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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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Can we discuss Toonami for a bit? I know it isn't Saturday night, but I'm just a bit curious of what /co/ thinks now that it's back. IMO it really is just nice to have it back, despite the lack of western cartoons it still has its old feel to it.
>374 posts and 76 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

/co/ has been really enjoying Toonami 2.0, especially Deadman Wonderland and Casshern Sins.

But outside of Saturday, these threads always turn into /co/ vs. /a/, and it gets really messy.
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G general?
It's the only good thing to come out of Toonamis return, not the show, just the joke.
Casshern sins is pretty awesome, but isn't it a reboot of something? I can't put my finger on it, but I recall seeing a similar older looking anime...
Saturday is one hell of a day. Get flooded with Korra threads and then it doesn't die just yet, you get Toonami threads.

/co/ likes Toonami.
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Yeah. Casshern.
Despite seeing Tom and the absolution, do you guys think Sara will make a return?
wow, I feel stupid.
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Yes, Casshern Sins is a reboot of an old early-70's series called Neo Human Casshan.
Deadman Wonderland is interesting, i'm not in love with it, but it does keep me watching.

Casshern Sins is beautiful, the art is great and the storytelling is good, yet incredibly sad

Fullmetal Alchemist is something I'm not quite sure why I'm watching,yet i watch it anyway.

Those 3 are the only 3 I've been catching on Toonami. All in All, for the budget they have, they are really awesome
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Confirmed by DeMarco that SARA will come around when the budget comes around. If ratings continue at the pace their going now, we'll see SARA soon enough.
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>Fullmetal Alchemist is something I'm not quite sure why I'm watching,yet i watch it anyway

Perhaps you have found a liking to Olivier Armstrong?

(I wouldn't blame you if you did)
Olivier Armstrong makes me feel funny inside.
I am OK with Bleach because to be honest it's just DBZ with swords, and I'm sure kids love that stuff.
I like Deadman Wonderland because it's anime Superjail.
I dislike Casshern Sins because it is the most depressing shit I've seen what the fuck.
I like Full-Metal Alchemist Brotherhood more than the old anime because it leaves behind a lot of that melodramatic shit (that sewing-life alchemist and his dog baby, Angsty Lust, Kid!Wrath and Mom!Sloth, and rape-preggers Rose).
I'm indifferent to Ghost in the Shell.
I like Cowboy Bebop.

Good lineup. I just wish it was on earlier so I didn't have to destroy my sleep schedule to support it.
>depressing shit

We need a little bit of cyanide to water down the super sweet candy that is Deadman and FMA
I'll leave my TV on CN the entire night, but I don't actually watch it, I usually just have it muted or on as background music while I browse the internet.

But according to Steve Blum if they get good ratings they'll buy better shows, so I figure I'll contribute.
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I think the April Fools' "sendoff" would have made for great closure all by itself, but that this is still a welcome surprise. I'll wait out the rough start and support the channel so that they can improve their programming soon.
Herp, block. Although I support most Time Warner subsidiaries in general anyway.
It's a shame ratings will probably eventually drop off before they've confirmed it's doing strong enough to get more funding to buy more shows.
>Toonami game reviews.
>Katawa Shoujo.

Aahahahaha! Never.
>dat body
>Dat face
>Dat voice
excuse me while I HNNNNNNNNNNG!

Also, here's a random Toonami block Idea
9:00: Digimon Xros wars
9:30: Natsume's Book of Friends
10:00: Deadman wonderland
10:30: Casshern Sins
11:00: When they Cry
11:30: Shiki
12:00: Claymore
12:30: Mirai Nikki
1:00: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
1:30: Tiger and Bunny
2:00: Cowboy Bebop
2:30: Cromartie High School
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>You will never hear Amalia's english voice.
wakfu would only make it onto toonami if it was airing in the evenings, not on as.
I would love to see trigun or Hellsing on Toonami.
i have heard it
its terrible
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wat? can you show me?

What makes you think that?

Evenings would probably ensure it fails, since it has a lot of charm that would probably enrapture younger viewers outside of the inuendo and near-naked girls.
there was test dubs for the show,
ill have to find it on youtube but they were terrible
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really, all it is is a repackaging of their regular Saturday night anime block. Not that I'm complaining, it just seems like they shoulda made a bigger deal about it then just saying "Hey, we're back bitches. Go tweet about it."

Do you remember when they did all those Toonami specials? just a bunch of 1-2 min long shorts for a week telling a story? How bad ass would it have been if they just did a single clip that they aired on the re-premier. Nothing too specific, just something acknowledging they've been off air for a while.

>The Absolution pops out of space vortex thing
>solar panels realign
>lights start coming on in the ship
>tight shot of power cord plugged into an outlet
>pans over to show power cord leading to TOM, un-powered and still sitting in the command chair.
>TOM powers up, and turns on
>"Who missed me?"

Trust me, it's not as much work as they want you to think it is. They already have the character and scene assets, and that's 90% of it.
because it's intended audience is kids, and it doesn't nearly have enough adult content to make it qualify for airing on as. yeah there's some jokes here and there, but regular show and adventure time get away with that kind of humor too.
I think it's off to great start tbh

Sure AS always had anime, but I love seeing Tom back in his spaceship. I fucking hate Bleach though. Also, I love the fact they're making bumpers with EL-P's music, His sci-fy style beats kind of go right along with Toonami....just putting it out there.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrB2zUB6AiU for anyone interested this is the song they've been using. Incase you don't pay attention to Adult Swim's gay little ads.
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If Casshern can't do it!

...find somebody else
That's not going to help unless you have a Nielsen box.

about 25:55
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I dont understand. You mean airred in the evenings so the kids can watch it? Dont you think afternoon's would be better? Like right after school?
I just wish I didn't have to hear "DEM G TITTAYS" all through out Deadman Wonderland here. It goes annoying as fuck because that's the only joke every can think of for crippled tits.
Is Baccano! on yet? I've heard they have the license, but I only turn on the TV to watch Deadman and Casshern.
I dont suppose anyone has DDL for last weeks Deadman Wonderland, do they? had to do shit saturday, and I'm bummed about it.
They don't have it yet...well at least it's not on the air yet.

