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Goth Girl Thread?
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>Implying those are goths
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Maka isn't goth.
Goth is fucking dead.


Let it stay that way.
You know: Spanish has different words for the bronze age barbarians (Godo) and the middle age art movement and the subculture (Gotico)
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Dont you mean undead.
On a related note: Does anybody else notices that today we have more goth boys on cartoons?
>implying those are girls...
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Nope. It just evolved into cybergoth and corpgoth

Wish I had some WS pics of Triana from Venture Bros.
I was a goth between 2001 and 2006. I dated numerous goth girls and was pretty involved with the Calgary goth scene, going to clubs, and doing some writing for a couple zines.

Goth was bullshit. What a waste of time. I can't believe what a shitty person I used to be. I guess I was just lonely and naive. The subculture attracted the worst kind of person. I think back on the girls I used to date and my skin crawls. Sure, they were gorgeous, and their makeup and clothes got me off, but they were such shitty, shitty people. Goth is beyond stupid. It's better than capeshit, though.
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name a few. Mostly it's just pnukers or metalheads.

But what is it kid's cartoons always having at least one token goth girl?
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From the top of my head: Robbie from GF, Julian from Randy Cunningham and a classmate from Kick Buttowski.
There may be more.

>But what is it kid's cartoons always having at least one token goth girl?
Fashion and fapbait?

I was goth till a few months ago when I should've long outgrown that shit. Before that I was more of preppy or anglophile hipster. Still smoke my cloves and listen to Sisters of Mercy but I don't identify with the scene no more.

I was just going through a nostalgia kick I guess.

But my local scene wasn't bad though. It had it's share of weirdoes and cunts but mostly they were alright.
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Yeah, maybe I'm just being too hard on the old crew. Still, it takes a certain kind of arrogance to be a goth, to try to distinguish yourself from the masses in that way, which I think fundamentally stems from insecurity, and that can cause you to do be a jerk if it goes too far.
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How about Dr. Orpheus's ex?
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I noticed that most people who are considered goth don't like the label and they're the poster boys and girls of the scene.
i.e. Voltaire, Siousxie Sioux. Robert Smith etc.

My face got red whenever someone called me that. Just imagine, a grown man way past his teens being called a goth.

Feels bad man
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Lydia, forever my first cartoon crush.

...but not my waifu.
Can't they be both?
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Yeah but NSFW either

So moar Josh Howard I guess
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>tfw goth girls in real life are either ugly or the most annoying people on the face of the Earth
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I blame Hot Topic. A bit before my mature years, but apparently Goth girls in the late 80s early 90s were top notch.

Now we have mall goths, gothaptomuses (not that being heavy is a bad thing, ladies, but you know what I'm talking about), and the Hot Topic crowd. The good ones are still out there, but they're lost in a sea of shit.
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or they're batshit crazy like my exes

pictured; not my one of my exes
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Last one.
I must have been lucky, I've known a few exceptionally cool goth girls.
They never were willing to date me though. I was a raver, in my town they didn't mix.
Invader Zim caused the Mall Goth infestation.

Made it to fucking popular and SILLY!
Ugh. Hot Topic. We used to call it Goth'n Go. It's turned more hipsterish these days, but I remember when it was full of goth stuff.

I too had a neat goth scene in the 80s-90s. The fashion still gets me going.
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God bless you fellow anon.
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Speaking of Hot Topic
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Did somebody the extra large Goth
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yeah, the '90s goth girls were the best.
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Here's some one moar Lyddy

The only WS pic I have that's not already posted here
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I could kiss you, /co/
O yes!
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So, what's nuGoth?
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Does anyone like androgynous weeaboo goths?
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This thread needs some Sam.
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I've been in a "goth phase" these last 4 years.
I really like the stetic and the music, but I can't take the people. In here or they are 2deep4u or edgy as fuck. Plus they have too much parties and shit.
My family has asked me a lot if I'm a goth or emo, but I refuse to be considered goth.
Also, I've been in a relationship these last 3 years with a "goth", but she has the same opinions about the goth scene.
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Soul Eater has a very dark ambience. Too bad the anime was bad and the manga went to shit after killing Arachne.
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Let me be Frank nobody cares about your bullshit
They arent what they are cracked up to be
i know this from experience
>The good ones are still out there, but they're lost in a sea of shit.
Most of the good ones have grown up and moved on. They still dress sort of goth, but not like the glory days. I keep hoping to meet one, but I never do. I just see them cruising the city every once in a while.
Every fucking cliche... So painful to watch, but ended up watching all the episodes. Did not even finish reading the manga.

