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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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old thread>>37741344

Strider appreciation thread.
why the worst alpha kid appear so much
I like Dirk, but the screentime he's having is abusive. He's not thaaaaat of a good character.

Dave is a great character though.
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That's not Jake
Dirk is so fucking lame. He's like Dave with all the fun sucked up.
I think it's interesting that Dirk himself has barely spoken to the other humans. Makes me think that Hussie is going to go interesting places with him.
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The Pants of Cuntdyke
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>not Jane
Dirk is the only likeable r-kid and i don't even like him
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Fuck you.
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>Not Jane
You must be high.
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We got Jane forced on us.
We got Jake forced on us.
We have Dirk forced on us.
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>HSG calling Dirk boring

Then again, I've learned to stop trusting in HSG's opinion on anything in Homestuck.

Somehow they're fine with things that aren't Homestuck though.

I really want something bad to happen to dirk like something that gets him to let others take control of shit for once.

Which is strange since I kinda like him. is that odd?
Daily reminder that Dirk is going to die soon.
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HSG is not a hivemind though.
Dirk, Roxy, Dave, and Rose are the only kids I like.
Many, many times.

Roxy Lalonde

Jake English

Jane Crocker

All of those nameless carapacians

A pile of shit

Dirk Strider
Oh really now?
Nah, I think the same. I like Dirk, but the fact that he's a flawless smug character makes him obnoxious.
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Remember this?

Have a john de lancie interview
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>Somehow they're fine with things that aren't Homestuck though.

Yeah I don't even know how the fuck. HSG got me to buy Nier. You guys are all right.
I like Dirk because he seems to actually want to get people into the medium. Someone needs to get these kids out of shipperville and into personal quest territory, and who else is gonna do that? Jane? Roxy?
HSG, job applications piss me off. They ask for four references. They don't say, "If you have references, list up to four." They simply demand four.
I have zero references.
And what confuses me is that one of the categories I can choose for the type of reference is "school"
What the fuck is a school reference
Am I supposed to put my classmates?
How is that a reference
You forgot Shades
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Why is Bro the best guardian?

Roxy Lalonde

Dirk Strider

Jane Crocker

Jake English
>two users share the same idea
>must mean the whole thread does
Yeah, no.
I think his thing is going to be that all of his plans go awry. I mean, it's already happening.

Hussie seems to like to make with characters who seem to have everything, and then take it away. I think Dirk will parallel Jade (and to a lesser extent, Feferi).
But he does have one striking character flaw. He's gay.
Guys what happened to Bro

I miss Bro Dirk is not sufficient.
>playing binding of isaac
>manage to kill it lives with ???
>decide to go to the cathedral
>make it to isaac with 3 spirit hearts left
>kill him with 1
>open chest
>get rainbow baby
>satan ending
>check stats
>new ending still not unlocked
he died
A teacher or other authority figure. Do you have a teacher who had a pretty alright relationship with? Ask them if you can use them as a reference.
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He never made it to Oregon.
>wants to get people into the medium

wat? The Condesce and Jack (indirectly) are forcing them to do so.
Dirk was playing with his wardrobifier and having shitty rap-offs with his robot a couple hours ago. He's just as awfully slow as the other characters.
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>Play this video
>Forget that I have my sound system plugged in

You put one of your fucking teachers, asshole.
Just call up some friends and ask them to pretend to be legit references.
>Pledge $10,000 or more
>6 Backers
Who would just throw away $10,000 for that?
They mean your teachers or a counselor.
Dirk consumed him, much as Roxy devoured Mom. They will never be the same.
>Implying Thats A Character Flaw
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And gave me this gem.
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What could have been...
Where the fuck are you that it can be an actual problem?
Either way, hes the only one who actually gives a shit about Condesce's strategies. Roxy is too drunk to give a shit about dying and Jane and Jake are just derpy.

So far Dirk is the only server player to successfully get someone into the medium, while Shades prick simultaneously is trying to get Jane and Jack to act as server players.

Hell, we just saw shades try to get Roxy to act as a server player too. Dirk is the only one with any sense of priority.
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davesprite thread
I miss Dualscar, the Grand Highblood, and the Summoner. Lonely world, huh?
I had a physics teacher who I was pretty much best bros with 3 years ago but I don't think Foot Locker will care
>Titty monster not high tier
>Worst character not low tier
Do you not know what a reference is
They just call these people to make sure you're not a shitbag who'll slack off or steal shit
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would you?
Roxy was fleeing from the Drones while saving her neighborhood. It's not easy to make Jake enter (which, on the other hand, is not a priority).
They will. They just want someone to confirm you can be responsible.
jane is "well there's shitloads of fatstuck of her i might as well" tier
how would he even masturbate
Why would any of my teachers know whether or not I'm responsible
Bro was a terrible guardian though. I mean yeah he prepared dave for the game but at the cost of any proper emotional or mental development.
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Dirk Strider has lately grew to be my 2nd most favorite character.
My 1st is obviously WV. It's impossible to pick any other character. IMPOSSIBLE, I say.
The funny or rather ironic thing is, the guy that was supposed to be more focused on this shipping shi and/or fuck around is actually getting things done.
I can understand why people don't like Dirk.
He's not blatantly trying to suck on Jake's dicks and/or cap a feel on Jane's breasts.
Which is, boohoohoohoo boring :(.
For them, atleast.
Dirk's been pretty damn cool so far, I'll be sad when he dies, really, really sad.
Insert one of Hussie's extremely condescending and smug "Your fanfiction" rants here.
They will. Your teacher is an authority figure who knows that you aren't a huge slacker/rude/whatever. When you're starting out, your references will be like that. You'll get more solid ones in time, but for now that physics teacher sounds like a pretty good reference.
Crag plz go.
They never were there. Fuck, the Summoner was mentioned briefly in a single panel.
why would he need to to? he has you
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>mfw I never liked Bro but think Dirk is great
R-Kid tier list

God tier:


Shit tier:

They know if you can meet deadlines, follow instructions. How is this hard to understand?
AR is overrated.
Who will enter first, Dirk or Roxy?
Not that guy, but how many times can you use the same reference.

I've applied for like 10 things this summer and apparently fucked them all up. I'm afraid my references have been called like 50 times and they're probably getting tired of that shit.
Autoresponder is just everything annoying about Dirk amplified, plus a gimmick.
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ur a faget
why does everyone hate me lately

i wish people would give me constructive criticism
I liked him a lot at first, but is it REALLY necessary for him to mention in EVERY FUCKING PESTERLOG that he's a supersmart artificial intelligence based machine and how shitty are humans and their flesh bodies?
Speaking of applying for jobs... you know what my recent hobby is. I like going to job boards, looking up jobs in towns in totally different parts of the country, and applying for jobs using a fake address and falsified education / work history.

...I'm not successful most of the time, but I've actually gotten a TON of invitations to job interviews from people who apparently never bothered to check that I was a real person.

..does this mean, if I tried this same technique in my own town, I'd be successful? If I sent out a ton of job applications with completely fake credentials, would I eventually get called to interview for a decent job from a company that didn't bother to do a background check?
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Man it's already been like a week and a half since i submitted my applications, how long does it even take to get an interview
bro and dirk are both great

homestuck is great
As far as I'm concerned, as many times as you need to. From what I've heard, at least, employers don't always call every reference, anyway, and if they didn't like the resume to begin with (which is a scarier thought, but what can you do), they won't bother at all.
I guess Dirk, but I want Roxy to enter first.
Meh, it seems LOPAN will be for Dirk after all :T
I don't recall Bro building Sawtooth or having on-screen rap battles.

I *do* recall him throwing a baby down some stairs though.

Roxy Lalonde


Jane Crocker
Jake English
Dirk Strider
tip: leave hsg. there is no constructive anything in hsg
what if autoresponder is dave
but like grown up
It's a bit of foreshadowing how he will fuck everything up and get jealous of how humans got bodies and such.
It's a tad obvious what happens when robots get sentient...
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I lost patience with him when he called Roxy's legs silly. Motherfucking blasphemy.
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You mean try to slice a baby, shortly after throwing him and kick Dave down a flight of stairs.
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>Alright interview so far
>08:00, Phoe starts talking

Holy shit I can't do this
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>roxy to drunk to care about the game

No she isn't, she's paranoid about what the condesce might try to pull if they entered.
Ohohohoho, I just realized.
Roxy would be the kind of girl to become those creepy old cat ladies.
i dont think hussie is going to go that direction with shades

for one, we expect that so heavily of every fucking AI character in any media, and two, it looks like he's trying to establish parallels with davesprite

i dont think hell do any big narrative breaking thing that davesprite wouldnt have the capability of mirroring in some capacity
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You what'd be cool.

If we got to see who raised Bro, Mom, Nanna, and Grandpa.
Guys, do you seriously not know what the best way to pick references for a job interview is?

It's simple. You choose dead people.

Research the teachers and ex-teachers at your school and see if anyone who was teaching while you were at the school is now dead. If so, list them as a reference and pretend you were their student.

Likewise, if there was a supervisor at a place you worked at who is now dead, list them as a reference, even if you didn't actually work under them

In fact, it doesn't even need to be a place that you worked at. Look through your town's obituary for people who died who were in a managerial position. Don't pick people who were long-retired, but maybe people who were young and healthy but died in a car crash or something like that. Then claim that you worked under them.

