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Why could it not have been this instead of ponies.
Why could what be what?
Why couldn't it have just not happened at all.
>it's ok to watch PPG, Totally Spies, Braceface, etc. but IF YOU DARE LIKE MLP YOU'RE A FREAK OF NATURE
>>52168212 (OP)
But why do you want PPG to be booted out of this board, be hated forever by /co/

I suppose the PPG:the movie could have been a hit.........but it's not worth it.
It's wrong to fuck horses, out of wedlock.
I don't understand? Other than the fanbase I don't see the hate. It's a cartoon that manages to stay to the traditional roots of cartoons. It may use flash animation, but it's the best example of it.

This coming from a guy who doesn't, in no way what so ever, enjoys pony.
No its because they are faggot ponies with no superpowers or good villians. Powerpuff girls were actually interesting with good villains (HIM and Mojo).
I think it's more against the fanbase than the show. Those shows you mentioned did not produce a sonic levels of fans.
Because earlier in the madness for a short while every thread on every board turned into a pony discussion sooner or later, and people are still butthurt about it to this day.
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You'd prefer it if PPG was hated with the intensity of 1000 suns and had so many autistic (literal and figurative) fans?

I personally wouldn't wish this on anybody's work. Sure they're fans, but they're the kind of fans that will threaten to send you their dicks in rage if you work on anything unrelated to what they like.
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Its okay to watch PPG

I don't fucking know about Totally Spies, Braceface or any of that other shit, though.
Powerpuff Girls was never overtly targeted at girls (at least I don't think it was). My Little Pony was based off a toy line that's marketed almost exclusively towards a female demographic, thus giving it the girly stigma.
I doubt many little girls would appreciate the way PPG shows the silly behaviour of little girls.
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>It's okay to ejaculate to kindergarten age girls with no noses, legs, and fingers
>It's okay to erect to an early adolescent girl with braces
>It's A-Okay to masturbate to 3 girls who don't exist and pander your fetish on accident.
>But if it's a cartoon horse or anything related to the cartoon horse's show then DAS FUGGED UP!!

Yeah, I wouldn't mind MLP if it was more adult oriented and had crude humor. Cute shit with crude humor is kawaii as fuck.

But just... Little girls ponies... That shits pre-school level.
So /co/ shouldn't be allowed to like Transformers? Those are toys for little kids.
>>52168212 (OP)

you Do know Powerpuff Girls is comic back to, right?
Well people mostly talk about totally spies here as a giant fetish fest and I remember watching braceface (never got into it though) but from the threads I've seen it gets into some interesting topics and thats why people like it.

Well, Transformers are robots. Boys and girls should like robots.

Ponies are... Fucking ponies.
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See the head scratching?

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There's a difference between those shows and MLP.

Ponyfags watch Barney and Friends.
>>52168212 (OP)
>>52168212 (OP)

Its probably because the Internet wasn't widely available during the time PPG aired. Had it been created now and applied the same formula and productions values that MLP apparently had, it would've become popular. Also, the fact that many memes were spawned out of it and youtube videos of series helped solidfy its fandom.

Or its just because Craig McCracken actually made an episode featuring typical MLP fags back then and it was still a huge joke.

It was always real, even before the internet. One fanbase was just more attuned to it and the other stopped caring.

MLP fandom was born out of a joke. Then real autistic people started in on the joke. And it became what it is now.

And other cartoons are on the same networks as Spongebob, iCarly and Johnny Test.

I love how hypocritical the internet gets over MLP. The way you view bronies is the same way the rest of the world views you.
>tounge in cheekhumor
>over the top cuteness
>countering seriousness of superheorism
>conflict resolution

>no conflict resolution
>or plot development
>unabashed effeminacy
Bullshit we watch SheZow

how exactly is that hypocritical? the rest of the world views us as abnormal, we view those far more fucked up than us horsefuckers as abnormal, circle of life blah blah blah
The cuteness was rarely focused on. It wasn't the point of the show.

The shit in MLP is just like...
Very obviously written only with kids in mind.
No, but my cap is from a toddlers' network, thus meaning there is a less broader scope in terms of actual content compared to Cartoon Network which is geared towards a general audience.
Because then everyone would hate PPG... you realize its the fanbase that has caused such hatred for MLP not the show itself, right?
No one views me as abnormal for watching Adult Swim and Gravity Falls.
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I love how you just gloss over the fact this is an officially approved crossover.
You haven't actually watched MLP, have you? What am I saying, of course you haven't.

>Bring tears to their eyes

>They start beating the shit out of townsfolk

Yeah. You wouldn't see something like that in current cartoons, let alone fucking Mallpponiez
Yeah, and even Optimus is confused.
Money is a strange thing.
everyone has seen it.

they just didn't like it.

but just like the mormons you wont stop trying to market it.
>They start beating the shit out of townsfolk
>You wouldn't see something like that in current cartoons, let alone fucking Mallpponiez


Its not the show that's hated, its the Bronies because of how controversial they have been as of yet.
That's because you haven't told anyone.
MLP is alright, not terribly made, but mildly enjoyable if childish.

So why exactly did EVERYONE go fucking nuts over this show? Like people who like it, can't just like watching it, they had to obsess over it. Then people who didn't think it was good were out on a revenge mission or some shit.

Was there any other way this coulda played out?
You miss my point, the cover was made because Hasbro recognized there was an overlap between fans. Meaning they know are fans who enjoy both. Alien concept I know
*there are

>dat goofy fucking animation
>that retarded horn music
Those aren't townsfolk.
Yeah, sorry, but

Is just a vastly superior episode of a cartoon.
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Yeah. If we could just go ahead and never have any fandom reach Pony levels of sperg. That'd be great.
I wasnt the one that originally argued. I was just watching the PPG episode and it has an awesome soundtrack and sound effects, and then I looked at that and its like
Really loud childish horn sounds.

Agreed. PPG was 100x better than MLP.

MLP is just.....too childish to enjoy. And the characters feel bland and generic. PPG>MLP
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Well, let's have it play out this way. Say that the internet in 1992 was as developed as it was back in 2010. If a troll on /b/ decided to troll by spamming Barney macros and uploaded them to KnowYourMeme, how much do you want to bet that there would be a huge Barney fandom as enormous and defensive as the pony fandom now?
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>unabashed effeminacy
This. It's the girliest thing in the whole world. It's all clothes and baking cupcakes and raising babies. It's not something children should even be watching. It reinforces destructive gender roles.

The characters are bland and generic because they're super watered down Powerpuff Girls characters.

Even that Discord Goat tries to be HIM and fails miserably.
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>Comparing sound effects from two different genres and eras
>Majority are just swooshing sounds

For starters MLP isn't an action show, it's slice of life with a little bit of fantasy thrown in. Secondly, PPG most uses the same four sound effects it has, it's hardly anything to brag about.
Meaning the fans who like both are bronies who started watching MLP and likes transformer from his childhood or from the Bay movies.
>For starters MLP isn't an action show, it's slice of life with a little bit of fantasy thrown in.

Hahaha. You hear that guys?

Ponies with human intelligence and magic that live in a totally fantasy world with dragons and shit are slice of life.
Uh, you really, really haven't seen the show.

Because Tiny Toon Adventures already happened at that time, and it was still happening on the internet.
The fantasy elements don't show up every episode. A lot of eps have plots that are straight out of a standard school cartoon or sitcom, and fantastical elements treated as completely normal.
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>Not knowing Discord is based on Q
>Pretending both don't pay on established archetypes

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