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  • File : 1315787911.jpg-(559 KB, 850x799, sample_4e7f6468f8f39c1d4c469a610f5846e9..jpg)
    559 KB Imagining-having-different-genitals General Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)20:38 No.3748477  
    Women, describe what having a pussy is like to the anons of /d/.

    Men, describe what having a cock is like to the femanons of /d/.

    Now remember, don't just say something simple like "Hurr durr its like having a penos it feels gud when u rub et", actually describe it. How does it feel when you wear a bathing suit? How does it feel when your cock "Jumps"? How does it feel right after an orgasm? Actually give it a try.

    You're free to ask questions. Please try to post pictures when you respond.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)20:47 No.3748488
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    This is interesting, I'd probably need some thought to reflect, but I'll bump it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)20:54 No.3748498
    Kinda hard to explain what having a penis is like
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)20:57 No.3748507
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    To the femanons, then.

    They way i can sort of describe it for myself is that feeling you get the first time you go up in a plane, or when you go off a steep hill on a roller coaster. The peak of that, concentrated on the spot right below and under the glans, where a lot of nerves are apparently. Pressure builds as it enlarges and for me the lower half becomes more sensitive, each touch providing more of that concentrated rise.

    Wearing a bathing suit isn't exactly eventful for me, male ones at least.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:03 No.3748514
    It's always odd feeling the momentum of your balls and cock dangling down beneath when you're naked. Another unexpected thing about having a c&b is how much the texture of the flesh changes with temperature... in a cold environment it bunches really tight, keeping the important stuff close to the body, while in a warmer place the scrotum relaxes and holds the balls loosely. Also they twitch unexpectedly when someone touches your upper leg :3
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:05 No.3748517
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    -For the "Jump" Or twitch, it's more of a surge, then a tighter feeling inside, below the skin and against it as the blood courses through. I usually feel my pulse in mine.

    After orgasming is probably my most irritable. Myself, It becomes extremely sensitive, not the steep-hill feeling of before, more of stomach churning, ticklish one. I suppose it'd make for great torture play.

    Though, i hope there are some femanons. I'm Body-dismorphic and possibly Trans and I'd like to know something of the fairer sex's experiences as I may never know them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:07 No.3748520
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    Having a penis kinda sucks actually. It's a part of your body you can't control. If it wants to become rigid, by god, it will become rigid. It really hurts to get a boner while wearing jeans. It is messy. When you cum it gets everywhere. And if you don't wash it, it and your balls get this terrible funky smell to them. Terrible. The only benefit is anywhere you can stand you can pee. But I'd much rather have a cunt.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:07 No.3748521
    It wants me to do things, and when it has had its fun, it wants me to feel bad about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:10 No.3748525
    A cunt and a short catheter up the urethra, is probably a convenient combination. No dangling bits that hurt when flopped around, but upright tidy urination.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:11 No.3748528
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    I actually like the feeling of it in jeans, but only if it's down the leg. The pressure is pretty great.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:12 No.3748530
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    Squeezing your dick muscles kind of makes it feel like there's something in your ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:15 No.3748535
    I can't point downward during an erection, without the worst pain imaginable. When it is hard, it has almost no flexibility or range of motion.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:15 No.3748538
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    If it's just an average day, how wet a pussy is has a tendency to vary. You might reach down there to scratch and find that you're soaking, you might get ready to fap and find yourself dry as a pile of bones. Either way, you're guaranteed to get very wet after an orgasm. Rubbing your clitoris is hard to describe. It's sort of like a little spark of electricity, it's sort of like that feeling of walking into a thoroughly air conditioned room after taking a jog in the summer. I'll assume that male orgasms and female orgasms are a little similar, because I sure as hell can't explain an orgasm as a girl. After an orgasm your labia minora gets a tiny bit sore. Not sore enough to be bad or last for a long period of time, just all swollen.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:16 No.3748542
    And in contrast, I naturally point straight up and am extremely turgid, but I can still move any which way with no problem. It just snaps back into place if I let go of it.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:17 No.3748543
    cocktain's log: Medications may interfere with ability to perform when desired. Sometimes it won't get hard no matter how much stimulus, other times you can't reach orgasm, just a rigid shaft that refuses to give up it's cookies.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:18 No.3748545
    I was referring to when you're sitting somewhere you can't move, and the jeans are tight across your crotch. I agree, if there is somewhere for it to go other than straight out, that's when it's pleasurable.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:18 No.3748547
    man doesn't it seem like the labia minora would feel just the same as the scrotum? like if you got a bit of it and rubbed it between your fingers, the sensation would probably be almost identical
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:19 No.3748548
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    >After an orgasm your labia minora gets a tiny bit sore. Not sore enough to be bad or last for a long period of time, just all swollen.

    Same thing happens to my testes after I cum particularly hard.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:22 No.3748549
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    How does being in a guy's ass feel, or anybody's ass feel? What about getting your cock sucked or throatfucking?

    Alternately, how does cbt feel? (Other than feeling like unimaginable pain, of course.)
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:22 No.3748550
    My scrotum is far more sensitive than other areas, but not in a sexual way or even a ticklish way. It's just a dangling thing that I would rather not injure. Having it touched is more of a mental win than any kind of actual erogenous experience.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:27 No.3748555
    If I happen to develop an erection while I need to pee, the erection will get stuck that way. While I'm erect I physically can't pee, and when I need to pee, it's hard to rub one out past the painful distraction.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:27 No.3748558

    In this case, the labia minora feels just like that. Except for the sore part i'd assume.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:30 No.3748561
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    Very warm and wet. Getting your cock squeezed makes the sensation of anything gliding along your glans or foreskin a lot more intense. Other than the sexual sensations, it's a lot like sucking on your finger.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:34 No.3748563
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    I concur. It's pleasurable, the warmth and wetness of it all helps experience that rise easier. The cool air outside of the maw is pleasurable too, contrast is always nice.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:34 No.3748564
    Yeah. Every time I try to cancel a morning wood into waking urination, the combo doesn't go off. Maybe I should try using short instead of forward... posting from phone, I will contribute /d when I get to my compy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:45 No.3748568
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    When I'm aroused, I can physically feel the blood rushing to my genitals. my labia get swollen and I can feel the sensation of my wetness slowly spreading out from my cunt and beginning to roll down twards my asshole. Sometimes I can even feel the throb as the blood ebbs and flows with my heartbeat.

    Everything feels much larger. THe arousal is insistent, calling to be touched - almost like an itch, or the sensation when you have a mosquito bite or the aftereffects of BenGay or Icy-Hot. It needs to be touched.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:47 No.3748571
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    Having a big dick makes it hard to wear tight clothing without showing off for the world. It's kind of an appealing idea, but at the same time I wish I could just tuck my business away easier without hurting myself.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:50 No.3748574
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    As a girl it's pretty easy to get sore. If he's hitting the right spot though, it feels really good. There's sorta like a jump in your stomach whenever it hits. (Does that make sense?)

    Being stretched is sort of like being pricked a bit with a needle. It doesn't really bother you, if you're taking a dick or a vibrator for the first time then you should expect it.

    >Dat feel when you shave and the outer lips are smooth and moist-feeling
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:57 No.3748581
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    A cock or dildo hitting your cervix makes it hurt behind your bellybutton. It's a dull pain, and it merges with the arousal of fucking to make it a good pain. Sure, it hurts, but it hurts because oh god, I'm being fucked, please, more.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:58 No.3748582
    I'm a guy but I'm not the best person to ask this since I'm a forever alone permavirgin and I have severe crippling impotence due to a botched circumcision I had as a kid. I've never been fully hard in my life and my mangled, ruined cock can't feel any pleasure because all the skin is covered from scar tissue after multiple surgeries trying to fix it. The only pleasurable sensation I can get while fapping is crushingly tight pressure, stroking does nothing.

    Cue sadfrog.jpg
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)21:59 No.3748584
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    What about breasts femanons? In bikinis or rubbing against things specifically.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:01 No.3748589
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    What Uncut feels like:

    When you are fully sheithed walking around and stuff there is no difference, but there's sort of a big difference for me between it being sheithed and fully retracted from an arousal perspective. I can certainly get erections while shiethed, but pulling back my foreskin before I get busy always gets me harder quicker. Your glans is more sensitive when you remain uncut. (I can't walk around retracted, it rubs too much and I get an erection), the sensation is like having a ring of pressure rubbing down the tip of your penis until the flared edges of the glans traps the foreskin underneath the head. This also pressure-traps the blood in the glans a bit, which feels very good.

    It feels really good to slowly go back and fourth between foreskin "on" and "off", the ring of pressure and friction feeling similar in sensation to penetration. My frenulum is intact and SUPER sensitive, there's a small strip of skin that feels like a large vein where the foreskin meets at the back of the glans head. It's a huge cluster of nerve endings and stroking it with a lubed finger gives me impossible hardness in my erections.

    putting lube on my glans and then retracting my foreskin over it feels fucking amazing as well. Like my penis head in is it's own warm, wet cuccoon.