In all of these cases, what will happen is that the employer will call, and find out that the person is dead. They will feel so awkward about it that they won't pursue it any further.
If they question you about it, simply say that you didn't know that they had died.
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my friend's step-mother makes $85 every hour on the internet. She has been unemployed for 6 months but last month her pay was $12850 just working on the internet for a few hours. Go to this web site and read more www.LazyCash9.Com
That's a good way to get cursed, man. Seriously, ask /x/.

Trust the lonely alcoholic to be the smartest R-Kid.
>If we got to see who raised ... Nanna, and Grandpa.
But we did, you idiot.
So all my previous bosses died inexplicably recently and I deny any knowledge of this fact.

Great idea.
Just because I got straight A's in his class doesn't mean he knows I'm dependable
>Nanna and Grandpa

It was the Condesce, numbnuts
captcha was supposed to stop this
Nanna was raised by the Condesce
Hass was halfway raised by the Condesce, but he bailed and adventured the fuck out of everything
Bro was raised by Ice
Eridan hijack



well remember part of Roxy's character is that no one takes her seriously or listens to her even though she's always spot on all the time.

Actually has there ever been a time when she was off about something?
is this a legit spam post
It gives him reason to suspect you are. But you aren't telling us anything we don't already know-teachers don't really know squat. But they're an authority figure all the same.

Priests and doctors often get asked if they can be used as references, and they'd know even less. It's just a respectable name that an employer can turn to.

I don't know why you're even arguing about this.
She's not lonely, she has cats! Oh... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!.......
Dirk being gay
>believes in curses
lol faggot
you haven't lived until you've shit in a crypt
It shows something good and a teacher is the closest thing a student has to a boss. It's much better than nothing.
should i go out and get good paints
or to stick to cheap crayola
>not shat

do you even english
I just farted and it sounded like HONK HONK.
One followed shortly after the other and it sounded exactly like a honk.
I'm scared...
I think it's supposed to be a joke
holy shit get little timmy, it's a real live spambot!!!!!!!!!

the scientists said they all went extinct! well who's laughing now, pointdexters???????????//
Good paints are expensive.

Don't you want me to cook you something really nice?
Yes, he heard we were all Homestuck so he's telling us how to make money if you're stuck at home
Nigga's been cursed with bad grammar. It's the typical curse for when you shit in a crypt.
I want more of the A2 Ancestors. Not the A1 players, their post-Scratch selves. We'll probably get to know their A1 selves well enough in a year or so. But we'll never get to explore the Ancestors again.
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It's been so long.

Fine then, it'd be cool to see who raised all of the Derse guardians.
who the fuck is that
with the green hat
next to clover
ok, I just wanted to ask
Is that sentence written with proper grammar? Thanks.
you're mom
shitty tumblr fanfelt
Yes. Yes it is.
shippin's for girls

and eyetalians
>wrapped in plastic
>not Bourbon
what about mouthtalians
I'm usually shy when writing in English because I don't want to make mistakes so that people doesn't laugh at me.

People is plural or singular, btw?
Is it bad that I like seeing Strider's crossdressing?

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>You will never be a gay black man in 80s Chicago, snorting coke off of dicks and jacking on the dancefloor to house beats until you overdose or die of AIDS

Kill me now, HSG.
People is the plural form of person, so you should say "people don't"
plural usually

thanks for the shitposting QA
By some miracle you personally have a large and extremely vapid fanbase that you are forced to interact with on a daily basis.

What do you do?
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hey HSG,

what are some RPGs where I can choose to be a monk and fuck everything up with my fists?
You can snort coke off of my dick, anon~
Get really, really drunk and face them.
Retrieve arms from chest
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Take down my website.
Become the ultimate troll.
As a word of advice, never join a homestuck group in real life. Just, don't do it.
ok ok, I always had problems with this (as you should've noticed)
Guys I don't think I like 4chan anymore.

I don't like your faces.

I don't like your opinions.

And I don't like your politics.

You've changed. And I can't put up with your BS anymore.

I'm ollying outie.
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Trigger etc.
>go on skaia.net
>see all this glitchy neon sprite edits

The fuck is this
*kicks you in the dick*
but how will i have sex with a girl in a nepeta costume
>daily basis
I work out for hours.

But I do not sweat.

What is wrong with me.
See you tomorrow, Anon.
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when is the appropriate time to use persons?
You know... I've always wondered, if I was in that situation, if there was a way for me to make sure that large numbers of them get killed, but that it looks like an accident.

Like, if I set up a meetup for fans of my work, but I somehow knew in advance that there was going to be some sort of natural disaster in the area that I invite them to. So they all crowd in front of the mic, and it's almost time for me to come out and talk to them, and suddenly the ceiling collapses and crushes them all.

...am I a sick person for actually thinking about this?
1 4M G4Y
You're not Human.
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vagina mouth
Maybe you're secretly ten years old.
But I am.
Wait wait did Hussie answer the Reddit questions somewhere else or something

It's been like a month
Thank them for the porn and critique the shittier workers.
No, you're not. Mutie Scum.
You're dead.
Welcome to the dreambubbles, buddy.
Enjoy the stay.
I've always thought it would be hilarious if I invented some kind of viral phenomenon website that gets so popular that it gets featured on all kinds of websites, news stations, and morning shows. Then, just as it reaches the height of mainstream popularity, I replace the content of the website with disgusting, violent fetish porn.
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1 4M GR3Y

Interact with them as much as physically possible.

Randomly message one of them every day and if I don't like them, block access to the site for two weeks and blame it on them.

Such is the life of those corrupted by fame and power.
Hey HSG could you use the Miles on Lord English? Cause you can't escape the Miles.
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Hail Satan.
You are horribly dehydrated.
Be socially awkward.
>that feel when it's your ultimate sexual fantasy to have sex with a cute Nepeta cosplayer but you're so morbidly obese that even if you went on a strict diet and worked out every day it would take so much time for you to lose the weight that Homestuck will end before you're sexually attractive

Does anyone else know this feel?
Hold up.
Why is there no canon troll that got the quirk as 612?
Where is aradia. I was promised aradia.
You could be 600 pounds and work down to 150. Homestuck would still be going. It's not even possible to rap this shit up anymore.
lose the weight so that next time you won't be so obese
>I'm not fat. I'm rather attractive to be honest.
>I'm gay.
Nah. I eat whatever I want and stay about 130.
He already escaped the miles though.
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Make fun of their fanart on my website's front page.
O-Redglare, dunkass. Wait about a year.
You are (not) him.
I haven't ever heard "persons" used as a real word. I have heard "peoples" used as a word, but its usage is uncommon. People is sometimes used as a singular noun referring to an entire group of people, such as an ethnic group, as a single unit. So if you were to refer to multiple groups at once, you might say "peoples." For example: "the native peoples of North America."

>Be fat.

>get laid all the time.

I don't know what you guys are going on about personally.
Most of the Strilondes are smug

"I won't actually talk to the guy I like I'll make a huge convoluted plan with layered intricacies to make my confession to him"

"There is nothing to gain from actually talking to me, all parts of me are essentially the same. "

"I show my affection for people by beating the shit out of them, making them stronger. I don't have to actually be personally involved in anything. 'I' don't matter"

The idea of removing from oneself gives you the perspective and awareness necessary for someone like Dirk to handle multiple levels of Ironic, self-aware humor, and intricate plans, but it also makes him distant and existentially confusing. Most likely will result in>>37745112

"What is self?"
What good is the next time?
There will never be a fictional character as fuckable as Nepeta ever again!
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Oh no what happened to Equius?
How fat are you talking about? If we're just talking about jelly rolls, that's no big deal. When we say fat, we usually mean morbidly obese.
I think her laughter would be H1H1H1H1H1H1
Really fucking annoying
I only see it in a legal context.
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If you don't have some kind of medical problem keeping the fat on you, things as simple as light walks and eating right will melt the first, uh, "round" of fat off of you very, very quickly.


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“Cosmetic Sesame” is a Korean urban legend. The story goes like this: Somewhere in Korea, there was once a girl who is willing to try any method out there just to make her skin better. One day, she heard from a friend that putting sesame seeds in your bath water will be good for your skin.
Worried about her skin getting old and wrinkled, the girl tried this method right away. But after a few hours, she didn’t come out of the bathroom. She’d only reply, “Just a moment!” when someone tries to enter. Her mother grew suspicious and forced the bathroom door open.
What she saw inside really shocked her—on her daughter’s skin are innumerable amount of sesame seeds that attached themselves between every small wrinkle and every pore and had started to grow roots. Her daughter seemed like she had lost her mind and was frantically trying to remove the seeds with a toothpick.
do you think jane enjoy analingus
Isn't that how Germans write laughter?
Generally speaking when we say fat what we actually mean is DISGUSTINGLY OBESE CAN'T EVEN WASH YOURSELF.
Remove last line, meant to be added to last quote
Maybe Redglare will be partially german...
I clean myself wwith a rag on a stick
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>How fat are you talking about? If we're just talking about jelly rolls, that's no big deal. When we say fat, we usually mean morbidly obese.

