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Hello /co/mrades, heard about the TomPreston butthurt yesterday at MCM? He got sprayed in the face by some hero
lol owned hi five bro
It would have been better to just ask for some inflation porn.
I was there today and he seemed ok. Aside from having nobody at his booth at any of the three times I passed by.

I considered asking him for directions to the anime booths but it just felt like bullying.
Kind of weird how his group wanted to be separated from him at all costs and then this happens...
wait till he makes an angry comic about it
As much I as I think Preston is a dick and needs to give up on writing comics. Going to a convention/booksigning/whatever to spray some guy with water is childish.

Did the guy think he was doing something awesome or that the rest of the internet community would think he was a bad ass or something? The guys just being a dick.
"As for the recent hate, do you really think I care? Maybe it was low, yes, but at the end of the day, it happened. Nothing can change it. I am have a happy life outside the net, so don’t bother wasting me with your hatefulness. I don’t HATE Preston, I just wanted to be a dick. Seems I won."

Yeah this guy sounds like some obnoxious faggot
Unless he got sprayed with acid, I don't give a flaming CARNIVALE
He probably shouldn't have stuck around like that before doing so. Walk around, then hit him up, then run.
Plus, mist in the face is easier to clean up than, say, a glass of water to the face. Plus, the way that he handed over the note was clumsy. He should have pushed that over first, then the water.

It's like this guy just made up this idea on the spot. Shit like this takes planning, yo.
He may be a shitty artist and humorist...but fuck this. Grow the hell up and understand that people will make things that you don't like. This was a childish stunt and covering up his face shows how much of a god damn coward he was.
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>wall of text from some pussy that threw water at someone and ran off

What a faggot. Both of them, really, but I think the dude who sprayed the water takes the douche-cake today.
"I decided to do something to a infamous internet guy, film it, and write a huge essay about how cool I am for doing it and no one can touch me. But really guys I'm nothing like him."
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>/co/ pseudo-stepping up for Preston
>my mind is full of fucks
Yesterdya there were some rumors that Preston did something fucked up at the convention .

What was it?
>/co/ hates Preston
>someone does something to him to prove so
>suddenly /co/ loves Preston
Afraid of lawyers? Or are you just hypocrites?
>spraying preston
>not his books

He knows people hate him best thing to do would be completely ignore him at his table, all this does is give him more things to make smug comics about.
/co/ is not a hivemind.
Also this about being a decent human being and not a little shit.
Verbal abuse online is one thing, when you take it into the real world, you crossed the line.

It has more to do with the fact that some guy went to a convention to drench someone in water. It's just dumb and childish.
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There are better ways to fuck with him. For example, requesting this to be drawn.
>Can we also talk about how this kind of stuff just the perfect example of rape and bullying culture? I mean, yeah sure, maybe it was a pretty minor thing, but if it caused the guy distress, then it was WRONG. Everybody has different limits. I can usually take quite a lot of verbal harassment, I can pretty much shrug off and form of cyberbullying, but the instant somebody touches me, I’m instantly uncomfortable. Even in it was just getting really close to me, even if it’s just a person putting their hand on my arm, I CANNOT TAKE IT. One of my friends, on the other hand, is pretty touchy-feely, perfectly fine with even full body contact, even from relative strangers. She doesn’t take words very well, however, and saying the wrong things immediately make her uncomfortable.

So yes, maybe you’d brush off the water, but Preston might not have.And trying to keep up this idea that “it’s not harassment until they have a mental breakdown” is pretty damaging.

>rape and bullying culture

Also fuck you /co/ for defending Preston.
What does this prove?
Nobody's stepping up for Preston. The reason why we're calling the guy a sprayed him a fag is because he only did all this to get famous.

And it's back fired. Because spraying water on someone when masked and run away is a pussy thing to do. It's a dick move no matter who you do it to as well.
I actually always have. He's not a good artist. He's not very funny but he doesn't deserve the shit he gets. If not for the assholes posting about him every time he poops I wouldn't even know he existed. They are perpetuating his notoriety.

He's a dude that admittedly doesn't sell many books. Why does the fact that he's 'popular' on deviantart rustle so many jimmies?

>wanted to be a dick for no reason.

what a fucking /b/tard.
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>/co/ is not a hivemind.
I don't like Alan Moore's comics or his attitude, if I see him at a convention I'll throw some water on him because that will teach him a lesson
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He could've been so much more clever.

Give him a picture of all the times he was an asshat, or ask for inflation porn.

No, what he did was weak.

Let's pretend spraying water in his face is something that's almost acceptable. 1: The bottle was in mist mode. A mist of water is nothing compared to a stream of water to the face. 2: He just ran off. He didn't even antagonize him in the least bit. His execution was absolutely pathetic, which is why we're disappointed in hiim.
Honest question. Does anyone know if Preston sees any of the /co/ threads about him?

Because I'd laugh.
>Also fuck you /co/ for defending Preston.
Noone is defending him. We can still hate him and his comics whilst calling this guy a dick at the same time.
>Comparing Moore to Preston

Are you serious?
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THis is what it proves.
That was lame. He could have put some Tobasco or salt in it, but no it was just water.
This is the most pathetic thing I've seen in a while. Getting so asspained over some bad comics online that you feel like physically confronting the author in real life? Not only that, being a total pussy about it by hiding your identity, spraying water on him (look out, we got a badass here), running away like the cops are on their way after doing it, and leaving some ridiculous manifesto for him to read afterwards. What are you, the Unibomber? Utterly childish.
/co/ is better. You should attack your enemies with a pencil and paper, not with a fucking squirt gun.
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This thread makes me think that /co/ would make really great supervillains. Everyone is critiquing his actions and how lame they are, while offering up alternatives that would be more effective.
1. Water dries
2. The water from the squirt bottle amount wise was nothing but sweat.
3. The kid is an idiot.
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>This thread

>Hating on wizards

Wow, you are worse than Andrew Blobson.
Both are professional comic writers, so why not?

Why don't you go spray some more water on bad comic book artists, kid?
>not bleach or piss

Because the guy doing it.

>Did it to be a dick.
>Did it to get attention.
>Masked and ran like a pussy.
>Doesn't even read or know about Peterson enough to know anything besides "A lot of people hate him for some reason".
>Even though Peterson is a terrible person he's not terrible enough to fuck with him in real life and especially not enough to do actual physical stuff.
>It wasn't Tim B^Uckly who needs someone to beat his ass.
OK /co/, I understand you. You're butthurt because somebody had the balls to publicly do to Preston what /co/ wanted to, but never did because you're a bunch of cowards.
The best way to of done this was confront him about his work, his comics always have that one guy who does this and his little stand in preston will smugly redirect anything the other person says.

I somehow doubt he's quick whitted enough to do this in real life, so you get to watch him squirm. Spraying someone with water then running away an boasting about it on the internet?

Oh yeah you sure showed him.
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>As much I as I think Preston is a dick and needs to give up on writing comics. Going to a convention/booksigning/whatever to spray some guy with water is childish.

Ding ding ding. 100% correct.

Two wrong's don't make a right.Preston might be a supremely flawed and annoying person. But you don't do stuff like that. The mentality of "the victim was a bad person, so therefore being a dick" is never good reasoning. That thinking leads to radicalism and extremism.
>It wasn't Tim B^Uckly who needs someone to beat his ass.
You know what will happen, right? Someone will give Buckely a good beating and /co/ will immediately become his fan number one.

