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The other night someone on /co/ mentioned Dipper hats.

..where can I get one?
>scrolling through /co/
>at first think this is that up arrow "above the influence" image
>notice it's actually DOUBLE ABOVE THE INFLUENCE
Is there a site where you can buy things that people make because they were on cartoons
I'm not talking about stitch knit things from etsy or squidoo, semi-official stuff, like an "I really don't want to be here right now" button, I've seen one on the internet, but not for sale
My reaction to this show:

>>Huh, new show /co/'s talking about...Looks like it's just another pedocrush thing like Ruby Gloom was...Art style looks interesting at least maybe I'll...
>>Kristen Schaal

The Hamster Ball dream was hilarious.
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"you can look, but you can't touch"
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other thread is nowhere to be found, could anybody please repost the episode link?
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second episode, low quality


thanks bro
>Episode 2 leaked early

I love you guys.
You. Stop being autistic.
You. Stop being a pedophile.
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Why is she so likable? I just watched the first episode and every time she said something or did something I just laughed.
Why did we get off the topic of Dipper hats? I want a fucking Dipper hat.

You. Go away.
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Fuck Mabel is Kawaii!
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I really liked it, i wish the characters was more sympathetic, i can't like anyone in the show besides the monsters and the environment. Dipper is boring, actually he don't have any strong personality at all. Mabel is jus retarded (without mention a little slut). Stan is creepy and unfunny. I really hope the redhead girl lives up to be one of the favorites, like Frankie in Foster's Home
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>Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?
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You. Stop oppressing us.
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OH SHIT, NIGGA. I didn't realize someone posted episode 2 yet. Good shit guys, good shit.
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People on /v/ ordered lot of stuff with custom designs from artscow some time ago. There were some promo codes so that you only had to pay for shipping but I doubt there was one for hats. I did see both of these hats posted on the /v/ threads though so someone probably ordered them.
I got my lighters and cigarette cases today.
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Would you get into a car blindfolded with Mabel?
Yes. Yes I would.
That picture is so unerotic that I feel even more uncomfortable for being turned on than usual.
>biting her lip

But but... all of blindfolded Mabel's senses are like, heightened and stuff...
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meh, needs more skin and/or more Mabel
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thank you so much anon. got mine for $12.29 by pretending i gave a shit about zazzle black + 4th of july code.
>saving thumbnails
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>If MLP became popular because of the neckbeards on that "4chin" board, our show probably will too!

>Let's get our viral marketing campaign to get those morons to spread the word!

disney pls go
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"I can see with my fingers"
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why is herpderpviralmarketers the new response to people talking about shows you don't like
Because she is written that way.

Mabel is based on Alex's sister.
The mediafire leak doesn't work for quickplayer, any alternatives?
>Actual sister

Is that even possible?

Me and my sister got along, we weren't even twins.
It's possible.
It only works on VLC because it was reencoded with VLC.

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hm? hmmmmmmm?
Next week: return to butt island
June 30th, Headhunters

>When someone tampers with Mabel's life-size wax statue, she and Dipper set out to find the culprit. Meanwhile, Great Uncle Stan mourns over the loss of his wax doppelganger.
Sounds good.
Where's that old flavor of the week image with Thrifty? Mabel needs to be added
Anyone have pictures of all the symbology pointed out?
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man baseball caps are the best.

the other day I was eating lunch at a mall with my brother and I saw this one really annoying person that I hate, and it was her birthday so it would have been terrible to talk to her.

all I had to do was keep my head down and she didn't even see me.

also for some reason hat hair looks good on me.

yeah baseball hats are the best.
also scarfs, scarfs are decent

I recently fell in love with those long sleeve T's with like 3 button at the neck, aswell. those things look good on anyone.
Media Player Classic Home Cinema
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Brigette Barrager posted some concept art for the show:

