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>"Death.. by exile."

What was your favorite scene in Rises?
Any scene with Blake. He was much more interesting than any of the other characters. Bane giving Batman a beatdown was neat though.
Any part with Bane up until his death and the reveal that he wasn't the son of ra's
That. The crow feathers on his suit were a nice touch.

All the information was there for the audience to see that he wasn't. The prisoner's story said that a child had escaped, but Bane told Bats that he didn't see the light until he was a man. The child escaped the pit unmolested, but the child's protector was mauled. Batman wasn't being a very good detective.
How did Gordon and the other policemen survive the ice? I remember Batman walking to them and telling him to light up the flare.
It didn't break?...

You don't die the minute you walk on ice
When Batman returns. Even the cops were like "aw shit, here it goes".
And exile.

How old is movie Bane? He was at least a young adult when he helped Talia escape.
Bane's invasion of Gotham
>"What a beautiful voice"
>Quiet as the bridges fell into the water
>City starts exploding
>Police get crunched
But all of those scenes save for the last had nothing to do with the rest of the movie.
>Hey guys can we go in the sewer now?
>No, okay, yeah, guess my head is a little hot
>Hey Bruce, I know you're Batman somehow! So uh, you know, do stuff.
>Okay I'll leave now.
>I'm gonna rescue Gordon!
>No, he got it, okay
>I'm gonna blow a hole in this wall and let the cops out!
>Oh, shit shit shit, okay wait, Batman saved me and gave me this explosive, now I just gotta-
>Well fuck you're just trying to make me look bad
>City's gonna blow guys, but at least I can save this bus full of little boy from the-
>FUCK YOU MAN, blew up the fucking bridge. Now what? Now fucking what? Hide in a bus? Fuck you, the old cripple man who limped out of the hospital is jumping on an armored truck to break in and fumble around like a grandpa with an inner ear infection and still manage to disable the transmission to blow up the whole fucking city with a nuke and I get to SIT IN THE BUS!
Was I the only one wondering why nobody tried shimmying across the ice on their belly? Not that it wouldn't have also failed eventually, but who walks across ice? Were they going to be shot if they tried doing it the sensible way?
The scene when that guy walks in the emergency exit in Colorado and guns down the whole fucking theater.
He saves Gordon's life when he remembers where the dead kid was found.
"I'm afraid your not in any condition to go "Hella Skiing" Mr.Wayne."
>Batman wasn't being a very good detective.

Batman is a terrible detective in all of these movies. The only detective work he did was the second one where he uses mega science to trace the bullet.
Pretty much the entirety of the scene where Bane beats the shit out of Batman
They only had a number of minutes to get across before the guards were ordered to shoot them.
They didn't even get to the ice...

I imagine IF anyone ever got across they'd be shot anyways.
guys probably would've shot them if they got close to getting across
What a LOVELY LOVELY voice!

'Heli-skiing', you fucking idiot.
still could have tried a head first baseball slide on their belly
He said "That's a beautiful voice."
>this is what 12 year olds actually hear

fuck everyone is going to be retarded in 10 years

Just saw, pretty sure he said 'lovely'.
No he didn't.
He doesn't.
shut the fuck up you cunt, he said lovely. It's like 3 against 1 right now
Did they say that outright to the "exiled?" I just can't help but think it looked like they really wanted to try it, but were doing it a half-assed way.
"So that's what that feels like"
Heli skiing makes it less funny.
I think it was the thugs who say "You've got ten minutes before we start shooting." or something
The way Bane just MURDERED people.
He crushed throats with his bare hands and didn't afraid of anything.

>search him
>then I will kill you

So much fucking presence in that character. He was horrifying.
>rests two fingers on man's shoulder
Do you feel powerful now?
"He's dead."

"Then show me the body."

"That stream could've taken him anywhere!"

*thug hands tracking device to Bane you attaches it to other thug*

"Then... follow him."

>The water could go to any outflow!
>Follow him!
*shoots incompetent lackey*
>die being shot while acting like you're penguin-sledding

Doesn't sound like a bad way to go. A lot better than freezing/drowning.
When Batman ran down a guy who was unloading an AK directly at him.

Close second: When Talia activated the detonator and nothing happened, my friend leaned over and in his best Marvin the Martian impersonation, said "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom!?"

Seriously when that happened...and just the look of absolute FEAR on Dagget's face....

I don't give a fuck if I sound like a faggot right now. Bane was awesome in this movie.
I lol'd hard.

>before movie starts
>teens everywhere so a lot of yelling
>i guess some friend walks in
>half a row begins to chant
>turn around
When Anne Hathaway gets her suit wet and it shrinks and she has trouble taking it off and Marion Cotillard helps her and JGL arrests both of them by fucking them
Every point between when Bruce "revealed" Selina wasn't really a maid to when she jumped out his window and stripped her maid costume off.
Whichever point I first figured out that those things on Selina's head were actually goggles.
.... I should have stayed after the credits
Slowpoke much?
This was discussed when set pictures came out.
This is a goddamn sticky now?
Why is this a sticky.
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But seriously, Bane had to have been a 40+ old man, but they were trying to build him up as some young, hungry fighter.
Alfred telling Bruce about Rachel

Bane vs Batman, fuck that was brutal.

Ra's cameo.

Bruce finally climbs out of the pit,especially when the bats flew out of the wall.

Bane going berserk mode after Batman breaks his mask.

Blake doing the same stuff Bruce did when he first walked into the cave.

Too many to list.
UNF, so sticky....
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I've failed you. I've failed you.

Batman's a real ass hole to Alfred
I remembered another
>Crashing this plane
>Peace has made you weak. Victory has defeated you!
Aw shit it's a sticky.

All ya niggas gonna receive death by exile.
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Why is this a sticky? Why does most pick the most imbecilic and infantile people as mods?
Who sounded like a drunk Sean Connery
My favorite scene was the one where Bruce and Selina got all sticky.
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She had the best theme


Also her sudden voice changes. Love it when people do that.
I was soooo fucking shocked when I thought they'd actually gone with that ending.
This got stickied? Really?
WE've taken to calling the trilogy "Bat that talks funny vs. a bunch of lunatics that also talk funny"
"Sold! To the man in cold sweat!"

Read it in Moore's voice.
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Bane = Bill Cosby/Sea Connery

And it still sounds awesome
Poastin' in a sticky.

Favorite scene... so many... Hmm.

I'll have to second: >>38987796
>believed Batman dead
Casual confirmed. I smelled DKR all over that scene.
Anne Hathaway's ass.
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>You simply adopted the darkness, I was born in it!
>Do you feel powerful now?
Is this stickied to be a Dark Knight Rises general?
Bane was a teen when he saved Talia so he should be in his thirties like Batman
I try my best to avoid promotional materials so I can enjoy a film going in knowing almost nothing about it and be pleasantly surprised. And in this case it worked well.
>This is the stock exchange, there's no money here!

