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    File :1242666534.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, flash.jpg)
    14 KB Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:08 No.9525676  
    the worst thing that happen to animation
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:10 No.9525689
    The oversaturation of Eastern animation in the Western market.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:10 No.9525693
    Flash + Canada
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:10 No.9525697
    Not really, you can make some pretty decent things in flash.


    It's just that almost no one takes the time to actually do it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:10 No.9525698
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    Only when it's badly used.

    When it's used well it can make things much easier for studios on a tight budget.

    For example; Waltz with Bashir cost 2 mil to make.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:10 No.9525699
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    >> Canadian Steve 05/18/09(Mon)13:10 No.9525700
    yes and no.

    when its done right, it can be fantastic.

    when its done cheap and shitty oh god yes it can be a type of cancer.

    inb4 190 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:11 No.9525707
    Let me narrow down your hate for you.

    The worst thing to happen to PROFESSIONAL animation? Sure.

    The worst thing to happen to kids who want to make animations to share with their friends? Not at all.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:12 No.9525716
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    Flash is just the digital equivalent of paperdoll animation.

    No one hates that.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:12 No.9525720
    There is nothing with Flash, blame the animators that overuse it as CRUISE CONTROL FOR ANIMATION
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:12 No.9525721
    The Animation Age Ghetto
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:13 No.9525732
    I can't believe I'm defending it but...

    Flash isn't bad if used well, the flash animation seen on TV is amateurish at best, far better things can be done with it, and still be cheap.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:13 No.9525733
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    Fuck Flash!

    And fuck CGI! Worst thing to happen to stop motion animation!
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:13 No.9525734
    Isn't Wakfu done with flash? Doesn't /co/ love that show?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:13 No.9525735

    You're wrong. It scared the shit out of me when I was little, and sort of still does.

    I hate it.
    >> Prince of Stories 05/18/09(Mon)13:14 No.9525749
    apathy in their presentation is the worst thing to happen to animation.

    Flash is merely a program that allows that apathy to take form
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:15 No.9525753
    hahaha no
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:15 No.9525754
    Note all the people who are saying it's good when used as a tool rather than a shortcut.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:15 No.9525760
    Disney is the worst thing to happen to animation as an art form.

    No one can defy this.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:16 No.9525767
    Disney created the animation age ghetto. So I agree with this post.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:16 No.9525769

    See: Kappa Mikey.

    On the awesome end though, look at Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Flash, but still awesome.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:16 No.9525772

    Shitstorm within a shitstorm waiting to happen. Well done.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:17 No.9525780
    Are you seriously presenting a cardboard cutout bobblehead people flick as a good example of Flash usage?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:18 No.9525784
    Because paper doll animation actually takes a skillful artist to make the dolls.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:18 No.9525788
    Flash is fine because unlike traditional cell animation symbols are easily able to be reused. Unfortunately, Flash's reusablitly leads to copy-pasta faces which isn't fixed with the creativity void that comes from too much anime flooding the market and posture based animation taking over character development and recycled Family Guy jokes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:18 No.9525790
    That show uses Flash and manages to not be terrible due to writing but the animation is just as bad as any other atrocity.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:18 No.9525793
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:18 No.9525796
    Disney made great cartoons and did so for years.

    It was just boring as shit when compared to Warner Bros.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:19 No.9525809
    A million times THIS
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:20 No.9525813
    >Because paper doll animation actually takes a skillful artist to make the dolls.

    And stop motion takes a skilful artist to make the characters. Unlike those lazy untalented fucks at Pixar and Dreamworks.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:20 No.9525816
    No, the "animation = shows for kids = money from merchandise/advertising" mentality is the worst thing that's happened to animation.
    Flash is a perfectly acceptable thing to use. But the idea producers have of "make it fast! make it cheap! make it faster!" has led to it's misuse to just get material out there as fast as possible.

    Animator here, and nearly all the shows I've worked on have been Flash, or using a similar program (ToonBoom Harmony). When we've had reasonable deadlines, we managed to do quality animation. When we had to churn out an episode a week, we just pushed it through.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:21 No.9525820
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    You guys talking shit about me?
    >> Endpiece 05/18/09(Mon)13:21 No.9525828
    >the worst thing that happen to animation

    Apathy and cost-cutting are the worst things that happened to animation. Flash is a scapegoat.

