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    File: 1336180703.jpg-(265 KB, 672x720, 1335929015292.jpg)
    265 KB Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:18 No.36437150  
    So I decided I'd produce an 8-page /co/nrad-/co/lette comic. Something like the Spirit - action, comedy, suspense. But I don't have any idea what the story should actually be about.

    Any ideas, guys?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:19 No.36437184
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:20 No.36437212
    Do a murder mystery!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:20 No.36437215

    Those are always nice

    But that means you can't fail
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:20 No.36437223
    Hrm, can you give any idea of what your style is?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:21 No.36437229
    Is /co/lette a feminist?
    >> Judge Anon 05/04/12(Fri)21:21 No.36437238
         File: 1336180891.jpg-(248 KB, 1072x662, Conrad 01.jpg)
    248 KB
    A gritty, politically-minded tale... about comic book piracy.

    That, or The Time /co/nrad And /co/lette Protected A Drawfag From An Insane Fanboy. Six pages of biker robot punching action, capped with the twist that all the Fanboy wanted was a drawing of his favorite pony.
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 05/04/12(Fri)21:21 No.36437254
    Aren't there any /co/ villians?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:22 No.36437288
    Hrm, the moment one does anything about comic book pirates the story is likely to be judged more based on the personal beliefs of the reader than it is about the story's quality...
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)21:23 No.36437318
         File: 1336181027.jpg-(4 KB, 300x57, image..jpg)
    4 KB
    A short comic where Conrad and Colette take down the evil Hydra Pirates.

    Then it turns out that after they put the pirates away, half of /co/ becomes a ghost-town and the other half becomes overcrowded. So then the two have to break the Pirates out of prison.

    Pic related; even my captcha agrees with me.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:26 No.36437395
    I'd imagine you could start them in the middle of a heist type situation gone wrong.

    But is this going to be a board tan type story, or is the cast /co/ universe centric. It could be both but honestly it sorta feels like either direction are pretty exclusive of each other despite the main characters being roughly the same.
    >> Judge Anon 05/04/12(Fri)21:26 No.36437401
    Then make it goofy as fuck. Something like them being conned into stealing the fabled secrets of the Unscannable Ink for a paranoid wannabe scanner who wants to make a name for himself as "the man who spilled the ink" and his army of paid-for inkblot thugs, and the final twist is that there is no unscannable ink.
    Just make it as goofy and crazy as possible.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:27 No.36437436
    They both die.
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 05/04/12(Fri)21:27 No.36437437
    They fight Chaptor.

    Then they realize its all a misunderstanding and team up with him something, I'unno.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:28 No.36437461
    I think we'd have more success pitching ideas for you, OP, if we had a better idea of your own style.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:29 No.36437487

    Somebody was already doing an origin story. They might have stopped. Anyway, I don't think it's necessary to have 'canon' origins for these guys.


    Would be interesting to work ponies into a story. Just... everyone starts seeing these little plastic toys around town and they have no idea where they're coming from.


    Dunno. I think /b/ would make a good villain though. He'd be in a dapper suit and wear a different face for every occasion, with his true identity disguised under a blank mask. He's always refer to himself with the royal 'we' and be horribly schizophrenic, so everyone hears him shouting and swearing and goes "Oh that /b/".

    >"Mr /b/, lovely weather we're having today!"
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:29 No.36437489
    No, they both suck.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:29 No.36437503
    I like this one. Do this one OP.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:30 No.36437542
    each one's civilian identity liveblogging the other's heroic escapades, commenting back and forth at eachother, until finally they both stumble into one another for real
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)21:31 No.36437563
    Its name changes every day. Its outfit changes every panel. Its voice and tone change changes every sentence.