>Really, then why are you people here?
I loved it when Selina "broke down" to fool the cops and then just got the fuck outta there.
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This is clearly here for people to post reaction images and greentext, and masturbate furiously while waiting for their replies.
but batman is dead right?
I mean he couldn't possibly fake his death
Nothing, I went in thinking it was gonna be great
came out with severe buyers remorse

there was some cool explosions though, so thats cool I guess
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>Bane pummels batman into the ground, cracking his mask.
>"Well I guess breaking his back is a little too much for nola-"
>Bane lifts Batman over his head and breaks him

I loved the bit at the start when he left that one guy to die on the plane.
>Why didn't you kill me?
>You do not fear death. Your punishment must be more severe!
And later...
>Tell me where the trigger is, THEN you have my permission to die.
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Just say this pic and had to ask: wasn't it confirmed that Bale turned down several Make-A-Wish Foundation requests?
>saging a sticky
>Bane's berserk mode
That was fun to watch too

They did such a good job of making him feel... powerful.

Especially that scene with Gordon, he was fucking massive. Big thudding footsteps was an awesome touch too.
All the Alfred scenes had me crying like a fucking baby. I was dressed up as Batman so it was a bit funny to the people sitting next to me.
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Why did the prisoners rip Bane's face off just because he freed a little girl?
>Did you come back to die

>I came back to stop you

I wanted it but I was more than prepared to get a metaphoric breaking.

My god when he broke him though.
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I won't question this
>make-a-wish =/= some kids in one hospital
They had all been patiently waiting for her to ripen.

Filthy godless foreigners.
The first or second batcave scene where Bruce was looking up cat woman's records made me happy. Seeing Christian Bale as Bruce in front of a monitor array doing research in the batcave was something I really wanted to see.
Bruce hobbling around in a cave and hanging out with Blake reminded me of batman beyond too and I loved that.
I liked Bane and thought he had a ton of presence.
Blake being a general composite of the first three Robins (Grayson's orphan past, Todd's street smarts and pragmatism, and drakes deduction of bats, identity) made the payoff at the end pretty cool
Cat Woman was great too, if a bit hammy. I could tell they were going for "joker moments" woth her and bane but of course it's hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice.
Also, I walked in really wanting to see the batcave in this one and I'm happy it got a healthy amount of screen time. I like how all of Bruce's shit rises out of the water, great production design.
I just wish there were more batarangs and whips.

Not as complete and well rounded as the first two (which are near perfect classics) but it definitely delivered the goods. I just wish that given the adventurous and psudo-mystic tone of Begins and the dark suspense and menace of DK, they would have chosen to go in a different direction other than focusing on the tone DK.

All in all, 8/10.

After watching the prologue so many times I thought "the fire rises" would be Bane's catchphrase or something he references a lot. Surprised me it was just that one time
>dat cure

Oh God why...
limited access to vagina
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>I told you I was immortal.

That would be dumb.
I propose Christian Bale dress up as Batman and punch Holmes in the face instead. That would do wonders for the victims's healing processes.
When Daggart tells Bane he paid him and Bane does not give a flying fuck
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You...you are evil
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Sorry, I forgot bringing joy to dying kids only works in they're all collected in one location.
Does no one else care that Tom Hardy got fucking HEUG!?

My theory is working with bale makes you want to give the method a shot. I think he really did break his own spine for that scene,
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>Theatricality and deception are powerful agents against the uninitiated!
>But we are not uninitiated.


>WRRE ID DE TRGGGR!!!!!?!??!?!
The flashback to Bruce's father

>"Bruce, why do we fall?"

God damn, favorite quote from all three movies.

I loved all the flashbacks to the past movies. Especially good to see begins stuff in there. Really ties the whole trilogy together.

He was actually bigger than he was in Bronson, I was surprised at how well he can change his size so quickly
He's a real life Antman
i laughed out loud at that part. I seriously hope they did that on purpose.
I was pointing out to that that picture had nothing to do with the Make A Wish
When Blake goes into the cave with the begins nod
Favorite funny line
>Death... by exile
Loved the whole kangaroo court scene... although I was really left with the impression the scene was originally conceived with Joker in mind.

Favorite 'shit-my-pants' line
>I'M in control here Bane!
>*gently rests hand on cheek
>Do you FEEL like you're in control?
Man... Bane really gave Joker a run for his money in the super-fucking-creepy department.
The hallucination of Ras was also awesome

>"There is more than one way to immortality."

he meant Talia
Welp, then you're stupid, don't know how to word it nicer than that. Just pointing out he didn't do hospital visits before, why would he do it now?

I assumes he meant he raped Bruce and Wayne would have to live with it forever
>I paid you!
>You give me money and you think you have power over me?
Fucking Bane, man. The whole takeover of Gotham was incredibly powerful.

I just wish I had an easier time hearing his lines.
Oh fuck yea! When Blake realizes that the bats are harmless just like Bruce, you realize he can do it.

And I liked that his real name was robin. It was clearly just a comedic nod to the universe, not that he was actually gonna be robin.
Alfred Motherfucking Pennyworth
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At the end of the movie I didn't catch maybe... 2 of his lines. Most of the unintelligible ones I figured out based on how they were responded to.


You anus
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>Then follow him.
The one thing overall i liked about the movie is that Bane actually did something. I mean he held Gotham hostage for how many months?
Well then you're an ass because you post a picture not related to Make A Wish and inquire about Make A Wish. Now stop making this thread about you.
I had that same reaction. Like first hearing a garbled mess, but then translating it after the fact.
Every scene where Bane walks in, his hands on his vest's straps. It was amazing how much terrifying presence he had just by looking like a boss, pacing himself like he had all the time in the world.
I love the Batman/Bane fight because it is so atypical from hollywood blockbusters. No flashy effects, no wires, no explosions, no CGI; just two big dudes duking it out.
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>"I was wondering what would break first!"
>"Your spirit... Or your body!"
...how did you not understand Bane?

He spoke WAY more clearly than he did in the previews.
Their fight in the sewer was amazing. Especially how Batman's gadgets did nothing to Bane, and Bane was able to see him in the dark.
How large is Christian bale?

"Five, by my estimations."
Fucking scarecrow man wish there were more scenes of him in it. I'm excited for the new superman movie aswell
Anyone else really not like Banes redubbed dialogue in the prologue? I mean maybe its just cause I'm so used to listening to the old version but holy shit I was horrified when he first spoke.

Quickly warmed up to it though.
I loved that there wasn't even any background music. Just the two of them going at it.
The voice was fine, it was the mixing that was off. Like, it was blown out compared to the other character and certain syllables were much louder than the others.
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When Batman went into WHERE'S THE TRIGGER mode, I thought he was saying "Where's the traitor" which would have been a really silly way of talking about the citizen who was given the trigger.
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The previews were actually clearer. The film uses his voice from the very first preview where everyone bitches. i understood it all.

