationship and, I felt, humiliate me and rub it in my face that she was the one who ought to wear the pants.
She was above the desire to have sex, I was not, that made her better than me and she made sure I knew it. I eventually came to subconsciously accept that I would never be allowed to penetrate her, and I watched kind of in horror as my fantasies changed to wishing she would penetrate me instead. I came to strongly resent her for her rejection and humiliation; she was always ready to pay lip service to the idea that she loved me and would do anything for me, yet she would never give me release and continued to emasculate me in front of friends and strangers alike. Yet those powerful feelings of resentment became oddly erotic to the point of necessity.
My tastes, behaviors, and identity changed to adapt to what I perceived she wanted from me, and now I can't go back. I am only interested now in women who would exclusively and callously fuck me in the ass and otherwise emasculate and humiliate me for the entirety of the relationship while maintaining the unshakable facade that they are behaving normally and completely within reason such that any objections I might have must be too unreasonable to even bother voicing.
>Sexually abused
>By a woman
>Implying this actually happened and isn't the reverse-engineered product of your delusional mind grasping at straws for reasons you're such a pussy
For general femdom, I'd say it goes back to my school days, with one girl deciding it's a brilliant idea to order me around. I was a new kid, plus a wimp, so resisting didn't quite occur to me.
Well that, and my home was always somewhat women-controlled. I grew up without a father, so it just seemed natural.

For the rest, it just happened. Masochism and sadism in particular appeared pretty much out of nowhere, in quick succession and at relatively young age, both surprising me quite a bit.
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I know for certain that the Billy & Mandy episode where Billy could go inside people's bodies and control them, and made Mandy kiss Erwin, gave me my Mind Control and Possession fetishes. I remember being so ashamed fapping to a kids show that I didn't even like at the time, too, so maybe that's where I got my fetish for being degraded.

One came from experience, though. I've got 2 GFs, all 3 of us are trans(I think we trans people just tend to stick together or something, that's how it happened). I've been with one of them since we were 15(we're 20 now), but we live in different countries. This resulted in me loving dirty talk, being called names, having sexual situations described to me while helpless to stop them from happening.

Then when we were 16 we got to visit for the first time, she came to my place. Mom took her mom and my whole family out so we could fuck, because my mom is cool like that. We stripped down after some making out and fondling. She was really shy about her cock, which I didn't get because at the time I didn't know she(or myself) was trans. She did want to fuck, though, so I forced her legs apart and put my head down between them. Face to face with her rather large cock(8+inches) I was scared shitless. Time seemed to slow down as I opened my mouth, leaned in, and sucked the tip. I immediately felt warm in my chest, like the feeling you get when thinking of a happy memory or a good friend. I was literally in love with that cock in my mouth.

Suddenly I swallowed it, just let the whole thing into my mouth. I gagged but just forced myself down on it thinking to myself "holy shit, it's so warm and thick, this is amazing!" Then pre started leaking out and her cock fully hardened into my throat. I went wide eyed and started bobbing up and down on it like crazy until I had to stop because I was getting so little air deepthroating her.

(cont. in next post)
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(and we continue)

So she gave me this huge blowjob fetish and I sucked her cock constantly the whole time she was visiting. A year later I went to her place for a month. This part is kind of complicated, but I know it gave me my crossdressing fetish.

We're both girls so nothing is really erotic about wearing female clothing, but at the time we were, as far as anyone considered, two gay guys. Years before I'd tried on a cousin's cheerleading outfit and she took pictures while I protested, but I posed and stuff anyways. When I find out my GF has a schoolgirl outfit, I'm all over it, and we take turns making love in it. To this day seeing guys crossdress turns me on to such an insane degree, and I find it hard to reconcile that with my gender issues, but I think I sort of get it.

I'm a bit sadistic, and as mentioned before I like possession, so I think on some level my mind is thinking of it as me taking the body of someone's son and making him into a woman who loves sucking cocks and wearing skimpy, girly outfits. My memories of before I realized I am trans I kind of consider "when I was a boy," so I think of those memories as of a guy crossdressing, not me being a girl. It's a little fucked up, but I guess that's that fetish.

