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  • File :1221971726.jpg-(51 KB, 297x450, FP9073~Hannah-Montana-Best-Of-Both-World(...).jpg)
    51 KB Rejoice /co/mrades Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:35 No.5910160  
    Toonami might be dead (for now)

    But Hannah Montana is being canceled.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:36 No.5910172
    It's being cancelled?

    Shit, she must be preggers.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:36 No.5910177
    Disney and Nickelodeon will just introduce another flavor of them month in an endless cycle.

    And beside Disney/Nick completely overall and specifically when put against Toonami rape and kill it in the ratings.
    >> Toy Store Anonymous !wImXn9Y2hw 09/21/08(Sun)00:37 No.5910199
    Didn't stop Zoey 101.

    It's probably about to hit that hard limit episode count thing Disney is still using. That, or they're already grooming her replacement. Oh, wait, they are, the chick who was in that one movie with a Jonas brother.
    >> Skip 09/21/08(Sun)00:37 No.5910201

    spit take.gif

    why did I lol?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:38 No.5910210
    Oh god proof please

    Well, I assume they'll just recycle the 60 or so episodes they have now for years, like they did for Lizzie McGuire, Kim Possible... etc. before introducing their fucking Jonas Brothers Flight of the Conchords ripoff.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:39 No.5910218

    This is good news for the world.

    Wait, are they just going to spin off the side actors like they do with Nick shows? If they do, then it won't make a difference.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:40 No.5910233
    Miley Cyrus should just do pornography until she's too legal for me to masturbate to her.

    I mean, I'm glad that shit's being canceled.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:40 No.5910241
    They were going to make a male version of the show, right?
    Except instead of being a superstar, he was going to be a vigilante or something.
    >> Skip 09/21/08(Sun)00:41 No.5910254
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    >Jonas Brothers Flight of the Conchords ripoff.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:42 No.5910268
    Oh god, it's so true.

    I've been hearing about her so much, that she's a 'rising superstar'. It was like...what.
    >> The Judge 09/21/08(Sun)00:43 No.5910274

    Link very related.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:44 No.5910291
    With every setting sun, a new dawn approaches.
    >> Anonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 09/21/08(Sun)00:44 No.5910296
    I'm going to take this as awesome news, but I know that by the end of the year 13 year old girls everywhere will have some other teeny bopper show to be infatuated with.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:44 No.5910298
    Yeah, it's going to be on Jetix/Disney XD
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:49 No.5910308
    between that chick from camp rock and that other big head girl from "the wizards of whateverthehell place", hanna's on her way out HARD
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:49 No.5910319
    But Hannah Montana is the biggest goldmine for Disney in years. Certainly we can still expect this to be rerun eternally, but I was expecting them to break from their rule of, what is it, 65, episodes for the run of a series.
    >> Toy Store Anonymous !wImXn9Y2hw 09/21/08(Sun)00:49 No.5910320
    This is the awe inspiring and terrible power of Disney. They have the power to make you famous by saying you are. They, if they so chose, could make someone give a shit about Britney Spears again. They could turn William Heung into a Billboard Topping opera singer.

    They, however, use their power like pedophiles, taking young girls, binding them to their will, bringing them up, only to abandon them once they reach the age of consent. It isn't fun for them if it isn't statutory.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:51 No.5910342
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    Zuko: The Live-Action Series?

    I'd watch that. I'd watch that as many as nine-hundred-ninety-nine times.
    >> Toy Store Anonymous !wImXn9Y2hw 09/21/08(Sun)00:51 No.5910345
    Hillary Duff was a huge gold mine too.
    Kim Possible was doing quite well for them.
    Disney cancels shows around 60 episodes.

    It's stupid, and has ended some shows in their prime, but at least they're consistent.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:51 No.5910351
    ...........................they want to appeal to young girls so they need a young girl of the same general age.

    It's the same logic as using kid heroes and not adult heroes in cartoons, they want to appeal to kids.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:54 No.5910380
    I lol'd at the ending. And fuck, I can see that deadness around the eyes, maybe they're right.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:54 No.5910381

    Didn't they actually let Kim Possible go on longer?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:54 No.5910396
    Stop yanking our chain, OP. WE COULD ONLY WISH. I'm sick and tired of my 19/20 year old friends fawning over this shit.

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