Oh I agree. He was fairly clear. But occasionally he'd be talking with music in the background or explosions going off and I just didn't catch it.

I was a little thrown too because like you I had basically memorized the entire scene. I loved it by the end though.
Oh. Got it now.
I remember SO many people bitching after previews that he was hard to make out.
And in DKR he was much a gentleman.
>perhaps they are wondering why they would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

There was one line there that sounded super goofy. I think it was the added "YES!" before the "The Fire Rises!"
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>mfw Ra's in Pena Dura

Agreed. In the original prologue he just nods before the line and it's so goddamn badass.
>This entire post
How about you admit:
A. You had a lapse in reasoning and deduction skills
B. You realized this, and are now trying to save face by making me look foolish

Ain't even the fact you're trip, you're just blatantly stupid.
>Fire several missiles in front of a truck killing its drivers

>I'm not going to kill you, but i not going to save you from the situation i staged for your death either
from begins.
Was that T'ealc?
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goddamn calm down bane
Looked like it
>still caring about this
Jesus Christ, move on with your life dude.
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When Robin was investigating the cement trucks, I thought he was shooting rubber bullets because it didn't sound like a real gun.
in what role?

>unless they're attached to cars, helicopters, or motorcycles

He was the guy who pushes Blake down the thing
The guy beating the shit out of JGL
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>Lt. Dangle cameo
>down the thing
right before he had to do the stuff with the people

That reminds me.

>I'm not asking you to put on your dress blues and march down Grand!
>Foley puts on his dress blues to lead the police march.
I liked how Blake, after shooting the two men, threw is gun away in disgust. A nice parallel.
He was disgusted that he had KILLED A MAN
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This being my first batman movie, some things weren't entirely clear to me.

So who the fuck was Bane? And how did he get out of the pit if he wasn't the one that made the climb?
Where exactly was this 'pit'? Because it looked like it was somewhere middle-eastern. If so, how the fuck did Wayne manage to get back to Gotham after escaping? It was not like he had any money on him to buy plane tickets.
What is the 'League of Shadows', and why were they obsessed with destroying Gotham? Also, what was Batman's role in the League, because they seemed kind of pissed off at him for leaving or something.

why didn't batman just shoot Bane in the back?
More because he killed his one witness

I can't help it. I love it when villains say that.
I thought he only shot the one by ricochet?
>this being my first batman movie, some things weren't entirely clear to me.

Talia's father came with the League and saved Bane for helping his daughter.
>this argument

Oh yeah, because I'm going to have this argument etched into my tombstone to commemorate the time some tool said one stupid thing on the internet. You on the otherhand, are probably gonna have this on your mind for a couple days minimum.
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When Graig showed up.
Banes speech to the city before he frees the criminals where he reads from Gordans abandoned speech was powerful

>Harvey Dent tried to kill my child and I stood up and called him a hero
>*shakes head in disgust*
You did watch the first film right?

Where Bruce, with no money managed to hop from country to country and made it all the way to China from Africa
I loved it whenever Bane showed up his theme started blaring. Kind of had a horror movie vibe to it. Like Jason Voorhees or Michael Myers.

Especially when he shows up on the roof and as soon as catwoman sees him striding towards her she knows its time to get the fuck out.
How did Bruce get back into Gotham when getting out of the pit? Did he just Batgod his way in?

In the comics, Wayne has homes all over the world. Maybe he sold some shit for money? Rich people have watches, suits, paintings, etc worth multiple millions of dollars and I doubt any collection agencies would go around the world looking for his shit.
....I need to go watch this movie again.
Did anyone notice the guy from Prison Break in the scene where Catwomans taken to blackgate?

Does that guy ONLY play prison guards or something what the fuck
>So that's what it feels like
When they made that homage to that sewer guy.
>You did watch the first film right?
>This being my first batman movie
It was pretty obvious
the script
Bane's voice, so fucking seks
>This being my first batman movie

Why didn't you watch Batman Begins and The Dark Knight to prepare yourself? Would you go into a play in the third act?
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>Who is able to disarm the bomb?
>I am the only one.
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>Batpod leaps over the cops, perfectly silhouetted
>swerves into an alley, tires spinning
>The Bat roars into life and soars over the cops heads
>did you see a giant aligator
>mfw this is standard joke but I took it as a Killer Croc reference
Well yeah, I kinda lost track right around the plot twist and I just stopped bothering at that point.
I was already in my seat for more than 2 hours and I was hungry.

I didnt understand why batman was in Inception 2. Also, what the fuck? Bane doesn't need to eat or drink? Also what the fuck kind of accent is that bane you fuck.

Yeah ahha holy shit. I knew he was gonna kill him but goddamn.
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>mfw I realized the jail was a metaphorical Lazerus Pit

If he had said crocodile instead of alligator I'd have flipped

Would Nolan be able to make Croc work for his kind of movies?
Nolan is cramming as many comic references into his movies as he can manage.

It was a Killer Croc reference.
Ban just eats with his ass
Was anyone else reaaaaaallly disappointed by the lack of Azrael? Goddamn Jean Paul Valley is just so badass.
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he could always use an IV you know
>So who the fuck was Bane? And how did he get out of the pit if he wasn't the one that made the climb?
Ra's came back and saved him when Talia came to Ra's.
>Where exactly was this 'pit'? Because it looked like it was somewhere middle-eastern. If so, how the fuck did Wayne manage to get back to Gotham after escaping? It was not like he had any money on him to
>buy plane tickets.
Somewhere in the middle east. Has/had a warlord at some point and time.
>What is the 'League of Shadows', and why were they obsessed with destroying Gotham? Also, what was Batman's role in the League, because they seemed kind of pissed off at him for leaving or something.
The leader of the League, trained Batman and was killed by Batman.
Also, Batman doesn't use guns.
But then he would have to poop out of his mouth.
Bane breaking the Bat. I've waited years for this one fucking scene and it did not dissapoint
There was that one black thug in the film that just felt like he was Killer Croc to me.
>Crane as a Judge (though it would have been better if it was Joker)
>Every moment with Catwoman
>Bane beating the hell out of Batman. "I was raised in the dark..."
The reveal at the end was quite emotional and I even felt a tinge of sympathy for Bane, a single tear falling down his face as he started right at Talia, he wasn't the one who wanted all that carnage, he just really loved his woman

>Goodbye my friend

Then as soon as it was over
>They both know you won't live to see the detonation..You'll just have to imagine the fire
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>Talias truck falls to the same music as when Ra's train derails
>Lasurius plays when Ra's shows up
>why do we fall
>Blake discovers the batcave.
that's how his voice was made

That's the painkillers
...I honestly don't think so
I sad about that.

The guy on the boat? Hes Croc to me, I don't care what anyone says.
Yeah sure. In the graphic novel Joker wasn't he just a disfigured guy who looked like he was scaley? All Nolan has to do is that and have some fucked up cannibalistic tendencies and bam your done.

