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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1222062459.png-(211 KB, 480x358, Picture 24.png)
    211 KB Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)01:47 No.5926026  
    Ok so I figured I should let you all know I'm in charge of Cartoon Network now. So what's the deal with your attachment too this 'toonami' anyways? It was a stupid name besides we have too much 'toons' on this channel anyways! Newsflash! Kids like to see kids on their channels! Friend Dynamite and live action is the way to go! We need... more stuff like Out of Jimmy's Head on the line up! Since we should have *ahem* some cartoons let's keep up with the stuff like Skunk Fu and Chop Socky Chucks. Ah... crimefighting martial arts chickens! BRILLIANT! I'm glad I thought of it!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)01:49 No.5926049
    You're not Mojo. Mojo has good ideas, like Involuntary Wife Swap, and Extreme Makeover: Alien Invasion Edition.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)01:50 No.5926059
         File :1222062640.png-(203 KB, 478x358, Picture 22.png)
    203 KB
    Although I'm concerned about this "Flapjack" cartoon. A show named after food? We already have one of those! And it's just like Spongebob except on top of the ocean except under it andnot as predictable and formulaic! Kids can't follow stuff if it isn't predictable! Just look at how successful Scooby Doo is!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)01:51 No.5926071
    Whenever I see this guy, I think of that episode of X-Men where he's on Earth and says, "Earth? This planet's named after dirt? I say call it 'Danger Planet!'" or something of the sort.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)01:52 No.5926081
    Wife. Swap. Now.

    And don't go all mosaic on the good parts.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)01:53 No.5926087
         File :1222062794.png-(228 KB, 481x357, Picture 11.png)
    228 KB

    Oh that stuff? That stuff is for grownups. Kids don't care how much a show sucks they watch stuff to make them feel better! You know, to replace their parents because mom and pop are too busy fighting over not living each other and how they're getting a divorce!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)01:53 No.5926089
    Live! From Danger World!

    Good episode.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)01:53 No.5926090
    Mojo is the only X-Men villain who isn't played out to the point of irrelevance.

    In fact, he seems to become MORE relevent with each passing year. A lot of the stuff on TV in real life could have easily come from him. I mean, "Hurl?" EARTH IS MOJOWORLD NOW.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)01:56 No.5926113
         File :1222062966.png-(215 KB, 484x355, Picture 28.png)
    215 KB

    It was 'Terror World' and I still think Earth is stupid name for anything. Say... you know what Cartoon Network needs... MORE REALITY TV! What if we stick 10 kids on an island and make them draw up cartoons and whoever comes up with the best one gets to live! I put the cartoon the make on the air and I can fire some professional writers! Kids know what kids like know what I mean?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)01:58 No.5926130
    Lord of the Flies. Put a real beast on the island this time, and throw some girls into the mix to hold everyone's interest.

    Also, a rapist. For variety.

    I don't judge _your_ hobbies.
    >> Tayuya of the Northern Gate !jjzP9T3ncw 09/22/08(Mon)01:58 No.5926134
         File :1222063097.jpg-(40 KB, 404x460, 1218559967168.jpg)
    40 KB

    Yo! Mojo!!

    I want a fuckin' spinoff series?! Think you can pull that shit off?
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)01:59 No.5926149
         File :1222063190.png-(204 KB, 483x358, Picture 88.png)
    204 KB
    But what is Nickelodeon putting on the air this Spring? They seem to be on the cutting edge too although their show Avatar had a terrible ending and I mean terrible! Zuko and Katara should have gotten together and be a surprise twist super ending like Matt and Sora from Digimon! I had my fingers crossed for that one and it did! Despite all canonical evidence suggesting that Ty and Sora really liked each other! Oh the heartbreak! Oh the RATINGS!
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:01 No.5926166
         File :1222063306.png-(196 KB, 481x359, Picture 27.png)
    196 KB

    I have an idea! You and Spiral have a naked fight to death on pay per view television! Winner gets a starring role as host of Cartoon Network now that we got rid of that idiot Tom character.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:02 No.5926172
    Now you're playing with power (TM)
    >> Tayuya of the Northern Gate !jjzP9T3ncw 09/22/08(Mon)02:03 No.5926184
         File :1222063393.jpg-(36 KB, 640x480, 1210483387859.jpg)
    36 KB

    ... naked?