That's only for non-cable TV.
Could have swore I heard 4Kids Meowth in there...

Some of these voices some familiar...
http://www.animefreak.tv/watch/deadman-wonderland-online not a download link, but you can watch it here. Resist the urge to finish the series.
I'm still pissed about the Schedule. If it does get better in ratings will they move it up?

Also i was looking through Netflix Yesterday and Sins is on there, but I'll just finish watching it on AS.

Anybody know where I kind find all the songs they play on there bumps?

I wonder how big Olivier's tits are...
thinking about it amilia's is the only one i actually dont mind
its ruel grovy and yugo's that i hate with a passion
especially ruel's

I kinda like Amalia's voice here.

Am I a faggot?
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I am gonna kill a fucker if they make another damn titty joke again!
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i think it's a little too "edgy teenage boy" for me, but goddamn if that woman isn't incredible hot.

When she sliced that boy I got an instant hard on.
>Could have swore I heard 4Kids Meowth in there

Meowth's 4Kids VA died about five years ago...

I liked all the voices, so I guess that makes me reigning king of faggots.
Adult Swim has a weekly bump list during their programming, also on the forums somewhere.

they use these artist on a normal basis though:

Flying Lotus
Killer Mike (R.A.P MUSIC, produced by EL-P )
Aesop Rock
Cage (rapper)

That's just a few though....I'll try and find a link for the forums to a list of songs..if you give me a bit...
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Is /a/ still causing trouble?
i likle the new toonami. it's not perfect, but i watch it. deadman is interesting, casshern is great, i'll always love cowboy bebop, and in general i like the toonami atmosphere. can't wait for the upcoming tom speech.
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>General Armstrong
>The Major
>Faye Valentine.
An Entire block of bad ass big titted women.
It's kinda died down a bit. Making threads about Toonami is an instaban iirc.
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Suddenly I understand why my appeal for Soul Eater was denied.

What about "KILL CASSHERN"?
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>Making threads about Toonami is an instaban
>talking about anime gets you banned

Ha ha oh wow, that board.

Don't forget about 90% of the female characters in Bleach.

Casshern Sins is really the only show on the block without big tits anywhere.

And now it looks like we're going to be calling it "Depression General" with the way it treats anyone not Casshern.
/a/ is fucking hilarious in how butthurt they get over things.
Seriously though. Casshern Sins is depressing as fuck.

Well this is a start. Try typing "Adult Swim bump music" on youtube, I'm sure there's some uploaders who are all over that shit.
Casshern Sins...you mean...Casshern Feels?
Considering the only people who make toonami threads on /a/ are /v/tards and /co/mrades, yeah, it makes sense. Nobody on /a/ wants to talk about it. It's just trolls spamming the board making those threads.
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I'm enjoying the fuck out of it, my Saturdays are actually fun again and it gives me something to look forward to.

It's like being nine again, but with bigger titties
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Seriously. Dubbed anime is still anime.
It really isn't dub bias so much as "we watched this show and discussed it over a year ago".
>That robot commune
>That human
If someone from /a/ wanted to discuss Toonami, they would just come here or /tv/ to discuss it.
The voice actors seem kinda fine to me I just wish they didn't have to use anime VA's

/a/ and the mods there really are the biggest faggots there. I wish MOOT cold at least do something about them bitching and saging when an anime thread they don't like is posted.
Are you some kind of newfag?
No, he's a tripfag.
Are you seriously crying that /a/ doesn't like your favorite ainme? Cause that's hilarious. /a/ self moderates better than any other community on 4chan, and their decisions are reinforced by the fact that they're probably moot's favorite board.

The show is incredibly depressing. I still really like it, though. Great animation and I'm genuinely intrigued by the story.
>do something about them bitching and saging when an anime thread they don't like is posted.
So... you want moot to turn /a/ into a hugbox like gaia online or MAL? I think you should stop posting.
The whole of 4chan was created for /a/ and moot will always take care of his imoutos. I do agree they self moderate better than any other board, even outside of the board they do a better job, especially when compared to something like /v/.. it's funny /a/ is actually better at vidya and actually play games.
>Try typing "Adult Swim bump music"
Thanks for the AS forum link. And usually when I search it up I only find really old bumps but that was a while back.
thank you kind anon. that's all i really need.

/a/ is hipster as fuck when it comes to anime. I agree that every now and then there are VAs that you just want to physically injure for being so terrible. But /a/ won't watch anything dubbed
A good chunk of the music that's played on the Toonami bumps is from the Ghostly Swim album.
Ah, sorry I wasn't more help. And yeah...last time I checked youtube it was filled with old Madlib/Oh-No bumpers from 2006. I'm sure there's a gold mine somewhere though.
>/a/ won't watch anything dubbed
But that's wrong, faggot. /a/ really doesn't care about stuff on American TV because it's very, very old news to them.
Which I forgot to mention is a free album.

Also, try Bumpworthy.

/a/ has always struck me as those kind of anime fans who think everything is dubbed by Saban, 4Kids, or early 00's Funimation.
yeah, ghostly swim and definitive swim. Good albums. Go get them if you dont already have them.

fucking smithereens dude
>/a/ self moderates better than any other community on 4chan

Nope, not recently that is.
well most anime dubbing is shit

the only ones i really know of quality are studio ghibli films, and ruroni kenshin
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No, if they had a choice of watching an english subbed version and a dubbed version of a show they would pick the sub no good reason whatsoever, or hipster reasons.
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This. I want this on Toonami so much.
>But that's wrong, faggot.

