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Smooth as a lop.
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1.53 MB
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Her old outfit was better. And how long does it take for a tan to wear off?
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77 KB
Oh, this show again.
Don't remember him getting the tatoo either
what tattoo?
The one on his face, and the dyed hair streak.
That's not a tattoo.
what is it?
He got it while fighting Rubilax when Rubi's fist grazed his cheek.
Some weird mark leftover from when Rubilax shot him in the face with magic.
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43 KB
Show shoulda been about this guy
Is it just me or did rubilax get rediculous power creep in s2? He went from some random shushu who was outclassed by that vampire to like the top dog barring shushu commanders. I mean, that flame sword of badassery was even weaker than him apparently.
Naw man. Dat ass.
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88 KB
i am a big fan of bodysuits.
>>43373491 (OP)
He totally didn't do that by accident. Lops got an ego, he had to make up for the kiss we never got to see.
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you can tell that animators are fighting the urge to give her a cameltoe every second they spend animating her crotch
who knows, that slight bulge could be the real deal
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Maybe we should ask grovy
See, thats why Eva is so defensive when Grovy reveals he has seen her naked.

He knows her secret.

Her long, meaty secret.
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89 KB
we did it guys. we figured it out
>western flash produced anime thread
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102 KB
An interesting choice of words...
/a/ pls go

Have my touch of evil
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7 KB
Oh holy fuck.
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40 KB
So this is France's answer to My Life Me?
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286 KB
You will not ruin over 3 years of glorious fapping for me.

You will NOT
He knows.
>implying it doesnt make it infinity times better
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231 KB
The only things on this planet that are allowed to have more than one sex organ are the parasites I kill.
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196 KB
More fappable than your lewd onee chan.
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And he can't complain.
boy, this thread escalated quickly

> Censor her dick
> Not using le Duck

you fail
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1.35 MB
That is honestly the most replies I have ever seen on a single comment.
Thats what happens when you discover that a main character that you thought had a vagina for 3 years actually had a penis.
haven't been here long then
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87 KB
Y-you missed this?
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401 KB
"iops", with a capital "i".
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Grovy that wears a shirt is not a Grovy for me.
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i concur.

but wait -

in this scenario, would Eva still have the penis? or is she a literal She Hulk here?
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So when did they do it? Right after he got his body back?
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Well, first we must figure out if Eva is a trap, or a futa.
futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa futa

Shes a futa.
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97 KB
i-its all lies! i swear!
I must ask, Grovy never imagined the "female" Eva wearing this kind of stuff, why?
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540 KB

Whats all this im hearing about you being a boy? You have one of those gross thingies that boys have down there?!
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105 KB
>still have the penis
I'd say she'd have an even bigger one.
That's why Grovy looks kinda frightened here... he knows it's gonna hurt!
shes really a guy. what?
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14 KB
Genderswap magic they used in one episode to get around laws stating that only men could compete in this sport thing
magic. in order to be able to play a game forbidden for females.
No idea what I just watched, but what was the song?
I dunno.
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65 KB
I love how they shamelessly ship the FUCK out of the pairing. This show single handedly made me stop hating the french.
I dont follow.

Did they transform into Power Rangers?
So....had he stuck it in her yet?
I know right?

Yugo x Ruel is my OTP
france five (psss, power rangers is japanese btw)
Word of god is that, yes, they have had sex.

They should totally make a animated series out of this shit.
France is open about sex. Wheres that nude camp scene?
>power rangers is japanese

I dont see how that would stop the French from doing anything about it.
Just saying. Look up france five. They even got a jap to do their opening.

Super Sentai is Japanese*
is YugoxAmalia canon?
I still can't say Grougaloragran. That shit is beyond brutal difficulty.
it is in the tomes.
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>yellow baguette
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89 KB

Even Yoko Tsuno's part of a Science Team, man. And she has even fought gigantic bug aliens already too.
Funny you say that.

I have a french friend who i showed Wakfu to, and ask him to pronounce Grougaloragran.

Took him a while to be able to say it like they do on the show.
more or less
tomes is french for comic or w/e

its even used in english
I literally say it out loud every time I hear it on the show, but once I need to do it on my own, grugalgooragram!
Picture was made far before season 2 aired.
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And you know what the funny thing is, Eva seems very open to the idea of being turned back into a guy.
Pretty sure Amalia wants that justice guys gold plated sword.
no, she will get delicious eliatrope shota and she will enjoy it
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Well, I mean, if you insist.
I love this cartoon. 10/10

I haven't even finished it
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Spoiler Image, 208 KB
is that noill?
i expect this thread to still be alive when i wake up.

im not done talking about this new discovery yet.

Nope. It is a person badly imitating Noill though. Apparently a fixed-size Binary tool is enough to fool most people.
hey, thats what Paint Tool SAI does best
seems like a more cartoony-version of Noill's style, if anything

shame there's no assfucking, especialy between these two
6 am, the things I do for wakfu...
We can hope.
>seems like a more cartoony-version of Noill's style, if anything

You know, Noill, one of the more realistic-drawing 34 artists out there. If anything this picture's slightly less stylised than Noill's art.
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Spoiler Image, 676 KB
Nah, she's over him.

