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Tinkerbell thread. I need my hip fix.
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proportion switch
I love that you can have threads like this on /co/.

/tg/ has become really nofunallowed.jpg recently.
damn mod
>>45740648 (OP)
What's sad is that there was a time int he world where having hips made you "undesirable"
Really now? Care to elaborate?
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The beauty of that gif is that it's a simple edit away from being panty-less.
How are the cg films? From what I can gather, Tink's bitchyness seems to have been removed, which is not a good thing.
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They're pretty good. Tinkerbell has moments with her temper, particularly in Lost Treasure, but keep in mind, it's set before she met Peter and fell prey to his magnetism.
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I had no idea they were prequels. So what you're telling me is that Tinkerbell was a normal (albeit hot-headed) fairy, but meeting Peter turned into a bitch-on-wheels?
if that was true, then wouldnt tink be busting out and jessicas dress be falling off?

welp, now i have a drawing idea =)
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Yes. She's also a fairy engineer, taking the bit from Barrie's book where she's described as a "mender of pots and pans" and making her into a tiny Macgyver.
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Haven't been to /tg/ in about a year. But what happened? They use to have huge fetish fuel threads. Many of them filled with hot orc gals, centaurs, elves, dwarves etc.
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Great, now the original Peter pan just got depressing. But what is it about Peter that brought about Tink's personality change?
Any time someone tries to start up a thread like that, you'll see plenty of posts complaining about it being a "blue board," even though there's no actual nudity. You'll occasionally get a good thread, but it's still full of whiney douches.
Having recently seen Peter Pan for the first time in over a decade, I have to say she's an incredibly charming character. I've never been able to get off to most Disney ladies for some reason, but she's got so much personality and life in her...
According to Barrie, Fairies can become easily consumed by a single emotion as a result of their small size.
is this good? i can't into some gifs...
So Peter is actually...depressed? Angry? Hides his emotions under a mask of boyhood elation?

Yes, very good.
A pantyshot in the CG films? That's a surprise.
If /co/ has taught me anything, it's that animators have a lot of pent-up sexual feelings that are expressed through their work.
>I need my hip fix
grandma get off of 4chan
Peter Pan's a human that chooses to live among the fair folk
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>not sexually aroused by nice hips

Are you gay, son? If so, it's okay. Your mother and I are here for you.
How could you not get that joke?

I'll help you. When old ladies fall, what do they break? What needs to happen to it after it breaks?
i dont think anyone appreciated that joke but you
I thought it was cute.
I'm sure the guy that posted it appreciated it too.
i can't seem to get this tonight, but i'll post it if there is another tink thread.
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Try to deactivate your Japan-o-vision for a second.
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>Tink with her hair down
Oh hell yes.
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Tinkerbell and her twin sister Periwinkle, born of the same baby's laugh.
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Now kiss.
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"I swear, she was already dead when I found her. For realz this time."
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Tink's emotion, not Peter's.
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Hello, what have we here?
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She is essentially the winter fairy's token grumpy smurf and as near to a goth as you will get in these movies.
>it was this big.jpg
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And then she jumped on his nut.
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And now Tinkerbell has a bob. I really need to watch these films.
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I loved the snow faries!
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This entire thread.
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No, his name is Ivy I think.
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"For this I shall kill you old man"
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Stop posting that horrible edit.
I find the more clothes Tinkerbell wears, the more attractive she is. Make of that what you will.
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Most of their outfit manage to stratigically draw one's attention to their posterior.
fetish for modesty.

or tease-o-philia.
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Or a desire to dress up women like dolls, indicating suppressed homosexual tendencies.
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As far as Tinkerbell is concerned I disagree, but I do feel the same way about Poison Ivy.
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I give you hips, and with that, I am going to bed.
Hrrm. Must investigate further.
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A Captain died in Neverland tonight.

The sway of Rosetta's hip is SO UNF.
Am I the only one who wants to see that supposed Disney animation of Jiminy Cricket fucking Tinkerbell
Go on...
Babby's first boner?
Got to be sure to capture the memories.

That's Spike, the cynical of Peri's group of friends.

You can't ignore Bobble's girth.

That's Ivy, she has been compared to Tink in the past.