Are you the guy that sprayed the water on him, by any chance? I'm sorry that we didn't like your prank, kiddo.
Preston may have lame comics but this is some /b/ kiddie shit right here.

"hue i spray water and run XD"
>>someone does something to him to prove so

Wow, that's lame.

>Using water instead of Jarate

Oh yeah cause barely squirting someone with water and running away takes balls.

What are the chances that you ARE the guy who ran away?

Considering Buckley sues his fans and shows his dick to 14 year old girls, I don't think anyone will give a shit if he gets beat up.

Unless of course it's done by an idiot who did it to become internet famous.
Yeah I'd just throw a bunch of un blown up balloons
>Considering Buckley sues his fans and shows his dick to 14 year old girls

> be a dick to preston
> now everyone sticks up for them

so...your plan failed, then?

Don't forget, he was masked. Can't have anyone owning up to what they did!
Did you go to church today, /co/? Surely you may want to tell your priest about that evil sinner who tried to murder our brother Tom Preston.

Ok, this would've made me laugh.

>Thinks /co/ or anyone on 4chan will back Tim if that ever happens.

No. Everyone on here agrees that Tim needs his ass kicked.
Hey, now you're thinking.

He was masked? Oh yeah HUGE BALLS.

No one is standing up for preston. The world is not in black and white like you want it to be. We're shitting on the guy who did this. No one likes Preston.
Tom Preston is still an immature manchild

The guy who sprayed the water is also an immature manchild

It doesn't matter if one attacked the other, they are equally retarded.
If you're going to spray acid or bleach on someone at a con, and you want internet love for doing it.... spray Greg Land.
>I don't think anyone will give a shit if he gets beat up.
Except for /co/! /co/ will love his works once he gets beaten up.

Are you reading this, Tim? If you want to be loved by /co/ forever, have someone beat you!
Yeah I did the priest started laughing called the person a fucking pussy for running away.
Yeah have a woman dressed up as a clown blowing up large balloons, then after she runs out her suit starts to inflate right in front of Preston.
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Really? A spray bottle? That's fucking weak....
I have come to the conclusion you are the OP and that you're also the guy who did it.

Look. Tom Preston right shitty comics. We all bitch and moan about the stuff he does. But most of the people on here probably don't get so wound up as to go out of our way to get at him. Most people in the Tom Preston threads who complain have probably never even send him abuse over deviantArt.

At what point does someone think "Ha ha, I shall get revenge on his shitty comics by disguising myself and spraying him with water like a true hero"? Never because most people arn't that childish.

The best ways to get back at him are through comics. Why? Because thats where he prides himself. Spraying him with water won't stop him drawing comics. Chances are he'll write a comic about it.
Guys, what we need to do is put inflation art on his desk when he's not looking and watch as he struggles to hide his raging boner.

>People think we're standing up for Preston
The retard train can't find the brakes.
Theoretically speaking, Preston can sue this faggot because of "psychological damage through stress and harrasing", right?

Keep trying.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that you're the guy who did it. Please go to /b/ or something.
And you are a wet chicken, Tom.
nobody ever wanted to attack him, at least physically, verbal abuse is fine

but go ahead, make vast generalizations
Yes because /co/ is just one monolithic hive mind. It couldn't possibly be different people expressing different opinions before and after the incident.

But he's in Britan at the moment.
This spraynon has no finesse. With the tiniest bit of effort, one could turn a weak prank such as this into something glorious.

He didn't even strike a pose, no witty one liner. It takes five seconds to come up with a one liner, man.

Where is "Your Webcomic is bad and you should feel bad" these days? That's where I read about it.
I'm almost certain its the same guy and getting the impression its the guy who threw the water then RAN AWAY.

From Tom Preston, think about that for a minute.
Preston is retarded, but it's one thing to complain about him on the internet and one thing to harass him IRL. That's crossing the line into creepy stalker.
The balloons idea is a million times better
You know I actually think he's pretty new to 4chan. He'd made the thread a few times.

I don't think he knows/knew about noko, made the thread and then when it didn't send him to it he made another. Untill obviously he found this one again
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My dog can smell your fear, /co/. What are you afraid of?

I'd like to think the majority of people on here are mature enough to know that critiquing a bad comic over the internet is more acceptable than actually "attacking" the author in real life just because you don't like their work.


No one suddenly likes his work. Most people insulting the dumbass who sprayed the water just understand that what was basically the equivalent of ding dong ditching his house is fucking stupid.

Again, how fucking pathetic do you have to be to get upset enough at some incredibly obscure and objectively terrible comics over the internet to decide that you need to confront the author in real life? And not just any confrontation either, fully masked to hide your identity with some other dumbass filming for maximum internet exposure with some stupid water bottle and a damn manifesto to boot? Why not just walk up to Preston and give him the letter unmasked and actually discuss with him on some sort of intellectual level why his comics suck? Oh, because that would've taken some balls and some smidgen of intelligence. Fuck off back to /b/.
Oh god it really is you isn't it?
I thought it was spit, spraying him with water is childish and doesn't really leave much of an impact...
it's juvenile

now B^U deserves that treatment

preston deserves a verbal drubbing
Theres being afraid and theres not giving a fuck.

None of us give enough of a fuck about Preston to stalk him and spray him with water.
The guy who did is obviously autistic or something
This thread reminds me, does anyone remember the story of some guy who TOTALLY BRODALLY OWNED ROB LIEFELD AT A CON I WAS SO BADASS and then Liefeld wrote something about how the guy was this meek little shit who looked awkward and uncomfortable and muttered and stuttered all over the place?
I think Preston is a dick, but he doesn't deserve to be attacked by a retarded Counterstrike cosplayer. No one does.
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>OP/Bottle Sprayer posts vid thinking we'll back him up and applaud him.
>The opposite happens and now even we call him a jack ass.
>Claims we're defending Preston even though we keep saying his arts bad.
>Samefagging, trying to make himself look cool.
>Everyone is onto him

Man this is hilarious!
>You are possibly wondering what the hell just happened. Suffice to say, it was odd, maybe completely OTT random in a sense in which was attempted to be funny but ended up being stupid, a poorly thought out idea and made no sense at all.
>That is what reading your comics is like.

Attacker confirmed as bro
Oh yeah and then we found out it was Liefeld's account that was true because there was actual video footage?
You can't confirm yourself as anything other than a faggot kid.
Haha really?
Was actually the first thing I thought of when I heard about this
He'll give up eventually and probably turn his PC off and punch his pillows in hillarious retard on youtube fashion
Man... Preston is an ass but wearing a mask to spray some water in someone's face? That's so passive agressive and cowardly. I'm ashamed to share a country with this guy
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Hey now don't get him riled up, he might.....spray water at you then run away!
hahahaha look at the scrawny faggot, no wonder he thought spraying water was "edgy"
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So, basically spray bottle kid wasn't severe enough in his stunt to have the extremists side with him, wasn't intelligent enough to have the planners side with him, and wasn't funny enough to have anyone else side with him.

Why can't I hold all this fail?
I dunno, I think it's funny.
>reading a comic is like being sprayed in the face with water
You mean to say that his comics are refreshing?