Not that guy but man this shit is confusing
Like I recently became "obese" according to the BMI
How can people NOT consider that "fat"?
class pairings?
Well, I am losing weight a lot recently. I got a really bad throat infection, and it caused me to cough violently whenever I tried to eat anything. So I ended up eating very little for about two weeks. And even though I'm almost completely better, I still don't feel like eating very much during the day.

...so I weighed myself, and I went from 380 lbs to 365 lbs. I lost that much just from eating much less every day.

Is that a good amount to lose in 2 weeks or am I going pathetically slow?
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We'll be seeing Nepeta cosplays for at least 5 years.

Now, whether any of them will be cute...
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I've spoken with moot. He didn't have much to say at all.
It's really just about how you look and how you carry your weight, as opposed numbers and BMI and such
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>Shark Dirk
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like 200 pounds or so.

Mostly just my gut. Never really gave too many fucks.

I don't need a crane to lift myself out of my fucking apartment. Those people need professional help man.
>Anamanaguchi will never make an Homestuck Album.
Among an average population, I would definitely consider obese to be "fat."

Homestuck General is not an average population.
Wouldn't people normally want a penis to be smaller than they are?
I like Homestuck
you better update or i will rape you and your lips
A Taste for Adventure is so underwhelming

I waited so long for the full version

and just

>200 lbs
You fucking asshole, you had me going for a second there
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Can it be assumed that there have been an infinite number of sessions that every in existence has been a part of? Because I was just thinking Jesus and co. (12 disciples) could be considered players in some alternate universe.

Not trying to turn this into a religious thing, I just thought it would be interesting to see where mythological/important historical characters would place in to Homestuck class-wise and whatnot.
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You know what's underwhelming.

Red Miles.


-Knight|Page+ (since Page looks like it relies on other people according to what tulpa Dirk said)



fuck if i know fuck this
sylph/maid? sylph/seer? sylph/witch????
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1.96 MB
Anamanaguchi is shit

Chiptunes are shit

polite sage
That is a pretty respectable amount to lose in that amount of time! Impressive, even, considering you're not coupling it with increased activity.

Fun fact: your stomach capacity probably shrunk during the time when you were forced to eat less, which will definitely help you along as long as you don't go back to your old habits.
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*8r8ks into thre̸a͟d*

Hi i̸t͘'s̶̶͏ ̛͜m̛e

Unless you're like...5'5, 200 pounds as a guy isn't really that fat
I liked chiptunes before they became mainstream

How hipster does that make me?
Pretty sure the counterpart of Witch is Mage
You know the your gut is the least healthy place to carry weight.
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I liked the theory that, like ancestors exhibited powers based on their aspects, historical figures in the mspa world would display skills related to what classes and aspects they would have in the game, regardless if they are destined to play. it's just a generic stat that you have in that world, like a sylladex or weapon allocation.
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You're kinda mean...
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>all these new games
>I can't be assed to play any of them
>there isn't even an update

Life is so hard HSG
What are some good Horrorstuck fics?
That's what you get for having expectations fuckers.
Cuntpi, glad you showed up. I needed to share a new development with you.
We should have sex

Not that guy but I'm 5'6 and I'm 200 pounds

People keep thinking I'm taller than that but I'm 5'6
Max Payne, Then Max Payne Two.
Eh, I'm not a numbers guy. It's more like 240 or 50 last I checked?
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That is normal for an obese person subjected to calorie deficit. However, don't be upset once some of it comes back when you regain your appetite. A lot of that could very well be water weight, I know nothing of your hydration in that period.

When you do regain your appetite, I urge you to start calorie counting. Drink lots of water too, it helps your metabolism.

>tfw I am happy to help somebody in HSG lose weight

I don't think many people want a penis smaller than 56x39 pixels.
Is it wrong to say I'd rail the Vriska?

I like that body type
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but I've been playing Max Payne all day.

Fine I guess.
I'm not him but I'm 205-195 usually and I consider my self fat.

pretty sure the counterpart of your mom is my dick in her

And by that I mean, would you please kindly explain why you think so?
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How do you like it?
>LE's eyes
>not 4/14
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>All these fatties
>I only weigh 128
>I'm 6'2"

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HSA, you seem to know a decent amount about this sorta shit.

How does one even go about making a picture that unbelievably shitty.

Can you explain it to me using quick and easy steps.
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Would you prefer I keep it in my feet or hands? Would that make you happy Cuntpi?
I tried working out.

I tried dieting.

I just can't fucking do it. My body rebels. I starve horribly for weeks at a time until I finally break down and just splurge. My body just gives out after working out for five minutes. I'm trying as hard as I can but I can't get any less fat, HSG.
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Based off of a plushie someone made.

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Counting calories is easily my least favorite part of trying to diet
200 lbs is.... pretty fat if you're not that tall. Not the kind of fat that prevents people from treating you like a normal human being, but, like, it's going to be visibly pretty clear that you're not in great shape
yeah but you're a lady
ladies are so fucking light
i could probably bench press like 20 ladies
if only ladies would let me touch them
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It's pretty good.

Can't take his face seriously though.
Uh man that is not really a thing to brag about!
About 6 feet.
You ever stop and think of how much better everything wouldd be if Bro's corpse made it into becsprite instead of the totally useless piece of shit stuffed Jade?
Why not
Are you anorexic? Cause you're underwheight and that's not healthy either.
>Mfw I workout daily
>Mfw 12.5 BMI
>mfw 6 percent Fat Percentage.
What if Kanaya cummed inside Rose, and she somehow got pregnant?
Don't worry.

You'll cry when you start number two.

I did.

A lot.

I cry a lot.
workout isn't a verb
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You know what's awesome?

Not having to spend money on food because I only have one small meal a day and tiny snacks throughout the rest to keep me from being hungry.

I used to be 300+, I prefer being this skinny
Uhh, dude...
There's not much explanation.
It's kind of common sense, since sorceress doesn't quite fit as a hero title, the only option becomes Witch, which can also count as a sort of Magician, just like Mage(ahurrdurr).
Bro was a crazy freak dude, giving him godlike powers sounds like a horrific idea.
>not knowing how classes work in homestuck

>I starve horribly for weeks at a time until I finally break down and just splurge.


Start small. Count calories, go for walks, drink water.

To lose weight you still have to EAT, just eat right.

It's a lifestyle change you have to commit to if you want to see results.
Are the Max Payne games old enough that I can play them on my shitty laptop?

or are they available on PSN?
Oh. Sorry.

I just thought If I took pride in what I did I could boost myself confidence.
Well do you have some sort of Hypothyroidism?

I'm going to have to reject that logic broseph
That's like saying Prince/Heir should go together
Homestuck don't work like that
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You want to know how they make it so shitty?

They try their hardest to create a masterpiece with no artistic ability whatsoever. You can't recreate the honesty behind a legitimately shitty picture.
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So one extreme to another?

Kinda dumb but whatever.

i would masturbate furiously
First, I think you have to be between the ages of 10-18. Not a requirement however.

Second, be a furry. That always helps.

Third, disregard any criticism of your work as trolling, even if its from an art teacher.

Fourth, kill some brain cells.
I'm pretty sure we've got a writefag working on that, actually.
I'm not sure where men are supposed to carry their weight, actually. Ideally, I'm sure it's in muscle mass.
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How did you know that bringing money into it was the best way to shut me up.

(No but seriously though, a happy medium is healthier and more attractive, dude!)

There are the two most popular "complete" theories I've seen constructed here.
Aside from Bard/Prince and Rogue/Thief:

Summoning, directing/guiding/controlling, mastering or serving/embodying - Heir controls it around them, Maid serves as it comes through them

Acting, exploiting, facilitation of actions or powers with/through something or someone

Alter, exaggerate/subvert, change nature/properties of with/through aspect

Know/See, benefit from, share/heal (Seer has knowledge/aspect shared with them, Sylph shares it with others)


Movement, direction, combat/weaponization or projection, Moving, attacking, pushing, or direct interaction with/through aspect

Producing/Growing or Taking/Shrinking - Maid amplifies/multiplies or shrinks aspect within self or amplifies/multiplies or shrinks self with aspect

Know/Learn/Observe ultimate potential and consequences regarding aspect, within self or without

Healing of/from/with an aspect - restoring, resurrecting, preserving
You should probably see a therapist, what you're doing now isn't healthy either. You need to find a healthy middle ground.
I am a man and I keep all of my fat in my thighs, ass, and breasts.

Feels horrible man.
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What you should do is eat small healthy portions throughout the day to prevent yourself from becoming hungry.

Are you me.

I'm pretty sure we're the same person.
I think a more eloquent verb for witch/maid would be "transform", and I believe hussie has said that Aradia used her maid powers to "clean up" the timeline.
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Tavros, is that you?
man I think I fucked up my appetite. I got massively depressed a while ago and just stopped eating except for very little for days on end and lost some weight.

Now that I'm somewhat better I feel sick whenever I try to eat and don't want to even eat even if I've had nothing all day.
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I'm gonna do it

I'm gonna write this stupid fapfiction

Meenah is going to swallow Roxy whole
and then Dirk is gonna get fucked by some bots

But I need to figure out how to explain those two situations. What the hell sorta context there should be.
Bro already had godlike powers. He nearly kicked jack's ass until he got fully prototyped. All it would do is create a ridiculously overpowered character on the kid's side for once.

