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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ session will be held on Sunday, November 18th at 8:00PM EST.

I'm also taking questions/comments/feedback/random musings via e-mail at moot@4chan.org and on AIM at MOOTCHAT. Feel free to drop me a line or say hi!

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whoops replied to specific post...here's another pic for derpness
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misstyped captcha and then forgot pic =='''

One of us?

Not be, but I'm so fucking there. Maybe this one will last longer than a few hours.
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I mooch from these threads so much, here are some from my collection... It's time I should contriboot. I'll try to post some that I don't see here very often.
That's not tickling, man.
The guy is gonna put his hand in her shirt and touch her breasts, and she's all "DO IT FAGGOT"
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Hmm... Well, it's in my tickling folder, I guess I've always read into it as a kind of anticipation - but I guess I see how it could be seen your way, too. It's all in the imagination I suppose, with a pic like this that could be interpreted different ways.
Also, I guess knowing what the translation to the left actually reads out to be might help - I sure don't know..
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"fufu... So you're going to put your hand in? It's alright, I wouldn't mind if you put your hand through the opening in my outfit and touched my breasts..."
(guy is nervous as fuck)
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A question for the guys, how do you feel about genital tickling?
My balls are very ticklish, but it can become painful very quickly.
It's unbearable! It's one of the few places that I can't sit still for when its tickled.
File deleted.

I'm pretty much a tickle virgin but its extremely arousing to me.

the furries seem to be way kinkier and torturous with their tickling. I really like the kind of stuff caroo does with milking/tickling and stuff, just wish it was done to human guys
>the furries seem to be way kinkier and torturous with their tickling. I really like the kind of stuff caroo does with milking/tickling and stuff, just wish it was done to human guys

Yeah we've discussed that a lot in the past, nobody really knows why. I'm not into furry shit at all but by god can they do some tickle torture art. Some argue furries just naturally aren't shy about doing porn and thus go all, another theory was they do way nastier stuff that tickling wouldn't be as big for them, etc. When Chesire was asked about it in the last thread he more or less said "I'm into all sorts of weird shit, tickling just happens to be one of them". I guess a variety of fetishes somehow add to it when they then just do the pure tickle shit, I couldn't tell ya.

On that note, I wish people would do more romantic/erotic/flirty tickling like this. >>4353358

Meh. Pushing it. That just seems like regular porn than anything tickle specific.
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Finally, I've been waiting for Akane to get hers.
I'm completely straight but I'm a sub. lately I've realized that what I like the most besides the actual tickling is the helplessness and teasing. the feeling of being completely at someone else's mercy and powerless to stop it, and the feeling when its pointed out and rubbed in my face to humiliate me.

lately I've had this wierd desire to be forcefully dressed or treated like a girl while being tickled. I think its because it would make me feel even more vulnerable and pathetic.

I also really REALLY want to tickle and be tickled by she hulk.
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Looks like Pirata might be back.

anyone translate?
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I know exactly what you mean. I've wanted to be dressed as a girl while tickled too, something really silky or ruffly and ornamented with all sorts of accessories. Tickling is a humiliation thing for me too: the total loss of control to another person through a very playful act, and being forced into overly feminine clothes would put it over the top.

I really wish there was more content in that vein. Artwork is a bit scarce, and I've never seen a video like that. I read a pretty good story on deviantart where a guy was crossdressed and tickled by a girl's machine, but forgot to save the link.

Message me NOW

DA is fine, I'm assuming?
I'm not a fan of she hulk at all, but this little snippet is AWESOME.
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Thankyou. Post a picture and ask, and maybe I'll write a little snippet based on it for ya. Or make it seem like you're the victim. Etc. Whatever. Details help, heh.
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Really now, if you would so kindly then good sir
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"Touch my feet... and I WILL kill you."

Even with such a threat looming in the air, the Argonian is in no position to make demands. Her feet, scaley on top yet surprisingly smooth on the bottom, are both bare and trapped before you.