    Do I gotta be naked? I'm fuckin' fourteen for crying out loud. I'm jailbait!
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:03 No.5926192
         File :1222063414.png-(218 KB, 479x358, Picture 12.png)
    218 KB
    Hmmm anime seems to better today anyways. Let's gut maybe... half of the western stuff on Cartoon Network and replace it with anime! Dubbed over by 4kids of course.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:03 No.5926194
    >I'm in charge of Cartoon Network now.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:04 No.5926196
    Do you want a show or not?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:04 No.5926210
    >Dubbed over by 4kids of course.
    Yep, it's Mojo. For real.
    >> Tayuya of the Northern Gate !jjzP9T3ncw 09/22/08(Mon)02:05 No.5926217
         File :1222063548.jpg-(52 KB, 369x425, 1218560270087.jpg)
    52 KB

    ... son of a bitch.

    ... all right, fine...
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:06 No.5926221
    Dead people don't get their own shows.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:06 No.5926226
         File :1222063582.png-(195 KB, 481x359, Picture 84.png)
    195 KB

    Strip or you'll never work in this universe again
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:06 No.5926233
    >Let's gut maybe... half of the western stuff on Cartoon Network and replace it with anime!

    Well, that's not too bad. Half the western stuff on CN today sucks anyw-

    >Dubbed over by 4kids of course.

    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:07 No.5926236
         File :1222063620.jpg-(44 KB, 218x250, 12 Oz Mouse Title.jpg)
    44 KB
    I believe this will be the first show Mojo brings back now that he's in a position of power.
    >> Gentleman Bones !6w/VggIMPs 09/22/08(Mon)02:07 No.5926243
    I haven't seen you in so long, Tayuya! I missed you.
    >> Tayuya of the Northern Gate !jjzP9T3ncw 09/22/08(Mon)02:09 No.5926256
         File :1222063748.gif-(37 KB, 381x506, TayuyaModernStyle.gif)
    37 KB

    Been living in Chiyoda ever since I left the series. I'm going to school now. Bleh.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:09 No.5926263
         File :1222063756.png-(195 KB, 482x361, Picture 45.png)
    195 KB

    Nope! Brak Show!
    >> Tayuya of the Northern Gate !jjzP9T3ncw 09/22/08(Mon)02:10 No.5926272
         File :1222063812.jpg-(9 KB, 320x285, 1208149863237.jpg)
    9 KB


    Weren't they all penguins when the show was canceled?
    >> Gentleman Bones !6w/VggIMPs 09/22/08(Mon)02:10 No.5926276
    Oh. Well that's good. If not a little on the stressful side.
    >> Al Gore 09/22/08(Mon)02:11 No.5926294
         File :1222063900.jpg-(37 KB, 399x599, Al Gore.jpg)
    37 KB
    Mojo, I think we must address the issue of your TV station's impact on the environment. Now I understand any business needs to produce some kind of pollution in order to function. But in all honesty, I think the fact that your station produces pollution in the form of radioactive sludge-slathered Harp Seal carcasses has got to be violating SOME sort of environmental code....
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:12 No.5926303
         File :1222063958.png-(212 KB, 482x360, Picture 82.png)
    212 KB

    Oh I can change the programming don't worry about that. I think I'll copy I MEAN "borrow" some idea from that show "Friends"
    >> Gentleman Bones !6w/VggIMPs 09/22/08(Mon)02:13 No.5926321
    I swear to God, Gore. If you endanger my chance of seeing Tayuya TV, I will personally hunt you down and remove all the fat from your diet. Manually.
    >> Stick Stickly 09/22/08(Mon)02:13 No.5926323
         File :1222064039.gif-(4 KB, 79x134, Stick Stickly.gif)
    4 KB
    Mojo! Mojo! There's gotta' be somewhere in your new network where there's a place for me! Give me a job! Give me a job!
    >> Action Master Anonymous !M.p5W8L5EM 09/22/08(Mon)02:14 No.5926328
         File :1222064063.jpg-(28 KB, 406x367, 1217737641940.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> Brak 09/22/08(Mon)02:15 No.5926338
         File :1222064116.png-(267 KB, 400x300, Brak Sing my Song.png)
    267 KB
    I think it's time for my HAPPY SONG!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:15 No.5926344
    >> Tayuya of the Northern Gate !jjzP9T3ncw 09/22/08(Mon)02:17 No.5926366
         File :1222064255.jpg-(94 KB, 570x515, 1218560713760.jpg)
    94 KB