    My current fuck buddy likes uncut guys cause she says it's less lube for a handjob and it gives girls a good first move when a guy pulls down his pants. Don't know how true that is across the board.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:10 No.3748602
    I love uncut cocks. The American obsession with circ makes me sad.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:11 No.3748604
    This thread gives me the impression that women enjoy sex more than men, as if they feel it through their body more. Tell me women, are you really capable of multiple orgasms? Whats the deal with that? Can it be done intentionally? What is the limit?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:12 No.3748605
    >THe arousal is insistent, calling to be touched - almost like an itch, or the sensation when you have a mosquito bite or the aftereffects of BenGay or Icy-Hot. It needs to be touched.

    I find this the same with my cock, but only when I'm genuinely aroused. If I get hard for no reason (accidentally rubbing your dick on something, morning wood etc.) I don't get that urge.

    When I'm with a woman though and genuinely aroused I feel the need to have it touched big time.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:15 No.3748607
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    Stuffing my tits in clothing doesn't do anything for me other than sometimes make my chest sweaty and itchy as hell. My nipples are sensitive if I give them gentle attention, but I can tug on them, have them pierced, get them slapped around and squeezed without feeling anything particularly intense. I also lactate whenever they press up against anything due to my HRT regimen (I'm MTF), which is really fucking annoying.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:18 No.3748612
    sorta this. I mean I like having a penis, but having a vagina would be equally as awesome.

    It's just like this 'thing' that is always there and if you flex the muscle you use to take a shit, then you can move it and flex it.

    But, if you have one horny thought for a SPLIT SECOND, it inflates like a balloon and then you have to not think about it (because what if it happens in a public place?).

    Also, to note, it is a PITA to pee when you have an erection. It's like constipation, you want to pee and you have to force it out basically. Its almost a lose-lose situation, because every time you flex it, you get harder, but its harder to piss.

    You have to lose it entirely, to get anything done
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:23 No.3748615
    it's said that women get about 10 times as much pleasure from sex as men do. How that's measured, I have no fucking clue.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:23 No.3748617
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    That's good to know. I'm usually really hesitant to hilt a girl, even slowly, because I've heard horror stories about the amount of pain involved. You make it sound more along the lines of anal stimulation.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:24 No.3748619
    to femanons
    having a penis is like having a lump in between your legs
    it gets in the way and tries its damndest to embarrass you
    it makes you less flexible
    it is a prime target for self defense
    >ergo, be fucking careful
    people judge you on not only the size of your penis, but if you're circumcised, do you trim, shape, etc
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:26 No.3748621
    Breasts are like having bags of sand attached to your chest. Mine aren't very sensitive, so I don't get any sort of pleasure from touching them or anything. When I squeeze them, they have sort of a fibrous internal texture, not anything remotely like a hentai will have you believe.

    They're alright, but I wouldn't recommend having them, based on my experience.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:27 No.3748624
    femanons should post pics somewhere and link us if there hot
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:28 No.3748626
    nooo, embrace your milky lifestyle! find a nice adult nursing partner to develop it further.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:28 No.3748627
    well (i know this is drifting off topic but...) it's how i pee when i'm hard:
    >calm the fuck down and empty your mind
    >bend over toilets, lower knees, in other words, aim using your whole body
    >relax and release it all
    and if it still doesn't work, think about your turnoffs and a huge amount of water flowing (so basically a grandma in the Niagara falls)
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:32 No.3748634
    But can they attain a long chain of continuous orgasms?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:33 No.3748635
    i like this conversation
    also, somewhat considering tg surgery
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:34 No.3748636
    I would say that it depends on a whole lot of factors:
    How big you are, how deep the woman is (and it differs from woman to woman), how aroused she is at the time, her personal inclination towards a bit of pain during sex. Any and all of those can and will affect whether or not it's a pleasurable or uncomfortable experience for the woman. For example, read an account by a woman who preferred anal sex simply because she was a small woman and had a very shallow pussy (vague memory of her claiming to only be about 4" deep). Normal sex was uncomfortable for her most of the time because guys would slam against her cervix too hard for her to enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:34 No.3748637
    LOL, I have occasionally pissed while upside down, just to correct for erection aim.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:35 No.3748638
    You know what's fun? Wearing tight jeans, sitting down, and just rocking your hips so your pussy grinds over the crotch seam. I do it all the time, in public too. I don't get off from it, but it feels good. Like scratching an itch. I guess that's a nice thing about being a girl; all your sex organs are all neatly (compared to men) tucked away.

    What do guys do if they get a boner in public? Do you do the "think unsexy things"?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:36 No.3748641
    covertly adjust my pants
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:37 No.3748643

    It only works if I'm hot though. If we've just started fucking or there wasn't enough foreplay for me to get going, it's less fun pain than ouch pain.

    If you're likely to be hitting her cervix, try first in a position where you can watch her face and see if she's wincing in pain or getting the mixed pain/pleasure.

    My husband likes it when I talk dirty so I tell him how much I like to feel his big hard cock filling me, fucking his little whore so deep, so far in me that there's no more room, etc. Dirty talk makes communicating during sex less goofy (though it sounds goofy afterwards!).
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:37 No.3748644
    Either adjust it so it's not obvious or do the old 'flip it under the belt' trick when no one's looking.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:38 No.3748646
    Fuck no i do the exact same thing, i just remember to wear a tall size shirt so when it pops out i dont get arrested. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:38 No.3748647
    With any luck, I am pointing upward before it develops, so it can just comfortably slip up into my waistband. If I was pointing the wrong way when flaccid, the erection will not have room to grow, and it will demand that I make manual adjustments to my aim.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:40 No.3748650
    occasionally Ill flex it, if its a particularly hard one, against my jeans makes me want to fap instantly typically though I just ignore it
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:41 No.3748652
    Intense mental control! although a friend who isn't afraid to divulge way too much info, will go to a bathroom and fap it out of his system.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:41 No.3748655
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    I just try to think about something else or just sit down, preferably behind something, if I can afford to daydream. I already wear tight underwear and jeans most of the time as previously mentioned, so it's not really going anywhere. It just get squeezed flat against my lower abdomen.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:41 No.3748656
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    Another one from the male perspective.

    Sometimes I start masturbating before I get aroused, but I think it will be more informative if I describe when I get aroused first. As I start getting aroused, it starts feeling warm down there, and it kinda aches to be touched, and demands attention. Depending on how aroused I am, it can be very hard to focus on anything else like this, and if no one's around, I'll usually at least squeeze it a little through my pants. Squeezing it like that is, I suppose, a little like massaging a stiff muscle, just without any pain. Also depending on how aroused I am, it will probably also grow hard at some point during this, and I can feel it strain against my pants, which feels about the same as squeezing it with my pants. Sometimes I also like flexing it so it gets squeezed more tightly.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:42 No.3748660
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    Then, assuming I actually intend to masturbate, I'll take it out and let it be liberated, which feels particularly good if I'm very hard. Just having an unrestrained erection is a feeling in itself. I can feel every inch of it at this point, and my mind tends to wander to how nice it would feel to have something wrapped around it. And if I do reach full erection, there's also a feeling of power. Hard to describe, but I think it's why so many guys like comparing their cocks to weapons, no matter how corny that is. Without looking at it or touching it, you can just sense the presence of a large blunt object there, which physically craves to be used on something.

    When it comes to actually masturbating, I tend to go over to stroking. I'm uncut, so my favorite method is to just let my foreskin slide back and forth over the glans, while also squeezing along the shaft. It's hard to explain how the former feels, it's not quite like touching the glans directly, I just feel the friction between the glans and the foreskin. If you take your finger over your arm and brush lightly over it back and forth, it's kinda the same feeling, but, of course, many, many times more pleasurable. Squeezing along the shaft is also a very good feeling, though I couldn't masturbate with that along. It makes the whole shaft feel more rigid, as if to counter the squeeze. I think the rest can be summed up as touching varying degrees of sensitive skin, the most sensitive being that string on the underside (too sensitive for me to even dare touching), then the glans (too sensitive for me to touch without lube, since I'm uncut, and even with lube, I'd be very careful with how hard I rub it), then the foreskin and lastly the skin along the rest of the shaft.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:43 No.3748663
    Oh, yeah, on multiples: I can and do attain multiple orgasms, but it's almost always because I'm using a vibe. I've only multipled once during sex, and I really miss that guy.

    It's like riding waves - I've just come over the hill of the first orgasm (lady orgasms can last like 10-30 seconds, I think, and I know mine have lasted what feels like forever but was probably only 20 seconds), but it feels so good that I can't pull the vibe away from my clit... and by the time I feel like I could take it away, i don't want to, because I can feel the swell of the second one beginning to approach and I'm grinding my hips and pushing against the vibe because I can feel it coming.

