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Repositng this since people are having trouble knowing what the plans are for NYCC 2012/NY /co/ meet up.

As the plan stands now there will be 2 meet up spots.

It seems like the easiest landmark to find is the IGN theatre inside of the convention if you have access. I HIGHLY recommend asking someone where it is ahead of time, even going so far as to actually see it for yourself and knowing where it is first hand. That way you won't scramble to try and rush your way there and miss the meeting.

The first checkpoint will be at the end of each con day. On Friday that's at 1900 but Star Eater made a point to say his last panel doesn't end until 7:45 so what we're doing is suggesting being there from 7:30-830. That should give everyone enough time to leave their final panels and make it to the IGN theatre.

This same plan will be issued on Saturday. Friday ends at 1700 instead of 1900 so we will be there from 5:30 - 6:30 on the last day.

Once we are all together, the second meeting spot is a McDonalds down the street from the Javits center. We'll rendezvous for ten minutes, (we don't want to spend the entire night just grouping and regrouping) and then move on to [insert place where we eat here]

Since people know we will be at the second meet up spot around 8:30-9:00, I strongly advise you be there before us and wait. If you miss the first checkpoint just go to the second one and wait for us.

If there are any questions feel free to ask. We have one week to decide on everything and my word isn't law. Feel free to weigh in.

This is a bad idea
If there is ever a Tokyo comicon we can hang out hahaha
it happens for most major cons, you don't have to like it but it still happens all the time
Anyone going from upstate NY to the con?
POsting in sticky. Also, wish I had the cash to go to NYCC.
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Stan Lee takes 6th place.
Posting in sticky thread, not going to con.
So meet at the IGN thearter around 7:30 pm on friday & saturday? Then walk down to mickey d's sounds cool sign me up

I just hope my friends are cool with because I dont wanna ditch them for this
>Redwood has his own sticky now
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You guys won't judge me if I show up in full power ranger attire, will you?
>finally get around to closing the previous thread
>another one is stickied

It's moments like this where I wish Roasted were here.
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Show us the spidey costume, Redwood.
You are an asshole.
Anyone gonna be there on Sunday?

It's the only day I could get ;_;
Can someone let me know if the NYCC is anything like the SDCC?

Will Marvel Studios have anymore big reveals concerning their phase 2, will they show the Ant-Man test footage and even maybe the Iron Man 3 trailer?
what if you go to the meet up and your the only one there

Watch your language, please.
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>going to the meet up at all

Get a load a this joker.
How upstate? Please don't say Westchester.
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I'm going all 3 days as the OP post said. Ultimate Spider-Man costume is looking bleak though...

I'll definitely have it by Halloween at least, doubt it will be ready for NYCC
Well my brother and I will be there so it will be at least the two of us.
Do a last minute one! Like Power Man
Can't wait mang
Why would you sticky a tripfag's thread?
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Because Roasted is a mod.

Also everyone sucks his dick
Is it too late to buy (not horrendously scalped) weekend tickets other than he website for this? I heard some joints like Forbidden Planet might be reselling tix but I have no idea.
According to the website, all retailers are sold out.
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Almost ready, just in time. See ya next Friday.
What was wrong with the other thread? It had a ton of tips for out of towners for traveling to / in/ around New York and the con
nope and nope
That one wasn't made by Redwood.
The other one still had people questioning where the location and plans were. I simply initiated a protoype plan and we worked around it. Now the meet up will be that much more organized.

Can't wait to see you mate
And made a new thread for it, rather just post it in that thread?
Well, it was like 850 posts...
Stickys have gotten bigger than that.

850 posts would be a small sticky; Homestuck threads regularly make that size.

Really, all this was done so Redwood can take the credit for organising the meet-up organised by others.
Actually, and I can't believe I'm using the archive for this, it was posted in the old sticky and people still questioned what we were doing.

If you'd like to see for yourself I'll do the work for you and find it myself.


As you can see the person asked after I had posted the exact same thing in the other sticky (amongst other people who asked as well.) I'm not taking credit for planning the meet up though, to not say I had a hand in it with another anon and my brother would be foolish because you can once again see everything that regarded planning in the archive.