    Today it called itself Boris. Yesterday it was Beth. Tomorrow might be Barry, or it could be Blender, or even Barista.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:34 No.36437649
    >Hydra Pirates

    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:35 No.36437660

    Ever been here on a Wednesday?
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)21:37 No.36437741
    The Hydra Pirates. Chaotic Neutral scags of the sea, they get their scans from uncharted islands off the coast of Brazil. Led by the captains An Hero Gold and the Mysterious E, they steer the RQS Anon into port every Wednesday and give away their wares to all who feel like dropping by. They've been subject to a few arrests by the local militia, but they're always back in action by the next week, or even the next day.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:39 No.36437806
    They go order a pizza.
    In the most dramatic way possible.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:42 No.36437893
    They fight against the EVIL Windbreaker, a horrible character who exists to only fart destructively. This terrible creation doesn't care she has nothing going beyond devasting bowels, or that she'll destroy everything she touches!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:45 No.36437980
    They get bored watching TV and attack the broadcast station/bring down a satellite transmitting mind numbing stupidity rays.

    Or they go to a mixer, but it turns out to be an actual giant blender with all their friends dangling above the spinning blades and have to save them from whichever villain is doing it.

    Or /ck/ decides to try and make something using a recipe from the back of one of /co/nrad's old comics and it mutates into some kind of intelligent monster... and they have to eat it while it bores them with a long, boring story about the nature of life.

    Or /co/lette's power gauntlets get super charged by a freak lightening bolt and she has to burn some energy fast by doing high intensity sports.
    Or the gauntlets begin to grow huge because of the excess energy and they have to figure out how to stop the energy to matter conversion before it drains the entire universe.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:50 No.36438155
    /fa/ is a barber who comes back from the dead wanting revenge for his reputation as a terrible stylist. Colette has to protect the townsfolk from his ghostly wrath, as fashion-conscious Conrad puts his scalp on the line to put /fa/'s soul at peace. Unfortunately /fa/'s hairstyling might just be to die for, as Conrad discovers in the salon seat...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:53 No.36438242
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)21:56 No.36438306
    Make a big splash page with a completely misleading premise, like Conrad marrying Chaptor on pain of death, or Colette trapped in a world of walking talking ducks who don't wear pants, or Conata dressing /m/ up as a girl. "Because if you don't, you'll *die*!" And everyone reading wonders, "Wait, why exactly" so they keep reading.
    >> Endpiece 05/04/12(Fri)22:05 No.36438593

    Well I don't know about you fags but I know which ideas I'm stealing
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:08 No.36438691

    Hey Endpiece, did you see the colored/inked version of you /co/lette comic page?
    >> Endpiece 05/04/12(Fri)22:10 No.36438737

    Ah, yes, I heard somebody was working on this. Show me, as I desire to see terrible things.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)22:11 No.36438776
    Aww, somebody beat me to it?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:16 No.36438911
         File: 1336184165.jpg-(630 KB, 1750x850, 5-3-12.jpg)
    630 KB

    Here's what was done. It wasn't a full page.
    >> Dickpunch_McGraw 05/04/12(Fri)22:17 No.36438953
         File: 1336184264.jpg-(46 KB, 490x500, sugar694.jpg)
    46 KB
    /k/ gets a hold of a nuclear bomb, /r9k/ and /b/ urge him to blow up the rest of the "uninteresting" towns (boards), which include (and are entirely limited to) all the porn boards, the villain boards, and /v/, because (plot twist) /b/ masquerades as /v/ in his free time! Anyhow, our heroes have to stop them before the entirely unpredictable and possibly mentally unstable villains decide to detonate the explosive.
    Make it happen.
    >> Endpiece 05/04/12(Fri)22:19 No.36439000

    Well, this isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. In fact there's barely anything to complain about. Thanks Anonymous, I'm going to have to take it out on the maid again. I'll be back in ten minutes, give or take a belt.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:20 No.36439017
    As a female, I'm offended that /co/lette is hideous
    Also this is the first I've heard of her, why can't /co/ just stick with /co/nrad and only him? Why try to make a female version, especially when she's fugly?
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)22:20 No.36439023
    Hey, man, International Spank Your Maid Month was last month. Give her a break.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:21 No.36439053
    Ya know, I'm not entirely sure about this but I think /co/lette predates the board tans and /co/nrad in general.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:24 No.36439134

    inker and colorist behind this picture here:


    I didn't know what continuity you were going for with the civilian non-dark skinned /co/lette so I just picked the red-haired white skinned version.
    I'll see if I can finish that page up at some point.
    >> Endpiece 05/04/12(Fri)22:26 No.36439197

    Capital. I look forward to it.


