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"I didn't see a thread no matter how hard I looked so hopefully this isn't another double thread"-edition!

For the uninitiated, in this thread we post and discuss French language comics and which delicious brown girls featured in them we wish we could fuck.

I'm one of your friendly neighborhood translators, Ouash, and I have some big news for this thread! Stay tuned for my next post!
So that big news... Maybe you saw it coming. Sambre Book 2 is officially 100% translated! I'm just waiting on editing. I've done a cursory re-read through and made some corrections and improvements, but I always welcome suggestions. Leave a comment in the relevant google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uoKdZuCc6vmzDElymLJuxOqU84psHY5lbcQw1U_2j2I

It's super dead tonight guys ;_;
Caught the storytime of the first tome from the other day, looking forward to this.
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Excellent news, Ouash! I look forward to it.
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I have the first four tomes of Orbital on order. Am excited for October, when tome five comes out in English!
The fuckers cancelled the official Dutch translations...

I guess I'll just read the English ones then.
The Cinebook translations aren't perfect, but they are readable.
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So, apart from Ulysses 31, Mysterious Cities of Gold, and Wakfu, are there any French cartoons worth checking out?
Granite Welgoat and Narvarth Bodyssey work onboard the The Comet's Fog, a luxury space cruiser, in which Callista De Sargamore is a passenger. The spaceship crashes on an unknown planet and the three of them find themselves in the same lifepod.

After landing on the planet, they realize it is populated by several different sentient species, including humans. It turns out that a number of other ships have known a similar fate over the years, and their shipwrecked crews and passengers have assimilated into native societies. Some of them have developed the ability to master one of the four elements; Granite herself discovers that she has acquired pyrokinesis.

Ythaq 01

Ythaq 02

Ythaq 03

Ythaq 04

Ythaq 05

Ythaq 06

The Shipwrecks of Ythaq 07

The Shipwrecks of Ythaq 08

The Shipwrecks of Ythaq 09
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A head-on collision between John Woo and John Paul II! On the fringes of the Vatican’s religious administration, a powerful Cardinal is overseeing the execution of the Church’s most discreet objectives with a force of black-ops specialists and spies. When a mafia godfather puts his best hit man in service of the Vatican to settle an honor debt, he will act as the guardian angel of a beautiful young investigator, but can he keep her out of the crossfire? Ancient secrets threaten to uproot the seat of religious power, and there are people ready to kill to protect it. Can good men fight fire with fire without losing their souls?

Spin Angels 01

Spin Angels 02

Spin Angels 03

Spin Angels 04

Spin Angels 05

Spin Angels 06
Someone really ought to dump these links into a pastebin, along with the links from previous threads.

Once Upon a Time... Life of course. Animation's dated, but the series is excellent edutainment.
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I'm looking for pictures, pictures of Mélusine! Or rather, complete comics.

In return, here are the links to XIII posted in the previous thread:








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Some anon posted a translation of the three books of Libre a Jamais yesterday. It covers everything that happened to the woman of the Forever War between the end of the war and her the point where she can finally stop flying in circles at the speed of light.
...Totally Spies?
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Thanks, I'll look into it!
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Melusine 01-04

Thanks you!
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If you enjoy them, remember to buy them from Cinebook--both because money should go to everyone involved, and because it might provide them incentive to translate further tomes of Mélusine.
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Is there much cosplay of Franco-Belgian characters on the Continent?
Wouldn't know. I don't go to conventions here.
Oban Star Racer
Chasseurs de dragons
Lucky Luke
There was a Spirou cartoon?!
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Skyland looks badass.
boring as shit though
Yes, i used to watch it as a kid but i don't remember much
*Facepalm* Welcome to K-on, where girls will forever stay immaculate virgins in order not to alienated the NEET/Neckbeard virgin fanbase.
False dychotomie much?
Or "dichotomy", as we plebs spell it.
>liking hetshit
Grammar is the argument of the imbecile
Anyone knows the Sillage?
I like it much.

Is it good? How well it'd hold to the likes of La guerre éternelle?
>Mysterious Cities of Gold
Not the new one, though.
This thread dead yet?

I heard it was fucking weak and didn't really bother.

Try finding rips of the German DVD release. Should be called "Es war einmal das Leben" and comes with english subs.
>not building a fun romance with a (shota) wizard
>Instead self-insert

Goddamn, France did fall low.
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Not a self insert; the creator of the book looks totally different.