So please, stop your baseless claims as it does nothing but create needless responses.
>>41411152 (OP)
Yes Redwood, I have a question.
May I rub your stomach when I meet you?
>stop questioning my attentionwhoring, as you can see I was attentionwhoring in the old thread as well.

Riveting tale, old chap.

Enjoy your cult of personality of stinking white neckbeards treating you as "that black friend."
>Trying to get the /co/ meet up organized since for the last 2 years it's been organized like shit.

Please stop shitposting.

Also, are we actually doing anything or are we going to just wing it again and not do anything?
OK, so someone using a name for no other reason that for attention and having things attributed to him, isn't attentionwhoring.

My problem is that this is not "a bunch of /co/mrades meet up with each other," it's "a bunch of /co/mrades meet up with Redwood."
No one actually gives that much of a fuck about Redwood at the meet up, you're just jealous over the stupidest shit.
Jealous of?

Of course someone jumping up and down with air horns wearing a rainbow wig is going to get more attention.
As someone who went to the /fit/ meet up and looking forward to /co/ this Saturday I can say that it's not some celebrity meetup.

Both gingermod AND redwood were there and they were hardly the focus. Everyone was glad to meet each other. Redwood know this. He's just being a good guy helping everyone out. Go cry to yourself elsewhere.
>the second meeting spot is a McDonalds down the street

Just a heads up, this place is balls to the wall packed all day when the con happens. Plenty of room in the parking lot, but don't expect any space indoors (even ordering will take a long ass time).

You mean next Saturday, right? Don't scare me like that, anon.
>1:30 Marvel NOW general panel
>1:45 Grant Morrison Spotlight
>tfw you can't split yourself into two and go to both
I hate conflicting panels
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You can count on my attendance in costume also.
I wanted to go as Dodds so fucking badly. That's awesome.
Oh shit! Take pictures
Ithaca NY
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>dat pic
>implying /co/nrad wouldn't join in the lusting over redwood
>implying your creepy ass is going
this thread is going places
To all the douchebags hating on Redwood.

Redwood asked me if I could sticky a new thread with info about the meetup in OP post because the other thread was more about coming to a consensus on those details, so people had to read all the way through the thread to figure out what was going on.

I agreed, so here it is. Now stop bitching about Redwood - he's awesome and /co/ is lucky to have a tripfriend like him.
Anyone dressing up?
haha you are such a bitch
do you even know how much Red does for the board?

we need less tripfags that don't contribute shit
Redwood is a /co/ faggot?

Popping in from /fit/, thought he was only there.

Redwood is pretty cool


it's confirmed
yeah he's pretty much the same here
does a storytime every once in a while too
Based on the inconsistency of /co/s moderation, you should have known that by now.
>Like what?
oh, what, no I don't actually know
that was a real question I asked you before
I have no idea, I just wanted to call you a bitch because you were acting like a bitch

>what he has done besides be "kinda cool,"
that's honestly enough for me
so what actually happens at these meetups?
do people actually nerd out about comics and cartoons or what?

>And now we have mods admitting they have a bias, and give preferential treatment to him.

No one has yet to explain why the idea of putting the info in the OP is a bad idea.
This, stop being so apathetic.

Do we even know if anyone besides Redwood put a post like that together? I mean, you're crying BIAS without any actual hard evidence.
>Implying he hasn't been a janitor for a really long time
Nigga where have you been
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You just jelly me and Moot are bff's.

>tfw customer comes in with two spare tickets to NYCC for Friday
>tfw you don't care because Dinner Roll is made of poop
Yeah, I forgot to mention that, thanks anon, we'll probably meet by the parking lot if anything, doubt we'll be able to get in the doors.