    She already had a break last month. Can't give the staff an inch or they'll ask for a mile, or worse a raise.


    You seem to have a strange grasp on the term 'hideous'. You would upload some examples of a Colette you find appealing then, yes?
    >> TotallyNotFour 05/04/12(Fri)22:31 No.36439355
    Can someone post that picture with all the Tans for 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:32 No.36439385

    And not the one where they're all ponies.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:33 No.36439394
    They team up with Rage Racer, but something sets him so over the top that they must stop him.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:34 No.36439441
    I never heard of her until now and wish I never knew she existed. Why can't we stick to one imaginary being per board?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:37 No.36439539
    you're about 5 years late to the party.

    I for one, would love to see you do the whole comic up like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:39 No.36439588
         File: 1336185554.jpg-(611 KB, 759x1394, orange delicious.jpg)
    611 KB
    /co/lette is an amalgamation of /co/'s fetishes from several years ago.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:40 No.36439610
    >As a woman
    >Stop liking what I don't like

    Its not like she was just a female Conrad, she was an amalgamation of /co/'s ideal women at the time. Which was little brown girls.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:40 No.36439612
    > 8-page

    Can't really work that slim. But I'll juggle some ideas and see if I can come up with something. I warn you, you may get double what your cut off was before.

    Go big or go homo.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)22:41 No.36439640
    Eight pages is the usual length of an ashcan rele-

    Hey, wait. OP, are you trying to capitalize on Conrad and Collette?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:41 No.36439655

    Wait, why is Colette such an offensive concept when Conrad isn't? Is it because Colette is a GIRL and you can't rub one out to GIRLS?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:42 No.36439680

    OP here. I just wanted to do something around the same length as a Spirit story. The ones that Will Eisner used to do.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)22:45 No.36439754
    Oh, okay. Please excuse my paranoia.
    Just don't do anything like Frank Miller's take on The Spirit, okay?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:45 No.36439767
    every board that gives a shit (and some that don't) have a board-tan, and most boards have many original characters that they come up with.

    just LURK MOAR and you'll see them.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:45 No.36439779

    Haha! No, definitely not. I want the GOOD kind of Spirit as an inspiration here.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:47 No.36439815

    That would be quite a lot of work, haha.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:50 No.36439896
    didn't say you had to do it all in one go (take your time, be it weeks or months, but hopefully not years), but I know I wouldn't be the only one who'd really, REALLY appreciate it.
    >> Endpiece 05/04/12(Fri)22:52 No.36439974

    Personally I wouldn't pressure someone to trace/draw/colour/shade over someone's work. It's a fair amount of tedium involved, especially if that work is 24 pages long. Do one page as a test, alright, but they have other aspirations to reach and other projects to have a go at.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:55 No.36440038
    didn't mean to make it seem like I was trying to pressure the guy.

    sorry if that's the impression I was giving you, tracer anon.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:55 No.36440051
    Where is >>36438911 from?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)22:59 No.36440144
    it's from this
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:00 No.36440174

    The first page is missing
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)23:02 No.36440197
    It's on +4chan somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:03 No.36440241
    yeah, I just didn't have this link on hand until right now
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:03 No.36440244
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:34 No.36441137
    so why is page 23 missing in all of these?
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)23:36 No.36441204
    I think the advert in the +4chan thread is meant to be a page.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:47 No.36441507
    look at the file names for the last to pages

    either they were misnamed, or there's been a missing page for a long time.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)23:49 No.36441551
    The person posting it was the artist.