Though I know this guy is obscure as fuck to the masses but I would LOVE it if Nolan included Thomas Wayne Junior (Owlman) in one of his films.

Originally Croc was just a black guy with a bad skin condition right? Bale could go off that
I just took it as a Croc reference.

That's my canon and I'm sticking to it.

Nolan, not Bale. Sorry.
So Nolan verse Bane has no mouth? What part of his face is missing. Im guessing some part of his face is missing from that prison fight
This is supposed to be happening in between Begins and TDK
And then seconds later he was running around with a shotgun ready to do it again.

You need lips to talk.
Anyone get really spooked by seeing Tom Hardy without the mask?

Showed me how much the guy vanishes when hes Bane.

He's a cop. They do their job whether they like killing people or not.

also fuck you for thinking that SUPER cliche VILLAIN IS MY DEAD BROTHHHHHHHEEEEERRRR was a good/legit thing. Shit was STUPID.

As great as Gotham Knight was, I don't think anyone really considers it canonical.
>You should use your real name. I like it, Robin.
Same with Heath Ledger/Joker
God, that voice is so much better then Bale's bat-gurgle.

I actually thought they were going to cast Hardy as what we thought was Bane's father (who turned out to be Ra's and Talia's father) because from the back he looked a lot like Hardy. Would've been cool to see him in two different roles
Holy shit I need to watch those scenes, I love music callbacks.

OH derp, never mind I remember the flash back now.
I want to see his jacked up face....see what made the mask necessary.

Also other theories about mask? I think it was pumping drugs because "dulls pain" but I didn't put much thought into it.
>Talias truck falls to the same music as when Ra's train derails

Damn, I gotta rewatch it.
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Actually the scariest part with Joker was how Heath was invisible even without the make up.

That man just ceased to exist.
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I was thinking like the entire front half of his jaw was missing. Like this but just the front part.

I have no idea how he'd talk.
That last scene with Alfred in the cafe is not canon. Fuck you, Batman, even you can't survive an atom bomb.
Most of the Bane ones, but that beatdown scene specifically.
What part of "he fixed the autopilot" do you not understand.

He jumped off the Bat before it detonated.
he fixed the autopilot
he wasn't in the blast
They cast some guy as young Ras, but I fucking swear in the flashback where Bane saves Talia, it's just Liam Neeson (unless it was just brilliant casting and he looks just like him)
the plane was on autopilot.

That line stayed with me, then I realized where I read it in comics; Kingdom Come.
How did he know about Selina? Can Alfred read minds?
Batman survived the Omega Effect by going back in time, so I think a bomb wouldn't have been too difficult. Also, it's not an atom bomb, it was a neutron bomb.
That's why there's a wire grill on the mask.
>"Climb without the rope"

>Talias truck falls to the same music as when Ra's train derails

Where is this on the soundtrack? I mean I remember it in the movie and it made me smile, I just wanna compare.

I've never heard of that cliche. Ever.

Also Owlman does seem like a good candidate for Nolanverse until you think about it for like 5 seconds.
I hope the next Batman movie takes place at night and has Batman in it.

You need to into media then.

It's so fucking overdone.

That's stupid.
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>I've never heard of that cliche. Ever.

The evil twin/relative is not an underused thing.
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It was Josh Pence. I also liked that he looked even more like Ra's from the comics when he was in the pit saving Bane than Liam did in Begins.
This, fucking this, why they keep doing this?

Just kill and stop saying stupid phrases before that make you look like a fucking hipocrite.
You merely adopted the darkness. I was born in it. And when I finally saw the light, it was blinding.
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found it


>"We both know I have to kill you now. You'll just have to imagine the fire."

Best line from anything ever.

holy shit
>"And who is the only one who can defuse this bomb?"
>"Thank you, doctor."
Or maybe he implanted himself in Wayne's mind. Like a form of Inception

That batglare at the beginning is so perfect.
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>before I see the movie I see a post saying Bane dies by drowning in the sewers
>"Oh, that's kind of a bitch way to go"
>my fucking face when he got shot by Catwoman
>next morning after fucking Talia
>good morning...Detective
When Bane reads Gordon's speech and frees the prisoners. Damn that was intense.
What I would have loved is that they gave Scarecrow more of a bigger role, like he would have gassed Batman, and Batman would have seen Bane as a huge venom induced monster like in the comics.
By a fucking missile at that.
when tim drake oh sorry i mean john blake tells the story of how his parents died to bruce.
>dat close up
>dat part when he says "i got good at making that face you have"
>dat feel knowing batman can learn to care again
Whenever batman roared.
When can I fuckign download or stream this movie?
I think the real reason why Bane wanted to break Batman was because he got to bang Talia.
whaddya know, guns are useful after all!
Thinking about it I understand now. Yeah its overused but I suppose it could be interesting if done right with Batman. The prospect of Bruce having having other family and then he see's just how fucked up he is.
I wish Blakes real name was Dick Grayson.

But whatever, he was a nice combination of the first 3 robins.

Go watch it in theaters. It's bad enough the Colorado Massacre will probably hurt the ticket sales.
>implying Talia didn't sleep with Bruce on purpose to fuck with him and betray him later
Kinda in a way she did with Bane in Bane of the Demon.
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That feel when this was the ending to the movie.
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Deebo? I'm sure Batman could knock him out.
But...but dat age difference.

Seriously, how old is movie Bane supposed to be?
OK first things first. BRUCE WOULD FUCKING KNOW IF HE HAD EXTENDED FAMILY. That shit rustled my jimmies to no end in Court of the Owls.

And second of all it would be impossible for anyone to write him into the Nolanverse. No matter how good the writers are.
Oh god, you're right.

Oh fuck I never realized it was him
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>my face when

He could be anywhere from Batman's age (mid 30's?) to his mid 40's. He looked fairly young when he saved Talia.
Isn't Batman in his 40's in this movie? Given the 8 year time skip?
There was this black thug who worked for Bane, along with other thugs, grabbing Robin, when they saw him transferring notes to the cops underground. To me, he felt like Croc.
that was fucking teal'c from stargate sg1.
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Anyone else think Bane sounded like the second Batman TAS Bane?

Nah it was Deebo on the boat in tdk. The prisoner who throws the detonator out the window.

Also black dynamite was gambol
He turned 30 in Begins, so he'd be 38/39 in this movie
Christopher Judge
>stupid girl calls blake by his first name
>kid in theater shouts out "i KNEW it was him!"

no shit? was it even supposed to be a surprise? i feel like the ending was 3deep for your average PG-13 movie patron so they had to spell things out

of course batman survived the bomb. they didn't need to show his face. throwing catwoman in that shot is just extra fanservice at that point

of course the orphan hot-head cop was robin. they didn't need to fucking spell it out.