It's a recurring theme that Melusine is a sucker for blond hunks though.
you are aware French authors tend to create ideal waifus so they can only fuck them in their own fantasy world?

Protip: Read some Flaubert.
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Largo Winch, a young and handsome orphan, gets secretly adopted by Nero Winch, a wealthy businessman, and trained to take his place when he dies. Then Nerio Winch gets killed, and Largo immediately finds himself in trouble, fighting both for his life, and his business empire.

Largo Winch 01

Largo Winch 02

Largo Winch 03

Largo Winch 04

Largo Winch 05

Largo Winch 06

Largo Winch 07

Largo Winch 08

Largo Winch 09

Largo Winch 10
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Najah Cruz has infiltrated the entourage of Sam Nachez, head of the international organised-crime ring known as the High Council. She’s an insider, working directly for the White House. And she’s been cut off from her bosses.

While corrupt forces in Washington are trying to identify her and kill Project Insiders, Najah goes to Pakistan with Nachez to arrange the sale of French cruise missiles to the Pakistani Air Force. But not everyone in Nachez’s inner circle is convinced of her loyalty, and Pakistan is a troubled country in its own right…

Insiders 01

Insiders 02

Insiders 03
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The Eternals are the elite enforcers for the diamond trade and Mira is their most notorious operative. When she goes missing - presumed dead - her employers turn to Uma, her twin sister, to take her place as part of an elaborate ruse...

The Eternals 01

The Eternals 02

The Eternals 03

The Eternals 04

The Eternals 05

The Eternals 06
That issue made me start buying the books actually. The art is way better than previous books, and it finally has a plot that spans the entire book, instead of a just a bunch of one-two page gags of titular topic.

It's the straight shota-requesting guy. He's mad about dumb shit.
>What If Batman Real World
>What If Batman really cared about people and was aware that the influence he wields via his company and the way it conducts business
I'm glad to see that my scans are popular.
>what if Batman wasn't Tony Stark
There. Take your company wars somewhere else, troll.
>Spin Angels 5 and 6

You're certainly my angel!
So very glad to see this thread is still here!
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Is this one of those sexy comic threads?
How do you guys even find these comics?
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>Not the new one, though.
Ignore this Anon. He knows not whereof he speaks.

Like do you guys live in France?

English is the odd one out when it comes to getting its dose of translated Franco-Belgian comics, that's about it.
For whatever reason, large Anglophone publishing houses are convinced there's no market for it ... which is where smaller publishers like Cinebook come in.

Concerning Marvel and DC it's primarily that printing stuff they don't own and have full control over appears alien to their business strategy.

They can't deal with it, basically.
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Besides being pretty, intelligent and courageous, Yoko Tsuno is an electronics engineer. This specialization draws her and friends Pol and Vic into adventures that cross the border between fantasy and science fiction. Yoko crosses the globe and travels through time and space; but no matter where her exploits take her, the young girl always remains faithful to herself, never forgetting values such as loyalty, friendship and respect for life.

Yoko Tsuno 01

Yoko Tsuno 02

Yoko Tsuno 03

Yoko Tsuno 04

Yoko Tsuno 05

Yoko Tsuno 06

Yoko Tsuno 07
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One-woman-army Terryiona Crow joins Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, behind German lines for an espionage adventure worthy of Bond himself.

Spynest 01

Spynest 02
You, sir, are awesome.
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Trailer for the English dub of MCoG Season 2:


People don't appreciate how OP Yoko is. The woman controls an alien warmachine that's using technology more rugged than an AK-47.
Do you guys know French?

I'm French
>I'm French

Does it say 4chan.fr? Pls go. This is an AMERICAN website.

Born in the USA~

The OP should maybe be more clear that this thread is about franco-belgian comics that have been translated to english.
I don't speak French but I like French fries, french kissing and french comics. I'd also surrender if a German ever attacked me. I'm basically French in every way that matters.
Just paint your face Beown and converrt to Islam and you will be given French nationality.
Except it's about Franco-Belgian comics and cartoons, whether they've been translated or not. It's simply that these threads naturally attract scanlators. Happily, they also draw in friendly Anons willing to share their collections.
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testing testing

It's alive!
Is there a list of all the translated french comics?

Yeah, several.