>implying she won't be all over this within the next 5 years
Good sir, may I request for more.

s-surely you must...

>implying she isn't already

She does love to throw her arms around him, and gets mad jelly when bitches notice him.
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>gets mad jelly when bitches notice him
Oh boy does she.
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Dear god you Glorious Barstards
No, it's Endpiece / Bellend.
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why is she so perfect /co/
brown butt, with an even browner asshole

That's all she wrote I'm afraid.
>I shall also have you that I am a well respected Sadida princess and I do not, in fact, engage in sexual relations with Yugo.

Come on Amalia, lying on the internet now?
Post the OTHER one!
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Spoiler Image, 750 KB
Quick, post Cleo for reference, especially head and hair.

Alternately, if you don't want to see shitty sketches, (make and) post a Wakfu music video of Elektro Mast.
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Rape imminent.
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I don't even need to admit I don't really know what I'm doing.

After all, it IS the sixth ortbod.
It's not bad actually. How long did it take you to do it?
Apparently a short hour, although that did include some melon sharpening as does almost everything I ever do.
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181 KB

You motherfucker, you have been doing nothing but drawing my favourite wakfu ladies.

You are doing a service to the world.

And you're awesome.
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2.27 MB
Wish we had more content of this delicious ref.
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You and me both.
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Yeah, what's good about this show is the lot of delicious secondary characters.
Is there any way to download the wakfu manga ? Even in French ?
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185 KB
You haven't been here very long then. Case in point.
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Take it easy~.
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>Ice captain

Okay, what the fuck. If you are planning on making a Nausea pic next then you must know me.

These are all my favourites. What the fuck.
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this thread is archived right

please tell me this thread is archived somewhere
This thread is so spoiler for me :(
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Time to marathon the final 20 episodes so that I can continue this thread.
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Oh yes.
Just remember that Eva is packing.
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by real deal you mean massive medieval bush and not a dick, right?
Hey guys, so I just start season 2, and I noticed something. That one episode with the Dragon Pig guy. The gas stuff turns people into little pigs right? And just earlier they ate a little pig. You think, maybe, they accidently ate somebody?
you skipped the credits didn't you?
You need explanations for Sesame Street too?
What's her name again?
And why doesn't she have more porn?
Sharon Stone
Oh, this fag again
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535 KB

If you live in Toronto you are going to make me full on Paranoid

Also many thanks. You planning on making more?

A Mofette pic in black ink? Brakmar referee?
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113 KB
>>43373491 (OP)
One of my favorite scenes. Good job OP.
Excellent work
Do you have a place where you upload all your stuff?
>If you live in Toronto
I'm not Australian, but you can still play Paranoid if you want.

>Do you have a place where you upload all your stuff?
Wakfu threads in /co/.
Disturbing lack of Kriss
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19 KB
Disturbing lack of Maude as well
i think everyone is in favour of the dick
So hot....
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>>43389155 →
I liked him before I knew he was a god

Now on some serious discussion, I heard some news in some french sites that there will be a season 3 on 2013 if the world doesn't end anyone can confirm that?

Also who else started to want to learn french after watching it?
There needs to be art of the captain raping that giant pirate guy from her episode.
gonna need sauce on that pic anon
Rubilex is only powerful against a specific fighting style. I think Rubilax was supposed to be kind of powerful, what with goultard being involved.

Additionally, who is to say a higher rank means more powerful shushus? it could be a political thing. They could also just have access to more magic.
i dont think you will want that as much as you think
I can fap to almost anything so yeah I do want it
the knife in the garter strap makes this so much hotter
>No males
0/10 would not lose all my kamas on
You slut.
every single piece of her outfit is pushing my buttons. It's like they read in the perverted parts of my subconcious to design this character
greetings people discussing evas new found junk.

i am currently at work, and my work computer is lifeless and dull. do you think you could potentially post some screens from the show? i think a new desktop would brighten up my cubical.

anything would be nice, but im sure my boss will understand why a picture of a young brown cartoon character in a miniskirt is the new desktop.
Rubliax IS supposed to be super powerful. Who do you think could beat his real form if they couldn't trap him in sand/water/whatever? He'd trample over the entire Sadida kingdom.