It's really easy to tell who's from /a/. Is "faggot" some kind of calling card for /a/ posters to identify themselves by?

I rarely see anyone on /co/ throwing that word around.
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That whole fucking album smithereens was on.

I miss defintive jux.
>ruroni kenshin
>quality dub
Oh god, MY SIDES
>Rurouni Kenshin

Kenshin was one of the worst dubs, in my opinion.
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it's adorable that you think that, but would you care to test that theory?

>stream Madoka english dub
>link it on /a/
>count how many people show up to the stream and leave after they realize it is the dub
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Holy shit, that guy from the start of the thread was right.

I have to wonder why so many /a/utists would leave /a/ to go on other boards. Is it just to protect your homeland's honor?
They'd probably go with whichever version they saw first. So almost assuredly the subbed version. There are dubs /a/ likes, but you're conflating "dubs" with "airing on American TV".

Remember this track?

Wow, it could not be more clear that you are from /a/. Go back to your secret clubhouse, /a/spie. Go support your shows by pirating the fuck out of them, I'm sure THAT will show 'em.
I can watch subbed anime a lot sooner than the dub, plus I don't want to hear Blum's voice more than I have to.
>showing a shitty dub
>not expecting people to leave
>doesn't understand the licensing industry and thinks American piracy has any affect on Japan's animation industry
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>I don't want to hear Blum's voice

You are clinically insane.
Rurouni Kenshin's voice actors were fine though, it's just how they handled the dialogue and the fact it was a show where everyone yells their attacks like dipshits.

Kenshin sounded like a complete faggot, and should have AT LEAST sounded like an Ole English Knight if they wanted to have an English version of Kenshin's archaic speech pattern.

No, they wouldn't watch dubs because they're dubs. There's absolutely no other reason why. Also nothing I said implied I was conflating "dubs" with "airing on American TV", please stop that nonsense.
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>Implying Ruroni Kenshin's dub was good
I rewatched the first 15 episodes during spring time and I found it horrible. I remember it being enjoyable when I was younger but I had no idea what I thought when I saw it again. I'll probably read the manga later.
>anime everybody on /a/ watched in Japanese with subtitles
>show the English dub
>which wasn't very good
How could you not anticipate them leaving?

> implying you think it's shitty for any other reason than the fact that it's dubbed.
> I don't want to hear Blum's voice more than I have to.

looking at it i dont think i can name a single anime on toonami right now that doesnt have blum in it outside of cashew and deadman wonderland
and im guessing its only a matter of time
>anything not prominently featuring Steve Blum or Crispin Freeman
>obviously a bad dub
/a/spie detected
Just watch the movies based on it. It cuts most of the bullshit out. Kinda like TinTin in America was much better in cartoon form than in comic form.
The Samurai X dub was better, be sure to watch it if you haven't, and re-watch it if you have.

Dub or sub, it's still good.
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Yes please
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Deadman Wonderland is pretty awesome so far. Not sure why so many people shit on it. Maybe it falls apart at the end, but whatever I'm enjoying it now.

Casshern Sins is pretty cool too, though it gets a bit nonsensical in places. However, watching it with fellow /co/mrades makes it fucking awesome thanks to:
>Other Megaman-related jokes
>they wouldn't watch dubs because they're dubs
Except that's wrong. A lot of dubs are shit, which is why /a/ generally doesn't like them, but they do have a few dubs that get generally good reviews on /a/. On average though, yeah, they're gonna go with subs because that's what they're used to and what they saw originally.
I'm not from /a/, they're actually really mean to me since I don't know much about anime.

I pirate everything though.

You don't understand, anime is so much DEEPER when it's said by pure japanese voiceactors

hurr harr hurr hurr cuz all tripfags are dumb/cancer, rite?

Fuck off back to /v/ legionfag.
>can't name a single anime
>outside of two anime
Go eat many dicks.
Looking back to the cancellation in 2008, Williams street was really screwed over. Theywere told that Toonami was cancelled as soon as they walked into work the day of.
Deadman is really, really, really, dumb. Like, almost bottom of the barrel shonen crap. The reason why people like it is because it's so bad it's funny.
>sucking VA cock
Man I must have wandered into Gaia by mistake. You gonna glomp me faggot?
holy fuck does she rape a virgin boy in this? if so i'll download the entire series
/a/ told me Samurai Champloo had a bad dub.

Samurai Champloo had a great dub. Fuck /a/, hatin on dubz to be hatin dem niggas gay.
Seriously? Samurai Champloo? A bad dub?
I said.. "more than I have to."
He's been popping up more and more nowadays for me, I enjoy his voice on Korra but then it goes to commercial and I hear it again, then later that night he's on in toonami... so yeah, it get's a little annoying after a while.
Voice actors I was ok, what you said was exactly my problem
No, but I DO ship her and her cute assistant
Son, I think you were trolled. That or you misunderstood what they said. Like, I generally like the SC dub, but there are a few episodes I like better in Japanese, so it's not a 100% great dub.
the fact that its hosted by blum doesnt really help it either
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Okay, okay, guys, jokes are all well and good, but let's make sure this cross-board hate doesn't get out of hand.
/a/spies hate Toonami because there is no moeshit for them to jerk off over. Pathetic.
>i dont think i can name a single anime on toonami right now that doesnt have blum in it outside of cashew and deadman wonderland

Well, let's see then.

Bleach: No Steven Blum (a voice in one of the video games doesn't count)
Brotherhood: No Steven Blum
Ghost in the Shell: Steven Blum as the Laughing Man
Cowboy Bebop: Steven Blum as Spike Speigel

Two shows out of six.
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People who like it only do because they didn't read the source material and don't realize it's getting raped. Deadman was stupid source material and the anime made it worse. The trail was made stupid much more so in the anime, they added bullshit rape towards the end for no reason, the Undertakers are boring shits and Owl and his gang are boring as shit. Please they ended on a fucking cliffhanger.