They are day and night, personality wise. Ivy is a crybaby (but goddamn you find her crying fits adorable).

Goddamn it, it's insane how much I enjoy seeing these fairies in new outfits.

Stop presenting your Petunia like that, Ro!

I can't be held accountable for stuff that might happen.
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do they not know the glory of thulsa doom?
Just how much porn is there of the other fairies? Tinkerbell obviously has a ton, so we're not counting her.
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I'll try to keep the dream alive.
I got it, I just didn't think it was funny.

Around 30 pictures, maybe?

Keep in mind, that's the number if you get between ALL of them.

5-6 fairies.

At least two recieved 1 picture at most.
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The number raises a bit thanks to two Cartoon Reality sets.

Pretty good stuff, imo. And it covers all of the girls.

Periwinkle not included, though.
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You know what? I'll say it. I've seen plenty of rule 34 on Tinkerbell or Wendy.... why is there not enough porn of Tiger Lily??

For the same reason these lovely ladies don't get any.

They are not important. Nobody gives a fuck.
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tfw you're the only white female who loves the color orange
I imagined her saying that with a Southern accent. Am I correct?
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Don't take Ro's words to heart.

Look at fawn, she looks great in orange.
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You are indeed correct.

I fucking love her voice.
In the books Peter at the very least has ADHD and you could argue he's actually kind of a sociopath. The idea was that Peter and the Lost Boys were innocent and didn't understand concepts like right and wrong or life and death, so they'd often badly hurt or even kill each other and think it was all a game.

Disney and modern media have tainted the idea. Remember. Peter Pan was written back when Fairies weren't tiny ballerinas with wings, but rather amoral supernatural gods that liked to steal children and play games with mortals' fates.
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Pretty Rosetta dresses, part 1.
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Pretty Rosetta dresses, part 2.
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Pretty Rosetta dresses, part 3.

This is something that always makes me think.

A LOT of people have given these movies flak because "These changes are ruining Tinkerbell"

And all I can think of is "Bitch please, you have any idea how many Tikerbells have existed?".

The original books were dark as fuck.

Then there's Disney Peter Pan, which actually tonned down shit a lot even if people think it has dark undertones.

Then the fairies book made yet ANOTHER version of Tinkerbell.

And then the movies took that version and made a new one.
Yeah really. Hell, in the origonal novel Tinkerbell's race only had a lifespan of about 16 months.

And that's not even counting theater adaptations and other movies.

I understand having preference, but give me a fucking break.
So did Peter ever get "urges" while in Neverland?
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Delicious Vidia up in this bitch.

To think that she's currently considered a raging cunt and she still nowhere near Tink's bitch levels post Peter.
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done :3
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Render of my two favourite Fairies in their fabulous winter outfits.

Relevant today because of the Frozen shitstorm.
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Well, I also have to sleep now.
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Someone else went the extra mile
I doubt it's fan service, or "on purpose" as such.

It's almost inevitable due to the movies being 3d, unless you dedicate ridiculous amount of time to reworking every frame where you might possibly see a few pixels woth of panty.

And who the fuck would even do that? The only ones motivated enough to go through the film frame-by-frame would not want to remove the shots.

>It's almost inevitable due to the movies being 3d, unless you dedicate ridiculous amount of time to reworking every frame where you might possibly see a few pixels woth of panty.

I believe it.

Five movies, miniskirts EVERYWHERE, and you can count the legit pantyshots in one hand.

They are accidental, at best.
Good job!
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"Turn your head and cough"
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Well to some people having a large rear means you're fertile. But to most, having one means you're a fat cow.