So glad Mabel didn't end up looking that normal.
I like how geeky she is now.
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as much as i want to see the 2nd ep

i'll wait for at least sd widescreen
These episodes are suffering from a severe lack of Wendy.
Maybe the next one!
We only have to wait until Saturday to see!
True, I liked what I saw. Though I liked Mabel better.
>Konami Code
imo, she sucks
I wouldn't mind her "sucking", if know what I'm saying.
I agree. Truth be, I was only interested in her before the wincest undertones were discovered
She's gotten too little screen time to say if she's a bad character.
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After watching the second episode, I'll just say that while it had some good jokes in it, I was a bit disappointed in it. Nowhere near as good as the first episode was.
I hope this disappointment streak doesn't keep up, I want the show to be good.
Episode 2 seemed more like a Disney show, but it also had darker jokes. I liked it a lot, but I don't know how to rate it compared to episode 1.
the fuck is with all these cancer AT fans in this thread? that isnt too good for the outlook of this show if the fanbase is already this shitty
I'd give it a 75, while the first episode was more of a 90-95.
It was in no way bad, just a bit lacking
I think the problem was that the first episode had a uniform tone throughout, whereas episode 2 went in two different directions (dumb Disney shit and dark humor). Episode 1 was a good medium between the two extremes.
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he's deep
I hope it get worse so you leave
I want to draw more of Mabel, but instead I'm reading a book by Preston Blair that I hope will help me to make my art really pop.
I'm going through Cartoon Animation. What are you reading?
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She probably isn't, just... not my type

Also, her supposed boyfriend just reeks of edginess (picrelated)

As for me, I'll be enjoying good old tween love, however unconventional it might be

CAPTCHA: orifices

Yes, captcha, you are totally right
I wouldn't say "uniform" but the pacing and build-up of it all felt right. Also, the reveal was great there, but with this episode, while the motive for doing it was pretty amusing, it was the same old Scooby-Doo stuff we've all see before.
don't derail the thread again
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I'm pretty sure that's it. Is it helping any? I have trouble keeping the proportions right and different perspectives mostly, I just really don't know where to start but this is what I was recommended.

We're talking about art, mostly for the purpose of drawing fan art for this show. It's a big thread, we can have more than one discussion.
Do we agree that most of it is meaningless?
I mean ofcourse the konami code is, and the alchemy is just because of esthetic(damn) but what about the circle of symbols, any future in that?
>Is it helping any?

Yeah, the information on how to build characters from skeletons and shapes is very useful. It's stuff I should have learned a long time ago.

>I have trouble keeping the proportions right and different perspectives mostly

Proportions are one of problems too. I have a tendency to not complete all of the early outlining before moving on to details, so I end up with messy proportions.

>I just really don't know where to start but this is what I was recommended.

Just keep at it. It looks to be very good for this type of art. Good luck!
Stuff like the "Stan isn't what he seems"--that was somewhere right?--makes me hope and think that it's not all bullshit.
Cool, I'll keep reading.

This stuff is amazing. I noticed some runes too in the background, looked Nordic? I'll have to check it out.

Has anyone taken this picture to /x/ to see if they know any of the stuff we dont?
I think it will be hard to say until we have seen more episodes. Some of it might make sense later.
Do you guys think these threads will last?

I'm not saying I want a huge fandom but I definitely think if a show is worth lots of people talking about it all the time and tons of fanart, this is it.

It's the other parts that are regretable...
I...I'm saving all of the Mabel pictures...but I'm not going to act on them.

I'm...I'm just going to look at them sometimes.
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>not having an entire folder already
Do you even Mabel?

Also I found something that might be helpful to our drawfags.
Disney please put Episode 2 on iTunes

I want to give you my money and watch it in HD
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Please, you're no better than the rest of us
Only time will tell

I feel most of this bad stuff is because, well, there were threads for just one episode all the time, in a hiatus-like way.
Maybe when the show starts airing regularly, quality of posting will go up

Maybe because there's two different writers- that could be why the tone switched a bunch. The first episode only had one writer
What's weird for me is that the other day I set up a Gravity Falls folder on my computer in anticipation for the inevitable art that will flow from this show.

And I set a subfolder aside for Mabel. And I realized it's the biggest one I have in the Gravity Falls folder so far. And I didn't even save the explicit ones, just the non-explicit Mabel ones. I've never done this for a character before. Could she be my one true pure as the fallen snow virgin waifu?
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Reposting these from /x/, though in that thread no one specifically pointed out.

Hard to believe all these numbers and symbols don't have SOME meaning.

No clue where to start though.
There's always a lot more love put into a Pilot. And once a pilot is picked up the structure for production could change a bit.