Except that's wrong. There are no dubs that /a/utists like because they're dubbed. The reason why "alot of dubs" are considered shitty is only because they're dubbed, and that's it. Dubs are systematically (more likely than not) to be held with content, if you don't see the bias inherent in that trend going through the anime community then you're a fucking idiot.
Hey... at least it's Steve Blum and not Jim Cummings.

If I want to start watching Casshern Sins on Toonami starting this Saturday, how far into the series do I need to watch by then so as to be fully caught up?
Yeah I think I'll take the opinion of somebody who doesn't know anything about /a/ about what my home board is like.

The beginning is the only good part about this show and we're in dumb shit area now.
Why did Snyder greenlight the revival. I thought he hated Toonami and Anime. Thats why he pulled the plug back in 2008.
Considering I know an /a/ poster in real life that threw a hissy fit when I decided to play the SC dub instead of sub I don't I was trolled.
Fuck knowing other 4chan users in real life...
This week I think it will be 4 episodes in.
That guy is a faggot then. Don't get me wrong, there are gonna be bandwagon faggots no matter where you go, but if you can coax actual opinions out of /a/nons on what makes a dub good or bad you can figure out why they generally prefer subs.

Common answers to those questions are:
>I can't understand the Japs so their bad acting doesn't bother me as much
>at least Japs emote
>subs come out faster, so I watch subs
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This thread is turning into a flame war. You know what it needs?

This is larger than /a/, this is about anime fans in general.

That is not the Hip Hop I was looking for.
>Except that's wrong. A lot of dubs are shit
Back in the 90s and early 00s, yeah.

Most current dubs are serviceable and/or equal to the original Japanese version. Truly shitty dubs are much scarcer nowadays.

Besides, most of the complaints I see against dubs are that the characters "don't sound like the Japanese version," which is a stupid argument because trying to imitate another person instead of actually getting into character is a guaranteed way to do a shitty job at acting.
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Fuck that. It needs anime goats.
>Why did Snyder greenlight the revival.

Cartoon Network /=/ Adult Swim

The guys in charge of Adult Swim were the ones who created Toonami. They can greenlight whatever they want for Adult Swim, all CN did was give them (minimal) funding.
"anime fans in general" doesn't apply to /a/. You won't find the type of people on gaia or MAL on /a/. One of the reasons for that is that the people who post on /a/ absolutely hate most other types of anime fans. Almost everybody on /a/ is elitist, socially ostracized, and bitter.
Also, don't get me wrong. I'm not hating on Subs, I just hate when elitist are all butthurt about dubs.

>I watch more subs then I do dubs
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Is it even larger than dem quints?

Not to mention that a non-Japanese speaker is rarely ever going to notice any flaws in the Japanese VA—they can't tell good Japanese diction from bad.
That's one of the reasons they prefer the Japanese dub.
Fuck that. You really thing that shitty My Little Pony can compare to the amazing One Stormy Night?
>horse/goat fuckers

/mlp/ is 4chan's designated bestiality board, you sick fuck.

Go back there.

Yeah, but it's a really silly argument for the inherent superiority of the Japanese audio. One's inability t oproperly recognize how bad something is doesn't somehow make that thing good.

Autists and Aspies just have more extreme opinions on dubs vs subs, they're worse than the common anime fan.
Nope. Bronies can suck a dick. I just like cute animals.
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>Gay rape.
I find mostly female Japanese VAs really annoying. There are some good ones but if you have herd an actual Japanese woman's voice they don't sound that high pitched.

Good thing I saved a bunch last week
>inherent superiority of the Japanese audio
That's not really the point I am making or what /a/nons mean when they say a western dub is shit. It's about what /a/ prefers and what they like. I think you are operating under the very incorrect assumption that /a/nons think Japanese media is inherently superior in quality or something.
>Autists and Aspies
I want /v/ to leave.
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Kind of reminds me of how much Japanese viewers who initially watched Soul Eater hated how Maka's voice actress delivered her lines. Complains ranged from her voice being "emotionless" to having an inappropriate tone for certain scenes.

But I've never seen a subbed viewer complain about her voice.
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Great dub
I like the whole line-up. Even Bleach. The only problem is i've seen Fullmetal Alchemist: BH 6 times already. IMO it's the best anime i've ever watched. It's my fav, but i'm tired of watching it. Also, I know this will sound nuts, but... i've never seen Cowboy Bebop. I just started watching it yesterday. I like it so far.
You gonna wait three minutes....
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The main reason the majority of dubs are shit is because most of the anime they bring over has very "Japanese" dialogue, basically, dialogue that sounds much better in Japanese due to the inflections of the language.

Many dubs don't really adapt to that, and fail to bring about the same inflection that the Japanese version does. They also fail to include culturally significant language if its an anime starring mainly Japanese characters.

Honorifics also never sound natural in the english language, as well as the fact that some things don't have a proper localization equivalent.

If you look at a list of good dubs that /a/ has made, you'll notice that its mostly full of anime that have a major western influence or is set in a western setting.

Many people on /a/ have been listening to the Japanese language long enough to where we CAN distinguish good acting, sub-par acting and bad acting among the Japanese VAs.

Yes, they think japanese audio makes it more authentic, ergo (even though they can't understand it) better.
Like dem G titties now?
There's also the question of whether you translate fucking everything/Westernize it a little or just have random Japanese words as people talk. Especially in kid shows where people yell attacks.

Why is this movie so quotable?
just one question

how big are their ratings?
This as well.

Asian languages honestly don't translate as well unless you know some things about the cultural significance of some terms.

For example, find an old, dubbed chinese movie and then find the same version subbed.

Its really fucking different.

LOL been waitin for this.

Why the fuck would appropriate inflections that VA's make (even though what you said is complete nonsense) have any significance to an audience that doesn't the japanese language? If you don't speak or understand japanese then you aren't going to notice those retarded as "inflections" with either a dub or sub, if you do understand japanese then you have no need to watch either a sub or a dub.

