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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08


    ding dong! the ads are dead
    now we can begin making even less money—HAPPY DAY!
    ps: check out blipfestival.org & poots.com

    File :1218409035.jpg-(263 KB, 1024x768, no border.jpg)
    263 KB Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)18:57 No.1  
    anyone who missed this without an excuse is a jerk
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:18 No.3
    Enjoy your six cents.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:20 No.5
    Eh i'm interested on knowing whose badge that is...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:20 No.7
    i will
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:34 No.46
    How was the Touhou panel?

    I'm expecting to see videos of that uploaded to Niconico.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:35 No.48
    40-something get? No one cares...
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:39 No.68
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:49 No.112
    I heard the Touhou panel was a complete disaster. Supposedly somebody (maybe or maybe not the actual person running the panel) got up and just started making fun of the people that showed up. Sounds hilarious though. I wish I'd remembered to go.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:50 No.113
    Also the Otakon staff cut him off, kicked him out, told everybody to leave, then closed the room until it was time for the next panel. lol
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:53 No.120

    Just makes me happier that I didn't bother with it and spent more time watching the money fly from my wallet.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)19:53 No.122

    I was there and don't remember this or anything like it happening.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:03 No.130
    was the panel moved from its original time? this could have come up from a time discrepancy and the fucked up panel wasn't supposed to happen at all. i'm only telling you what i've read on the otakon boards
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:04 No.133
    yeah, from here: http://board.otakon.com/index.php?showtopic=15626

    "Here's the full story. The touhou panel was already held earlier, no one knew because during the time the information change panel has not been put up at the time.
    About half the room got up and left.

    They expected Touhou, but what they got was psychology of anime, or something.

    But I found out about the Touhou panel from a Touhou cosplayer. I did not missed much, some of it consists of replays of the touhou series."
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:09 No.141
    >They expected Touhou, but what they got was psychology of anime, or something.

    Haha, those poor fucks.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:16 No.155
    >Otakon staff ... told everybody to leave
    More proof that Otakon is run by nazis. They close a panel because of ONE guy?

    I don't know why everyone has such a raging hard on for such a shit con.
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:20 No.159
    that ONE guy was the person running the panel
    >> Anonymous 08/10/08(Sun)20:49 No.183
    The staff are only "nazis" if you're acting like a total retard. Chances are you're the kind of person that's fucking cancer anyway. Shouting TITS OR GTFO and other hilarious memes in rooms packed full of people really isn't funny.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)02:28 No.311
    I bet the band members that are not Masaaki Endoh sure enjoyed signing stuff they haven't been a part of.

    nvm, just jealous :(
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)02:57 No.314
    Yeah... that, or I want to meet likeminded people and can't stand it when people are faggots and ruin it for everyone.

    Anyways, shouldn't you be confiscating yaoi paddles?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)03:19 No.319
    I felt kind of bad for the band. you could tell half the audience had never heard of the shit the songs were from.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)04:10 No.325
    I did not go because this would have applied to me.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)04:12 No.326
    I was totally expecting this. But I don't think most of the other concerts went better. (except for Japan, China and Taiwan)
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)05:11 No.332
    >> Jkid 08/11/08(Mon)10:24 No.370

    For your reference, that was actually me informing about the touhou panel incident on the otakon boards.

    ...but the con was great though.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)10:53 No.396
    Yeah, that was to be expected, pretty much. Out of that terribly small crowd, I bet only 1/4 or 1/5 of the people were real fans. The rest were probably the types who would go see any band as long as they're Japanese. And to those people I say: fuck you. I was in the second row for both the concert and the Saturday panel, and just about everyone I saw at the panel I recognized from the concert. That's how small the hardcore crowd was.

    I am still a bit hoarse from singing along at the top of my lungs to almost every song. And I got my copy of Super Robot Wars Alpha 2 signed, so now I can die without any regrets.