You bring your hands up closer to those delectable soles, and in response her eyes form thin slits in your direction. Her claws, sharp and glinting in the light, are aching to get a hold of your flesh to reduce it to ribbons.

She will never get the chance.

You press two fingers into the middle of her arches before dragging down firmly. Her face, burning with anger, suddenly takes on an expression of both worry and mirth. She knows how sensitive she is, and now you do as well.

As your fingertips reach her slightly-rough heels you suddenly race your fingers right back up the length of her soles. Caught offguard, she titters and shakes her head, her pointed teeth peeking out as a grin overtakes her.

It was time to break her defenses once and for all. Not giving her a chance to prepare, one of your hands darts up to grab onto the wiggling toes of her right foot before prying them backwards. Your free hand becomes a torrent of tickle torture, five fingers scribbling and scrabbling around her taut arch in an ever-shrinking-and-expanding spiral.

The Argonian loses it. What little foreboding presence she possessed instantly fades away as she becomes a screaming, howling mess. Her mouth goes wide open and her forked tongue flicks and flaps wildly as waves of laughter are forced out from her.

"BWAHAHAHAHAAA dahahammit! Haahaahahahaaa!"

Very nice, thank you!
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here's a gif i made of that scene from 'idol defense force hummingbird' i always loved this scene, they're playing a card game (prolly something like old maid) and the girl in subject ends up losing, and the girl in front of her is like,
time for the penalty which we all agreed on, and before she can get aways they all grab her, hold her down and tickle her, one of my favorite scenes

She didn't know how long the two silver-haired witches had been going at it, but it was enough for her to have wet herself at least once already. Their fiendishly dexterous tongues lapped and slurped over her feet, sending both bolts of tickly sensations through her body, and a tinge of pleasure as well.

"Pleeeheheease! Nohoo mohoore, I cahaa! I cahahan't tahahake it!"

Neither of the two respond to her verbally. Instead, they merely wrap their lips over several of the girl's toes at once and suck forcefully, forcing her to slump back against the wall with another hysterical screech.

She should have been able to pull away, but the combination of their grips, the tickling, and the odd warmth growing between her legs turned her muscles into jelly. Most of her strength seems to go towards gasping enough to let out the next wave of laughter.

"Noohohahaat thehehe tohohoes aahahaieeeheeehaahahaaa!"

Their lips drag down her soles back to her arches, nibbling and lapping at her saliva-soaked skin. Only better than her toes by a minor bit, the girl slumps down onto her side as she hugs herself, drool trickling out of the corner of her lips.

This will be the longest night of her life, and possibly the last if she can't get away in time...
How about the picture you posted? :D
Psst. I've got a 3 pic series of my anthro lugia gal Aurora being tickle tortured. Think you could write something up for each one? :>
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This is perfect, thanks mate

I see others are taking notice to you so I'll go ahead and take what I can get

Are you a writer ?
No, I'm actually a horsey. :U


oh you
Oh me~ <3

I've got a request for you.

Can you write a story about YOU being tickled by the reader reading the story that you're writing?

Ever seen any of the twenty plus some ideas this thread has come up with?
...I can try. ^^; No guaranties on how it'll come out...

I just wanted to see how you'd react to a request like that, and see how you take it on, hahahaa.

It does sound interesting
To be honest, I've always wondered what would happen if one of my own characters were to somehow come to life and then just kid nap me and just tickle-fuck me until I couldn't walk anymore.

My question is if that were to ever happen, would it count as incest?

It would count as fucking hot, I'll tell you that much.
... Touche. :O

Omnomnom, sexy character sex.

Any plans on sharing the thoughts of how such a situation might turn out, character-specifically?
Perhaps a classroom setting... protagonist is staring off into space, bored, and is doodling on her paper of one of her characters... suddenly, they begin to peal off the paper and that's where the fun would begin.