>Land of Puppets and More Puppets.

>CD dressed as a smuppet

>LE getting a face full of spectral plush rump

i see nothing wrong with this
Are you a girl, or a dude?
Are you a lady? Tall ladies make me lose it. <3
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No, this is.
Sounds like you got a lot of estrogen there.
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The LOCAH flash implied that Jane's maid powers were meant for the "housekeeping of life" so that makes sense.

>I am a man

cmon bro



>that feel when meds fucked up your appetite
>only eat one or two meals a day
>lose a lot of weight
>people compliment me all the time
>more out of shape than ever

More like LOPIMP
>CD dressed as a smuppet
It would be really great if someone drew a picture of CD wearing a hat that's just a giant smuppet ass on his head
I've TRIED doing that.

It just doesn't work. I'm always starving on those diets, with small meals and healthy foods. I've tried every diet out there, but unless I can just eat what I'm craving and as much as I need to be satisfied, I feel horribly tired and famished all the time.

And it's not like I just quit immediately. I've gone for -months- feeling like that on a diet, and I finally just broke down because it was never getting any better.

I don't know.
Heir can work a lot of ways in terms of counterparts.
An Heir can be the master to his Maid servant.
Or the head of the court and possessor a Knights alleigance.

Similarly, a Prince can start a war, while a Bard can incite a rebellion.

There's a lot of flexibility with this stuff.
Are you me?
D--> It is indeed neigh
dirk's should be pretty obvious

just have meenah eat roxy when she gets stuck between the windows or something
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i welcome this sexy, sexy hell
D=> gog DAMN nepeta that is one nice ass you have their.
Well if you don't know you probably don't, but it couldn't hurt to ask a doctor to check.
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>A woman

Oh wait don't we have a few confirmed females who posted pics or something
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Good evening, Gents. I shall continue working on this throughout the night. But first, is there anything I need to fix before I move on to cleaning it up and coloring it?
probably not
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Spoiler Image, 387 KB
alright guys, my husband and daughter are gone for the evening, give me something filthy to draw

pic related

ha ha
There are many drunks in this city, sir. You need to be more specific
Iceland is you serious
we're all high lesbian cats in here
A good portion of HSG are women.

Sounds like you're also me.

That's two people in this thread that are me.
D--> Are
D--> Are you mocking me
D--> I want you to stop
D--> Now
>A Prince can start a war, while a Bard can incite a rebellion.

It's not far fetched at all. No way.
I'm probably gonna hit up the gym once I get back to College.

I suspect that if I work out more it'll balance out the shit I eat.

Only problem is I get bad headaches sometimes if I work out too hard. Anybody know a good way to counter that?
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I had forgotten.

I must commit sudoku out of shame.
I just realized I've been shitposting and posting copypasta for almost the entire thread so far. What is wrong with me?
The Condesce peeling off her wetsuit in a sexy stripper-y manner
Now draw Dave lapping the pizza sauce off of Bro's crotch.
jake teasing a tied up roxy
do it

Sounds pretty normal to me. *farts*
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More of this threesome please
Doing sex
We actually have a good amount of women, Iceland.
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It looks good.

Just maybe make her look a bit less strained, I guess.

If that makes sense.
>my husband and daughter are gone for the evening
>MILF draws Homestuck smut on the side

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the handmaid is in one of thesecars only it's a convertable with the roof down.

She's also firing a tommy gun with a drum mag

Aradia is in the back seat firing a shotgun and has a suit and is also wearing her dusty fedora hat.

they've also kidnapped one of the felt and are forcing him to drive.

Both are also ecstatic as fuck.

I'm on it

but keep 'em coming
Draw porn of your husband and daughter.

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A Dave/Karkat/Rose threesome
Mom breastfeeding teenage Rose
Wow, thanks for the boner. Its so much easier when the fapping starts itself.
Thon never said anything about her own gender, you cis scum.
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It makes sense, I just don't know what else to make her look like.
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Do chicks like it if you play with their hair for no reason?
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Let's be honest, guys.
How many of you are actually still in high school?
Aradiabot/Equius femdom is always nice


Dave cockslapping someone.
They like it when guys they like do it.

But you specifically?

I'm a chick and for some odd reason, I like it when people play with my hair.

Please don't tell anyone.
Not when I do it for some reason.
Oh also Dave/Jade/Tavros threesoming. Yes.
[slpoiler]A lot of us are, remember the survey.

Jade is a little bi.

i dropped out

They used to when I was little.
As I grow order, females avoided me.
Not even a hug or anything.
I miss when some nice young girl that was about 1 or 3 years older than me played with my hair...
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This is so anime there shouldn't be a person alive behind the wheel.
Since we're in work out suck I'm also trying to trim down, but I'm not sure if my routine would work or not. I'm doing about a hundred squats with eighty pound weights and two hundred crunches each night. Does this sound like an okay routine?
We should do a new survey
Oh wait, I read that in WROG ways.
Please ignore this post.
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Well, she's Roxy.

You could make her look determined instead of strained. Or maybe just the regular ol' goofy Roxy smile.

I feel like I'm being really picky here. Just do what you think looks good. It looks good already, I'm sure it'll look awesome when finished.

Don't believe in yourself. Believe in the me who believes in you.
>hey its me.


>king of the animes.
Not unless it's supposed to be romantic or relaxing, personally.
I get strangers petting my hair all the time and it's annoying as fuck. But it can feel really good.
you can be in charge of it
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>Girl Jake is a little bi

Yeah I can see it

Going around calling girls "pretty"

Yeah that's right I got you in the yuri goggles you can't escape this shit
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Well I'm not sure what to say to that other than see a doctor.

And if it's not a medical reason, suck it up and exercise. Get a friend to do it with. Pretend you are working toward being somebody else. What exactly is stopping you other than your seemingly weak willpower?
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I just finished six years of college actually.
I don't know how they work

Wow, lots of good suggestions tonight

I'll be busy for a while
A lot of them are.

I really should stop coming here. I'm too old for HSG. And sometimes I forget the difference between this place and my college life.
Is there a word for liking people who give you makeovers?
Because yeah, I like it when people play with my hair.
God, the fat guy on Cold Case is so fucking goofy looking.

They always try to make him the hardass no-nonsense cop and it never fucking works.
That's so anime it doesn't even look anime. Just the artist's flawed ideal of what anime should be.
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Not I. I'm going into my third year of uni, doing research this summer.
Not really they're too young for HSG.
I wish my mom would draw smut for me.
Who do you allow to play with your hair
That is the better question
what's the average age of HSG?
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Before I opened the thumbnail I thought that was like, foglio work for some reason.

What the fuck.
People who give you makeovers are you grrlfriends.
I do too. I'm a guy, though, so that doesn't happen as often.
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i'll see what I can do

also gonna namefag so people know when I'm posting art
Other girls mostly.
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I think it was ~20 or something.
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So what the fuck is with this "satanstuck" shit?
Somebody realized that everyone has forgotten about glitchstuck by now and decided to repurpose their old images but with horrifying color choices and poor editing?
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I thought it was 18 or 19 the last time we did a survey
is 22 too old for HSG?
There is no too old for HSG, but if there was it definitely wouldn't be college aged.

what is the question
that equius is killing me
What if Rose just naturally assumed that Kanaya had a crush on her, but then Kanaya just kind of rebuffed any advances she made for the three years and when the gang all met up, Kanaya immediately started courting Jade, who warily, slowly responded, and Rose had to watch in horror as Kanaya slowly broke down Jade's heterowall and got all smoochie-faced with her?
Was wondering about that. What the hell is this shit?


HSG who is your favourite:

>Alpha Kid
>Beta Kid
>Canon Land


Too many rainbows. looks more like Gaypridestuck.
I think it was done semi ironically, making fun of satanism in general. I mean, Terezi is literally the same because "she's already satan"
Ooooooooh yeah! The season premiere of 8urn Notice is on right now! I am so ready for this!!!!!!!!
Nah, atomic is 22
>Terezi is unchanged
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>terezi's the same


The reason I come to HSG for discussion (I know, lol) is that most of you seem to be older than 20.

Like, we're all immature faggots, and it's comforting to know that other people don't grow out of that (I'm 24).
How long have Waifuanon and Homestuck Admiral been competing for the same function?
I graduated this year actually.
>What Terezi Thinks Her Friends Look Like.jpg
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>Terezi is the same
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>Implying most people over their 20s actually go on internet forums to talk about stupid shit. Especially here.

You've seen how juvenile this entire website can get right?
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HA tends to stick to dA, so someone has to comb tumblr for shit

>Saya no Pyrope
Shut up hellstrider

>Wrath and Angels

tell me my future hellstrider
Uh, okay

Any Jack Noir. DD used to be my favorite, but the newest one kind of bugs me
Tie for Nepeta and Equius
Caves and Silence is pretty cool
Prospit is for bros
Pyrope of Saya? That doesn't make sense. It should probably be Pyrope no Uta. Just sayin.
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True. I caught you once posting every image I had posted from dA like an hour earlier. Had to put a stop to that shit.

What do I win?
Which Troll would watch...