    But this turnout wasn't nearly as bad as the Momoi Haruko concert at AX 2007, but that's a rant for another time.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)11:14 No.417
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)11:15 No.419
    Wat, you can only see a band if you know all their songs?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)11:21 No.423

    Fukuyama just said "AHA, GAOGAIGAR ('-')b" so I guess they don't care. I didn't want to get a Scrapped Princess poster signed.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)11:31 No.426
    God, I so wanted to see JAM Project and get their autograpghs!

    But I'm on the west coast. And had class the day before. And had a quiz that day. And big projects to work on over teh weekend. And then flights wern't especially cheap due to so mayne people going there. :(

    Anyone have a good recording of the concert? :(
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)11:33 No.428
    That's not what I meant. What I meant was, a lot of the audience was probably made up of total failures who just wanted to see a Japanese band, and didn't really appreciate the feast of awesome they partook of.

    I can't blame the real fans for not knowing all the words to the songs. Like GARO ~Savior in the Dark~. That was probably a bit obscure. Admittedly, I've never watched or played GARO, I just know the theme song. I was kind of surprised to hear that, rather than Voyager or one of the Mazinkaiser songs. I was actually really hoping to hear RISING or Majin Kenzan, but oh well.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)14:37 No.658

    I was totally pissed off that nobody except the center section would FUCKING STAND UP!

    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)14:38 No.659
    I got a ticket, one of the last ones.

    I hate Jam Project so I didn't go.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)14:50 No.689
    Old Phone is Old.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:09 No.712
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:11 No.717
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    My loot (yes I double dipped)
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:16 No.720

    Snacks has the same phone 8)
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:27 No.728
    The people in the third row, in front of me, didn't seem to have any idea what they were doing there. When Fukuyama threw the pick they just kind of sat there with it under them until a girl went back a row to fetch it.

    I remember that when L'arc played, the entire crowd was sitting then too. I think it has a lot to do with anime convention people just not knowing what the fuck people do at concerts.

    And having shit taste in bands, because the Sunday J-rock shows people got five times the people.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:29 No.730
    That's why first row for the win.

    When the pick fell under the chair I turned back to grab it but the chair flipped and I bang my mouth on it :(
    >> Jentaro 08/11/08(Mon)15:32 No.732
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    Oh god, I was in the fucking front row, off to the right. I got so much Endou crotch all up in my face, it was amazing.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:34 No.736
    Sounds like failaudience was fail.
    >> Jentaro 08/11/08(Mon)15:37 No.738
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    Also got my shirt signed. Though it would have been fucking awesome to have gotten a ticket to the good signing.

    Point is, I got to shake their hands. All that's left to do now is die.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:38 No.741
    i hope you stood up anyway. they can goddamn stand if they wanna see.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:42 No.743
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    Thank you. Do they enjoy concerts while drinking green tea and discusing world politics? I was really wtfing at the people in the wings.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:43 No.744
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:46 No.747
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    Only idiots sit down during concerts. Seriously what's wrong with them. I remember during the concert I turned around to look at the few rows behind me, they were very mellow...the only row that was genuinely excited was the front row center.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)15:48 No.750
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)16:36 No.809
    posting in 1get thread
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)16:37 No.811
    i went to the rave...
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)16:37 No.812
    Dear god, has this person never been to a concert before? Right now I am RAAAAAAAAGEing in ways that can normally only be caused by furries and Phil Collins.

    We were going totally crazy in the second row left. Or at least I was. I wasn't paying attention to what the folks around me were doing. But yeah, that was a fail audience. It was made of shit and AIDS.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)16:43 No.817
    I lost my phone, so security found it, so dressed as Rinnosuke, with a con gopher in hand, I went to the back of the video game room to the security office to ask the convention center staff if they'd found my phone.

    There, I found JAM Project.

    They were being talked to by security, and didn't seem to quite get what was being talked about. But they did randomly pull out their passports and said random stuff.

    Then as they began to leave, I smiled and waved, still dressed as Rinnosuke. then Yoshiki Fukuyama and Hironobu Kageyama both smiled and waved back to me.