I was asking about your characters in specific, since you seemed to have some in mind~
I imagine my chars would be have quite the punishment in store for me for all the abuse I give them X3

Also I started up a tumblr blog dedicated to furfag tickles. Would anyone here be interested in the link?
how about for the pic you just posted there?

I am

Also it seems some mod or janitor really doesn't like that vampire picture.
Mods have been paying some more attention to these threads lately it seems. Part of the reason I feel apprehensive about posting furry stuff now :x

Until then here's the tumblr. I'm currently posting the best of my faves from DA so expect updates for the next hour or so


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That is so cool. If you were on dA or etc. I'd definitely watch you. Makes me wish there was a thumbs up/like system there for comments.
>Someone in the tickling thread on /soc/ is looking for people in NSW, Australia.
>Thats where I am.

Oh God the dudes probably like half an hour away from me, give or take.
Australia is a country made up of convicts so please be careful anon :)

Consider me envious

Guy has cute feet and from talking to him a bit sounds like fun.
I know we discussed it a little in the last thread, but can anyone recommend any real good "Bad End" type stories, just any where the tickling lasts forever, some kind of eternity thing.

Amusement Park Hysteria sort of fits the bill.
Someone mentioned that last time and I read it. It was pretty good. I know Invisible Ink writes a lot of those type on TMF, also, but those tend to be hit or miss for me.

Thanks for the recommendation though.

there was one in one of the MTJ sotry collections. I think it was called "training helena" or something.

Yeah, my other recommendation would be to look at the oldest stories on the TMF, since a good bit of them seem to be what you're looking for.
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I wrote a story featuring Yuki from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya ending up in that kind of situation. It was done as a gift for someone though, so I'm not really too interested in posting it anywhere.

Have this unrelated related picture, at least.
Oh come on really? Just going to tease like that?


Anyway that picture is AWESOME. Thanks for sharing it again.

You're in a thread where people openly discuss their love and fascination with tickle-torture, particularly using tickling to torture someone into pure madness, and then state that you have something many of them would surely want, but that you're never going to give it to them.

So, yeah...rethinking your position on that, or are we going to have to get vicious?
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Through perusing a few sites, I've found an image-preview to an awesome looking clip that I can't find the real name of. It just goes by "Gwen's Pits" (http://postimage.org/image/1szp9x4bo/) and I'd really like to find it. If anyone could help me out, I'd be hugely appreciative.
Times like these I wish I could find a good RP partner or something.

Even though my partner is open enough and has fun with the fetish, they really doesn't have that vicious killer spirit I yearn for sometimes.

I hear a lot of talking, but not nearly enough laughing. Am I going to have to fix that?
I don't think I'm the poster you were looking for. Far be it from me to get in your way!

Well, you're not the one I was talking about torturing, but you seemed to be expressing an interest in being subjected to it yourself. And if you are, well, put your tickle-spots where your mouth is and we'll see how ready you are to jump into something like that...

Doesn't matter, as long as you can laugh you'll do just fine.
Well I mean there's the obvious ones, armpits, feet, stomach.

I guess my favorite slightly irregular one is neck/ears. It's just a different sensation, and god help you if you're in a position where you can't crane your head or neck to defend them, because that alone puts you in a position of feeling ridiculously vulnerable, moreso than just not being able to move your arms or legs.

You do realize what you're getting yourself into, right?
Jeeze, that attitude really makes my stomach turn.
I mean, I constantly have this nightmare/fantasy about jumping into a situation like this and regretting it. Probably my single biggest fantasy is signing my self up for some kind of tickling I couldn't handle.
That's not saying I still wouldn't jump at it . . .

I guess what I'm saying is: I have an idea. . .

Well, if the previous guy doesn't show up, I suppose we could all amuse ourselves by torturing you instead, since you seem to be putting yourself on display for us. The God of Tickling cares not from where the laughter flows, only that it flows...

That's the general idea, it seems so fun and carefree at first but then it begins to become unbearable and you start to regret your decision. You want out!

It's too late though...