Spending lots of time doing sexual role play online with friends, and later our other GF, also made me realize I have a fetish for, if this makes sense, other people's fetishes. Something about fulfilling another's fantasies is very satisfying. As a result I've gotten into bondage, femdom, rape, petplay, and I fear I may be headed down a path of piss, all due to my friends liking them. I'm like a blank book waiting to be filled with fetishes, haha.

Sorry if that was a little strange and personal, all of my fetishes kind of stem from my early sexual experiences online and with my GF. Oh, and obviously I like futa because that's basically my life.
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>Non fatal vore/absorption.
>Furries hentai

I blame /d/ and a friend of mine.
More or less exactly how I started masturbating. I started masturbating long before I could even cum, first porn exposure was at age 5. Did a lot of fucked up shit to get off after that. Now vanilla porn bores me, so I watch other stuff. I have no exact fetish, just anything slightly over the edge.

.. sometimes I wonder if I might be a sociopath
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Been a while since I've been on /d/...
>>4912546 (OP)
>Do you remember any key moments
Yes. Most of it I can't really explain, but I suppose I'll share some history, even though this is going to be tl;dr and might annoy other /d/eviants.
I became aware of my environment when I was three. My parents kept me in diapers until the day after my fifth birthday, which by then, I became fond of, enjoying the sensations they gave me. As soon as I tried underwear, I hated everything about it, and immediately begged to stay in diapers. It didn't happen, and I stayed in my room all day, depressed, because I had no friends or toys to play with, and diapers were the only thing that comforted me enough to not be bothered by that. My mom would still give me baby bottles with warm, sugary milk every time I got back from school, up until my dad discovered that. Either way, I still wasn't happy. In fact, even today, the last time I can remember being happy was when I was four, sheltered from the violence, the pain, and the cruelty of the world we live in. One day, after coming back from school, I entered a room I never went into before. It was a bedroom being used as a closet, packed with boxes and boxes of stuff. The closest box I searched revealed a couple packages of Pampers diapers. I smuggled one into my room and tried them on - "So much better than briefs," I thought. I peed in one once but my older sister knocked on my door before I could put it on. I eventually got caught by my mom, and no longer had diapers to wear again. We moved, and when I started kindergarten, no one liked me. It stayed this way for a long time. I didn't have any friends until just before the 10th grade. When I was six, kids twice my age would beat me up every time I was outside the house.
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I was mobbed on a few occasions - one in particular was while riding my bicycle back home. I was struck with a bat as I came around the corner, dragged down the street by three kids, dropped on the ground and pinned down while some asshole tried to burn holes in my eyes with a laser pen. In school, my peers would insult me because we weren't the same race. They would throw rocks at me, and whenever I tried to retaliate, they would serve as witnesses for themselves, saying I was the one that started it. That I was the troublemaker. And so, I was the only one who ever got punished. I spent most of my elementary school days in a cold hallway, and it ate away at my morality, perhaps even my sanity, as I began to do cruel things to animals. Anyway... the pain I went through for over 10 years, inside and outside of school, made me think of suicide all of the time. I've thought of suicide since the fourth grade, being tired of the constant harassment, and then when my first love rejected me and switched schools. Around the time that I was six, I started developing erections whenever I thought of or saw/heard anything to do with diapers. I soon discovered masturbation, and even got my first computer, complete with an Internet connection. As soon as I was alone, I used Google and found websites like DPF and Deeker (the latter of which may have had a lot of influence on me), which focused on diaper fetishism and ageplay. While looking for more, I was highly sexual, rubbing myself to 8-10 dry orgasms a day, which slowly declined as I got older. I found Wetset, and other sites that were more about watersports. That is when my urine fetish began... when I was outside exploring, all alone in a ditch, I had to pee.