Now that they're working on the series proper they're going to take a couple episodes to find their groove.
did you forget what she did in the first ep? she's a fucking slut!
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You take that back.
Not to mention e2 "can't touch this"
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Was I the only one thinking this when the first episode came out?
Oh man, that would've been awesome. But it never would've happened since Disney and Cartoon Network don't get along all that much.
One of the reasons episode 2 was disappointing was because there wasn't anything supernatural happening. It was Scooby-doo stuff, like someone said earlier.

Wasn't the gobblewonker at the end real? I don't think the old man had time to fix it.
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Yeah, they showed it at the end. I was only a little disappointed because sea-monsters are my least favorite of anything supernatural. At least the gnomes were hilarious.

I would watch the show for just Mable anyway.
Well, yeah that's true. It didn't have any importance in the episode, though. I mean it's not like we don't know that there are supernatural things happening, cf. gnomes, but they didn't feature in episode 2. Maybe they will run into the gobblewonker later.
So when is the next episode?
The first two episodes premiere tomorrow and the third is airing on Saturday, IIRC.
Maybe we should get to the point and just call ourselves Gnomes.
>Maybe we should get to the point and just call ourselves Gnomes.

Sounds good to me.
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Better than Fallers or whatever

I was browsing tumblr for art and saw someone using it.

I haven't grimaced so hard in awhile.
the trend of coming up with names for fandoms as soon as they start (fallers, bronies) make me wish that the government forced people to post with their real names and addresses so I could hunt down and murder anyone trying to force a fandom name.

Also, did anyone else know according to TV tropes (source questionable?) Soos was actually called a man child by the promotions? Haha
I still say to just be called Gravityfags


Agree with Gnomes
queen! queen! queen! queen!
This actually looks pretty decent. Where do I watch the first episode?
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It makes sense, Mabel is my queen at least.
I believe it is free on itunes?
It's free on iTunes, or just ctrl+F "pastebin" in any of these threads.
Neat, thanks!
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>researching symbolism in this show
>see this
Not to mention the blatant pentagrams shown in several promos...

Though I do not let my kids watch TV much, I have completely forbid them from watching this upcoming show. My 7 year-old asked me why, and (as always) I told her the truth: Too much Satanic symbolism and I don't want her and her younger sister exposed to it. Then she asked what the symbols were so she can watch out for them. It's a blessing to have a child who is mature enough to comprehend the truth, but very sad that her peers will soon be further desensitized by TPTB at Disney.

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It was bound to happen sooner or later...
>Hey kid, wanna incest?
>What the fuck, Mabel.
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Isn't Gravity Falls a show for little girls?
Your daughters will grow up to be very rebellious whores.
But I support and partially agree with your decision since you're being a good parent by trying to protect them. Even though you're over analyzing and overreacting.
So did anyone else get their hats in the mail?
You are responding to a troll. Please, don't
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It's copypasta.
It's Disney, so at least it's untouched by the talons of the Jew cabals.
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I would let him screw me all he wants
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>that entire website
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...I wasn't trolling. I just found it and shared it.

Are you retarded or something?
>Thinks we are getting trolled

tumblr pls go
>posts religious propaganda
>calls others retarded
Joys of samefagging
>Can't detect samefag

tumblr pls go
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>not knowing how to check for samefags

Must be new here?

Anyway, I'm interested to see what Disney will do next, they seem to be pushing the gags a little bit more than they usually do. (Maybe I'm behind on latest Disney works?) I thought usually they would change "oh my god" to "oh my gosh," there was the blindfold and the car gag as well as the Sascrotch....
Why didn't anyone tell me the first episode was online or that it was forming an entire fandom already?

How long has the first episode been out, and how long has there been a fandom?

I'm almost done with the first episode and my god it's beautiful.
I've been listening to the longer version of the theme song for more than 4 hours on loop.

God help me.
They said "oh my God"? When?
Don't forget children being used to counterfeit money, "the county jail was so cold," and "you can look but you can't touch."
First 2 episodes are online. Episode 1 was shown on the 15th as a "preview." The "premiere" is this Friday, though, with Episode 2. I missed the very beginning of the fandom but I guess it's been going for about two or three weeks.
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When Dipper thought he was right about the zombie I think. Now that I rewatch it, it could be "Oh my gosh." Not sure.
>implying there is a way to check for samefags
Summertime here
It was obviously a joke

Or trolling

Your pick.
tumblr pls go
Ah, after all the shit I've seen on 4chan, it's just hard to tell for sure whether someone is really retarded, or just trying hard to look like it
Alright kids, lets stay on subject shall we?