It's much too late.
Should I wear a collar to distinguish myself or something? Or is it more of a "Don't worry, we'll find you" situation

Oh, we'll find you. We're already hungry, and we smell the blood in the water. We're already coming, and it's only a matter of time. You already know it's going to start soon, what you don't know is when it's ever going to stop. IF it's ever going to stop. Maybe this is just your life now. Not much you'd be able to do about it.

I hope you like laughing.
I could just run you know . .

Where will you run?

Ha ha, oh wow, you think you can run?
I don't know, anywhere! Running, hiding, I'll figure something out of I need to

Who are you going to trust though?

You don't understand. You just don't understand.

We could be anywhere. We could be anyone. Anyone you know or see could be one of us. No matter where you run, no matter where you hide, we can see you. We can find you. We'll come for you, and when we do, it's over for you. It's time to accept your new life.

Go ahead. Run. Hide. Tire yourself out. Waste your time. We don't get tired. It's just a matter of time.
So then what do you want from me?
Skipping all the running, and hiding, what is it I have to do?

Give up.


Oh you should definitely do all those things, thrill of the hunt and all.

Just letting you know ahead of time it's all useless.
So then I guess I say something along the lines of "Make me!"

Our pleasure


Oh, we will. When you're strapped down in a dark room, unable to even see your hand in front of your face, surrounded by an unknowable number of invisible tickle-hungry assailants, stroking your ticklish spots, poking, exploring every inch of your sensitive body, your armpits, your sides, your belly, your feet, your neck and ears, your inner thighs, your hips, anywhere else we find gets a suitable reaction...you'll laugh. You'll laugh, and you'll beg. But will you beg for us to stop, or will you beg for more?

It doesn't matter either way. Your fate will be ours to decide.
Well I mean that is a lot of talking I hear, but honestly I'm questioning how much of it's just talk, or if you have any actual intention of even trying for a giggle.

Well, that would be because an extended RP between a couple of people in a thread like this would probably annoy more people than it would please.

The idea was to get the thoughts in your head, since that seemed to be what you wanted. Just something for you to enjoy if you wanted it.

Or you could drop a throwaway email or Skype address if you wanted to actually take it somewhere.
I was just curious if it was heading in the direction of some sort of RP. Eitherway what you sent so far was pretty great. But yeah there's a throw-away if you're interested. If not, the back and forth alone has been fun.

want so hard

I wish I was bi or gay and males tickling me wasn't a turn off, cuz all this stuff about being captured and non-consensually tortured is really hot.

Not bi at all, huh?

You know, being captured and tickled by other men for hours on end could do wonders at solving that issue, if you get my drift.

Yeah, I'm sure we could bring you around to it if you gave us the time.

I don't consider myself gay or bi at all, but this video:
Totally makes me think about switching teams.

I'm pretty straight myself, just don't have a problem with tickling some guys.
I can feel that.
I think it just gets weird the more bear-y someone gets. If the guy was a twink I don't think I'd have a single problem with it

I think if you were in that situation, it would be less a case of "thinking of switching teams" and more a case of "i'll do anything if you let me go!"....
Can't help but think for me it'd be "I'll do anything if you promise not to let me go."

Ha. Cute. I like that.

Same with me, the more masculine they are the less of a turn on it becomes.

http://www.dailymotion.com /video/xsxz4l_lukas-tickled_fun

I'd have no problem tickling this guy for example.
I think for me it come from being pretty much a twink myself, and being pretty much straight. The less like a big burly man the person looks, and more like myself, the more I can get into it

I've been thinking about tickling lately, and to have a machine with a feather at the end tickling my soles while I'm in stocks and my Master is away somewhere is delightful.