I really liked the style too.
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Problem is: Whenever someone sees a young lady in alternative attire such as black clothes, piercings, chains and unnaturally dyed hair, they automatically think "goth chick"

Goth was legit subculture that branched off punk in the late 70s and early 80s but then again ignorant plebs think Marilyn Manson, KISS and Slipknot are goth.

But hey no use getting butthurt over spilled eye-liner
Mr. Johaen Vasquez when will your next comic be released? Any news on a new invader zim>?

It'd like old goth, except with more pointless retcons.
Roman Dirge is working in a restaurant now...
>ignorant plebs think Marilyn Manson, KISS and Slipknot are goth.
Manson had a legitimate fandom within the goth culture, though, at least with the later part. KISS was way too late (I've never heard KISS associated with goth), and Slipknot has always been exclusively metal-head.
Manson was hated by all real goths. Only posers liked him.
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What's the difference between goth and emo? I'm old.
I may be wrong here, so someone correct me

Goth is much more 'heavy' - black, boots, chains, a much more intimidating look

Emo is more 'soft' - tight pants, some colors, a much less threatening look
>guys on 4chan drooling over goth girls
>the same kind of girls they probably would have made fun of in school
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I was always surprised she wasn't more prominent on the show, she seemed like such a natural ally to Daria and Jane.
Speaking of, what would you call Daria and Jane? They weren't goth by any stretch of the imagination, but they definitely had a look. Just...counter-culture? I dunno
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Where is she from?
Maka isn't goth. Matter a fact is anybody in Soul Eater that is goth.
>being part of a "scene"

>using words like "the old crew"
That's why I said "at least with the later part". What I should have said was "the younger part", 80s kids that got into the scene.
Just contra cultural but nothing particular. Idie rockers?

Hercules the series.
>tfw you made fun of the girl who wore a naruto headband to school, despite the fact that you watched it too
>tfw she might have been the best girlfriend you could have ever had
I mean, she's a lesbian now
but she she didn't know that back then
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bitch please i dated one in high school
I'm pretty sure Emo is dead, as it effectively just means hot topic kids angsting all over each other. I'm pretty sure they've been eclipsed by scene culture, which preserves the aesthetics while improving the attitude
Im the only person who bought the Lenore collection.
I rememeber when that girl made a speech in an episode and the only ones who liked it were Daria and Jane.
I would say that they were counter-culture, so is normal that they agree with punk or goth.
As if I were in any position to make fun of anyone

You know that's a cartoon character, right?
There is a charming short film about this exact premise! It's called "Kyle + Rosemary", and it's a Romeo & Juliet story about a nerd who falls in love with a goth over a MMORPG.
the picture is unrelated.
i just wanted to contribute to the thread
>4chan user
>Making fun of anybody
C'mon I was very apathic in school and I suppose that almost everyone in here.
>I'm pretty sure Emo is dead
Didn't Emo just become Hipster? I never paid close attention, I never had any patience for either of those movements

Goth originated in the late 1970s from the British postpunk New Romantic style which was basically a form of button-down punk (dress shirts and pants and depression, sometimes with Rimbaud hair). They gradually incorporated influences from horror, Victorian fashion, and silent movies to develop a goth look. The music was basically '70s rock except very sparse and creepy. It split and branched from there.

Emo started out as a form of hardcore punk in the mid-'80s. It was basically hardcore with melody and more emotional subject matter, and so was an early form of post-hardcore. Style was basically typical hardcore kid youth crew fashion (no logos, hoodies, jeans). With the punk revival of the early '90s, it became even more poppy, and they started to crib fashion from goth.
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This makes me sad. I can make jokes about these dudes but I enjoy the work. This just makes me sad.

Okay well I am a tad bit sick of invader zim but I enjoyed it before I saw it too much.
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I always loved Chrona and never realized about the connection to Creepy Susie. I'm glad I do now.
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riot grrrls or simply hispters


I was married to one and she was made fun of in school for being way too into animu and for being kinda tomboyish.

I was kinda of a dork who got beat up a lot in school so we connected on that level among other things
Nah man, "spooky kids" as they were called were their own thing.
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>punk revival of the early 90s
>no logos
Huh. If I wasn't so old, I might have been called emo in school.
where's the porn
this board is worksafe

Because that style was popular in the 80's and 90's when a lot of the people currently writing cartoons were growing up. When they write about teenagers, they use their own life experiences and when they create characters, they think about the people who they went to junior high and high school with.
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If it wasn't, It'd be unloading so much shit now that it would overload the thread

.......god I hate myself
And considering that there are still hipsters and 50's dads in cartoons, goths'll stick around for a long while
I dated one in college for a while.
>riot grrrls or simply hispters
They may have been called hipsters now, but hipster wasn't a thing back then.