>It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

>A Game of Thrones

>Breaking Bad

>Two and a half Men


>Cartoon Network


Land of Wrath and Angels

Does Supernatural have vampires in it

>Alpha Kid: Hard to pick between Dirk and Roxy, although my next favorite after them is Jane; at the moment it's leaning towards Dirk, but I have a feeling I'm about to fall more in love with Roxy soon.
>Beta Kid: Probably Rose or Dave p. much equally, although really I do love all the kids (even John, although he's my least favorite).
>Carapace: It's definitely PM, although I like all the named ones.
>Troll: Tavros and Terezi are jockeying for this spot. I like them equally in completely different ways.
>Lusus: Grubmom is surprisingly sweet.
>Canon land: LOMAT is so pretty.
>Moon: Prospit's prettier, Derse has more interesting kids.
Nep would watch Supernatural for sure. Kan would probably watch two and a half men.
Bro was part of the Dirk Network. All the Dirks around now can remember being Bro then. It's how he was somehow able to raise his own self and it's why he's about 100x more skilled at everything than anyone else pre-entry.
>Pyralspite (if that counts)
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>Land of Caves and Silence
Aradia would watch supernatural.
Aradia? I've never watched it
Gamzee. Sollux avoids it like the plague
Never watched this either

A baby cannot raise itself, Hussie.

You have fucked up.
I have this really, really vivid image in my head… with the Striders in bed, with Dave lying on his back, on top of Bro, with only his socks and shirt on (said shirt pulled up to his chest), while Bro holds both his wrists with one hand and has an arm around his waist to keep him in place.

And Bro is stark naked and rolling his hips ever so softly, thrusting into Dave in the slowest way possible, getting progressively deeper with each movement. All the while he’s panting right into Dave’s ear, while telling him how cute and precious he looks and how he loves hearing all the sounds escaping from Dave’s mouth, occasionally biting and pulling on his ear.

And Dave keeps moaning, and mewling, and grunting, and sometimes cursing under his breath, his body trembling and weakening with every thrust and all his nerves going haywire and with sweat dripping from every pore. And his eyes shut and he throws his head back when Bro hits the right spot inside him, heels digging on the mattress under them.
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The baby didn't
Lil Cal did
>>37747500 fanfiction
keep it for livejournal
Oh boy me too.

All of em
SS or HB
I liked LOCAS, but I'm also really fond of LOWAS
Pink Moon (no Derse)
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>Land of Wind and Shade
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I owe you stridercesters a small apology. It can be pretty alright as long as Dave's being a sexual predator and Bro isn't really into it.
stop being so right
my sides hurt so much
You are talking about Dirk here. He probably gave himself that tat when he was three.


Headcanon: Tavros has incredible upper arm strength from using his arms for everything, like that circus freak lobsterman guy who beat the shit out of his wife and kids
What if Dave is being a sexual predator but Bro is also really into it?
I'm not reading that and you should feel bad for writing that
Spades Slick
Her Imperious Condescension
Wrath and Angels
The pink moon's
>supporting Stridercest

No, Nick, why?

I liked you. I really did.
This is, like, the oldest headcanon ever.
I read it.
It was pretty hot.

Just kidding, it was awful.
>he doesn't like Stridercest
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he kn0ws ab0ut us

i d0nt think we sh0uld see each 0ther anym0re
'work out' is a phrasal verb
'workout' is a noun
nouns are frequently made into verbs in English
what is the problem here
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Ron Paul.
but i lovve you
Okay I'll do it since everyone else is.

>Dave's being a sexual predator and Bro isn't really into it
It can if it lived a past life as a puppet ninja pedophile.
Ron PaaP noR.
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What if Dirk never actually learned English, and simply uses future-tech to translate his primeval grunts?
Was there a particular fic that changed your mind?
>suddenly Roxy is replaced by Terezi on Goggles
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Well. Maybe. If it's a "yes but no" kind of thing and they don't actually pork in the end.

I sometimes have trouble believing that there are people who don't think this! I mean, he has to have more bull features than just the horns, right?
is it happening?
how do you feel about dirk/rdave and bro/rdave?

captcha: iverCou Ogden BUSTIN MAKES ME FEEL GOOD
It's like PBJ all over again, except I'm not safe from it even in HSG.
That's dumb.
Pon Raul
I can always count on you to provide art to pad out my Tavros folder. Thanks, mate.
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who are your favorite anons hsg?

i like

and trigger discipline anon
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Most forms of Stridercest are pretty terrible
i'm 24
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Crypts and Helium

Myststuck made me fall in love with LOCAH and Glb'golyb is fucking sexy.
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It was never happening.
>and they don't actually pork in the end
come onnnn
>It's like PBJ all over again

What, because it's popular and gay
>tavros' muscular, muscular neck
>tavros' frightening, frightening cock
Supernatural: nepeta and terezi: Terezi for the promise of supernatural shit and shotgun justice, nepeta is that one fangirl who ships them

Always Sunny: Karkat and Vriska enjoy the asshole/ all terrible people humor

Game of Thrones: Equius and eridan. Religiously.

Breaking bad: Vriska

Two and a half men: Karkat because he already likes shitty humor

TMZ: Tavros

Cartoon Network: Terezi thinks all the colors are fucking delicious

Korra: Aradia because adventure. Nepeta because shipping

>Max Power
>He is the man whose name you'd love to touch
>But you mustn't touch
>nose not even shaded
>explicitly colored with visible outlines

Fuck I always wondered why HSG hated colored noses so much and now I know why.
I like how Chrome looks, but I hate how it functions. Firefox is the superior browser, but it's just so ugly. That smoothed scrolling and general layout just bugs me, but I'm sick of Chrome's bullshit
I like history with homestuck anon
>That feel when you just want something good to happen to you for once.

And then me, just for good measure.

>Alpha Kid
>Beta Kid
Pounce de Leon
>Canon Land
Aw no, I was pretty upfront about it being terrible earlier today, but I remembered that it can be amusing, that's all. It is still pretty much awful as it's presented by everyone who isn't HSG characterizing Dave as a predator while Bro slips out the back door.
"Most forms"? What are the ones that aren't terrible?
I want more dirk/odave. Why don't I see this everywhere?
I haven't seen any fast gifs in forever
Also, those "anons" are usually not one person.
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1.53 MB

>Ron PaaP Nor

>Ron paps Noir

>Homestuck ends with Ron Paul papshooshing Jack Noir into contentment and saving everyone

nipple fucking anon
Dirk/O-Dave, Bro/R-Dave
School Shooter anon.
How does someone who raised himself learn language?

If you aren't taught the concept of language after a certain point, those neural pathways close and you can seriously never learn to do so. That means Dirk had to somehow teach himself the concept of language, English specifically, with no influence, at a quite young age.
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Spoiler Image, 26 KB
*ac crawls into the thread!*
:33 < f33d me!
>Don't really have one
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but it is shaded, anon
what are you talking about?
I'm not saying it's good, but it's definitely shaded.
i thought that was just spongefan
i forgot him hes cool too

well theres usually one primary person for it all
He probably built a robot and sent it back in time to raise himself.
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Whoops, mean Jack Noir.
He learned from watching SBaHJ.
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>tfw tavros will never grow up to be a huge nerd in a bara tier body
>tfw even if he did, he isn't real

Rumble Spheres or GTFO!
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I know, right? I really dig this artist a lot, but those goddamn noses!

Always a pleasure.

Sorry, man. Guardian/child porn wigs me out, and let's face it, stridercest is completely for the porn.
No, it's completely based in the yaois, completely nonsensical, and it's fucking everywhere for no real reason.
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Guys I really want to play Max Payne. How do I do it?
But then he'd probably still need future-tech to translate his primeval noises.
No, fuck, I mean usually its just a nose with kind of a bit of brown or purple thats barely noticeable. But this shit is like the dead center of his face. The brown isn't just some tinge afterthought; the brown is his entire fucking nose.
vote for ron paul
he'll buy you it and teach you how to play
which one?
Love advice Nepeta anon.

Get game. Play game.

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You could have stopped it, you only had to listen.
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See, that's exactly what I said, but I don't want to have that argument again.
I wish I could get my alarm to randomize. I picked my favourite song from Volume 9 because my alarm always makes me angry, and just ended up coming to hate the song.
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Has anyone ever met a feral child before?
Striderceest really is the hottest porn.
Confirmed for shit taste. Definitely not voting for Ron Paul.
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It's not completely nonsensical.

Dave is hot, Bro is hot, so they fuck.

Plus, they have interesting interactions with each other.
I eat 1.1 pounds of pasta every day

Is that too much
The first one.

yes there are trailerparks near me

Dave probably left recordings for him.

That's how I figure it at least.
Historically, yes, in this thread, no
This Jade's so much cooler than the real Jade.
>white teeth
But how did Dave learn then?

No and I hope not to because it would be depressing as shit

They are basically retarded and the reason for it is almost always something terrible because "The dad locked the girl in a room while keeping her tied to a chair for over ten years of her entire life"
But neither of them like each other like that.
enjoy being fat
>Feral Child
>White teeth
>everything is blue
i really don't see that connection

stridercest is 600% porn occasionally with some measure of angst, pbj is way more shipping and feelings crap
but chrome for ipad doesn't look like that?


