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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08


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    File :1218599628.gif-(124 KB, 361x714, 1232.gif)
    124 KB Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)23:53 No.2823  
    alright /con/, craziest thing you did at Otakon.

    I don't actually know. The last thing I remember was the "bad anime, bad" panel and the next morning I woke up without my badge and missing one sock. If anyone knows what the hell happened I'm guessing it was fucking crazy.

    tl;dr: /con/, what the fuck did I do Friday?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)23:57 No.2828
    You sucked my cock and then I came in your sock and threw it away. I'm not sure what happened to your badge though. Maybe you lost it somewhere else?
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)00:12 No.2845
    OP: pics or it didn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)00:58 No.2893
    Hooked up with two guys in the same bed. True story. Am a female cosplayer, BTW.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)04:35 No.2995
    >> Giraffe !vXKh1ytRio 08/13/08(Wed)05:22 No.3005
    Wow you are a whore.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)05:46 No.3009
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)06:18 No.3011
    LOL The last time I had 151 I almost an hero'd.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)06:24 No.3013
    i bet you didnt feel ugly for a few minutes while they were fucking you.
    Spoilers you are ugly no matter how many nerds at a convention you talk into having sex with you.
    >> noko 08/13/08(Wed)08:08 No.3032
    your all fuckin pussies 151 is a joke compared to inner circle black label in australia it puts extra hairs on a lumber jacks chest
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)08:14 No.3033
    had an orgy =P
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)08:50 No.3040
    Anon, I, like you, tried to take on All the Pokemon.

    little did i know that i needed to have all the gym badges, so i ran out of usable pokemon and whited out.

    not before getting back to my hotel room, throwing up profusely, and managing to look straight at WT snacks and yell at him "W T SNACKS."

    it was a good night.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)10:46 No.3084
    >>tl;dr: /con/, what the fuck did I do Friday?

    If you can't remember it, then it was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)11:11 No.3093
    ITT: Lying animufags, pretending they did some crazy shit when really they sat and stared at the ugly bitches cosplaying as loli.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)11:24 No.3098

    Hey now......

    They weren't all ugly.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)19:20 No.3402
    I salute you.
    yea, I'm not doing 151 ever again. I still don't know if I'm permabanned...
    actually, I helped the black loli with the mini-skirt tighten his corset. yes, his
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)19:26 No.3404
    I ate your badge. It was delicious.
    >> Anonymous 08/14/08(Thu)22:27 No.4158
    so... anyone know how long it takes for Otakon staff to reply to an email? the suspense is seriously killing me...
    >> Anonymous 08/14/08(Thu)22:30 No.4159
    had sex with a drunk roomie on floor of our hotel room while 3 ppl were asleep in the same room
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)08:35 No.4357
    THAT was you? thanks for the quick fuck, ugly
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)09:10 No.4364
    I smoked weed outside of the lobby next to the starbucks
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)09:40 No.4373

    >They weren't all ugly.

    From seeing some of the pics, I agree.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)10:30 No.4381

    i thought i smelled skunk!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)10:51 No.4384
    I greatly enjoyed walking about to and from the con with my kitty ears, sweat drop, and lil turtle all on my head the whole time. The regular Baltimore folks were giving me some odd looks :3
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)11:25 No.4393
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)11:29 No.4396
    yeah...she was a little chunky but not too bad. Chest area was good
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)11:33 No.4397
    >a little chunky
    Don't sugarcoat it.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)11:33 No.4398
    I went pee in your drink.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/08(Tue)02:54 No.5622
    I asked several of the locals if they ever got used to it. If they worked there they usually said yes but a lot of old people were pretty freaked out because they didn't know what was going on
    >> Anonymous 08/20/08(Wed)12:21 No.5856
    I drank a pint of everclear some rum and smoked weed then walked around lost as shit trying to find 7/11.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/08(Wed)16:20 No.5873

    Which hotel?

    Anyway, there was a party in my hotel room where almost everyone got drunk and there was craziness up until 4am or so. There was this really cute Misato cosplayer in the room across from me that asked me if I remembered her or not. As for what craziness, I'll expand on that later.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)00:33 No.5942

    Wouldn't you die if you drank that much everclear? It's like...96 percent alcohol by volume or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)02:09 No.5944
    Well. I had a threesome with a few french maids.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)04:00 No.5962
    Your body get's used to it I pretty much only drink everclear now. Really not good for me but neither is getting fucked up and walking around one of the most dangerous cities in the country.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)10:31 No.5985
    finding drunk chicks going there for virginfest
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)10:36 No.5987
    attention whoring like this gets a sage around these parts.
    >> Anonymous 08/23/08(Sat)12:55 No.6202
    On friday my friend and I got kicked outta our room for drinking b/c our other friend's fatass girlfriend was all "baaaw my father drank and beat me!" so we went to the con, drank in the bathroom with some twisted fucks, played spin the fucking bottle outside that shitty ass rave and I ended up eating some girl in a green corset out in the women's bathroom. God I hate tequila.
    Oh my friend fucked a pair of twins at the Days Inn. Beyond that it was all trolling people IRL or shooting them when they shouted "SPY" or some TF2 quote.

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