If he'd have thrown shit at him, then I'd have agreed with him
Spend £10 - £15 entry. Just to spray some guy in the face. Dumbass confirmed...
This is a textbook example of why you NEVER use these kind of tactics. They never work. They never advance your cause. They only make the person you're targeting look like a victim. Some people behind the Scientology protests wanted to do some similar type of vandalism and attacks against them. I hear that those people had to be kept in line to avoid using those tactics.
Didn't someone release a vid with Preston's old school mates and friends saying he's a hack?
Holier than thou much? Or just counter-trolling?
Man you can't try to put a type of argument like a verbal argument that makes sense, and then spray someone. It invalidates the vebal part.

You do one type attack plan
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curses him, how ever will I cope?!
I might have to use...A PAPER TOWEL!!
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Our hero, everyone. (Or should I say 'An Hero' since he dresses like the Columbine shooters?)
Agreed. The only people impressed are 12 year old kiddies. Throwing water on someone is a douche thing to do.
The monsters! How can they do this to the greatest webcomic artist that ever existed?


oh.. lame
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Aw yeah OP you're a hardcore mother fucker

Anonymous is legun xD
Well... people who are into comics have never been famous for their personal hygiene. So maybe he hates water and any substance that cleans.
Dun dun dun! To be fair its rather hot in the UK at the moment that water would have been very refreshing for a man of Prestons size in a convention like that.
>Holier than thou much?

If you think spraying water in some nameless hacks face constitutes an acceptable way of articulating your opinion of their comic then yeah.

>Free hugs

Jesus Christ. Do you even lift, OP?
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He's one of those "free hugs" idiots
I...I didn't think I could hate anymore.
I can't hold all this hate...and embarrassment.
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I've gotta get out of here!

sure showed him with the bottle and getup and whatnot
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Good lord

Confirmed for /b/ browser
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Are all the Preston haters this retarded?
I'm saying it. Wannabe anarchist is just as bad as Tom Preston. They're equal in their shittiness.
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>feet away from Tom Preston
>spraying him
>not filling the bottle with the merciless peppers of Quetzlzacatenango
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If I had bumped into him, and he asked me if I was interested in his comic, you know what I would've done?

I would've politely said, "No thank you" and continued on my way
Man the mask is the best part, god forbid he saw your face he might... err... do something...

I think next to nothing of Preston, but that is fucking stupid.
Preston lovers are much worse. /co/ is full of them.
>Spray him wearing a mask, then run away.
I have no love for Preston, but grow some balls, kid.
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Riddle me this, /co/.

What has the muscle definition of a prepubescent school girl, the creativity of a /b/tard, has sucked a million dicks, and ends in a stop?

You rebel, you.
>Not even throwing a water balloon.

Kids these days.
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Not hardcore enough. You should've put a "kick me" sign on his back and run away while hiding your face lest the FBI get a good look at your face and track you down.
That what most people would do.
The hard part is making him feel bad about it.

I think if you really want to annoy Andrew Dobson, you'd have to do everything he complains about in his comics.
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This is just fucking sad.

England, you no longer have any rights to make fun of us americans.
Your MOM. U mad?
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Have fun with this /co/ OP deserves only the best!
> people keep replying to the 1 troll using the "omg /co/ luvs preston now" strawman

> people KEEP replying to him

fuck sakes /co/
Does this guy spout memes in real life and act LOL SO RANDUM xD too? Because there's a line between real life and internet that only the socially inept can't distinguish. What a douche. And no, I don't give a fuck who he's targeting.
Sorry who?

It's time to hang it up, OP.
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Next time you will tell us that you don't like good movies, MTL.
Oh please, you're Captain Contrarian, you would have bought everything at his table and made a thread about it on /co/.

Go back to /b/ Hank. Admit it. This has blown up in your face. No one is supporting you. Everyone hates you. You're a child. Go away.

>Judging England by convention goers

We have every right to make fun of you. I won't, but I reserve the right to.

HOLY SHIT! Dude that would totally get you arrested!

Its one guy, probably the guy who sprayed him with the water.

And its funny to see him try and salvage this.
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You really hit the nail on the head there, OP.
That kid made Preston wet.

We're just having fun with the spray bottle dude. It's all in good fun.

Besides, if I piss him off, maybe he'll throw water on me. It is hot out today, after all.
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>Your MOM. U mad?
This should be our next super hero.

I can see it now, Ultron tearing through New York, the Avengers broken and defeated, when Hydr-OP appears, sprays Ultron in the face, and then asks the Avengers how good a job he did defeating Ultron.
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Damn you got us.
We might think his art is shitty and then he should quit writing web comics for all eternity.
But dammit do we still love him!
If only we can be as brave as you OP

>It was so much I couldn't stick around for more.
i think the best way to annoy him would be to ask him if he actually knows andrew chesworth, and if he could get you an autograph.
>Internet harassment is acceptable
>Real rank is dangerous
So verbally attacking someone on internet to the grade to guide him to even a suicide is good cause internet but spraying water over a dude in real life is bad cause reality?

Oh that's new
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We kind of do. We're not dumb fatties who base our life on a 2000 year old piece of fanfiction and still cry about a news story from 11 years ago. We've had terrorist attacks since then! Guess what, fatty? We got on with our lives and forgot about them years ago!
I didn't know who Tom Preston was so I googled his name and he's some guy on deviantart
Why do people give a shit
You sprayed a guy with a fucking social network account
You just sprayed a guy
Just a random fucking guy
OP stop trying to derail your own thread, you silly OP.
don't be wrong, tom is a shitty human being, someone post some shit to prove this

but the water was a retarded tactic
YOu're taking this personally. Is there something you'd like to tell us?
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Those brits are bad ass fuck anyone who is actually taking up for preston. He deserves this and worse for his fuckery.
No sympathy
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Hey look guy's OP is now trying to make this thread about US vs. UK instead of focusing on him!
Oh OP you slay me...I mean WET me!
Yes, but you'd have to stop running away long enough to hear it.
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The kind of behaviour that you would expect from an American.
try again, too heavy handed

>Criticizing someone is okay

Yes it is.

>Harassing and physically assaulting them in the real world is not

What a shock!

You can also criticize people in person. I would not mind sitting down with Preson and explaining why, in detail he's shit. But I would do it in a calm fashion. I would hit him or anything.
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What the OP looks like in real life by the way.
>confirmed for preston dickgobbler
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Yes OP...there is.

Curse you and your ilk!
Should have been "Oh OP you spray me".
A) It's the internet, you're an idiot if you came here expecting every site to be a hugbox, and B) if you're driven to suicide by people writing douchey things online then you've got serious emotional problems that would benefit from not going on the internet in the first place

Needs to shave badly.

Tonight, The Wet Bandit will be played by James Rolfe's unibrowed younger brother
how cute
What a faggot.
>Not Colonial Scum
Try harder you mindless prole
I imagine some people in this thread have been bullied in life and can't fathom something like an acceptable target.
Making fun of someone on the internet is not okay either guys but look you did it everyday to preston
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Poor Andrew. He looked so sad and pathetic.

Never forget.
/co/, how come you condemn this act but devot yourself to pirating comics? Why is it that you feel respect and love for a low-quality creator but not for the industry?
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Oh wow, it really is OP. Hahaha, what a fucking loser.
>and can't fathom something like an acceptable target.

Because two wrongs don't make a right. What are you, 5? Ten year olds I teach can grasp that concept.
As I'm reading this thread it's pretty much all people against the idiot, and the idiot trying to start arguments
He's the guy that I love to hate, and about low quality, you won't feel obligated to like his comics.
You can't derail this thread OP. I'm so sorry.
hes going to write a shitty comic about it and you'll be back to hating him in no time.

