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  • File : 1303812052.jpg-(101 KB, 575x795, 1280847228230.jpg)
    101 KB Dare Thread - The 18th Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)06:00 No.3512735  
    Rules -
    1. Subs - post kinks, available toys, anything else important (live with parents, etc)
    2. Tops - put up a dare for the sub to follow.
    3. Subs - go have fun and no cheating!
    4. Don't post pictures of real shit else the damned thread will go bye bye again.
    5. Post /d/ hentai every now and then.

    Notes: To make things easier to follow when the thread gets busy:
    1) If you want a dare, put "dare" in the subject field. If you're just lurking or reporting back, remove it.

    2) Using a nickname will help to identify Subs and Doms.

    3) If you would like to a give a dare to a sub, claim them by linking to their post and saying that you are writing up orders. This way others won't waste their time typing orders in vain
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)06:06 No.3512752
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    >> Dare Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)06:08 No.3512760
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    Male Kitty boy

    Into pet play, strict bondage, pain, anal play / stretching, enema

    Will try anything you wish so long as related to above.

    Looking for a long term dare. Nothing lasting beyond 8 hours.

    Toys include, wrist and ankle cuffs, kitty ears, paws and buttplug tail, large dildo, nipple clamps and a paddle.
    >> mikku 04/26/11(Tue)06:10 No.3512765
    from last thread

    ok i will do that right now for you mistress. i live with a room mate so a little bit of discretion is needed. i think some puppy play would be nice but nothing messy. LOL

    getting dressed right now. do you have skype or IM?
    >> Don't expect too much.... Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)06:11 No.3512768
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    Hey /d/ I heard about this thread and decided to give it a try....
    As you would guess from the name I am actually learning how to be a Dom IRL....
    I only know how to work in real life but I think this would give me good practice to be more....confident.

    Mikku if your still there and if you don't mind a budding mistress then i'd like to oblige you for a bit...;)

    Now here's a warm-up for you:
    Can you place your smallest buttplug in your ass and dress in your most girliest clothes
    (Sluttiest bra and panties included)
    If you do not have girly clothes then put on a Tank top/Shirt and just wear the panties.

    In a doggie style,can you please find something for you to hump?
    Get hard and edge once then report back.

    And can you tell me what is your current situation?
    Live alone?Would you mind going outside your room?
    Would you be opposed to puppy play?

    Uh I think thats it for now.....I can't be on for long....
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)06:17 No.3512775
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    Oh my goodness you beat me!
    My connection is slow and it takes a long time for my posts to load.....

    I think I have enought time for two more dares for you before Classes start.
    And of course puppy play would be too messy and too long!
    We don't have to do anything you don't want to. :)
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)06:18 No.3512776
    Done and done.
    I'm currently at college in a single, but cant be too loud because people could hear through the walls

    Puppy play is awesome!

    Now that you've got me all hard and stuff, what should I do for you next?
    >> mikku 04/26/11(Tue)06:18 No.3512777
    i have just edged for your mistress. i am awaiting your next order. i am in my favorite thong and booty shorts over it in a bra. i have a room mate but hes not here tonight. i am open to skype play (message only)
    >> Sub_Boy 04/26/11(Tue)06:24 No.3512782
    I would love to get dares from here...but the problem is I live with my parents. And halfway across the world from most people here. :(
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)06:26 No.3512784
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    Unfortunately I don't have YIM AIM or any of the such since i'm not online much...
    but if you need one for this then I suppose i'll try and make one.

    Good Boy~!
    Sorry just getting ready.
    I'll write up something now so you don't get impatient....
    >> mikku 04/26/11(Tue)06:27 No.3512785
    thank you mistress. i prefer skype if that is ok with you i have a few accounts as i use it alot for work and have it on every computer. im still hard waiting.
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)06:30 No.3512786

    I'm a switch so whilst waiting for a dare myself I might be able to help you.

    Are there anytimes when you are guaranteed to have the house to your self or awhile? If so what are your fetishes, turn offs and toys / things you got and most importantly how long you will have and I can always give you a Dare to do sometime when they're not around.
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)06:36 No.3512790
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    Now mikku I want you to remove your buttplug
    and as your reward you can masterbate until your about to edge once again..

    When your about to edge stop and since you said you enjoyed anal play why don't we use one of your dildo's?
    Use one that will make you come faster,place it under your legs-make sure you lube it sufficiently before anything!- and try to fix it so it wont move.

    try to find something to bind your hands with.
    Tie your hands behind your back and report back when it's already.

    And I know your hands are behind your back by now so why don't you use your tongue/nose to type it out?
    Something simple like: "It is done master" Is enough.

    How does that sound? Any questions?
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)06:40 No.3512793

    I like the picture, so I'll write something up for you. Any rope/strings you can use?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)06:40 No.3512794
    Not happens rarely, and even then without warning. Though my fetishes include cross-dressing, forced-fem, a little bit of exhibitionism....pain(not anything extreme) and bondage. I have a blue sleeveless dress, a pair of bra and panties, and some household items i can use to myself up good.
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)06:41 No.3512795
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    SORRY the post took more than a minute to load!

    And I don't have any money for skype....whats the next best thing?YIM? Gmail?
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)06:43 No.3512796

    Skype does not cost money, unless you make calls to land lines or cell phones.

    Also, what time is it at your place?
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)06:43 No.3512798
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    Sorry i forgot.

    i have 2 10m lengths of rope and 4 chains with loads of padlocks about a foot and ahalf long for the cuffs.

    If you liked the picture here is another from the same artist.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)06:44 No.3512800
    Screw skype, keep going here, it's hot.
    >> mikku 04/26/11(Tue)06:44 No.3512801
    iyts donnne massdter
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)06:48 No.3512806
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    everyone i've talked to claims that it costs money!
    Though....I admit i've never actually looked into it...XD
    Is it better?
    And mikku my dear I have to go soon....
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)06:49 No.3512807

    I have one that you could do without having to worry about your parents at home but it depends on your age and how comfortable you are things doing things in public. Otherwise it may not be possible.
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)06:51 No.3512808
    What time is it at your place?
    >> mikku 04/26/11(Tue)06:51 No.3512809
    tnks mistresssd i am stuill tied up wat will iu hav me do
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)06:53 No.3512810
    I can assure u it cost nothing if u use it to make calls to other people with skype [like vent] or for text. It cost money to land lines and cellphones or sms text's.
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)06:53 No.3512811

    I certainly wouldn't choose YIM. Either go for MSN or Skype in this case. Other notable mentions would be ICQ.
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)06:54 No.3512813
    It's just before midday here. I have some hours before I need to do anything. I also have no access to the outside unless I am covered due to this being a shared house. I have access to a living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and small storage room if thats important.
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)06:55 No.3512814
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    Ah quit posting faster than me!(ha ha)

    Well since you didn't have any questions at all I'm going to assume your allright with anal play and what i'm writing....

    Mikku this will be our last dare.
    I want you to go over and hump something once again just to make you edge once more.

    Once your close I want you to quickly-yet carefully- lower your self on the dildo and start riding it like there's no tomorrow.

    Ride it until you come.and once you've come I want you to yell out "thank you master!" Or if you can't yell then just whisper.

    And that should be it! :)
    Clean up and report back!
    And please tell me what Dildo you ended up using!
    And once your hands are free again write "Used Slut" somewhere on your body.
    (please tell me where!)
    >> DaringOZi 04/26/11(Tue)06:59 No.3512816
    25 Male sub, still looking for a new master.

    In to anal play, cum play, self facials, edging, improvised toys, spanking, prostate play.

    Have two different sized sharpies, some rubber bands, a vibrating razor shaft and some condoms.

    About to go and have a shower pretty soon then free for a few hours xD

    Captcha: edgeduse labor lololol
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)07:02 No.3512817
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    Ah! Looking back on my dares I forgot about so many things!(daaamn)
    I'm ashamed to call myself a DOM! Maybe I should just go back to being a SUB......

    Oh well.....I just hope it's something more practice will fix....
    >> mikku 04/26/11(Tue)07:07 No.3512818
    im sorry i was writing with my nose. i came so very hard for you. i dont have any dildos but i used a 6 inch butt plug that hits the right spot, and it did alot. i am alone tonight so i screamed for you. and i just wrote used slut right above my cock :) thank you very much. i hope to play with you again! You were very good mistress
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)07:12 No.3512821
    Start off by filling yourself with moderatly temperatured water. When you're feeling full, plug yourself with the buttplug. While holding the Water inside, shave your lower regions, including your legs.

    When you're finished, release the water and clog your anus with the large dildo. Apply the nipple clamps and smack your genitals with the paddle 5 times. Don't go easy on yourself.

    Bring the ankle cuffs in place and bind each individual testicle above the ballsack to the respective cuff. Make sure it's tight and that they will be pulled when you walk. Smack your genitals 5 times again.