    I had an image comparing male arousal and orgasm to female (single) and female (multiple) - basically the dude pattern is a big peak and a fast drop-off then a slow refractory period; the single lady is Everest, and the lady multiple is like a smaller mountain range. They're not giant orgasms like the single, but if you add them up, they probably come to more than the single female. Gah, that's a stupid description. Sorry.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:43 No.3748664
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    So, as I've stroked for a bit, I will eventually feel a very distinct build up, noticeable by how it feels better and better. I think sensitivity peaks fairly early, but arousal keeps going up, and it's nearly impossible to not want to speed up and get closer to the edge. There's also an abstract feeling of pressure, a need to get over that edge. Since masturbation feels best at this point, many guys like delaying their climax and stick around at this peak for a little longer, but due to the previously mentioned pressure, it can be extremely frustrating if done for too long. I would describe the orgasm itself as a mix of euphoria and the physical feeling of cum pumping out of you, which in itself feels very good if you have a lot of it saved up. Usually it's more practical to just block off the ejaculation, but my favorite way to orgasm is while standing up and letting it shoot freely. But I rarely grant myself this luxury, since I always end up hitting some place I shouldn't have hit, and I'm not in the mood for a clean up when I'm done. The moments after ejaculating are quite precious too, I can just relax and feel that everything is right in the world. Some of my best naps have been after-fap naps.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:44 No.3748666
    If my dick gets enough rapid attention after I cum, it can stay ridged instead of going flaccid, but I will still not be able to cum again for another cycle's duration, it will just just be joyless stimulation.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:46 No.3748672
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    Not a problem, it's been bad so it goes into the jail house.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:50 No.3748674
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    My husband can do that, but he never said that it was a sad joyless second orgasm.

    Good to know! Now I'm sorry for all the times I pretty much forced him to cum a second time. :(
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:51 No.3748676
    As a male, my orgasm last a fraction of a second. I can tell when it is approaching, which feels mostly good, like lots of little orgasms, but once it actually arrives, the show is over.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:51 No.3748677
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    I can actually achieve multiple orgasms with my dick, though I've never done it with a partner. Instead of resting after I cum, I speed up my stroking with my spunked-up hand and don't stop for a moment. It starts to build up again relatively quickly, except there's a sharp prick of pain "between" the stronger post-orgasmic sensations which spreads until I explode again after a minute or two. It feels even better than the first orgasm, but also a bit like I'm ramming something down my urethra.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:52 No.3748678
    don't be sad, if you've trained him well, he gets pleasure from making you happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:54 No.3748682
    i've done that once
    never achieved it again
    >> Trap 09/11/11(Sun)22:55 No.3748685
    that's about how I do it too, I can sometimes even get a third off but it takes a lot of work
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:56 No.3748687
    don't change your habits, you'll likely make him depressed thinking you feel he can't last for that second orgasm anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:57 No.3748690

    I've done that before, but it is pretty intense.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:57 No.3748691
    Once the 15 or so minutes between cycles is up, the second one is good, but there is a good 10 minutes where my dick would rather I rest and feel bad about having ever felt pleasure.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)22:58 No.3748692
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    Yeah. After the second one, my dick starts going numb.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:00 No.3748696
    Guy here,

    I've had an odd multiple experience, technique wise was similar to the guy above, but when I climaxed the second time, nothing came out, but the sensation felt like I had just came. The build up, the tightening, mental fireworks. Stayed rigid afterwards too. Anyone else have ghost cum?
    >> Trap 09/11/11(Sun)23:01 No.3748698
    it's not so much numb for me as I have to use a lot more speed and force which gets really tiring

    and the third one usually isn't as good so unless I'm really into it it's not worth it
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:02 No.3748699
    Pumping an empty well hurts.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:02 No.3748700
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    That sucks for you. Mine last 15-30 seconds and I still get pleasurable little twitches for up to a couple minutes afterward.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:03 No.3748701
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    Is there any easy way to archive /d/ threads> Because I would like this thread archived.

    Oh, yeah, post-sex. After sex, if I haven't cum, my pussy feels tender, almost raw, and for a while I can feel how empty it is. Like if you've had a sucker or a straw in your mouth and you take it out and for a moment your mouth feels incomplete, or if you've been resting your hands a certain way for a while and you move one and it suddenly feels wrong.

    The feeling slowly fades as my arousal goes away until I'm back to baseline (i.e. my pussy feels just like the rest of me).

    Now, post-sex if I've cum, my pussy doesn't feel so raw or empty because I've got the drowsy glow of an orgasm covering it over. It's one heck of a high, and I sometimes feel like my brain has switched off just during an big orgasm, like as I got closer and closer my brain power got less and less because I was so focused on cumming, and now I've cum, I'm stupid until I recover.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:04 No.3748704
    Multiple orgasms are pointless if they're it's just something you technically could do if you wanted to, but gives no pleasure. I recall one occasion doing it 3 times in a row, but after just giving it a try, I never saw any point in trying again, since it just doesn't feel good enough to be worth the effort.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:06 No.3748709
    Since women appear to feel sex more thoroughly, can they experience pleasure to a point that it drowns out their other senses? I'm mentally planning a series of experiments on the subject.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:08 No.3748717
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    I usually splatter a little extra unless I've jerked off earlier in the day, but yeah, your prostate was milked dry. Also I'm not a guy, strictly speaking (>>3748607) which might explain the ease with which I can shoot off twice in a row. Maybe not, though, I've been doing it since I was ten.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:10 No.3748719
    congrats, you had a dry orgasm.
    it always happen after the 3rd or 4th time in a row (well not exactly in a row but don't wait too much)
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:10 No.3748721
    Question to the ladies,

    I once knew a girl who really had a thing for having her breasts played with, and swore she could orgasm just from that alone, is this really possible? I've never found anyone else who ever made such a claim.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:13 No.3748727
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    Sensory overload? That's hot.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:16 No.3748732

    As a guy, I'll describe my orgasm in my own special way:

    Feels good, Feels good, Feels good, Feels good, Feeling even better, better, better, *getting close to orgasm* feeling fucking great, great, great, *the point where you can feel your orgasm imminent and cum* HOLY FUCK FEELS FUCKING GREAT, *immediately after cumming*, still feels good, good, good, and slowly fades from there.

    Hope that helped
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:17 No.3748735

    My girlfriend can, has, and will continue to have them.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:21 No.3748742
    Sadly for me it's like
    "Feels good, feels good... nope, can't feel anythiOHSHIT WAIT WAIT WHAT- okay now I'm done... why in the FUCK did I just do that?"
    Basically masturbating is pointless, the pleasure doesn't last long enough to make me feel satisfied, I always feel bad after I masturbate
    >> Trap 09/11/11(Sun)23:23 No.3748749
    I can almost do it, so I believe it's entirely possible
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:24 No.3748751
    I have made my gf orgasm from playing from her breasts, and from just sucking on her neck.

    Totally possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:25 No.3748752

    Personally? Not exactly. I can get to a point where the only thoughts in my head are fucking and the feeling in my body and the filthy images I'm conjuring up in my mind and words (how I want to be ripped apart, bite me, fuck my tight asshole, look how spread out I am for your cock, fuck me, I'm yours, I'm your little whore, use me, take me, keep me forever, just don't stop, I'll do anything for you, fuck me, jam that cock in my tight little body, gag me, hurt me, I want to feel your hot cum in me, etc etc).

    I am still thinking, but I'm only thinking about sex and nothing else will get in my brain.

    Right before orgasm I'll usually have the same thought echo over and over (usually the last thing I was imagining). I'm very verbally-focused so usually it's words rather than an image.

    (CAPCHA - township icincest. Ha!)
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:25 No.3748753
    If she isn't faking it, and women really can enjoy sexual stimulation this much, than I truly envy you.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:30 No.3748760
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    O yeah, on tits. I once almost came just from having my nipples played with, but I was also coming off almost three straight days of teasing and denial so I think I was working on a short fuse, as it were. I was also lactating at the time (some hormonal mixup, I was 18 at the time and I've never had kids and never will) so I think that might have played into it.

    I believe there are women it works for, and I envy them (right up until they have children and have to deal with the weird mental ballet of coping with almost cumming when your baby's feeding).
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:38 No.3748770
    I got monmusu quest and after bringing myself to near orgasm for about six hours I accidentally let it out. Afterward I felt like I had another one in me, so I loaded up Aru (let her eat me) and came again hard, best night ever.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:40 No.3748777
    Okay ladies.... the difficulties of having boy parts are greatly exaggerated in this thread. For the most part it's very easy. I'd imagine any difficulties involved in having them are way easier than having to endure the monthly hell women do.

    That said, the worst part of it is that your junk sometimes doesn't "settle" the way you'd like and needs to be manually adjusted (as in, the classic crotch grab). There's a reason why men do that: if you don't, it chaffs. It's not painful, but it's uncomfortable for sure.

    Sticking things on your lap isn't really a problem. Most of the discomfort comes from the balls, which pretty much sit under your lap, rather than on it. You can set a considerable deal of weight on your lap and squish your dick against your lower ab and it doesn't hurt. As long as it's not with anything sharp.

    If you are clothed and your dick is pointed downward when you get an erection, you pretty much have to crotch grab to get it pointed upward or it'll push against your clothes as it tries to get up. Whether or not that turns you on I guess is preference, but I just find it to be uncomfortable. Either way it's very noticable if you're somewhere public -- way more noticable than a stealthy crotch grab.

    I've never really had to hide an erection after I had a full one -- I never understood how there was always all this talk about boys trying to hide their erections. Maybe I just wear looser fitting clothes than other people?

    Generally, having your penis pointed upward is just way more comfortable overall, even when limp. Having it pointed down is more prone to chaffing since it basically gets pushed against your balls.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:41 No.3748781
    Trying to pee with an erection is difficult only if you try to force your penis to point down. If you're standing up, forget about it... you're better off waiting until you go limp. Otherwise if you don't care if you piss upward (in the shower? sex thing?) it's no more difficult erect than limp.