I kind of wish /co/ had a french chart

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Dein "Comic Guide"-Team

I don't know what they're sayingggg
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But which ones are good?

I dunno, check goodreads. Lots of comic readers there and plenty of people who rate their readings.

Sorry, Libarything. I don't think Goodreads is quite that international.
feeble bump
This thread is good and you should all feel good about yourselves.
Fantagraphics and Humanoids are probably the other major publishers who put them out in English. Marvel used to publish manga and euro comics back in the 80s though they don't do that at all anymore with Skydoll being an exception.

How much does manga make in the US compared to comics?
Only the super popular and well known series make a lot of money, Vertical(one of the major Manga publishing houses in the US) said that they harder ever make a profit on their books. Viz does well enough but only the stuff that has gotten an anime really sells well. I this day and age it's far to easy to find manga online and the main demo for them in the US are still teens.

I don't understand business at all.

But are our comics doing good?
American comics? Better than they used to, digital sales are also supposed to be huge now but we don't know the exact numbers. Trade and book sales are also up, comics will never be as big as they used to be but they could be much worse these days.

When did they peak? I always assumed as time went on every type of business got bigger and got more money. But your sentence makes it sound like they were rolling in dosh and now they just get enough to comortably do what they do.

People don't notic them being published and "comic blog" means "Marve-DC-Dark Horse-Maybe Image, but that's already exotic".

Loisel's Peter Pan's already sold out though, or so I'Ve heard.
Comics were selling millions at one point, but thanks to the over saturation of the market in the 90s which caused the major publishers to lose mass amounts of money since they were overprinting shit thanks to a stupid collectors market it all came crumbling down.

Is there an indie comic market? Not trying to be hipster---heck are indie comics even good?

I just want to branch out more. Any websites? Does /co/ have a chart? Or a rec?
A market? Not really, a scene is more what you would call it. Indie comics have been around since the 60s and if they are good? That's like asking if manga or superhero comics are good, it really fucking depends since not all indie comics are the same thing. There is no chart though(I've been thinking of making one but all I've done is something for Canadian indie cartoonists and a Love and Rockets reading guide), just make a thread on /co/ about it, there are like. 10 or so guys on here who are really deep into indie comics that can help you.
Also I know people on here don't say to do this but for independent comics its important, follow publishers. There are publishers who publish a bunch of different comics out there and the best way to find new comics is to check their back catalogs and what cartoonists and writers have done stuff through them. Some of my favorites are Fantagraphics,Drawn and Quarertly, Koyama Press,PictureBox and there are the more well known ones like Image and Dark Horse.

That's difficult to say. Comics were more widespread in the past, before TV and video games. There was a collector's bubble in the 90's where the total number of issues sold peaked and has been dropping since. If you want to dig around for numbers, check out http://www.comichron.com but a lot of data is incomplete.
That was orthography, or as you may know it, spelling, not grammar.
Can any native speakers comment of the quality of writing in French comics? I don't know if the translations are to blame, but most of the ones I've read seem kind of mediocre in terms of story and dialogue. (Tintin and Jodorowsky being exceptions What are the best written French language comics?
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...you are of course entitled to your opinion, but still... we're talking about the people who wrote a ridiculously funny anthro swashbuckling series using 16th century comedy structures as a basis

With all the dialougs in Alexandrines

just because they could. And it actually was a success.
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Then we have this nigger here. His series is so good that pretty much everybody and his mother has read it.

It's probably the only series that seamleslly blends demonically posessed bums eating people and taking potshots at society's treatment of its weakest members in a christman special.
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We also have the whole Seven Lives of the Falcon Saga, that started out as a funny, light swashbucking series in The Red Mask and transformed into a full-blown family tragedy spanning multiple generations with all the bells and whistles.
Not a native speaker, but as a translator I feel I'm qualified to speak. To be honest, the quality of the native French comics I've read has varied wildly, just like that of the American-produced ones. There is plenty of cheesiness, some even outright bad writing, but there are also plenty of high quality gems out there if you're willing to look.

