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Any of you guys read Cucumber Quest? It's done by the same person who did all the Persona/Metal Gear/Ace Attorney comics and it's charming as hell.
Was going to start a thread. You did first.
Probably the first joke in pages I laughed at.
I enjoy it OP. The fanbase it has here on /co/ is pretty tiny.
Funny. That's the voice I was imagining him with all along.
Yeah, the comedy is a little flat without the dad around. Or the evil girl duo.
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There really should be more than three of these. At least ten.
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Does anyone else wonder how Almond's hips work? Is that just the dress?
Wow. I need more of this.
Peridot deserves to be diapered.
please no
Cucumber Quest is a comic that's really hard to discuss. It's awesome, but it's so simple that every thread about it results in nothing more than a collective agreement that it's great.
Too late, I'm already drawing it.
Nautilus when?
...and porn, I guess, which is heartbreaking. CQ is too innocent for porn. Stop it, guys. :(
We could always fall back on porn when it comes to that. That's what we often do.
>Implying the more innocent it is doesn't make it better to draw porn of.
Please stop making diaper porn of everything I love.

I'm starting to like it.

How does this make you feel, /co/?
I have yet to see porn of Lamb Chop and I'd like to keep it that way.
Get out.
Holy shit this is great. Why haven't I heard of this beforeeee
The fuck is that


could you maybe draw some nautilus (without diapers) after that?
>No pictures of Cucu being raped.
Some people...
The fuck am I watching? What the FUCK am I watching?
>They're talking about Oglaf
>Don't even know what it is
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Y-you're not the boss of me!
...Sure, actually. Just, like, naked, or doing something?
being pleasured by Liquus
Draw Cucumber calling her Princess Nauti. And um. Maybe she's naked. Draw her naked and the view is from the front and her legs are spread. Or maybe lifting up her dress.
Or that.
Lifting up her dress, maybe?
Is she wearing panties?
Can we have a version with and without?
Oh fuck that is the Spongebob Beginning
That is hell awesome
Also why is everyone in here so creepy?
I know you aren't new.
But the question still must be ask
Ye, although be warned; there will be a diapered version made specially for /d/. I won't post it here out of respect for those that don't want to see it on /co/.

This might also take a while, because I want to be relatively on model and I have a hunch that CQ's art style is deceptively challenging.
>Ye, although be warned; there will be a diapered version made specially for /d/. I won't post it here out of respect for those that don't want to see it on /co/.
You're a pal. Feel free to link it here, though. Actually, you might want to post the pantiless version over there (or somewhere else) and link it here as well, as the janitor's been rather strict as of late.

>This might also take a while, because I want to be relatively on model and I have a hunch that CQ's art style is deceptively challenging.
That's fine. Best of luck, and I appreciate your efforts.
4chan is a place for everyone to vent their sexual frustrations and deviant desires without fear of consequence. I know both men and women who are ostensibly normal, yet frequent /co/ and /d/ because unorthodox thing tingle their loins. As long as it doesn't involve actual children or any other party that's either underage or incapable of giving consent, I don't give a shit. In fact, I encourage it; sexual irregularity makes the world interesting.

~signed, a sheepish girl with a diaper fetish.
Yeah, I'm a little bit concerned about that. I got banned a few months ago for posting a topless pinup of Miranda from wakfu. No fetishy bullshit or anything; just boobs. I'll probably end up linking it through imgur
>~signed, a sheepish girl with a diaper fetish.
>sheepish girl
>diaper fetish
All I could think of was-
>porn of Lamb Chop

Did you spoiler it?
Yep. I got an extra two days on my ban for "spoiler abuse".

that's a thing?
Yes and it's the most retarded rule on the blue boards.
Only if the janitor has extra sand in their vag that day.
Spoiler tags aren't for porn, and misusing them can actually land you a longer ban.