Every single one of your points fail because to someone who doesn't understand japanese the japanese language is white noise, from their point of view all your points can be fairly applied to either a sub or a dub.

But it's not like any of your points made sense anyway.

Both dubs and subs have to deal with the SAME translation problems, there's no reason why a dub translation wouldn't be as good as a sub translation since they're translating japanese to the same language.
Agreed. Some anime I don't think could be saved through through dubbing (Most shounen anime) because of that.

Like Kenshin was mentioned and the 95 ep series was bad both in Japanese and in English. But the OAVs are fantastic and could be helped with a good dub.

Some anime like Samurai 7 just needed to lose the honorfic bullshit and it would have been one of the best dubs.

If any anime can't be "saved" through the process of dubbing it can't be saved through the process of subbing.
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You people have been saying this shit three weeks now. THREE FUCKING WEEKS

Movie dubbing is just plain weird for me but I do like how English dubs of Chinese movies give people accents though. I may watch one or two movies subbed but I'll stick to dubs.
Not going to disagree with that one either.

Sometimes you have a worthless anime that isn't worth people's time subbing or dubbing.
I enjoyed one of Kenshin's dubs, theres another one out there I heard like a year or 2 ago thats simply horrible to listen to

never heard samurai x in english (at least I dont think, Ive downloaded it more than once over the years) and just remember a version with subs
I want that shit to end too but DEM TITTIES won't go until she get crippled like a bitch and has to wheelchair around.
Was it the Sony dub of the 95 episode series? Or the Media Blasters one?

Or maybe your referring to the OAVs Trust and Betrayal and Reflections? Because the OAVs have fine dubbing.
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>The Protomen
>Only on Toonami

No ratings for Week 3 yet, but...

Week 1
Bleach (12AM) - 1,060,000
Deadman Wonderland (12:30) - 860,000
Casshern Sins (1AM) - 796,000
FMA Brotherhood (1:30) - 699,000
GITS (2AM) - 698,000
Cowboy Bebop (2:30) - 669,000
Bleach (3AM) - 580,000
Deadman Wonderland (3:30) - 557,000
Casshern Sins (4AM) - 448,000
Brotherhood (4:30) - 473,000
GITS (5AM) - 450,000
Cowboy Bebop (5:30) - 419,000

Week 2
Bleach (12AM) - 1,274,000
Deadman Wonderland (12:30) - 1,107,000
Casshern Sins (1AM) - 938,000
FMA Brotherhood (1:30) - 861,000
GITS (2AM) - 836,000
Cowboy Bebop (2:30) - 857,000
Bleach (3AM) - 830,000
Deadman Wonderland (3:30) - 756,000
Casshern Sins (4AM) - 690,000
Brotherhood (4:30) - 664,000
GITS (5AM) - 642,000
Cowboy Bebop (5:30) - 579,000

The ratings went up in every show between the first and second weeks.
Wow. I'm so used to seeing everything in the 300-500k range. This is awesome.
no doubt the second week was higher because allot of people just didnt hear the news about Toonami returning until later. I'd expect them to level off at a little lower than the first week fairly soon. still not bad
The ratings... went up?!
Man....ratings are confusing.
If you've been watching television in another language for years, you actually begin to understand some language inflections, can tell the difference between speakers and can pick up some of the language as well.

Its like this with every language. Its not my fault you're uncultured swine
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I don't fucking understand how /a/ manage to be hipsters AND into moe shit at the same time. They've managed to combine the two worst parts of anime fandom to produce something really transcendently shitty.
They're an /a/bomination.
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Some anime are just plain better dubbed.

Pic unrelated.
>Its not my fault you're uncultured swine

I wish weeaboos would leave.

I watch shows in french and spanish too.

Not my fault you're uncultured.
Are you implying this is a bad thing?
I don't know how ANYONE could deal with Goku's Jap VA
Never seen the problem with dubs. I watch my anime in dubs with no problem at all. Subs annoy me kinda. I can keep up with them but after a while I start paying attention to other things and miss something important. That might just be a "me problem".
>I only speak American
Even if you're trying to point out his lack of intelligence. You didn't help yourself. Believe it or not, some people just don't care for subs.

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Unfortunately I got into Trigun after it was off Toonami. I'd love for it to comeback on TV. Also Cromartie, PSG, and Black Lagoon would be amazing on Toonami. I don't know why I haven't really watched Cassehern Sins, I'll give it a go this Saturday.
What fucking alternate universe do you live in? "Best self-moderators"? Yeah I totally wanna talk about how much I like shows about little girls doing nothing.

/a/ is almost as much of a shitstain as /v/ and just because it's moot's baby don't mean shit. it's a shitty board for shitty people

Oh no, one character has a slightly annoying voice, one that the creator of the manga the show is based on personally picked!

Because one VA sounds annoying, I can't watch ANY of the show in Japanese!
I missed last Saturdays discussion, but I loved last weeks episode of Cassehern Sins. It was the best yet.

Actually no, that's complete nonsense, stop spreading this myth please. Also this shit about "inflections in the right places" is complete bullshit, give me a specific example where an inflection carries with it significant and meaningful discourse. Also this has nothing to do with being "cultured", unless you have some scientific study to corroborate what you're saying then please fuck off and go back to /a/.
Yes. Exactly I'm glad you understand.
The only redeeming factor of DBZ Jap Version is GO TU SENTAI
And that's it. Everything else is fucking terrible.
I would rather watch the Philippine Dub
That's funny because /a/ has daily Japanese language threads.

Your move faggot

English version of DBZ isn't really even DBZ, they rewrite huge chunks of the script into total bullshit. .
Doesn't matter we and shit ton of other people enjoy it.