It was never named.
>This nigga's the only one who knows how to disarm the bomb
>breaks his neck
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>>38989344 That feel when this was the ending to the movie.
(I saw it in the Boston area)
>go to IMDB
>see this
>Robin Williams was rumored to play the role of Hugo Strange.

>Batman looks at his electrodart rifle thingie which did jack shit
>Sad face cope

Not my favorite but it made me smile
thats why. Don't believe that shit.
Can someone post the gif of Batman running with the bomb?
I remember his birthday, but I don't remember it saying how old he was turning. I thought he was in his early 30's, but I guess it wouldn't change much.
>Tom Hardy was rumored to play the role of Hugo Strange, Riddler, Joker, Deadshot, Mutant Leader, Catwoman and Bane
Yeah, all that publicity sure will make the movie flop.
Seriously, no other movie has had a premiere this memorable. Don't guilt the guy into buying a ticket.
(I still recommend watching it in a theatre, though; you won't get a quality download for some time)
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No but I have this.
how the fuck did he get back to gotham in half a day from a mysterious location on the other side of the world in the middle of nowhere without any money and resources

>Heath Ledger was rumored to play the role of Penguin.
I was a bit thrown off too. I watched that camrip of the prologue from December about 30 times, memorized Bane's every word, his every inflection, every change in tone, and every emphasis on every syllabe, and I was absolutely thrown off when he started speaking his lines differently.

Interestingly, the scene where he walks out onto the field to say "GOTHAM, take CONTROL! Take control of your city...THIS...is THE INSTRUMENT of your LIBERATION" sounded nearly identical to how I remember when that same spoken line was leaked online during the shooting of that scene last year, except the one 'take control of your city' part of the speech sounds different.
What was even up with Bane's voice? It can only belong to cartoon British exotic animal poacher.

I agree with the other guy in that it will hurt ticket sales. Not by a large amount, but as an American I can say we don't react too rationally to stuff like this.
>>that feel when all the supporting characters died off
douche-bag mayor bites it
glory hound cop goes out with honor


At the end of the movie, just shoot Alfred looking directly at the camera like he was doing before the Bruce Wayne shot, and show him smiling and nodding. The audience should be smart enough to know what's implied there from the set-up earlier in the film.

And the "Robin" reveal was just too blatant. I feel it would have been better if they just called him "Richard Grayson" instead
>half a day
Last I heard it was 11 days and when he returned it was 12 hours.
cbs had a poll yesterday that 57% of people who were planning to see the movie in theaters will not do it because of the shooting. this movies is the blunder of the century
The only real 5 story IMAX in my area is sold out till Tuesday. Feels bad man.
People are weird. I guess I'll just go see it again.
The lovely Killer Croc reference i enjoyed a lot.
>implying the movie is a blunder
The movie had nothing to do with it.
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>Batman used smoke pellets!
>... It wasn't very effective.
At least you HAVE an IMAX you faggot.
He said ALLIGATOR. Not crocodile you nut.
that was a reference to the urban legend of gators living in new york city sewers
Have to drive 45 miuntes to Ft Lauderdale.

Still, yeah, when you put it that way, feels good man.

What sucks is I want to see it in IMAX first, so I know all the spoilers already because of /co/ and /tv/.

Oh well.
It's not whining at all, it makes no sense.

He keeps as canonical as possible, throwing in references everywhere to the comics.

There where three Robins to pick a name from, and we got "Robin."

Come on.
no dude just don't say anything at all. he doesn't need to be "your robin" show him finding the new batcave and "rising" to his destiny and roll credits

and personally, i would have added the alfred bit after the credits. show foxx asking about the autopilot and thinking "maybe that sneaky bastard got out alive" and then end the film. show alfred smiling after the credits
For me, I had a few:
>Death.. by exile (like you said OP)

>Scene where Batman flew by and stopped the tank and all the cops started running and screaming towards the army

>Ending scene with Alfred at the cafe

>Bane vs. Batman where he broke his back
>implying movies dont cause violent behavior
I bet you arent even christian! haha

but thats ok, jesus loves you anyway
So where do you guys rank this in relation to TDK and Begins?
I was sort of hoping that Alfred would discover a message left behind by Bruce, as kind of a final goodbye.

Like in the comics when he said that he thought of Alfred as his father.

Generally I just wanted there to be an emotional moment where one of them said something about the father-son dynamic, but it didn't really happen
The Dark Knight was better but this was the perfect ending so I'd say between Begins and Dark Knight
yeah seriously what the fuck was that supposed to do, that wouldnt have been useful on anybody
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>I failed you
Not as good as either. Still an okay film with lots of cool moments though.


But that's just my opinion.
I dunno, through most of the movie I was thinking "this is better than Begins and worse than TDK" but the last half hour made me reconsider a little bit
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he was hunting bats
>Fucking Nolan, why the fuck did he make Richard a cop? He's supposed to be a fucking circus performer.

Blake isn't any one Robin, he's an amalgamation of all of them and also none of them. There would be ten times more bitching if he had "desecrated" Grayson's character.
I kinda wish Freeze was involved in this trilogy. As far as the comics go, he's probably the villain with the most realistic and understandable motives. Not to mention he really needs a reputation boost since Arnold and his whole "CHILL OUT" bullshit.
They're all great in different ways.
>Alfred sees Bruce at the cafe
>he leaves
>he assumes he's gone senial and that he didn't really see Bruce
>unable to deal with both failing the Waynes AND going senial he takes his own life

I might just be running off the adrenaline from seeing it last night, but I liked Rises more than both begins and TDK.


I like the explanation an anon gave that Bats was desperate and threw the first thing he got his hands on.
Shock and awe.

No seriously, imagine throwing that at a street thug who's already jacked on emotions.

He wouldn't handle well and become more stressed and easier pickings.

He was panicking and underestimated bane. Maybe he thought the sudden flashes would disorient him or make him flinch.

But Bane didn't even twitch.
So what the hell happened to the Joker? I know why they couldn't show him on screen, but still - did he just stay in Arkham for the rest of his life?

He was probably executed.
Probably executed.
Something like that

Another anon pointed out that the whole court thing seemed like it was meant for the Joker instead of Scarecrow, so there's that.
i thought it was "scarecrow gas"

he says something about the how it didnt affect him but i didnt understand any of the mumbling lol
Same here.

Executed, sent to the highest security prison in the country, who knows.

"Ah, theatricality and deception. Powerful agents to the uninitiated, but we are initiated aren't we Bruce?"

They were the same smoke/flash pellets Ra's used in begins when he was teaching Bruce how to scare people.
it wasn't
he said something along the lines of deception
which is what the smoke pellets are for
No it's this.


Fuck what everyone says.
it is WAY to similar.
>Batman talking to Catwoman on the roof.
>A police chopper flies nearby.
>Batman turns to look.
>Notices mid-sentence that she if gone.
"Well now I know what it feels like..."
This would make sense.


