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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1221971441.jpg-(31 KB, 250x349, Toonami.jpg)
    31 KB Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:30 No.5910071  
    Hey, all you faggots.

    I loved TOM like a brother. But this moping isn't getting us anywhere. Write a letter to your cable company and demand they carry the Funimation Channel. Then write one to CN and tell them how much you miss Toonami.

    It's what TOM would have wanted...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:31 No.5910097
    I have.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:33 No.5910120
    I did, now let me be sad
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:33 No.5910124
    Or we could put on Deep Space Bass and rave.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/08(Sun)00:34 No.5910141
    Even if they air the Funimation channel, where would they put it?

    I got the Anime Network, but it's only on demand, and the only thing they show is fucking Magikano. Not even the most insane of weeaboos like Magikano.

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