    It's either a typo or the post was deleted.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/12(Fri)23:55 No.36441724
    The artist is lurking in this thread, maybe he'll post something to clear this up.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 05/04/12(Fri)23:58 No.36441807
    Endpiece is the writer, not the artist.
    The other guy only inked and colored it; he didn't actually draw the art.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:02 No.36441928
    Just draw more Batgirl.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:04 No.36442000
         File: 1336190677.jpg-(271 KB, 694x630, hypno_coin.jpg)
    271 KB
    So I'm thinking that if we're going with the /Co/alition origin with the ad, maybe the story could go that the ad that gave /Co/lette her powers wasn't entirely unique. Maybe other people sent away for similar ads on a lark just like her, and end up getting powers related to such things.
    You could have someone send away for X-RAY SPECS that end up not only giving them x-ray vision, but can also shoot energy blasts or perhaps have other radiation-based or energy manipulation powers. Someone could buy a HYPNO-COIN that ends up working exactly as advertised and then some. A guy could respond to one of the old ads for a KARATE CORRESPONDENCE COURSE and find that they really do turn his bare hands and feet into "deadly weapons."
    The complication could be that they either lack /Co/lette's sense of justice, or maybe instead of always wanting to be a superhero they've always wanted to be supervillains, and thus use their newfound powers for personal gain or to pursue personal vendettas.
    /Co/lette and /Co/nrad trying to bring these psychos to heel could both provide a ready staple of villains and also contribute to the meta-plot of searching for the source of her gauntlets should the writer be so inclined.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:11 No.36442238
    tons of em. Try browsing the various boards of plus4chan and you'll find entire threads dedicated to /co/ originals.

    The latest addition to the villains' roster is Shark Lass I think. There was a rather long thread about her about 2 weeks ago.

    sounds like a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:27 No.36442726
    So in the last /Co/ette and /Co/nrad thread people were asking how to make a villain team-up of Douchebag Executive Man and Donna Steel, the Mary Sue that walks like a man. Unfortunately my internet died on me as I was typing this out and the thread was dead by the time I got back. This would likely be too much for an 8 page thing like the OP said, but I thought I'd post this idea:

    So Douchebag Executive Man wants to co-opt some more creative programming with yet another reality show. Since after all, why waste time and money on the writing and production of arts and entertainment when the freakshow angle of another reality program practically creates itself and draws far more eyeballs in? And it's in the midst of his pitch that DEM hears of the biggest, craziest freak of all, Donna Steel.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:28 No.36442751
    One thing about Steel's amalgamated nature is that she could be ranting about pretty much anything from the collection of people /co/ hates. She could be brought on to rant about how the medical industry is evil/"attachment parenting" is the shit/the trials and tribulations of being a "gamer gurl"/her kickstarter to make a cartoon based on her indulgent and unfunny webcomic/lesbians are so much better than straight people/her "Novemberweenmas" gamer holiday and gaming religion/how Sonic the Hedgehog helped her defeat her autism/etc.
    Now we'd have to work out something along the lines of a definition for Steel's powers, but I figure that her Mary Sue stuff, turn other people into strawmen, have important people fall in love with her, make crowds adore and agree with her, could be some kind of mind control thing or reality warping sort of curse. It could be that normally she's nothing but a loclaized disaster/embarrasment, but giving her a platform and exposing the general public to her DEM is creating a catastrophe of nationwide or even worldwide proportions.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:29 No.36442795
    I'm thinking that maybe Steel could not even be aware of her own powers, the fact that she wins every argument she's ever in and that people fall for her spontaneously could be something that doesn't even strike her as odd, as far as she's concerned it happens because she's just that damned awesome. For his part DEM could be unaware of Steel's powers at first, but once he finds out about them he doesn't care, television viewers with their brains fucked just means more people to tune into his drivel.
    So the heroes have to stop DEM's plans and take Steel out of the public spotlight. Maybe they're already immune just because they're the heroes, or maybe they need to find a way to resist or avoid her powers. Another idea could be dealing with the hatred of the public, since anyone under Steel's spell could see them as the villains for trying to stop her.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)00:37 No.36443042
    Give her ignorance educing powers.
    It works for politicians.

    You could go with the "somebody else's problem" approach wherein if you don't know exactly what you're looking for, you'll never notice it.