Subs are in English to, if you do not speak japanese then the only thing you can understand in subs is the ENGLISH you don't start to learn all the grammatical, phonetical, and semantical nuances of a language just by listening to some dude speak it (unless you've had special training as a profession linguist), this goes for French and Spanish as well.

Please stop embarrassing yourself, and go back to /a/.
You mean like how DBZ was bullshit anyways?
I still say that Toonami should play 60% old shows, and 40% new ones. But I'd like to see it moved down to the START of the Adult Swim block. It introduces a new demographic (although some kids don't stay up 'till 3AM, that's why it should be moved earlier) and keeps the old one satisfied. But the focus should be on the new kids, like brothers and sisters who heard about the heydays of Toonami from their older siblings.

Also, watched Black Lagoon, spooged my pants over the violence and short-shorts, probably would do well on Toonami.
Watched PSG, loved it, probably not going to be shown on American television EVER. Not if they stay true to translation.
I'm aware. It's nothing new with Funimation. DBZ is shit anyways really.
Keep crying bitch nigga. You probably have shitty taste in anime.
>hating on moe
how does it feel to have unbelievably shitty taste?
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I like they way you think.

And you're probably right about Panty and Stocking ;_;

Its like I'm on Gaia

What the FUCK does that have to do with learning all the nuances of a language? The fact that some people speak japanese on /a/ is completely IRRELEVANT and does nothing whatsoever to prove that you can learn ANYTHING by watching dudes speak japanese. Either support what you're saying or fuck off, period. Or you can get over the fact that you're wrong. There is no difference between watching a sub and a dub except that listening to a sub is like listening to white noise while reading, and dub isn't.
Isn't the whole humor of PS that they curse and play with dildos and shit?

And then everyone wants this to air on censored old Toonami?
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>no baccano
>no paranoia agent
I dunno, most of the stuff on what they have for toonami right now isn't my cup of tea. I like stuff that's gonna provide me a bit of a challenge rather than just action. I don't like staying up late so there's gotta be amazing shit to get me to do so. But I'll keep my eye open if something shows up that catches my attention.
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>Deadman Wonderland is pretty awesome so far. Not sure why so many people shit on it.
/a/ watched the series with a completely different perspective than /co/.

While the series tends to drag on towards the end, there is still plenty of laughs to be had for all of the wrong reasons.
oooooooh yes, I would love watching that over again on toonami
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I don't know why they can't just have shows without censor bleeps if it's on late enough. Comedy Central (atleast they used to) have no censor bleeps after 1 am or something, so I would hope they could do that for PSG. The cussing is really the only thing that would be censored if it was on TV, but that's about half the dialogue.
/co/ would fucking flip their shit because baccano is so amazing. I didn't even consider it possible for a television show to have a pacing style that intricate before I saw it. It just blew my mind once I realized what I was watching.
The dubs have far more swearing and profanity than the original series.

I think Funimation messed up by turning the Focks into fucks. It might have had a better chance slipping by censors.
Moe is shit. It seriously is. When they eradicated it in steins;gate I was happy.
It could probably get on adult swim even if they were true to the source. So what they use "Fuck" and "Shit" a lot. For some reason the Jap version censored "phimosis" we don't care about that here.

Except I never said you have to speak japanese to "enjoy" the language, I said you must speak japanese to UNDERSTAND the language, if you do not understand the language then it's meaningless, of course you can "enjoy" the fact that some japanese dude says "Konnichiwa" rather than "good afternoon". (for whatever fucking retarded reason you want) but that does not equate to an understanding of the language and it's nuances, or that it's essentially white noise that you enjoying the sound of.

God, it's like talking to a typical /a/utistic person.
Awww sheeat! It's turning into a vs.

Hey /a/, quit being asshats with that "we" already discussed it shit. And that "we" get shit on for liking anime less mainstream anime and now that everyone else starts liking some of it, it's not fair that they get use "our" board.

Fuck you hipster entitled f/a/ggots.
>moot will never make /a2/ so normal people can discuss anime without the secret club of /a/.
I've grown attached to Cashern's Sins, but Deadman Wonderland is pretty bad other than the skin-tight-suited albino jailbait (All my fetishes).

We need NEW anime, get rid of Bebop and Ghost, we've all seen them.
/a/ isn't a secret you faggot

it's not their fault you're too fucking stupid to handle discussion there
>Moe is shit. It seriously is
This is why people spit on shonenfags. You people actually hate fun. Unless it has homoerotic undertones you faggots just can't get your rocks off.
You miss the point that Japanese has a shitton of phrases and sayings that don't really translate into spoken english as well and can ruin the tone of a scene.

Many people on /a/ are mostly already well versed in Japanese culture and are highly familiar with the language, so there's no problem with that.

Only you have a problem because you can't stand hearing a different language other than your own.
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/a/'s normal conversations.

The GOOD /a/ threads.
Honestly I think censoring is really pointless at this point especially how certain shows are very mature that cussing wouldn't really make a difference at all. Hell I don't think kids care either I remeber in the 7th grade some girls 4 year old sister called me a bitch

What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, what kind of mental disorder do you suffer from?

Get over it, /a/ is filled with bunch of clueless hipster dumbasses/elitists who think they watch 2deep4u anime, IN SUBZ! (as if that means anything)
let's say you wanted a Toonami that started off light, went dark, and go back to light.
how would you compile the lineup?

here's how I would.
>9:00: Digimon Xros wars
>9:30: Natsume's Book of Friends
>10:00: Deadman wonderland
>10:30: Casshern Sins
>11:00: When they Cry
>11:30: Shiki
>12:00: Claymore
>12:30: Mirai Nikki
>1:00: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
>1:30: Tiger and Bunny
>2:00: Cowboy Bebop
>2:30: Cromartie High School

Says the person who doesn't know shit about anime or /a/.
They should get Soul Eater and Baccano! Maybe even...Fairy Tail. I don't know
I bet you watch Chinese kungfu movies dubbed like the faggot you are.