    I'm a teenaged foul-mouthed kunoichi who plays a flute using melodies as my weapon. I don't think Gore has any problems with me.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:18 No.5926372
         File :1222064307.png-(239 KB, 480x357, Picture 3.png)
    239 KB

    >> Gentleman Bones !6w/VggIMPs 09/22/08(Mon)02:19 No.5926387
    He better not. Or...so help me...

    ...I'll go burn some styrofoam cups or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:21 No.5926412
         File :1222064515.jpg-(37 KB, 640x480, 1193421362586.jpg)
    37 KB
    What about the news? Hmm? Just think of the rating with my reporting skills.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:23 No.5926423
         File :1222064585.png-(199 KB, 480x358, Picture 26.png)
    199 KB
    And in a further stroke of genius I've decided to take some advice from my good longtime pal Joe Quesada. No show for kid's gonna have stuff they can't relate to like marriages and having too many characters is a bad idea because kids are too stupid to remember all the names.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:24 No.5926440
         File :1222064683.png-(240 KB, 477x359, Picture 39.png)
    240 KB

    See? This is what kids don't need. Animated japanese cartoons with symbolism and deep shit. I'm never showing Big O again unless 4kids redubs the whole show.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:26 No.5926457
         File :1222064772.jpg-(1.1 MB, 908x1354, Thug Wiggers.jpg)
    1.1 MB
    You want we should take care a' him for ya', boss?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:26 No.5926466
         File :1222064808.jpg-(39 KB, 720x480, 1195095623714.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:27 No.5926475
    ...You're like a never-ending fountain of incredible ideas....
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:27 No.5926477
         File :1222064870.png-(215 KB, 483x361, Picture 1.png)
    215 KB
    Oh and Venture Brothers season 3 is going to be animated and written by Rob Liefeld. I have good faith in his ability to drive up the ratings. Come on you know you'll be watch it! It's a brilliant business move! The producers will love it!
    >> Adolf Hitler 09/22/08(Mon)02:31 No.5926516
         File :1222065101.jpg-(28 KB, 704x384, Hitler at Podium.jpg)
    28 KB
    Greetings, Mojo. I'm here about a job interview...
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:33 No.5926528
         File :1222065185.png-(252 KB, 484x359, Picture 9.png)
    252 KB
    Longshot! You'll be appearing on everything related with the Tim and Eric Awesome Show from now on! Be sure to spruce things up as you'll be improving everything!
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:35 No.5926542
         File :1222065301.png-(236 KB, 478x358, Picture 29.png)
    236 KB

    I have just the show. Think "Mr. Rogers" but with Hitler spending time with kids making them feel better about themselves and their country!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:38 No.5926579
         File :1222065530.jpg-(16 KB, 468x315, RAGE.jpg)
    16 KB
    Great work MOJO
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:40 No.5926596
         File :1222065605.png-(216 KB, 481x359, Picture 87.png)
    216 KB
    Look at this! Since I took over Cartoon Network the ratings are up to 80%!

    I KNEW killing off Toonami was a great and idea and this proves it!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:41 No.5926611
         File :1222065703.jpg-(10 KB, 251x251, rage.jpg)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:42 No.5926613
         File :1222065729.jpg-(17 KB, 354x295, augh.jpg)
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    >> Lelouch 09/22/08(Mon)02:42 No.5926626
         File :1222065775.jpg-(8 KB, 113x157, Lelouch.jpg)
    8 KB
    so fatass, what can you do to save my show?
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:46 No.5926662
         File :1222065980.png-(241 KB, 481x355, Picture 41.png)
    241 KB
    Hmmmm. I do like the direction Family Guy has taken since it got canceled. I'll be replacing old stuff like Home Movies (I hate that show) and keep making Family Guy versions of movies you guys like. Things like... Robocop, Oliver and Company, The Terminator to name a few!
    >> Dark Saber !!Q91UCZy6uN6 09/22/08(Mon)02:48 No.5926682
         File :1222066114.jpg-(18 KB, 150x150, dspeep.jpg)
    18 KB
    Hey Mojo, how about that monkey with a similar name as yours?
    >> Android 18 !vW5w5/i8ZQ 09/22/08(Mon)02:49 No.5926689
         File :1222066144.jpg-(22 KB, 320x240, 18Mad.jpg)
    22 KB

