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  • Blotter updated: 07/19/08

  • File :1221937997.png-(201 KB, 250x530, Tom.png)
    201 KB Amazing 09/20/08(Sat)15:13 No.5901975  
    So apparently sometime between 10:30 and 11:00 tonight, Toonami is giving it's goodbye message.

    That's right, boys. CN has finally decided to put the poor thing down.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:14 No.5901994
    Thank god. It's become a painted-up whore of its former self. It needs an old yeller killing.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:14 No.5901998
    about time, though Toonami truly died a long time ago.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:14 No.5901999
    This is a useful thread, because there aren't three others exactly like it floating about, with one regularly on the front page.

    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:16 No.5902018

    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:17 No.5902040
         File :1221938258.jpg-(17 KB, 479x357, Miguzi-logo.jpg)
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    And coming up next, it's Miguzi! Followed by..... MORE Miguzi!

    WTF is Miguzi?!
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:18 No.5902048
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:21 No.5902082

    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)15:22 No.5902096
    so this is truly the end...
    >> Grape 09/20/08(Sat)15:26 No.5902150
    I remember the fat little one well.
    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)15:27 No.5902172

    Except for Big Stalks and Curly, Miguzi was pretty much fail. Not even the semi-cute Erin could help it... but the "we'll be back" art wasn't too bad.
    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)15:34 No.5902255

    also, it is?

    Oh my, for the first time EVER.. if I'm in the house, I'll check it out.
    >> rattmice !!gAB8qa/IEmy 09/20/08(Sat)16:30 No.5902858
    Reposting this:

    List of toonami bumper tracks. Oldschool Motlart bumper mixes.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:33 No.5902893
    ...this actually brought a tear to my eye...everytime I see the first tom...They need to bring Toonami down, That's not even Tom anymore. It's some dressed up douchebag and his friends, ruining Toonami's good name, all the work Tom and Moltar put into that, only for it to be whored out.
    >> The Old End !!KNpmOBzbewL 09/20/08(Sat)16:34 No.5902901
    I blocked that shit out of my mind for a while now.

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:36 No.5902915
    Remember when they showed Gundam Wing and good stuff :(
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:36 No.5902917
    fuck i remember when he "died" i cried like a bitch...but then Tom 2 came out and i came
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:37 No.5902936
    I miss when I wanted to tune in every day to catch the newest Kenshin.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:37 No.5902944
    it stands for crappy Canadian cartoons
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:38 No.5902951
    >> Dreams Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:38 No.5902959
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:39 No.5902962
    What has Toonami even been showing lately?

    Last I saw they had nothing but shit on and never bothered to get any new shows worth watching.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:40 No.5902970
    Naruto, Ben 10, and Samurai Jack.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:40 No.5902972
    Remember when it showed Outlaw Star?

    Shit was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:40 No.5902980
    I think Tom would be the longest running role Steven Blum has played.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:40 No.5902983
    You may want a look at this.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:45 No.5903019
    so 1 good show in a 4 hour block?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:45 No.5903024
    Minus TOM 1, that was Sonny Strait, Krillin, Major Hughes, Usopp.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:47 No.5903043
    Now if only they would kill Adult Swim too.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:49 No.5903059
    But where will Venture Bros go?
    >> The Old End !!KNpmOBzbewL 09/20/08(Sat)16:50 No.5903065
    Fuck no, there's still some stuff worth watching.

    They just need to get rid of Family Guy, or at least stop showing it as much.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:50 No.5903066
    Hopefully to a better place than that shit hole.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:51 No.5903090
    I was so sad when Tom died, but I thought Tom 2 was kinda hot.

    Hell, I remember the DAY Toonami started originally. Man, its goodbye time.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:51 No.5903092

    Thanks for making me sad T_T

    Toonami... so many memories... At least they're ending its suffering...
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:52 No.5903098
    And get rid of the stoner shows. Not everyone that's up past midnight is a pothead loser.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:53 No.5903113
    can someone tell me why AS treats it's fanbase like shit? Do they wonder why they have bad ratings?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:53 No.5903118
    just the anime ones
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:54 No.5903124
    I don't get why they bothered going from tom 2 to 3, he went from nice potbelly to buff to kinda different buff?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:54 No.5903125
    But... Frisky Dingo! What about that? Those two shows alone is enough reason for it to stay.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:54 No.5903129

    This means we won't get to finish Samurai Jack, right?