    When I have to piss with an erection I sit down and bend over on the toilet so my back is close to being parallel with the floor. Then I can point my dick downward enough without stopping the flow. I fap in that position often as well - it's kind of a natural position to be in for it, and everything goes right in the toilet. Although that position sucks for #2 because your anus isn't pointing in the toilet anymore, so if #2 is involved I wait until I go limp.

    Bug... I'm skinny so maybe it's easier for me to get in that position than others. If you have a gut I can see it being difficult to get down far enough.

    Guys will often "hold" their junk, too. A lot of times when I'm by myself at the computer, my right hand will be on the mouse and my left hand will be in my pants holding onto the package. It's not sexual or pleasurable, it's more that it's just something to do with your hand and I guess it's kind of comfortable.

    Balls suck. They're the most prone to chaffing, they offer no sexual pleasure, they're the most delicate, and they freaking HURT if they get knocked. Explaining kick-in-the-balls pain to girls is difficult. It's a "sharp" pain, but not "piercing". I would parallel it with smashing your fingernail between two hard places -- you know where you get the blood behind the nail and you have to wait for it to grow out? Similar pain, but over a larger area. And it's coupled with a sensation of your stomach steeply dropping.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:42 No.3748783
    And it's a lot more sensitive / easier to trigger the response than your fingernails. For your nails to hurt you really have to smash them hard, but it doesn't take very much for you to get some kind of reaction out of your balls. Even a quick tap can give hints of the pain (but the pain goes away immediately unless it's a bigger hit).

    I also find that different parts of the balls are more prone to experiencing the pain. Specifically, the "top" part of the actual testicle inside the sack (it has some "tubes" coming out of it) is the most sensitive area. The tubes themselves are also really sensitive. The bottom of the balls aren't bad, but if you hit them, then the impact sort of "flows through" to the top and you still get hurt.

    If you DO get hit in the balls hard, you're down for the count. It's physically impossible to move for maybe a second or two, and even after that it's difficult. I remember one time I flew forward off my bike and smashed my junk into the handlebars. I had to just sit to the side and wait a good whole minute for it to subside before I could do anything.

    The penis itself doesn't feel like much when it's limp and unaroused. No more sensitive to any sensation than your finger is.

    Stroking the shaft is kind of like indirect stimulation. The skin in that area doesn't really pick up much, but it stimulates the muscle underneath. I can't get off on that alone, and I usually don't put much effort into it because it's not my cup of tea, but I could see how some guys would like it.

    The head is of course the most sensitive when aroused. The "rim" of the head is typically what I stroke when I fap. The entire head is responsive, though... but in a different way.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:42 No.3748785
    I don't know how many guys know this or behave the same way I do, but something interesting I find is that stimulating the very tip of my penis (around the urethrea) and the larger part of the head (not quite the rim, but "behind" the urethera -- if your penis is erect it would be more towards your body than away from it) -- makes me have to piss. I actually do this in some masturbatory watersports sometimes. If you grab hold with your left hand, then extend your right hand and make a flat palm and just make circular motions over those areas of the penis... the sensation is very intense. It's not as sexual as normal stroking, but it does make you spasm and stuff -- definitely weird. If you keep doing it, it basically forces you do piss, even if you didn't think you had to.

    As for sexual experience and orgasms, there's isn't really a good way to describe them in relatable terms. From what I've seen in some porn I watch (, etc) girls seem to have more or less the same phases:

    1) the warm up - where you're getting started. It's more about the idea than the process
    2) the main course where it definitely feels good, but isn't mind blowing
    3) the pre-orgasm build up, where it starts feeling incredibly good and you don't want to stop (best part!)
    4) the actual orgasm where it gets super intense but only briefly
    5) the cool down

    You don't necessarily go limp after cumming, but usually you lose most/all of your interest in sex. I've been able to go multiple times, but it isn't nearly as fun the longer you go. Specifically, it seems to take forever to get past the warmup after you cum. If you're not stimulated mentally and are just doing it for the sake of doing it, it's no fun and is more like work.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:43 No.3748786
    Assuming not all of the girls here have had hands-on experience with semen, it's gross in some ways, but not that bad. The taste itself isn't bad, but the texture is really what turns me off about it. The best texture I can compare it to is like an egg white, but more clumpy. It's not consistent, either. Some parts are runnier, and some parts are clumpier... like some oil that's been separated or something. But again, taste isn't that bad.

    Precum is awesome. Slick, smooth, consistent, sexy, and tasty. It's salty, not unlike sweat.

    So yeah basically that's all I can think of. Having guy parts is rad. The biggest downside is that male bodies are downright unattractive. Female bodies are works of art, but guys are like these hairy, funky things that are very unappearling to look at.

    So ladies, step up? The femanon contributions to this thread have been lackluster.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:47 No.3748791
    I love how /d/ is the only board where femanons aren't only tolerated, they're accepted with open arms.

    We're like one big happy perverted family.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:47 No.3748793

    oh well THANKS
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:50 No.3748797
    So femanons,

    what's it like to have a Cock inside you?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:51 No.3748801
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    Both worlds. I DONE BEEN DER.

    clitoral orgasm feels like Dick head being sucked till orgasm.

    Ejaculation drains a help of a lot of energy, but the same muscle spasm feel females feel it too.

    Everything else and in between varies from person to person, as we all are different.

    Some more intesnse.
    Some less intense.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:52 No.3748802
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    I haven't seen anyone else try to describe this, but it's probably my favorite feeling out of all the different feelings I get with my body. Girl here btw.

    Anyway there's a specific feeling for being turned on mentally, and it feels totally different from being turned on physically. Physically being turned on is like all the physiological stuff - my cunt gets soaked, my labia and clit start to actually hurt if they're not touched (and might still hurt while being touched if I'm physically horny enough), everything down there gets swollen and sensitive etc... Rubbing it feels good; then orgasm. The usual. Feels nice and all that but I don't have to personally feel one way or another about the act, it's basically just my body reacting and me taking pleasure in the reaction.

    But there's this other sensation that only comes from being mentally engaged with something you find sexy. The triggers are various. For me it might be a line in a book, or someone singing sexy sounding moans in a song etc... But when your mind finds something intensely sexually appealing for whatever reason there's this warm tensing shiver really deep inside, like the uterus itself is shaking and responding to a direct link with my brain. The best way to describe it is that initial feeling you get when you feel your insides shift going down a big hill. That doesn't describe the pleasure or intensity of it, but it's sort of accurate in the way it affects only a certain area deep inside you and the kind of simple shock of feeling those things waking up for a second. It doesn't last long at all (maybe a few seconds) but its intense and feels great and no other sensation my body can produce feels the same (so far).

    I imagine having sex with someone you love - someone who turns you on - is more intense for that reason because you get both that mental feeling and the physiological stuff at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:52 No.3748803
    Hermaphrodite or what?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:55 No.3748811
    If a guy starts masturbating, and stops just as he begins to cum, waits for his dick to start to go limp, then repeats this method over and over a few times, the intensity of the orgasm gets amplified by a bit and feels much better.

    Femanons, can you do that?

    also, what's it like having more then one orgasm at a time?
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:57 No.3748815
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:01 No.3748824
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    You wouldn't beleive me even if I told you.
    But i'll tell anyway.

    I possessed a female once. Buried myself into her conciousness, rather; while she was masterbating.

    She massaged her clit something fierce and orgasm'd pretty hard.

    The feel was the same as fapping as a dude, but without the cream everywhere. After the orgasm subsided, I was launched out.

    The clit is similarly sensitive to the penis head.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:04 No.3748829
    ...That is a little... hard to believe, my friend. Out of body experience?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:08 No.3748840

    go back to /soc/ kid, the grown ups are talking.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:09 No.3748842
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    Also, the bottom of the penis, like, right before the head on the lower side is extremely sensitive for me. I gently knead it between by thumb and finger and as arousal mounts I do it harder. I cum harder doing that than the vanilla move hand up and down penis until cum operation.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:09 No.3748843
    > warm tensing shiver really deep inside, like the uterus itself is shaking and responding to a direct link with my brain


    It's like someone has tied a string to a point behind my bellybutton and then attached it further inside me right up to about two inches behind my clit, and the string is taught and someone's just plucked it, twangggg.

    It's a hot-cold shiver that makes me tighten my Kegels, clench my cunt and sit up really straight. It's never happened as a result of pictures, but it has happened more than once at work when I remember something that happened or a line from an e-mail, etc. My brain reaches down and ping! plucks the cord inside me.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:12 No.3748850
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    I had no control over the experience though. :(
    Sad panda.

    And when I say similar... I mean that the orgasm feels cleaner; much more crisp and pronounced than the male's.

    Not that it necessarily feels better, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:13 No.3748851
    I do that too, what I tend to do though is masturbate with a shit ton of lube and right as I'm cumming, I grip really hard at that part of the penis, where the cap and the shaft connect, and I'd get blurry-eyed from how hard I'd cum
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:15 No.3748854
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    Srsly, thanks for describing that, I've had it happen a few times but forgot about it when I was posting here.