What monster/ceature do you hope to see in this?
any download links for the second episode yet?

for some reason the one here http://pastebin.com/r1imidfP

doesnt work
1. A real sascrotch
2. Cat in a hat, with enormous dick
I hope that mailman actually is a werewolf.

I also agree with 1, here: >>38211642


I checked the episode and I can't make out what he's saying. He's talking fast and excitedly. It's probably Gosh.
I'll check it out on TV tomorrow and look at the closed captions.
people say you don't choose a wiafu, she chooses you. I always thought that was bullshit until Mabel came along
Mabel chose me.
So the hats from zazzle are trucker hats with mesh in the back, right? Is that the type of hat Dipper wears? It doesn't look like mesh in the back, but is that because they were too lazy to animate it?
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Well, looking at the animation in general, I'd guess they were not too lazy to animate it and that's probably not how it should be?
makes sense, I think we all want to make her our Gnome Queen... if you know what i mean
This really makes the whole calling ourselves gnomes actually come together...
Dipper's hat is a normal baseball cap, but someone at Zazzle made the executive decision to turn it into a net hat, because truckers wear them all the time, and it's got air holes in the back to keep a cross breeze going and everything.
I think it's just because with dipper's style, Trucker hat makes more sense. Probably also cheaper to produce.
Are they still worth getting? Or would it make more sense to wait for an actual baseball cap to be made?
Personally, I'm waiting for the baseball cap, because I've never been a fan of trucker hats
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>tfw you don't look good in any hats
Guess it's time to buy tacky sweaters, a skirt and a headband, eh?

Here's some crappy art, real messy, just an exercise from that Preston Blair book. I think I am taking away a good lesson here, even if these look bad.
Mabel's pelican voice cracked me up
The reason I made it a trucker hat is because:
1. Its clearly a trucker hat because of the two-tone style
2. Zazzle doesn't have baseball caps with prints available only embroidered
It is the voice of the pure evil she keeps bottled up inside her, under that thin veneer of giddiness and tacky sweaters
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What? It's just a banana.
Ok so far 3 of you guys have bought the brown ones and 9 of you have gotten the tree ones. But only 2 people have posted pics of their hats so far, and none have been the brown ones.

I like it, even though it's just a banana, and not even a sexy banana.
I could watch Mabel eat that banana all day, because I took pictures with my phone.
I..don't even.


Don't worry. I think my brain just melted from the heat.
>i don't even understand shipping anymore.

>Adventure Time
>same blog
Seems about right.
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>what if people did that to other cartoons?
nigga it is 108 where I live

80% of tumblr is homestuck
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The sad part is that she can draw (in a hipster-ish, ironic sort of way).
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The fuck am I listening to?
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Uh, no those are from one of the original pilot artist's blogs.

This is her art.
Well, then she wasn't crediting anyone.
Pisses me off.
>what the hail
who types like this? fucking nazi
It was reblogged from the artist, dude. Her theme is just confusing.
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>Hey Thar I'm Zabrinah. Don't even bother asking for more personal information. I turn off my ask box from time to time and some people just happen to be able to catch it OuO

Thinking of saving this for copypasta 'cause my shit is in outerspace.

I am particularly fond of that >liked by 0
How can you be even slightly familiar with the Homestuck fandom and yet not know about wincest?
>trial period expired
I don't know anyone who uses a legal copy of SAI, even though it is relatively cheap compared to other drawing softwares.

I have a legal copy. It's absolutely worth it, and people should support good software when it is offered at a fair price.
I have one too
All those people should be ashamed of themselves
i just use FOSS shit... don't really need any fancy pirate software since i don't have any fancy hardware
Already better than me, so you're fine.
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Here we go, jesus. Messed up a lot there.

I feel like I am making actual progress but this is way harder for me than it looks. I've redrawn these few heads so many times.

I'm still not 100% sure on how to show her face tilted downward...

I've avoided this practice for awhile. Don't make that mistake. So, you should go work on your art too.