    Damn it I was raelly enjoying watching it again. :|
    >> The Old End !!KNpmOBzbewL 09/20/08(Sat)16:54 No.5903130
    They hate their anime fans because anime ratings suck.

    I don't see how that's going to get the ratings up, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:54 No.5903131
    I'd like some source for this please.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:55 No.5903140
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    there are so many people to blame including those behind Toonami as well.

    1. Gundam Seed sucked.

    2. Trying to be like other channels with higher ratings even though that hurt Toonami's fanbase of those that fled those other channels like the plague for that very reason, there by bringing the ratings down.

    3. Anime quality went down. It was either that no one was prescreening anime for awesome factor anymore, or that anime in general's quality went down. Regardless, someone was asleep at the wheel in a desperate bid to get anime company money and we paid the price for it.

    4. Anime companies seemed to have it out for the channel in general, with some anime's that never even had a final season or an unsatisfactory end or pulled from the channel entirely. Very unprofessional looking for both parties.

    5. Scheduling conflicts between Toonami and AS. In my opinion, this was corporate sabotage. Toonami got popular enough that they were talking about another channel and their boomerang channel was tanking, so as if to spite it's self, they create another block, put it out even later, make it seem more mature, which eventually became reality, make TOM look like shit and make it seem like only Naruto was playing that night, which was also fruitless because most naruto fans had already moved on to shippuuden via the internet, or fell out of love after the filler, which may be the very reason why they tried to play so much of it.

    In the end, Toonami got left holding the bag and even though I don't think it's fair, it's as good a time as any to end it.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:55 No.5903143
    Because the idiots who run the small number of comedy shows kept being given more power and responsibility, and thus they figure they can make more money and get highlighted to make more shows and have more work if they produce tons of comedy shows for FRATBOYS and stoners to watch, rather than show a bunch of anime that only a small percentage of people will watch, and require more grief to get around the censors
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:56 No.5903152
    Are they going to use old Tom or new Tom. I'll watch anyway, but old Tom would make the message more meaningful.
    >> Judge Awesome !!W/4bHjEDhDH 09/20/08(Sat)16:56 No.5903156
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:57 No.5903162
    old Tom is DEAD
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:57 No.5903164
    >Their anime ratings suck because they hate their anime fans.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:59 No.5903189

    >anime ratings suck

    newfag, originally the anime ratings are what made the channel explode.

    Even as a fellow /co/tard you should know that.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)16:59 No.5903195
    I just wish it hadn't gone entirely to shit before they cancelled it. Y'know, befoer Tom the tank engine.
    >> BT 09/20/08(Sat)17:00 No.5903196
    True. These days, toonami is just an animated corpse. Not much longer, though.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:00 No.5903199
    If you guys watched the panels AS did at Dragon-Con, you realize the majority of the guys there were douche bags.

    These are the people running the network. They give themselves work and money by switching the network over to comedy and making it all themselves, rather than forking over money for anime.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:00 No.5903205
    yeah, the channel exploded when everyone said "they got that newfangled aneemay? I gotta check that out!" then the next week, after they realized it's all the same, they stopped watching.
    >> The Old End !!KNpmOBzbewL 09/20/08(Sat)17:00 No.5903206
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    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:00 No.5903207
    cut it out
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:00 No.5903209
    Tom 2 fo life
    >> No Man 09/20/08(Sat)17:02 No.5903240
         File :1221944577.gif-(3 KB, 244x269, stifle laughter.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:03 No.5903250
    >tl;dr DragonBall Z brought Toonami into this world, Naruto took it out.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:04 No.5903263
    Tom2 made me a robophile.

    Tom1 was still so cute though.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:04 No.5903266
    I DEMAND SOURCE!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:06 No.5903287
    Gundam Wing made Toonami explode, just like Cowboy Bebop helped Adult Swim.

    Naruto didn't do anything except keep Toonami afloat.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:13 No.5903366
    I would literally cry tears of joy if this "goodbye" message is the ghosts of Tom 1 and 2 coming and killing everything that is current Toonami
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:14 No.5903377
    Toonami was easily still Toonami without Gundam Wing.

    Toonami has never been Toonami without DragonBall.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:15 No.5903383
         File :1221945319.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, rage.jpg)
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    I'm sorry, I've been a fan of CN since before Toonami and I called you out on your bs, which is what it is.

    Adult Swim is great, but the argument that anime ratings suck is due to what they're playing.

    Example: Before AS they were trying to sell Boomerang. After AS, they're selling dvd packs and launched the program that sold the #1 death metal album.