Drop me a line, maybe we can talk and ERP

Not at all. If it was girls doing the torture I would cream myself in the first 3 seconds. I don't mind RPing with males if their characters are females

IRL, if I were completely sensory deprived I guess I wouldn't be able to tell if males were tickling me. In that case I'd rather just be bound and helpless in front of a giant crowd though. Just an endless group of people ready to turn me into a puddle of tears and sweat and probably pee myself. I guess it comes back to that complete loss of control that turns me on while still not being something I'm objectively against. Like sure in the moment I would do anything for the tickling to stop, but if someone were to hurt me or something it wouldn't be fun anymore.
Where are the mods when you need a thread nuked? Jesus christ what is with all the RP shit shitting up every third or fourth tickle thread?
People like interacting, maybe meeting someone to RP with sure.
I mean yeah this is partially about sharing images but isn't it a bit of a community based thing to? I mean we do image dumps and shit, but sometimes maybe it's just fun to talk about your fetish with a group of like minded psychos.

Anyway that's just my 2 cents on the matter.
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I don't see a problem. You, on the other hand, have contributed nothing.

At least it keeps the thread active and is more interesting than just image dumps.

Don't you find it boring to scroll down an entire thread and realize either you seen all of the images except for the ones that don't interest you?
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I never got this mentality.

If you're gonna make stuff/have stuff done for you, what's the point in not posting it online?
Especially when they brag about having stuff no one else's seen.

Pictures, stories, whatever.

Best argument I got was that they're afraid someone else is going to post them to their accounts, but so what? They won't be able to make more, they won't gain fame from it and people who ask for sauce will still be led to the right place.

Only excusable one is photos, since it's much more personal. And even then, blurring the fave would solve most people's problems (not all).

tl;dr: Damn hoarders.
Well saying I've contributed nothing is swell and all, and with anonymous posting you'd be forgiven for not knowing I've posted in this thread a few times.

Nice typical canned response, though. Try harder next time, okay?

I guess so, but the people posting make me want to cringe hard. Plus the rp posts don't interest me in the slightest.

It's fer faggits, that RPing buziness.

The thing is, swapping a quick AIM screename or email would be painless but all this "I'm gonna tickle you coochy coochy coo~~~" stuff makes me want to barf.

That's why I've got to laugh when you guys wonder why this fetish is viewed as a fetish for helmet wearing retards and furries.
What's it like to be so hardcore?

The only thing I can say is that if you currently don't like what's going on in the thread then try starting a new topic, as long as it's not DA complaining.
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Good lord what is it with you people and shreaking like fucking banshees every time something you don't like happens? When its not for comics, it's DA kids, when it's not them it's sperglord screaming "FAGGOTS, FAAAAAAAAGOOOOOOTS!", it's always something.

You do realize you can carry on a variety of conversations at once, yeah? The posts have this nifty "see replies" function where you can see things related to what you want and ONLY what you want! Isn't that great?

Good lord man, calm your tits.
Trade secret, can't tell you.
As much of a tryhard little kiddo this guy is, he does bring a decent idea to mind:

I know we've discussed reviving the ATF or something like that, but what about just some place for those of us who enjoy RPing and stuff to get together, exchange emails or something. I really like what I read on these and would like to give it a try with some of you.

Any one else think this is a good idea? Or am I just thinking with my dick and this seems terrible?
And when it's not some sperglord screaming FAGGOTS, FAAAAAAAAGOOOOOOTS!" it's apparently some passive aggressive namefag who stumbled in here with some shitty western art.

Nice hypocritical post brah.
He might be a tryhard kiddy but the forums you guys post are always failures.

Sorry to point it out, but it's true. Through a lack of interest or the community shitting itself up everything will fall apart quickly.
You just seriously insulted Gardener James?
How long you been coming to these threads son.
I think you need to just stop posting for a moment and pull your head out of your ass.
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Like jesus, why not just post "YOU'RE A FAGGOT AND SHUT UP! >:c" next time?

Do you know why this fetish is ACTUALLY viewed as a bastion for spergs and furries? Huge temper tantrums caused by the slightest provocation, imagined or not. Kind of like what you're doing now.