    >Disney is the worst thing to happen to animation as an art form.

    Yes and no. On the one hand, yeah, because we've had loads of copycats falling over themselves to misinterpret what makes Disney films classics - even at Disney Studios, where the in-house style became increasingly homogenised in a sort of 'photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy' kind of way. On the other hand the old Disney films are classics for a reason, Disney had some great ideas (albeit with an inability to communicate them well) and he had some good intentions - to get people to see animation as a serious artistic medium as opposed to childrens' fodder.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:21 No.9525833
    >Disney made great cartoons and did so for years.

    That's not why people hate Disney.

    Animation Age Ghetto, AKA "Cartoons are for kids".
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:22 No.9525836
    Same faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:22 No.9525837
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:23 No.9525845
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    >get people to see animation as a serious artistic medium as opposed to childrens' fodder.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:23 No.9525850
    >Disney ... had some good intentions - to get people to see animation as a serious artistic medium as opposed to childrens' fodder.
    Now that's irony.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:24 No.9525858
    >I have never seen Waltz with Bashir, please excuse my ill-informed opinion.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:24 No.9525862
    Is that why everything he made with the exception of Fantasia was kiddy shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:25 No.9525868

    Whats ToonBoom Harmony like as a program, say compared to Flash or regular ToonBoom? I'm yet to get a chance to use it, or even know anyone that's used it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:25 No.9525874
    Hey guys.

    Go watch these.

    Also, watch There She Is. They are all God Tier flash Animation, and are higher quality the stuff that we see on TV.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:25 No.9525875
    You know what I find funny? A lot of the shows that push merchandise seem to have better quality than ones that don't. Maybe it's a bigger budget or something, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:26 No.9525878
    Hunchback of Notre Dame was pretty dark. And just about every movie had at least one movie that was either really dark and scary or downright traumatic and depressing.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:26 No.9525880
    Oh, excused then. Because it looks really nice from the stills, I admit. Too bad it goes straight to the shitter when you actually watch it in motion.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:26 No.9525888
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    <--- Worst thing to happen to /co/.


    ONLY CHILDREN'S CARTOONS ALLOWED (And they have to be Disney)
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:27 No.9525892
    by equating sadness to trauma you are contributing to the problem
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:27 No.9525894
         File :1242667667.jpg-(30 KB, 377x614, with-and-without-flash.jpg)
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    Flash thread NOW!
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:28 No.9525897
    Wow, are we really hating Disney?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:28 No.9525901
    It's REALLY expensive, so it's not really used at home by most people. It's specifically designed to be used by studios with networks and all the stuff that I don't really understand.
    Otherwise, the interface is really nice to work with.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:28 No.9525904
    Disney was good when walt was alive. Disney just needs to clone him so he can bitch slap whoever the suits are and fix everything.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:28 No.9525906
    ... why the fuck wouldn't we?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:28 No.9525908
    Disney was a Nazi sympathizer.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:28 No.9525910
    An American flag happened to /co/?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:29 No.9525912
    usa dont have any other cartoons
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:29 No.9525914

    I don't think its really hate. Its just acceptance of the fact that for all the good Disney did for animation, it also set back its progress in many ways.
    >> Endpiece 05/18/09(Mon)13:29 No.9525920

    I see you fags forgot a little thing called Fantasi-

    >kiddy shit

    You mean like Dumbo with the pink elephants and animal abuse, Pinocchio with the donkey transformations and alcohol abuse, Fox and the Hound and the anti-hunting messages, Song of the South and the 'devil's advocate' perspective of slavery, an even trippier adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, etc? You forget that earlier Disney material could easily scare the shit out of kids as soon as tug their heartstrings.

    Just because a film's rated for children doesn't mean it has to be condescending, joyless dreck.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)13:30 No.9525930

    You know, if animation had stayed at the level of Fleischer cartoons (technically, creatively Fleischer was some of the best there is) but continued being a thriving medium with a wide variety of styles and content that appeals to all ages and isn't ashamed of what it is it would be vastly superior.

    Does everyone agree?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:31 No.9525934
    >You forget that earlier Disney material could easily scare the shit out of kids as soon as tug their heartstrings.