    They sold out the original fan base for profit and you don't see it, yet you sit there and laugh.

    You have no fucking idea and you base your argument on whatever little black text on the screen tells you.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:19 No.5903436
    Cartoon Network: The Nintendo of Television Stations.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:20 No.5903464

    ...very fitting actually.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:22 No.5903488
    So that means that Naruto is canceled?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:22 No.5903490
    and then Moltar kills them
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:22 No.5903491
    I've been comparing CN to casual gaming too.
    >> Anonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 09/20/08(Sat)17:23 No.5903501
    This is the only source I can find, and I don't know how reliable it is:


    ToonZone uses them as a source, so it may be credible.

    Adult Swim needs to pick up its balls. It used to be about bringing adult animated entertainment when most other places wouldn't. It used to be about awesome bumps and jokes. Now they've just gone to corporate shill mode and care only for ratings.

    And, if last night's line ups were right, OH HEY GUYS WE CHANGED SATURDAY NIGHT LINEUP *AGAIN* AFTER ONLY ONE WEEK!

    Then we have all the live action shit both CN and AS are showing.

    Face it, guys: Cartoon Network, our last bastion for great cartoons, is turning into Nickelodeon, which is basically MTV-lite with one or two more cartoons.

    We need Stick Stickly to save us. ;_;
    >> Sage Freehaven !FiQ8YjHEqE 09/20/08(Sat)17:24 No.5903522

    Cartoon Network hasn't been Cartoon Network for years. They used to be "the home for animation", and now they're another Nickelodeon wanna-be like Toon Disney's become.
    >> Anonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 09/20/08(Sat)17:25 No.5903542
    Oh, and from that same link, two other pieces of info:

    >CN is airing Gotham Knight and New Frontier,

    >working on a Ben 10 Alien Force live action movie.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:26 No.5903547
    which ironically both are doing better then CN.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:26 No.5903556
    So, all is lost on the Cartoon front?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:28 No.5903587


    You nailed it.

    They're trying to emulate Nick because it simply has higher ratings, but I think I can speak for everyone who came to CN due to the fact that they didn't want what Nick(except maybe avatar and older shows) and Disney were offering.

    Every time CN continues to try to be like those channels it only hurts the channel.

    And I'd rather watch reruns of cartoon planet, tom and jerry, old and new Johny quest and the Flintstones rather then the sellout of kids programming they have going on.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:28 No.5903595
    I bought the Blue Submarine #6 dvd's at best buy about 4 years ago, and in the special features they had all those old toonami commercials with the edited clips from shows like outlaw star, gundam wing, bs#6 and tenchi. watching those dropped a nostalgia bomb like nothing ive ever felt before :_(
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:30 No.5903613
    for now. But fear not, no dark age lasts forever. while times may seem grim now, there will always be those who dream of better things, of new things. And there will be those few who can make those dreams become real and share them with the world. For every dark age, there is a Renaissance.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:31 No.5903637
         File :1221946311.jpg-(23 KB, 300x225, 1216268950525.jpg)
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    >Ben 10 Alien Force live action

    As a fan of the original Ben 10 before magic = aliens and who had the displeasure of watching the ben 10 live action...

    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:32 No.5903653

    only in ratings...the content sucks.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:32 No.5903657
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:33 No.5903664

    No, there may very well be a chance that they'll pull their heads out of their asses.

    All signs point to no, however.
    >> TFJ 09/20/08(Sat)17:33 No.5903667

    Stick Stickly is laughing at us while he's burning in hell.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:34 No.5903686
    The sad thing that was pointed out in a recent editorial...

    Ben 10 is selling like fucking Hotcakes. I for one can't even stomach half an episode, yet people are just eating that shit up.

    The shitty games for it are consistent top notch sellers.

    Either we're out of touch, or society is going down the tube.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:35 No.5903701
    actually that's exactly what I meant,
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:36 No.5903702

    Yes, but if you were to actually view things as they happen, you would have noticed we're just going into the dark age...if it took this long just to get this far into it, how long till we get out of it?