If you want, I mean.
too rounded, Mabel's head is taller than wide.
Yeah, I see that, but gave up after every attempt made her look like an alien.
I think it seems more stylized than "wrong".
I like it.
Just draw an oval instead of a circle for her head.
I wouldn't use the word "wrong", but if you don't point out mistakes/imperfections, how can someone be expected to improve on them?
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That...would probably make more sense.

I redlined it, does this look better. Though I could always just go with this: >>38216380 if I was lazy.
you should actually draw the pictures from the book, not move on to other stuff already

you still need a lot of work
I thought it would be too much like copying, I didn't feel I'd learn much by drawing exactly what's in the book. I felt like it would be better to apply what the book is saying and showing to drawing in general--specifically at this moment Mabel.

I could be wrong. I guess I do need a lot of work.
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Yeah man use an oval

Did this shit in MSPaint with my mouse, using an oval
no, COPY
learning to draw is all about copying
only tracing is wrong

The purpose of drawing the cross is to help you align facial features. Spend more time on drawing them well.

The face on the lower left, where she is looking up, her ear is out of alignment with the cross. The ears need to be lower than the eyes.
Thanks, that's the kind of thing I should know but this is the first time I hear it.
funny how this look a lot better than>>38216465
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I would if I had a better program or a tablet. I just use paper normally.
paint.net is like paint but less shitty
alternatively, it's like photoshop but more shitty

This is no place for you to post your doodles, go to /ic/

You should spend more time doing actual practice from the book instead of drawing the show's characters.

I was going to post an example, but there's already one in the thread. Look at >>38200419 . See how much lower Mabel's ears are because she is looking up, and how Dipper's ear is level with the eyes.

Also, you need to be more careful about how shapes overlap. In the lower center drawing, Mabel is facing slightly to the left, as indicated by the face cross. But the eyeball on the left is overlapping the eyeball on the right. This is wrong.
/ic/ please go
Okay, we'll go.

Then the thread will die.
what is this book everyone keeps talking about? is there a drawfag tut somewhere i dont know about?
I personally would prefer that instead of becoming a drawfags chat.
Okay thanks, I see it now.

If you're the same one about the lines and the ears, when I move the ear below the line or below the eyes in most of these but the bottom left, the ears look wrong. I'd show you but, people keep whining.
You people keep making threads when there is nothing to discuss.
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stuff like this every 12 year old has already been through
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Try to clean better your lines.
i made this one, hehe.
there is plenty to discuss... like all the subtle innuendo in this show. Did anyone else notice Mabel choking on fluid several times in episode 2? you know what I'm thinking
If you pay attention at >>38216792 her ear is bellow the eyes, you're probably making them too small like >>38216465

And I agree with the others, you shouldn't post this stuff here.
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I think everyone thought about it.
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Well I cleaned it up anyway.

This is the best I can do in MS Paint.

I'll look into paint.net
I didn't even try to clean them yet, I just figured I could get a quick look at it to see the major problems before even doing all that.

I'm not really in the mood to draw anymore but thanks, your picture is cute.

They cough a lot. Notice Gruncle Stan did it too from laughing a lot and said it was worth it. I though that was kinda funny.

I didn't tell you to move the ears down on the other drawings. Only the drawing on the lower left. The ears move because of perspective.

The cross is supposed to help you align facial features [bold]as the perspective changes[/bold]. So if you don't understand this yet, you're just drawing random lines. Start over at the beginning of the book and read more carefully.
>They cough a lot. Notice Gruncle Stan did it too from laughing a lot and said it was worth it. I though that was kinda funny.

How old are you?
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Let me tell you this, you should practice more often. Practice does everything better.

You got the skills, now you must polish them.
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>[bold]as the perspective changes[/bold]
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Why is everyone being so critical over the second episode? I thought it was way funnier than the first one.
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You're right! Fixed.
remember when good drawfags used to be on /co/
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Your stuff is okay, but /co/ is a discouraging place for an artist. You should make a tumblr.

Yeah. I remember when Simon tried to get artists here again.
>good drawfags

Choose one.
You're telling me.
Haha, no.

you did
Hey, guess why there's no good ones? Because you chase the new ones away before they can get good.
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Don't tell you me you actually think the shit people throw around on here is actually good
There are some pretty incredible artists that post here.

