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  • File : 1296049949.jpg-(126 KB, 900x874, 1288663427296.jpg)
    126 KB Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)08:52 No.3355192  
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)08:53 No.3355193
    Isn't the last thread still on here somewhere?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)08:54 No.3355195
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)08:55 No.3355198
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)08:56 No.3355200
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)08:57 No.3355202
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)08:58 No.3355204
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:05 No.3355211
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:06 No.3355212
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    Were there more? This is all I have.
    >> 01/26/11(Wed)09:07 No.3355216
    I know that there are a few companies that make mermaid tails, I wonder if anyone ever did this... It'd be great for, say, a vaporeon cosplay thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:17 No.3355229
    The original picture implies the orca suit is one piece and made of rubber with no discernible way to remove it. That's kinda scary.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)09:29 No.3355238
    /cgl/ didn't like it, actually.

    You'd think Lolita's would be interested in Diapers considering how long it takes them to get out of their dresses
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:03 No.3355266
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)10:29 No.3355289
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)11:17 No.3355319

    Wow, never even knew this type of fetish existed.
    Thanks OP for enlightening me. :)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)12:45 No.3355377
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)12:46 No.3355378
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)12:47 No.3355380
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)12:48 No.3355383
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)16:07 No.3355557

    How did this one image become so popular so fast?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)16:12 No.3355566
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)16:27 No.3355584
    What is the source of this?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)16:47 No.3355603
    This is so weird.

    ...yet oddly arousing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)16:48 No.3355604
    I second that
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)16:52 No.3355605
    Her catchphrase is "Cool!"?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)16:58 No.3355610
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)17:03 No.3355615

    Looks like a contest or collaboration of some kind was thrown out there and that was part of the conditions. I'm more curious as to who made this character and why so much art exists of her. I agree with a lot of people on the "weird but arousing" thing though...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)17:06 No.3355621
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)17:29 No.3355649
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)17:55 No.3355681

    Dude, that...

    ...that's just bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)21:46 No.3355967
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)22:06 No.3355985

    HOLY FUCK! Why has no one thought of this yet?!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/11(Wed)22:44 No.3356040
    I've Bugged cgl about it for years.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)01:32 No.3356314
         File1296109972.jpg-(140 KB, 580x590, 6c1bf_242_93145933351ea2f28c7d(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)12:42 No.3356810

    They apparently don't like this particular idea, though. A shame, seems like an interesting concept.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)18:46 No.3357215
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)18:55 No.3357222
    Well, at the very least it makes a good plot for a good diaper erotica.

    Take one shy cosplayer, one kinky and forceful best friend, throw them into some random Convention setting, a dash of lesbian subtext and we got a good read.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)18:58 No.3357226

    Add >>3355229 and you've just appealed to at least six fetishes.

    ...someone start writing.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)19:25 No.3357237
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)19:39 No.3357246
    i was going to say this one was really weird, but then i remembered i'm in an orcadiaper thread
    >> Ariri 01/27/11(Thu)20:48 No.3357319

    see these trips? obey them.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)20:49 No.3357322
    i want one
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)23:44 No.3357593
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)23:48 No.3357599
         File1296190087.jpg-(91 KB, 1000x1500, 1296181003419.jpg)
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    From a drawfag over at /cgl/. Looks like some /d/eviant pitched an idea to make the outfit. They're okay with the orca part, not so much on the diaper part.

    Also, the thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)23:54 No.3357610
    So is this the new diaper thread then?

    Anyone else wearing? I've actually got some on right now while I play Dead Space 2. I startle easily, so lets just say it's a good thing I'm wearing them...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)23:56 No.3357617

    No, just Orcadiaper specifically.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)23:58 No.3357622
    Now I totally want an orca suit like this...
    >> Anonymous 01/27/11(Thu)23:58 No.3357623
    Learn how to cross-board link.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)00:11 No.3357646
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)13:10 No.3358594
    >> Dr. Yarn !gRNvN8RrKs 01/28/11(Fri)13:18 No.3358606
    Crochet Ouka-tan! :D :D :D :D :D
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)13:38 No.3358641
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    captcha: orari Lucy lolwat
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:24 No.3358683
    Anyone took up the offer to writefag?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:25 No.3358684
    How would she get changed...?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)14:52 No.3358719

    Notice how incredibly thick the diaper is. Looks like whoever put her in the costume doesn't plan on letting her out anytime soon.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:28 No.3358773
    Why the fuck is this so popular?
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:33 No.3358786
         File1296246819.png-(999 KB, 1809x1660, Sharkgirl_ABDL_by_RFSwitched.png)
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    OKAY GUYS!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's the character's story.