I actually posted unspoilered porn once and only got a warning for "NSFW on a SFW board"
That must have been years ago. The current mods don't stand for anything. Even if it isn't violating rules.
It was probably about a year ago, maybe? Not sure. The janitor deleting everything like a retard is fairly new, though, I think he was appointed after /mlp/ was made.
>NSFW on a SFW board
I don't think I've ever gone through an entire /co/ thread without encountering at least one NSFW picture
That is completely retarded. Hiding porn in spoilers solves all the problems of the dude or two stupid enough to browse 4chan at work, and also allows users with a common interest to share mature content. It should be commn knowledge by now that /co/ is full of perverts. Let us see power girl's titties in peace, goddamn. (Also Dick's dick.)
Yes. That guy got lucky though. Typically you get an extra week tacked on.
And Lord knows we'll never be able to keep a Cucumber Quest thread alive on /b/ long enough to get tasteful art of Almond's sweet, nutty ass.
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Make CQ-related reaction images.

pic related
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/b/? Why would you even try that?
And it already exists.
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I think I love you.
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I don't want these threads to keep dying.
I am every kind of ok with this.
I want more conflict with Peridot and the good guys. She's entertaining.
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and sexily adorkable.
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>17k for three updates a week

step aside, homosuck, papermario: the webcomic is here to stay
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Posting stuff from art blog.
water you talkin bout
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The Kickstarter for the print version. It hit a certain amount so the author said the release rate will be increased for the latter half of the year. We'll be getting four a week from July to December.
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This is adorable as shit. It'd work perfectly as an action/platformer/thing.
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I'd go more of a zelda-esque thing.
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Just gonna keep dumping I guess.
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This will be a cool place if we ever get there.
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This is neat.
>sheepish girl with a diaper fetish.
This is my fetish. I'm loathe to believe you're real.
Also CQ is great fun, can't wait for four-strip-a-day weeks.
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Nautilus is a goldmine of reaction images.
Hm. That file has potential malicious code. I hope Gigi isn't trying to give me a virus.
>I'm loathe to believe you're real.
Keep 'em coming.
Doesn't mean I wouldn't, just... you know how things are.

You got it chief, give me a bit to sift through the archive.
I will keep this one forever and rejoice every time I get to use it.
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Almost spit out my drink when I saw this face.
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oh god, my sides.
Should I really give this a go? It looks kind of fun, but I'm afraid it won't be as funny as Hiimadaisy's VG comics. And I REALLY don't want to see another Boxer Hockey.
It can be funny at times, but I wouldn't describe it as pure comedy. It's mostly just cute, quaint fun. And of course the lovely artstyle.
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It's a pretty quick read to catch up before we go into hyper update mode. So far it's nice to look at and there are a few moments that caught me off guard (in a pfffftHAHAHAHA kind of way). So far so good.

In short: A pretty good comic, better than most stuff out there.
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I miss her vidya comics. Them, Fanboys Online and Eegra were the only good gaming webcomics.
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I feel bad for doing this one, but it was too perfect to pass up.
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Doesn't look like he's pointing directly at the post number - hopefully it will be used for other purposes.

>i.e. Consider the Following, etc.
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I mean it doesn't make any sense.
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Stupid sexy Peridot.
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Ah! You mean grammatically. Just looked it up, and you appear to be right. The correct phrasing is "...am loath," without the 'e' on the end.

Also dat gaze.
is quoting >>37687653
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I'm waiting for the part of the comic where Peridot professes her love for Almond and uses her magic to restrain her while she furiously scissors her.
Good thing the quicker updates will get us there faster.
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Oh, right. This thing. I remember it not making any sense. Cute little art, I guess.
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those eyes
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It's incredibly simple.
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Peridot is totally a closet lesbian.
Welp, those were the best ones I could find after doing a once-over of the archive. Hope you guys found some that you liked! Add more on if you find anything, I was kinda holding back posting every pic of Almond and Nauti being cute (which is all the time amirite?)
I've had it on my "to get too eventually list" for a while now but i kept putting off reading it since other stuff got in the way.

the same thing happened with her metal gear comics, I kept putting off reading them for years. No real reason, I just kept forgetting to read them when I had so much other shit to do. It took me randomly stumbling on to the youtube dubs of the things 3 weeks ago to finally get to them.


can't believe she made me feel sorry for Raiden.

is the artist a girl? her style and comedy just screams vagina to me so I apologize if he doesn't have a hatchet wound between his legs.
Thanks! You're the best~!
She uses 100% vagina in her drawings.
I wonder how cucumber will interact with that bandit

