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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08


    ding dong! the ads are dead
    now we can begin making even less money—HAPPY DAY!
    ps: check out blipfestival.org & poots.com

    File :1218491887.jpg-(1.65 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_0504.jpg)
    1.65 MB Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)17:58 No.981  
    So yeah. I think the Baltimore Harbor at night easily takes the cake as one of the most putrid things I've ever smelt in my entire life. Don Jons smell like daisies and roses compared to that. :<

    I guess I've never noticed cause all my hotels have been far far away from that Satan's Armpit. :<
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:01 No.992
    dude, it's fucking Baltimore, the entire city is shit
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:02 No.993
    Sixteen fucking dollars for a burger and fries at the New York Deli they had in that perma-low tide harbor food court.


    Why is Baltimore so terrible?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:04 No.996
    it's crime rate mostly, and it's baseball team
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:13 No.1012
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    Seconding this, and I'm from the area. It's so bad that our indoor soccer team is the best sports team we have.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:14 No.1013
    Anyone else catch the $6 soda bottles at the Einstein Bros. Bagels?

    Holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:19 No.1019

    Is Five Guys still there?

    I fucking love me some Five Guys.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:23 No.1024
    Yeah, it's in the Harborplace area, left building.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:36 No.1046
    Fuck~ I lost 5 lbs this con weekend alone.

    Breakfast at home - Banana, $0.99 Arizona Iced Green Tea
    Lunch: Clif Energy Bar from home, water from fountain.
    Dinner: Free Dr. Pepper

    Saturday: Breakfast - Dunkin Donut's Large Iced Coffee, Blueberry Muffin
    Lunch: N/A
    Dinner: Free Pizza and Beer (went to friend's room whom had lots of people)

    Sunday: Breakfast - Clif Energy Bar from home, water from fountain.
    After Con - Slurpee.

    I feel fucking fine. and I got to spend nearly ALL MY MONEY ON LOLI RAPE DOUJIN.

    $7 to live a whole weekend never felt better.
    >> Baltimore Scents Part 1 Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:30 No.1108
    Baltimore Anon here to explain all the nice smells you experienced.

    Here is the list of individual smells you might of partake in in the "Greatest City in America" (yeah right).

    Awful Sour Smell:
    Its called the collective urine of all the homeless people in Baltimore, if you don't smell it on some streets there is something wrong, seriously!

    Rancid Putrid Smell:
    Food waste and or medical bio hazard waste. Typical near restaurants and hospitals.

    Salty Musky, Murky Water Smell:
    Inner Harbor Water. Honestly, this gotten better, it used to be the color, smell and consistency of used motor oil. Now it similar to old bath water after a homeless man had a bath for the first time in ages.

    Stank, Stale Beer Smell:
    This is a no brainer, Beer and Booze
    >> Baltimore Scents Part 2 Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:39 No.1122

    Heavy Salty, Spice Smell.
    This is McCormick brand Old bay seasoning. If you live in Maryland or even Baltimore by law you have to have this seasoning on all your food. It is made of Win, Epic, celery salt, bay leaf, mustard seed, both black and red pepper, cinnamon, ginger, gold, fail and Epic.

    Nasty Body Odor:
    This is not the Homeless, Niggers or Natives of Baltimore, this is your own BO and the Bo of other Anonymous, Otakus, Furfags, the some 35 people cosplaying as the Joker, and any one else at Otakon because we all know you did not shower the whole time and wore the same costume for 4 days straight.

    Smell of Cheap Over Price Food:
    Oriole Park and Raven Stadium and the food sold in the convention center it self.

    Eye Burning Smell:
    That is me, I put on too much Axe so I don't smell like the rest of you Smelly fuck heads.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:47 No.1135
    Congratulations on your fail. You fell for one of our many tourist traps.

    See us locals know what what places to eat at cheap and well and what places are a rip off. I will tell you where to eat, but I want to leave my favorite places to eat a "trade secret".

    Protip: There is like a McDonalds on every city block, There also over 9000 Burger Kings, Sbarros, Tacobells, Starbucks (yes Starbucks is cheaper that the fail you achieved) Five Guys, and a metric fuck ton of street side hot dog venders. (there also 4 different churches on every block but that is a different thread all together).
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:55 No.1145
    Why did you go to New York Deli in Baltimore? Shame on you for not realizing that it's a trap.
    >> Baltimore Scents Part 3 Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:56 No.1150
    Smell of Cheap Perfume Mixed with Cum:
    Congratulations, you found Baltimore Street our Strip club and "red light district", Enjoy your aids. Even walking on that street will give you some over 9000 STDs and other ailments.

    Smells Like Burned Hair and Electronics Mixed with some kind of Musk or Funk:
    Baltimore Public Works, including, Electricity, Gas, Steam, Old Bay (its piped everywhere), What we assume is our Tap Water, Sewage Water, Harbor Water, and Rats.

    Rotting Wood:
    The USS Constellation, the oldest ship still in the US Navy, and only still existing Ship form the Civil War.

    Self Explanatory.

    We yet to figure that out our selfs.

    Jock Strap:
    Ether a Orioles' Baseball Player, Raven's Football player, Jogger who skips showers or Peter Angelos the Orioles Team Owner.
    >> Baltimore Scents Part 4 Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:58 No.1157
    Now take all of those smells (and some other various smells) and combine them together, and you will get the rich odorous heritage that is Baltimore's many smells smells.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:58 No.1159
    Peter Angelos, what a prick.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:01 No.1161
    Shit, tell me about it.