Eat a fat dick OP. No one cares.
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>It is funny because everyone did not understand my real intention. Such fun.
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I like you.
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This is just getting funnier and funnier.
or to speak like the Wet Bandit.

The butthurt is strong in this one.

"It's funny because nobody understood my real intentions!"

No, I'm pretty sure you're just a silly cunt.
>those goggles.
>that mask
>those gloves

Oh god kill yourself please.
So he WAS trying to keep Preston hydrated and cool in this warm weather.

Clearly we've misunderstood this young scamp and he's truly a sweetheart.
OP is a really good artist. Look

Here's the thing. Someone, somewhere is not going to like YOU. It doesn't matter how nice you are. Someone is going to hate your guts. In their mind you'd be an "acceptable target". Is it okay for them to physically harass you?
it's so hilarious

it's rare to meet an idiot so sincere, as this level is usually a relatively intelligent troll, but no this is 100% pure stupidity that trolls model themselves after

it's like watching an endangered species
Yes because in this case its called karma

The universe is sending him an obvious sign that hes a jackass
He was wholly unaware of this fact before now
so did any other web comic artists get 'assaulted', like say Sohmer or Buckley?
Dobson might be a faggot, but that's just childish... oh wait, Im on 4chan, and that faggot is from tumblr

No-one in this thread is defending Preston, being a dick isn't any less dickish if you're doing it to another dick
>This is what I was wearing when I sprayed him. Tell me I'm epic!....please....
OP comfirmed for furry scum (and also suck at art)
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nobody except the derailer is thinking that, brosef, we're all pretty unified on the fact that this guy is a complete tool

who's with me?

See: >>37176237

If you accept this logic, and everyone in society accepts it, then you have people being dicks to each other 24/7. It's childish and we can't have a real functional society if everyone did that.
>preston sprayed
>with water
what? what the fuck is the point? how is this a news story? WHY DID YOU GUYS TELL ME ABOUT IT?

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OP sure is hardcore.
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>Not posting this shit for the world to see

Depriving /co/ of such art is criminal neglect.
Dobson is a fucking hack, but he doesn't deserve being assaulted like this, it's just childish. Nobody deserves that.

What makes this worse is he's gonna be even more Justified now when writing his fucking opinions in his comics.
Not running up to him with a balloon and popping it in his face
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generally if someone harbors such hate for me I'd be aware of it enough to not care if they sprayed me with water.
An acceptable target is someone that everyone dislikes and would have no reason to feel sympathy for any karmic action coming their way.

/co/ is just being edgy and trying to subvert this for the sake of being edgy
> (and also suck at art)

I'm not the type who will condemns someone's art because they're a bad preson. He's not... bad actually. Not professional or anything. But if he worked at it he could get good.

My lord. What if this guy keeps at it and becomes better than Preston?

these two said it best
Oh my, talk about being a hypocrite.
Nope. OP went straight past the assholes who deserve a slap in the face and went straight to the guy who's just kind of stupid.

It's like kicking an annoying puppy. Sure, none of us actually like the guy, but doing something IRL is just plain mean.
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You make me ashamed to be English OP
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>we /b/ now
>OP is a furry. A skinny, neckbearded furry who runs away from fat people.
Colour me surprised.
what OP should've done is throw acid in his face

and bam, he'll break bad, and we'll have our own Tom-Face, who will no longer fight the urges he's repressed
Liberal much?
you went to far OP and made him a martyr.

>Now we are going to have to put up with the endless recycling and retelling of this story as he feels sorry for himself.
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>OP's art

Oh God what.
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>it's a girl
This is so bad I want to spray water in his face
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Fucking hardcore.

This thread is suddenly really depressing
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>OP/Wet Bandit's Pics shown.
>Dressed like an edgy kid
>His art shown.
>Furries everywhere
>His tumblr posts saying he trolled us.
>He keeps trying to derail the thread
>Same fagging over and over

It's just too funny!
Oh god I love this!
>Oh shit, I'd better make this about politics!
to scoop your tears motherfucker
he's trying SO HARD


Guess we can add hypocrite to the list.
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The face of revolution, ladies and gentlemen.
17/10 would laugh again
what if OP threw radiation in his face?

enter Inflation-Man!
Maybe the "true intention" of the OP was to make us all laugh.
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Like that other guy said. He's such a perfect example of idiotic wannabe rebel. What trolls pretend to be. But he actually is.

And what's his beef with Preston anyways? I haven't seen anything where he defends what he did. He seems to be some kind of gay furry. Did Preston ever insult furries?

Pic is what OP wants to be.

This nigga is worse than Preston
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>Well, thats enough. No regrets. None at all. But this is getting silly. I shall not be responding to any more comments. I’m drawing the line, for real. I’m turning Tumblr off and walking away. It was fun at first, then hilarious, but now, I need to stop, let this die and move on. For real. But, for any haters who still think it is still a good idea to mock me, go ahead, I won’t be responding, only liking/reblogging.

OP is taking his ball and going home.

Also, more hardcore art.
Preston did acknowledge furries, saying he did not understand them.
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I'm dying!
Oh god I feel like the Weasels in Roger Rabbit!
He's been wildly successful at it, got to admit.
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M-my God! Look at all those badass high school delinquents...
>OP sprays Dobson with water
>expects praise from /co/
>/co/ calls him out as a faggot
>says returns to his fans on tumblr saying he has trolled us and that /co/ are now preston fans
>tries to derail thread
>/co/ looks through his tumblr
>find out he's a skinny furry who is shit at drawing

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>Covers face in video.
>Posts it on tumblr.

>Which has his face and links to other places with more pictures of him.

>Autism rates sky rocketing.

Now I understand how he is so retarded to feel entitled to transfer an online grudge to real life.
He just did it to be edgy and cool. Does not even know who Preston was besides being some one the internet hates
>sprayed him with water


how devilish

just leave the fat loser alone
Tom Preston should've gone Tom Cruise on his ass and ask him if he thinks it's funny
>Maybe the "true intention" of the OP was to make us all laugh.

at him.
>post witty ask on his tumblr
>faggot can't take the heat and isn't answering anymore asks
>constantly trying to derail this thread because we can see how full of shit he is

Only good thing from this is that your note said you were from Deviantart and not here.
Christ he's exactly like one of those chanology guys except somehow with more faggotry
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Too many pompadours...


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I'm impressed: it takes him just marginally longer to run away online.
what if he decides he's had enough of being pushed around and starts to use his talents for criminal business?
Someone archieve this for future generations
yes but then it would count as assault. water is harmless and gives him his payback paainlessly
He's laughing at you, /co/. And you get so butthurt.
I hate to be "that guy" but that Family Guy segment of British drive-by arguments is pretty relevant right now, I feel.
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This is...beautiful.
Like looking into the face of a new born and feeling such great joy like never before.
>Now I understand how he is so retarded to feel entitled to transfer an online grudge to real life.

Not only that. He doesn't even to have had much of a beef against Preston. He did it entirely to be a rebel and to be praised by Preston haters. He's really that stupid.
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Here you go
I was wondering why there have been no posts calling us "Preston Lovers" for a while.