    As long as people are kept ignorant and stupid, they never think, and therefore never put 2 and 2 together that she needs to be put down like a rabid animal.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)01:25 No.36444414
         File: 1336195522.jpg-(99 KB, 631x512, douchebag executive man.jpg)
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    seriously, this guy is like Stu Snyder, only with a more evil agenda behind forcing bad shows on TV other than for the sake of forcing bad shows onto TV.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)02:41 No.36446190
         File: 1336200104.png-(849 KB, 1748x2918, 1336004272460.png)
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    I want this thread to be here later when people are around to post in it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)05:26 No.36448720
         File: 1336210007.jpg-(226 KB, 825x883, colletteref1.jpg)
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    Does anyone have the picture of Donna Steel that's like the counter to this one? With all the "influences" labelled like in this picture?
    But anyway, I vaguely remember years back reading a joke fanfic about an anime character fearfully preparing for the coming of the Self-Insert. The Self-Insert was the most feared supernatural phenomenon known to occultists, a teenage girl who happens to be world's greatest fighter pilot, racecar driver, swordfighter, poet, lover, martial artist, and chef, for no apparent reason other than that she just wants to be. I believe that the idea behind Steel though had more to do with other characters' reactions to her, like think about how in Ctrl-Alt-Del all the characters fawn over Ethan despite how terrible he is and joins his nonsensical gamer religion or whatever, or a similar concept in LICD as well as how all the women want to be on Summers' cock. Or how in a webcomic like Something Positive nearly every antagonist is a stupid strawman whom the main character will stylishly demolish in an argument. >>36443042 I believe the idea was that Steel somehow compels such behaviors in others, so it's not so much "ignorance inducing", or "stupidity ray" in general as a rather more specific application of the idea.
    >> Batlad 05/05/12(Sat)05:55 No.36449095
         File: 1336211743.jpg-(30 KB, 507x255, Rogue04.jpg)
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    What the hell is "Rouge hair"?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)06:44 No.36449632
    You see how she's got the two-tone hair?
    Granted it's less noticeable in her current looks since she wears her hair with the part in the middle now. Her 90s/early aughts look had all the white hair in one streak.
    Mind you I don't know of anyone going "omg, fap fap fap" over that specifically, but a lot of people think of it as a rather fetching feature.
    >> Batlad 05/05/12(Sat)06:49 No.36449698
         File: 1336214969.jpg-(82 KB, 540x900, Rogue03.jpg)
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    You mean the character Rogue, from the X-men? I know about Rogue, and her hair, but I've only heard of rouge as a makeup. Rogue.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)07:16 No.36449982
    Oh, right. I feel dumb now for never having even noticed the misspelling in the picture before.
    >> Endpiece 05/05/12(Sat)08:24 No.36450809
         File: 1336220686.jpg-(218 KB, 700x1044, 0123.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)09:12 No.36451488
         File: 1336223572.jpg-(549 KB, 830x853, 1310859449840 everything that (...).jpg)
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    yeah... I've got the pic.

    thanks for posting that.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)09:32 No.36451810
    I remember a full body colette one in this style, pointing out the references for ankles, scars etc
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/05/12(Sat)10:27 No.36452765
    Last thread there were a discussion about making a 4chan OC fighting game. What are co's entries?
    Conrad, Colette, Chaptor would be in. Conrad would be using brawl/street fighting techniques + gadgets, Colette would focus on punches and grappling, while Chaptor would focus on kicks, maybe using Bartitsu or something gentlemanly.

    Other considerable /co/mbatants:
    Awesome Man
    Poison Dart
    ...we need more notable OCs!
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)10:54 No.36453268
    closest I know to something like that is

    Wind Breaker.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:10 No.36453815
         File: 1336230616.jpg-(54 KB, 800x800, CO_Collector.jpg)
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    Did we ever settle on what the Collector's power set was? Because one incarnation was sort of a Carmen Sandiego-meets-Cybersix deal who stole things for sport, objects, powers, identities. Even had a reverse trap secret identity.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:11 No.36453883
    Aren't /Co/lette's powers supposed to give her gravity manipulation powers or something similar? That could maybe be represented by some ranged trap moves. As for the others I don't really know eought about what their powers are meant to be to suggest anything. I guess Rage Racer would make the most sense to be a rushdown character, sort of a low damage, high speed and dps type. Maybe with a super-speed "teleport" move. What are Ladybug and Poison Dart's powers supposed to be exactly, other than jumping, I guess?