You seem more knowledgeable about it than I, so I'll defer to your opinion. I was never a goth, just a raver that hung out with them and their goth beauties at every opportunity.
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>new /co/
you trying to get the whole thread deleted?
I was frieends with a fat goth girl in High School. She was fun to be sarcastic with.
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I love Crona.
Most of the good Goth bands were just David Bowie fans afraid to be bright and cheery in fear of being called Ziggy ripoffs. The movement has only been bastardized further since then.

Stop complaining about the death of goth and put on some Bowie.
im glad i wasnt the only one who called Chrona, "Anime Creepy Susie"
>monthly /co/ goth-girl appreciation thread
This is why I keep coming back, these are my favorite threads, even though they always lead to feels
Grungies maybe.
>Stop complaining about the death of goth and put on some Bowie.
I'm not complaining about the death of the goth scene, at least not directly. I'm complaining about the lack of goth girls in my age-range. I see punks and even ravers that last into their late-20s, early-30s, but never goths.
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>>manga went to shit after killing Arachne

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Hell even Dexter' Lab had one on the show but she only appeared in one ep (the one about the kid who disappeared at the back of the bus)
I knew this fat goth girl on the bus in middle school. She let me listen to all of her CDs. She also was a lesbian.
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These threads make me miss my ex so much.

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me too.
You don't know what you're talking about dude.
Can't remember her.
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Every time I see a goth girl I think about my ex too. She's got all country before our divorce though
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The way they dress and act, the short hair, the androgynous look, that general "creepiness" when they have their psycho scenes...

Considering all the references to real persons and fictional characters found in 'Soul Eater', maybe Chrona character was influenced by Susie.
>All these gfs
God, I'm even pathetic on 4chan
>She's got all country before our divorce though
She what?
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Fuck yeah Serenity Rose.
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No Marceline?
Imagine how I feel about my girlfriend who died in a car accident. She was a gorgeous redhead deathrocker girl. I proposed to her that night, but she told me she'd cheated on me. Never got a yes or no. I don't think I was even going to talk to her again after. The accident gave me frontal lobe brain damage and disfigured my face so I haven't had much confidence to talk to girls since then. Life fucking sucks, eh? There should be a better world without so much heartbreak.
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She would have made such a great super-villain.
Or at least, you know, a hot one.
Woww. That is the most goth love story I've ever heard.
/co/ is one of the more normalfag boards
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And she still totally counts, even if she is more cybergoth than anything else.

Jesus /co/mrade, I'm sorry to hear that. My sympathies.
ha I wasn't even goth anymore by that point. I should've been.
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Her series didn't deserve that kind of treatment.
when it isn't being super gay, that is
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I think someone brought up the idea of her coming back as a supervillain nun named Bad Habit.
>Slave labor graphics presents.
All we need to do is give you a lovable cartoon animal to bug you after and its perfect.
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Is it considered goth to literally be a gothic stone gargoyle?
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There was that bug-eyed girl who had a crush on Dexter too. She was creepy as fuck to be just a little girl.
fags can be plenty normalfag if they aren't socially retarded
I liked her. Sadly, she'll never be seen again on the show.
She fell off the ledge and broke?
that's because it changed to this.
i blame you
Nah, she's more of a stoner
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And yet it started it's own scene that still thrives nowadays just not as much as in the late-80s-mid-90s.

It's mostly all cybergoth/EBM


I wish I had scene like that here reaggatonstan but dream on
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goth Daria really doesn't do it for me, she doesn't need it. Goth Jane isn't bad though.
Having darker clothing and interests doesn't really make me a part of the gothic subculture.

I suppose it is similar in appearance, though.
No, Mattel just has no reason to promote her toy anymore.
Did somebody call her cute at all?
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Fuck, rewatched this whole series recently. I love it for nostalgia, and hate it for making me wish I was back in shitty high school.
i agree about daria but i think jane looks better without personally. she's not doomy enough.
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Does some classy ambiguous gentleman vampire and lolita count?
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She has a doll in the new lineup based on the next movie, so she'll probably be featured heavily in that.

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Those girls are a little too into the scene for me. What happened to subtle goths? just goth enough for you to tell, but not enough that they made a statement.
You're just saying that because we love Nightwing's taugh buttocks and turgid cock.
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Pretty much half of the cast. Fuck, it even takes place in Gothville
Marceline is more of a Rocker then a goth. The only thing she has going for her is the fact that she is pale and that cause she is a vampire.
Jane looks way more punk there than goth. I like standard Jane too much to change her.
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Nah you're gothic as fuck
I mean god damn look at this
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Goth isn't dead, you just left highschool and thus stopped seeing them, and the current highschool kids were mostly replaced with scene girl stoners.