    I show up at in Turn 25 of CGR2 and kick Lancelot's ass. Punch its head off like a Rock 'Em Sock 'em Robot. I do it for the lulz. The wacky, happy lulz.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:50 No.5926704
         File :1222066210.png-(233 KB, 481x358, Picture 42.png)
    233 KB

    Every character will be voiced by Bobcat Goldthwait
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:50 No.5926709
         File :1222066247.jpg-(78 KB, 440x348, 440px-Longshot_head.jpg)
    78 KB
    I'd say it's a LONGSHOT
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:51 No.5926715
         File :1222066295.png-(182 KB, 480x361, Picture 78.png)
    182 KB

    Someone named a monkey after me? FUCKING SWEET!
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:52 No.5926731
         File :1222066363.png-(195 KB, 480x359, Picture 74.png)
    195 KB

    HA! NICE ONE! Be sure to use lots and lots of puns on that Time and Eric show!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)02:54 No.5926743
         File :1222066465.jpg-(6 KB, 275x206, 275px-The_Clock_King.jpg)
    6 KB
    >>5926731on that Time and Eric show!
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)02:56 No.5926760
         File :1222066588.png-(192 KB, 480x359, Picture 13.png)
    192 KB

    Glad you noticed I'm changing the name. You're going to be on the show too. You'll be comic relief from you being late to everything despite your best efforts.
    >> Yura Sakasagami !aDAm4a5w3g 09/22/08(Mon)02:59 No.5926789
         File :1222066799.jpg-(54 KB, 640x476, Yura4.jpg)
    54 KB

    Excuse me, Mojo? But if you're going to give that rude kunoichi her own show, then perhaps I can have one as well? I am MUCH more deserving than Tayuya.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:02 No.5926807
         File :1222066968.png-(191 KB, 480x357, Picture 79.png)
    191 KB
    Oh! And Courage the Cowardly dog is off the air FOR GOOD. I just green lighted a grown up version of kids next door where all the kids are in some post-apocalyptic grimdark world fighting robot samurais from the future. At some point we'll be doing a crossover with Samurai Jack and Numbuh 3 is going to kill Jack in an epic fight.
    >> karpad !eTHOuZDF46 09/22/08(Mon)03:03 No.5926810
    I had an idea for a show about a man named Arthur who teaches to troubled teenagers in an enthralling drama. I call it "Art School."

    And I had an idea for a show about a Jewish man who opens an Ice Cream Parlor. I call it "Ice Cream Cohen."

    And I also had an idea about two cops. One is named Cash and the other is named Carry. I haven't though of a title yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:03 No.5926817
    She's got a point, Mojo. She's far more awesome than anyone else from her series.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:04 No.5926828
         File :1222067091.png-(182 KB, 479x356, Picture 73.png)
    182 KB

    Look, you're already in Inuyasha, deal with it. Nobody as ugly as you gets two shows. Hair? What the fuck can you do with hair? Maybe if you were a demon with laser-firing boobs then I could do something.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:05 No.5926834
    I have an idea for a show about retarded man who compulsively sucks on lollipops. He teaches himself math by adding the roosters on his farm. It's called "Suck sum cocks."
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:06 No.5926841
    You had me until killing Jack.
    >> Yura Sakasagami !aDAm4a5w3g 09/22/08(Mon)03:06 No.5926845
         File :1222067219.jpg-(41 KB, 900x600, Yura11.jpg)
    41 KB

    ... ugly?

    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:07 No.5926847
         File :1222067226.png-(196 KB, 480x358, Picture 81.png)
    196 KB

    You get with
    >>5926810 and get back to me with something
    >> karpad !eTHOuZDF46 09/22/08(Mon)03:07 No.5926851
         File :1222067255.jpg-(16 KB, 272x350, 30rock_kenneth.jpg)
    16 KB
    I don't know if that's such a good idea. I'm pretty sure lollipops are the devil's candy.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:08 No.5926860
    is dat sum loli
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:09 No.5926867
         File :1222067354.png-(236 KB, 484x360, Picture 63.png)
    236 KB

    Oh yeah like someone like you knows good television!