    Really, I've never seen a list of refs for /Co/lette like that other than the one already posted.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:15 No.36454067
    Who are Ladybug and Awesome Man?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/05/12(Sat)11:25 No.36454613
    Well, why don't we settle that now? For me, having her be a master of disguise and top-notch infiltrator would be a good baseline. Maybe with a little 'magic' in it somehow, like Kid from detective Conan?
    So, visually she's a mix of Cybersix and Carmen Sandiego plus a Ranma 1/2 and Cybersix for alter ego, while her powers are more like a mix of Lupin III, Catwoman and Kid.
    What say you?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:29 No.36454745
    Ladybug is someone OC that they keep posting in drawfag thread so they can get some fanart.

    Awesome Man is the reason why fartfag are here in /co/
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)11:40 No.36455210
         File: 1336232405.png-(34 KB, 705x452, collectref2.png)
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    I was about to ask which /Co/llector. Since there's both this one and the one that's like a guy with a bird (a magpie or crow I guess) for a head. Then again I think the latter one may be less a board character and more a representation of a certain trip user.

    I'm thinking that with the Carmen Sandiego version, that you could make her a defensive character like Yamazaki in King of Fighters, mostly stationary and uses quick sword swipes to intercept attackers.
    Either that or considering that part of the idea of the character from what I recall is about people hijacking threads to get at certain stuff maybe she could be a "summons" type of character, drop in picture and .rar files for attacks.

    Where was the reverse trap thing ever established? Is that saved anywhere?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/05/12(Sat)12:11 No.36456355
         File: 1336234295.png-(89 KB, 500x500, thecollectorOCvillainincognito.png)
    89 KB
    I think I'm the one who instigated that one.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:15 No.36456480
    pretty sure she was based around a r63'd /co/llector.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/05/12(Sat)12:25 No.36456807
         File: 1336235159.png-(205 KB, 877x620, thecollectormasquerade.png)
    205 KB
    Nah, you're thinking of the Magpie King /co/llector.
    Cybersix Sandiego /co/llector is an entirely different idea, methinks.
    Have another art.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)12:41 No.36457244
    That I like. Goes pretty well with that other thing someone suggested. The /Co/llector, having a little Catwoman in her, is a bit of a tease, and has no problem using her sexuality in an effort to take her foes off their game. But while she can dish it out, she can't take it, and anyone using these kinds of wiles on her can get her very flustered, very fast.

    Not sure how something like that would work in a fighting game though. Maybe a curse-like mechanic where a certain percentage of her opponent's attacks miss while they're effected?
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:11 No.36460078
         File: 1336241501.jpg-(221 KB, 437x997, beesknees.jpg)
    221 KB
    I liked it best when Magi took that garbage pile list and fashioned it into something nearly reasonable for a super character to wear. If you see him in any drawthreads, try to ask him for the picture. I don't seem to have it around.

    You can add Bees Knees and Six Foot Thunder to that list.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:12 No.36460110
         File: 1336241550.jpg-(397 KB, 797x1435, sixfootawesome.jpg)
    397 KB
    Six Foot Thunder represent
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:16 No.36460251
         File: 1336241789.jpg-(471 KB, 966x1101, swag (2).jpg)
    471 KB
    Poison Dart is a tiny girl who can spit poison, can control just how deadly the toxin is. But otherwise is short, looks kinda gross and sticky since her skin can also transfer the poison via the mucus like membrane over her skin. She can also throw it.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:17 No.36460298
         File: 1336241849.jpg-(451 KB, 1152x864, 1331336072509.jpg)
    451 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:40 No.36461123
         File: 1336243242.jpg-(222 KB, 703x510, 1327902397670.jpg)
    222 KB
    heh... that was one of my requests.

    seems fairly related given the thread topic.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)14:47 No.36461356
         File: 1336243622.png-(32 KB, 660x456, capture[1].png)
    32 KB
    Frenemies are the best enemies
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)15:35 No.36463181
    /co/nrad and /co/lette fighting on top of a moving train, the train itself is the villain and if they leave the roof it will explode in the middle of a downtown area.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)16:47 No.36465546
         File: 1336250820.jpg-(772 KB, 2194x1719, 1327889576035.jpg)
    772 KB
    positively delightful thread so far.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)17:26 No.36466784
    Chaptor is a Jurassic Park raptor, no link with any feathered pseudo-bird.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/05/12(Sat)17:32 No.36466939
    Fuckken Save
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)17:36 No.36467055
         File: 1336253795.png-(72 KB, 1120x600, 1327813633924 magi.png)
    72 KB
    that's not the only pic I've seen him drawn with feathers in; I hear he just trims them.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)17:44 No.36467274

    >I didn't know what continuity you were going for with the civilian non-dark skinned /co/lette so I just picked the red-haired white skinned version.
    I'll see if I can finish that page up at some point.