    Half of Baltimore wants to kill that Greek some of a Bitch, even the KKK around here hates him more than they hate niggers, that got to say for something.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:04 No.1172
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:18 No.1210

    And to think I also spent like, 4 hours minimum a day at the video game rooms. :V
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:21 No.1216
    so true
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:22 No.1218
    Bawl'more is 90% beggars and 10% smelly former crab fisherman.

    Buy a box of Old Bay and inhale its delicious scents to keep yourself free from the stench of 'Charm City'.

    ps. the only good thing in Baltimore was Iron Cal and now he sells impotence medicine
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:23 No.1221
    ITT: /b/tards whine that they've dropped down to 495 lbs.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:25 No.1225

    I've lived a few skips away from the city all my life, and whenever people call Baltimore "Charm City" it feels akin to the skankiest piece of trailer trash donning a "Princess" t-shirt.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:27 No.1229
    What are you talking about? Cal owns minor-league baseball teams right now.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:54 No.1282

    I spend all that time making a near-complete list of all the smells of Baltimore, and I get no comments other than about Peter Angelos (Hater more than even Niggers)?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)21:00 No.1296

    Oh, I'm sorry. I really appreciate your work, and I'd like to thank you and give all the recognition you deserve.

    Guys, maybe we should pool together and pay this guy. I mean, he spent all that time contributing to this thread that will die in a day or two.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)21:02 No.1299
    I accept cash, women, gold (even jew gold) Tacos, Oil, Food, and lighters.
    >> Spork !DNKSuZl16Q 08/11/08(Mon)22:13 No.1442
    no way, nydeli was great. i got a 32oz blue moon for 7.75

    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)22:14 No.1446
    >>>Rotting Wood:
    >>>The USS Constellation, the oldest ship still in the US Navy, and only still existing Ship form the Civil War.

    Correction, that is the USS Constitution, and that's in Boston
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)00:44 No.1708
    and they fucked up everyone else's orders
    >> That jerk from Philly 08/12/08(Tue)01:27 No.1782
    ITT suburbfags

    Seriously you pusses foul everything up. I bet you even gave homeless people money if they asked for it, thinking that they'd leave you alone.
    >> anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)01:40 No.1798
    I live downtown, I 2nd ALL of this. I LOVED watching the most west side Ghetto ppl and dopeheads pointing fingers and laughing at the otakus. talk about the pot calling the kettle black - it really made me want to take acid at that moment
    >> anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)01:46 No.1805
    b-more anon here - cal sucks
    no baltimore is 70% dopehead waste of space, crossing all race barriers, 10 % hoppers and hustlers and the other 10% white upper class transplants who work in DC and get robbed, carjacked, overtaxed and overticketed over 9000 times a day cos no one else in the city has any goddamn money and thus have become the backbone of this pile of fail. also baltimore scents forgot the smell of bullshit wafting from mayor shelia dixon's mouth.
    >> LRC !HG6fkGXhas 08/12/08(Tue)03:06 No.1898
    A friend I was rooming with gave a bum money. I almost smacked him upside his head.
    >> Jordan 08/12/08(Tue)14:21 No.2147
    Either that or all the toxic waste dumped in the harbor from the 80's is still cooking somewhere and wafts in with a warm breeze.

    Baltimore is an hour away for me, but Otakon is a highlight of the year for me. Though the shitty food is one downside.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)15:24 No.2190
    :( wish we had had friends to visit for free stuffs. maybe i'm just old and senile, but i was glad to spend money on food and didn't waste a dime on overpriced crap in the dealer room. where's the appeal?

    and whats up with people bringing gallons of expensive alcohol. $25 disarono?!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)15:58 No.2215
    You lying faggot, there hasn't been a Taco Bell in the inner city for a year now. The nearest one is at Reisterstown Plaza. Hell, you'll find a Wendy's sooner.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)16:17 No.2235
    newfag to the convention here. The best part was seeing all the pasty white kids running around baltimore at night. I'd like to know how many got robbed.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)16:19 No.2237
    Oh yeah PS guys, you're all suckers, there's a 7-11 that's a 5 minute walk from the con. Enjoy not getting that extra dvd set because you spent it all on water.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)11:20 No.3095

    That 7-11 at one point actually ran out of hot dogs.

    What the fuck? How do you run out of fucking hotdogs?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)11:31 No.3101

    God, that 7-11 was so fucking embarassing. People shouting memes and shit and trying to talk to me while I'm waiting to buy my crap.

    Yeah hey unattractive dude, I don't want to hear your thoughts on the convention. As a matter of fact, I want to pretend that you don't exist at all. That'd be just spiffy. He--oh fucking hell, yes Longcat is long, go kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)11:45 No.3103
    Yeah, baltimore sucks. I'll be glad to get back to Seattle.
    I made the best of it though. We had a harbor-side room at the Renaissance and I spent quite a bit of time at the Watertable bar and ate a few decent meals there too.
    For quick fixes I usually hit the Starbucks kiosk in the Gallery.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)13:27 No.3146

    That Starbucks was lol. We had just gotten back from the JAM Project concert and were in line to get the 18+ wristbands so we could see the Your etc Sucks panel, and I go over there to get some drinks for my friends.

    Starbucks employee is at the end of the line going "Sorry, we're closed." Most of the people walked away when he said that, but I just stayed there since I was just buying bottled shit and they were clearly still open. As I'm standing there he says something like "Yeah, I can't actually ask people to get out of line".

    Their pissed off faces as I kept them after their shift was one of the best things ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/08(Thu)04:48 No.3721

    Wow, you seem like a pretty cool guy.
    Yea, I bet your a pretty neat fellow.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/08(Thu)08:29 No.3742
    The suburbs must smell good. The people here at Pac Sun shopping white kids.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/08(Thu)09:06 No.3748
    Even the crackheads don't know what to do with people dressed up worse they they are.

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