    I notice that you are looking at these movies from the perspective of how kids will react to them. Kiddy. Shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:31 No.9525939
    So suddenly scary things aren't for kids?

    Thank god no kids read Goosebumps.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:32 No.9525942
    No, Fleischer was a rotoscoping hack. Fuck off Guy.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)13:32 No.9525951
    >and he had some good intentions - to get people to see animation as a serious artistic medium as opposed to childrens' fodder.

    Too bad that his means of accomplishing that was rubbing balls with real high art.

    With hippos in tutus.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:33 No.9525956
    Fantasia was a flop and only became a popular classic several years later, people back then didn't give a shit about Animation as an art form.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)13:34 No.9525970

    I'm talking about Popeye and Betty Boop Fleischer, not Superman Fleischer.

    By the way, that "rotoscoping hack" produced vastly superior superhero cartoons than any made today. Cry them tears.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:35 No.9525976
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:35 No.9525977

    > people back then didn't give a shit about Animation as an art form

    What? And they do now?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:35 No.9525979
    >>9525956 Fantasia was a flop and only became a popular classic several years later

    Thanks to beatniks and hippies, of all people
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:35 No.9525981
    >people back then
    AMERICAN people back then.

    Stop thinking you're the world.
    >> Endpiece 05/18/09(Mon)13:35 No.9525984
    >I notice that you are looking at these movies from the perspective of how kids will react to them. Kiddy. Shit.

    You seem to think that because a film's been given a 'softer' rating that the film will have no worth whatsoever for an older audience. This from a board that endlessly discusses childrens cartoons and comics?

    It's funny, actually - usually this thread works the other way round, the minority calling out Disney as a hack while the majority cry troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:36 No.9525991
    I wasn't aware the film fared any better elsewhere, can you source youe info?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:36 No.9525994
    I never got why faggots got so angry at animators who use rotoscoping. So long as the end result looks good, who cares how it was made? And isn't technically just as difficult to make rotoscoping look good as it is for animators drawing the frames themselves?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:36 No.9525995
    America WAS animation back then, dummy.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:37 No.9525999
    Spectacular Spiderman
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:37 No.9526003
    >I never got why faggots got so angry at comic artists who use tracing.

    They see me trollin
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:38 No.9526013
    >You seem to think that because a film's been given a 'softer' rating that the film will have no worth whatsoever for an older audience.

    Where did you get this impression?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:38 No.9526020
    >It's REALLY expensive, so it's not really used at home by most people.
    So just like Adobe CS4 for example?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:38 No.9526021
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    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:38 No.9526025
    Disney, the guy, did some amazing stuff for animation.
    Disney, the studio, to this day puts out some very high-quality work.
    Disney, the company, is pretty much a poster child for what's wrong with commercialism.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:39 No.9526033
    This is pretty close to my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:40 No.9526042
    Try and find a torrent for Harmony. I honestly challenge you at this. Because I've never been able to.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)13:54 No.9526194
    >America WAS animation back then
    ...No it wasn't.

    You want to know who did the first feature length animation? Spoiler: It wasn't an American
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:05 No.9526322
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    >> Canadian Steve 05/18/09(Mon)14:22 No.9526502
    golf clap - well said. Many great shows would have never been made if not for the cheap cost it takes to make Flash animation.

    I'm afraid the new generation of animators will see Flash and nothing but Flash...and CGI. Gone are the days of real cel animated produced shows. These new guys need to trek back to a time where cartoons were still good and art quality matched - the 1990's, and late part of the 80's. Yes, it wasn't that long ago stuff was better. It only took us this entire decade in the 00's to realize shit was so cash back then, and is shit now.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)14:37 No.9526718
    >golf clap - well said. Many great shows would have never been made if not for the cheap cost it takes to make Flash animation.
    Like what?
    >> Prince of Stories 05/18/09(Mon)14:40 No.9526751

    You could say, "Thats not professional stuff" which it isn't, but it is still very well done stuff using flash.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)14:58 No.9526986

    Those are tech demos, not actual entertainment. If it was later in the day I would have nodded off.