To the We bandit, we hardly knew ye!
So basically at this point the OP as bad as Preston since he can't take any sort of criticism without throwing a tantrum.
>Someone archieve this for future generations

Archive fools auto archives /co/ right? Or is that just /v/ and other boards?
no.... no I think it's the oposite, OP


you are making me cry, but they;re those little laugh tears you get on the corner of your eyes from busting a gut

good try though
I thought you were leaving and not responding?
One last spray of the bottle eh?
but who filmed it?
Are you ready for this?

>Curruntly having a BBQ as a end of school year celebration for my Mums students. Me being the completely shy fuck that I am found myself unable to go down and say hi, but the smell of burgers was too damn high. Ended up trying to sneak out, grab a burger and sneak back in, kept freezing everytime someone said my name. Fuck the politeness! I am surrounded by kids who have done more then I ever did when I was their age! Leave me alone!
>Ah well, got a new sketch in the work of Lucruis, preview later next week.
>Posted 1 week ago

>I don’t believe it…One of the fuckers helped himself to one of my bottles of Dew….
>Enjoy it, you fuck.
>Enjoy the wonderful, if not rather tingly taste…..For now.

How much you wanna bet that kid got a facefull of mist?
I wanted to get Preston to sign the ALL OF THE DAY BRO garfield edit when I saw him at expo. I genuinely thought he'd at least be a good sport about it. Instead he was like "wow okay no get out of my face" so I spent ten minutes telling him he was a fucking hack while he questioned what I did for a living and why I wasn't talking to someone whose webcomics I did enjoy. I didn't feel like I needed any reason to justify why I was calling him a shithead and by god it was satisfying. That said, this is really dumb and passive aggressive and whoever did it has no balls but I genuinely hope he doesn't come back to England. He's a smarmy fuck and he literally colours in his in the way a five year old would, arm outstretched and everything.

haha. No we're laughing at you OP. I've seen Butthurt. No one's angry. We're laughing at how pathetic you are. You're worse than Preston.
I think the UK will be thankful, all that fresh water being thrown around.

To damn hot right now.
>Apathy, waste of a good opportunity to do something actually amusing
>Scroll down, can see things other tumblr posters are saying about it, little snippets from their posts
>"I didn’t compare it to rape. Or at least, I didn’t mean to; it’s completely possible I did, in which case, yes, my..."
100x funnier than the video.
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I think you've got our positions reversed.
Nice going OP. Now you've got me feeling sorry for Preston.

Seriously though, dick move. Keep it on the internet.
>So basically at this point the OP as bad as Preston since he can't take any sort of criticism without throwing a tantrum.

Yep. I'd say they're in a race to see who's more pathetic.
Someone screencap this shit for posterity.
Actually, since he's English, the water enough would qualify for an assault.
>Assault (or common assault) is committed if one intentionally or recklessly causes another person to apprehend immediate and unlawful personal violence. Violence in this context means any unlawful touching, though there is some debate over whether the touching must also be hostile.

Although it's likely the worst he'd get is an asbo
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Dear diary, OP was hardcore today.
If he didn't get kicked out of expo then fuck all will happen to him.
>Spray threads on /co/
>Run away
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This is only like three pages back on his tumblr yet how has no one posted it yet
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The Wet Bandit strikes again!!!
I feel like this should be the end of giving a fuck about this Preston bullshit but he'll go and make a comic about it and set the whole thing off again.

Sad really.
There's a video? Where's the video?
Well, I had no idea Preston was that fat. God fucking damn do I hate it when artists draw themselves as fantasies.
>Yep. I'd say they're in a race to see who's more pathetic.

Preston is trying to make living by selling his art.

OP is just a teen faggot supported by parents.

Seeing him in person was like meeting Jabba the Hutt in a bad hat.
Wow thats a large head.

Is that even possible.
Splashing people with water?

Thats a threat?

Are we the Wicked Witch all of a sudden?
Where did the spraying take place? Could it count as a breach in the hosepipe ban?

>receeding hairline

Older than I thought. I figured he'd be 17-21 due to the immaturity and stupidity. But he's like late 20's.
>reading OP's manifesto
>"Those claiming it was assault, grow the fuck up."

That is some Code Lyoko level head structure right there
I wish the prank was balloon related.
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lol that's nice how people is sucking that "hero"'s balls too much, just because he sprayed to Preston's face.

I don't like too much the attitude Preston usually has towards critique and suggestions and I disagree with him about lots of things, but praising that hanksbeaniehat guy by that is pretty retarded. Like OP.

Just my opinion.
invasion of personal space, Boco. I don't expect you to understand, you and your threats to drown people
Holy mother of fuck that head is tremendous.
Sadly not big enough to distract from that classy British Tan.
You lie. Tell him, Doctor Green.
>typical British male

Vote. Now. This idiocy must be preserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
He kinda reminds me of the Joker

he has made a powerful enemy that day
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Wait you guys...he drinks Mountain Dew
Oh fuck, he's EXTREME!
We might have messed with the wrong guy!
He might spray us while he's dewing the dew!
I bet when he posted this thread we'd be as co-operative as fox news make us out to be when it comes to dicking on people.
People thinking the rest of 4chan is like /b/ is a good way to weed people off the boards
>>Enjoy the wonderful, if not rather tingly taste…..For now.
There was a guy like this on my illustration course. He'd get wound up over little things and emphesis how he'd have to get his "revenge". In the end he'd actually do something like spray someone at water. The similarity is uncanny.
The guy was a psycho though. Not even in the good way
We've just come out of a water-hose ban. Throwing water around like that isn't a good idea.

I can see why he wanted to disguise himself.
>English Mountain Dew

Is he trying to be edgy drinking that shit? Because it tastes fuck all like it does in the US.

Not people.

Fire Lo.
So if this was done by a honest hater of Preston who instead hit him with a bat or something, and decided to not be a famewhore about it, would we feel differently?
Even just softly lobbing a balloon or two at him every hour or so would've been 10 times funnier.
Maybe write the names he did inflation art under.
And fill the last one with glitter.
So many people where there and no one started popping balloons in front of him while looking him straight in the eye. Now that would have been fun to see.
>Right, decided on what I’m gonna do when I see ol’ Preston next week. I should say this now and very clearly. I don’t actually HATE him, I just think he needs a wakeup call. I will not be doing anything physical or anything thats gonna get me in trouble. This is my first expo and I’d much rather enjoy it then get kicked out.
>What I will be doing is recording this and uploading it to tumblr. I have no idea how this will end out. I might get my 15 mins of fame, the whole thing may just be ignored, or I end up getting a apperance in one of his comics (fucking hope not!).

I wonder if he ever dreamed it would all end like this...
I think Fire Lo and Doctor Green are the same.
>There was a guy like this on my illustration course. He'd get wound up over little things and emphesis how he'd have to get his "revenge". In the end he'd actually do something like spray someone at water. The similarity is uncanny.
>The guy was a psycho though. Not even in the good way

There's a psychological term for that. Where people can't let little things go. I saw it being used on something dealing with Richard Kuklinski on youtube. Anyone know what I'm thinking of?
The birth of a super villain.

You're right, the guy should be fined.
I'm not really familiar with the whole hatred towards this guy. Someone wanna fill me in?
Wait, this guy was British? God damn rotten-toothed limeys, drinking their warm beer and eating that flavorless shit they call "food".

I think he'd be liked better if he did something with more balls. Or not...
We would hail the bat-man as a hero.