Those are some sophisticated feral children.
Oh boy, you watched that too huh?

She was born with glasses, guys
That actually wouldn't really work very well.
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It has the same merits as pretty much any other pairing.

They're friends, people like their dynamic. Yeah, the fandom is real retarded about it, but what else is new (especially with kawaii yaois)?
>Her Imperious Condescension
>Wrath and Angels
Nah. Go back to opening the door when I tell you to.
He deletes his history so other politicians don't get any ideas.
Fuck you why'd you have to remind me of that.
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>completely nonsensical

Because he grew up in a relatively normal environment. Someone most likely found him when the meteor crashed and adopted him. Same thing that happened to every other meteor baby.
Anyone else?
Watched what? This sounds interesting``
Canonically, neither do pretty much any other ship with very few exceptions

Restricting it to only canon relationships pretty much cuts out 99% of the porn in the homestuck fandom.

I had to study that shit

Plus a similar case with a boy a hundred years before that, except no one had any idea how he became that way, they just found him naked and walking through the snow like it's fucking nothing

They tried to raise him all civilized and his adult life was basically him being stuck in a room and not doing much until he can't communicate well and then he died

It's like, fuck

Shit is so hopeless
Uh just play it. I guess.
That'd be an interesting character angle. Perhaps, in an alternate timeline, Jade's character was not a parody-fulfillment-parody of Mary Sues, but rather a feral child.

She usually hunts on Hellmurder island with her guardian dog, and spends her nights in a dilapidated Skaianet building. She learned language and other things from the internet, and her favorite form of entertainment is chatting with these mysterious people that she's met online, who eventually talk her into playing a game with them.

In game, she's use fistkind, or perhaps spearkind.
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Ok so I have written up until the point where Meenah chokes a bitch (Roxy) into unconsciousness and is about to get her goddamn munch on.

Does she do anything to Roxy prior to sliding that drunken pile of sadness down her throat?

Almost* every other meteor baby.

Except for Dirk, of course.
I choose to interpret this as PB&J rapping awfully as their kismesises look on.

... oh god why do I ship this now

SO MANY opportunities for black infidelity
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What if Homestuck was actually the secret behind political elections?
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Where can I pirate Max Payne?
God, I wish this gif was faster.
I love seeing a phalic object being smeared across Dave's face, it just feels so natural.
Yeah, studied that too. Ah, psych class.
The thought of feral children makes me hard. Well, not really the children part, just the idea of someone being completely bare, and not being embarrassed by it. Like, just peeing whenever they feel like it, even in front of other people, and not seeing why that's weird. I can rarely find any smut or fanfics or anything that satisfy this
Search Megaupload.
God damn that's sexy.
is it hard to become one
Spears are the best weapons in any anything ever. This is known.

it is known
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But spears aren't daggers.
See, I can get behind this.

Someone here is working on a fic in which Gamzee is very much like that, based on a discussion we had a while back about how he'd be totally shameless and gross while stoned.
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The Disciple's ample, ample bush.
Yep, most cases of feral children have a depressing BAD END. It's another one of those things that are better left to fiction.

daggers are for faggers

I prefer her long long hair.
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What about it?
That's just outright false, I'm sorry. There have been actual cases of feral or nonlingual children being taught language very late in development.
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Sexy sexy Jungle Jade.
Yeah, that fits more with the former definition. She's guided through the timeline, serves and orders it, while an Heir masters and bends it to his will.
It might also be a Sylph counterpart
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Spoiler Image, 94 KB

Why is long hair so sexy.

They talk like two year olds at best

It is absurd to compare them to Dirk
Oh hell fucking yeah.
I'm so damn hard right now.
passport rythisva
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>try to organize my folders
>cant remember what half the ancestor names are
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what the fuck max payne,

how the hell do you kill someone from across a building with a shotgun
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I like the way you think.
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He's Max Fucking Payne. That's all you need to know.
>there will never be quality Disciple art with her bush showing
how much do you think the disciple shaved? Like do you think she shaved everything but her bush? letting it grow wild until the sufferer run his hands through it?
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So yeah, hair touching.
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I'm the first town from Earthbound.

Nice to meet you.
The worst thing is that a bunch of them have multiple names. I'm pretty good at keeping it consistent, but I'm sure Signless/Sufferer has caused me to double up a few folders.

Oh well.
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Tavros! What are you doing!
>moments later Dad hit Dave in the face with a pie
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how's this?
I'll organize my ancestor folder when their kid names have been revealed.
>and then fucks him
>with a pie
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5 KB
Fuck you gigantic queer faggot!
You idiot.
>year: 1993
>yfw bisexual Dad
>yfw instead of fucking Mom in B2, he fucked A2 Dave
We're fine here for a bit
Maybe his shotgun wasn't operating on Videogame Standard Blunderbuss Shotgun specifications for that particular moment.
Fuck I wanna write something. taking requests.
>not keeping separate folders for pre and post scratch
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I love you deviantArt watermark.
>650~ posts
>140~ images
It is a popular misconception that shotguns have a small effective range. A person armed with a shotgun can easily kill you from across a two-way street. Video games are to blame for a lot of the misinformation since they define shotguns as close-range blast weaponry. Same goes for flamethrowers, actually, they can kill you from across a street.
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Turn the gritted teeth into a slight closed-mouth smile and it'll be PURRFECT.

Oh fuck I actually don't have that Nepeta image.
do you keep seperate folders for beta rose/dave and alpha rose/dave?
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Nepeta and Dave roleplaying.

vriska <> tavros
Vriska shoving as many objects as she can up her ass.
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hes right m0st feral children wh0 are rec0vered and raised in s0ciety after gr0wing up in is0lati0n find it harder t0 c0nf0rm 0r adapt s0cial n0rms and cust0ms

they can rec0ver but they never reach the full capability 0f an average pers0n they are usually stuck with a basic v0cabulary and find it hard t0 pick up 0n the m0re advanced c0ncepts alth0ugh there als0 have been st0ries 0f feral kids being alm0st fully integrated back int0 s0ciety it really depends 0n their 0wn individual ability
What if O-Summoner's name is Ruffio Jamiro?
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Yeah. Also Jade and John, although the John one is empty.
what if o-summoner's name is Slammin Jammin
We already know his last name is Nitram.
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We still have 48 more images you tool. It's all good

No, oh my God, I have to talk about this more. Gamzee<3<Equius and Tavros<3<Dave are constantly flipping red/black because they're deeply inequal relationships- Equius is much more black for Gamzee than vice-versa, and Dave isn't so much black for Tavros as sexually attracted for him without respecting him at all, whereas Tavros would see a lot to admire in Dave. Gamzee has genuine caliginous lust for Dave, and there's awkward tension with Tavros and Equius because of the legs debacle. And Dave is creeped/grossed out by Equius, which Equius falsely interprets as black flirtation.


so good
but I mean in terms of ships
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>everyone has their normal hairstyle and perfectly shaved armpits, legs and genitals
Shut the fuck up we're happy here.
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Its like this was intentionally made to infuriate HSG.

More like 100.
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I'll make the folders if shippy fanart should ever rear its head. I'm sure it will eventually.

And then they all pork, and it's basically a disaster?
condesce/eridan /ss/

it's a positive experience but the condesce doms clearly
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Yeah ok I can see where you're coming from.
Have you missed this discussion about wild bushes?
i can barely read that text
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>Ruffio Nitram

Yes it's perfect.
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>this is how we improve dirk strider
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That looks like a parody highlighting everything awful about the homestuck fandom, though. It must be.
I guess this. anything specific you want?
Well that, and also the fact that in Bardquest, bards were treated more like bizarre chaotic mercenaries than they were poets and musicians.

But strictly in terms of passivity and activity, it works as a Prince acting through authority, while a Bard plants sentiments and ideas that result in action.

Of course neither a bard nor a prince really seem to be defined by the idea of destruction, so much as change or reform. I suppose change entails destruction to an extent?

Still, the former explanation probably fits it better. The point though was that classes correlate by similar basic action, and that there's a lot left to interpretation in that. Also, I don't think Prince and Heir ever worked that well. One is more of a broad role, that can have many different applications, while the other is comparatively specific. Also "ruling" and "possessing/inheriting" don't seem to match all that well as passive/active forms of each other.
Just whatever is inhumanly large. Vriska must be the biggest Size-Queen of all.
y0ure 0ff the f0rce
This isn't legit.
>I guess
you do know forcing yourself to write is the fastest way to churn out something really shitty right
i mean your regular stuff is already shit enough

my favorite anon is whoever uploads the eyebrow wagglin' gif of this

if that person is a name/tripfag i'll suck their dick
Haha it died you fat nasty trash
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owned nerd fag
Good going bucko. You deserve a gold star.
There has been no actual content produced of this shit being done even halfway right.

We got one exaggerated Disciple Bush joke image and that's all.
I miss ballfucking anon
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How was your day HSG? I hope you had a grand one.
it takes a very special kind of man to make a mullet work

dirk is not one of them
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YES. And meanwhile, Tavros/Gamzee keeps flipping pale because their relationship is the only stable thing in their lives. It's so fucking sad and awful and it's about to make me Tumblr into a pile of goo.
Ok so should Meenah swallow Roxy head or feet first and should Roxy wake up at any time during said swallowing.
Yeah I know. It's just lately I've haven't written as often as I used to and I kinda wanna write again. But I can't seem to get out of this block I guess.
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Then there's that awkward moment where Tavros slam-pos Equius so hard he gets a boner.