    Dark times are ahead indeed.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:36 No.5903704
    Lol what? Dragon Ballz is the reason why Toonami was so popular. Gundam Wing was a good show, but Toonami really didn't need it.
    >> Dr. Professor, Prime Minister of SCIENCE! !!vHbIhYNbSef 09/20/08(Sat)17:36 No.5903707
         File :1221946608.png-(36 KB, 1261x363, LooneyToons.png)
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    I know how arrogant it is to screencap your own posts, but I really liked what I said here. And it kinda fits.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:37 No.5903716
         File :1221946668.jpg-(16 KB, 400x300, tnmimol1.jpg)
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    Original Gangsta
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:38 No.5903724
    [as] needs to realize that it's not anime that makes the Saturday block fail. It's the fact that it's Saturday fucking night, and alot of people are busy doing other shit than watching TV.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:39 No.5903739
    I wish they would show Looney Tunes at least in the morning for the wee ones block. Though I never liked some of them, it was still a good show.

    Flapjack and Chowder are hilarious, but the danger is that Kids are being raised on Reaction-shot humor. Of course it's pretty fresh material since we're all cracking up over it.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:40 No.5903751
    But NERDS don't do anything on Saturday.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:40 No.5903755
    I actually tried to make my very own Stick Stickly as a kid but could never figure out what the hell his nose was made of so I just used paper.
    Also is that Carr from Stroker and Hoop?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:40 No.5903761
    funny that it had transformers at the beginning and the end of the whole thing
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:42 No.5903775
    but nerds already watched the best new anime, in its superior original language, so why would they want to take time out of downloadan mangas and fappan to watch dubs?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:42 No.5903778
    They should do the "Big pick" again. Stop whoring out committee driven shows like Ben 10 and Gym Partner and get more shows with heart like Chowder and Flapjack.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:43 No.5903785
         File :1221946990.png-(195 KB, 640x480, 1215086849633.png)
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    Ben 10 sells because its over with the kids, myself, not a kid, included.

    And their toy line, while not perfect, is some of the consistently good stuff I've seen. However I'd rather the money go back into the show rather then alien force or these live action abominations.

    You may not like the show and I can understand why, but it's still better quality then the lame shit they've been pumping out lately for prime time, non-AS, programming.

    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:43 No.5903789
    And then his UFO remote spaceship explodes.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:45 No.5903808
    I agree. Kids today don't just need the clever humor of the Looney Tunes, but the over-the-top wacky humor of the Tex Avery and MGM cartoons.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:45 No.5903810
    Hey guys, what's New Frontier?
    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)17:45 No.5903811
    Hey guys, you DO know that Nick is, or has, brought back GUTS (or, in this incarnation, My Famliy's got GUTS).

    This means one thing:

    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:46 No.5903822
    hmmm I sense a weaboo fag on this forum.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:47 No.5903837
    Do not worry brothers. Eventually the asshats in charge of the network will die. And the day will come when a shining new spirit, who cherished what Cartoon Network was all about, will rise to the throne and bring back to us what we once knew and loved!

    It's like how rock and roll used to be shocking and vulgar because the older people in society shunned it. But they died and now look how much apart of society it is.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:47 No.5903839

    I was actually there when they started filming it on Universal Studios Orlando property.

    Don't count on it. It is promoted to be a one time only event. Neither Universal Studios Florida or Hollywood have the space for it. Hollywood has things to film, and Florida needs its Halloween Horror Nights.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:48 No.5903847

    But, rock sucks now.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:48 No.5903852
         File :1221947298.jpg-(151 KB, 640x480, 1207163082299.jpg)
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    Ben 10 isn't driven. (lol, yes there is a fanbase, deal with it.)

    Alien force is.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:48 No.5903856
    I hope they bring Double Dare and Legend of the Hidden Temple too.
    >> harblholic !tK4ashPPPM 09/20/08(Sat)17:48 No.5903857
         File :1221947336.jpg-(53 KB, 410x512, thehumancrouton.jpg)
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    Now I have to find a friend with cable to watch this on : {
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:50 No.5903885

    I blame st. anger.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:50 No.5903888
    I propose we watch the last Toonami ever while discussing what's going on like we did when the pop-up trivia Ben 10 marathon was on.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:52 No.5903903
    They should have Tom de-evolve from this Thomas the Tank Engine shit all the way back to the pudgy little ball of badass we all know and love, waving goodbye or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:52 No.5903915

    Ben 10 popup was painfully weak...instead of saying anything interesting, it was cut and paste info on the aliens.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:53 No.5903920
    Seconded, but not just us.

