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  • File :1222043906.jpg-(84 KB, 720x544, 1209432100655.jpg)
    84 KB Who else isn't really bothered that Toonami is dead? Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:38 No.5922762  
    Personally I just don't really care too much, especially after he last incarnation of the block with Thomas the Tank Engine. Then again I guess I'm one of those types of people who simply doesn't get attached to things as much or in some cases none at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:40 No.5922783
    I bummed out last night, but now? I really have begun to move on. Plus I got enough problems in my life so as to not get bothered by a TV block.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:40 No.5922788
    Eh, gotta grow up some time.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:40 No.5922790
    Fuck you, Thomas the Tank Engine was amazing and a massive part of my childhood.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:41 No.5922801
    Toonami died in my heart when it was pushed back to saturday night.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:42 No.5922804
    I seriously don't know what all the fuss is about...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:42 No.5922808
    Enough shit about Toonami

    It was like a cripple dog that just shit all over itself and wasn't any fun anymore. It was just a huge annoyance that wouldn't die.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:42 No.5922813
    Tell that to /co/ and Gamefaqs and probably many other forums.

    What really gets me is the posers who only started watching Toonami like two or three years ago and acting like vets.

    In any case, personally I'm already okay with Toonami's death, much like with Avatar. The reason? I know how their networks operate. So it was all to be expected.
    >> maggiekarp !zZAADmFDGM 09/21/08(Sun)20:45 No.5922826
    It was a cold, empty shell of its former self, but the unceremonious death after one of the funniest episodes of Samurai Jack just reminded me of what used to be.

    Plus that cock feature "Bang" line. God, it's like Seymour all over again.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:45 No.5922828
    It's just a bunch of manchildren whining.

    They think they're better than the Zutarians of Avatar, but they're just as bad. Much like Zutarians I bet /co/ and all the manchildren of the world tied to Toonami won't let this one go for at least two years or more.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:48 No.5922852
    That's another thing. The whole "Steve Jay blum I wanna swallow his cum because he said Spike's last line I thought it was all FINE!" shit is really annoying.

    This is one of the few reasons why I'm glad Toonami is dead. We don't need anymore crap from THE most overrated man in the history of VA. At least Mark Hamill tries different voices unlike that douche.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:49 No.5922862

    No, what I mean is that I don't know WTF is Toonami.
    >> Dr. Professor, Prime Minister of SCIENCE! !!vHbIhYNbSef 09/21/08(Sun)20:50 No.5922880
         File :1222044639.jpg-(13 KB, 237x345, Guilmon.jpg)
    13 KB
    Yeah, what a hack. Never doing anything but one voice.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:52 No.5922893
    You forgot the Anonomon.
    >> BANG BANG 09/21/08(Sun)20:53 No.5922905
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:55 No.5922917

    I recall reading he had to beg the ADR people to let him do Guilmon, since he'd been hired to do his One Voice for Yamaki.

    Blum is possibly the only truly great voice actor to come out of the crop of low-budget, low-wage anime dubbing guys-- and even he has to struggle to be allowed to do any actual acting.

    The problem with anime dubbing is that most of the ADR directors have low standards, little experience, and no interest in anything besides getting the lines done quickly. There's absolutely no interest in breathing life into the material or even letting the actors stretch themselves.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:56 No.5922928
    It was a little sad, and end of an era, but I don't think we should still be whining about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:57 No.5922932
    I'm pretty bummed, but I have the sound tracks, so I'm fine.

    Also, Steve Blum is awesome. Couldn't imagine a better Leeron.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)20:57 No.5922943
    Oh big deal he played a retarded digital dinosaur we should give him an award NEWSFLASH DOING THE VOICE OF A RETARD ISN'T A CHALLENGING ROLE!!!

    When he can do something like Billy West does then I'll consider him to be alright.
    >> maggiekarp !zZAADmFDGM 09/21/08(Sun)20:58 No.5922958
    ...It happened YESTERDAY.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:00 No.5922972

    Billy West is one of the most talented voice actors in the world, period. Kind of a ridiculously high standard, don't you think?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:00 No.5922976
    I was a little bummed when I first found out, but then I remembered that I hadn't watched toonami, in at least six months, so I really wasn't losing anything of value.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:01 No.5922985
    So? Generally the people who saw Toonami since the beginning are old enough to be people who hate the world and hate themselves for living in it.

    They should just get used to it, that another part of their childhood died much like DCAU and that the Simpsons is next and that things will continue to go that way.

    Good thing suicide isn't a far off option.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:01 No.5922987
    All three actors, West, Blum, Hammel and all them? They all have the same voice. In every role. There are no good voice actors.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:02 No.5922993

    Well, Simpsons shoulda died years ago.
    >> Kosh 09/21/08(Sun)21:02 No.5922996
    Honestly? Not all that bumed.

    I haven't watched it in at least four years.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:02 No.5922998
    You bitches are still making threads about AVATAR, months after the series ended! Fuck you, for every Avatar thread, a Toonami thread.
    >> Dr. Professor, Prime Minister of SCIENCE! !!vHbIhYNbSef 09/21/08(Sun)21:03 No.5923006
    I can tell a Billy West role from a mile away.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:04 No.5923016
    Tara Strong and Grey Delisle are also pretty much the same voice.

    I really don't find them impressive. The ONLY reason people like them is because they're hot in real life.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:05 No.5923030
    Avatar only died what? 30 days ago? At most just a little over a month.
    >> Dr. Professor, Prime Minister of SCIENCE! !!vHbIhYNbSef 09/21/08(Sun)21:06 No.5923033
    Although we say this like it's not horribly obvious.

    People can't completely change their voices?! I can't believe it!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:06 No.5923037
    >You bitches are still making threads about BTAS, years after the series ended! Fuck you, for every BTAS thread, a Toonami thread.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)21:07 No.5923043
    I'm Canadian and only knew about Toonami through the various articles in American magazines and some stuff from the internet.
    So, yeah, don't give a shit at all.

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