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  • File : 1316076460.png-(67 KB, 416x339, book_bmh_w416_nocartoons.png)
    67 KB Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)04:47 No.3754099  
    I didn't find a thread about it here, maybe its forbiden to make such threads, I dunno, but /d/ what do you think about this book? Are you agree with it's idea or not?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)04:50 No.3754104
    And youtube link
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)04:52 No.3754111
    Written by hacks and charlatans under false pretenses and using bad methodology. Do a bit of googling.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)04:55 No.3754117
    samefag spamming same youtube link for cash

    Mods have removed many of these threads

    please do not feed this spam monkey by visiting this link

    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)05:08 No.3754145
    What, does anyone really could get money from youtube link?
    And this is not my video.
    This criticism looks really weak, I haven't read the book but I think this text just lacks any solid objections, it's just some ramble of a mad feminist.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)05:11 No.3754151
    Only a fuckin retard does not know youtube pays

    Only a spammer keeps making the same thread with the same link after the mods repeatedly remove them
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)05:19 No.3754166
    Oh seriosly, this is strange because when I was uploading my videos I haven't received even a cent.

    Also could anybody here recomend me some literature or any other kind of information that explains what stays behind the sexual fetishes, recently I've become really interested in it.
    inb4 Freid
    >> Ears !TWJkGI7GmY 09/15/11(Thu)05:27 No.3754171
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)05:27 No.3754172
    Why can't we just have a normal discussion here?
    I watched the video and it all looks completely reasonable to me.
    >> Ears !TWJkGI7GmY 09/15/11(Thu)05:28 No.3754173
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    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)05:33 No.3754177
    No, really, maybe I just missed all discussions about it, but I think that this theme is interesting, why does nobody want to talk about it?
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)05:50 No.3754188
    Just tell me, does this book worth reading and does it have any right ideas in it and I'll delete this thread if you hate it so much.
    >> Ears !TWJkGI7GmY 09/15/11(Thu)05:53 No.3754189
    Because I can't fap to books.
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)05:55 No.3754190
    I can
    >> Ears !TWJkGI7GmY 09/15/11(Thu)06:00 No.3754193
    Carry on then
    >> Anonymous 09/15/11(Thu)06:11 No.3754199
    Just watch the video and think about it by yourself.

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