I'll definitely be there so I guess look for a guy in a hat or in a Spider-Man costume
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>Now stop bitching about Redwood - he's awesome and /co/ is lucky to have a tripfriend like him
>lucky to have a tripfriend like him
There is no forgiving the first sin.
NYCC is SDCC's leftovers. Nothing important is announced that hasn't been already
is anything gravity falls going to be at comic con
I still don't understand how no one can grasp how to use ctrl+F. IT wasn't hard to find the info in that thread.
>as it does nothing but create needless responses
Like your tripcode. Not that I particularly hate you, but imagined how many shitstorms could be avoided if you simply didn't use it. Dare I say if all tripcodes dissappeared this could be a better place.
Seconded. You're a bit of a narcissist, Redwood, even if you are a nice guy.
>redwood does nice thing to help people get info for meetup
>asks mod to help out
>spergs bitch

Stay classy, sperglords.
But .... the mod said hes the best poster here!!! It must be true

> filenamaes

Well shit, I read your post after they got deleted

mods being fags
Damn, that's quite the trip
>mods being fags
>deleting roasted shitposting
yeah, no

what he said about redwood was retarded though, redwood is no better than any of the other tripfags around here (and I really don't have anything against any of them, it seems people just like to put redwood on a pedestal)
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;_; I know. There's no way I can go. I have work Friday and Sunday. I wanted to meet u gaiz
He's probably on a pedestal because he put himself on a pedestal. It's not too crazy to assume that he's moved up from positively self framing jan to unholy mod.
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This is like the time you made the ape comment in that restaurant.

Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't shittalk the big strong black guy with the sensitive ego right before you go to the con.

>pic related it's Redwood
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You crack me up Roasted. You dumbass, narcissistic, completely devoid of ANY cognitive functions beyond your own dick stroking ego, which is completely and totally unfounded, fucktard

Like any white whore
Can't lie, that's pretty hot. Dinner, why don't you lift like Redwood? No wonder he's more popular.
I hope there's a bombing at the con that conveniently kills every single tripfaggot here
Shh he's a built 5'4" asian man
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Got my ticket today.

Imma goin, too.

See ya guys there.
didn't you like
cry into a plate of cookies you made last year or something

I'm sure if I met some of you other guys, I'd say the same thing, but I haven't (yet).

I've met a bunch of really cool people from 4chan - Redwood just happens to be one of them.
Ah, I suppose that's understandable, then.

Hopefully one of these days I'll be able to get out and meet some of you folks too.

I don't remember crying or not. But I do remember looking like a very crestfallen boy in crossplay.

But luckily, another crossplayer and his buddies told me to cheer up and so I went to the Gay Geeks after party at Vlada, which is going on again this year. I literally stayed up all night, got my make-up fixed in the morning, and then ended up getting a very positive reaction on a live Nico Nico Douga stream. That was fun.

Then on Sunday, the girl that I had a crush on confessed her love to me, and we've been dating ever since. Our anniversary is on the Sunday, and I plan on getting her a purple 3DS that's she's wanted forever.

So luckily, despite the meet-up leaving earlier than expected, I still had a great time.
Holy shit. Even when you talk about being in a heterosexual relationship, you sound like the worst kind of faggot.
that sounds quite horrible

>worst kind

How so?


Oh what, not making the meet-up? Like I said, it bummed me out, but the day before and day after more than made up for it.
MTL you're kawaii as fuck
hope you have a good time this year
>Then on Sunday, the girl that I had a crush on confessed her love to me, and we've been dating ever since.

Nice, I am glad for you


>Learn /co/ has meet ups at NYCC when i move out of the greater New York metropolitan area.
Fucking hell.
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My costume is coming together alright.
See you guys on Friday.
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Where have you been? This is a regular reoccurring thing!
Oh shit, Roasted was here?

I don't know man, I've been browsing /co/ for 2 years now too.
oh god the /b/ meetup is going to be in the same place? fuck
Well at least we're nowhere near the homestuck, tumblr and reddit meetups.
>not wanting to be near the tumblr meetup
But that's where the chicks are at.

I'm pretty sure most girls aren't attracted to clowns, Hoi.
You know what they say about big shoes.

... I miss Roasted so much.
fml... I forgot all about this and now its sold out. My kids are going to hate me.
What are you guys gonna do to people that show up with MLP shirts and cosplay if they come to the meetup?
Where is that going to be?
Have a good time if they are cool?

Find the joke hilarious, hardly believing that they actually went through with it, then getting on with the day.