    And they were like, 2 feet away.

    I'm happy to die now.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)16:56 No.836
    quoting 1 just because it's the only chance to do it in any board, in any chan.
    >> sage 08/11/08(Mon)16:59 No.844
    Epic op your post is 1
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)17:02 No.857
    You were dressed as Rinnosuke? That has potential to be awesome.
    Got any pictures?

    Also, you are a lucky fucking bastard for the content of your post. Motherfucking JAM Project... *sigh*
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)17:03 No.864
    GARO ~Savior in the Dark~ is one of my favorite JAM Project songs. So they sung it, huh?

    I'm about ready to go bang my head against a wall a few times for not being there.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)17:05 No.871
    >>1 1 quote
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)17:06 No.881
    PROTIP: Some people are faggots and don't like JAM Project, giant robots, manly men, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)17:23 No.921
    Nowhere near as cool as the guy who yelled 'BOMBER!' at Fukuyama.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)17:47 No.964
    A couple of us 30 rows back were yelling, I don't know if anyone heard it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:02 No.994
    I think a bunch of us all did. I certainly did as well (both in the panels and during the concert)

    We were also chanting BA-SA-RA!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:09 No.1006
    I showed up after the initial line had gone in, so I didn't have the greatest seat. It was still an awesome concert despite the audience. They scared me for a minute holding out on SKILL until the very last minute...
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)18:27 No.1031
    It was planned. The translator dude came up to us in the front row and told us that the second encore will be SKILL so it's up to us to keep the encore going as loud as possible for it to happen
    >> Jentaro 08/11/08(Mon)19:40 No.1123

    Lol, even I was excited when you rejoined me and Phil and you told us that. You had a privilege that nobody else had.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)19:41 No.1129
    JAM always ends with that song.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:04 No.1170
    i am posting on the first thread of /con/
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)20:27 No.1232
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    Man, Fukuyama and Makkun were great.

    Hell, Endoh and Kageyama spent most of the time just goofing the hell off. Like when Makkun gave this long story about how Kageyama is one of her biggest influences in response to a question, Dani said "Uh, Hironobu Kageyama," then Endoh said it, promptly getting headlocked by Kage.
    >> Kosue 08/11/08(Mon)21:40 No.1384

    Heh. I'm still really happy about it too.

    The whole losing the phone almost completely shot down my weekend, but meeting JAM Project like that along with actually getting my cell back probably places this con as my 3rd best ever out of 6. :b
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)21:58 No.1414
    You're right. now i have to do it
    >> Jentaro 08/11/08(Mon)22:17 No.1450
    That's incredible haha.
    Glad you got your phone back by the way, because that would have sucked to have not found it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)22:20 No.1464

    qouted for good measure
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)23:38 No.1595
    That panel was awesome. During the "give your best scream for justice" question ("SPARKING!" "GA GA GA, GA GA GA GAOGAIGAR" "WE ARE!") does anyone remember what Masami Okui said for hers?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)23:48 No.1611

    and from what I'm hearing this concert was more fail than the t.m.revolution concert back in april.
    makkun ;_______;
    >> Anonymous 08/11/08(Mon)23:51 No.1621
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    Europe, they never have this kinda of sh1t:(. Looks really fun
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)00:06 No.1653
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)00:18 No.1674

    "Mazinger ZETTO!!!!" but the first part was too quiet to hear. I recorded it, but I've been posting otakon karaoke on Nicovideo for them to make fun of it instead. I'll try to post it tomorrow, so you can hear Fukuyama say "I already did mine" and the translator messing that up three different times.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)00:36 No.1692
    Awesome, thank you!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)00:40 No.1698
    did Hironobu Kageyama perform Head-Cha-La from DBZ?
    ppl should at least recognize that one
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)01:11 No.1752
    It was epic.
    >> Kosue 08/12/08(Tue)01:14 No.1755

    yes, and I nearly lost my vocal cords on that one.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)01:25 No.1778
    he led it in with this hilarious, extended intro:
    "HERE'S A SONG FROM 1989"

    well we already know that anime con crowds suck. but jam really showed a huge amount of genuine love for the crowd and i know i did my best for them because i couldn't talk for hours and my arms still hurt today.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)01:31 No.1783
    I'll have it on youtube in a minute.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)01:42 No.1801
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdfmwNPAWBc Its up.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)02:23 No.1852
    I remember this one guy in the first row who was head-banging in paroxysms of sheer ECSTASY; dude looked about ready to throw himself as an offering to Kageyama.