Why are you so hurtbutt about being culturally neutered?

Paranoia Agent
Eden Of The East
Darker Than Black

would be my picks, along with Baccano! and Soul Eater

These all have English dubs and I'm pretty sure none of these have aired on American TV so they should be easy to get.
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I would add Cannan to the list and replace Paranoia agent because that has aired on American TV

AS just lost the rights to it, like almost every anime they had
You got unique tastes.

And I love it.

This is a discussion about whether there's is any real difference between watching a sub or dub. If there are "sayings and phrases" in japanese that don't translate well into spoken english or written english (since they're the same thing except for one uses sound), then subs won't be able to translate them any better than a dub will. If you can speak japanese fluently and are well versed in japanese culture then THERE IS NO POINT IN WATCHING DUBS OR SUBS. Your points against dubbed anime can equally lambasted against subbed anime. Stop looking like a fucking idiot, you've failed to making any good point against dubs that can't also be made against subs.
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I think it's funny that TV can have a show that has the bloody slaughtering of a room filled of middle schoolers, but saying "shit" is too much to handle. (Deadman Wonderland)

Says the person who's making the most dumbest fucking points against dubbed anime.
>This is a discussion about whether there's is any real difference between watching a sub or dub.

There is because you're hearing the original language.

Most subs go for a more literal translation, rather than localization.
Its plainly obvious on even anime DVDs.
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You sure told us. Clearly, every non-/a/ board is in the wrong.
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>lost the rights to paranoia agent
this cannot be. Paranoia Agent's fucking amazing they should renew it even though I'm very sure they won't.
I think it's the immitatibility. Soccer moms are more afraid of little Jonny saying "shit" during family dinner than growing giant robot arms and slaughtering hundreds of kids, y'know?

You don't become "cultured" in chinese & japanese culture just by listening to dudes speak in chinese or japanese, you dumb piece of shit.
Yeah I love that show. Incredibly dark and really depressing but brilliant in a strange way. It's Satoshi Kon's best stuff, I think. Better than any of his movies in my opinion.
>Learn about different cultures through media
>lol u can't be cultured

Yes you can.

Learning how people act in a different culture through media is the easiest way.

Hearing the original language is useless if you don't understand the original language, if you do understand the original language then there's no need to watch a sub.
>learn about Japanese culture through media
>use fucking comics and cartoons to do so

Yea, because watching cute girls doing cute things will help you understand Japanese culture more than actually reading a proper book or talking to a real Jap.
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>Watches his Chinese Kung Fu movies subbed
What the hell? One way ticket to dreamland.

I can't tell if he's trolling or not.

And The Simpsons is an accurate view of the average American household. Right?
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>not posting this in Toonami threads
Or Captain America is how all Americans look like.
Why is it useless if you don't have a full understanding?

You're also forgetting the point that most people who watch anime on 4chan are used to hearing the language and can distinguish many things like tone and inflection from it.

Pretty sure it is, its about a bunch of fat Americans being stupid and getting into debt, no?
inb4 he says yes
>Implying the dubbing is a bad thing.

Shaolin Soccer would like to have a word with you.

Listening to someone speak japanese is not learning about japanese culture through media. You're simply listening to sounds that are completely meaningless to you. You can learn about japanese culture through anime, but you do not learn about by listening to meaningless sounds. If you understood what those sounds meant then it would be a different story.
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Learning Japanese purely through hentai and anime would be almost impossible.
I really hope you're aren't actually so autistic and socially disabled that you actually believe that listening to anime is the equivalent of interacting with Japanese culture.
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hold on, I know you guys are just trying to win an argument, but I have to iterate that if you know where to look you can learn fuckloads about japanese culture through manga, such as Yoshihiro Tatsumi's works that explore the dark side of post war Osaka.
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Welp, everything you said and ever will say is now completely disregarded
Okay, you are speaking of an exception, and even then you have a LIMITED experience. Reading a true book about Japan would do more for you. You may as well tell a kid who wants to protect the environment to watch fucking Captain Planet.
Captain planet has good lessons on unity of the community AND protecting the planet.

You're a faggot.

Reading a book isn't the same as seeing people visually, do the same things the book depicts
I'm not the person you're arguing with, I'm just making sure that you guys realize that it's possible. I'm tempted to change into history degree and just focus on post war japan culture because it's so fucking interesting studying a culture that tries to comprehend something so insane as an atomic bomb being dropped on them twice.

Because then it's just sounds with no meaning to it.

Also what is this nonsense about "inflections" that carry some significant and meaningful point in a discourse, that can be fully understood without understanding the language itself? Can /a/ please stop making up this bullshit, there are no "inflections" or any part of a language that can be fully understood outside the context of fully understanding the language.

Please stop embarrassing yourself, there's nothing that you gain from a sub that can't be gained from a dub.
Nope, CP was nothing more than a ham-fisted one sided shit-fest of a show. Any serious environmentalist worth his salt would not have liked it for any reason that involved the environment.
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People who learn Japanese by self teaching tend to have a much harder time than people who learn in a college environment.

Even with a bumbling instructor present, you have better chances of running into someone who has actually studied abroad.
Its just sounds to you, but words to another person.

Just personally inflicting your own law on anything is purely ignorant. Why shouldn't people prefer the original version?

By what you're saying, people cannot enjoy anything ever because its not in their own language and its meaningless to everyone who doesn't speak it.
The only time I find bleeps necessary is if it makes certain things more funny than usual, Like most shit on Comedy Central
They also did end up censoring certain moments too. If you pay attention closely you could see blurs and black spots over people getting shot and a guys hand getting cut off. It really does seem like they just taped over the Japanese TV broadcasting because most American shows don't censor that much violence

My schedule:
>9:00: Digimon Xros wars(Digimon has long time deserved a spot on CN)
>9:30: Tiger & Bunny
>10:00: Panty & Stocking
>10:30: Casshern Sins
>11:00: Baccano!
>11:30: Deadman Wonderland
>12:00: TTGL
>12:30: Cromartie High
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I just realized this was the first Toonami thread since Sunday. Like anywhere. I didn't see one on /m/, /v/, /a/ or here this whole week until today.