You'll still find plenty of goths at their little clubs and hangouts.
It's almost like it's become a "Secret Society" that's gone into hiding until all the posers and non-conformists kills themselves.
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>mfw never wake up to see a haggard Lydia Deets brewing a pot of coffee.
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Those feet... They look like some bug's antenae...
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This. Only I don't know where their little clubs and secret hangouts are. I look too normal to ever learn their secret knock.
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She got into the shitty modern country scene when she out-grew her rocker/goth phase.

I understand if she outgrew the scene but come-on, Carrie Underwood?

Also, some people still identify as goth in their 30s and 40s. Mostly they rock corpgoth style which is grown up fashion but still dark and edgy.

Think: Batcave meets business casual.

Pic related. Doc Hammer, one of VB's creators
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OH yeah, sure, that exactly how she looked like. I totally remember her like that.
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>You were always too straight laced for goth girls

>You are now too old for goth girls

>They are your fetish

Feels, feels empty man.
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Perhaps not, but Agent L always seemed goth to me.
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Life is weird.
>until all the posers and non-conformists kills themselves.

boy that's cool

i found that almost all the subcultures in school were exactly the same, the guys would take whatever drugs were acceptable in their own sub cultures and the girls still dressed like sluts

they would confess to all hate each other until some generational crisis showed up like a weed shortage, which is when they'd all band together in the noble cause in sharing dealers

take this slut >>46693221, she's probably the exact same as the girls who went to clubs and played sports under her dyed hair
>>46693389 >>46693416 >>46693436
>>46693454 >>46693473 >>46693494
No offense to the artist but this sort of ruins the vibe Gaz was supposed to have.
More like professional woman who is all business.
Black bussines suit and deadpan dosn't make her goth
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goth is about being dark and misanthropic
emo is about being dark and whiny
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Tiff was more goth than Brit but sometimes they were pretty equal with the clothing.
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Brit was high class fashionista brat, never goth.

Tiff was punk lackey.
Doc Hammer is one of the coolest looking people on the planet. Him and Jackson are probably a nightmare to work with, but their panels are so fucking entertaining.
Wasn't goth just about enjoying macabre stuff?
But tits.
Jenny was never goth.
Hmm, you're right.
Now I think about it, that busty Gaz isn't that bad after all.
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>they would confess to all hate each other until some generational crisis showed up like a weed shortage, which is when they'd all band together in the noble cause in sharing dealers
That's high school for you. You don't really expect kids that age to have conviction, do you?
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>>46689392 (OP)
why boner?
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Ugly ugly Shareena.
Oh god. My heart.
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Life is hard, but look at me! I turned out alright.
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Black Cuervo
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>no Raven
Do you even goth?
Become a nerdcore rapper?
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Yeah, if we still needed our training wheels.
Raven the roleplaying trip fag come and said she was no goth
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it's weird to hear people still talking in those terms ITT

Did you not even look at the thread?
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You wanna go?

>listening to a tripfag
>fucking any year
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We have to stop meeting like this.
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Oh, missed those. Good job /co/, you still know your basics.
Geez, you people are so passionate about these things.

I just wanted to make it clear that I've never claimed to be a part of the gothic subculture.

However, I am aware that my style of dress and darker interests probably make me relevant to this thread in any case.
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I had to ask around to find place that caters to the goth crowd when I was living in Hampton Roads (ex-navyfag BTW). I found out about a gay club that had a goth night on a fucking tuesday. TUESDAY!!!!

But at least I had something and I met plenty of cute goth babes. Crazy bitches too but damn!

Now I'm in Puerto Rico and I got nothing. It's all regayton clubs around here and even the Hot Topics are closing up all over the place.

No more chiquitas goticas for me
Not sure what you mean. Which terms, exactly?
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Nah, fuck dat, I'ma chill.
Besides, I like Zoey/Black Cuervo.
I liked your Q&A last night.
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>I met plenty of cute goth babes. Crazy bitches too but damn!
I'm in San Francisco and there are definitely goths here, but they're all...too goth. For my tastes anyway. I just want a hot chick that's sort-of goth.
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What about that boy you met at the rave who liked showtunes?
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She's goth? Always thought she was just a sort of rebel, but not really goth.

Also, on a related note, Lacey Shadows.

shit, meant to reply to


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02/26/13(Tue)22:23 No.46690211
Anonymous 02/26/13(Tue)22:23 No.46690211
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name a few. Mostly it's just pnukers or metalheads.

But what is it kid's cartoons always having at least one token goth girl?