As I refuse to believe anyone going to a /co/ meet-up would wear MLP merchandise with sincerity and actual love for the show.
Hey guys im going on friday but can I get a reason to come to this?

This will be my first time going (NYCC in general) so im just confused as to what you guys do

Hey now, guy, I don't much care for your tone, see? So you better cut it out before I get angry cuz, that's understood, right?
I fucking hate cosplayers so fucking much. If any /cgl/ faggots show up to the meetup I'm fucking bouncing. Fuck that shit.
Get ready to bounce hard son.

Am I gonna bounce into the wild wild west?
English is not my first language. Sorry, but what does this mean to bounce?

Bouncing is more of a feeling than an action, lemme... Lemme just...

Lemme see ya just bounce with me, just bounce with, just bounce with me, come on let me see ya just slide with me, just slide with me, just slide with me
>marvel animations were shown here
>green lantern's first screening here
>ultimate comics announcements
>nu52 announcements because it was issue 2's coming out
>geoff johns talking about the future of GL mythos at NYCC

and that's just stuff that i went to, not accounting for the fact that NYCC is combined with NYAF so motherfucking tomino comes every once in a while
I've never been to NYCC, but I can tell you that it's nothing like SDCC.

SDCC is where you go when you want to go to a convention.
NYCC is where you go when you want to go to a comic book convention.
bail, vamoose, blast off, skedaddle, boogie etc
I'm trying to do this event-planner thing and I really have no idea. Anyone want to help me?
oops. god damn stickys...
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Click the "What's Happening" tab and then click a day and then plan away.
I have a 3 day pass. This time will be my first time ever at a convention. Anyone wanna tell me what's cool to see there?
That doesn't help
Is there any reason to come to this
Do you guys actually do anything
So let me get this straight:

Friday we are to meet at around 7:45PM - 8PM at the IGN theater and Saturday 5:30 - 6:30 PM? Don't think I will show up Friday but I mostly likely be their Saturday

Also I haven't seen it listed on the events/panel listing so am I to assume Hickman, Remender, Waid, Morrison, or Jones will NOT be having signings unless they are currently listed on the website?
>This same plan will be issued on Saturday. Friday ends at 1700 instead of 1900 so we will be there from 5:30 - 6:30 on the last day.


Look, I know what you meant, but for most people, that sentence is confusing. Can't we get a simple [Location, Day, Time] in the OP?
fucking everything is good to see. Make sure you check out any place giving out SWAG as well as panels for cool gifts

I still have my Wayne Casino Poker chips from last year as well as my "I [Ultimate Spider] Marvel" button
show us your dick redwood
Roasted, come back to us.
anyone from Southwest Indiana or Northwest KY going to the con and have an extra seat?
Friday and Saturday is the same plan, because Sunday closes earlier than the other 2 days, we meet 2 hours earlier.
There are plenty of /co/mrades who enjoy both. Remember mlp started on /co/ and most anons dont care. If one shows up, good on them for coming. Not like any of you nerds would be less spergtastic at a fucking convention

Go back to /mlp/.
>sticky up for several days
>hardly any posts
>Inspector Manlet
>Mod favored tripfag
>Closet furry
>IRL Sperglord

It's like you want /co/ to be full of mary sues
Couldnt get tickets before they sold out. Anyone unable to go looking to sell? I plan on taking the train up on Saturday to find a party weather i get a ticket or not.
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The purpose of the sticky is to organize our NYCC plans, if you had read the OP, that much would have been clear instead of knee jerking like this.

Not favoured just familiar. You too, believe it or not, can contact mods in the same fashion I did.

They have an IRC #4chan @ Rizon

Gingermod did the same thing for his /fit/ meet up, he saw the parallels and thought this action was appropriate.

And I'm not immune to the rules, I still get banned if I break the rules just like anyone else.
Your best bet is probably trying to find a scab around the area if you don't find someone online
Ya that was my plan
I won't be going to this, but I wonder if Chip Chipperson will be at this Comical-Con.

only a few will get this
tss 4chan, huh, who's it for, some Asian guy or sumthin', tsss
At least their won't be any Homestuck cosplayers. They are banned from Comic Con after what happened last year...
What happened last year?
No they weren't.
Yes, they were.