    Cover yourself, equipped like that, with normal clothes. No underpants though. Go buy a black thong/bikini and report back to the thread and/or my mail.
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)07:15 No.3512824

    Just do whatever pleases yourself more. No need to feel shame for anything. Nobody starts perfectly. I, myself am still quite new to active participation in BDSM.
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)07:16 No.3512825

    i am sorry but I have no money to buy anything. Is there anything else you would like me to do?

    i will begin as instructed as the shaving will take some time and check back for your reply then
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)07:17 No.3512826
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    Thank you my dear~!
    I can go to work(where I learn to be a DOM) with a higher head!

    You didn't use a dildo?I could have sworn you typed that you had one....oh well must have misread it!
    Right above your cock? I wish we had more time together....

    But classes and work calls!
    I hope we play again soon too!
    Unfortunately I don't leave until 11pm so I don't know if I can play tomorrow....but i'll look out for you when I DO come on....;)
    Hopefully then i'll have a skype made....
    Until then,
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)07:18 No.3512827

    Sure, just go browsing thongs. Take your time. Choose one you would potentially like to buy at some later point in time.
    >> Learning Mistress 04/26/11(Tue)07:23 No.3512831
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    Ha thank you for that.
    I am not despaired!
    I WILL come back and participate again!
    (someday! probably wed)

    In hindsight I probably should have just lurked a bit before jumping into it.....oh well have a good day /d/!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:26 No.3512833
    Sorry for the late reply.
    >>3512782 and >>3512794 here. Am all ears for your dare!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:34 No.3512836
    Forgot to mention, I am 19(soon to be 20)
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)07:46 No.3512843

    I have finished shaving. I will get my large dildo and cuffs and start getting ready for the 30 mins walk to the nearest shops. May be awhile.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)07:51 No.3512845
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    sub, 19, rabbit, bullets, nipple clamps, 1 inch beads, live with boyfriend who wants to be abstinent until we get married in two years, its been half a year.

    Interested in pet play, and other things but I obviously haven't had a chance to explore or do much. Want to.
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)07:57 No.3512847
    Start off shavin off all your body hair except that on your head.

    Then get dressed in your normal everyday clothes. Head into town and go by yourself a new ladies thong. Go to nearest public bathrooms and put them on. Then go and buy a matching bra and back to the public bathroom to put it on.

    Now find a different shop and buy yourself a ladies top and skirt. Head back to the public bathrooms and swap your clothes for those you just brought. Now begin to walk home. As you begin to get near your local area find a secluded area and edge three times.
    After change back into your normal clothes and return home. Write an account of your trip and post it on the dare thread. Then you may cum.

    If you can not make any purchases due to lack of money or you are not brave enough take the clothes you already have with you. Follow the instructions by browsing for new clothes then go to the public restrooms and change into your clothes.

    If this is too much for you or can't do it let me know and I will think of something else for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:01 No.3512848
    To be honest it is a somewhat extreme for me right now. Maybe I could do it after I build up some confidence, considering that it is my first time posting on /d/, let alone asking for an IRL dare.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:02 No.3512849
    Though I can shave off the hair.
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)08:09 No.3512851
    age, sex, when was the last time you masturbated?
    >> Kitty Boy 04/26/11(Tue)08:11 No.3512854

    Okay I need to head out for a dare I am currently doing but I will give you one that is alot less extreme to test the waters. Do what you can and lets see what you manage.

    How about this. Tomorrow or today if it is early for you, you are to put on your womens panties when you get up under your normal clothes. You may not take them off till you go to bed. At some point in the day you must go and find somewhere out of the house that is secluded where you will not be disturbed. Once there you rub your cock through your panties for 2 minutes but don't cum.

    Then when you can go to your room in the evening without being disturbed much if at all you put the bra on under your normal clothes and not take it off till bed. You are allowed to rub your cock through your panties for 5 minutes, no cumming.

    Once your parents are in bed you then put your dress on and make yourself up as convincingly as you can.

    Once done you are allowed to cum.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:12 No.3512856
    Ah Fuck. have to go now. I will be following the thread to see if I get a dare but won't bee able to post anything for some time...
    >> DARE Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)08:14 No.3512857
    18, humiliation mostly (and almost everything else including pet play), a dildo, buttplug, and two egg vibes, living with parents but have my own bathroom and room
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:15 No.3512859
    That sounds like a great dare! I'll get to it tomorrow as it's 6 in the evening now for me. Thanks!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:17 No.3512863
    19, female, when I first woke up, yesterday afternoon.
    >> dare me please Tyrael 04/26/11(Tue)08:23 No.3512868
    19 m sub, anal play, nipple play, light CBT torture(nothing hard), humiliation("public" too), i live with parents; i have a plug, some clips and some candles.
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)08:27 No.3512869
    put the nipple clamps on, then use the bullet on your clit to bring yourself to orgasm. Your dare is you are only allowed to say meow, no words, no sounds, only meow, even when you ask me for permission to cum. You must meow it. If you forget and speak english, you must tug on a nipple clamp hard, report when you are done
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)08:37 No.3512875

    You might want to add your gender. Though I assume, judging from your nickname, that you are male.
    >> Meow 04/26/11(Tue)08:39 No.3512876
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    Meow? Meow??
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)08:42 No.3512879
    good kitties get to curl up on a warm lap and stroked. Were you a good kitty?
    >> Dare ~~ Male MKB 04/26/11(Tue)08:42 No.3512880
    had some fun last night and finally got some time alone so thought id give this another try :3

    Fetishes - crossdressing, forced feminization, anal play, humiliation, abdl, sissification, others if their fun :3
    Toys - dildo, 2 buttplugs, vibe, anal beads
    Clothes - jeans tshirts some skirts lingerie and 2 dresses.
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)08:45 No.3512881

    Oh hey. Do you think we could try this as previously mentioned? No faces or anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:45 No.3512882
    why don't you post your msn?
    >> Meow 04/26/11(Tue)08:46 No.3512883

    >> Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)08:48 No.3512889

    I forgot to add female whoops.
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)08:49 No.3512892
    hmmm as interesting as it would be i actually dont have a camera or cell phone and last time i webcam'd with someone it ended badly :(

    Sorry xD
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)08:54 No.3512896
    very good, you can cuddle in my lap as you do the next dare. I want to know my kitty is happy by how her tail wags, so use that rabbit as a tail and wag it. This time don't cum on the first time you ask for permission, cum on the third, with 30 seconds in between
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)08:54 No.3512897

    Alright. Sorry for your bad experience.
    How about we postpone this possibility and just go for an IM first?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)08:56 No.3512898
    I'll ask again, what's your msn?
    >> Anonymity 04/26/11(Tue)08:57 No.3512899

    can you describe your surroundings?
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)08:59 No.3512901
    yabano, when was the last time you masturbated, had an orgasm?
    >> Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)09:01 No.3512902

    First I would like you to use the buttplug and wear a tight dress (without any underwear). If you have some space, crawl from the farthest end to the other end, with only one hand to support you and the other stroking your cock.

    When you have reached your destination, stand up. You may not stroke your cock any longer. Put on some panties. Take out the buttplug. Put the vibe on the tip of your cock for 30 seconds. Now the rest is up to you, cum for me with the use of your dildo and vibe. You may penetrate yourself. BUT you may not stroke your cock or sit down. You must finish while standing up.
    >> Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)09:03 No.3512904

    Yesterday. If anyone's wondering I'm a switch.
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)09:05 No.3512905
    ive no problems with im's though i do feel its kinda selfish :P
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:08 No.3512910
    hey, I admire anyone who can do both. Me, I only have the concentration enough to handle the one, heh
    >> Meow 04/26/11(Tue)09:10 No.3512913
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    "use that rabbit as a tail."
    Meow ;-;
    >> Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)09:12 No.3512914
    =) I'm naturally a dominant person but after time I realized being brought down and humiliated turns me on.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)09:14 No.3512917
    21 f Sub looking for a dare

    really into pet play bondage and humiliation (like writing on myself) home alone for the day. have collars rope sharpies and binder clips.
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:16 No.3512921
    "strokes my pretty pussy affectionately"
    I better hear some purring >*-*<
    >> DaringOZi 04/26/11(Tue)09:18 No.3512926
    Still seeking a dare
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:19 No.3512930
    ah, well I have been doing that for a very long time my dear... way too long, heh. The stories I could tell, but I digress
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)09:19 No.3512931

    No Toys?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)09:20 No.3512935
    No master I still live with my mother once I move out I will be buying some.
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)09:22 No.3512940
    y does everyone have sharpies but me lol

    must be an american thing
    >> Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)09:22 No.3512941
    I found myself a fellow switch and it worked out perfectly so it was quite easy. He's too busy nowadays and I'm still looking for dares =D
    >> Johan 04/26/11(Tue)09:24 No.3512945
    19 m sub here.
    Looking for a simple dare to complete when my dad goes out fishing later.

    fetishes: cum play, cross dressing, suprise me a bit.