Btw, specifically calling you a retard for screaming like a loon isn't 'passive aggressive", I literally called you retarded. Directly. Brah.
Oh brother. A white knight on /d/ now I've seen everything!

Just kidding, white nights are common in this shitty fetish, I suppose.

I've been coming to these threads since before people posted shitty roleplays in them, and before ticklervideo was going, too.

Back then this shitfest was only allowed on tuesdays. Those were the days.
All summer then.
My bad.
And Gardener over there has been the one who supplied these threads with like, 90% of their content back when, so yeah, I'm pretty grateful for that.
That wasn't what made you passive aggressive, son. Do you even english?

Repeating a word I used ironically makes you look passive aggressive too. I'm not surprised you get your pictures from tumblr, now.

hth :)
>talking out of his ass detected
My god, internet tough guys.
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Oh wow, a verteran! Too legit for me, it seems.

Let James give his own history lesson, though. You sound like one of those old ATF guys who would talk about how much TMF and TT sucked. This usually happened after they tried and failed to become popular there, and then they would generally denounce the fetish, claiming to only hang around tickle specific areas "for trolling".

Is that what's the matter, friend? Are you just a poor rejected "troll"?

Poor fella :c
I don't even know how ATF stands for? Or TMF. I don't go on fetish specific boards because their full of autists.

I guess you go there, right? lol

But yes I am a vet; I've been here since last christmas
11 months?
Holy shit, I thought that was some kind of joke. You're literally that meme kid.
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Wow, that's almost a whole year! :O

I'm willing to give the forum another shot or email as long as no one cares what my throw away one is called.
I'm trying to get this one going again. Let's see what we can do
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What do you like in your tickling stories? I've been trying to get back into the groove of writing them but everything feels so stale...

A good lead up to the main event.
I'm not too sure when it comes to stories, but with pics I find gang tickling armpits, ribs and feet when it's f/f never fails to elicit a boner if not outright cum almost on auto. Must be why I like the Gizen Yasan folder so much.


That's fucking poetic, man.

I'd like to chime in on this if I may. Last year I did a pair of commissions for a guy over on dA. Right away he insisted I not post it anywhere. I asked him why, and every time I did so, he would completely avoid the question and flat out ignore it entirely. Either he didn't know why himself, the reason was stupid/selfish or he was planning to post the work elsewhere and claim it was his. It was the first time anyone ever asked that of me and I was beyond confused.

Either way it sucks...those were two of the best commissions I had done that year! Girls in sexy lingerie on beds covered in furs tickling each other.

As long as no one is stupid enough to post more copyrighted content like last time. Did you REALLY think the powers that be would just overlook a place like that?

Shouldn't the artist retain certain distribution rights regarding said artwork? Either way that fucking blows man...


I'd refuse.
I do not know how artists put up with that. I'd state up front that posting was mandatory. If they didn't like that, tough! There are more reasonable comissioners out there.

When you're in a tight spot, money talks especially with what he paid. >_>
Hey, remember when I was talking about female politicians I wanna see tickled?

Gov. Nikki Haley

Fucking rawr <3

Actually I was just re-reading his email from way back...his attitude is since he paid for them, no one else should be able to see them but him. Fucking asshole...DX

What a trooper. That's real fun...
I also wanna see Anita Sarkeesian get tickled...
If only it was the only one....

There are dozens of these fuckers.

Use tickling to influence policy decisions?

Nah, diplomatic relations in some strange foreign land go horribly wrong and they show her their own brand of "negotiations"

Just as good

Have a scenario in mind?
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Maybe she gets tortured by spastic gamer men? Or a bunch of social justice lsoers mad at her taking their money with no result?

Idk, she just seems like the perfect uppity liberal douche that needs a nice, long tickle torture.
Can we combine this with that bad end thing we mentioned earlier?
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Am I the only one who wonders why there isn't more Mass Effect tickling?
(pic unrelated)

I'd be delighted.
>The commissioned work falls into one of the nine categories listed in the copyright statute. Of these, two of the most significant are contributions to a collective work (such as a magazine, newspaper, anthology, or encyclopedia) and works ordered as part of an audiovisual work (such as a contribution to a motion picture or videogame).