They got their unsealed grey facepaint all over the walls and floors and booths. They were loud and obnoxious and they blocked traffic and caused a scene.
Does it say anything about that on the NYCC site?
You forgot to mention what some Homestuck cosplayers did to the little boy and his friends.
Homestuck cosplayers always bully me for being a "DC faggot," so I'm not surprised to hear they heckled little kids.
I've found nothing about Homestuck or Homestuck cosplayers being banned from NYCC. In fact, the only thing I've found to have been banned from NYCC this year is strollers.
That's because of the Homestuck kids.
So we meet at the same time on both friday and saturday? and if so what time?
Stollers are a homestuck thing, idiot.
If you are going to the convention, meet at the IGN theatre at 7:30-8:30. We'll leave at 8:30.

If you're not going to the IGN theatre then meet at the McDonalds down the street from the convention center, we'll leave FROM there at 9:00.

We still haven't decided on where we are going to eat. That's important. I don't want to wander all night and I'm open to any suggestion.
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hope to see some fellow /co/mrades
For some reason asspies can't talk in a coherent sentence, for instance using military time and then regular time in the same sentence
>we'll leave FROM there at 9:00.

Well, nuts. I have to wake up early Sat & Sun to get autograph tickets. Maybe I'll see you guys Sunday night.
God damn it. I can't come to the meetups. I'm babysitting my younger siblings throughout the entire con. I have a six year old who is so obnoxious that he needs to be on a leash.

Just rape it.
you put him on a...leash? like a dog...?
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This is what happens when you don't know how to be assertive to toddlers.
I can't wait for Comic Con. My Colts just beat the Packers and Comic Con is this weekend. This is going to be a great week!!!
This is legal? This isn't considered child abuse?
It might be a little pricey, but isnt there some place in NYC where the waiters are ninjas?
I'd be down for that, do you think you can find it for us?

Ninja New York. Apparently it's in Tribeca? I'm not even going to NYCC. Why should I care? Oh, right, it's ninjas.
My goal for this year's Comic Con is to fuck a girl dressed as Scarlet Witch.
>go to New York
>eat at McDonalds

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Yeah, I doubt we'll do this because Micky D's are expensive and rather bland
I would be down for Ninjas.
>>41411152 (OP)
what about sunday?
I just want to point out that the entrees go from $30-50 bucks, so it might be too pricey for some people.

I'd totally be down for it, since I always wanted to check it out, but no doubt there would be people left out.
shit...that may not be ideal then.
To be honest, I'm a bit more surprised that more effort goes into the NYCC /co/ meetup than any SDCC /co/ meetups.
Do less people from /co/ go to SDCC, or what?
Kind of sounds a bit too tourist trapy to me.
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Is it legal? You've honestly never seen it before? They sell them in cute backpack format. It's a goddamn industry.
That shit is completely unheard of, at least in France. You'd probably get insulted by every people in the street to inflict that to your kid.
i see kids with these all the times where i live back then i used to run around the stores, my dad had to grab me by the neck
The most interesting thing on Sunday seems to be video game related. That and the Spidey panel. Will merch such as TPB's be on sale on that day?
So I just rechecked the panel listing and the only big name writer I wanted to get something signed from is Hickman with his Manhattan Projects signing. If it's not listed on the website will the person bot be holding a signing?

Also with Hickman's panel, would they allow you to get an individual issue of MP to get signed? The signing seems to be geared toward people buying the first TPB
If it's anything like SDCC, all you have to do is approach them at the end of a panel and ask them to sign something for you.
This. It's not a big deal, and if they give you shit about it, they're an asshole.


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B-beautiful bags of s-sand...
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Is... is Kelly promoting foreigners getting jobs at all? What would Liberty think?!
Everyone's welcome to work in this great country of ours. So long as they're subservient to the white guy.
I was kind of hoping this meant the guy behind the Kelly strip would be at NYCC.
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So, he's coming Friday. How the fuck do I get to meet him?