    I screamed myself raw during SKILL.

    Fucking. Epic.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)02:29 No.1857
    either that or they dont care about shitty rock music.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/08(Tue)02:30 No.1858
    your tears they are delicious
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)14:03 No.3162
    Snacks has an iPhone you fucker.
    >> W.T. Snacks !TcT.PTG1.2 08/13/08(Wed)14:07 No.3167
    Both of these posts are wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)14:23 No.3186
    Really? Oh. But moot definitely has one. There's an image of the two of you using them.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)14:33 No.3189
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    >>3186 again, found it.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)14:36 No.3191
    I went to the concert because one of my roommates wanted to go in hopes of getting head from some stupid slut.
    What a fucking horrible racket of noise. You should all be ashamed for liking this bullshit just because it it's japanese LOL.
    I left after a couple songs. My ears literally hurt from the mediocrity.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)14:51 No.3201
    oh god!
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)15:00 No.3214

    That is exactly why I DIDN'T go to the concert.
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)15:17 No.3220
    My favorite part of the panel was when some guy was asking JAM if they were recruiting, and Fukuyama said something like "Yes, we're alway recruiting...I heard Kitadani's getting fired." and Dani let out a huge "EH?!!!!"
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)21:33 No.3467

    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)22:41 No.3512
    >> Anonymous 08/13/08(Wed)22:50 No.3519
    >> Anonymous 08/14/08(Thu)00:58 No.3620
    Yeah I went. The concert was sick. I caught Fukuyama's guitar pick. I got him to sign it because I was one of the people who asked a question at the Q&A panel on Saturday.
    >> lol !vY/2a6ErWs 08/14/08(Thu)14:10 No.3832
    >> Nurse Panda 08/14/08(Thu)22:06 No.4144
    I was the girl who went back a row to get the pick. It was between the chicks feet, and when I jumped back to get it she yelled, "You're fucking KIDDING ME." Then proceeded to give it to my boyfriend (fat guy in the front row who looked like he was about to have a heart attack).

    While I'm not a huge die-hard fan of JAM Project, I respect their passion, stood up during the entire fucking concert, and sang the parts I knew.
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)01:30 No.4296
    How many rows back were you?
    >> Anonymous 08/15/08(Fri)01:55 No.4311
    I was there. 2nd row on the right side. I remember everyone in the front center going crazy before the concert and started to sing SKILL. MOTTO MOTTO!!!

    Concert was fucking amazing. I nearly came when Masaki Endoh started singing Gaogaigar.
    >> Anonymous 08/18/08(Mon)19:07 No.5472

    Quoted because I can.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/08(Tue)01:01 No.5594
    Quoted because the man speaks truth. And so I can quote 1.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/08(Wed)21:33 No.5913
    I just fucking Came for the Concert
    Then almost lost my voice at Cha la Head Cha La Was the front of the Second block of Chairs behind the Camera.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)02:49 No.5951
    Fucking guard wouldn't let me go to the concert. She's all like where you going? I'm going to the concert! Oh no you ain't! And I said well, is there something wrong with me going to the concert? And she just ignored me... pah what a bitch.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)17:45 No.6025

    Lol hi Krissy.
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)18:26 No.6027

    and then i was like, as long as they build a HUGE, LONG, HIGH fence
    >> Anonymous 08/21/08(Thu)18:27 No.6028
    i had this retard dancing in front of me like he was 5 years old at a wiggles concert

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