    I have the best staff working on it! THE BEST!

    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:10 No.5926875
    This is worse than the time we discovered Mojo had been running every major story arc Marvel's done in the last three years.
    >> Spiral 09/22/08(Mon)03:10 No.5926877
         File :1222067428.png-(190 KB, 481x359, Picture 36.png)
    190 KB

    Stick around, Mojo's sure to come around eventually.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:11 No.5926887
         File :1222067491.png-(209 KB, 482x361, Picture 76.png)
    209 KB

    Been working on DC too.
    >> Yura Sakasagami !aDAm4a5w3g 09/22/08(Mon)03:12 No.5926893
         File :1222067537.jpg-(40 KB, 900x600, Yura27.jpg)
    40 KB

    He'd better... talk like that can really make me quite cross.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:13 No.5926904
         File :1222067616.jpg-(53 KB, 700x394, Steinman Freak-out.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:14 No.5926910
         File :1222067651.jpg-(167 KB, 350x524, tweest.jpg)
    167 KB
    >> Millia Rage 09/22/08(Mon)03:16 No.5926925
         File :1222067761.jpg-(20 KB, 200x309, Millia Rage Gif.jpg)
    20 KB
    'Sup Yura? How ya' been doin'?
    >> Yura Sakasagami !aDAm4a5w3g 09/22/08(Mon)03:18 No.5926947
         File :1222067916.jpg-(46 KB, 900x600, Yura34.jpg)
    46 KB

    ... hair... such... lovely hair...

    I want it.
    >> Millia Rage 09/22/08(Mon)03:19 No.5926958
         File :1222067961.jpg-(59 KB, 700x700, Millia Spiral.jpg)
    59 KB
    I'll letcha' style it for me...
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:20 No.5926961
         File :1222068006.png-(262 KB, 479x359, Picture 57.png)
    262 KB
    Seriously, anyone got any shows I can improve on? I'm thinking of getting that guy who did Chaotic to animate flash remakes of old shows like ... Batman!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:20 No.5926964
         File :1222068031.jpg-(62 KB, 400x293, DuoMaxwell1[1].jpg)
    62 KB
    Sup, Mojo.
    I'm the fucking god of death and have a giant robot named Death Scythe Hell, there's got to be some timeslot for me.
    >> Yura Sakasagami !aDAm4a5w3g 09/22/08(Mon)03:20 No.5926969
         File :1222068052.jpg-(42 KB, 900x600, Yura30.jpg)
    42 KB

    ... you... you would?

    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:21 No.5926972
    As a Trichophile, I can say I have a huge fucking boner right now.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:23 No.5926995
         File :1222068195.png-(233 KB, 485x360, Picture 55.png)
    233 KB

    Ok ok I got! We'll for the first time in television have an animated Calvin and Hobbes! You will be Calvin of course and your robot will be Hobbes! You fight aliens and space dinosaurs while hiding your adventures from your overbearing asshole parents!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:23 No.5926996
    >> suomynonA 09/22/08(Mon)03:23 No.5926999
         File :1222068225.jpg-(6 KB, 150x115, Trichophile.jpg)
    6 KB
    Thats a fetish that isn't talked about alot 'round here.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:24 No.5927007
    >> Lash, Princess of Black Hole 09/22/08(Mon)03:25 No.5927011
         File :1222068314.jpg-(80 KB, 445x669, 1126847728763.jpg)
    80 KB
    I demand a Black Hole cartoon!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:27 No.5927030
         File :1222068461.jpg-(289 KB, 600x800, Hair Girl.jpg)
    289 KB
    I find that surprising.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:28 No.5927034
         File :1222068504.png-(242 KB, 482x357, Picture 54.png)
    242 KB

    VIDEO GAMES! You'll be doing PSA stuff for kids about drugs and stuff. You know, cause parents like it when people talk about that stuff for them instead of them actually parenting.
    >> Dark Saber !!Q91UCZy6uN6 09/22/08(Mon)03:28 No.5927035
         File :1222068505.jpg-(95 KB, 697x590, xcaliburqz3.jpg)
    95 KB
    Actually fuck it, I want a slot too
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:28 No.5927041
    Megatokyo needs its own animated series. Make it happen, Mojo.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:29 No.5927046
         File :1222068589.png-(260 KB, 481x359, Picture 52.png)
    260 KB