    Someone, somewhat jokingly, proposed the idea of Shark Week over at Fox Tales Times, a tightnit community of diaper artists. They produce, I'd guestimate, almost 50% of the diaper threads' content. After someone proposed the idea, someone DID draw a shark-type-thing plus diapers. This spiraled out of control until it became sort of a meme, with nearly every artist making at least one image.

    And the one non-shark image that came out of that week somehow got pretty popular.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)15:45 No.3358813

    I am also wondering this.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)17:55 No.3358961
    >> mifmaf 01/28/11(Fri)18:40 No.3359011
    The original is actually by me and can be found here. It was indeed part of the Fox Tales Times thread and I decided that since everyone was drawing sharks for shark week I would draw a shark predator instead. I've actually got a few more incomplete drawings of her that I've yet to post.

    I find the way people have taken to her just amazing and I feel giddy seeing all the fanart :)
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)18:40 No.3359014
    The character's name is Gabby
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)18:45 No.3359021
    I love how small the internet can be sometimes. Hi there mifmaf!
    >> mifmaf 01/28/11(Fri)18:45 No.3359024
    The suit is intended to be either rubber or lycra spandex. It's also supposed to be lightly padded over the torso and gradually increase in padding at the waist and crotch and then connect the padding directly into the tail. Zipper is on the back.

    Of course it's also intended to be worn for very long periods of time :D
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:05 No.3359056
    That still doesn't answer how this orca suit girl became so popular in japan...
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)19:08 No.3359060
         File1296259731.jpg-(45 KB, 410x750, 1283836046814.jpg)
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    Thank you for contributing one of my favorite diaper images ever! You rock, mifmaf.
    >> mifmaf 01/28/11(Fri)19:10 No.3359066
    I'm just as surprised and confused as you are.

    Thankies :3
    >> DS 01/28/11(Fri)19:15 No.3359072
    Gabby is ridiculously cute.

    Probably not enough time for a full story before this thread is gone, but considering that gothic lolita /d/iapered premise is quite interesting, perhaps a story framework is enough, so this is how I'd write it:

    (tl;dr for image board ofcourse)
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)20:35 No.3359160
    >You'd think Lolita's would be interested in Diapers considering how long it takes them to get out of their dresses
    Good point. Though I'm into oromashi so the thought of a squirming lolita during a photoshoot is really really cu--
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)21:28 No.3359262

    You might need to jerry-rig some justification for the whale costume being what it is, but that story structure looks pretty solid.
    >> Anonymous 01/28/11(Fri)22:40 No.3359371
    >> DS 01/29/11(Sat)03:09 No.3359798
    Ah, the story structure wasn't actually related to orca diaper, that was more of a side track thing with /cgl/.

    A cosplay-of-orcadiaper story would involve a lot of other interesting aspects like the loss of manual dexterity through the clumsy flippers leading to complete helplessness when it comes to getting in/out of the costume - ticks a few other boxes!
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)03:12 No.3359801
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)03:26 No.3359818

    This story isn't /CGL/ related, but it has the same concept.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)11:27 No.3360260
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)15:45 No.3360483
    shameless bump
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)16:23 No.3360536
    alright guys, i have a bunch of certainty in stock. i'm going to diaper up soon, how many should i put on?
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)18:21 No.3360667
    I don't know... I saw someone post 3355195 on Pixiv, then Mifmaf, the artist of 3355192 must've found out people in Japan liked his drawing because he recently made his own pixiv account. I had no idea there were so many other imitators though.
    >> Anonymous 01/29/11(Sat)21:36 No.3361040

    Add the recent explosion of interest on /cgl/ this weekend and you've got one appealing thing.
    >> mifmaf 01/29/11(Sat)23:22 No.3361183
         File1296361368.jpg-(184 KB, 598x987, Gabby Watercolor small.jpg)
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    Derp, poofy.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)01:07 No.3361350

    Just saw this on /cgl/. She looks a whole lot chubbier than in the original pic.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)05:12 No.3361861
    Much better picture in my opinion, but still needs that (insert image manipulation program here) shine. I remember seeing something similar to this in here before, a puffy one-piece with arms as such, it was pink and I guess it had a built-in diaper... however my suggestion would be, if someone were to do this, the tail itself should be inflatable and the only part to be such. I'd see the rest of the body being optional to restrict movement some. My only other suggestion would be to have the leggings go up to the thighs.