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I was mobbed on a few occasions - one in particular was while riding my bicycle back home. I was struck with a bat as I came around the corner, dragged down the street by three kids, dropped on the ground and pinned down while some asshole tried to burn holes in my eyes with a laser pen. In school, my peers would insult me because we weren't the same race. They would throw rocks at me, and whenever I tried to retaliate, they would serve as witnesses for themselves, saying I was the one that started it. That I was the troublemaker. And so, I was the only one who ever got punished. I spent most of my elementary school days in a cold hallway, and it ate away at my morality, perhaps even my sanity, as I began to do cruel things to animals. Anyway... the pain I went through for over 10 years, inside and outside of school, made me think of suicide all of the time. I've thought of suicide since the fourth grade, being tired of the constant harassment, and then when my first love rejected me and switched schools. Around the time that I was six, I started developing erections whenever I thought of or saw/heard anything to do with diapers. I soon discovered masturbation, and even got my first computer, complete with an Internet connection. As soon as I was alone, I used Google and found websites like DPF and Deeker (the latter of which may have had a lot of influence on me), which focused on diaper fetishism and ageplay. While looking for more, I was highly sexual, rubbing myself to 8-10 dry orgasms a day, which slowly declined as I got older. I found Wetset, and other sites that were more about watersports. That is when my urine fetish began... when I was outside exploring, all alone in a ditch, I had to pee.
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Normally, I would just unzip and go in the bushes, but after seeing and reading those sites, I decided to just soak my jeans. I revelled in the warmth, and began to drink lots of water so I could make that feeling last longer every time I got the chance to do so, either outside or while home alone. A couple years later (age 8), my desire for diapers grew stronger, and one day, I had an idea. When I had to use the bathroom, I didn't take my underwear off when I sat on the toilet. I stuffed it with toilet paper and held it tight against my crotch. I let go, and I loved it. I began to do it often, regretfully wasting lots of toilet paper in doing so. Soon, when my mom would let me shower alone, I began urinating on myself, enjoying the warmth on my neck and chest, flowing all the way down to my feet. Eventually I pointed it higher to taste it, and it was sweet. I then would also drink my own piss daily for several years until I became severely depressed. At age 8, I discovered ASSTR while trying to find more stories involving diapers and watersports. It was there that, out of curiosity, I began reading stories involving incestual relationships, corruption, bestiality and more. They set my imagination wild. After one of my sisters caught me masturbating when I thought I was home alone one day, I began experimenting with her. I will not go into the details about that, and I absolutely hate myself for it today. I think I have made a monster of her like the world has made of me. But, moving on - around age 10, I discovered LimeWire, which fueled all of my sexual interests and inspired more. The wrongness of it all just made it that much better to fap to, I suppose.
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I had my first ejaculation at age 11, and it was then that all of my future searches would now have the keyword 'cum' in them. Among those searches, I became highly aroused by a story of a boy my age, forced into diapers, raped, and castrated. It made me sick to my stomach but it was so erotic. I still think about castration today, but I don't think I'll ever go far with it now although I highly considered it in high school. After being rejected so many times, and being taunted by all of my peers whoring each other out, I felt worthless and inferior. It started to build up a rage inside me that counselors forced me to bottle up so long ago. A hatred of myself and everyone around me. In my head, In my fantasies, I began seeing myself wearing a formless mask which matched my emptiness, and my entire body would be wrapped up like a mummy, in leather and chains. I would day dream about killing everyone that ever hurt me, and ridding the world of "bad people". The idea made me more interested in masks, clowns, uniforms of all sorts, and bondage. It progressed in high school... where my morality warped further, and I imagined myself abducting girls I love and taking them to a dark, cold room, deep in the earth and away from civilization, where I would tie them up, lock them away from the world, and turn them into my personal sex slaves. The ones that hurt would, I fapped to ruining their lives. I started building up a collection of gory images and violent videos, which I think caused me to become very attracted to pale, anorexic women, as they looked so... dead, I guess. I found /b/ when I was 15, which helped expand my collection of nude, dead women, and the images, along with past paranormal experiences, lead me to fantasize about having sex with ghosts and zombies. Linetrap started to get popular then, and I thought she was attractive. When I discovered how Linetrap got his name, I ceased looking at his images and ignored them, completely disgusted.
