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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08


    ding dong! the ads are dead
    now we can begin making even less money—HAPPY DAY!
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    File :1218412448.png-(28 KB, 500x400, otakon2008.png)
    28 KB Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:54 No.123  
    Recently, I've received quite a few inquiries regarding our plans for Otakon this year. As you may or may not already know, we've previously thrown three hugely successful events at Otakon in 2005, 2006, and 2007. Over the years, I've greatly enjoyed the opportunity to host these panels, however, it seems that our streak has finally come to an end.

    It is with regret that I must inform you we will not be holding a 4chan panel at Otakon 2008. Numerous e-mails to the staff, including the con-chair, Sean "Hellbuny" Chiochankitmun, who graciously worked with us this past year, have gone unanswered. Frankly [for better or for worse], the odds of the site having any sort of presence at Otakon this year are slim to none. Should Otakon choose to address this matter and reverse their decision, we would be more than happy to attend. After all, we did manage to scramble and make it to their convention last year with just a little over one week's notice!

    I'll keep everybody posted, but I don't expect a resolution at this point. My apologies to all those who are disappointed by this news. Unfortunately, the decision is out of my hands.

    Update: Sean sent me an e-mail shortly after this news post went up. He briefly clarified Otakorp's position on having 4chan present at Otakon 2008, but in the end, the situation has not changed. This thread over at the Otakon Web Boards sheds some light on the matter.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:58 No.125
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    But the good news is that we still have this board to discuss Otakon...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:03 No.132
    Moot depicting himself as a female cat? Why not, we are all doomed anyway.

    On another note: Moar conventions in Europe!
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:10 No.143
    Everyone showed up and had a circle jerk anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)21:10 No.205
    shits full of weeaboos and cancer anyway

    perhaps its for the best
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)22:21 No.240
    But the 2007 panel (and entire convention) was complete shit and hell on the stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)22:42 No.257
    As if getting a room full of /b/-tards together was ever a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)22:51 No.262
    It was a 4chan panel, not a /b/ panel. It's not his fault that all the tards decided to show up and the rest of the boards sat home and fapped.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)00:08 No.284
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    >>257 As if getting a room full of /b/-tards together was ever a good idea

    Depends on how you look at it.
    >> Doctor ? !yOVYMaY/uQ 08/11/08(Mon)02:31 No.313
    The way I heard it, Otakon asked the 4chan Panel to never return after last year because an ANONYMOUS IS LEGION LOLROFLXD slammed his boombox against a fursuiter's skull.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)05:17 No.333
    Oh wow. Damn cancer.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)05:23 No.334
    334 GET
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)09:10 No.352
    /b/ has always been the highest-traffic board, and has leeched into all the other boards. So when you try 4chan-IRL, you get more /b/-tards than anyone else. It's nobody's fault, but it's still a bad idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)09:33 No.357
    You took 333GET...
    >> STEVE !f6AiQuEWrQ 08/11/08(Mon)10:50 No.390
    Honestly, i think if any of these twats are found, they should be thrown out.
    And Moot, you should have people outside ready to beat the living shit out of them.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)10:53 No.398
    We need more events in England.

    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)10:57 No.403
    There are actually other boards on 4chan?

    I think a lot of /b/tards went anyhow... I was going to go there and get extremely wasted first and extremely stoned. And then troll the costume-fags but I had to move.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)10:59 No.404

    It's pretty fucking rich that a retard and an asswipe like moot thinks he has any business complaining about retards and asswipes attending Otakon. Like watching two winos fight over a moldy sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)11:03 No.410

    YES. We need sum.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)11:05 No.412
    MOST people start out on /b/ these days, and only after a few months realize it's utter shit and go to other boards.

    But when you but 15 people who browse 4chan together the /b/ shit side of them is going to show rather quickly.
    >> angry !!aAXqUhFzNpl 08/11/08(Mon)11:17 No.420
    I only hated the 2007 convention was that people were acting like idiots; mostly they almost got the convention FUCKING CANCELED! Plus, the fucking idiot who asked for an /i/ board, which when we already have one. /i/ - oekaki

    I am not surprised that we don't have an Otabutts panel this year. Although, the convention is already over. moot should have gone to Florida for AFO.
    >> angry !!aAXqUhFzNpl 08/11/08(Mon)11:19 No.421

    meant to say panel, not convention, but i bet you guys knew what i meant.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)13:47 No.537
    oh shit 123 get
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)13:48 No.538
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)17:11 No.2321
    We can but hope, Anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)19:33 No.2489
    Britfag here and as anyone who's been to a bbq/wedding/event in England will tell you it will rain, half those that turn up will get too drunk and can you imagine the chavs of the host cities response? Besides, I'd rather go stateside to get dressed up. That way there's a wholy smaller percentage chance of being seen by anyone you know.

    You are not included for your acts of trolling.

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