The latter it seems. He doesn't talk about Preson at all on his tumblr or give an explanation why. He knows him via DA. He probably just saw people complaining about him and thought he'd get famous in the hatedom by doing this. That's why he posted this thread.

Assault is assault is assault.

We'd be even more pissed. How does a bat to the head convey how shitty his art is? It doesn't, it just makes the perpetuator look like a scummy tool.
hopefully Tom won't go the Chris-Chan way and start putting people and their likeness in his comics

what has OP done?
This is funny. You guys are fucking pussies if you think a 50 year old man getting sprayed in the face is a horrible offense. He was not physically harmed and the emotional damage done to one as thick as him will have been minimal.

>confuses "than" and "then"
Tell him what?
I really can't prove I did any of this because I wasn't a bellend who thought it'd be max lol to take a camcorder along to it. I will say that:

he shifted really uncomfortably when I told him he came a long way from pretending to be a sixteen year old girl on the internet drawing inflation fetish porn

he can't deal with girls at all, homestuck cosplayers I went with hit up his stall the next day and said the same shit and he just sat there stewing in his own joices
Meh. Preston needs a good hit on the head. Maybe after that he'd become a real man and get a real life.
I'd say its a sheltered childhood combined with father issues and anger issues.

Preston is like 30. The 50 year old quote is by CS Lewis.
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>making fun of tom preston
Don't worry OP I don't think you'll be arrested for this.

Wasting water during a hose pipe ban though...yeah you're going down hard.
Second this.
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That is a massive melon
Shit like this really pisses me off.

Preston is not a great cartoonist and a jerk on the net, but he doesn't deserve to be assaulted.

What that guy did was such a pussy move I'm ashamed to have ever supported the anti-preston movement.

If this little bitch wanted to be clever than he should have printed off prestons fetish art and asked him to sign it on camera.
Well done, folks! This thread has been archived. Hank the Wet Bandit may have quit the thread, but his name shall live on forever in the annals of newfaggotry.
what a disappointment
What's the big deal with this guy? I looked at his DeviantArt page and it just had a bunch of mediocre Nintendo fanart and other crappy drawings. They weren't offensively bad and it's not like he's drawing AAA comic books or anything.

I'm mostly annoyed by his blatant Nintendo fanboyism and the fact that he wears that stupid hat.
holy shit I'm reading back through my posts and the grammar is terrible. I'm sorry, expo weekend has made me pretty sleep deprived and I need to pass out soon.
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You have returned glorious Wet Bandit!
Spray us once more...PLEASE I BEG OF THEE!!!
Tom gets no respect. We should stop this, we might drive him over the edge.
>I'm mostly annoyed by his blatant Nintendo fanboyism and the fact that he wears that stupid hat.

To be fair, I think this is what it all started from, but yeah it is silly.
Doctor Green is Tom Preston.
It's because he's an autist who fails horribly at being funny, not to mention he used to make repulsive inflation art.
He would man up? That's good.
>The Wet Bandit gets no respect. We should stop this, we might drive him over the edge. Next time, he might actually hurt Tom.
>I didn't read the thread, and also am a pussy
Sorry bro, not funny, simply lame. Woulda been funny if the guy actually DID something.
Shit you're right next time he might.....throw a...paper ball. Yeah.
I'm Tom Hanks.
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Silly Wet Bandit, I've posted on /co/ for a few years and have made fun of Preston many a time.
You are now grasping at straws...it's so delicious.
I guess I must be Buckley too!

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Pepper Spray would have been funnier.

Someone should sick Keith Apicary on Tom.
I loved you in Splash and Bachelor Party Mr. Hanks.
Man 4chan, whatever happened to the days when we would just get personal information and send hateful emails, faxes, and phone calls all day?


Oh, well that explains the 15 minutes of fame faggotry then.
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Yeah, but you are not Preston. Preston is using the Doctor Green name and tripcode.
Boy, it's funny how easily /co/ changes sides giving silly reasons. The guy was sprayed, it's funny for me. I don't find anything outrageously mean or coward about it. Just a funny prank.
By the way, all of this is material for Preston's journal.
Everyone knows water is the most harmful substance known to man
The best way to have to done anything is simply ignore Preston walk past his table, because in the end who cares.
Shooting on those films was true hell.

I'm legitimately disappointed about this happening because I thought at the very least I'd get a strawman comic where he works that sparkling wit he couldn't quite come up with on the expo floor, but probably not now. oh well :(
Well, if I had money I'd hire a mercenary to kill Preston.

That is, Doctor Green.
Beating the dead horse of his fetish art is quite pointless too. Seriously, why are people giving a shit if he once did inflation pictures *eyeroll*.
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Checked the video. Kuklinski had:

1. Anti-social personality disorder.
2. Paranoid Personality disorder.

- Trust no one. Let no one get close to them. Never forgive anyone who does them wrong. If someone criticizes them they are quick to counter-attack with anger. If someone humiliates them they must get revenge.


That guy could have had Paranoid personality disorder.
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OP is a hero: http://chanarchive.org/4chan/co/46764
This is what passes for assault in England?
Also why are you fat nowadays?
Mr. Hanks, when Tom Preston goes to another expo, will you hang around his booth and be extremely annoying to him?
I can see why Tom Preston got so upset.

This might be the first shower he's ever taken.

I fucking hope he's okay. Stay safe Dobson!

Have we gotten a press release about his status?

Oh god his face in the pic in the OP looks so full of pain
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You really can tell the difference between the younger members of the board and the older, more mature members.

Shit's hilarious. It's a microcosm of the entire board and 4chan in general (except maybe /b/).
I would be sick too if my name was Kuklinski.
Yeah that doesn't sound like Anti-Social PD to me.
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>Wet Bandit can't derail thread
>Fails at making is take his side
>Now calls me Tom Preston
>Thinks this will work
>Just makes him look more sad.

I demanded more humor and I was delivered it!
AHHAAHHAHAHA I want more!!!
Howdy, Hank. How goes the samefagging?
>implying you have the brain capacity needed for that
Very good, Hank.
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Are you having problems?
I dunno, it's kind of shitty that he can sell his art work next to like, genuinely talented people but it was really just a spur of the moment "I want to call this person a fucking bellend" while I had some downtime between hanging out with people. He's literally the sort of person where criticism just bounces off of his fat rolls so there's not actually much point in going there and trying to have a legitimate conversation with him. I really just wanted that signature on the comic edit man ;-;
We need an artist on this, stat.
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>Wet Bandit doesn't understand how Trip Code Work
>Coppies my whole trip code
>Is now a Namefag instead
>Actually think /co/ is falling for it.
>Keeps going.

Please post more under my name.
This is just too glorious!
Nothing I can't solve, negro. Now be a good boy and saddle my horse.
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yeah, preston is a humongous fag but will always take anything over some teenage /b/tard

I am having flashbacks to years ago in /v/ when we used to just giggle in amusement at chris chan YT account and play along with him and his delusion. then /b/tards found out and ruin it by messing with him IRL and now look where he is at.

I am Doctor Green.
Oh shit, I forgot I filtered myself and now I can't see my messages.

I wonder why I filtered myself in the first place?
You know you're not using a tripcode right?
Isn't CWC in jail nowadays?
>>and now look where he is at.