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But I could only ignore and scroll past them for so long. I eventually stared at his pictures and my brain racked around and scrunched up at the information it was being fed, trying to find an answer to a million questions. I couldn't believe it was a guy, and as angry as I was, I was immensely turned on by such a pretty transformation. I fapped, and immediately thought about suicide after I came. Unfortunately, ever since then, every orgasm I've had is followed by thoughts of suicide. Alexis, or "Sarina Valentina", popped up on /b/, followed by Darktrap... and that was it... I started jerking it to traps regularly. I lurked /h/ at the time, too, but it got boring and didn't have much that interested me. It wasn't long until I came across /d/, which would enable me to branch out into more kinks and dwell on the things I already loved - I felt at home and would lurk for hours, for years. It got me interested in lactation and "cowgirls", shemales, futanari, as well as monstergirls, fairies, female domination, pegging, etc. When I played the videogame Prototype, I couldn't help but day dream about the things I would do if I could shape shift. Didn't take long for me to modify the fantasy I had of abducting girls - the ones that hurt me - stealing their image and destroying their lives by whoring myself out and being a complete slut around the people they love, showing them everything that happened. I came so hard from imagining the kind of pain it would bring them. It would end with them becoming submissive, thoughtless slaves, committing suicide, or I would absorb them or leave them to starve to death.
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If I could have that power, I think I would consume every soul on this damned planet - I think I would feel "complete" that way. I stopped approaching women then... I ignored them and accepted that I am going to die alone, and that finding one that I could love, that understands and accepts me, is just a shot in the dark. I can no longer feel love, and often don't feel anything when someone wants my sympathy. But anyway, through high school, my self-loathing intensified - the feelings of hopelessness and uselessness got stronger every week. It all burned through my body, all day, every day. I began wishing I could've been aborted, or born female. I felt like such a poor excuse for a man. I thought about going back to my early childhood again - now I was interested in the ageplay aspect. Every day after, all I could think about was rejection, sex, and death. I was overwhelmed with these feelings, and they just grew and grew, until I felt like something in my head just snapped one day. The pain that has infested me throughout my entire life instantly disappeared - my severe depression? Gone... I now feel exquisitely empty inside. When I entered puberty, I was constantly afraid that I wasn't going to grow much 'down there'... and sure enough, that's what happened. It was just more reason for me to hate myself, hence why I mentioned my growing desire for castration through high school earlier. I have felt so inadequate for so long... and with years of exposure to stories that involved Small Penis Humiliation and Sissification, I began to crave just that. Pain has become pleasure.
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My fantasies today mostly involve being dressed as a little girl, beaten and gangraped by a dozen or more men who are much larger and more powerful than myself. Everything I thought I would be... and to make it worse? All of the women I loved, even the ones I hate, are on the side, mocking me and making me pray for death. Horses and packs of dogs are often involved, too. Recently, I've become accepting of the messing side of diapers. It was never appealing to me all these years... I'm not sure why I like it now. I suppose that just comes to show that just when you think you can't get any lower, you're wrong. I also imagine my best friend sitting on my face, sometimes messing herself in a diaper. I told her all of this, and she's the closest to understanding and accepting me, which I am incredibly thankful for, but she doesn't find any of it attractive... yet. I got her interested in watersports, spanking, and ageplay, and lately she's been getting curious about diapers and anal. That's about all I have to say. Life's a savage and strange, strange ride. Oh, and /b/ got me into furry and petplay, starting with images of Krystal from Star Fox drawn by some Japanese artist whose name I don't remember right now (starts with a 'K'). Oh, and I have a thing for Ball Jointed Dolls...