    I missed her alterego so fucking much.

    Hope you post a preview or something.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)18:29 No.36468679
         File: 1336256957.png-(414 KB, 816x1056, 1310612651277.png)
    414 KB
    /co/nrad and /co/lette vs Heart Breaker?

    By the way, what's Heart Breakers backstory? I he some type of hopeless romantic two face?
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/05/12(Sat)18:54 No.36469568
         File: 1336258440.png-(49 KB, 400x400, 1269908252471.png)
    49 KB
    All I know is that his girlfriend left him, and she is a whore
    Also Bump
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)19:47 No.36471586
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)21:07 No.36474351

    captchas are

    governel water,
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)21:53 No.36475851
         File: 1336269222.jpg-(91 KB, 750x508, 1332831498808.jpg)
    91 KB
    waiting for a sequel to this image that will involve robot zombies.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)23:05 No.36478287
         File: 1336273528.jpg-(463 KB, 700x1044, This Poster.jpg)
    463 KB
    Most of the time I.D. is pointless. I, however, see that sometimes Anon presents problems. For instance I'd like to know more about this poster. Need more content.
    >> Anonymous 05/05/12(Sat)23:23 No.36478891
    "this poster" as in the comic, the artist, or the characters in the comic?
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/05/12(Sat)23:41 No.36479495
    You mean Endpiece?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)01:00 No.36481957
    how about the classic race to the store scenario?

    A certain comic is on sale (or it's free comic day) that /co/nrad wants, but the store is closing soon. He's in such a rush that he has no time to tell anyone why, so they assume it must be an emergency and chase after him.
    By the time he gets to the store, there could be a whole parade worth of people running after him.

    The chase is the focus and if he even gets what he was after can be left up in the air.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/06/12(Sun)02:10 No.36484005
    Hmm... maybe she's got a weakness to grapples? She perceives contact like that as the trigger for her flustering or stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)02:34 No.36484620
         File: 1336286056.jpg-(17 KB, 362x488, BearManIsAManlyMapleSyrupDrink(...).jpg)
    17 KB
    Is there a /co/ hero, who's a manly, Canadian man, who wears a bear pelt, which endows him with the powers of a bear,and makes him a bear of a man? And wears a bear pelt? And is like a canadian BTBATB Aquaman

    There should be one
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/06/12(Sun)04:26 No.36486859
         File: 1336292790.png-(3 KB, 102x154, Colette pixel bw.png)
    3 KB
    Here's something I whipped up. Feel free to color.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)04:27 No.36486884
         File: 1336292875.jpg-(636 KB, 1050x1566, page 8 inked copy.jpg)
    636 KB

    here's the inked version so far. Fixed some typos.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/06/12(Sun)06:28 No.36488160
    Anyone else got ideas on what /co/'s reps would be? Conrad, Colette, Chaptor, Ladybug, Collector is in, Poison Dart, Awesome Man, Wind Breaker a possible in... who else do we have that's popular (or, inversely, notorious)?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)07:41 No.36488905
    Mamma Ries
    Jetpack Viking
    Manny Quin
    Rage Racer
    Ursa Major (or some kind of bear crime boss, I suspect I'm misremembering his name)
    /co/nata could be a sort of B.B. Hood type character, perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)07:55 No.36489018
         File: 1336305311.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 73 KB, 301x394, maq.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 73 KB
    That robot's head reminded me of something.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/06/12(Sun)07:57 No.36489033
    Mind reminding me of their powers? So far, the ones with the most fleshed-out ideas are in... the others (like rage racer, chepalopod pro quo, ursa major) would probably be assists. And I don't remember Manny Quinn's schtick, what does he do?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)08:46 No.36489561
    Do you know, I can't quite recall. I think he's a master of disguise.