>If the commissioned work does not fall into one of these categories, it is NOT a work for hire, no matter what your contract says, and you still start out with all the rights. (Unfortunately, some contracts contain clauses broadly asserting that the work is for hire, even when there is little or no basis for that characterization.)

>Even if the commissioned work does come within one of the categories, it is not a work for hire unless:

> There is a written agreement explicitly saying the commissioned work is for hire, and

> Both the creator and the person ordering or commissioning the work sign the agreement.

>If there is no signed written agreement, then the work isn’t for hire, and you start out with all the rights. If there is a written agreement, it should be entered into before you create the work. Beware of after-the-fact attempts to take away your rights by calling the work “for hire,” for example by sending you a check whose endorsement line says that your signature is your agreement that the work was for hire.

I may agree with her, but I wouldn't mind helping her lighten up with some tickling.


No, I've wondered too sometimes.
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I think it was more he didn't want to piss off the dude dropping chance more than he doesn't think he's "allowed" to.

Of course this is apparently years ago? And I doubt the dude is still around to care.

*dropping change
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I was wondering where this was from, took me a bit but I found the source.
C'moooooon, is there anyway we can make you consider changing your mind?
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Does anyone here have FireFox-SF's artwork archived? Old, new, /f, or /m? I used to have it all stored on an external harddrive that decided to shit itself and die. Please /d/! You're my only hope!

I'll second this request

I'm assuming you have everything he posted on TT?

The only non-selfish reason I could think of was if they were paranoid about it being tied back to their real identity somehow.
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Roleplaying subforum added to ATF2/TickleTuesday

If you were interested.
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Is there any mention of tickling in non-Slavic mythologies or folklores?

He said last year and regardless he'd probably want to maintain a good reputation and not screw the guy over after their verbal agreement.
>>You are now thinking of how much more porn you would have if people shared it

do tell
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All his new stuff is on tickletheater
Would love a link. I do~ at times find the lack of fun roleplay kind of a downer. I'm not going to find it in TT, that's for sure. I also write, but my motivation to write has dwindled as I'm very fan motivated. One of my favorite things to do is write to art and pictures and to fill fantasies for others, as they tend to enrich my own. If you have a link to this, I would love it. Would be nice to share some of my shorts there too. :>
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I'll send it to you (and everybody) via email or DA link, since I'd rather not catch another ban. I assume you're the same Krystalmyth on DA?
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Interpretive dance is a great place to start.

On a less silly note, I already sent an email to the person I wrote it for earlier today. It was written as a gift for them, so I'd like to make sure they would be okay with it being posted publicly first. If they give me the all clear I'll post it.
Mm~ yes. :3



These are the only two I can remember off the top of my head.

Perhaps it's more than coincidence that I have a tickling fetish.

The Ovda of Finland: http://www.godchecker.com/pantheon/finnish-mythology.php?deity=OVDA
Just wanted you to know that I'm a huge fan of your writing. I tried to write something once, but it just kinda sucked and I haven't messed with it since. It must take a lot of work for you to write such nice pieces. You have a fan in me, at least.
source of the picture?
Aw, ty~ I honestly never realized how many people like my stories. I only have so many... I should write one, like this week. :) I haven't really bothered to check anything tickling related in so long.

When you write about tickling and see tickle art like this way too often~ it just becomes something you really want to do rather than write about. <3 Haha~

If someone has a pic they'd like a story written about, post one or link to one in this thread you like. Maybe it'll inspire me.

Any criteria for the picture?
I have a preference for /f~ but I'm okee with anythings. I love machines and the like too but, who doesn't~?

All right

Does the lee have to be an original character or are characters from games, movies, etc fine?

can anyone solve this and post the answer?

People are always more quick to praise when they hear it's a chick writing/drawing/etc.