It's just that there are plenty of higher level Shushus also. Ombrage for one.
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>No males
They're just stationed next street.
Yes, this show even has male whores
That guy with the red bandana is actually a girl, and hot Kriss fan at that
this one
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326 KB
Have a wallpaper for your desktop.
I was referring to the character on the far right. Black proto-wings are typical of male eniripsas
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26 KB
not yet I'm working on it
I seriously can only see two males on that pic, and one is a female who drank the gender-swap potion
So the game that this show is based on. Is it any good?
see >>43390130

Maybe someone with a HD file of that episode could make a better screencap of this scene ...
thinking well I would actually have no problems n fucking with a female whore who drank that pottion

it's pretty unique if you ask me, to enjoy it truly you would have to pay but as long as aren't a retarded like me and waste your subscription items in one fucked up character it's all well
Does it actually have anything at all to do with the show?
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44 KB
Over here!
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259 KB
thank you! much appreciated.
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32 KB
Hey oh!
her >>43386165 first initial thought after taking the gender bender potion was "now its time to find me some hookers to test this bad boy out"
well much more than you would expect but not completely, you see if you only got on this universe by watching wakfu then the game is not only pretty close but it's also a good source of information about the world. The only thing that disappointed me is how the nations don't follow the pattern on the show, but if you are thirsty for more wakfu before the next season come out you should play it

Just be careful to don't screw up the character with subscription items
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Spoiler Image, 127 KB
>You planning on making more?
>Brakmar referee?
>implying its crappy
are you really sure you can't give me that sauce? Google search was useless
Once I finish the show oh hawt damn am I gunna go to town.

But they must stay pure until the time comes...

You've been warned...
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964 KB

you wouldn't be able to make something for the blond osa in the pic I attached or?
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That's bullshit and you know it.
>until the time comes
I'm not going to draw Nox porn, you wanker.

P.S. It's always possible to have a moral afaopu.
I can't watch more than two episodes of this show without needing to fap. It makes it very difficult to marathon.
Could you really not take 2 seconds to fix that image?
But that should make it EASY to marathon.

Also, I must ask: which ayscras?
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339 KB
Have a better quality version.
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41 KB
>Toronto, Australia

I... why would you think of Toronto, Australia before Toronto, Canada?? Did I miss part of that conversation?

Genuinely confused now.
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505 KB
Anyone else remember Mia?

Also, would lick those thighs on that Osamoda.
Yes. Cute :3
English dub when.
Probably never
Probably a good thing. I remember seeing a proper English dub of the first episode, it was pretty bad. Don't know if the problem was french actors not doing english very well or what but the french is better
Plus you'd lose like half the double entendres and nearly all of the puns
never. American channels don't want to air a show that looks too good, it would make their audience ask for more.

When they get good voice actors.
Dialy reminder,DUCKBLOCK gif please
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81 KB
Remember the tan female Cra? The wife of that awesome baker? Post pictures of her (ad if possible, rule 34).
Friendly reminder that there is no porn of her at all

Double entendres and puns don't work in subtitles either, really. It always ends up being TRANSLATORS NOTE: THIS WAS A SUPER HILARIOUS JOKE IN FRENCH
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394 KB
I'll post the couple pictures I have, I might make some more since you reminded me of her.

No 34 of her though, to my knowledge.
File: 1354148173383.gif-(2.76 MB, 427x220, THAT FUCKING DUCK!.gif)
2.76 MB
Always happy to help /com/rade
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392 KB
Why does she make my dick so hard? I can't quite place it.
Grovys been in that...

>that sultry gaze at the end

Episode sauce nao.
There is about a second of half of her bare stomach.

It looks amazing. Is there any of her stomach completely bare?
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Spoiler Image, 41 KB

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54 KB
>The wife of that awesome baker
Very first art of her, made before the series.
It's a tribute from Wakfu's main chara designer (Xavier Houssin) to his wife and children.
man, browsing the front page is - OH, a spoiler. I'll just click that and..
File: 1354148549002.jpg-(63 KB, 912x496, 1298468399313.jpg)
63 KB
I can help
Back to the main theme,Eva is futa?
yes or no
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196 KB
Really? Awww
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4 KB
Oh you
Thanks for finally fixing that whole "no porn of her" thing
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18 KB
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904 KB
No one cares.
Well, either futa or trap, my dick would still be happy.
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1.08 MB
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187 KB
Anyone have the rest of these?

I'm still looking for Sram, Entrouf and Pandawa I think.
File: 1354148938743.png-(473 KB, 912x496, 0000070.png)
473 KB
Thanks. Just made a bunch fresh off the presses.
well,like this >>43373994
a penis will ruin glorious fap
but because this is 4chan,people would not care(but i seriously dont want a futa Eva,the girl is sexy HAS A GIRL) yet,coming from a decepticon like me,you guys do not expect a lot
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506 KB
It's definitely the nose.
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372 KB
Or possibly dat ass...
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Spoiler Image, 96 KB
>a penis will ruin glorious fap

No. It wouldnt. It all depends on what you like, and what you dont like.
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380 KB
I'll go with both.
I know the wife is a Cra, but what's Xav again? Iop?
We need to make guides for all the different gods that covers all the basic stuff
Whats this god all about
What are their origins
How does worshiping this god affect a human
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452 KB
She does have a nice set on her too though...

Fuck it, she's just hot all around.
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398 KB
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Guy needs to make some Miranda stuff though, goddammit.
I can fap to that face
Her tits are huge.

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