Bane was trained by Ra's.
Ra's used the drug that makes scarecrow gas from flowers
Those flowers = drugs used in training
Go watch Begins.
One thing I always thought was near the end of the Dark Knight when Batman strings Joker upside down and the SWAT team arrive to see him, one of them shoot the Joker, but it was edited out because Heath Ledger died
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I spent the whole movie hoping that during the riot scene the sniper character would get shot or hit in the eye; survive, and become deadshot later on

Would've been a nice touch.

>"He's upside down! Quick, shoot him!"
They'd be idiots to say he died in ANY of the films.
Its the fucking Joker. He doesn't die. Deal with it.

For all we know he was shived to death in a prison fight while the guards pretended to look the other way.
Why would you think that?
SWAT people can't just fucking shoot people without motive
Especially while they're hanging helpless.
Because he is consistently scared shit-less that the only thing left to do is go all out.
>implying he wouldn't be doing the shiving
Did you see how many knives he had hidden when they took him into custody? He probably still had some.
I think you just can't deal with the fact that they were just smoke pellets.
In what future movie?
Thats a really shitty idea.
FUCK I forgot to look out for when Graig shows up.
They probably moved him to a maximum security asylum in some other city where they keep him sedated at all times.
Oh, that's a good point. Didn't some of the posters allude to him? I thought there'd be something.
No future movie, but I'm sure some fans that have read the comic would've got the reference if he would've said something like, "I never miss"

Just something small like the Killer Croc reference or Scarecrow's cameo
I liked the part of the movie where Ironman flew away with the bomb as it was about to eplode and everyone thought he died but it turns out he was ok.
>story ropes me in tight
>temporarily forget about all batman comic lore
>Tate being Talia actually takes me by surprise

What sucks the most about it is that when it first shows the child of Ra's, I immediately recongized that the actor portraying it was female, as I had seen her in other films, but just shrugged it off because she looked androgynous enough to pass off as a boy for this role.
there was no Killer Kroc reference

There was ZERO mention of Joker in this film out of respect to Heath. This was news.
The comment was in response to someone saying the court scene was made for the Joker, but i fucked the reply up.. I still think the swat guys basically thought fuck it and killed him because of what he done
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>Bane cries
>Actually think his character arc in this movie will get a climatic and interesting ending at that point
>mfw AYUNN HATHWUYY comes in and kills him in two seconds accompanied by a one liner

Rotting in jail or executed. It doesn't matter.

Hes finished, he won.
>>raised caution flag when you have two main female characters and the one of them specializes in "new world ideas"

>>knew Tate was Talia the moment the camera took fucking forever to change perspective to her.

kind of obvious when you get down to it.
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>Why do we fall, Bruce?
Oh, I'm sorry I didn't hear that. But I don't see how not mentioning an important and very popular character because an actor that happened to play said character died tragically is respectful.

The climax of the movie
I didn't say it wasn't.
Just the reason.
Well I'm afraid you're a fucking imbecile.
Help me out here:

In the scene where Bruce emerges from his isolation and goes to the doctor for X-rays, it was explicitly stated that he has "no cartilage" in his knees and elbows and junk. So...

Did his injuries just go away when he slapped that ONE knee brace on with the Bat-suit (somehow freely moving his elbows in a fight)? Was he magically healed in the (Lazurus) Pit when his spine was fixed. Or were those just doctored X-Rays that Bruce snuck in to give his shut-in story credence?
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>you will never put your arm over Alfred's shoulder and tell him it wasn't his fault

I don't think it is to be honest. I think an offhand mention to "the joker attack" or something would've been nice.

But saying like "Oh thank god the jokers still in arkham huh!" or "good thing that maniac got shivved" would've been awful exposition, the movie already had enough of that.
That was 8 years ago. Also they never mention Ra's in TDK.
....Ra's wasn't public.

The only bitch who knew he was was that uppity lady that went to introduce him to Bruce.

Yeah but so was Harvey Dent.

Its not a big deal, I don't care at all about no Joker, glad they didn't shoe horn in some reference.
Ah,, so that's how it feels like
What the fuck was Superman doing this whole time? Living up in the north pole and making toys for good little boys and girls?

Lazy asshole
Were Selina and that girl banging? I haven't seen anyone mention it and I'm beginning to think it was a dream.
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Oh my fucking god.

>doesn't know shit about Catwoman

Pick up a comic book sometime.

If Heath was still alive, I think what they would have done to the Joker would have been something similar to Returns, where he just waited patiently until his Batman came back.

No, it was a bit like Talia stabbing him. Something that should have been completely debilitating, but was ignored directly after it happened. I mean, seconds after we hear that all of Bruce's joints are fucked he repels out of a window ...
I doubt that's real
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and then the movie would be 4 hours long.

Also, is it me or does Gotham seem to mutate, where the fuck were these bridges in the first two movies?
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Only 8/10? That's not a very high rating... I'd give it more like a 9.6/10... better than Begins (9.2) but worse than Dark Knight (9.8).

Oh and also my favorite part was when the bat was lit up on the bridge, and Bane was all like "WTF is this?"

I really dreaded him finding the rebellion. I felt like at any second his sort of omnipotence over Gotham could come down on them and destroy any threat to his ideal, and I thought that was a nice touch.
You honestly believe that wasn't a cheeky nod to Killer Croc
Wasn't he the prison guy who threw away the detonator in TDK?
It was a nod to The Amazing Spider-Man
>See the scene where they unveil a Batman statue in Gotham
>Remember I go to a university named Wayne State University
>Remember that it's in Detroit - the IRL Gotham
>Realize I need to erect a statue of Batman there
Joker talked about how people who wanted to use the bridge would be in for a surprise.

I actually think that added to it.You almost didn't expect this guy to be snapping necks right and left.
>>realize, they should have nuked the city for its own good.
>this being stickied
>mod is either a nolanfag or dcfag

Im thinking he is a nolanfag
The Avengers had multiple stickies. Rises has only had this one.
When he was working out in the prison doing sit ups all i could think was the scene in American psycho where he said he could do 1000 crunches and started laughing.
My favorite bits were definitely the Alfred ones. Michael Caine played it so well.

So, /co/, what do you think of the ending? Should Bruce have died? I thought it was a bit of a copout and the movie was really building up to his dramatic sacrifice. Maybe if I focused more on the Bruce wanting to die versus finding a reason to live I would have felt better about it. Overall I think I would have prefered him to die. Especially because the scene of Alfred breaking down was so powerful.
Avenger's threads wasnt stickied......

You think thats bad? When Fox comes over to wayne manor to show bruce the news, the newspaper said doubles.

I burst out laughing and I could feel people glaring at me.
i can't believe ethis
I had a lot of favorite parts.

But my list favorite part?