    /a/ needs to be there. /m/ needs to be there. Hell, even /jp/ needs to be there.
    >> Sage Freehaven !FiQ8YjHEqE 09/20/08(Sat)17:53 No.5903928

    All of 4chan needs to be there.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:54 No.5903936

    They should have the current tom fight the old TOM. Then when the new tom starts losing, he transforms into an even more shitty looking version and TOM powers up to his taller version and takes care of business.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:55 No.5903944

    Agreed. Hell, there might not even have BEEN a 4chan if there was no Toonami. /a/ had been thinking about that.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:55 No.5903948

    Could we get a time line on when toonami starts pacific time?

    I was always lost when the show starts.
    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)17:56 No.5903956

    That shot SCREAMS "Buttsechks?"
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:56 No.5903959

    Guys, we're the nerds at the back of the bus. We may agree that we're awesome, but let's not forget /b/ is what brought us together in this fashion for the lulz, by the lulz.
    >> Anonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 09/20/08(Sat)17:57 No.5903969
    Hey, guys... why does AS have a Big O section? http://www.adultswim.com/shows/bigo/index.html

    Exactly. But they seem to refuse to recognize this even when they stick stuff like Venture Bros on and it still gets poor ratings.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:58 No.5903972
    /a/ looks like it already will be there
    >> Secret Bonus 09/20/08(Sat)17:58 No.5903973
    We'll meet again
    Don't know where, don't know when
    but I know we'll meet again on a better daaaaaaay
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:58 No.5903976
    /r/ pics of Tom 1.0

    I want to make a plushie.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:58 No.5903977
    Fuck you, I'm watching my shit dubbed.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)17:58 No.5903983

    lol, the sunday show is the sunday show for a reason.

    because if it's on a friday or saturday...
    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)17:59 No.5903996

    NO NO NO!!!!


    that.. that was how Freakazoid ended.... *sniff*
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:00 No.5904005
    Let's celebrate, feelin' so free we gotta celebrate

    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)18:00 No.5904008


    Dubs for the Dub-God!
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:01 No.5904016

    Can we confirm Freakazoid for Toonami ending?
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:01 No.5904020
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:04 No.5904057
    DAMN that works on so many different levels
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:04 No.5904063

    Thing is, /b/ was FOUNDED by the nerds in the back of the bus. Then the non nerds and normal people caught on.
    >> Anonymoose !x4vv0ZYuAo 09/20/08(Sat)18:04 No.5904068
    DC animated reboot movie.

    Oh hell yeah. We haven't had a good "/co/ watches X" thread(s) in a while now, to my knowledge. A "/co/ watches Toonami" would make my night and make me watch Toonami again.

    One More Time, /co/mrades.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:06 No.5904090
    I don't mean to alarm you, /co/, but look at what the future holds:

    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:08 No.5904108
    Um, I know i'm slowking here but is this the American Toonami or the UK toonami? Because the UK version was orginally CNX a grownup Cartoon network that showed adult swim shows as well as things like samurai jack, Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star as well as martial art films. But then it was neutered and became toonami (which had became it's 'daytime name') it only showed CN action shows and then it was taken from the group of regular channels and moved back next to cartoon network where it became a shitty Nickelodeon that showed crappy kid sitcoms and One Piece.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:09 No.5904113

    The American one. The first one.
    >> Pazzo Jinn !MdF2kQevPY 09/20/08(Sat)18:11 No.5904150
    >>One More Time, Toonami Faithful.
    >> Sage Freehaven !FiQ8YjHEqE 09/20/08(Sat)18:12 No.5904165
    Keep the Bassline Rolling...
    >> Pablo 09/20/08(Sat)18:12 No.5904171
    >> Evil Lord Proteus !Pf61BYvMqU 09/20/08(Sat)18:13 No.5904191
    Sigh... why couldnt they just fix it? get some good shows, try not to fill the blocks with reruns, and bring back Moltar, a cool looking Tom aking to either Tom1 or Tom2, maybe add a few other characters as part of the crew like... Zorack? Eh...
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:14 No.5904197
    Man I remember those. Positive messages for our youth? You don't even see that shit anymore.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:15 No.5904216
    Because CN likes to drop things instead of bothering to work on them.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:15 No.5904221
    Because, that would involve work, thought, and a sense of your audience. And even then, it may not bring back your viewers.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:16 No.5904239
    I think Im gonna cry when its finally all over. Sure Toonami has been "dead" for a while now. Its kinda like a relative you had a lot of fun with growing up suddenly went into a coma or fell drastically ill and after many years of struggling on the brink, they die.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:17 No.5904252

    Listen, kid. i don't know if you actually know shit about Toonami, but it pre-dates CNX by quite a while. It originated as a segment on Cartoon Network way back when DBZ Tenchi Muyo and such were all just coming out.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:19 No.5904270