What time do I need to be in line? What is he doing?
Stan Lee talks to people who bring him gifts first.
If you really want a good go, carve for him a great offering of a gravestone, embedded into a larger-than-life statue of himself, textured by various iconic comic book moments in stone relief, hollowed in the interior and with maps of the sky's constellations to guide his eternal soul through the afterlife.
Be serious not an asshole please.
>Nobody on the team behind Epic Mickey will be at NYCC

Fuck, I was really looking forward to that

(at least, I don't think they'll be there)

They just posted to some guy on facebook that they'd have the game at a Nintendo booth.

But I wanted to met Warren Specter, oh well.
No, if you did that he would probably talk to you.
Is their a good map of where all the events are going to be? I looking at the panel listings that list the location but I can't find them on any map of the javits center
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posting on a sticky-p-p-p-p
posting on a sticky, p-p-p-posting on a sticky motherfuckers
>hurr duuuuurr look how late i am guise.
Justice League or Cup O' Joe panel? They both take place at the same time on Saturday
Hey /co/, I don't live anywhere near NY but I just found out Ben Folds Five will be playing the kickoff concert at NYCC and I thought I should let you all know that my jelly has increased by 200%

Have a good time at the best convention of 2012, /co/
Yeah, it looks fucking amazing, but it seems like the type of place that you would wait over an hour for seating and food if you don't have a reservation.

I think you were looking at the three course menu. Appetizers go from $8 to $24. Main dishes go from $19 to $42. Honestly, for New York prices and considering the fact that the $42 one is lobster, mussels, and squid, the price isn't too bad. I'm sure we could go there whenever though. Hell, if we wanted to go there together Sunday, we probably could. But then I just remembered that your sister is going Sunday.
Count your blessings
So /co/, this is my first time attending nycc. Let's say that there's something that I would very much like to buy for my boyfriend that has a very limited quantity available. I'm going to assume that the thing will sell out very, very quickly Friday (as far as I know it's not being offered on Thursday, and I'm very hopeful for that since I don't have Thursday tickets).

What time would I have to be there in the morning to get a shot at it? I see when people start autographing in the morning, but is that when booths are open to sell things also? I'm thinking about leaving where I am now at 5:30 am and getting to Penn station at about 7:30 (by train - we figure that might be the best way to travel in on a workday - by car it takes about an hour) but would that be early enough? That's probably about the earliest I can get up without being miserable all day, and if I don't have a shot of getting the thing it's not worth the tiredness.

Thank you for your help! My boyfriend is bummed that he can't go on Friday because he has to work. I'm super excited that I get to go all three days, but being able to pick something up that is probably a once in a lifetime thing for him would make it even better.
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What are you getting him just out of curiosity?
I think your timing is fine.
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>4chan admins trying to be organizers
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So Stan Lee's not coming?
Stan Lee was inside you all along
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So theres like quite a few playboy bunnies attending this year. Have they always been there? How have I kept missing them?
SDCC is a lot more expensive than NYCC and harder to grab tickets for.

Also can we get a non tripfag meet up going? Why does everything need to be approved by one guy?
Joe Quesada is cancer, but then so is new Justice League. If you show up to either, you better tell them this
Everybody should check out the Troma Team!
She's a no-show. So I'm down for Ninja food antics.
It turns out DC will be selling their DC Collectibles merchandise in-booth, including their web-exclusive products.

This interests me because I really, really, really want that $500 Wayne Casino poker chip that comes with the Flashpoint box set.
I know I can't get an exact number for this but how much do scabbed tickets go for?
anywhere from 70-120 dollars
anyone know if the con center has an 'acceptable props list' or something like that? couldn't find one in a quick google
About halfway down this page
>tfw no friends so you have to drag your cousin who doesn't know shit about comics along with you so you don't go alone

also >>41563377
But which is the most interesting cancer?
So my buddy got jewed out of his comic con ticket and we made a plan to get in.

>I go in with his girlfriend
>I give her my pass
>She leaves and gives it to my buddy
>They enter

Foolproof? We'll use different entrances obviously
That was my plan to get in a girl I liked and her boyfriend at SDCC. They ended up getting their tickets elsewhere, and we didn't have to bother with the plan.