Got it on my first go. Pree fun. Here's the answer if you're too lazy to work it out yourself

Blaze: 5
Amy: 3
Cream: 4
Vanilla: 6
Rouge : 2
Oh man, I love your stories on deviantart (then again, the least I can say about it is that it's spellchecked). I didn't know you were ctually still alive and kicking, mind if I post an image to your deviantart?
Is that Anon from the thread on /soc/ who was talking about doing an RP here?

Hate it when people alter art like this...the original was Poison Ivy, not a Nazi chick.

Who the fuck cares? If I had the skills I'd alter plenty of art to something I wanted to see more. These aren't masterpieces man, its just dime-a-dozen fap art.
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This isn't hentai-related, but there was this really hot video, I think it might have been on Nico Nico Douga (and for all I know got deleted the day I saw it), that had a girl in her undergarments on a riding machine while she got tickled all over. Finding it was complete luck since I've been using Google translate for this kind of thing, and now I can't find it again. If someone can find it I'll upload a bunch of material.
I don't know if you've read her stories, but I'd be praising her even if she were a 50 year old man.

Aaaaaand it's attitudes like this that contribute to most fetish artists being moody and bitchy. Just because they're not masterpieces doesn't mean the artists don't have a sense of pride of dignity in what they do.
I just gotta expand on this and say I'm fairly critical of my own work, but I get nothing but positive feedback, even on the weirder shit I've drawn for people. Fetishists are pretty damn easy to please, I've noticed, and don't get me wrong, looking through my favorites, I'd say the same about myself.

But I want to improve, regardless. Don't get me wrong, I love the praise I get for the pictures i defecate onto everyone's screens, but a constructive critique would be nice. or hell, even a flat out 'this is why this picture sucks and you should burn in hell' rant. I really, REALLY don't want my work to just stagnate at a point and end up like snailshell or metarix...

Well the main point of this discussion is altering other peoples artwork without permission and with little regard for the original artist. What are your thoughts on that?

Sadly its a reflection of the digital age where its harder to enforce anything like that. Media can be altered or edited a 100 times over and scattered across the web and you'd never know.

To be honest some people who do this are pretty damn talented in their own right. That one guy who edited one of Katadude's furry tickling images to make the lee look human rather than a mouse girl was really masterful work. You couldn't even tell it had been edited.

If artists want to throw a bitch fit over it then that's their problem. They still have the original versions of said art regardless.
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Does anyone else not understand the "shrink down tiny and go into a womans shoe for a day" part of the foot fetish? Seems to be incredibly popular and I for the life of me don't get it.

That's more macro fetishism than anything else, which tends to mix with foot fetish and, by extent, tickling. It's basically a fetish version of Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon.

Yeah well you'd think most of us would have a lot of loyalty and respect to the fetish community that made us feel somewhat non-perverted for the first time in our lives that a lot of the content therein would be more sacred to us...I dunno at least thats how I feel.

back when I was more vanilla ( IE couldn't fap with any furries in the picture ) I wanted to alter one of Firefox's pics so that the lee was a human. He got kinda mad when I asked him. I get it, but It was for ...personal use .

I don't entirely get it, If its just on someone's own computer and only they're fapping to it, I could care less if people replaced all the faces in my drawings with Gary Busey's
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Be careful what you wish for! HA-HA!!

*runs off into the night*

*slow motion applause*

Great...that image is now burned into the back of my retinas...thank you for that.
Fuck you, I'll fap to it anyway.

If the guy who you were responding to was the guy who made the original image though, I'd be fucking ecstatic.


...it's porn, dude.

I mean I'm glad that some people feel more secure that there's others like them out there, but it's a fetish, not a religion.



If it was my work, that really depends on what alterations were made.

It could be a 'Heh, look at that..' or a 'What, was it not good enough for you?'.
I remember I once found a yahoo group with a bunch of Tukano's old work that I couldn't find anywhere, except they were badly edited into hairy male victims.

I raged.

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