They don't drawfag very often, though.

I prefer /co/ than Tumblr.
Good compared to what?
How about if they come when they are good?
Yeah, /co/ is good for reminding me I am a terrible artist.
Stop being a Negative Nancy.
At least /co/ is honest.
Yeah, there's always some really great artists here and there on here, but the ones you see the most are really mediocre.
Stop being a Tumblr
I only see simon though
There's honesty and there's /co/.
I don't think anyone who has criticized it so far didn't like it. I thought it was really good, but that doesn't mean there weren't a few things that disappointed me. We just have high expectations, I guess, since the show has so much potential.
Most artists don't spend a lot of time on a drawing because /co/ doesn't really even like drawings
It was really good. I was just a bit bummed tht the sound quality on the DL was so shitty. It really kinda ruined a few moments for me... but on the bright side, we can expect 2 good HD rips tommorrow
I think the word you're looking for is Brutally Honest
He isn't a /co/ drawfag
most just were disappointed because there was no paranormal stuff happening
the monster turns out to be a robot happened already too much
Episode 1 is already available in HD.
then who is a /co/ drawfag?
But there was a monster anyways, and a talking pelican
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yeah, and i already have it, But disney is releasing episode 2 and 3 to all the poorfags this weekend, so rippers gonna rip
Yeah, it kept pausing or whatever at a couple scenes.

What I don't get is why earlier on in the thread it seemed like everyone was giving it a grade or something. Do we have to rate and compare everything?
Nobody, hence why there are no good drawfags.
I just finally want some Wendy ;_;
Stop kicking yourself. You're 100x better than I am.
At least you didn't have what you thought was some of your best picture you drew in awhile compared to a quick shaky mspaint and found wanting.
a talking pelican with the voice of all the hate and evil Mabel keeps bottled up under that sweater
Actually, when the stuff is good people don't bash the artist on here.

If it's shit we're going to tell you how shitty it is.
It was just cheeseblade >>38209217 being a shitposter as always
>fishing for compliments
there was a real gobblewonker in the stinger at the end of the ep though? right before the credits?

speaking of which has anyone translated the coded message in episode 2's credits? I ctrl-F'd CODE already and didn't find anything.
Soos is better than Wendy
Next week: return to Butt Island.
You're all casuals, Stan is where it is at.
Your drawings looked better than my mspaint doodle.
Yeah, he's like a meaner, nastier Mr. Krabs.
spoiler alert, the last two codes have been a Caesar Cipher, and i bet any other codes they do this season will use this too. There are tools online that make decrypting Caesar ciphers child's play.

the real question is if there is going to be some sort of overarching HIDDEN code using the offsets for all the codes this season
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I doubt he's the one posting. Everyone's grabbing them off of Pixiv and Tumblr.

Aside from trolls, /co/ is honest or even too soft. No hate, but a lot of the drawfags that are praised are really just average.

But in general, most people on /co/ don't have the knowledge to give useful advice, while /ic/ is full of hate for cartoons. I can't completely disagree with that, because it's better for people to learn how to draw properly first, then move on to cartoons. But they just really tear into cartoons and animu, so I don't mind seeing a good art discussion thread on /co/ once in a while.
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Nah, it's abuse. You're really good. Find a supportive place to blossom.
I hate how all of the amateurish artists seem to forget Mabel's cheeks are more prominent.
maybe, but that doesn't make him a bro like Soos
then who is a drawfag actually posting?
Are you joking? He is a ton more nicer and human thant Mr. Krabs (no pun intented) , he actually seems to care for his nephew and niece, for one.
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Forgot about her cheeks.
Only ones I remember from the top of my head are mandingo (although she was chased away it seems), rex and cheeseblade.

There might be others but they don't use names or it isn't even their art the pictures they are posting.
You still going on with this?
No. Done now.
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Hey!... Can i be your Gravity Falls drawfag?
that would be awesome ;__;
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I ship it


Suck on my finger..
I approve.
As long as you don't trip.
>sexualizing mabel
You're decent enough

Now draw all the characters dressed as Batman
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I'm just going to pretend you're Mabel with my pants off...
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They are perfect for eachother
Dipper and the Lantern? Yeah me too ;3
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tumblr pls go
>I'm just going to pretend you're Mabel with my pants off...