    I guess they work as tech demos, but they sure don't look good. The visuals are like eating plain lettuce.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:01 No.9527033
    El Tigre

    That's it.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:02 No.9527047
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    the worst thing that happen to animation
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:02 No.9527048
    Who the fuck gives a shit about some "who was first" pissing contest? Fact is all the important and quality studios were American.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:03 No.9527060
    don't hate the game, hate the players
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:05 No.9527078

    They were able to bring The Critic back from cancellation for a while using Flash animation and doing webisodes.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:05 No.9527079
    The worst thing to happen to animation is studios realizing that they can cut corners on quality and people will still watch.

    This applies to Hanna Barbara limited animation, a lot of anime, cheaply made CG films, and flash animation.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:07 No.9527101
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    >> Ming Phooey! !3GqYIJ3Obs 05/18/09(Mon)15:08 No.9527112
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    >> Prince of Stories 05/18/09(Mon)15:09 No.9527141

    How are those tech demos Guy, I mean they tell full stories. Also are you really complaining because they are too green for you?
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 05/18/09(Mon)15:13 No.9527182

    Sad actual truth. It seems like after 13 you have two choices: Watch prime time programing or PBS. Because there's little programing for teenagers, unless you go out after school.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:16 No.9527221
    Ah, I see our underage bans in the Eastern T/Z have arrived.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:17 No.9527225
    Uh... it's just one growing plant (very sloppily done at that), and one short that looks like your basic student final project. Shitty pacing, no rhythmic movement, just randomly placed cycles that don't even do anything interesting visually. Let me guess, you've been watching a lot of "animated" TV shows lately?
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:18 No.9527238
    Professional animator here.


    Damn true. This is what a really good animator can do with Flash as a tool -- but notice he's done all these on his own time?

    It wasn't Flash that turned animation to shit. It was a combination of things:

    One,while flash allows people to make animations like the biteycastle stuff, it also allows a person to do a lot of BAD animation very quickly. This is why Flash quickly became *the* tool for 2D animation.

    Flash shows have high quotas and animators are paid by footage. We find ourselves thinking "I could make this look good ... *or* I could actually make rent this month".
    Halve the quota and double the rate, and you'll get biteycastle on television. Seriously. Animators want to do good work, but we're SUFFOCATED by the quotas, pulling late nights and weekends etc. Of course this will never change because...

    Two, studio execs with no background in animation or the arts (say whatever you like or hate about Disney, at least he came up through animation before he started running shit). Producers who DO NOT GIVE A FUCK what their show looks like. Execs who want to make creative calls despite having no clue what they're talking about. They're TERRIFIED of giving artists control over any artistic aspect of their shows. You see this when people pitch show concepts too ... execs are allergic to risk. The buzz phrase in the last few years has been "we want the next spongebob", but they forget that spongebob hadn't been done before when it came out, and that their kind wouldn't take a risk on such a bizarre concept. So we get such as Five Teens With Super Powers over and over again. These are people afraid to take a shit without checking the focus group figures to see whether floaters or sinkers are testing higher with the 11-15s this season.

    tl;dr - Flash is not the cause, it's a symptom.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 05/18/09(Mon)15:23 No.9527303

    Eh. Japan is mostly just something for hacks to cling to. They haven't really made American animation worse besides influencing modern Disney animators to make their facial features float around and causing the occasional abomination like Loonatics.

    I suppose that if someone set out to make something of real quality there'd be more good animators without anime, but things are so bad that animation consisting of still pictures with flapping mouths isn't really something that stands out.

    Though, they've certainly made comics and amateur art worse.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:24 No.9527317
    >Uh... it's just one growing plant (very sloppily done at that)

    Retard thinks the loading screen was the cartoon.
    >> Anonymous 05/18/09(Mon)15:24 No.9527319

    > it's just one growing plant

    That was the loading screen. You have to press play after it loads.
    >> Prince of Stories 05/18/09(Mon)15:26 No.9527338

    You guys didn't actually watch the whole thing did you? Guys you just watched the loading trailer.
    >> Prince of Stories 05/18/09(Mon)15:31 No.9527400

    Interesting... its not that I don't believe you, but what shows are you working on currently


    How so? I mean people constantly complain about "animu bullshit" but they never defend their logic. And we all know what that makes the person...

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