    One thing, I don't own any of my own clothes. I'm prepared to steal my sisters from the laundry basket in the bathroom, but I won't leave the bathroom with them on. Sorry. I'm not prepared to get caught.

    As for Toys, Household objects only ;)
    >> Meow 04/26/11(Tue)09:24 No.3512946

    q.q meow! me-oooowweee!
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:25 No.3512948
    dare for you, take binder clips, place on outer labia. Tie off coffee cups to the handles, with string long enough to reach the floor. Write above your clit iin hours how long since your last orgasm. You must do that many laps around your room dragging the cups, all the while rubbing your clit, but you cannot cum until you finish the laps. Report when done
    >> Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)09:26 No.3512949
    Can you get the clothes dirty?
    >> Johan 04/26/11(Tue)09:29 No.3512957
    I'll have to clean them up after. So not too dirty. But moderatly.

    Sorry if im a bit picky. Never done anything like this before.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)09:30 No.3512962
    I added you on MSN. Please respond.

    Humiliation, huh? Humiliation it is then.

    Insert both of the eggs into your ass and tape the controls to on your thighs and set them on low. Close your anus off with the largest toy available.

    Grab a pantyhose, fill the feet area with one layer of uncooked rice. Clothe yourself in it. Wear only a skirt above that.

    Drink one bottle of water of the course of the next 5-10 minutes. You're not allowed to pull down the pantyhose for peeing. Keep wearing this equipment for the rest of the day ( or at least as long as you want the dare to last ).
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:30 No.3512963
    see, I love it when my cat enjoys herself in my lap
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)09:31 No.3512964
    Forgot to add my name.
    >> Yabano 04/26/11(Tue)09:33 No.3512970
    Here's a dare then. Look at yourself in the mirror for a few seconds before starting. If you have a sponge or a glove, keep it beside you. Now put on any of the women's clothing, preferrably a dress (I like dresses). I want you to finish on yourself and rub your cum on your chest using the glove or the sponge, and have a taste of it. Then look yourself in the mirror again. Report if you did it.
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)09:34 No.3512973

    What IM are u using, i never got a notification that u added the hotmail :O
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)09:36 No.3512979
    I am done master
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:39 No.3512982
    see, I always find it hard to give switches orders, because I feel I'm just telling them to do something they would have come up with themselves :)
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)09:41 No.3512990
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:42 No.3512994
    not quite, I told you to tell us what you did. Describe in detail what happened. Binder clips on your breasts for this failure, then proceed
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)09:43 No.3512996
    ah ive never used that before, would i need to dl a seperate client since my msn isnt picking up ur request.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)09:43 No.3512997
    Reasonable. I can't seem to come up with things for myself though, I have trouble humiliating myself and find it too embarassing, despite the irony.

    That is a load of stuff up my virgin ass. I got two eggs in very slowly and painfully. I shall go do the rest.
    >> Meow 04/26/11(Tue)09:46 No.3513004
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    Merow.. ZzzzZzz @_@
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)09:47 No.3513006

    Hold on. If your ass is virgin, you want to proceed sloooowly. If you'd like you can add me on msn as well, so we can go step by step. I don't recommend shoving stuff up there when its not streched.

    >> Johan 04/26/11(Tue)09:48 No.3513008
    I'm done.
    I couldn't find a dress so I did it with a top and some panties.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)09:48 No.3513009
    yes master I am sorry master, I attached the cups to the binder clips and then to my pussy master then I did nine laps master with the cups behind me dragging and pulling my pussy master. it was humiliating and painful master. The binder clips are now on my nipples master.
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)09:48 No.3513012

    Forgot the text, lol.

    Try loging in into as well. Let's see if we can get it to work from there.
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)09:50 No.3513016
    ebuddy is fine since its just msn without a client, im just trying to figure out why im not seeing ur request xD
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:53 No.3513023
    awwww, kitty is nice and comfy, so I can stroke her at my leisure. I know kitty likes when I rub right here
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)09:55 No.3513029
    would i need to make a new ebuddy id?
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)09:58 No.3513032
    much better, you can take off the binders now. Did you enjoy that dare?
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)09:58 No.3513033

    Probably not? I just entered my mail and my password.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)10:00 No.3513038
    yes master i did
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)10:02 No.3513039
    weird i have the ebuddy id and msn and both arent showing anything z.z
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)10:03 No.3513044
    Hope you enjoyed the dare.
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)10:04 No.3513045
    good, because I now have a harder one for you, when you are ready
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)10:04 No.3513046

    Give me a second, I'll download MSN. You could also try to add me.
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)10:04 No.3513049
    U could send me an email and ill try adding urs and see
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)10:06 No.3513052
    i am ready master. I have nothing to do for the rest of the day.
    >> Dare Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)10:06 No.3513053
    Girl, Lives with parents, No toys unfortunately. Aiming to get some within the next few weeks.

    Open to anything and everything.
    >> Johan 04/26/11(Tue)10:06 No.3513054
    I did. Very much so. Thank You.

    Is there anything else i can do for you?
    >> DaringOZi 04/26/11(Tue)10:09 No.3513062
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    25 Male sub, still looking for a dare :(

    In to anal play, cum play, self facials, edging, improvised toys, spanking, prostate play.

    Have two different sized sharpies, some rubber bands, a vibrating razor shaft and some condoms.

    Copy pasta from before
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)10:14 No.3513068
    Binder clips back on your labia, only this time fill the coffee cups with water, and you have to do laps blindfolded. After each lap, write one letter of my name on your body. Do not forget you must be rubbing your clit the whole time, and when you write the last letter, ask for permission to cum. If you mess up any of these steps, you must start your laps over from the first again, including the letter writing. Report when finished
    >> Darkfeather 04/26/11(Tue)10:15 No.3513072
    age, experience, what are you looking for?
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)10:25 No.3513087
    Added and emailed, any luck
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)10:30 No.3513093

    Not really. Tried adding you with MSN now.
    >> MKB 04/26/11(Tue)11:03 No.3513136
    try again later i gotta run into town for a bit.
    >> Pictures! MrOgre 04/26/11(Tue)11:23 No.3513163
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    Please make sure to post more images. This is an imageboard and I'd hate to see our fun get taken down for lack of content.
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)12:01 No.3513203
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    Postin' a picure
    >> akutai 04/26/11(Tue)12:01 No.3513204

    Do you have skype or ice? I'm realy interested in writing with you. I'm a switch let'S have some fun. ;)
    >> Johan 04/26/11(Tue)12:32 No.3513242
    Will anyone be here in about 4 to 5 hours time? I want to submit to someone for an hour or so. A bit more extended. Would be prepared to talk on MSN or something like that rather than here if thats what you want.
    >> Rasp !!orzgdRv38t1 04/26/11(Tue)12:41 No.3513251
    How are you wonderful /d/eviants today then? Same shtick as the last few threads, just gonna lurk methinks.
    >> Soda 04/26/11(Tue)12:47 No.3513258
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    male sub here, into heavy petplay, orgasm denial, (self-)bondage
    i have 3 shoelaces for rope, elastic bands, a collar, a belt and an empty house =]
    i'm all yours, if you so choose. i promise to be good <3
    >> dare male scarlet 04/26/11(Tue)13:07 No.3513285
    sub male

    into crossdressing anal play, enema

    toys: vibrator, rabbit, dildo, large dildo, rope ties
    >> dare male scarlet 04/26/11(Tue)13:10 No.3513289
    also have lots of panties, some lingerie, bras, stockings etc.
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)13:16 No.3513297

    Do you look feminine?
    >> scarlet 04/26/11(Tue)13:26 No.3513309
    short hair, but i actually know how to wear makeup well.
    >> dstroy 04/26/11(Tue)13:27 No.3513311
    dibs on scarlet
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)13:28 No.3513312

    Would you be willing to do some cam stuff? No faces or identities.
    >> scarlet 04/26/11(Tue)13:30 No.3513314
    i got in trouble using a cam when i was younger and just havent had 1 since... never got 1 but i'd probably be willing to get 1

    captcha planning rcestse
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)13:34 No.3513318

    With feminine I meant body proportions and facial attributes.
    If you should ever get one, talk to me~
    >> scarlet 04/26/11(Tue)13:34 No.3513320
    im 22 now i just never went out and got 1 since then
    >> Master Z !JZFVKEQYEc 04/26/11(Tue)13:40 No.3513326

    I don't have one either ( though there is no real meaning in me having one, if there are no identities/faces being shown ). I don't think its a necessity to have.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)14:05 No.3513365
    21 f sub looking for a dare
    im alone for a while and would really enjoy a dare to pass the time. im into pet play domination humiliation and bondage
    >> scarlet 04/26/11(Tue)14:08 No.3513367
    yah master doesnt need one. Thats actually what i got caught when i was younger... i was on cam and mic with my former mistress.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)14:10 No.3513368
    Drink as much water as you can.
    If you have a vibrater find a way to get it to stay in your ass.
    while fully clothed, but with the vibrator inside you. Tie your legs together and arms together up in the bath, make sure to plug the drain, and wait there until you piss yourself.