Yeah, tl;dr. Might've been shorter if I had greentexted it, oh well. At least I threw in pictures.
I was sexually abused at the age of 11 by a teen boy from my neighborhood. We'd go frolic in the woods, and then we'd just mess around, and then he eventually forced himself on me when he slept over. Since we shared a bed that night he took over me, forced me to suck his dick, and then he just ended up grinding his erection against mine. This is where I get my submissive part.

Later in life (around 21) I met someone online and things elevated quickly. Via WoW, I was her tank and she was my healer, so I got used to being directed by her. When I told her it kind of turned me on and we met in person, and she became my mistress. This is where foot worship, facesitting, and bondage comes into play.

That was almost 5 years ago and the relationship essentially ruined my life when it was called off. I love my current partner a lot, but she just does not dominate me enough D:
my ex was like what you described, she did not let me do shit and I barely had much of a life.
I mean, it may seem good to you but you dont know what its like to have someone who makes you pacify who you are to other people and who youre spending time with just because she has problems dealing with sharing you.
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The only time you see it actually eating, its not really chewing on anything. Its more like its biting down a bit on the gammorean to keep it from escaping, and the way it actually eats it (throwing its head up while opening mouth) is a lot more akin to how birds eat rodents whole. Also oola's scream never gets suddenly cut off like she was bitten in half. But anyway, 7 year old me didn't really care about that, and the sarlacc definitely swallows stuff whole.

Its actually kind of weird, I don't really know a lot of bdsm people like me, most of them enjoy the "pet slave" aspect, I'm a lot more into "active resistance crushed into obedience" side of things. Porn of smiling obedient slaves has zero interest to me, I prefer it of girls straining at the leash, fighting back but ultimately powerless as they take their master's cock.
The biggest one is transformation, I'd say, and that's a pretty easy one. I hate my body. So many things about it are just... wrong. I've been born with a few medical conditions, and over the years, while some were partially corrected, a couple more appeared. One or two are essentially impossible to treat. A side effect of one is having a loss of sensitivity below the waist... not a very nice thing to have. I could make a giant list of everything that's wrong, but it would take ages, and I'm not here to gross people out. Suffice to say, there isn't a day where I wish I could get rid of my body.

But I don't really hate myself, so suicide was never appealing. Thank fuck for that, I guess.

In any case, where normally transformation could be about the loss of control, for me it's more about wish fulfillment. It doesn't matter if I was a monster or machine by the end of it. As long as it had a function, even one as base as endless fucking, that it could actually perform, I'd probably be happier.

The second is submission, which I suppose connects into all of it. I see little use for myself as I am. Even with my best attempts to make my body less of a waste of space, it all smashes upon all the issues with it... so someone actually giving me purpose, in exchange for something as simple as obedience, seems like a pretty good deal. Sure, it might be degrading... but it beats wasting away in idleness.

Third, related, is masochism. No real shocker here. Combine loathing your own body and a lot of hospital visits, and you get... getting off on hurting yourself. Of course, I never did anything too serious, nor am I tempted to. I may hate it all, but I'm not insane. Permanent and crippling injuries will just make it worse. Unless they had a point. A toy doesn't need arms and legs.

[Boy oh boy, post too long. Guess I'll have to continue in a second one.]
Carrying on then... sadism and domination. Big damn turnaround, but it's more of a mirror than contradiction. Sometimes, a part of me wonders: Why not just make people accept it all? Why not make them love every disgusting part?

Well, fantasies like that never go for long. I just spring back to that partial self-loathing eventually.

Then there is a plethora of minor fetishes. All stems from the others in some form, really, and listing would take hours, so what's the point. Suffice to say I enjoy some things people loathe.

On the other hand, there are a few things I simply can't stand, personally. Mostly those to do with what I perceive as negative changes. I guess the mere thought of making my body even worse is just terrifying.

Anyway, this went on for long enough. I'm done.