So yeah, it might work.
better plan

>go in with his girlfriend
>tell her youll go out and get him
>go get a hot dog
>tell her he died/broke up with her/was kissing another chick/dude
>ask her or a bj on the balcony of the ign theater.
Billy Batson

Although that's their official policy, there is no enforcement. Every year, people with all-black airsoft guns and metal blades run around, in full view of the police. Heck, you can buy that stuff at the con. As long as you aren't attacking someone, nobody cares.
I went by the Javitz to pick up some camera equipment. They are mostly set up now. Sega has a life size power loader with xenomorph for their Aliens game.
I live in Binghamton, maybe
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Ask Someone who was at Comic Con today as an exhibitor anything
how's the wifi?
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Don't know didn't use it, but while having phone calls I noticed every in there gets good signal except the middle around the DC booth
>GoonCar 1/3
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I would drive this car everywhere
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Oh my god.
It's beautiful.
Any Pro /co/ bros going tomorrow?

4-day plebeian here, I'll be there.
4 day here as well
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TAKE PICTURES!!!!!! I'm so fucking hyped. ONE MORE DAY!
Just wondering, will disney be their?
How do you get to see Stan Lee? What time should I show up? Do you have to pay to see him?
Today's the day, motherfuckers!
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Anyone waiting in line for the show floor?
Dunno. I'm about to leave my apartment to go there now.

I am
Are you in the Pro Pass line? The one with black Batman at the front?

any last minute tips and tricks for filthy newfags such as myself? Will trades be cheaper then retail?
Generally no, unless your digging for stuff from 10 years ago
Niconico's live broadcast: http://live.niconico.com/watch/lv111264347
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/co/! I need help!!!
>Marvel Television Panel
>Children's Hospital NTSF:SD:SUV Panel
>Walking dead Panel

I want to go to the Marvel panel for first looks at Avengers Assemble, and Agents of SMASH. Also to fume with rage along with other /co/mrades if they're shit, or go full tsundere in case they look good.

I love NTSFSDSUV, and I'm a huge Paul Sheer fan. I went to this one last year and it was a fun time, we got into a shouting/cheering match with the panel next door that was being too loud, also lots of jokes and funny questions asked.

I'm up to date in Walking Dead, and it's the featured panel of the con, meaning the biggest and most celebrated. Also, they'll probably have lots of new footage.

What do?
>TFW too poor to go to NY comic-con

At least there's Dallas comic-con
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I'll be goin saturday morning dressed as a freedom soldier from stalker. I'll miss the meetup by a few hours, but if anyone wants to chill beforehand let me know!
pic related...disregard the background decorations. Not mine.
Way to ruin the surprise
Posting my facebook https://www.facebook.com/jimmy.mekawy

Add me if you guys want to meetup.
Staten island people reply to me, can meetup here too. Maybe carpool since i'll be driving to the city?
well that show floor was pretty underwhelming.

why the fuck are craftsman and chevrolet there?

and what a waste of space that lego booth is.

got to fondle the Wii U controller.. uncomfortable as fuck.

bought a few action figures, picked up some freebie paperbacks. dont know if theres anything else i really wanna spend money on.
>well that show floor was pretty underwhelming.

Yes. Thursday is usually gimpy. It typically gets better by Friday.

>why the fuck are craftsman and chevrolet there?

Craftsman got DC to do a Hostess snake cakes style comic for them. Chevy has a bunch of comic painted cars on display.

>and what a waste of space that lego booth is

I didn't see their booth, but the Lego display with the Hall of Justice, Legion of Doom HQ, X-Mansion and LotR mural is pretty amazing.
Listing off where to get "free" shirts.
-Capcom (play Monster Hunter)
-Flavor Monsters (give email)
-Ubisoft (pre-order Ass Creed 3 Far Cry 3 gets you a tank top or pint glass)

-Viz Media (download app or sign up for newsletter)
-Capcom (play MH)

-Mario pin (play game at both booths to get two different pins)
-Kodansha (like on Facebook or Twitter, I forget which one)