How many fat bottomed girls have been forgotten to history because of this ignorance?
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There is a difference between wide birthing hips and obesity.
Well yeah, we know that now.
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For a while, super skinny girls with no breasts and no butts (Twiggy, Kate Moss, etc.) were really fashionable but lately, magazines have been putting curvier women (Kim Kardashian, etc.) on the covers and it's becoming more socially acceptable to have a big butt. Some women even have plastic surgery to make their butts bigger.
Which one of these is voiced by Grey DeLisle?
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The narrator and some of the extras.
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In every movie, Tink's costume inches a bit further away from her Peter Pan outfit, which is good, because Peter is a little asshole.
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All is right with the world.
> There will never been a time travelling robot fairy.
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"Everybody come grab a piece of this Rosetta ass."
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>There will never been
I was going to correct you, but when you're talking about time travelling robot fairies I guess tenses go out the window.
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That's also apparently common in Brazil. The surgery, I mean. I think there was one video I saw about this woman with what they described as the largest natural ass in the country that talked about it for a brief moment.
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Your thoughts?
how the fuck did i not know of this before today? it's literally impossible.
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"Not in the face Tink, this isn't a porno."
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As it turns out, Vidya is not a swallower.
It seems to me that the red headed fairy is worried about Tink molesting her cooking tools while she's out buying groceries.
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These things happen Sugar.
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They know Tink's kinks pretty well.
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I swear this has never happened to me before.

That said. Fawn in a skirt = yes please.
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Maybe this is all to sell clothing for dolls?
Her hips cannot be contained.
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Looked up the toy line. Kinda very crappy.
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Why did you make Ivy cry? What did he ever do to you?

None of those.

PHG Rosetta is amazing.

I honestly want this to go full AU.

There are quite a bit more hands on that rump.

And I just noticed there's a sparrowman there.

Luckiest pixie in the world.
With any luck, they will never reference Peter Pan again. They did have Wendy in the first movie, but that seems to have been it.

It's gonna be AWESOME.

I loved seeing Rosetta surrouned by cute bugs more than I probably should.
Wait, wasn't "Sparrowman" the masculine alternative to "Pixie"?
Currently I have zero problems with them continuing the franchise until the heat death of the universe.
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No arguments here. It isn't deep programming, but it isn't bad either.

Weirdest boner, etc.

When the bug gives her a kiss, my heart melted.

Derp sparrowman is everywhere.

I've seen a lot of good articulated dolls.

You might be right.

I ususally use fairies for females, and pixies for all of them.

Yeah, same here.
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Your face when your favourite ship involves a character that will probably never be seen again?
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Think we will ever see one of the movies with a real villain? I mean a real villain that is hell bent on destruction, not just Vidya serving bitch pudding.
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Feels bad man.
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not southern belle enough, my dick would be diamond then...
they have done a fine job of making adventure films without needing villains and I fear that as soon as they introduce one, it leads to some stupid fairy power inflation where the fairies need to go ssj5 at the first sign of trouble
Rosetta's garden




I wish I could find these in HD.
Well when you describe it like that... I suddenly really want to see some overblown battles using their powers.
Vidia : Supersonic speed attack
Rosetta : Grappling whip vines
Fawn : Control a swarm of angry insects
Iridessa : Burning sunbeam attack
Periwinkle : Freezing cold attack
Silvermist : Kung fu and waterbending
Tinkerbell : Builds a giant mech
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You are not alone.
>I wish I could find these in HD.

This (and on blu-ray), but for all the pixie previews / promitional shorts.

Goddamn it, I need to download these movies in HD.

Seriously, all the previews and shorts are great, but good luck finding them anywhere.
Some of them were tricky to find.
Well, you can _find_ them, that's their point, but at best (and even this is rare), you can get them at Youtube-1080p, which really isn't that good.
Most of them are on Netflix.

I can't recall ever seeing a pixie preview in that res.
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Some of the official ones are. But even then, they are compressed pretty hard.
Look up Fairie Fetish Hentao Manga.
Well, finding any shorts at 1080p is really rare. 720p is more common, but most are even lower resolution.

I think these are both official channels:


This isn't an official channel, I think, but it seems to have a pretty good selection:
The videos that are just clips from the movies always seem like rip-offs. I'd much rather have the cartoon shorts that are stuff not in the movie.
They're a bit boring, yes, but for me, the bigger issue is

Disney: release the effing shorts X-(
loli jessica is my fetish
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she isn't loli though. just skinny.

I love this preview.
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Are all the cg films on Netflix and/or Hudu (fuck Hudu, by the way. They censored Queens Blade Rebellion.)
I meant Hulu. Sorry about that.
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You mean dolls, or "dolls".
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You can overcome a real villain with the power of kindness and still sell stuff to little girls.

Regular dolls.

The dresses they have are really cool.
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Dat Rosetta.

She seems to have mellowed a bit.
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So close...
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And this.
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