    I think it's maybe a flood of oxytocin or vasopressin. Yay hormoooooooones.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:15 No.3748855
    I've had my share of OBE's, my friend, on top of that I've had tons of lucid dreams and mid-day hallucinations. What I'm assuming is that the feeling of her orgasming was directed into your mind and processed as what you believed the female orgasm felt like. It's impossible to really legitimately be inside of another body, but it is possible to replicate how your mind BELIEVES it would be like, through OBEs. Your interpretation is really in depth, though, I'll give you that
    Also, that pic is awesome, who drew it?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:19 No.3748858
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    I've always been aroused by my testicles. I must be a bit strange but whenever I take a hit do my love sack I get a raging hard on. My cock throbs as the pain seeps through my entire being. As for the pain for me it's pleasure but other males may not like as much.

    Good thing I have a rather small cock because I had the kind of friends that would go around hitting each other in the groin as a joke. If only they knew every time they got me I had a twitching erection.

    When I rub my sack my cock tingles like a limb that has gone to sleep. I once came from only playing with my testicles. It took a long time but when I did it was a solid stream of cum for 4 seconds followed by the twitching spats accustomed to a normal orgasm.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:21 No.3748860
    >If a guy starts masturbating, and stops just as he begins to cum, waits for his dick to start to go limp, then repeats this method over and over a few times, the intensity of the orgasm gets amplified by a bit and feels much better.
    >Femanons, can you do that?

    Not exactly. If I stop while an orgasm is building and it ebbs (I stop completely, including not thinking sexy thoughts) I have to start back from the beginning of the show.

    Now, if you tease out the build once you start getting pre-orgasmic, it does get more intense when you fiiiiinally release. But if you completely stop everything, no, the end result doesn't get better. So if you're doing denial, for example, you have to do something to keep a low-grade hum going in the crotch or the brain.

    Ladies don't have the ejaculation-preparation action that gents do, and I think it's that which allows the complete-denial-and-restart to be so effective for dudes.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:21 No.3748861
    I love the smell of my own dick after I'm done fapping.

    Any other anons like that?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:22 No.3748864
    anyone in this thread buying genitalia? mine are for sale. I'll never use them. Mint condition. ~7", uncut. Goes to highest bidder.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:23 No.3748865
    eh i used to but the smell has left me for some reason
    >> VICTORY Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:25 No.3748868
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    Well, You've impressed me, /d/. You set up a thread, you got down to business and everything went according to plan. It was executed marvelously, arousingly and interestingly for an aspiring trap.

    We're one big perverted family indeed. :D
    >> ALLCAPSGUY !!A3lWpP5iuI4 09/12/11(Mon)00:26 No.3748870
    (Does this mean I'm that one dysfunctional child that bugs the fuck out of people? Because I think I fit in that category quuiiiiite nicely...)
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:26 No.3748871

    Too bad the Janitor is probably going to delete the thread before the end of the night
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:28 No.3748873
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    Never got an artist. D:

    But sure. Never considered that to not be a possibility, but I can tell you I've never felt that kind of orgasm in all my years of fapping. Those slender fingers were fucking godly. I could feel her vaginal opening open and close a little with each contraction.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:29 No.3748875
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    >That image

    >It's ok, let's just play pretend, you can treat me just like a little girl.. but for now, until you cooperate.. I guess I'll just have to keep you tied up nice and tight!

    Why fetishes, why?!

    Captcha says: Expansuon timativ

    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:33 No.3748881
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    Also. If you believe anything is possible, than anything is.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:34 No.3748885
    Except that's wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:36 No.3748890
    Something most guys don't know about boobs: getting hit in them hurts like a motherfucker. It's a sharp pain along with the feeling of of getting the wind knocked out of you. It's how I imagine getting kicked in the nuts would feel like.
    Also, they ache all through puberty, not unlike pressure on a tender bruise.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:39 No.3748900
    Getting kicked in the balls feels like your entire body getting lit on fire, sometimes it's so painful you can't fucking move.

    I'm not trying to harass you or anything, I'm just saying that nothing can compare to getting kicked square in the balls.

    I can only imagine what getting kicked in the balls while you have blue balls is like.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:39 No.3748901
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    There is more of an angle to look at it from.

    "If you cannot fulfil your desire here, then find somewhere else where you can."

    Infinity is not always what you think it to be.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:41 No.3748908
    >Also, they ache all through puberty

    Mine still ache pretty much once a month, as my period approaches. It's a too-full, high-pressure ache.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:41 No.3748910
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:42 No.3748912
    Not for me. *shrug* But yeah, breast sensitivity is something I get to hear about a lot with the kind of company I keep.
    >> GrandSlacker 09/12/11(Mon)00:45 No.3748923
    This thread is awesome so I'm adding input.

    Let me take you through the wonderful world of male arousal...

    So you think of tits or anything mildly attractive. It does not have to be attractive in itself, just reminds you of something appealing. It begins. The monster in your pants rises. You can feel the beat of your own heart in your sack and rod as it engorges itself. Like the sound of a drum, the feeling is unmistakable. You better hope you had a contingency plan if you are in public.

    Your junks head becomes sensitive. If you are wearing underwear it serves only to stimulate you cocks ever growing encroachment on the rest of the space in your pants. Each slight shift sends a pulse of pleasure into you.

    At this point you could try to calm your thoughts. Even so if you most likely have hit the point of no return. The point where the amount of blood in your penis causes the valves to shut, keeping blood in there. At this point your erection is self sustaining. You try to ignore it but it lays warm pressed against you inner thigh. The slightest twitch undoes any attempt you had at calming it down.

    Ignore it and you will begin to ache as it cools down. If you do nothing but continue to stimulate yourself mentally it will remain, sometimes growing painfully larger.

    So you masturbate. Starting out the pleasure is nice. during the point nearing the orgasm you will be stricken by slight numbness. You will feel a little less pleasure but the build up to the orgasm is better. The same throbbing feeling that got you into this will come again. Beating as you get closer. As you finally reach you can feel all the muscles rhythmically contract as you feel semen rise to the top.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:46 No.3748925
    That made me sort of embarassed. Please stop.
    >> GrandSlacker 09/12/11(Mon)00:46 No.3748926
    Interesting notes at this point:

    Pinching the head causes a slight jolt of pleasure.

    The same muscle you use to stop yourself from peeing can be used to halt the approach of semen increasing the span of the orgasm. I've trained a bit and I've been increased the amount of hold time. It is amazing. I've been told using the wrong muscles can mess you up later in life you you must learn to differentiate the one that makes you poop from the one that makes you pee. (What loving god put those so near each other)

    While I'm on the subject I have had those mind erasing orgasms. The ones where you feel pretty good getting there but when you reach BAM, insta-derp.

    If you keep trying to masturbate the product will become runny and clear. Blah blah blah. Do it to much and your abdomen and nuts will ache.

    I've stimulated my prostate before but have never gotten there via that mean. So I cant comment.

    Final notes:

    If you've ever had your finger sucked and kinda felt it "down there" you know what a blowjob feels like.

    The penis is a mostly uncontrollable organ that likes what it likes whether your prepared or not. You can resist but it will stand defiant exploiting your greatest weakness every time you move.
    >> GrandSlacker 09/12/11(Mon)00:47 No.3748929
    Too late my bad
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:48 No.3748931

    >male arousal

    Subjective, just to clarify. This isn't how I feel when it happens. :D
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:49 No.3748935
    No offense taken, since I don't have balls to know what it feels like.

    I only imagined they might be similar b/c the one time I got punched in the tits (accidental collision with another running person), I was on the ground, gasping, the same way guys tend to react when hurt in the testicles.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:50 No.3748938
    > The penis is a mostly uncontrollable organ that likes what it likes whether your prepared or not

    So the reports of dudes who were raped by women, where their erections kept going even as their minds were screaming and weeping - completely plausible?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:52 No.3748942

    If they hurt that bad, why not get somebody to massage them?

    Who the fuck cares why they think of you afterward?
    If you like it, then you like it.
    I, for one, don't give a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:54 No.3748948
    Ladies who have had anal

    How does it compare/contrast to vaginal?

    Something I've always wondered. I know how it is from the male perspective, but I don't think i've ever heard the female one.
    >> GrandSlacker 09/12/11(Mon)00:54 No.3748949
    god no unless they were on drugs or have some other conditions.

    Fighting it is not that hard but in some rather interesting cases it is a small fight not to fap.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:54 No.3748954
    >If they hurt that bad, why not get somebody to massage them?

    Because they hurt, and touching them will make them hurt more.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:56 No.3748959
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    That reminds me..

    I think the best way I can describe having an erection is to rest your fingers on your palm and stick your thumb out straight up. Clench your fist and try to 'thrust' your thumb outwards further without moving your hand itself. You should feel a sharp, stretching sensation.. now imagine blood rushing to through it and the only way to free yourself of that pain is to blow your load out through it.

    As for actual feel during ejaculation.. It's kind of like sneezing. You can feel the build-up as it rising and.. eventually.. it gets to that point where you must obey and let it out. Only instead of simply sneezing and being done with it, your muscles convulse for several seconds before you're treated to that euphoric feeling of being free afterwards..