And then sometimes Gamzee and Tavros get so into their shitty raps they flip to black.

Some joke about black and rap.
D=> gog DAMN nepeta thats a fine ass you have their.
Personally I really like scratchanon, they're good at puns
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Feet first and yes.
it's not a joke, white rappers are shit.
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I shipped it really hard back during Horrorstuck. Still do, really.

I like you a lot.
I know that feel so hard.

I want to finally finish the impreggn8tion fic and the Cockanaya cum addiction so bad. I try to work on them every day.

But I'm not happy with anything.
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What about red rappers?
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A couple of days ago I saw some deezed black dude with a canoe paddle and a bike while on the TTC. I immediately thought of you.

Just thought you should know that.
they is a myth
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Where have they even been? I haven't seen them in a long time.
It was pretty great, actually. I went biking, the sun was shining, I picked up the craft material to make myself an equius gym shirt. It's going to make my work out 100$ more STRONG.
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102 KB
>Nick's Ass continues to agree with me about things
im 0k with this
...me too, actually.

There's something I find hilariously cute about the way ballfucking and urethral penetration instantly pushes every guy into a state of abject terror.
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HSG I'm pissed. How do I stop myself from orgasming before the porn is over?

In general, yes.

But you best not be hatin' on Eminem, faggot.
I could have sworn I'd seen them like a week ago tops? But then again I have a notoriously horrible sense of time.
Unhand your dick, probably.
>implying Hussie won't use both the joke reference and a "deep" meaning together like a smug prick motherfucker
Will power.
Eminem is fucking terrible.
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I'm flattered Strider, you made my night.
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eminem is the shittiest
slim shady is better
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Slow down, move to different erogenous zones, practice kegels when you're not fapping
u no
Why does it matter. An orgasms an orgasm, doesn't matter whether it happens at the culmination of what you're reading/watching or even at the beginning.
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We are soulmates
I know! I started occasionally dropping "I'll shove a glass rod up your cock and stomp on it" among some of my guy friends and the reactions are adorable.

Does this make me a bad person?
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409 KB
>Equius gym shirt

They have those!
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22 KB
Some people prefer to drag it out
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Which Homestuck is the most pig like?
I'm trying to keep updated a semi-popular fic and I feel guilty for having writer's block. That blows even more. Also, I promised to write something for HSG a while ago and never delivered. Fuck.
shut the fuck up dirkstrider
Aw shit son. I need to make an Equius gym shirt, too
your internal screaming only makes me wetter :3
Well yeah I drag em out too. I'm not normally done until I've got a good hour or too in, but I don't give a fuck if I come during the middle of the porn or at the end of the comic or whatever.

It's the quality of the orgasm that matters, not what produces it.
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Eminem is the best.

THE best.
What's this comic?
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298 KB
You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

Locklord Darkstep is the ancestor of Rayvus Geheim, and was a master of Arcane Trespassing Magic, an art that allowed him to travel through impassable obstacles (using Keyportals through the Void, as pictured) as well as the ability to see past facades and determine true motives.

Locklord always possessed indifference to the hemospectrum and the caste system that it had created, showing a much deeper interest in exploring the darkest mysteries of Alternia. He himself was known to be shadowy and secretive, forming few relationships with the nobility and maintaining an almost ghost-like reputation among the common trolls. This could also be said of his journals, which are short and almost always void of emotion or sentimentality. He answered solely to the Empress, as was the maximum amount of obedience he saw fit to give.

During the uprising, Locklord took it upon himself to end The Signless' life. Uncharacteristically, Darkstep slayed him in plain sight, a dread spectacle for all of his followers to witness in shock and horror. Although there are no records of his actions after the Signless' demise, it would appear that Darkstep deserted the Empire entirely, choosing to live as a recluse rather than accept any gratification or recognition.
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24 KB
Even better...
>an hour
i can only last like 15 minutes tops, unless i'm think-jerking as opposed to watching a movie
Remember when the glass rod/dick stomp joke saved a femanon from being raped? I love HSG.
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175 KB

Seems like a month or more to me. Maybe they came by and I missed it. Speaking of which, did the anon making Scratch animations ever finish this?
Were you born with shitty taste?
oh my GOD
Iceland is a female, dude
Here ya go.

the best at being shit maybe
I just can't ever enjoy my porn unless I watch/read the whole way through.
And sometimes I'll orgasm at one sexy bit, right before an even sexier bit happens.
God, I am so out of shape.

I just tried to work out and it was pitiful, HSG. Ten push ups just about killed me.

I also like Biggie, if it makes a difference.
well it's not so much writers block for me just that it sorta seems to take a super human effort for me to get into a idea and lately real life has sorta been messing with my drive.
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164 KB
*sigh* someday I will be brave enough to reveal to you my TRUE identity...
Nah, they have regular shirts with equius' symbol on it. When I work out, I get into it and I sweat a lot ( just like the best troll). I do need the kind of sport shirt that absorbs sweat.
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117 KB
Oh I think I have a picture for this.

(This is Eminem, right?)
I kinda want to post my butt.
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54 KB
Unrelated but I think it's hilarious that Iceland is the great, nice country while Greenland is



Pic related, it's Greenland.

Nick's Ass.

Have I ever told you.

That you are the best.
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1.13 MB

If it counts at all, sometimes I'll know that I'm about to climax and I'll struggle to flip back to that one really awesome picture so I don't orgasm to like...really shitty art.

It just feels wrong to orgasm to shit art.
i kinda wwanna post my butt
Are you Wateven?
okay go for it.
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166 KB
Actually, that is me! And nah I'm still working on it and the run cycle. I wanna make the walk really nice, get the masses moving right... Put more effort into it than usual!
I can work on it tonight.
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283 KB
I don't even work out and I can manage like 40 if I push myself without winding myself too much.

Perhaps you should start exercising more often? Don't push yourself too hard at first. If 10 pushups almost kills you, only do 10 until it's 20 that almost kills you.
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215 KB
Hoooooly shit, this guy's other art is just... my god.
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30 KB

what up
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2.38 MB
Can the remainder of this thread be ancestors?
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282 KB
Oh, are you secretly a name/tripfag or something!? Now I'm curious to find out.

Haha, you're welcome!
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29 KB
Ok, changing these to maybe express those ideas a little better:

Summoning, directing/guiding/controlling, mastering or serving/embodying - Heir controls it around them, Maid serves as it comes through them - passively maintain and order aspect or actively disorder and bend to their will

Acting, exploiting, facilitation of actions or powers with/through something or someone

Alter, multiply/exaggerate or divide/subvert, change nature/properties of with/through aspect

Know/See, benefit from, share/heal (Seer has knowledge/aspect shared with them, Sylph shares it with others)


Movement, direction, combat/weaponization or projection, Moving, attacking, pushing, or direct interaction with/through aspect

Transforming-Producing/Growing or Taking/Shrinking - Maid amplifies/multiplies or shrinks aspect within self or amplifies/multiplies or shrinks self with aspect

Know/Learn/Observe ultimate potential and consequences regarding aspect, within self or without

Healing of/from/with an aspect - restoring, resurrecting, preserving

Still, I'm pretty sure I've seen more than just these two theories, these are just the only ones I can remember of the top of my head. Are there any that use that Maid/Sylph one? Or suggestions in general?
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190 KB
I'm on board for that.
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426 KB
Everyone needs to check this guy out.

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3 KB
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261 KB
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49 KB
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12 KB

Oh cool, small world. I like and use your other ones, so I hope I catch the other two whenever you finish them. No rush.
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31 KB

Best ancestor coming through.
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139 KB
Oh god, Hellstrider likes Nick's Ass. I can't deny Nick's Ass is great, but Hellstrider always has terrible opinions and agreeing with him is always a bad idea. How do I reconcile this dilemma?
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16 KB
On a scale of 1 to Duedly. How Homestuck related is this HSG?

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6 KB
Man why you gotta be so..."Nicks Ass"

Fuck, I would take you home to meet the grandparents. You are just that cool of a guy.
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240 KB
Yeah sure.
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Spoiler Image, 1.87 MB
Here it is.

My butt.
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93 KB
You all spell Kid Cudi weird
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44 KB

clang clang clang goes dat bodacious metal thang
Now to begin the 14 hour lineart cleaning process followed by the 9000 hour painting job.
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139 KB

I... I don't wanna.
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169 KB

Never in my life have I seen a more beautiful piece
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12 KB
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306 KB
Let's do it.

Aw shucks, thanks!
I like the freckle.
I mis all the ancestror like "Surfer", "HRT", "Dollar Rose" an "Condensation""/"Sonic Yellow"

ancestor old stories was best of parts, lot words no nil pictures

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61 KB
fuck forgot image
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122 KB
>14 out of 23 pics is disciple
I don't... well okay.
Couldn't you have at least rotated and resized your butt?
I don't listen to all that much rap, but I like what little of Eminem I've heard. I think it's cool that I can enjoy his completely absurd and relatively serious raps equally.