    Once you have pissed yourself, you may untie just your hands and rub yourself through your clothes until you come.
    >> Dare kate 04/26/11(Tue)14:11 No.3513370
    looking for a shorter dare today, bi sub male with the following

    2 skirts
    4 blouses
    1 pair of tights
    6 thongs
    1 pair of high heels
    25 or so clothes pins
    4 restraint belts
    1 collar-leash, it is onepiece self tightening
    1 8" dildo
    1 enema giving device
    sharpies for writing on self
    1 gag
    1 blindfold
    2 earplugs

    try me out, you wont be disappointed
    >> Dare Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)14:16 No.3513380
    Female sub looking for a quick dare. Into denial and light pain. No toys available, sadly.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)14:18 No.3513382

    I'll write up some things for you to do little slut:

    first to get dressed:

    put on your thong with the most fabric, on top of that goes your longer skirt, and your loosest blouse.

    Put on the high heels as well and report back when fully dressed - I will be timing you slut
    >> digger 04/26/11(Tue)14:19 No.3513384
    writing now
    >> BA_Master 04/26/11(Tue)14:19 No.3513386

    interested in some self spanking?
    >> kate 04/26/11(Tue)14:20 No.3513387

    this slut is already dressed, it is wearing tights though in addition what You have requested
    >> digger 04/26/11(Tue)14:22 No.3513391
    i want you to use one hand to rub your clit. get as close as you can to orgasm then stop. slap yourself across the tits. do this 10 times before you cum. be sure to say 'thank you master'.
    >> digger 04/26/11(Tue)14:23 No.3513392
    what do you have on hand - toys, household implements, etc?
    >> BA_Master 04/26/11(Tue)14:25 No.3513396

    very good little slut; now follow my directions carefully:

    first you'll need to find a quarter (if you're in the US); then you will tie your ankles together using your belts; apply the clothespins to your nipples under your blouse; make sure that your thong is pulled firmly up your ass as well; put on the gag and then report back slut for the next task
    >> To Mistress Ayra Master Anon 04/26/11(Tue)14:27 No.3513400
    Greetings /d/. This is a much delayed delivery on a promised dare to Mistress Ayra. I hope she finds it here, enjoys it, and /d/ enjoys her response. This will last a few posts so pardon the flood.

    Part 1:
    Mistress Ayra, you will collect your butt plug, love balls, ball gag, a chain, a collar, something that can be used as a blindfold, the three largest cups you have access to filled to the brim with water (ideally around 1L/32oz), and the smallest cup you have access to, left empty (ideally a shot glass, or something 100ml/3oz or smaller). You will take them to a place in your space where you can spread them out in front of you on the floor. You will lay them out as follows, each row is listed from left to right: Directly in front of you place the love balls and the butt plug. Just past that you will lay out the three large full cups of water and then the small empty cup. Finally the last row will be the collar, the chain, and the gag. From this point forward you will not orgasm or pee unless instructed.

    Stand up, in front of the first row, facing the items. Slowly and deliberately remove every article of clothing you are wearing. Each item is to be neatly folded and placed in a pile an arms length away to your right. You will get on your knees, spreading your legs apart, just far enough that you notice the effort but not so far that the position will be difficult to maintain.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)14:28 No.3513401
    As you wish, master. Thank you for the swiftness of your order!
    >> kate 04/26/11(Tue)14:29 No.3513406

    this slut has tied its ankles, clothespinned its nipples, put on its gag and found a quarter
    >> To Mistress Ayra Master Anon 04/26/11(Tue)14:30 No.3513408
    Part 2:
    You will then focus all of your attention on the collar, without taking your eyes from it you will, out loud, tell a story about how you used that collar on a sub. The story should be colorful and detailed, and will contain commentary about how it made you feel. During the story telling you will, lightly, play with your clit. When you finish your story you will stop playing with yourself, let your eyes wander down to the first cup of water. Without moving your legs, lean forward, pick up the cup, and drink it as quickly as you can. Replace the cup in its original position and let your eyes wander down to the love balls. Pick them up and insert them. You will now focus all of your attention on the chain, and repeat the story telling, clit stimulation, and water drinking using the second cup. This time you will use your own juices to help insert the butt plug before repeating the pattern again with the gag, your clit, and the final cup of water. Finally you will focus your attention on the smallest cup.

    The smallest cup represents the amount you are allowed to pee at any given point. From now till the end of the dare you may only pee into the cup, and you may never let it overflow. Stand up, get dressed, collect the collar, chain, and gag, and return them to their proper place. Return the large cups as well. The smallest cup is to stay with you at all times, in a pocket or purse is acceptable.
    >> digger 04/26/11(Tue)14:30 No.3513409
    that's a good little slave.
    >> To Mistress Ayra Master Anon 04/26/11(Tue)14:31 No.3513410
    Part 3:
    You will now select a chore to accomplish. This can be anything on your to-do list, from cleaning a bathroom to going to to do some shopping. The only hard requirements are that the chore must not involve sitting still and must last a while, between one and two hours. If need be you may select multiple shorter chores to fulfill this time requirement. Ideally this chore will involve you going outside of your space to somewhere more public. The challenge is yours to choose, the more active the chore, the further it takes you from home, the greater the reward.

    As you go about your chore you will no doubt eventual feel the desire to pee. When that time comes you will find a bathroom, take your small cup out, and you will pee into it without spilling over. You will stop yourself, empty the glass into the toilet, go to a sink to thoroughly clean it out, and return to your chore. If you do overfill the cup you will make a mental note of it. You may repeat your visit to the bathroom, but with a minimum of 10 minutes between trips. When you have finished your chore you will return to your space, take your small cup and drink the same number of cups full of water as the number of times you filled it with pee. You will then put away the small cup.

    You will then collect your blindfold, and go to your bathroom. Stand in front of the toilet and remove all of your clothing, neatly folding each item and placing them in a pile. You will then blindfold yourself, and sit down on the toilet, spreading your legs apart. You will then stimulate your clit for a number of minutes equal to the number of times you overfilled the small glass. If you somehow managed to never overfill it, you will simply have to do it for one minute. When you are done, you will pause, relax, breath deeply, count to 10, remove the love balls, and pee.
    >> To Mistress Ayra Master Anon 04/26/11(Tue)14:33 No.3513415
    Part 4:
    When you are as empty as can be, you will flush, stand up, still blindfolded gather your clothing and love balls and go to a comfortable place like a bed or chair. You will relax, and you will play with your clit. You will bring yourself close to orgasm the same number of times you overfilled your glass. This time if you managed to never overfill it, you will bring yourself close two times. After the last time you will once again pause for a moment. Think back to your experience during this dare, appreciate that you have accomplished something, and finally play with your clit till you have an orgasm. Relax, enjoy the moment, remove the blindfold, the butt plug, clean up, and finally report back to me, and to /d/ about your experience.
    >> BA_Master 04/26/11(Tue)14:34 No.3513418

    very timely - very good slut; now you'll need some kind of alarm, a cell phone will work just fine or use one on the computer or clock etc; you'll need somewhere with hopefully hard floor, not carpet, a bathroom perhaps? and a flat wall next to it.

    You will kneel down before the wall, your ankles back behind you, set the cellphone alarm to 8 minutes blindfold yourself, and then straighten your back, place the quarter against the wall and lean forward with your nose and pin it there. Place your hands on the back of your head and remain as still as possible until the timer goes off and then you may report back.

    Report back sooner if you fail this command by letting the coin drop due to your lack of posture and if you want an extra reward try it with something painful under your knees, such as cracker crumbs or rice.
    >> Dare Anon L 04/26/11(Tue)14:35 No.3513421
    Male: bi

    I tried in the last thread, but it seemed to only fail so I'll give this a second try. I'm into Cross dressing, pet play, sissy, cum play, and most other things except scat and water sports. I got some panties, collar and leash, cat ears with a tail, leather handcuffs, sharpie. I could improvise if need be. my only request is that what ever it is it can't be something too loud.
    >> Dare Moose 04/26/11(Tue)14:37 No.3513426
    Male in need of some training
    Not into scat or visible wounds
    Have household items
    >> blowup 04/26/11(Tue)14:39 No.3513431
    writing now
    >> Anon L 04/26/11(Tue)14:47 No.3513447
    >> kate 04/26/11(Tue)14:47 No.3513448

    this slut was successful, it went for extra points but since it did not have access to a bathroom it was on carpet. for the hard surface this slut used round metal weights used in exercise equipment and put its knees on the holes and letters Sir
    >> Dare Syl 04/26/11(Tue)14:48 No.3513454
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    Reposting this from last thread:
    Im a trap in humiliation, pet play, and bondage.