    Sometimes, you get those lack-luster orgasms that leave you with the feeling of there still being something left.. and you're able to sneeze/cum again right afterwards.. albeit in a more subdued fashion.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:59 No.3748964
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    A good whack to the balls sends waves of exquisite pain up the entire top half of the body. So bad, fall to floor.

    When that subsides, the lingering pain that continues hurts in a place where your ovaries would be.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:00 No.3748965
    This thread is what I needed to forget about my problems for the night. This needs to be archived.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:03 No.3748967
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    You sound as if somebody massaged yours. And wasn't doing it right.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:03 No.3748969
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    Now, my question to the femanons, that I've never been able to get a response more detailed than "it feels kind of strange", is what is it like to feel a cock pumping its load inside you?

    Furthermore, can you describe what is like when you've got all that 'batter' still inside you afterwards, and for how long is feeling noticable?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:09 No.3748981
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    Physical pleasure does not always mean mental pleasure.
    >> GrandSlacker 09/12/11(Mon)01:13 No.3748986

    Oh my I seem to have read that wrong

    This one has it right though. Its possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:14 No.3748987
    I like this, hope you don't mind if I take a turn.

    Sp to start off I've got a penis, its only around 5.5inches erect and can basically retract the muscle entirely leaving only the foreskin (oh yeah uncut). Now you might think that means a little less worry when it comes to clothing, but nope, my balls love to dangle and just be in the way.

    Now as other have mentioned, if it wants to get up, its gettin up, and being a bigger guy(not helpin the whole size thing eh) just moving my legs a little too frequently when sitting up can get it worked up.

    Now comes the boner, you know how awesome your scalp feels when a hairstylist washes your hair for a cut? It's kind of like that but at the same time you can feel the muscles as if you were making a fist. Now I'm uncut as I mentioned but I also don't pull back the skin for interaction, not that I can't but the head is too sensitive, I'm guessing just because I didn't give it a shot earlier in life (though I have a suspicion that it retracts while engaged in direct intercourse). I don't have a problem with this nor does my partner so whoopdydoo. When it comes to masturbation I basically use the unretracted foreskin as a sleeve, works well for me.

    The boner peeing situation isn't that bad for me as my boner sticks forward rather than up so I can get a bit of a downward angle.

    Someone mentioned the left hand on the balls thing just as something to do and I completely concur.

    Someone else mentioned the 'forced continuation' thing post climax and I'm not sure I agree, I've continued a few times, solo and not and while it isn't quite as enjoyable at first it seems to me to flow back into normalcy... yep

    Thats my input,,, thnx
    >> Bald !!zK5f8dx5w/T 09/12/11(Mon)01:16 No.3748992
    Cut Dick Here:

    Arousal: As some have already said, the slightest fucking thing can set your dick off really. You can have your hand in your pocket, idly tap it a few times not thinking, and get an erection. Depending on your level of sensitivity (especially when you're younger / puberty) simply looking at a hot girl or even thinking about one can get a full erection in seconds. As you get older and depending on how often you masturbate / the mood you're in, it can sometimes take maybe up to 30 seconds to get fully hard with physical, visual, and auditory stimulation combined.

    Feeling: As a cut dick, you have no foreskin. I've found the most sensitive part of my penis is probably the underside. I keep my thumb on top and my fingers underneath and slide the skin up and down the hardened shaft. Now this is without lube. High friction usually results in the quickest orgasm, but using lube can sometimes speed or slow the orgasm depending on a few things. If you use lube often, it will slow it down. If you don't use lube often, it feels strange and exotic - and it ends up making it faster. Either way, it's generally a steady increase of pleasure. The closer you get, your balls tuck in tight and your perineum (spot between your balls and ass) gets harder, swollen and a little more sensitive.
    >> Bald !!zK5f8dx5w/T 09/12/11(Mon)01:18 No.3748994

    Stroking the underside of your balls at this point feels wonderful as you simultaneously pump - it makes your balls feel bigger, as if they're swelling and getting ready to blow. If it's just a "standard" orgasm and you're going straight for it without drawing it out, you can be done in as little as 2 minutes. These orgasms just make your dick feel good. Imagine a warming sensation around your groin while also peeing.

    Now if you are using good technique and are intentionally going slow and pacing yourself, you can have a MASSIVE orgasm. Steady suction (Tenga Cups and other sex toys) is absolutely amazing for the duration. The real holy grail though is prostate stimulation. By gently pressing / stroking the prostate with a finger in your ass, it makes it feel like your dick is going to ERUPT. Combine that with intense suction at the time of orgasm and you literally won't be able to get up. You can feel the cum getting sucked out of you, your balls heaving and pulsing with every shot, every time it sends a wave of pleasure through your entire body. The strongest of orgasms done this way almost leave you incapacitated. The penis is super sensitive afterwards and it almost hurts just to pull the toy off.

    Prostate orgasms are TOTALLY different than just a quickie. I imagine girls must feel something similar when they have a G-spot orgasm.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:25 No.3749013
    As a guy with a smaller than average penis(about 4 inches erect), I've never had to worry much about public erections. I'm not very sensitive at all though, was cut =/. Guess that means I can last longer than usual, but the experience isn't as intense.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:30 No.3749019
    ITT 99% men describing their dicks to 1% women who don't care

    You're creepy and desperate when i see you like this /d/.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:33 No.3749023
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    Good joke son!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:34 No.3749025
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:44 No.3749039
    This pic looks reeeeaaaaaally familiar. Sauce?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:44 No.3749040
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    >it almost hurts just to pull the toy off

    On a tangent off of that, I think one of the weirdest sexual sensations ever is the feeling of something large pulling out of you right after an orgasm. It doesn't feel painful exactly, but it doesn't feel good either, and I sort of dread it every time. When something's deep inside you and large and unmoving, it's held there by the canal. Then when you orgasm around it your whole insides clench up and get tight. You're more than wet enough for the thing to slide out easily, but if you pull it feels like it's being sucked in at first then all of a sudden its pushed out by the tightness past like two tight rings of muscle really fast. It kind of takes my breath away. It's such an intense feeling - I make a noise every damn time. But like I said it's not really a good feeling.

    It feels really aggressive and kind of scary, but the warmth of whatever was inside you coming out and rushing past the comparatively cooler parts of you (labia etc...) and then slicking them up with juices as it goes feels kind of nice. I don't know how else to describe it. It's a bizarre feeling.

    I haven't done anal so I don't know if the feeling's similar.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:48 No.3749043
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    question to male anons-have you ever gotten bored enough to go limp halfway through sex and basically "fake" an orgasm?

    I know it's a rather old shtick for the ladies that have put up with inept partners, but have many guys ever had this problem?

    And yes, I have. More times than I care to admit. I attributed it to having sex partners that managed to make sex ridiculously boring. like in-the-dark, missionary/doggy-only, no communication-at-all boring. it may have helped that my last partner had truly poor self-esteem. I understand that virtually all people enter adulthood with some damage to the ego(I'm no exception), but hers was...well, her self-esteem jumped out a window, ran across the street screaming, got hit by a car, was in the ICU, and was one nervous twitch away from pulling its own plug.
    Basically, I think I had the exact opposite of >>3748802's "mental turn-on" working.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:57 No.3749063

    Plenty of times masturbating I've lost focus towards the end and ended up having a physical orgasm that literally did nothing but get a few spurts of jizz out. It was purely mechanical with little to no pleasure involved.

    I'm usually pissed afterwards because it was a wasted opportunity.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:01 No.3749070
    Male here, for me the contractions of an orgasm will sometimes push out a dildo that's not all the way in my ass if I don't hold it, and it feels pretty much how you said. It's neither bad nor good. I don't like it when that happens, because there are very few things that feel better for me than orgasming while a dildo rubs my prostate.
    I've never had that happen. Even if I get bored or irritated, I can still cum - I just won't really enjoy it so much, mentally or physically. But I can always ejaculate.
    >> Ears !TWJkGI7GmY 09/12/11(Mon)02:14 No.3749089
    This is relevant to my interests.
    >> Ears !TWJkGI7GmY 09/12/11(Mon)02:16 No.3749094
    This. For the love of god, this.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:17 No.3749098

    No way! ONCE, I've experienced this (I'm a guy).

    Exactly like you describe it. I had been edging for maybe 30 minutes, and then I felt the normal wave of pleasure as I started to come, but instead of having the regular intense peak, I could feel myself coming again, instantly after the first big orgasm. The second one was longer, and halfway through it, I stopped ejaculating but kept pulsating.

    If the first one was 9/10, the second was a 4. This all lasted maybe 20 seconds and I was very close to passing out.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:24 No.3749105
    Yeah I've done that a few times actually. I mean the girl has gotten off and I've been enjoying that but I've just gotten bored faked it done some housework and jerked off a few hours later or something.

    Also dead fish partners are terrible. I've just given up and gone to do other stuff a few times, much to their indignation.

    I'm not lucky in sex it seems.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:37 No.3749117
    I could go into how this is scientifically impossible and if you're not full of shit you mostly likely hallucinated the whole thing

    but I won't
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:40 No.3749122
    two slugs wrestling
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:42 No.3749124
    As far as I can tell women are damn lucky when it comes to sex. My orgasms feel nowhere near as good as any of them have describe theirs feeling. I am jealous.
    >> Ears !TWJkGI7GmY 09/12/11(Mon)02:43 No.3749126
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    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:43 No.3749127
    oh come on, we've had a great discussion, don't go all 4chan on us now.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:44 No.3749128
    Heh, I said I won't. You should see when I will.