Shit, look at where the trolling is at. In-fighting revealed some of the trolls were just as bad as Chris.
True, true. He won't even make comics anymore. They fucked it all up. The cunts. Shameless little bitches.
I am not the wet bandit. I am Doctor Green. Trust me on this.
Shh, he thinks we've forgotten about his tumblr confessions andf furfaggotry.
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Wet Bandit vs Baby Sitter Bandit
She's my girlfriend. Leave ehr alone.
Congrats, someone sprayed the fat man's face and scurried away like a pussy. You must feel so proud of yourselves.
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>Oi, I'll just copy the bloody text on his name!
>Now they'll think that oi am him!
>Blimey oi am so brilliant!
>That'll teach him!
>I'll call this a virtual spray bottle!

This is honestly the worst attempts to derail a thread I have ever seen.
I love you so much Wet Bandit, I'm flattered.
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Holy shit, it's Miles O'Brien's white trash younger brother!
Hey, Wet Bandit wanted to kill him but it seems killing an Americunt is still illegal in the UK. Cut him some slack, will you?
The thing about /b/ ruined the most about chris was that whenever chris fucked up on his own accord, it was about a million times funnier than when it was fags trolling him.

Now he hides from the internet and we only hear about him every now and then
Nobody found out the bandit's name and shit yet?
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>Something terrible happened to Preston at a con!

Oh shit really? Did he get shanked in his porkloins?

>He got spit on!

What? That's.. not nearly as exciting as everyone is acting.

>No wait he got SPRAYED WITH WATER

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Aww... I never thought I'd say this, but a small part of me feels bad for him. :c

Just look at his face...
Is that a Ginger Midget?

We're not /b/. We don't care about "trolling". We've made fun of him. We're moving on.
why isn't anyone doing this to true pieces of shit like Sohmer? Preston is just a fat baby, Sohmer is a fucking blight on the internet.
No, I just want to spray water in his face.
Yeah, how will he regain his respect?

By drawing plans for criminals and becoming a crimelord?
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I'm American, why would I even say that?
If you're going to pretend to be me, at least use some effort.
This isn't one of your furry stories, good god man!
I demand a good doppleganger!
Don't let me down Wet Bandit!
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you wish op
Right because that little thing looks like he'd have the dick to kill that fat stack of shit.
Why? Because they day they do something like that to Sohmer /co/ will love him forever.

Read the thread. You know it to be true.
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...Oh God, can't unsee!

Oh wet bandit

your trolling is humorous.
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God dammit /b/
See? I told you this guy deserves all our respect!

>If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine

This incident will just get him more attention.
The only thing these guys deserve is a disproving shake of the head.
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Looks like we have an EPIC troll here guys.
The Wet Bandit sure got us!
Oh man, we're done for!
Nothing can stand up to the might of his mist!
>using psychological violence because you don't like the art of a guy

I don't understand how can people defend this
I chuckled, but the guy who sprayed him is just as pathetic and Tom himself.
More like Water Kovacs.
You must be new here...
Did you even read the thread?
Oh wet bandit, please, we all know you're new here too.

I mean, really. Your disguise? Unneeded.
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I was looking at the profile of the guy who sprayed to Dobson's face:


Yep, as I predicted. Lot of fags sucking his dick by that pussy move.
i've read this entire thread
the video
the people saying how much of a pussy move that is
OP's samefagging
Doctor Green's posts
OP trying to make it UK vs USA
His shitty furry art
His Dew addiction
His posts on tumblr
and now
He ctrl + v a fucking tripcode

I can't do it anymore, I fucking woke my roommate from laughing so hard
We know you aren't the real doctor green dumb shit. Tripcodes aren't fully bolded.
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You've all been had by


You mad Preston?
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>this thread
I've did this test before, the paper is glossy and hard to fucking draw on. I did manage to pass it with a score of 86/100
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>I'm an oldfag. I've been here all summer.

should've gave him pocket sand
>444 posts and 94 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>Hey, I cleared the name field! I think I might be a wizard, guys!
lol I'm not Preston. I don't even like his artwork, but the another guy is fucking moron, like those who are sucking his dick
How is obtaining score in that test structured? What do they test you on in terms of ability?
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this shit is awful

you probably looked liked a retard doing it
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I always had a special talent for mking people happy.

That's why I decided to make /co/ happy by punishing TP.

Your happiness is my happiness.

>21 years old
>21 years old
>21 years old
>21 years old
>21 years old
I didn't even read the whole thread yet. The chuckling will never end.
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not surprising
OK, this is just getting sad now.
>4chan are the baddasses of the internet! They will welcome my great victory over tom preston!

Probably what OP thought when he made this thread.
>>21 years old

He's 21 but has the receeding hairline of a 35 year old?
>Sprayed Preston in the face with water then ran away
Really? That's it?

That's... barely anything, OP.
If I remember they never really give you the criteria that they judge you on.

- But my guess would be brush/pen strokes compared to the images.

-How well you replicated the image

- neatness.
>Curruntly having a BBQ as a end of school year celebration for my Mums students. Me being the completely shy fuck that I am found myself unable to go down and say hi, but the smell of burgers was too damn high. Ended up trying to sneak out, grab a burger and sneak back in, kept freezing everytime someone said my name. Fuck the politeness! I am surrounded by kids who have done more then I ever did when I was their age! Leave me alone!
not ONLY is it awful-

it looks like it took a long time to draw. I don't have NEARLY enough effort to draw something that awful.
I'm surprised this isn't stickied.

/co/ lives for shit like this.
Cool. Thanks for the info.
Oh my god, the retard himself replied to me!
It really is.
But seeing him use my name is beyond hilarious.
It shows just how mad he is!
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>wants a thread stickied
>sages it
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that feel
when TomPreston got put in his place.

I attended MCM today, and I did hear a couple of people talking about it.
He's probably one of those "hurr I disagree with art in schools because they make you paint and stuff"

Winds me the fuck up. Same for these people who post Andrew Loomis or "How to draw the marvel way"
Here comes Hank's flist...
Dude just give it up. Fucking hell this is embarrassing.
Lay off guys we were all retards when we were 14...


Oh. Continue
I love you sometimes 4chan
Burp! I just had dinner. Glad to see the thread is still up.

Well, where were we?
What is wrong with Loomis? serious question btw, just started reading one of his books and seems standard stuff

>hurr you mad

is this what /co/ has come too

just making others mad

i hate summer
>personal attack on a man
>committ a crime
>lol it wasn't anything big

Nice logic kid
He has only himself to blame for this.

You were a pathetic nigger who is just as bad as Dobson. And we were laughing at you.
Did you spray your mum after she didn't serve you Mountain Dew?

I HATE HIM AS MUCH AS YOU DO, but he didnt actually do enough to warrant getting a real confrontation. He just has a dumb ego. Nothing else.
>4 minutes since your last post

Dude... give up
>I managed to steal a burger and then run away before the humans looked at me. Hurm. Water supplies low.
hes not a kid, OP is a grown ass man
>Making Preston wet while wearing a mask

but he has the logic of a kid
Absolutely nothing. Infact if I was to recommend any books his would be one of them.

But theres a select few people who think owning the book and reading it is all you need to get good at art.

If suggesting to someone how to get good at drawing, I would honestly suggest them buying a sketch book, various drawing tools (not just a pencil or pen) and actually going out and drawing things in real life. Seriously it's the best way possible and probably how Loomis himself earned most of his skill.

Theory is needed though because obviously your not going to learn much from your own mind.