For a solid 30 seconds. Or it felt like 30 seconds. Jesus, how does that count as intimidating, Nolan Bat?
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Look closely.

i don't even like this doubles shit but it set something off in my brain
Nolan said in an interview that they deliberately expunged any mention of the Joker out of the script out of respect or fear of stepping on toes.

You don't remember Wayne losing all his on money on the stock options bit?

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So, now that the saga of the Dark Knight has come to a close, what do you guys think of Man of Steel? Any other DC Heroes you wanna see on the big screen? If you do, would you want them portrayed dramatically a la TDKS, or casual fun like Green Lantern?

for one would love an Aquaman movie. None of that long hair hookhand King of Atlantis bullshit, just classic orange-shirt aquaman duking it out with Black Manta.
Seems like a stretch....but still
....I gamble so I didn't think of it like that.
>what do you think of man of steel
>zach snyder
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When batman got dub
Snyder's a great director, but just not right for Superman
Man of Steel. Not sure, it might turn out good, but there's a certain... legacy around the Superman movies.

I'd love a Flash-movie. Not too dramatic, but something where he can be the boyish himself.

Also, Justice League movie.
>Wayne Doubles Down AND LOSES
>Snyder's a great director
Get off of 4chan Zach.

I'm optimistic.

It doesn't look like a Snyder movie at all, which is a huge bonus for me. The dialogue was nice (being straight from all-star) the concept of superman being an ideal for people to strive for is my favorite idea of the character.

I just have a feeling the movie will fall apart the moment he suits up and it becomes mindless superhero action.
>it doesn't look like a Snyder movie at all
Except when he was flying with contrails and in ALL the set pictures.
I think this is the first Batman movie where Oldman didn't let his accent slip

What about the speech in the very beginning?

Even that didn't look too Snydery to me. I mean theres no awful filter, no obnoxious slow mo. Like I said, I have a feeling when he suits up it'll turn to shit.

I can enjoy Clark finding his destiny though.

I didn't catch it if he did.
>doesnt look like a synder movie

Dont worry there will be slo mo everywhere
I don't know about you guys, but I chuckled every time Rachel was mentioned or shown.
Who ended up owning the rights to his origin story, anyway?
when bruce lost his virginity to Talia
Why was Scarecrow even in Blackgate? Didn't he go insane from the fear-gas and go to Arkham?
he was back to being sane during The Dark Knight when he got arrested being a drug dealer
Initially. But the effects weren't permanent, for some reason. He was sane in TDK.

He was a well adjusted drug dealer in TDK

Bane wanted to have a beer with Crane so he had his men go grab him from Arkham
>Catwoman faking panic when she used the congressman's phone
>The prison doctor chanting for Bruce
>"So that's what that feels like"
>Alfred realizing he hadn't failed at the end
>The police charging with all they had and cheering after they saw the Batwing
>Gordon knocking out both the thugs while still recovering
>John Blake. I loved his character.

There was a lot to love about the movie, I think.
No, we all agree that was crap
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Oh man when the Bat swoops down and takes out the cannon, then flies off again.
So is Killer Croc
So is the general /co/ consensus that the movie was good? So many people on /tv/ don't like it, but I can't help but feel that they're retards. This movie, while it had flaws, was really fucking great. Much better than the other two in my eyes.
Anyone have any thoughts?

I wanted him to die.

I think it would have been a better ending if it cut to black after Alfred smiled, but it doesn't really hurt the film that much for me. It was nice to see Bruce happy for once.
My favorite scene was when Blake was talking to the Priest who owned the orphanage about not allowing the children to die in despair when he thought the atom bomb was going to go off.
I think the first half is really weak. It makes a bad first impression.

Eventually it figures out where it's going, and becomes a pretty good movie. About BB level, I think.
Oldman has an accent?
>Gordon knocking out

He killed them, he didn't knock them out
I loved the scene when Bane decides to kill Batman before the bomb goes off. He's just just you-know-who's button man, he wanted to make sure that he beat Batman. The 'I will be the one to defeat you, damn it!' was such a nice touch.

Hes english dude.
Anyone else wish there was a little more time spent in the city showing how bad things were?
>Thinking Snyder Owlman is the only Owlman.

Fuck you and your fat fucking face.
he isn't American, just like Bale, just like Hardy, just like Heath Ledger

So they have to talk with American accents

Bale also has an accent.
The batman statue made me smile so much. Total comic book material.
I've seen lots of opinions going both ways. I thought it was an excellently done movie, maybe a bit slow at first, but it did a great job at not trying to replicate or one-up The Dark Knight while having a villain. I also thought it did an amazing job at tying the whole trilogy together. They work really well at building a cohesive story, which a lot of trilogies don't manage to do.
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>"Do those heels make it hard to walk?"
>"I dunno *kick* Do they?"

The movie would be about four hours at that point, but yeah. Some more No Man's Land style stuff would have been nice.
Well I kinda figured that 5 months of no order along with the fear that the city had a nuclear weapon under it made it pretty self evident.
Just got back and I loved every minute. Which I wasn't expecting, since I kind of went in wanting to not like it. I think it's a lot better than people are giving it credit for; and it's a far less flawed movie than The Dark Knight was. I just don't get why people chose this one to be picky about.

It's actually probably the first movie in the Nolan series I'd pay to see again.

its the finale, people are gonna bitch about it.

I enjoyed it a lot though
>Does that guy ONLY play prison guards or something what the fuck

Character actors play specific types. Director says he needs a prison guard or a hotel clerk, the casting director knows the people who look the part. It's not glamorous work, but it's fairly steady for the actors who specialize in it.
/co/, did anyone see it in imax? My dad wants to see it with me, and I'm down with going again, and we're thinking of springing for it. Is it worth it or should I just opt for the five dollar matinee?
It's definetly worth it. You had to ask?
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the scene where bane and the bats fight in the sewer, fucking jizz when I see john hardys

I wasn't going to bother, but you spelled it that way twice, fucking hell.

It was amazing in Imax.

Every batwing scene my god. And when bruce jumps out the window

We live near like the biggest one in America, so I was leaning towards it. Thanks for the help.
I think one thing that sort of bothered me was how quickly total anarchy set in during Bane's reign, after the people of Gotham showed that they weren't a totally hopeless cause with the boats in Dark Knight. I don't know how I would have fixed it, but maybe show some more regular citizens stepping up instead of it basically just being the cops.

I'm not a big videophile, and I went to an IMAX. I won't say it blew me away, but I think that it's probably one of the better movies to see in IMAX.
Didn't you guys get the Robocop statue a while ago?
"Do you feel powerful now?"

God, Bane's voice was fucking Godly. I actually want to try and do a decent impression of him but everything comes out shit.

>the Police taking back the streets from OWS
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>Were Selina and that girl banging?

Holly IS a lesbian, but I don't know if she & Selina have ever been lovers.
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>You'll just have to imagine the fire.