    I'm not some sort of fucking charity. Go ask MTV for a handout or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:30 No.5927050
         File :1222068622.jpg-(28 KB, 378x600, do06.jpg)
    28 KB
    Ya know Yura, I've got long hair too. Not as long as blondie but I keep it well brushed. Maybe you could style my drapes while I shampoo ya carpet.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:31 No.5927055
         File :1222068678.png-(226 KB, 484x360, Picture 6.png)
    226 KB

    NO NO NO.

    I'm going with 8 bit theater and it will be the nest best thing since the Simpsons. I expect it'll last for a good 50 years.
    >> Spiral 09/22/08(Mon)03:33 No.5927078
         File :1222068797.png-(233 KB, 480x359, Picture 53.png)
    233 KB
    You guys really have way too much times on your hands.
    >> Lash, Princess of Black Hole 09/22/08(Mon)03:34 No.5927083
         File :1222068842.jpg-(88 KB, 1000x767, 1127101102586.jpg)
    88 KB
    Excellent! The kids should really think about joining the military anyway. I need more test pilots!
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:35 No.5927100
         File :1222068933.png-(252 KB, 480x359, Picture 64.png)
    252 KB
    Ok ok ok you hair guys got me sold. You all get a reality TV show (except for Duo who gets his own show). It'll be called "Universe's best xtreme hair"
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:36 No.5927107
         File :1222068985.gif-(7 KB, 202x250, johnnybravo.gif)
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    Whoa Momma!
    Well hello there beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:38 No.5927120
         File :1222069086.jpg-(10 KB, 325x360, Toki Smile.jpg)
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    I knows, reallys. To much times on their hands.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:38 No.5927125
    That's a guy, Johnny.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:39 No.5927130
    She has time powers. Maybe she can see us in the future and what were about to do.
    >> Yura Sakasagami !aDAm4a5w3g 09/22/08(Mon)03:41 No.5927146
         File :1222069308.jpg-(61 KB, 900x600, Yura21.jpg)
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    Hmmmm... better than nothing, I suppose.

    I think I shall sleep now, la.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:43 No.5927158
         File :1222069393.png-(226 KB, 478x359, Picture 58.png)
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    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:44 No.5927164
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    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:45 No.5927171
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    Before I go though, /co/ you made these ratings possible! All the changes I made have made Cartoon Network #1!
    >> Johnny Brovo Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:45 No.5927180
         File :1222069558.gif-(115 KB, 250x250, JohnnyBravo5a.gif)
    115 KB
    No way man.
    Check out those deep piercing baby blues, the lithe feminine frame with those nimble delicate hands, and the long silken well kept hair; the only boys that have long hair are hippies, rock stars, & Indians. She's no rock star and is to pretty smelling for a hippy and Indians are like, brown or some thing.
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:46 No.5927185
         File :1222069602.png-(285 KB, 480x357, Picture 62.png)
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    Everyone! Let's get going! I didn''t enslave you so you could loaf around!
    >> Mojo 09/22/08(Mon)03:47 No.5927192
         File :1222069635.jpg-(46 KB, 677x615, portal.jpg)
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    So long suckers!
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:50 No.5927225
    /r/ing archival.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:52 No.5927245
    >> Ted Fufu 09/22/08(Mon)03:52 No.5927250

    Thanks for your request.
    It has been added to our database and the thread will be archived as soon as enough request for that thread have been made.
    This thread has been requested 2 times now.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:53 No.5927256
    3 down.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:56 No.5927283
    It hit 5 now.
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:57 No.5927292
    How many more are needed?
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:59 No.5927303
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)03:59 No.5927309
         File :1222070386.jpg-(26 KB, 451x356, Thumbs-Up.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)04:04 No.5927351
    Well at least we know who's directing CN now T_T
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)05:43 No.5928144
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    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)11:58 No.5929941
    >> Anonymous 09/22/08(Mon)12:11 No.5930046
    833 OP is super troll who faps to Brand new day w/ mephisto

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