As for the possibility of translations, there haven't been many comics where I've read both the French and the English translation, I've usually just read whichever I came across first, so I can't speak with much certainty. Most translations seem to be well done to me. The most common problem with translations (and this is not unique to French comics) is language use that is inconsistent or doesn't fit a theme (characters use out of place slang) which can be an limitation of the translator's knowledge or an attempt to be overly faithful to the source material. What I mean by that is that it's easy to get hung up on trying to word some dialogue exactly how it's worded in French, and it can come off sounding unnatural. Sometimes you have to just let the original phrase go and insert something more natural that gets the same meaning across. This is one of the hardest parts of fluent, artful translations and I'm certainly not immune to it (though I try my hardest to edit and re-edit to make sure what I've written sounds how it was intended).
This thread is still alive? What
Quick how long did it take to learn French?

Meant for >>52161506
While we are at it, are there any good places online where I could learn the language?

Mainly cause 1. it would be a useful second language as I live in Europe, 2. to read comics, and 3. to impress the ladies.

Who the heck are you?

>to impress the ladies

I can just imagine it with you seducing (read rape) them.

Your mouth says no, but your body says oui!

Yeah that was a shitty post I thought it was funny at the time.

But really do you know anything on French learning? I 'm interested too.
Well, French is my second language, so it was mostly through trial and error that I learned French over the course of ~5 years (about how long it took me to achieve fluency). Although I would say that even now I'm still learning. I'm sure you don't know everything about English, so imagine how much I still have yet to learn despite speaking French as a fluent second language.

I don't know if you care about this much depth, and I don't want to sound too self-involved, but since people have asked and I'm a bit bored I'll write this out anyway...

I started in middle school, when I was forced to choose a second language to study. I chose French because it sounded more interesting than Spanish. Very quickly I noticed I was picking things up much, much faster than my classmates, be it grammar, vocabulary, or phrases. So I decided to try and study on my own time, not just for homework or tests. It soon became a daily habit to watch French news, read French books or articles online, and chat with French speakers online as best I could. Before long I was proverbial light years ahead of my classmates. I found by high school that I had nothing left to learn from my slow French classes, so I quit and moved on to the big stuff: Dumas, Camus, Hugo, and even Voltaire.

As for how I got started translating, it was after I read The Stranger by Camus in my senior year English class (I had already read it in French two years before) and found the English translation was horrible. He inserted dialogue where it didn't exist, described things with flowery language where the main character's narration was flat and gray... That year I also happened to have so many credit hours I had two hours of study halls a day. I figured I could use this time to write my own translation... After that was finished, I thought hell, why not do this for money? I signed up for a few places online, made some cash, and eventually managed to get a few contracts from a local company.
Right now I'm actively studying German. It's been about 2 years, and I've moved much faster than French. I would say I'm about conversational level in German. I could easily do good German translations with the aid of a dictionary to supplement my still-developing vocabulary.
>chat with French speakers online as best I could

How did you achive that part?

How old are you?
Online chat and streams (Justin.tv was great because I could watch French tv and movies and talk about them in a natural way with others). Besides that, Skype.

Is there a talk to French people option on Skype?

And what chats? I want to do that but when I start up on Jap.
On Justin.tv I switched my language to French and it provided French language streams. For Japanese you'd have better luck on NicoNico. As for Skype, you can connect through one of the many language exchange sites available for connecting language partners. Actually, you can ask /int/ about it, I'm sure they have good suggestions.

Neato, how old are you? I want to know if it's too late for me.
21 next month
Also I'd like to specify, nobody is too young. It may be harder when you're older (though it's not much differnece between 18 to 28 and beyond), but if you really want to do it then you just need to put in the effort.
Okay thanks for the feedback.
bumping so I can read the thread
Looking back, I realized I kind of derailed the thread with all those posts, so apologies for that. I don't want to start a trend of tripfags getting these threads off topic already. Though I suppose there wasn't much to dreail, since the thread is so dead for the moment...

Wasn't me bumping, but I'm still here. Just hanging around and refreshing every now and then.

Well OP? How many perverted French comics are there? I need my fix.
How perverted are we talking about here? Nothing you couldn't find on e-hentai. There are plenty of normal French comics that have some small measure of nudity or sex, though.

Exactly the latter. For porn I can literally go find 3D or go on e-hen for 2D.

It's like you know how Melusine is nude every now and then? Shit like that, I like seeing tits and nudity when it's not the main focus, like they're non-chalant, and I always miss the French threads like I did this one.

Forgot when I checked e-hen I only found porn, which I didn't want. I know it's sounds contradictory, he wants tits but not porn.
Any news on the nombrills #5 translation?

What's that about?

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