I picture cute shenanigans
She'll challenge him to a bull breaking to see if he's worthy. He won't be.
That's how you know it's quality vagina.
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Bumping just because
My nigga
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gigi, I swear I'll read it.
Just stop shoving it every site I go to, please.
Does it get advertised a lot? Haven't seen any ads around, though I suppose my site range is pretty low.
I don't think there are any ads. She's already famous enough to not need them.
Yeah, I just wanted to say that.
Lotsa talk on my sites.
What kind of a name is Gigi Digi anyway?
a pen name (?) I guess
Wait Gigi Digi is Hiimdaisy?
I like Nautilus. I'm hoping she sticks around.

I'm kind of ashamed to say I ship it.
It's a nickname. Has something to do with her initials.
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Free Glass why don't you leave this thread and go work on that military school comic that nobody wants to read and awkwardly hit on short-haired girls.
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Skyward Sword up in this bitch.
I think the squareness of Peridot's ears are more pronounced.
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I would destroy Almond. Why do they always have to make rabbits so sexy.


So did that drawfag ever deliver?
It'll probably still be a while. Sometimes drawfags take days.
Working on it ATM, got a little distracted yesterday.
>Dat character.
>Dat dress

I just noticed that none of Gigi's adult characters have boobs.

Also, Peridot is the HNNNNNNNGGGGest when she's all pouty.
That's alright, just wanted to know if you were still alive. Take your time.
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god I love her art
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I'm going to make an RPG and put her in charge of art direction.
I'm doing that now.
>Every single male character is either stupid, incompetent, an asshole, or all three at the same time.

Oh boy, another awful feminist webcomic.
Alright, bro.
As long as I can get to it this thread lives.
Cucumber isn't stupid, he's just out of his league.
Almond as well.
She may be kind of stupid though.
Cucumber's probably the smartest person in the comic, to be honest.

He certainly has the most common sense.
Yeah, I'm not sure where that dude's getting the idea that Cucumber's dumb. Also, plenty of the female characters are stupid and incompetent.
Carrot's pretty smart too. Well he's not an idiot he's just a regular guy.
That guy's not even in this thread anymore.
>Drawfag says they're gonna draw Peridot and/or Nautilus revealing their panties and/or diaper.
>Drawfag fails to deliver.
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Anyone have other hiimdaisy related reaction faces?

pic related
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The art is excellent, especially the colour, but the writing is so-so.
fuck you it's hilarious if you've played even a single RPG in your life

It's meant to be silly and not taken seriously. The charm of the humor and art style is more than enough to carry it.
By so-so writing i did mean the humour too. the humour is writing.
Patience. It takes time to draw things.

Does anyone know if she did any other SS fanart? I'd like to see her interpretation of Ghirahim.
Look at her tumblr.
>tfw you missed out on her Kickstarter and getting all that swag
Cucumber Quest sounds too much like a porno for me to take it seriously
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>that feel when hardcover book and print set
I like the comic but I don't think it warrents me getting all that.
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Not true.
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Do you ever think that sometimes she gets too drunk and kisses Peridot and it makes Peridot uncomfortable
Wait, Cucumber Quest was made by Hiimdaisy?

I didn't know that. That makes me love it even more
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More broobries
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He's got the grail! Stop him!
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Splashmaster was going to be named “Squidmaster” at one point.
She draws ladies all purty.
Let's see if this file still has a virus.
I hope not.
It does.
If you guys are going to go onto her portfolio I recommend not saving the whirlpool grotto picture.
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A reaction image I made some time ago.
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From her tumblr. It's a pretty good reaction image.
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Ready for action.
No one is still in this thread right? I should just let it die.
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A few more.
Listen, everybody made some bad decisions in high school. We’re not gonna judge you for it.
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I had an old design for Punisher Pumice, but I decided to take this opportunity to make it a little less caped superhero and a little more magical girl.

I'd watch it.
I think I'm done.
>I should just let it die.
I was waiting for the drawfag to deliver...
Well he needs to deliver! It's stupid just having this thread here.
>It's stupid just having this thread here.
no it's not leave me alone
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Resuming dump, then.
Always gettin' dat papah.

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