-WiiU beanie (play a wiiu game)
- Lost Planet 3 glow stick (play demo)
- DMC back pack (play demo)
-Hitman tie (play Hitman demo)

If you guys want to list off more places to get free stuff go ahead
Anyone check out the Bioware offering
So lets say I'm an idiot and somehow my NYCC badge is lost or stolen, what the hell can I do about this?
Anyone going to the Pete Rock thing on Saturday?
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Ok well costume won't be complete until tonight so I'm winging it. Look for this guy at the meet up if you need a reference or if you see me at the con at all feel free to drop a hello.
>DmC demo

FUCK YOU I'll probably try it out
Does Morrison charge for him to sign stuff? Thinking of getting him to sign my copy of All Star Superman after his panel today
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so anyone else have no one to go with on Sunday want to hang out that day?
I can't make it due to geographical constraints. Is anyone middlemanning buyfag loot?
going to con in a few hours, if anyone sees a guy dressed up as the scout [ red scout ]with a bat just shout out kendell and it might be me
>complained to moot

the mod who did this is known as invisibro

wat do?

1> stop using wods like tsundere
2> the walking dead panel will be pretty pointless, youll have to get into the theater at least 2 hours earlier, youll get to see 5-10 minutes of footage from the episode that airs the next night and youll get to hear the mostly boring cast tell 1 or 2 stories. that said, i still might sit through it just in case anything special happens at the firefly thing.
on my way there now, if anyone sees Frank West accompanied by Clark Kent, that is me and my friend.
Currently waiting on line to see Gillen and he is wearing w Cyclops was right shirt.
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>tfw you are from Argentina so no 4chan meet-up for you

Feels bad man
lo siento

no puedo ir tambien :(
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>tfw you are from California so no 4chan meet-up for you... until next July in San Diego (translated from German as "whale's vagina")

Not so bad man

Feels bad man
There's a long beach comic con

We can be lonely forever ;_;
I just read all new XMen and I just wanna say that all of the Cyclops fans will be happy.
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>tfw Uruguay
Whatever you do, do NOT go to the /a/ meetup.
They're like a swarm of bees, or a tentacle monster, they suck up your time and next thing you know its 2:30 in the afternoon.
I have no one to go with today and sunday, I am hoping to meet with random cool people by chance. I'm going as the 9th Doctor. I've made a sonic screwdriver out of a kids toothbrush, duct tape, and lego.
Anyone listening to Kevin Smith on twitch tv?
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>nico nico stream
Is anyone on the nico live stream
anyone going to the kaiju big battle show tonight?

its pro wrestling with everyone dressed up as kaiju. at the variant stage, wherever that is.
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Can someone punch the black Ness kid who keeps going on the NicoNico stream?

With love
- /a/
my sides.


his named alexander. enjoy trolling him.
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>On a side note: I cried at the end of Dragon Ball GT :’(
So anybody willing to sell their tickets for Saturday?

I'm definitely looking to buy.
Maybe one day if we gather enough no lifer we can make a cono sur meet up.
How is nobody posting pictures of costumed babes? Too beta to take pictures, /co/?
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Are you too beta to take them yourself or some shit? I have a some but I'll only upload the ones without me in them. The quality is total shit too, but no complaints on free shit.
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I don't live in New York. Shaddup and post more.
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Apologize or this is the last one you get.
I'm sorry. And also yuck.
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Wish I had the chance to take some more photos of Poison Ivy cosplayers. I still have 2 more days though.
>gut hangs out as far as boobs
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One of my favorite costumes I saw today.
creepy asian girl in the background
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This one came out a lot worse than it should have.
Looks like a tranny. That Asian chick in the background is thinking the same thing.
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First good batch.
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There were only a few good poison ivy cosplays. I got rushed away before I could ask to take a picture of the good ones. This Juri was honestly much better looking in person but I was on the other side of the staircase so I had to take it from there.
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Last one for today. I'll post some tomorrow if I feel generous.
She wanted your dick. Did that faggot cockblock you?
Why is nobody else there taking pictures? I can't take all of them myself. These girls are there dressed up for attention. Fucking give it to them.
You're the only person I've heard so it was uncomfortable.
say, not so

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