    But I won't
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:47 No.3749131
    Sound completely counter intuitive. Have you either gotten and electric shock or placed a 9-volt on your tung, because they feel nothing like that. There is a potential muscle spasm reflex motion going on, but the term convulse would be a more apt description. Of course there is the feeling you get from lightly running your hand over parts of your body, which could be described as shiver like sensation, but that's not really related to the act of male penal stimulation.
    Lies, that feeling you get when chest bounces is not the same thing as wearing a bag of sand. for the want of real breasts, one would just stand and jiggle. It's a vice-versa effect of a penis/balls while say jump roping. Nothing but annoyance on that end, although one could try the scrotum off a bit for some pleasurable effect on the sex end of the spectrum.

    Threads to long to read now. I guess I should bring up that ugly specter in the room. Just because a guy has ejaculated doesn't mean he actually true reached any orgasm in any satisfactory term. But it's worse because of the mandatory flushing of all your physical desire, throwing it all the window. No matter how much mental desire you have, or how much you crave the true satisfaction, nothing. It enough to drive you crazy, so frustrating. And people just mock the concept, premature ejaculation indeed. People just label guys who get off easy, like those women you only need to touch, that because the girl failed to get off. Ignoring the fact, that maybe, just maybe, real premature ejaculation isn't something one should be mocking a guy for, especially when no one mocks women who can't orgasm.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:47 No.3749133
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    I would thank you for your restraint,

    and I will!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:47 No.3749135
    Sauce on pic? I know I've seen it before. I can't put a name to it though.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:48 No.3749138
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    There is that whole menstruation thing. Things don't go over quite so well then.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:50 No.3749143
    I'd just like all those extra erogenous zones.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)02:57 No.3749149
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    Well, I hope this thread survives the night. I would still love to get a sensical response to:

    I can't tell if you're being serious or not. Even if you are, such an analogy is lost on me as I have never touched a slug in my life.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:07 No.3749154
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    Female here.


    basically the same thing has happened to me. Either the porn runs out or gets boring and I’m left with little to nothing, feeling pissed.

    And i can try my best. (It's way better without i condom on anyway, i can tell you that. Guys you aren't the only ones thinkin it!) When he cums inside me, i can actually feel it squirting, foaming and kinda settling there. It’s hot and feels foreign, but i like it. His contractions when he orgasms usually make me cum as well, so i tend to squirt out most of his, as well as my own, so i can’t really say how it feels for his load to stay inside. This one time i didn't cum, though, and when i sat/stood up, most of it dripped out of me. It really doesn't stay inside for long, either way. :P
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:09 No.3749158
    Seeing as there's been little female input, I might as well share. Though I should let people know beforehand that I've never been able to bring myself to orgasm before, so the writeup might not be very interesting.

    One thing a femanon wrote earlier in the thread about wetness is completely true - there are random parts of the day when my vagina will just produce a large amount of mucus. Sometimes I can feel it leak out into my underwear. There's no reasoning to it. Other times it can get dry and stick to my underwear. It makes my vagina sensitive if my clit is poking out and gets stuck, that's the worst.

    I would describe wetness as mucusy only because that's the texture of it. If I put my fingers in a little glob of it, it sticks and stretches out a little bit, almost as if I had sneezed into my panties. It's kind of a gross description, but...

    I've always found that it has a very distinct smell. The color varies from a light yellow to a clear discharge, but the smell is usualyl the same. It can be light or strong. The closest thing I can compare it to is the light smell of beer, or maybe stale french fries combined with something sweeter.

    When I'm on my period, the smell changes drastically. I won't go into the gory details of the blood or what not, but the smell is strong enough to talk about. It's much sweeter than the normal smell, almost like a well-salted meat. If I'm wearing a pad, sometimes if I'm sitting at the computer with my legs open and pants on, I can smell it. It's embarrassing sometimes to be with friends and wonder if they can smell it.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:12 No.3749160
    >>3749154 so i tend to squirt out most of his
    so hawt, reminds me of a fantasy I had once where when the girl cums she clamps down on the cock so completely tight that all her and my cum has no where to go but back down inside my cock and into my balls...
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:17 No.3749163
    When it comes to arousal and masturbating...

    There are certain things that can arouse me. I find that I'm most likely to get aroused right before my period and during my period. Just today I was hanging out with some friends, and when I looked over at my male friend, I just felt the unbearable desire to snuggle up to him and get him to feel me up. Sometimes the feeling won't go away until I masturbate. And sometimes I don't get wet, but I still get the feeling.

    When I get aroused, I can feel my body get hot, and my cheeks start tingling. And right between my legs, I feel this wet warmth start to emerge. I'll squeeze my thighs and knees together for some reason, too, and my lips will curl upwards in a crazed smile. I know I blush a little bit, too.

    When I want to masturbate, sometimes I'll just go right to it, but other times I'll go watch some porn to get the right fantasy in my head. Lately my fantasy has been being fucked by a machine against my will, though the old fantasy I used to use was being 'punished' by my master and told to masturbate and suck him off.

    I only masturbate in the shower due to a roommate who never leaves our room, and the volume of my toys. Sometimes I get embarrassed at how many I have, though I only have three - a blue vibrating dildo, a regular blue penis-shaped dildo, and my newest toy, a large pink rabbit vibrator. I've always liked rabbits because they offer me clitoral stimulation as well as vaginal stimulation.

    Since I was around 14 or 15, I've been putting things inside me. At first it was just some crayola markers I found in my desk drawer or a very small bottle of lotion. I wasn't (and I'm still not) a fan of using my hand or fingers to stimulate myself, because of getting goop on my hands and the smell of it. Somehow, filling my vagina is soothing. Sometimes, in the shower, I'll just put my dildo in, and let it stay there while I shower.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:20 No.3749165

    As I penetrate myself, the head pushes against a tight part of me, like a thin ring that's narrower than the rest of my vagina, and as it pushes past me I feel a rush of sensation. When I push it up all the way inside me it feels relaxing. Having something inside me, filling me to the brim, makes me sigh with a big smile on my face. I can't wait until I have sex with someone, and I'm able to feel their hot cock throbbing inside me.

    Despite that I can't have a vaginal orgasm, at least, not yet. While I might play with my dildo by fucking myself, most of it is just foreplay until I play with my clitoris or stimulate my breasts. I have small breasts (a little bit bigger than an A-cup), but I still love having my breasts stimulated. Both of my exboyfriends were initially very gentle with my breasts, slowly caressing them and rubbing the nipples, but I demanded them to grab and pull at the flesh. Having them played with roughly really turns me on. When my nipples are pulled on or pinched, it feels ticklish and hot, like the feeling in my cheeks when I'm aroused. And having a man cup my breasts is, like vaginal fullness, very comforting. Despite their size, they fit perfectly into their - or my - hands, and they're soft and pliable and wonderful. Sometimes, at night, I'll just hold them with my hands, and it's soothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:26 No.3749174
    Oh, I noticed something about the smell, at least when it comes to periods.

    I always had a very distinctive smell during my period. It was stronger if I was using a pad, but I could smell it even with a tampon (not like wafting-around-the-room BO, much less strong than that, even with a pad. I'm not unhygienic or anything).

    I always assumed it was some weird combination of menstrual blood and whatever chemicals were in feminine hygiene products, but after sniffing my bra (the band that goes underneath my breasts, to be specific) once after a super intense workout, I realized that the smell is probably pheromones or something, because it smelled almost exactly the same. Not like BO, mind you, but that sort of meaty-but-sweet smell the anon above described.

    Sorry, that probably isn't very sexual/arousing, but I just found that out recently, and it's still kind of bugging me out.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:34 No.3749181
    Clitoral stimulation is way different and a lot more intense for me. When I start masturbating, I'll play with myself with my fingers (if I'm in the shower) or with a small bullet vibrator. I feel all around my vagina and then look to find my clitoris. I know where it's supposed to be, but sometimes it's hard to find 'that sweet spot' that will start changing everything for me.

    When I find it, and touch it, it's like a jolt that goes through my back and legs. Sometimes I feel it in my cheekbones, too. It tickles, almost all over, and tingles. Then, as I keep stimulating it (usually with the vibrator by now), I hit what I call the "max arousal point". Starting with my thighs, the tingling spreads all over my body. It's warm and feels amazing as it moves. I always arch my back and I let the feeling engulf me.

    After that, my clit gets very sensitive and will emerge. When I stimulate it, the jolt has a lot more energy and can almost be suffocating. A lot of times when I masturbate it's hard to get past this part, because while I want to feel good, it's hard for me to keep the vibrator on my clitoris. My legs stretch out and squeeze together, and my shoulders and back arch and squirm as I deal with the sensation.

    If I keep playing with myself further, I reach a point where it suddenly starts to feel amazing, like, out-of-this-world feeling all over my body. Mortal thoughts are pushed out of my head to focus on finding the spot to stimulate myself. I close my eyes and focus on the feeling between my legs. The only thought in my mind is getting that orgasm.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:35 No.3749186
    But unfortunately the few times I have gotten to that point I haven't been able to keep it on the right spot, and end up giving up after 15-20 minutes...