Apparently the people doing it are STILL working on making the statue. They're taking forever, even though it was implied that a local comic con would host the unveiling.
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Poor Alfred.
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>we will never see Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Nightwing or whatever the hell
Is the guy in the crappy BMW getting a blowjob?
He was so happy to see Batman he orgasmed on the spot.
Oh, oh, highlight of the movie:

>Anne Hathaway in spandex >>>>>>>>>>>>> Gwyneth Paltrow in hot pants >>> Scarlett Johanssen in spandex
so many comic references, so many parallels.
I was expecting that money grubbing crook Oswald Cobblepot to be lower court judge but i guess some people would not get the cameo

Crane was still good tho

Blake carried the movie like a boss
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When Bruce remembers his father saving him from the well
wish you were born in Colorado
All of the Catwoman scenes, but especially the one in the bar.
Batman vs Bane round 1.
Bane killing Daggett. "Do you feel in control?"
Am I the only one who thinks batman begins was like, a masterpiece?
Personally I think it's flawless, that shit was incredible. I was maybe 13 when it came out and I saw it five times in theaters.
Perfect adaptation, deals with Bruce's childhood and motivations at length for the first time in any bats movie (and with a ton of depth at that!), awesome, charismatic villains, dozens of FUCKYEAR moments, and a perfect ending.
I feel like a lot of peeps in this thread don't really like it.
I thought it was better than dkr, but dkr definitely delivered the goods.
Batman Begins was fantastic, and my favourite of the three, with TDKR a close second.
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I want to say his voice is kind of English Turkish

>and I though not having a Spanish bane was gonna suck

I have no problem being wrong, Bane fit a league of shadows mercenary well
>trailers before tdkr
> Madagascar 3

Agreed, I think Begins is the perfect Batman movie. It deserves the love that The Dark Knight got. TDK was a pretty good Joker movie, but that's all it was.
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I'll break you Batman, by breaking your soul. I'll gather all the dragonballs and slowly wish for Gotham's destruction!
My theater had trailers for Neighborhood watch, a Nickelodeon movie with allusions to teen sex and cursing in it, The Man of Steel of course and one trailer that wasn't worth noting.
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I thought he was a mix of all the Robins and Azrael, personally.
fairly large when in Batman mode. Equal to Hardy except for film angles and tricks.
It was really good, but, personally at least, I felt that having to tell the whole Batman origin again somewhat bogged the film down. They did it really well, and it works within the movie of course, but especially the first time I watched it I couldn't help but think "god damn, how many fucking times do I have to see this origin story adapted?"

Though if you were 13 at the time I can see how that wasn't old hat yet.

I had shit like that as well. Then man of steel showed up.
Haha, oh wow, that was Quinn.
i dont know about that.

it would have been better for the lady to call him grayson i think even if he was an amalgam of all robins.

and dick was the only one that was a cop anyways
>we need backup in the narrows Loeb!
>... There is no backup.

Probably in the top five moments of the trilogy.

Someone tell me im not the only one who gets a huge grin during that scene

Yeah I agree with you, but I guess the audience wouldn't get the significance.
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>Gordon! Theres nobody left to send in!.
see >>38992191

Really? We had
>Bourne Identity
>Expendables 2
>The Watch
>Argo [about the iran hostage crisis]
>Man of Steel

I mean, not exactly cinematic masterpieces, but not kid movies.

But we got robin. The guys name was literally robin, it just felt a little corny and goofy.
Except he wasn't Robin, he was just named Robin.
It's about Jason Bournes legacy, I thought it was obvious.

>Green arrow

But yeah I didn't get that either.
i liked the way it ended, it reminded me of R.I.P. Batman, in the final issue when batman "died" in the explosion, and started Final Crisis
It was fine, the character covered all Robins, and you know damn well that if they had named the character after one of the other Robins there'd be people here bitching about how they altered his story or whatever.

Besides, it allows him to be Robin, without the audience having to fill in that step of Blake running around Gotham as, well, Robin.

>Gotham: Batman's dead, fuck
>Blake: Don't worry guys, I've got this! I'm totally up to the task of replacing the dark knight!
>Gotham: Awesome!
>Blake: Just call me Robin!
>Gotham: ........
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>First Bane vs Batman fight
>Michael Caine Alfred
>Blake scenes
>Scarecrow judge scenes
Yeah, I hate that idiots think he's be Nightwing.
Yeah. He'd introduce himself as a completely different fucking hero and completely screw up everything Batman had worked.
The idea is that anyone can be Batman, because he's a symbol.

So why can't anyone be Batman? That was a big deal in TDK.
Also, being 13 at the time I think ninjas had a lot to do with why I loved it so much.

But to the movies credit they got the origin out of the way reasonably fast and sprinkled its significance throughout the movie.

I think these films work because of Nolan's ability to cut together a bunch of info and action at once (often with more than one location and pov) in a very short sequence and do it dynamically. I'm glad the trilogy is over, there's only so many times that can work before it becomes overused. Yall know what I mean
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Just came back from watching it and i have very mixed feelings about the movie. Wasn't that crazy about Bane, Tom Hardy's great and all, but he really wasn't that scary or imposing to me. I'd really been looking forwards to the beat-down scenes and they where pretty nice in motion, but i just couldn't stop focusing on the absence of blood. Bane's been hitting Batman with brutal force serval times in the head, breaking his mask in the process, but somehow Bats looks just fine and dandy save for a small cut on his forehead. He should be spitting blood/teeth and spotting at least one black eye or something. It really annoyed me.

The last hour of the movie was fucking intense though, all of it is my favorited scene.
Holy shit he does have the look to play a nightwing film
I loved how the first Batman/Bane duel had no music, and was timed only by the force of their punches and the running water.

Fucking awesome.
>mixed feelings
>only commentary is "disappointment at lack of blood" and "last hour was fucking intense"

Underage please leave.
Did any of you guys feel like the music was too loud in some scenes? There were points during the finale where I couldn't hear the dialogue at all.

the music was ridiculous throughout the entire film

it was like they thought every scene had to be the climax of the film
I didn't even get any trailers with my showing because I saw it in the IMAX of the Pacific Science Center in Seattle, and they're more typically known for IMAX documentaries and the like than major Hollywood productions. We all took our seats, the lights went down, and the movie just immediately began playing.
My dad was like "man, it sucks Nolan will never do a batman and robin movie" and I said "that WAS Nolan's batman and robin movie"

I like the idea that Blake is a composite of the first three robins and that he inherited the cowl and becomes batman should Gotham need him again. The robin thing to me is fam service but who cares, we all loved that shit.
I think that's what Nolan intended to portray.

My idiot friend told me Nolan should
make a robin movie and I almost punched him in the face.
Anyone else feel that Begins was really dull? It just feels so bland and cheap compared to the others when watched over again.
Tibetan smugglers from dark Knight

Yeah that made it so brutal. Especially when he just starts pounding on bruces fucking skull until the mask cracks.

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