I haven't heard more than a few of his songs though so it might just be an effect of my sample size.
If Hellstrider's opinions are worse than chance, Hellstrider must have exceptional predictive power. We know that Hellstrider is shit. Therefore, Hellstrider must sometimes be accidentally right.

There you go.
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20 KB
I KNOW. Doesn't this EXCITE you?
File: 1339726133410.gif-(4 KB, 218x249, 1335127751035.gif)
4 KB
Nicks Ass, run.

You don't wanna get taken home to meet the grandparents. You really don't.
I honestly do not know if that is girlbutt or boybutt.
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434 KB
Okay what the FUCK am I reading?
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42 KB
is there a tumblr or something?
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226 KB

>Posts pics of the best ancestor

Nick's Ass, you're being more awesome than usual today.
You aren't the first guy to make this joke(?)
There's a little bit of Hellstrider in all of us
The butt is kinda flat, but then dat thigh. I can't tell.
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49 KB
That makes me really happy. I want you to know that.

That does too, haha. This is a little better though! Actually looks like a run, although it is towards the camera.
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256 KB
There's like 6 pics I think
Is it true that if you eat a bunch of nutmeg and then drink like 3 glasses of orange juice you'll start tripping out?
so why is everyone worshipping nicks ass all the sudden?
Nice thighs. That ass, though, could use some squats and/or some serious chocolate ice cream.
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167 KB

Fill in the blank:
Psiionic is the ________ of Doom
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Old people love me. I am better at old people than I am at people my age. Grandparents hold no terror for me.

I actually don't have too much of the Psiionic, I'm afraid, but I'll dump what I have.
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540 KB
well, huh.
>all the sudden
We always worship Nick's Ass, it's just that Hellstrider decided to join in today.
well he is pretty nice. And he doesn't shit post or anything.
hes a pretty cool guy
It's just the nutmeg, people do other things with it because it's awful in large quantities. Also the trip sucks.
>all the sudden
you funny
I sincerely feel this way, right down to "sexual commodore."
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Spoiler Image, 842 KB
Condesce stripping her swimsuit off

whew, that took a while, and I'm still not totally happy with it... may have to come back to this one.
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Man, they'd love you. Polite young man with good taste.

They'd force you to take a marathon with them.

Crazy athletic 80 year olds.


All of a sudden? Dude, half the posts I see Nicks Ass replying to are about people saying "Yo you cool" or some shit.
I was working on something remarkably similar...

but I'm not objecting having more of it

okay, i'll move forward then

in the meantime, i'll take another idea for me to work on tomorrow afternoon. Still want to do Equius punching out Lord English.

Is this going to turn into another HSG lusting over namefag/tripfag?
Because I would like that
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>you will never parade around a park weirding out children and looking like a fucking idiot in a crabdad scalesuit
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115 KB
And now I'm sitting at my computer and blushing. Aw, you guys.
>john has big dick
>but no body hair
listen you can either have big-dick john or hairless john
you cannot have both
big-dick john is a hairy motherfucker
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93 KB
>pacifying handjobs
maybe humans know more about moiralligence than we give them credit for...
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29 KB

Yep. Scratch is my favorite character and since the content is slowly diminishing with him no longer present in the comic, it's always good to see new stuff. Especially when it's nicely animated like what you've made.

Keep up the good work.

Go away faggot
Who do you think brought him up?

John shaves religiously.
Heir because he is Doomed?
Page because he was a follower?
This is perfect, good jorb.
>TFW you're too beta to trip.

Dad didn't teach him to be a dirty ape.
He looks like a Barney character
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You have no one to blame but yourself
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162 KB
what if john accidentally shaved off his nipples one day
Okay. There's like this guy, and every time I see him he tries to get me to do some sort of drugs. He seems to think the only reason I don't want to is because I'm afraid to do something illegal, so he keeps telling me all of these legal things I could try. I got him to shut up by saying that if I have 2 days left to live I'd try the nutmeg thing. But in that case I think I'd rather do something better.

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462 KB
Ah shit.

I finally organize a good SBurb game with a decent system and I forget to write down errybodies skype names before IRC inevitably crashes.

All I have is a fucking sync.in with character names and shit.
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69 KB
The best ancestor is the Condesce. Deal with it.
... his >face, ya dimwit, anything that is covered by business attire without a blazer is free game.
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14 KB
I don't know I think the only reason to buy nutmeg is so that you're less conspicuous buying various sizes of grater all at once.
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You are amazing.
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7 KB

I'm doing this one time, and never again, just to see how it feels.
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15 KB
Redwood, is Nepeta your waifu because you're always postin' Nep.
then dad nipple copypasta
icey, i have the logs if you need them.
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16 KB
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488 KB
yer trippin' wrong
don't this

Is that really a big dick
Looks average to me
File: 1339726671803.png-(68 KB, 500x301, 1338617723608.png)
68 KB
>We will never see Lord English, Doc Scratch, The Handmaid, and Lil Cal in the same room enjoying a meal together.

so beta
You took your one chance and you did it fucking wrong

Get out of my sight
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490 KB
File: 1339726695903.gif-(278 KB, 500x514, 2hot2.gif)
278 KB
how are my fellow 2hot2 enthu2iia2t2 doiing twoniight?
Oh, that was you? I've got some people's names and the logs.
nope, sorry the big dick is on all johns forever

>hussie in the table with an apple in his mouth
uh technically you're still a name fag
File: 1339726748504.png-(59 KB, 181x237, 1338672079669.png)
59 KB

I need that bungle of code don't I?

Oh well who cares.
File: 1339726750198.png-(2.91 MB, 1920x1200, a thing.png)
2.91 MB
oh hey whats up
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217 KB
Yo, Ass. I almost forgot before I toddle off for the evening, you still mayhaps interested in MCing it up? The server has been running for the past few days without a hitch.

Just put them on the sync.in?
File: 1339726784968.png-(2.63 MB, 1200x1677, tumblr_m2ajmk6tW31qibe18o2_128(...).png)
2.63 MB

Is that really a big dick
Looks average to me
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278 KB
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105 KB
hsg i don't want to draw anymore
I don't have to "deal with it." I fondly and eagerly embrace this truth, as I would the empress herself.
fuck, husband and kid are back. I only got through the first request, I'll be back with those other requests later, because they were all freaking fun ideas.

thanks guys!

Email search dragonchaserva@gmail.com for me

I hope you don't, this is good
Yes, that dick is above average.
keep going!
then do 49 more
the you have seen the light
you are now free
you never have to worry about not being good enough at drawing again
Oh man, yes, definitely. I'm going to go do dishes and cook something, but if you give me the server I'd love to jump online in a bit!

Looking forward to it!
Damn, forgot my email. You can use that to grab my Skype.
See ya, thanks for the picture!
new thread

why is that? You're pretty good.
am i the only one who started laughing uncontrollably the moment i saw this picture
It really isn't. It's just barely longer than Karkat's finger.

It's about average.
you are enjoying art? what is wrong with you today.

No dude it just looks big because it's at the forefront of the picture

It's just a regular dick dude sorry
the magic of brojobs
Page would fit if he was a Double Crosser, he facilitated Signless's Doom.
Of course that means that Darkleer, who I always saw as a Page, would be Mage or something. And I really like the idea of Coolscar being a Mage.

Still, Dualscar doesn't seem particularly Heir-ish. Not the way John and Equius seem to be about the responsibility to their roles as leaders, friends, or nobles. Nor do any of them seem to Master or possess their aspect in a figurative or literal sense.
because i'm tired.
someone requested nepeta in a wedding dress and i've been sporadically working on it for 2-3 days.

then i have to work on the request where the handmaid and aradia are in some sort of corvette.
why did i decide to become a drawfag.
Hey, Binding of Isaac general. Just killed the first boss. How do I pick shit up. I thought it was space bar but space bar does fuck all.
the beauty about being anon is you don't really need to follow through if you don't want to.

any drawing requests for me?
laughing at the subject matter is not enjoying art, don't be absurd
oh shit I missed a weapon in Bastion and can't go back to the level, am I screwed?
ok I was worried for a moment there.
>then i have to work on the request where the handmaid and aradia are in some sort of corvette.

Actually that was me that requested that. Take you time.

>why did i decide to become a drawfag.

Because you liked drawing for people. Listen you're probably just feeling burned out right now is all. Everyone feels it from time to time. But seriously your art is rather good and maybe you should just take a break for a moment?
You can buy them at the store.

I skipped most of the weapons anyway because they're shit. Bow/spear is the true combo of champions.
ok good thanks
You walk right into stuff to pick them up, no buttons are required. What are you trying to pick up?
Jesus christ this class is so boring
Just touch things. If you can't pick hearts up it means you have full health. Space is use item.
Boss dropped some little hearts which I assume are health but they just kept getting kicked all over the place.

Wait do I only have 1 fucking heart container wow thats annoying
You have full health, so you can't pick up anymore hearts unless they're blue faith hearts. You can get health upgrades though, that will give you more hearts.
Usually you start out with more than that.
>not shotgun/musket

full pleb
>two ranged weapons
stop being bad at video games

>not just maxing out the fang repeater for full mag, +100% damage, and seeking fangs
Can I have this non-thumbailed? Indexer? Anyone?
google reverse image search
do your own work bro

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