    I have 2 8 inch dildos, 1 18 inch double dildo, a fox tail buttplug, a bunny tail buttplug, a ball gag, rope, bondage tape, a collar + leash, and girly clothes.

    Msn is :D
    >> dare (looking) BitchBoy 04/26/11(Tue)14:48 No.3513456
    i've posted in a bajillion of the threads and have barely received a casual sideways glance. *sigh*. Am I doing something wrong? Male sub, with a nighty and female panties, duct tape, household objects, no roommates, into humiliation, degradation, forced fem, femdom, anal play, pet play, light watersports, bondage, nipple play
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)14:50 No.3513461

    you need to be more creative with what you have at your disposal
    >> BA_Master 04/26/11(Tue)14:51 No.3513465

    very good slut! You must have had some training before - as your reward you may remove your gag, place your dildo on your desk and immediately begin sucking it off, holding the base with one hand (if not suction) and rubbing your cock through your panties and tights with the other hand - you may do this for 5 minutes or until you have edged, but do not cum; you may also remove the nipple clamps and pinch each nipple firmly 5 times
    >> blowup 04/26/11(Tue)14:56 No.3513476
    from now on you will refer to yourself as 'kitty'. all directions to speak can be peformed in your head - the important thing is that you speak them to yourself.

    strip down completely and put on the cat ears. say "this kitty has been very bad". if you have floor-length mirror, position yourself in front of it and look at yourself for the remainder of the dare. say "this kitty needs to be controlled" while putting on the collar.

    say "this kitty is staying right here" and attach the leash to the collar. tie the other end of the leash to something such that there is tension on the leash.

    kneel now and slowly insert the sharpie into your pussy. say "this kitty needs to learn" while inserting. do not proceed to move the sharpie yet.

    pinch your nipples with increasing pressure until you cannot take it while saying "this kitty needs to learn".

    look at your swollen tits. spit on your hand and rub the saliva on your tits, then blow. say "this kitty will learn". look at your hard tits now and say "this kitty is disgusting".

    back up against a wall now so that you can feel the wall pressing the sharpie (if you need to untie the leash, you may do so, but then wrap the end of it around your balls, like a makeshift cockring). say "this kitty needs her milk". begin rocking back and forth against the wall. feel the sharpie on your g-spot. say "this kitty needs her milk". play with head of your cock. say "this kitty needs her milk". when you feel you are about to ejaculate, take your hand off your dick and push the sharpie deeper. DON"T CUM. Repeat this rocking-fondling-pushing cycle 5 times.

    On the sixth time, say "this kitty needs her milk". Push the sharpie as far as is safe and then ejaculate into your hand. Rub your cum on your face and then collect it and eat it while saying "this kitty loves her milk".

    remember that blowup owns you.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)14:59 No.3513480

    this slut has done as requested, it did not edge and went the full five minutes and promptly stopped touching itself
    >> kate 04/26/11(Tue)15:01 No.3513484

    as a side not this slut drooled all over its desk and skirt
    >> BA_Master 04/26/11(Tue)15:01 No.3513485

    good slut; now place your hands behind your back and go down as deep as you can on your dildo - get it nice and wet and then measure how far down you went and report back
    >> Sage Sage 04/26/11(Tue)15:05 No.3513489
    How is cti not allowed but this spam is?

    It just doesnt make sense.
    >> kate 04/26/11(Tue)15:05 No.3513491

    this slut is able to deepthroat the entire shaft of its dildo which measures 6.5 inches
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)15:09 No.3513494
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    Sub here.

    Crossdresser with maid costume. I'm into everything besides scat. live in a house with 2 roommates who don't know about this and I'd rather not have them know. I don't possess any toys.

    I really really really like anal masturbation though
    >> BA_Master 04/26/11(Tue)15:12 No.3513496

    wow what a well practiced slut! Now lie down over your chair, take a hairbrush or hard object and hold it in your hand; pull down your tights and your panties - slowly nudge the dildo up your eager ass until it will stay in by its self - take your sweet time - then once in, arch your back and get your butt up - take the brush and spank each ass cheek 65 times, as hard as you feel dirty - when this is finished you may cum with the dildo in if you feel ready - if not take more dares.

    this master has to go to work now - if you'd like more dares from me go to, register and post in the dares section (this goes for any subs)

    you've been a great sub, i'll look for you again
    >> Dare Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)15:22 No.3513501
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    19 Male sub looking for dare
    Have rope, duct tape, a gag, a butt plug, and blindfold

    First dare for me, go easy :)
    >> Kitty 04/26/11(Tue)15:28 No.3513508
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    thank you Master/Mistress Blowup. Kitty enjoyed her play, she couldn't get to a wall where her leash was attached to so she made due with the floor since she liked how her leash kept her held. Kitty would like to play some more, but someone will be arriving soon, though she will keep the sharpie in her pussy and leave the ears on. Meow~
    >> blowup 04/26/11(Tue)15:33 No.3513519
    consider this an extension of your dare, kitty: at some point, excuse yourself from conversation and go to the bathroom. quickly j/o thinking about how you can taste your own cum still and eat your cum again while saying "this kitty is learning".

    does it make a difference to my kitty what gender i am?
    >> Kitty 04/26/11(Tue)15:38 No.3513524
    thank you again Master/Mistress Blowup for the nice little bonus. Kitty will do so when ever the time feels right.

    And if Kitty has deserved to know Blowup's gender, then Kitty would like to know.

    >> blowup 04/26/11(Tue)15:42 No.3513527
    you have been a good pet so far. you may address me as Sir.
    >> blowup 04/26/11(Tue)15:47 No.3513529
    you have been an adequate pet thus far. you may address me as Sir. perhaps we will encounter each other again sometime.
    >> Kitty 04/26/11(Tue)15:49 No.3513531
    Thank you Sir. Kitty would like to play some more, but she'll be leaving for now. Kitty would like to see you again, hopefully tonight.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)15:50 No.3513534
    First step, tie or duct tape your legs together, ankles over each other so when you sit you look like a dainty pretty girl. Duct tape the but plug onto something so it points up, and then remove your trousers and pants, where a baggy shirt. Then, sit on the but plug, but don't penetrate you little ass hole, have it dig into your perineum, wriggle it back and forth while flexing your cock and relaxing. Wear your blindfold as you do this.
    >> blowup 04/26/11(Tue)15:53 No.3513538
    I can make no promises. However, you have my permission to name an object that you will fellate or that will sodomize you after me.
    >> kate 04/26/11(Tue)15:55 No.3513541

    this slut apologizes for not writing a recap but it needed to get all of its stuff put away before getting ready and leaving the house.

    this slut was not able to get into a good position for being fucked while bent over the chair so it leashed itself to its ankle bindings and continued from there. giving each cheek 10 swats and switching to the other going back and forth. this slut also went to 70 for not following directions exactly and because of poor planning on the slut's part it was not able to fuck itself as thoroughly as it would have liked. this slut felt as though it would be improper for it to enjoy itself when its use did not yield the proper result.

    Thank You Very Much Sir.

    this slut enjoyed itself quite a lot and looks forward to playing with You again soon.

    You will find this slut registered under "kinkster4use" on your site Sir.
    >> Kitty 04/26/11(Tue)15:56 No.3513544
    Thank you Sir
    >> blowup 04/26/11(Tue)16:19 No.3513558

    a parting gift, for you to finger your pussy to later this evening.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)16:21 No.3513560

    I assume you were quoting me and not the OP right?
    >> Dare, please? Kiko M !!jxUMcasxIQb 04/26/11(Tue)16:35 No.3513575
    Hey, 19 year old mtf trans here. Into hypnosis, petplay, diapers and cocksucking.
    I have a tail, a 6 inch dildo, diapers, some mittens (can tie with teeth if required, but not very well).
    Would love a dare based on maybe hypnosis or something, but I'll do whatever I'm asked.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)16:38 No.3513580
    I was giving a dare for this gent here...
    >> Slavepuppy 04/26/11(Tue)16:45 No.3513588
    Male sub into most things especially pet play and bondage. My available toys are a small dildo, ballgag, ring gag, bridle gag, fleshlight, collar with a chain, cuffs and other household items. If you couldnt tell i have a thing for gags. Anybody want to dare me?
    >> Master-Anon-Sama 04/26/11(Tue)17:21 No.3513600
    if you'd like a dare, all you must do is beg for it
    >> Master-Anon-Sama 04/26/11(Tue)17:27 No.3513602

    if you wish for a dare, you must beg for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)17:48 No.3513607
    If anyone is still around. I will be looking for a dare, or an hour or so of play when my parents goto bed Soon.
    >> Anonymity 04/26/11(Tue)18:12 No.3513621
    are you a male or a female?
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)18:13 No.3513622
    Into femdom, anal play
    Have 2 vibrators
    Was also wondering if he could find a master to chat with...
    Pls tell your slave what to do!!!
    >> Syl 04/26/11(Tue)18:18 No.3513630

    Looking for another dare if anyone is interested :)
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)18:19 No.3513634
    NEWS of day: 26.04.2011 TO CCCC.PPPP.!!! 11-17 YRS OLD GIRLS AND BOYS!! PTHC!!! jailbait!!!!! VIDEOS ONLY!