Nobody really gives a shit anymore do they?
I agreed you could learn somethings about japanese culture through anime like barefoot gen see >>37748798

But the idea that you can learn anything significant about a culture just by listening to dudes speak in a language you don't fully understand was what I was arguing against.
>/a/ isn't a secret you faggot

Okay, I asked this earlier in the thread, and I'm still curious.

Is the word "faggot" some sort of identification card for /a/ posters? I see it used all the time on /a/, and when /a/ posters (or people claiming to be from /a/) are arguing with /co/, and I can't figure out what their obsession with the word is.
>there are no "inflections" or any part of a language that can be fully understood outside the context of fully understanding the language.
This. A character is using moonspeak in an angry tone, I fully understand what he is trying to say.
yeah, that's a fucked up argument. I do either, but I go with the dub if the dub is readily available and not shitty.
>Not understanding that most people who watch anime on 4chan know elementary Japanese.

Well except newfags and /co/mrades that don't really watch anime and only nostalgia wanks 90s shows.
Hows this for an idea?

>use TOM 1 for after school programming
>Use TOM 2 for evening programming
>use TOM 3 for late night programming
a-are you..

is he serious? what?
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>use TOM 5 for morning programming
No, let's bring back Tickle U for the mornings.

Toomani came back, why not Tickle U?
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>TOM 5
>Not understanding that most people who watch anime on 4chan know elementary Japanese.

No they don't.
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So, I'm the only one who thinks this is a complete affront to the actual Toonami huh? I'm the only one who realizes this needs to die and is just a complete shadow of the actual block?

I recognize that they are words, but if I don't understand the Meaning of the words then it's MEANINGLESS. Why the hell is that so hard for you to understand? Of course you can enjoy some dude speaking a language you don't understand, but that does not equate to gaining a deeper understanding of the culture or language. It's a fucking tautology why is this so hard for you /a/ fags to understand? listening to a language you do not understand means that you're listening to meaningless audio. It does not deepen your understanding of the anime in any way because you can't gain understanding from something that is meaningless to you! Christ!
Yes they do.
I've started on picking up on some words from watching subs, but it would take immense dedication for me to actually learn how to speak through just watching anime on subs.
>implying that is even possible on any basic level.
>E3 2012.png

What the fuck do you consider "elementary" Japanese? Kawaii? Moe?

Can you prove this?
yeah, it's pretty much impossible to learn just through watching it.
Go to the board for once.

And look for what? What is "elementary Japanese"?
Basic understanding of common use vocabulary.
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Goddamn, you fucking fuck, stop acting like /a/ is some super secret impregnable mountain fortress few have dared to journey to, we've all fucking been to /a/.

Unless you fluently speak japanese, I doubt you understand what it means for someone to have an "elementary" understanding of the japanese language.
>some super secret impregnable mountain fortress few have dared to journey to

I'm laughing really fucking hard.
>5 minutes in google translator.
>Fullmetal Alchemist is something I'm not quite sure why I'm watching,yet i watch it anyway.
You're way too late especially if you started watching when Toonami came back. Did you even see the original?
I guess it can't be helped

Nice use of Babelfish.
Awful lot of weeaboos in here.
Why are you guys so mad?
the 'original' was the manga that brotherhood more closely follows. you don't need to have watched the first anime adaptation because they both cover the same territory (although brotherhood goes quicker) before the plots diverge completely.

because saying a few words in japanese online doesn't prove you fluently speak japanese, I can do that to and I know fuck all about japanese.
Here's the problem with the lack of western shows:

Even if they had more money, where would they get them? The few shows that do exist are already on other channels.

We need a Sym-Biotic Titan comeback. And they need to put it on Toonami.
Bleach really blows right now, when it ends the filler it becomes OK tier.
I meant the first anime. I know.
I kind of understand how /a/ feels when people who are brand new watching something that's been on for a while. Kinda.
But seriously what's with people coming in in the middle and saying it's shit? That just makes me mad.
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>off-handedly mentioning Babelfish
>somehow means being mad

I don't see it.
That last episode of Casshern was the first good one. I didn't give a shit about those robots who only knew the words Ruin and Casshern.
That last episode was sad as fuck though and the first one that wasn't just awful fighting.
Keep that shit a million miles away from Toonami. Animu and its fans are what killed it the first time around.
I just want Soul Eater dammit. It's been too damn long that they haven't put it on TV.
No, CN killed it. It's like you really don't know shit about what happened.
You just noticed that?

> Wrong board.
I'd really like if they went with decent shows that aren't as well known.
Yea theres a lot of good shows that will go great with Toonami. God if they were to put Soul Eater on there, it'd be a dream come true.
Ignore link.
It's basically sitting there as the perfect fit for toonami since its creation. And they haven't picked it yet.
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I was until you brought him up, asshole.
As polarizing as the show is, I'd love to have Madoka on the lineup for just one run.
Madoka could not be more out of place.
Madoka isn't even that good.
and the characters are shit too.
I can think of twelve blocks right now that it would be more awkward on, but I can see where you're coming from.
Hahaha, here we go!
>twelve blocks
If you know of more anime blocks I'd be glad to learn of them.
even for a late night show it might still get shot down by the censors.
I feel like Ed Harrison should do some of the music for the bumpers, or if they start doing TOM events again.
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the only reason anyone likes the damn show is because of all the "Lesbian subtext" and how "It's a dark take on magical girls!".
the character are bland and idiotic even the only "Good" character ends up sacrificing herself for one of the other bland characters.
and Mami came off as kinda being a bimbo.

you can like if if you want but I think it's trying to hard to be dark.

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