This is amazing. Water Bandit is so retarded but wants to be loved so badly and is trying to act so tsundere for /co/'s love.
And hopefully the law treats him like one.
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Man, Tom Preston is all wet and the Wet Bandit is all washed up.
Apologize and I will stop.

But we're not mad op. We're laughing at you. There's a difference.
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He won't.
He actually thinks that he's "got" us.
I imagine in his head right now...

>I bloody have them where I want them!
>I am the greatest troll of all time
>I am a super villain

oh god

Howdy, Hank. Didn't you just tell your tumblr buddies you'd left?
>go to burger place
>spray employee with water
>steal burger
>spray passerby on way out
No one is sorry, Wet Bandit. Did we really hurt your feelings that bad?
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>I told you I was hardcore.
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This whole thread is amazing.

I was feeling guilty about the schadenfreude, hoping Tom Preston would have a crappy time at MCM Expo when in reality I have nothing against him.

But now I can have my guilt-free feelings of schadenfreude, all thanks to the Wet Bandit.
okay, apology accepted.

Thank you for apologizing, wet bandit. I hope now you can take off your mask and end your days of spritzing terror.
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>I have you /co/
>I have you
>All you need to do is apologise and I shall stop this torrent of epicwinxdtrolling
I'd suggest that someone make an ED page and link it to his tumblr, but that's not the /co/ way, so you should forget I said it.
It's OK /co/, I forgive you.
I dont accept. Wet bandit hads to spray water on himself.
I think your all being a bit hars on this guy. He didnt not do anything bad. He sprayed a bad artist and he got what was coming. You should lay off this guy. I though /co/ was love. He's is not a bad guy. Tom Preston is the bad guy.
What. Just like that?
Even though we've just called you a pussy and an ugly skinny 21 year old furfag /b/tard?

Yea ok man. Does that mean you won't spray us with water?
They're both Bad guys
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I have to say I love the thought that some grown adult kept awake at night planning this
...But he *is* a pussy and an ugly skinny 21 year old furfag /b/tard. It's all over his tumblr.

dude you sound just as bad as him

keep the insults classy
Time to embrace anonymity again.

We'll meet again, false Doctor Green. Adieu.
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He has us where he wants us!!!
We say sorry and as we turn around...BAM!

He wants to mist us!!! HE MUST MIST US!!!
Op... just stop.
nobody has actually apologized to the wet bandit.

once person ACCEPTED his apology, but that was a case of bad reading comprehension.
>Go to Gamestop
>Go to pick up Max Payne
>Hot chick as cashier
>Try to ask her if they have any in stock
>She tells me to speak up
>I try again
>She tells me she can't hear what I'm saying
>I'm now screaming MAX PAYNE throughout the store
>The chick looks terrified
>She calls for security
>I pull on my mask
>Take a swig of the dew for courage
>Pull out a spray bottle
>Initiate close quarter combat with the security
>The girl comes at me too
>She gets a mist full of water to the face
>She goes down like a spastic in a sack.
>The security know I'm all business
>They offer me Dew as an offering
>It's cherry flavour
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Wet Bandit is the new Spaghetti in pocket!
If that ever were to reach Reddit or Tumblr he'd kill himself...

with a spray bottle!
As I'm staring through the red mist
I feel my blood boiling
As I'm clenching my fists so hard
My heart rate goes up to the top
And my mind feels like I'm about to erupt
well, thank you /co/

the WET BANDIT is going straight into my bank of characters for whenever I need a GRITTY AND DARK ANTIHERO
Oh my lol, this thread!!
There was a thread on b asking if they could raid /co/ it 404'd pretty fast though. He's getting really pissed off. I should have capped it. He mentioned a few trip names from this thread.
>The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"

>keep freezing everytime one of them says my name
He is still posting on his tumblr after he said he wouldnt talk about it any more, I knew he couldn't not talk about.
oh my god, you have struck a lethal blow to my sides

I am afraid I won't make it through the hour
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what a faggot!
What's he saying?
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Did he mention to /b/ that he's immortal? http://chanarchive.org/4chan/co/46764
Haha, he just deleted the latest post, I assume after seeing you post that.
His tears are delicious!
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Once a normal 21 year old boy, he spend years dreaming of being a side kick to his number one hero /co/nrad. As time past he knew that /co/nrad would never notice him so decided he would dish out the justice in hopes that /co/nrad would notice his exploits and praise him for his good deeds. He chose his target, an old nemesis of /co/nrad. Surely taking out this evil dooer would do the job
Sadly in his quest for notoriety he forgot the tenents of truth and justice and unlawfully sprayed his target with a deadly mist, fleeing the scene.
Gloating later on he caught the attention of /co/nrad but it was not one that he had hope to achieve. /co/nrad was angered by the Water Bandit's display of childishness.

From that day on the Water Bandit scorned /co/nrad, deciding that if he couldn't be /co/nrad's side kick, he would be his worst enemy.

Sadly spray bottles arn't particually dangerous or exciting.
What did he say?!

Some on just pointed out he has pics of himself with out the mask on.
Hesaid the mask is his stage persona.

Quick cap his maskless pics before he deleteds them in retars rage.
Not enough Dew
>0 upvotes, 1 downvote

I'm gonna be honest, as hillarious has this thread has been, it's had quite it's fair share of cancer in it. I'm happy with this thread not getting immortalised.
That said I'd love to see more of the Water Bandit on /co/.
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He's got a mind like chris-chan. You will now read everything he writes with a high nasal tone.
bear in mind there are several pictures of you on your blog without your mask on


The mask isn’t a disguise.
Its my…Stage persona

6 minutes ago

Can we please get a part 2 new thread on this.
He's a potential recurring villain.
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Oh god yes!!!
Can he be /co/'s official bad guy?
It's the perfect blend of silly and pathetic!

The wet bandit had no clue this would happen!
You wanted to be famous Bandit and now

I wanna see other draw fags take a stab at this.
>Downvoted...by the Water Bandit. ;_;
I shall draw a better version if you'd like


>Water bandit
>Not "Wet Bandit"

You blew it!
aha it's cool man.
I liked your' drawing just fine.
You got the ball rolling.
Now others should join in.

and it's Wet Bandit by the way.

Unless he has more antics, we'll probably forget about this in a week.
Saved and stored for later use.
This shit just hit reddit... isnt that where memes go to die?

As long as we have Preston threads, his legend will never die. He's part of Tom Preston's lore now.
Oh God.
Take one look at this walking advertisement for sapphism and tell me he won't be back: >>37176734
I don't think Reddit cares about Preston. If he posted this there, he's not gonna get much of a response. If eh does they'll make him feel like even more shit for what he's done. r/comics is really defensive about wen comics artists. He really has no clue how the net works.
/r/ing moar fanart on Wet Bandit!!
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Sorry I'm not used to drawing with the tablet but heres my two cent
Mountain Dew holsters...
I love you so much.
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Where were you, /co/? Where were you the day the Wet Bandit struck?
Looks like the thread has gone into auto-sage

Welp this has been great. Hopefully we will get to see more from the Wet Bandit and his damp escapades
Oh god, that bandolier is just the icing on the cake. I can't stop laughing at this
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I saved all the related images.
Next Preston thread...they shall come in handy.
All will know the legend of Hank THE WET BANDIT!
I've already had my dose today doc
Chances are there will be more threads later tonight.
Someone make an exploitable thread, this is gold!
Go for it man. Just link us.
Alright - New thread is up!
Have fun!

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