    SAVE ALL LINK'S to new doc.txt before 404's AND DOWNLOAD AFTER TIME..x..x..x..x..!oansdpansdopn
    >> Dare :3 !r0FEMSUBFw 04/26/11(Tue)18:19 No.3513636
    Looking for a quickie dare.
    In the mood for some fast food. Gonna have a vibe up both holes, but the rest is up to you, /d/.
    >> dare carny 04/26/11(Tue)18:20 No.3513637
    21 pretty bi-curious (she)male; still getting into all that make-up, dress-up thing.

    selfsucker (deep throat), 1 dildo, lipstick, panties, perfume, many condoms, that is all..

    could shave everything on command...

    live alone and have a cam

    come at me bro
    >> temp owner 04/26/11(Tue)18:21 No.3513639
    you must covertly rub your clit while in the car or restaurant. do not cum until you are speaking to someone. do not return to your use until you have cum.
    >> temp owner 04/26/11(Tue)18:23 No.3513641
    bonus points if you cum while making eye contact with a stranger.
    >> :3 !r0FEMSUBFw 04/26/11(Tue)18:25 No.3513643
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    I'll take that as an order TO come when I talk with someone, not not-come unless I am. :p

    But here, have a pic for the fast response. xd
    >> Dare Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:31 No.3513647
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    We're a couple

    I'm a Dom, into Cd, Anal, femdom, footplay
    She's a Sub, into BDSM, oral, incest,
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:32 No.3513649
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    Right, let's try this.

    Kinks are, well, pretty much everything. Really into Hypnosis/MC and feminization though.

    I don't have any toys or anything, due to having a roommate that might find them.
    >> Dare alexander 04/26/11(Tue)20:34 No.3513651
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    forgot the name and the dare, silly me.
    >> Dare Jessica 04/26/11(Tue)20:34 No.3513653
    Submissive female.
    Into anal play, public, humiliation, degradation, sensory deprivation, cum play. Looking for a Master.
    I have only household items. Belts/tie downs/elastic bands/blindfold/didlo like object and normal tape.
    Can't be too loud because my brother is next door. But I have music playing.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:36 No.3513656
    This is an IMAGEBOARD, not a hookup thread

    >> Dare Syn !HjSrslzrLk 04/26/11(Tue)20:37 No.3513661
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    18, male,
    enjoy anal play and streatching, bondage, pain, cock/ball torture (although not to extreme ;3), crossdressing, also orgasm denial :)
    Living with parents, they are asleep atm, cant be too loud :P
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:38 No.3513662
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:39 No.3513669
    How many of this shit threads do we have to sit thread in /d/? Get this shit out of here you stupid broken faggots
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:41 No.3513679
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:43 No.3513682
    I thought I might point out to you all. It's particularly on-topic in this case.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:43 No.3513683
    this shit is posted by the same 3 broken faggots who keep spamming this crap everyday, everyhour

    get out of here faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:44 No.3513685
    faggots, faggots everywhere.
    >> BonnieSissySu 04/26/11(Tue)20:45 No.3513686
         File1303865101.jpg-(58 KB, 175x171, 1362742712747.jpg)
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    19 y/o trap.. all dolled up :3
    into analplay, cumplay, general bsdm..
    I've got a few toys, butt plugs of all sizes, inflatable butt plug (GOD i love it), dildo.
    living with parents so can't do anything loud, but will do everything.. :3 I'm horny
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:45 No.3513689
    Not gonna come at you, but on a somewhat related note, any tips on getting to the point of being able to self suck well? No matter how often I stretch and try to get it, I still cant get past the very tip touching my lips.
    >> The Professor !Y0ZU7aq/Hc 04/26/11(Tue)20:46 No.3513690
    If you want attention your going to have to be properly for it
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:46 No.3513692

    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:47 No.3513693
    4chan the image board.

    >> bearmode !9eeRkDP7OI 04/26/11(Tue)20:48 No.3513695
    Sub here, bearmode guy, put on a strong manly man act, when in fact, I dream about being dominated and fucked/pegged silly. I have a 6" rubber dildo, some lube, 2 bullet vibes (they kind of suck), some clothes pins, and some candles for wax play (though being a hairy bearmode guy, cleaning the wax off is a bit of a pain).

    Unfortunately I live with 3 other people, and it seems because of all of our odd schedules, I'm almost always home at the same time as at least 1 other person, so I can't stick my dildo to the wall of the shower and give myself a pounding, I've got to keep this somewhat discrete, but once in a blue moon I'm all alone and can go wild.

    I also have a bit of a cum fetish but that damn refractory period/recovery phase gets me every time.

    Lastly, I do have school and work, as well as housemates schedules to work around, so I might not be able to respond right away, but don't fret, your commands will be read and followed to the letter.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:48 No.3513696
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:49 No.3513697
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:51 No.3513699
    Noch wuchtet der Schatten des Ungeheuren über uns. Der gewaltigste der Kriege ist uns noch zu nahe, als daß wir ihn ganz überblicken, geschweige denn seinen Geist sichtbar auskristallisieren können. Eins hebt sich indes immer klarer aus der Flut der Erscheinungen: Die überragende Bedeutung der Materie. Der Krieg gipfelte in der Materialschlacht; Maschinen, Eisen und Sprengstoff waren seine Faktoren. Selbst der Mensch wurde als Material gewertet. Die Verbände wurden wieder und wieder an den Brennpunkten der Front zur Schlacke zerglüht, zurückgezogen und einem schematischen Gesundungsprozeß unterworfen. „Die Division ist reif für den Großkampf.“
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:53 No.3513701
    Das Treiben auf der Dorfstraße bot den kulturgewohnten Augen einen fremden Anblick. Man sah nur wenige scheue und zerlumpte Zivilisten; überall Soldaten in abgetragenen, zerschlissenen Röcken mit wettergegerbten, meist von großen Bärten umrahmten Gesichtern, die langsamen Schrittes dahinschlenderten oder in kleinen Gruppen vor den Türen der Häuser standen und uns Neulinge mit Scherzrufen empfingen. Irgendwo stand eine nach Erbsensuppe duftende Feldküche, von kochgeschirrklappernden Essenholern umringt. Die wallensteinsche Romantik wurde durch den beginnenden Verfall des Dorfes noch gesteigert.
    Nachdem wir die erste Nacht in einer gewaltigen Scheune verbracht hatten, wurden wir im Hofe des Schlosses vom Regimentsadjutanten, dem damaligen Oberleutnant v. Brixen, eingeteilt und ich der 9. Kompagnie überwiesen.
    >> Mistress Ayra 04/26/11(Tue)20:53 No.3513702

    i hope you read this.
    i haven't recieved your email because it landed in my spam folder, a place I never really look at.
    of course I am not angry at you and I truly understand the situation now, as I may have overreacted a bit at first.
    I hope you have a nice time, and I "promise", if that is even possible on good old /d/ to once prepare a dare for you.