I feel sort of better now, finally getting this out.
If only I could actually tell anyone I know... but I only have my family. Their type of support isn't what I'd really need.
Being on the receiving end of this is my fantasy, just to say.
>imagining all the crazy ways a dom could use a concave chest
Could it hold a pool of candle wax? Urine? Could food be put in it for a dog to eat out of? You could be a dog's food bowl!
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Please don't derail the thread.
I just like taboo and forbidden stuff. I did as a kid when that ment looking at nude pics and convensing my friends to take off their close. I liked it when I wrestled with girls (something that I was not suposted to do and got me hard before I even knew what sex and hard ons were). I liked playing animals (which was something that was strongly frowned upon for many reasons) etc. When I got older I wanted more of everything. Group stuff. Kinky stuff. Everything that I was not supposed to know about.
Now almost everything turns me on with the right context. There are some things that turn me one more then others like reverse gangbangs or oiled up skin but there are few things that wont at least get me hard. I see it as a progression. My only problem now is that I am not total sure where the bounders of normal stuff end and kinky stuff begin.
Oh man this pretty embarrassing for me to say personally. My love of anal (giving not receiving) came from my mother.

I asked her what oral sex (my family is pretty open about sexuality) was and she said something like it was unhygenic and exclaimed that some people even do it in the butt. the butt? i ask yes the butt she says. but that is very dirty and disgusting and i should never do it. a couple years later i finally moved past searching "boobs" and this seed sprouted when i found anal porn.
Remember that it's totally possible to find a guy who's decent and actually likes that kind of thing.
Possible, but not easy. But don't give up hope!
I've been sexually active since before I could remember.
During first grade, I was sitting next to a pretty girl wearing white pantyhose. I slowly crept up on her and slightly rubbed my leg with hers.
>so smooth
I've been hooked on stocking and Loli after that. These are probably my mildest fetishes though
>fully clothed fucking (preferably in fashionable casual clothes)
Nakedness, sex etc was always a taboo in our family. My mother despised men, especially my father and sex was a tool of 'muh opression' in her eyes. She even refused to tell my sisters anything about sex.

So long story short I was thaught that naked or slutty dressed women are shit tier and I should never even talk to them. First I thought I'm into s/m, cosplay, traps etc because in these generes the participants always have something on. There is a few other things coming from this but this is the only thing that have an actual impact on me. Like I actually lose boner or stop watching / reading porn when the characters starting to show too much skin.
My first orgasm was to the aliens in Aliens.
I get raging erections when storms come around.
Why not.

BDSM, Redheads, Incest
When I was younger, me and a childhood friend would tie up his little sister to get her out of the way of whatever we had decided was an important thing to do that day (Such as watching star wars). This turned into a game in of itself, one that carried on even after he died.

This would probably explain the interest in BDSM, particularly restraints.

Said girl is a redhead, so that would explain my inability to think straight when faced with a cute ginger girl

The fact her brother joined in the game probably explains some leanings towards incest

Forced orgasm, Sadism
I read a lot of erotica during my formative years, and when reading about girls feeling such sensations, I wanted to make them feel it myself. with an emphasis on the MAKE. I had already realised I was into BDSM by this point. (I got caught on a kink.com site by a sitter at the age of 14)

Mental control, Hypnotism, Voyeurism
This probably just comes from having a long distance BDSM relationship. It means you need to go straight to mental and verbal domination, which strays sometimes into mild hypnotism.

