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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Now that we have >>>/q/ to ask moot a lot of things, I'm just wondering what we would do to fix /co/.

OP's terrible suggestions would include
>Enforce a 'Show/Comic get's one General at a time only' rule
>Banhammer on Feminism threads (Always turn to shit)
>Word filters

And some other shit that I've forgotten. You guys want anything in particular?
No word filters, those are always shit. I could do without the feminism threads, but that's only becaus the trolls tend to take over. If you ban them all you can't have any serious discussion either.
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page 0 should be filled with DOOM
We need word-filters badly. As long as it doesn't turn into instant ban central like it was in the past, several warnings should be handed out.
>implying /co/ is broken
>implying you are man enough to fix something which is broken

for what
I know it will never happen, but making a /pco/ or /cop/ board for /co/-related pornography would be a good thing.
Why the fuck would you want moot to enforce board-wide word-filtering and not just manually filter whatever the fuck you don't want to hear about?
there already is a /pco/

do you really want it to be where the kiddies can find it?
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You name it. Certain words would give you a red text message, then several minutes later a ban would appear. In some cases, it would happen without even posting anything offensive.

Other times, we would be prohibited from posting due to a single word in a file or text field.
Yes, if it meant they'd leave /co/
fukken this

build your own little bubble, chumps
More active moderation. Which I believe moot is trying to bring about.

That is all.
>Good luck posting her name.jpg

sasha grey?
there should be at least one Batman thread on the front page at all times
What we need is to know what is being word filtered as well.

they would not leave

you literally do not understand what has been happening here

more people are coming to 4chan

therefore more people are coming to /co/

therefore there are more assholes all day every day

it's just population growth, making new boards won't get rid of the idiots in any significant way

there will always be more idiots
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Ban generals unless the show in question is airing today

Sticky recommendation threads

Ok, Split on the idea of word filters

See >>39575476

Yes, more people are coming to 4chan and therefore /co/, But we still need to make sure /co/ doesn't go to complete shit.
- word filters that make a thread unable to be bumped
- ID system across all discussion boards
- NSFW spoiler or just a heavily moderated /pco/ board for Western Drawn Porn
Roasted Bread insta-ban
The janitor already deleted feminist threads even when they're not breaking the rules.
One of the threads can be the discussion of all the ways that DOOM is better than Batman
>Roasted Bread ban on sight in /co/

He can go to some other board
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Fuck word filters, man.
Just don't.
Banning obvious feminist troll threads and /pco/ is all we need
No you do not want an ID system. People make fun of trips because they want to be identified on an anonymous board. ID system defeats that purpose a lot more than a trip.

Yes this is coming from a Trip.
>Ban generals unless the show in question is airing today
We'd become the new /a/. Shit-tier shows discussed daily simply because they are new.
Bans for starting bannable threads etc should be stickied.

More bans all round I guess.

Eh. It's not just those threads, Sure the Janitor is deleting them, but I don't think the Moderator is banning for anything like that at all.
>there already is a /pco/

on plus4chan, and it has more DNP than paheal.
>ID system across all discussion boards

Go back to fucking reddit.
>Banning /pco/
That is one of the main reasons I started visiting /co/. It had its own set of drawfags at the time.
>Sure the Janitor is deleting them, but I don't think the Moderator is banning for anything like that at all.

Good. You shouldn't be banned from 4chan for offensive opinions or trolling.
>there already is a /pco/
/pco/ is a brick wall for new content. Mods constantly delete new threads out of fear of them bumping year old threads off the board.
No no, what I meant was Banning feminist threads, and having /pco/
Do something about the assholes in the Gravity Falls threads, already.

>Hurr I'll post this wack porn for all to see
>Durr mods deleted it?
>Hurr durr Guess I'll post it again

That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
>Good. You shouldn't be banned from 4chan for offensive opinions or trolling.

>ID system

>board specifically for western porn
Sure, why not?

>Word filters that autosage
Sure thing.
/a/ anime and cartoons
/co/ comics and manga
You don't understand

I want what /b/ has so I will know if I am yelling a the same faggot in a thread or a different faggot. Plus it would stop the samefag trolling that happens here.
>Sure, why not?

Because of DMCA floods.
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For fuck's sake no. Do you have any idea how much bigger /a/ is than /co/? They will drown out the majority of comics and cartoons stuff with their anime and manga. Plus how many animes and mangas are adaptations of each other? People will still end up discussing the manga of an anime on the anime board and vice versa.
I want moot to do that for April Fools Day. It would be hilarious.
I'm not familiar with that term.

But I always found it silly albiet a necessary evil for the /h/ board to ban western porn, as it has it's own niche to cater to. Same with the ecchi, yuri and yaoi boards. But a western dump board has been a long time coming. We can't keep spoiler posting that and shit in /co/ as it ruffles too many people's feathers.
Moot should do this on April's Fools
>word filters
Why? And for which words, exactly?
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I already asked him once.

He didn't reply.
You forgot ponies and bronies. Should be filtered into faggots
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I would some way to filter thread altogether so you don't see threads you don't want to see.
4chanX is great for that but I'd rather block threads consecutively than have to refresh a page and see that shit. Blocking every Korra/Motor City/Gravity Falls/Jelly Jam thread would be stupendous.
>Should be filtered into /co/mrades
Couldn't agree more.
Generals really bring down a show's reputation.
>I'm not familiar with that term.

This site is on enough shaky ground without getting DCMA notices from webartists and sites about their porn.
so this is the lazy idiots general?
>not using the catalog

just go

get out
It's not even about that. Most western artists create porn of characters that are already copyrighted, which they have no claim to.

They are just greedy and threaten to sue sites, but fail due to not having anyone to represent them legally.

The sleezeballs behind Hentaikey actually had a lawyer, so Hongfire's administrator was forced to comply.
I never understood how this DMCA thing worked with fan artists that draw other people's content for a buck. I mean, sure, it dives into their intake when their work is being distributed for free rather than through membership to whatever site they affiliate themselves with but that some people actually go out of their way to get a picture of Jill Valentine getting plowed off of specific sites is a little much. It isn't like they took an original character and made a CG movie out of it or some shit.
There should definitely be a rule against people like Roasted Bread, that go from board to board trying to make themselves famous.
So why don't we make a thread on /q/ about /co/, since moot is actually answering threads there?
and that comes at the expense of anonymity
Suggested change:
>Big, red flashing letters at the top of the page, /s/ style, telling people to use the damn catalogue.

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