    Master Anon. I must say I worried a bit about whether you'd return back to us, but I am really excited about reading a dare for me, and it sounds just perfect!
    Unfortunately I do not have that much free time coming up in the near future, that is why I will return to it on another date.
    Thank you very, very much for taking your time to compose this, as it is really nice!
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:54 No.3513704
    Mitte Februar wurden wir 73er durch die Nachricht der großen Verluste unseres Regiments bei Perthes überrascht und waren sehr traurig, diese Tage fern von unseren Kameraden verbracht zu haben. Am 21. März kamen wir nach einem kleinen Examen zum Regiment zurück, das wieder in Bazancourt lag. Es schied in diesen Tagen nach einer großen Parade und einer Abschiedsansprache des Generals von Emmich aus dem Verbande des X. Korps. Wir wurden am 24. März verladen und fuhren bis in die Gegend von Brüssel, wo wir mit den Regimentern 76 und 164 zur 111. Infanterie-Division zusammengestellt wurden.
    Unser Bataillon wurde in dem Städtchen Hérinnes (flämisch: Herne) untergebracht, inmitten einer Landschaft von flämischer Behaglichkeit. Ich erlebte hier recht glücklich meinen 20. Geburtstag.
    Obwohl die Belgier in ihren Häusern genügend Platz hatten, wurde unsere Kompagnie aus falscher Rücksichtnahme in eine große zugige Scheune gesteckt, durch die während der kalten Märznächte der rauhe Seewind jener Gegend pfiff. Sonst war uns der Aufenthalt in Herne eine gute Erholung; es wurde zwar viel exerziert, doch gab es auch gute Verpflegung und Lebensmittel für geringes Geld.
    Die halb aus Flamen, halb aus Wallonen bestehende Bevölkerung war sehr freundlich zu uns. Ich unterhielt mich oft mit dem Besitzer eines Estaminets, einem eifrigen Sozialisten und Freigeist, der mich am Ostersonntag zum Festmahl einlud und sogar für seine Getränke kein Geld nehmen wollte. Man kann sich kaum vorstellen,
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:55 No.3513706
    f der Grande Tranchée hasteten Truppen vor. Um Wasser flehende Verwundete kauerten am Straßenrand, bahrentragende Gefangene keuchten zurück, Protzen rasselten im Galopp durchs Feuer. Rechts und links stampften Granaten den weichen Boden, schweres Geäst brach nieder. Mitten im Wege lag ein totes Pferd mit riesigen Wunden, daneben dampfende Eingeweide. An einem Baume lehnte ein bärtiger Landwehrmann: „Jungens, jetzt feste ran, der Franzmann ist im Laufen!“
    Wir gelangten in das kampfzerwühlte Reich der Infanterie. Der Umkreis der Sturmausgangsstellung war von Geschossen kahl geholzt. Im zerrissenen Zwischenfelde lagen die Opfer des Sturmes, den Kopf feindwärts; die grauen Röcke hoben sich kaum vom Boden ab. Eine Riesengestalt, mit rotem, blutbesudeltem Vollbart starrte zum Himmel, die Fäuste in die lockere Erde gekrallt. Ein junger Mensch wälzte sich in einem Trichter, die gelbliche Farbe des Todes auf den Zügen. Unsere Blicke schienen ihm unangenehm, mit einer gleichgültigen Bewegung zog er sich den Mantel über den Kopf und wurde still.
    Wir lösten uns aus der Marschkolonne. Fortwährend zischte es in langem, scharfem Bogen heran, Blitze wirbelten den Boden der Lichtung hoch. „Sanitäter!“ Wir hatten den ersten Toten. Dem Füsilier S. zerriß eine Schrapnellkugel die Halsschlagader. Drei Verbandpäckchen waren im Nu vollgesogen. Er verblutete in Sekunden. Neben uns protzten zwei Geschütze ab, noch stärkeres Feuer anziehend. Ein Artillerieleutnant, der im Vorgelände nach Verwundeten suchte, wurde durch eine vor ihm hochfahrende Dampfsäule niedergeschleudert. Er erhob sich langsam und kam mit markierter Ruhe zurück. „Eben ziemlichen Torkel entwickelt!“ Unsere Augen glänzten ihn an.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:55 No.3513707
    Oft ist es auch ganz nett. Manche sind mit sportsmäßigem Interesse bei der Sache. Mit einer gewissen Schadenfreude betrachten sie die Einschläge der eigenen Artillerie im feindlichen Graben. „Junge, der saß.“ „Donnerwetter, sieh mal, wie das spritzt! Armer Tommy!“ Gern schießen sie Gewehrgranaten und leichte Minen hinüber, sehr zum Mißvergnügen ängstlicher Gemüter. „Mensch, laß doch den Blödsinn, wir kriegen gerade Dunst genug!“
    Die Stunde des Nachmittagskaffees ist manchmal direkt gemütlich. Oft muß der Fähnrich einem der Kompagnieoffiziere dabei Gesellschaft leisten. Es geht ganz förmlich zu: „Darf ich mir gestatten?“ „Danke gehorsamst!“ Eine schöne Eigenschaft des preußischen Offiziers, diese korrekte Geschlossenheit in jeder Lage. Sie verleiht auch dem ganz jungen etwas Festes, Persönliches.
    Es schimmern sogar zwei Porzellantassen von der Tischdecke aus Sandsacktuch. Nachher stellt der Bursche eine Flasche und zwei Gläser auf den wackligen Tisch. Das Gespräch wird vertraulicher. Merkwürdigerweise bildet auch hier der liebe Nächste einen willkommenen Gegenstand der Unterhaltung. Es hat sich sogar ein üppiger Grabenklatsch entwickelt, der bei den Nachmittagsvisiten eifrig gepflegt wird. Bald wie in einer kleinen Garnison. Vorgesetzte, Kameraden und Untergebene werden einer gründlichen Kritik unterzogen. Ein neues, interessantes Gerücht hat im Nu die Zugführer-Unterstände sämtlicher sechs Kampfabschnitte vom rechten bis zum linken Flügel durchlaufen. Die Beobachtungsoffiziere, die mit Fernrohr und Skizzen-Mappe die ganze Regimentsstellung abgehen, sind nicht ganz unschuldig daran.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)20:56 No.3513709
    Im linken Nachbarzuge wollte der Feldwebel H., der unglückliche Rattenfänger von Monchy, eine weiße Leuchtkugel abschießen, vergriff sich indes und ein rotes Sperrfeuersignal zischte, von allen Seiten weitergegeben, gen Himmel. Im Nu setzte unsere Artillerie ein, daß es eine Freude war. Eine Mörsergranate neben der anderen kam hoch aus den Lüften herabgeheult und zerschellte im Vorgelände zu Splittern und Funken. Ein Gemisch von Staub, stickigen Gasen und dem Dunsthauch aufgeschleuderter Leichen braute aus den Trichtern.
    Nach dieser Orgie der Vernichtung flutete das Feuer wieder auf sein gewöhnliches Niveau zurück, das es während der Nacht und des nächsten Tages beibehielt. Der aufgeregte Griff eines einzelnen Mannes hatte die ganze gewaltige Kriegsmaschinerie ausgelöst.
    H. war und blieb ein Unglücksmensch; er schoß sich noch in derselben Nacht beim Laden seiner Pistole eine Leuchtkugel in den Stiefelschaft und mußte mit schweren Brandwunden zurückgetragen werden. Am nächsten Tage regnete es stark, was uns nicht unlieb war, da das ausgetrocknete Gefühl im Gaumen nach dem Verschwinden des Staubes nicht mehr so quälend war und die großen, blauschwarzen Fliegen, die sich in riesigen Klumpen an den sonnigen Stellen gesammelt hatten, vertrieben wurden. Ich saß fast den ganzen Tag vor meinem Fuchsloch auf dem Boden, rauchte und aß trotz der Umgebung mit gutem Appetit.
    >> kate 04/26/11(Tue)20:57 No.3513710

    this slut looks forward to following Your dare Mistress Ayra, Thank You again.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)20:58 No.3513711
    Am Abend schnurrte mir noch ein großer Granatsplitter gegen den Magen, der zum Glück ziemlich am Ende seiner Flugbahn war und nach einem kräftigen Schlage vor mein Koppelschloß zu Boden fiel.
    Vor dem Abschnitt des ersten Zuges erschienen bei Einbruch der Dunkelheit zwei englische Essenholer, die sich verlaufen hatten. Beide wurden auf kürzeste Entfernung niedergeschossen, der eine schlug mit dem Oberkörper in den Hohlweg, während seine Beine auf der Böschung liegen blieben. Gefangene zu machen war allen Leuten unerwünscht, denn wie sollte man sie durch die Sperrfeuerzone bringen, in der man mit sich selbst schon so viel zu tun hatte?
    Gegen 1 Uhr nachts wurde ich von Schmidt aus wirrem Schlaf gerüttelt. Nervös fuhr ich hoch und griff nach dem Gewehr. Unsere Ablösung war gekommen. Wir übergaben, was zu übergeben war, und verließen so schnell wie möglich diesen Ort des Teufels.
    Kaum hatten wir den flachen Laufgraben erreicht, als die erste Gruppe Schrapnells zwischen uns krepierte. Mein Vordermann taumelte infolge einer Wunde am Handgelenk, aus der das Blut spritzte und wollte sich auf die Seite legen. Ich packte ihn am Arm, riß ihn trotz seines Stöhnens hoch und gab ihn erst beim Sanitätsunterstand neben dem K. T. K. ab.
    In beiden Hohlwegen ging es scharf her. Wir kamen stark außer Atem. Die schlimmste Ecke war ein Tal, in das wir gerieten, und in dem ununterbrochen Schrapnells und leichte Granaten aufflammten. Brrruch! Brrruch! umkrachte uns der eiserne Wirbel, einen Funkenregen in die Dunkelheit sprühend. Huiiiii! Wieder eine Gruppe! Mir blieb der Atem aus, denn ich wußte Bruchteile von Sekunden vorher aus dem immer schärfer werdenden Heulen, daß der absteigende Ast der Geschoßkurve unmittelbar bei mir enden mußte. Gleich darauf wuchtete neben meiner Fußsohle ein schwerer Aufschlag, weiche Lehmfetzen hochschleudernd. Gerade diese Granate ging blind!
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)20:59 No.3513713
    Wir wurden in Bohain ausgeladen und in dem naheliegenden Dorf Brancourt untergebracht. Diese Gegend, die wir später noch oft berührten, ist von Ackerbauern bewohnt, doch steht in fast jedem Hause ein Webstuhl. Die Bevölkerung schien mir unsympathisch, schmutzig und auf geringer Kultur- und Moralstufe stehend. Ich war in einem Häuschen einquartiert, das durch ein Ehepaar und seine Tochter bewohnt wurde. Man muß den Leuten lassen, daß sie mir für mein gutes Geld vorzügliche Eierspeisen zubereiteten. Die Tochter erzählte mir gleich beim Antrittskaffee, daß sie mit Poincaré nach seiner Rückkehr einen guten Kaffee trinken, das heißt ihm ordentlich die Meinung sagen würde. Niemals habe ich jemand mit so großer Zungengeläufigkeit schimpfen hören wie diese filia hospitalis auf die Anschuldigung einer Nachbarin hin, in einer gewissen Straße von St. Quentin gewohnt zu haben. „Ah, cette plure, cette pomme de terre pourrie, jetée sur un fumier, c’est la crème de la crème“, sprudelte sie hervor, während sie mit krallenartig vorgestreckten Händen durch das Zimmer raste, ohne ein Objekt für ihre Wut finden zu können.
    Am Morgen, wenn diese Rose von Brancourt mit der Zubereitung der Butter und anderen häuslichen Arbeiten beschäftigt war, sah sie unglaublich wenig einladend aus, doch nachmittags, wenn es galt, die Dorfstraße auf und ab zu stolzieren oder Freundinnen zu besuchen, hatte sich die garstige Puppe in einen prächtigen Schmetterling verwandelt. Mit einem gewissen Mißtrauen betrachtete ich immer eine große Schachtel voll Reispuder, die dauernd auf dem Tische stand und Wasser und Seife völlig zu ersetzen schien.
    Ihr Vater bat mich eines Tages, ihm eine Anklageschrift an den Ortskommandanten aufzusetzen, da ihn ein Nachbar an der Kehle gepackt, geprügelt und unter dem Rufe: „Demande pardon!“ mit dem Tode bedroht hätte.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)21:01 No.3513714
    do you have a cam?
    >> sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:01 No.3513715
    here's the social board for all your dumb faggots