As for the voyeurism part, that's from so many evenings spent on webcam.
When I was a kid I tended to make a lot of enemies. Of these there was a group of girls that hated my guts and would pick fights with me all the time. After several conflicts with them I was strongly told that a real man dose not hit girls back. A strong, tough, manly man can just take it without complaining. Me being a dumb kid that was obsessed with strength I took this as a personal challenge to my "manhood".
That being said, after that the girls would corner me and I would take everything they dished out. Sometimes with a real smile on my face. I told them that I could take it because I was so strong and they were so weak. At first they tried their hardest to prove me wrong. they would hit me, pull me throw things, scratch me, all kinds of things. But each time I got up and felt strong, each time the could not make me cry, and when they came up to me planing I would not run.
Being able to take it made me feel strong and happy and I started to like the abuse. Then they started getting "weird". They would do thinks like smack me then gently feel where the smack. The would feel me up all over after they pined me down or They would climb on top of me and make suggestive comments. I mean they would still beat on me but now everything they did had sexual overtones to it. Like one time they pinned me down and called me there bitch. I responded with "I am no ones dog, you are the bitch".
One of the girls that was wearing a dress responded by saying "I know what dogs like you like, they like to sniff ass" she then hiked up her dress and sat on my face. They then chanted ass face and butt sniffer at me
Since those days I have moved on but still feel good and strong when I take physical punishment and have to fight getting aroused. It makes some things in my martial arts class a bit harder because I have to focus on not getting a boner when getting hit over and over for training.
The thing is I am not really into S&M and stuff like that in porn. I have no sexlife ether
this may also be part of the reason why many women on one man is such a huge turn on to me. But I always just assumed that all guys want more of a good thing (sex and/or female attention).
And yes I do love porn that has this.
It also falls into the other stuff. I mean, it is not like there is any one woman that could dominate me or make me do anything, much less submit unless I let her. That changes a bit if there is 3 or 4 or more women that know how to handle themselves.
Then again both of these turn ons could be from my relative lack of positive physical contact with anyone. The first one being that something in my subconscious tries to make up for lack of positive contact by seeing all contact as good.
The second one being that I crave the excess of what I am deprived of in my day to day life (lack of positive contact).
TG/TV here

Anything to do with being a girl, being treated like a girl, and dressing like a girl

I have no idea why i have this fetish, anyone want to psychoanalyze me?
Well, thats one of the most common fetishes, so you have to consider that, if there is a specific trigger, it has happened to many others.
The footsie scene in Who is Harry Crumb? gave me a fetish for feet, clandestine sex shenanigans (footsie, hidden handjobs, etc, even better if it's right under the nose of the stimulated party's significant other), and evil temptresses. A ton of 80s action and comedy films having evil sexy ladies hitting on married protagonists gave me a fetish for adultery.

It is I, the most boring man in /d/
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At some point when I was around 12 I got an old copy Gamer magazine (yes, this way back in the 90s) that had a two-page spread of Lara Croft. I had just recently discovered fapping so this was my go-to picture when I needed to fap. But what was different was I was more interested in Lara's teal one-piece rather than Lara herself. And a few weeks later I discovered that my older sister had a similar one-piece (it was a different color though). I, of course, wore it and got really turned on by just walking around acting like a girl (I didn't even associate it with being gay, which had a negative stigma where I lived, I played as a girl and that was fine). I wore a little bit more of my sister's stuff and would hump pillows making sex sounds (which I also recently discovered).

I sorta stopped and forgot about this til I turned 17 when I got appendicitis. When the doctor was examining me he stuck his thumb up my ass and it felt really interesting so, later, when I was well I began to experiment with my ass with sharpies and so on.

I still grew up pretty regularly, had a few girlfriends, etc, etc. But now I guess I'm what you a "switch" I like dressing up as a girl and the thought of getting fucked by a dominant futa just drives me wild but I also enjoy being the dominant man fucking a feminine crossdresser trans. I'm not really into oral, mainly anal and the clothes and shoes.

Pic sorta related, my perfect woman (except she needs a penis)
The few episodes of the original Pokemon series that had Sabrina the psychic trainer.

I'm pretty sure it's mostly where my femdom fetish stems from.
Feet - Really cute girl used to take her shoes off in school and play footsy with me while smiling at me.

Futa - Probably my tomboy mother who grew up around nothing but brothers, but i think specifically was the time she caught me masturbating and she just laughed and said "it's cool i'm just glad you're not having sex without a condom" but she also said "i've always wondered what it was like to have a penis though" as she closed the door and walked away.

Not making that second one up, my mom is really fucking weird. I guess that's why i had a crush on her when i was like 10-12.

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