    Because I'm interested in diapers and latex, I'd definitely do this, and actually wear it to a convention if it gains enough popularity. I can see a non-diaper version also appearing for those who want not to wear one. the only question now is... where is the zipper?
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)06:48 No.3362020
    >where is the zipper?
    >It's on the back.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)08:12 No.3362099
    I think I've found how this got so popular. A google search for "orcadiaper" in Japanese (シャチおむつ) gives quite a lot of results from 2chan's /b/ board.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)08:27 No.3362114
    Ya, that seems to be on the right track. This cached 2chan thread, for example, includes a link to mifmaf's gallery. It even includes someone getting weirded out by one of his straitjacket diaperfur vore pics.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)18:09 No.3362873
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)19:24 No.3362977
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    someone made orca PJs. sadly not latex, but a start, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)21:31 No.3363165
    That finally explains "SO COOL" all over the place.
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)22:29 No.3363281
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    part 2
    >> Anonymous 01/30/11(Sun)23:27 No.3363420
    The /cgl/ thread went to shit as soon as people realized it was a diaper.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)08:14 No.3364135

    Honestly, this thread's gone to shit without more content.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)16:09 No.3364770
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    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)16:53 No.3364847
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    A quick google search for: "シャチおむつ" yields more results.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)17:40 No.3364919
    I'm still hoping someone on /cgl/ decides to make the suit.
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)19:28 No.3365115
    /cgl/ thread 404'd
    >> Anonymous 01/31/11(Mon)20:56 No.3365254
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)00:48 No.3365690
    did anyone like the fic?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)01:48 No.3365780
    moar plz?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)05:54 No.3366166
    what would you like to see?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)07:31 No.3366199

    You want to give that "stuck in the suit at a con" thing a crack?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)11:03 No.3366339
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)19:50 No.3367129

    dear god moar.
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)20:09 No.3367186
    fun fact: Hotels usually don't have a 13th floor because patrons are supersticious fucks and keep trying to switch floors. 100 floor hotels really only have 99 floors.

    Sorry, my dork is showing when I should be fapping and drooling.
    Slowest elevator in the world go?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)20:56 No.3367283

    If this is a continuation of the /cgl/ and /d/ story from before, wouldn't she already be wearing a diaper because of what the costume is?

    Also, why did she add a zipper if there's already a way to get the suit on/off?
    >> Anonymous 02/01/11(Tue)21:49 No.3367354
    I think its based on the canon Orcadiaper costume.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)00:55 No.3367680
    sort of like the one you posted, sex in diaper, loosing control and urinating
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)09:25 No.3368315
    Looks like the story got deleted. Ah, well.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)13:52 No.3368610
    >canon Orcadiaper costume
    oh lawd, canon :P
    The way to get it off originally was unbuttoning the crotch like on old-fashioned onesie pajamas; she removed the buttons because the gaps between them might allow someone a glimpse of what she had on underneath
    >Looks like the story got deleted
    or pruned by a new /d/ janitor, they may also have removed half the original story for reasons I don't understand
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)15:20 No.3368743
         File1296678050.jpg-(187 KB, 1165x481, story.jpg)
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    I gotta go dig my car out, how's this?
    Also tell me where to go from here. /d/ needs to get what's coming to him; I hate to make /cgl/ the victim of all this fetishistic misdemeanor.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)19:31 No.3369188

    Would like to see /d/ publicly embarrassed somehow. Perhaps /cgl/, suited back up, decides to "play" with him a bit in public?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/11(Wed)22:55 No.3369470
    bump for more
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)05:18 No.3370049
    alright, did you like the story so far?

    and we have public humiliation down for on idea, do we have any others?
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)16:05 No.3370689
    Did you know that nearly all worksafe boards on 4chan are automatically archived?
    Here's a copy of the /cgl/ thread:
    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have the first part of >>3368743 .
    If someone could repost that, it'd be great!
    >> Anonymous 02/03/11(Thu)21:47 No.3371185
    There is no first part to that. The stuck-in-the-suit story opens in medias res.
    >> Anonymous 02/04/11(Fri)18:32 No.3372557
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)09:48 No.3373605
         File1296917339.jpg-(110 KB, 811x433, story.jpg)
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    bump for /cgl/ desperation-wetting at a convention, always looking for feedback
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)10:15 No.3373631
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    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)21:55 No.3374462
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)23:07 No.3374588
    Insane as that might sound, there's too much sex for my taste.
    >> Anonymous 02/05/11(Sat)23:22 No.3374606

    Agreed. The character you're basing /cgl/'s costume and such on seems too cutesy innocent for all this sex.

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