    >> BonnieSissySu 04/26/11(Tue)21:05 No.3513722
    I'm still waiting for any doms/instructions :3
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:05 No.3513724
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    Saging with War logs much? Section of Mein Kampf?
    Male. Bondage. Have twine.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)21:06 No.3513725
    I like how it took 7 posts for Der Deutsch spammer to realize he was bumping the thread.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:06 No.3513726
    Am 18. November wurde die Division abgelöst und ich stieß wieder zum Regiment, das im Dorfe Fresnoy-le-Grand in Ruhe lag. Ich übernahm dort für den beurlaubten Leutnant Boje die Führung der zweiten Kompagnie. In Fresnoy hatte das Regiment vier Wochen ungestörter Ruhe, und jeder bemühte sich, davon so viel als möglich zu profitieren. Weihnachten und Neujahr wurden durch große Kompagniefeste gefeiert, bei denen Bier und Grog in Strömen floß. Es waren gerade noch fünf Mann in der zweiten Kompagnie, die das vorige Weihnachtsfest mit mir zusammen in den Schützengräben von Monchy gefeiert hatten.
    Ich bewohnte mit dem Fähnrich Gornick und meinem Bruder Fritz, der als Fahnenjunker für sechs Wochen zum Regiment gekommen war, den sogenannten Salon und zwei Schlafzimmer eines französischen Kleinrentners. Wir machten uns redlich lustig über das spießige Ehepaar, das seine Plüschmöbel und Markartbuketts sowie den im Hofe aufgestapelten Holzvorrat mit wahren Argusaugen bewachte und mit den Burschen auf ständigem Kriegsfuße lebte.
    Der Becher wurde in dem kleinen Neste schlimmer denn je geschwungen. Wenn man spät durch die engen Gassen schritt, hörte man überall aus Mannschafts-, Unteroffiziers- und Offiziersquartieren das Gewirr fröhlicher Gelage. Im Kriege ist alles auf rücksichtslose Wirkung berechnet, daher kam wohl auch die Vorliebe des Feldsoldaten für den Alkohol in seinen konzentrierten Formen. Der Verkehr mit der Zivilbevölkerung war teilweise von unerwünschter Vertraulichkeit; Venus entzog dem Mars manchen Diener.
    >> alexander 04/26/11(Tue)21:08 No.3513728
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    Patience is a virtue :3
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:11 No.3513732
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    Do you really need that many futa threads on the first page? Reported for spam.
    >> The Professor !Y0ZU7aq/Hc 04/26/11(Tue)21:12 No.3513734
    I approve of this post
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:13 No.3513735
    Do you approve enough to give me a dare?
    >> The Professor !Y0ZU7aq/Hc 04/26/11(Tue)21:15 No.3513737
    depends You have not posted any info in the thread
    >> :3 !r0FEMSUBFw 04/26/11(Tue)21:15 No.3513738
    Sorry about the late responce, /d/ wasn't letting me post before.
    Got the bonus points... twice.
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:16 No.3513739
    Forgot to mention that I am stuck to my room.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:17 No.3513741
    These faggots threads are against the rules of /d/

    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:18 No.3513745
    Futa threads are better then these shitty soc threads. GET THIS SHIT OUT OF HERE
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:19 No.3513748
    actually they are not. I looked. The only rules are that beastiality, guro, scat, etc. is not allowed. :P
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:20 No.3513750

    actually i just asked in the irc room. come in and them yourself if you want.

    this shit belongs in /soc
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:22 No.3513754
    It is not against the board rules. It is just annoying to you futa obsessed people. The CP you posted is against the rules and should result in a ban.
    >> :3 !r0FEMSUBFw 04/26/11(Tue)21:22 No.3513755
    Please, don't bother feeding the troll.
    He can go hungry and cry himself to sleep tonight.
    >> sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:23 No.3513756

    This shit counts as spam, you stupid faggot. this is an IMAGEboard

    come into chat and ask if you want.
    >> BonnieSissySu 04/26/11(Tue)21:23 No.3513757
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:24 No.3513758
    Lets do it this way.

    i DARE you stupid faggots to come into chat and ask if your stupid threads are allowed.

    enjoy the ban, faggots.
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:25 No.3513759
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    Still looking for a dare. Male. Bondage. Have twine. Stuck in room.
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:25 No.3513761
    Ah go suck a turtle you whiny bitch.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:25 No.3513762

    faggot, I gave you a dare. come into chat
    and ask if you stupid faggot threads are allowed.
    >> StarPilot !4Ol23nwmb. 04/26/11(Tue)21:26 No.3513763
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    Let's put it this way, if these weren't allowed, we wouldn't be up to thread 18 after about 2 weeks.

    Oh, by the way, sagebombing is bannable too. Have fun.

    Also, auto-sage.
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:27 No.3513764
    You're not a Dom. You are just a troll I ran into trying to cross a bridge.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:27 No.3513767

    figures. you know that this shit is against the rules, so you don't want to draw attention to yourself in chat.

    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:28 No.3513771
    Imma point this out to you just to get it through your thick skull.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:29 No.3513773

    so come to chat and ask. i DARE you to


    Try it, and get your answer.
    >> still up for that dare alexander 04/26/11(Tue)21:30 No.3513775
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    >10. No spamming or flooding of any kind.
    >Spamming this thread

    This thread does need more pics though, I will say that. Doin' what I can.
    >> Otonashi 04/26/11(Tue)21:30 No.3513777
    Get moot to post about it as a sticky, then i will believe you.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:31 No.3513780

    figures you won't come you stupid faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)21:34 No.3513783
    herro derr....
    shy 19 yo male sub with gid
    all shaven and painted nails
    plenty of girl's cloths and some makeup
    1 normal and 1 anal dildo

    soo.. yeah....
    >> BonnieSissySu 04/26/11(Tue)21:34 No.3513784
    guys stop feeding the trolls.. let's get back to the fun :3
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)21:34 No.3513785
    >> Ankleslam101 04/26/11(Tue)21:34 No.3513786
    I can't believe I actually care this much to request twice, yet alone look at this topic twice.

    Male. Live with mom and brother. No toys, household supplies. Expiramenting for my first time, will tell if I'm at my limit. I'm also autistic.

    Have WLM and AIM: Xalions for AIM.
    >> sage sage 04/26/11(Tue)21:35 No.3513788
    gonna be hilarous when all you faggots get banned.
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)21:38 No.3513792
    i'd give you 0/10, but your persistence is impeccable
    >> Anonymous 04/26/11(Tue)21:45 No.3513807
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    bump. doms needed!
    >> The Professor !Y0ZU7aq/Hc 04/26/11(Tue)21:48 No.3513818
    still lurking

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