    Yeah I know but i'm talking about the crappy Nickelodeon channel ripoff it became.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:20 No.5904283
    Speak for yourself. I didn´t spend not even three hours in that shithole
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:23 No.5904307
    I hope Thurop becomes president of CN one day. And brings back what it once was. Something tells me he is secretly the Harvey Dent of the network. Only he doesn't become Two Face.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:29 No.5904376
         File :1221949741.jpg-(386 KB, 800x579, 1199683635797.jpg)
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    >> a /m/an 09/20/08(Sat)18:35 No.5904437
    /m/ will be with you when it's on.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:40 No.5904500
    Rest in peace old friend.
    You've been suffering for a long time now.
    You can rest for a while now, ;_;

    ...We can dream after all though?
    A Boy has the right to dream
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:42 No.5904519
    The very saddest thing, is that I didn't apperiate Toonami while it was still awsome
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:53 No.5904680
    Via con los lobos, old friend...
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:54 No.5904689
    Awesome. Spead the word! Let's get as many boards in on this as possible!
    >> random asshole 09/20/08(Sat)18:57 No.5904722
    damn. i know toonami is shit right now, but i always thought this was just a down slope before it rose again. well, here's to you toonami and thanks for everything. G gundam, outlaw star, samurai jack and so many more. and finally, i forgive you for naruto. sniff.
    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)18:59 No.5904739

    Ya know... that MIGHT now be a bad idea. Let's hope he isn't the "Power corrupts" kind of man.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)18:59 No.5904744
    dont know if this counts
    they could've picked better music
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)19:02 No.5904769
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)19:04 No.5904784
    ...why. Why did it have to end like THIS. I mean, it's shit now, and I'd rather the kids now not know Toonami at all than know the bastardization of itself that it has become. I'll mourn the loss of the Toonami that we knew in our childhood. That last flicker of what we knew, if only in the name, is going out forever, ladies and gentlemen, and it's not coming...back.

    Fuck. It just hit me. It's not even like it's just Toonami, but just my childhood in general, that's going out. Toonami played it's part in my personal development. I wouldn't even be me without all those years of watching shows and wanting to one day draw and do the same. All those years of drawing Sailormoon and Dragonball Z characters, all the times talking about it with friends in school...All that has been gone for years now, but now it's not even gonna be there. At all. Jut something we all have in our heads, passing memories that one day, too, will come off the air for good.

    I don't know about you, but I got my liquor ready and I'm ready to get fucked up tonight. I'll say a special little cheers to Toonami, and the end of youth.
    >> Sgt. Viper Stormhaus! 09/20/08(Sat)19:07 No.5904823

    Might not be a bad idea, was what I meant.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)19:09 No.5904850

    I'm with ya.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)19:13 No.5904905
    ...I gotta go out and buy those fucking dvds. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)19:14 No.5904914
    But if Toonami is gone, where will I watch the New Adventures of Johny Quest!?
    >> Mr. Konata Izumi (=ω=) !hKVgwdyGeM 09/20/08(Sat)19:19 No.5904955

    The new GUTS is fucking awesome. They better keep making it, it's exactly like the fucking original only with a little bit of Family Double Dare.

    Maybe if it does well they'll bring back Double Dare, and Legends, and REOPEN THE MOTHER FUCKING STUDIOS FUCK YEAH.
    >> Mr. Konata Izumi (=ω=) !hKVgwdyGeM 09/20/08(Sat)19:24 No.5905003
    Toonami's dead, Nick Studios is closed, my childhood is only kept alive by the mother fucking Transformers.

    And judging by the American economy, it's only a prayer that's keeping Hasbro's doors open. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)19:24 No.5905010
    Yeah, I think I'll spend the night at toonamidigitalarsenal.com wathcign all the good old stuff, then have a smoke in TOM's honor.
    >> Dr. Professor, Prime Minister of SCIENCE! !!vHbIhYNbSef 09/20/08(Sat)19:24 No.5905015
    I remember Jr. High, racing home from school.

    There was this big can of really fancy hot chocolate mix that we had gotten somewhere. Every day, after school, I'd make a cup of hot chocolate, go downstairs, and watch Batman Beyond. Every day. Before even touching my homework. Batman Beyond came first.
    >> Anonymous 09/20/08(Sat)19:26 No.5905035

    "Until the sun rises on world without Toonami..." And that is tomorrow, fuck

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