So...you're gonna pretend mabel using you pants...or are you gonna pretend with your pants...?
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Don't listen to these fags. Sure you can. Just don't trip. Tripfags be trippin'.

I'm going to pretend Mabel is taking off my pants..while I'm taking off my pants..
of course you can! Now draw something good for us!
Come back when you can actually draw.
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>Don't listen to these fags.

/a/ image
That's too complicated, why don't you better imagine Mabel is your pants?

You don't have to drawfag for /co/ if you just want to draw fanart of the show. Being a drawfag means actively taking other people's requests, because a lot of people on /co/ think they have great ideas and just can't draw. But you'll soon realize that 99.98% of the time, /co/ has shit ideas, too.

Or my boxers, Oh god that would be better
stay butthurt, fag
that's also too complicated. Just imagine Mabel wearing your hoodie and nothing else
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do you want to play this game again, chump?
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Isn't sexy enough for you?.

That's f-fine
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Show me what ya got.

How about flashing her butt...for laughs

See? You should run while you can, before they get your scent and creep you all over the web.
You make it look so easy. Fuck.
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you're no fun
face isn't suggestive enough to be sexy. needs a sly smirk or something
How, disappointing, I thought we would have a drawfag that wasn't a pedophile for once.
your expectations are too high

Can you do sexy with clothes on, because that's technically worksafe and you won't get the boot...
They are reasonable, though.
I think that was done because it was a request.
I don't expect they'll actually do porn.
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You can buy them for only 19.99!
Draw Dipper and Mabel kissing.


Like, awkward sibling kiss. Make it funny.
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is the nose...

oh my god
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>you will never have a GF thread without pedophiles

Mabel and Dipper are 18 years old, dumbass

Mabel giving Dipper a reassuring forehead kiss, maybe?
>that feel when I drew Mabel with a bunch of gnomes in robo-armor nonsexually but it looks terrible
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Editfag here, with the 5 minute fix
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>18 years old

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
and dipper has that "ewww, cooties" face
>implying I sleep at night

could you do an edit with Mabel having a boner?
>this text is green
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nope, I don't have the attention span for that
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Here's my attempt
Did anyone ever draw Wendy sitting on Dipper's face and bouncing her clit off his nose?
I fucking hate you

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Elder futhark is pretty well known for a runic alphabet, so it was probably that. They used a version of elder futhark in How to Train Your Dragon.
blame the pedos
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ITT: Pedos and Anti-pedos meet in a glorious shit storm.

cumming just thinking about it.
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>That feel when you're impatient for the new episode.
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230 KB

Like this?
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do you mean porn?
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Hey NewDrawfag

Draw Dipper being chased by the Owlman
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>We are all 18 years old.
>How can that be!?
>It's the will of the universe.
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Don't you mean "Another glorious shit-storm"?

This is like the seventh GF thread with one
well fuck me too

when I enjoy a new show I only think about how sad I will be when it's over again
That's adorable!
You really have this style down dude ;3

Yes, that's wonderful. Saved.

Could you do Mabel milking a cow?
My life would be complete.
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get out faggot
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Either way, toots. It's a shit storm.
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yeah there isn't much. needs much more dipper art too.
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>That pic.
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>That feel when your mom's name is Mabel
>That feel when they also have the same hair and the same personality
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Mabel Pines and Louise Belcher switch places.

How long until something in Gravity Falls burns down?
I give it an hour
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Like this?
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Like this?
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That's hilarious.
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I'm sorry
/r/ing this edited into her farting
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My god
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Now draw her dropping a wicked deuce
That's it, these threads are officially the worst.
you really can't take a joke, can you?
don't you mean, BEST?
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Oh baby, we aren't even done yet

Go fuck a cactus
>buttmad christian
>Implying this is a joke
>Implying people aren't fapping to this right now

...want me to edit it where Mabel is fucking a cactus?
>buttman pedo
Please do.
That would be hilarious.
I dunno, it seems more funny than sexy to me.
I can't speak for everyone, though.
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Wanna see Mabel take a cactus up her ass, anon?
sure, we are already rock bottom
>implying buttman
what even is that by the way
>implying pedo
>doesn't know what a buttman is
>pedo in denial

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