    I talked to my gyno about it and she said if I keep trying, I should be able to attain my orgasm. And I figure that it's important to attain it myself, without the help of a partner, just so I can know my own body and how to help a partner through getting me there.

    I could answer any other questions, since I don't know what else I could write here...?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:38 No.3749190
    next you'll discover you're delicous, and then we'll hear the unfortunate story of the girl who ate herself.

    Kidding kidding, thank you for the insight
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)03:57 No.3749214
    19 year old chick, I know that feel like the back of my hand, bro.

    I'll be having sex with my boyfriend, and he's having ridiculous cum-spurting orgasms, but I can only get to "Oh, that feels really good, you can stop now, it's taking a while and I don't want you to have to wait around".

    I don't know, you explained it a lot better than I did. I'm really jealous of men, who have very clear "I'm aroused"/"I'm orgasming" signs.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)04:00 No.3749217
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    >When I get aroused, I can feel my body get hot, and my cheeks start tingling. And right between my legs, I feel this wet warmth start to emerge. I'll squeeze my thighs and knees together for some reason, too, and my lips will curl upwards in a crazed smile. I know I blush a little bit, too.

    Oh I totally know what, your getting at there. Sadly I get the feeling most guys have know idea about that sort of feeling. Its totally different from the old hard on, in fact its unlikely to cause that. Actually this is the best description I can give for that. Yah, if you don't get that gif you just don't get it.

    >Since I was around 14 or 15, I've been putting things inside me. At first it was just some crayola markers I found in my desk drawer or a very small bottle of lotion. I wasn't (and I'm still not) a fan of using my hand or fingers to stimulate myself, because of getting goop on my hands and the smell of it. Somehow, filling my vagina is soothing. Sometimes, in the shower, I'll just put my dildo in, and let it stay there while I shower.

    Wait are you a female me? Are we talk though some parallel universe connection created by the internet?
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)04:18 No.3749258

    Guys can also get emotionally turned on and it feels exactly the same. The location is a bit different though, being testis and the area between them and the base of the dick. That is usually a sign of a really good orgasm to cum.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)04:27 No.3749288
    didnt bother to read if this has been posted already... but try anal. shit feels good man. i promise.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)04:39 No.3749327
    21 Male here. Alot of guys explained what it's physically like having a dick.

    Well, I'm here to say a few things. Many times, the point between not aroused and aroused can be a within a second. Sometimes when I see, hear, or think something sexual or even just attractive, I get a feeling like a big heartbeat. If you've ever watched Vampire Knight, it's exactly like that vampire surge driven from blood.

    Many times I'll have just showered and like feeling clean (and shaved). And I'll get that surge and become irritated because if I don't do anything, I'll be pissy. When I masturbate even if I get no cum on me, my penis feels like it leaks moisture. Like it'll be sweaty and gross until I shower again.

    I'll masturbate for an hour or 2 on end, slowing down to prolong ejaculating, and when I finally do cum it feels great. Literally within 10 seconds after I have absolutely no desire for anything sexual. Close out my 14 porn tabs and may sometimes be angry at how easily I am compelled to masturbate, and need another shower.

    Usually when I masturbate, I 'get it all out' by doing it 2 or 3 times before I shower again. It's a vicious cycle and I'd much rather be less horny all the time.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)05:00 No.3749377
    I'm a guy and this is something I've experienced too.. not as intense I think because I don't have a uterus, but still it's the same feeling I think. There's something unique going on... I know because the wires are crossed a bit in my brain and whenever I feel this way I sneeze twice. I don't feel this way close to every time I jerk off, and a good stomach-twisting moment of mental arousal is no guarantee of a good fap session.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)05:12 No.3749388
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    >prostate orgasms
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)05:38 No.3749410
    Get a vibrator-- something along the lines of a Hitachi magic wand. Put it directly on your glans/frenulum. Don't take it off, especially when you tense up. You will cum from the stimulation alone.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)07:34 No.3749513
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    Careful with this, I've heard reports of vibrators being dangerous to male genitalia.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)09:08 No.3749550
    girls dont have dicks?
    you lied to me /d/!
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)09:25 No.3749556
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    Anorgasmia or a related condition. It's not as uncommon as you think. Your doctor can probably help you.

    You should go talk to him even if you think it's embarressing because it can (rarely) be a sign of a more serious medican condition.

    I have it too (medically induced so it's only temporary) shitsucks.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)09:29 No.3749560
    having a dick is like having a gun, but rather then shoot death, it shoots life.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)10:12 No.3749571
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    Penis post orgasm:
    Imagine a clear head. Cleared of all thoughts, worries, whatever. Completely relaxed ALL OVER. It lasts between 2-10 minutes, and in this time, your brain is cured from all distractions, and you can philosophize all you want.

    As for the orgasm itself, it's like all of your worries are drawn from your body in a few minor bursts.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)10:22 No.3749574
    Also, everyone has terrible trigger discipline.
    >> GrandSlacker 09/12/11(Mon)16:30 No.3749963
    This thread is made of win
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:10 No.3750012
    I'm a guy who has, I think, successfully faked orgasms. And really, women can't fucking tell anymore than we can.

    Why, after my lobbying for honesty in the bedroom department, would I fake it? Hard to say. I'm having fun, I'm just not going to come. And I'm tuckered out. So I just try to gauge whether she's got hers, and then I'd pick a moment to do some theatrics, and then I'd quickly flup out and turn around to tie off the condom. Usually I just chill out for a while and then we fuck again, and the second time is a charm, or maybe just go to sleep.

    Frankly, the whole experience makes me more okay with women faking it. It's not like I've done something boring and annoying for an hour that got me nowhere. It's fucking brilliant having sex even discounting the orgasm, and it makes you feel like a king if she seems to have enjoyed it. So I assume that women feel the same way most of the time they fake it. I mean, I get that it might not be totally symmetrical, but for me at least, it's a lot better to look back on sex that I felt she enjoyed than to remember sex that I enjoyed.

    With one ex, I was able to discuss this stuff without embarrassment. She faked it sometimes, I faked it sometimes, but who the fuck even cares? Maybe she bitched about it behind my back, who knows? And besides, for the last year or so we went bareback most of the time, and I never have to fake it then. Other girls don't seem like they'd be cool with it, so it just doesn't come up. I mean, depending on how they framed it, I don't know whether I'd be cool with them saying the same to me.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:18 No.3750021
    Femanon who likes doing anal here.

    Guys get the best deal on this with the prostate and all that. I can't really feel any pleasure inside my ass from having a dick, buttplug or dildo up there. There is a full sensation that is nice, but all the sensations are mostly concentrated around my sphincter where all the nerves are bunched up. I love the feeling when my ass is first stretched. We take everything super slow with a ton of lube, and then he'll fuck me with a butt plug. It's the sensation of my hole being stretched open that is so great, very warm feeling.

    While my ass gets stretched my pussy usually pumps out wetness like it's a leaky faucet. My clit becomes engorged and it doesn't take much for me to cum.

    Anal sex is great for me in the mental turn-on sense, just for the taboo-ness of it. But it's hard for me to relax around his dick when I'm turned on and close to cumming, which means I tighten my ass and make things a bit uncomfortable for him. :/
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:37 No.3750035
    Also, on female multiple orgasms:

    There is a difference between coming multiple times in a single sex session, and having multiple orgasms. At least, for me.

    I can come, go down a bit from the high of that orgasm and then work myself back up to another orgasm. It feels great but the next orgasm is a little bit harder and I have to use a bit more pressure on my clit. After the third or fourth orgasm I usually have to stop because I feel so *spent*. The last orgasm is an explosion from my clitoris, sending my entire body into a fit of shakes, and I usually have to resist the sensation of needing to empty my bladder (which is empty but I don't think it is female ejaculation going on).

    For me multiple orgasms is where my clit and entire pussy area is so super-sensitive I hit one orgasm, and then I can almost mentally chart my pleasure levels. Everything plateaus to a certain "orgasm point" on the graph, with little spikes of ultra sensitivity where I am experiencing pleasure beyond that first orgasm. It's pretty fucking intense, and at that point I can't really think about anything past the need to control whatever tool I'm using to keep up this high.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)17:43 No.3750047
    what is a cock like? annoying

    I'm always popping boners at the worst times and my dick is always in some odd-as-fuck position that draws attention to my crotch in all of its average-sized, limp-dicked (un)glory

    masturbation is a chore, I either get off too fast to enjoy myself or I get tired after a two-hour fapfest without climax; anything that i do enjoy is way too fucking sensitive to fuck around with by myself because once I do find a magic little spot, my arms want to spasm and grab random shit in ecstasy
    as I required my arms to keep that feeling up, I'm sure you can see the obvious problem here

    granted, all of these problems go away like magic when I manage to find a partner, but that's so fucking rare because I'm a social recluse and so are most of my friends despite the fact that they somehow manage to find dates within the group (I find 90% of them physically and emotionally repulsive despite their being good people)

    my libido is just too much work right now, so I'm focusing on a job and education, and suffer quietly with the indignities of jerking off to vaguely sexy cartoons, 'real pornography', and the backs of my eyelids before drifting off to sleep in the middle of an unsatisfying session

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