    Oh, you should totally include Squid Pro Quo. He's a large, floating cybernetic squid. I imagine he'd play like a bizarre fusion of Modok and Shuma Gorath.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)10:03 No.36490659

    you mean Ursus McFlannigan?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/06/12(Sun)10:05 No.36490713
    Yeah, makes sense.
    Ideas so far...
    Colette (punch/grapple, close-range)
    Conrad (brawl/streetfight + gadget, medium-range)
    Chaptor (kicks/kungfu/bartitsu, close to medium-range)
    Collector (agility type, close-range, weak to grapples)
    Ladybug (agility type, long-range)
    Squid Pro Quo (grapple and gadgets, close and long-range)

    what else?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:46 No.36494290
    Jetpack Viking would probably be a close combat type; could have an attack where he rams someone while going full speed using his jetpack too.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:49 No.36494389
    >never heard of her until now
    Then you are incredibly new. /co/lette has been around for a while, my friend.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)12:55 No.36494538
    Colette's gauntlets were supposed to give her random powers based on comic and cartoon characters (based off the Omnitrix from Ben 10, and much like the Omnitrix, it's kind of a dick about what it gives her. She needs to move a giant rock to save some people? "Okay, Power Girls superstrength or Toph's Earthbending will get the job done! *Flash. She now has Medusa's prehensile hair*"

    I think that was a fairly recent/+/co/ addition, though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)13:59 No.36496255
    craps ...
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:06 No.36496468
    never heard of that rendition of her powers before.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)14:16 No.36496718
         File: 1336328206.png-(127 KB, 500x773, nicky.png)
    127 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:04 No.36498200
         File: 1336331099.jpg-(1.29 MB, 1877x2771, 1327726880134 Steely Phil.jpg)
    1.29 MB
    so how did Chaptor become something like a brand name in the /co/lette comic universe?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:21 No.36498838
    No wind breaker, please no
    >> This Mister Twister :P !!fC+foubMbgX 05/06/12(Sun)15:24 No.36498940
    The two simply talking, having an existential... ish conversation about the life of a superhero.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)15:39 No.36499477
         File: 1336333178.png-(672 KB, 1020x1400, 131120529081.png)
    672 KB
    yes, Windbreaker, she's the heroine /co/ deserves.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:38 No.36501760
         File: 1336336737.jpg-(97 KB, 840x894, 1298621441000 (1).jpg)
    97 KB
    >>you mean Ursus McFlannigan?
    Ah yes, that's him.

    I can't really see Nicky Two-Vests really bringing much to the table. His rough, vicious fighting style is easily taken up by Conrad and the only other thing Nicky has is a couple of knives.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)16:53 No.36502284
    also bump
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)16:59 No.36502525
         File: 1336337955.jpg-(62 KB, 828x605, 1290329394971.jpg)
    62 KB
    Here's some more information on everyone's favourite french villainess.

    First, how her powers work.
    >> Mister Twister :P !!fC+foubMbgX 05/06/12(Sun)16:59 No.36502531
    Them discussing how a superhero's life is different from an ordinary person's.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:00 No.36502579
         File: 1336338031.jpg-(55 KB, 570x940, 1290325431070.jpg)
    55 KB
    Aaand here's her colours and general information.

    I believe she's an arch-nemesis of Collette.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:02 No.36502647
    Windbreaker isn't a hero, as shown by >>36437893 here.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:02 No.36502654
         File: 1336338134.jpg-(302 KB, 1200x772, 1329369851798.jpg)
    302 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:03 No.36502684
    Do Doomzula and Wolfbatman qualify? Or are they excluded because they were based on pre-existing characters?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:05 No.36502752
    >Most criticisms pertain to My Little Pony

    Well, cleave off about 75% of those insults.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)17:05 No.36502780
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:10 No.36503006
         File: 1336338641.jpg-(250 KB, 837x1043, 1313005791918.jpg)
    250 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:13 No.36503137
    There is a new version without the ponies, but I don't have it on me.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)17:18 No.36503310
         File: 1336339081.png-(877 KB, 1045x1400, 131199422759.png)
    877 KB
    that post you point me to is just some butt hut anon who hates the character and probably anything funny.

    She's aligned on the good guys' side to stop the super fart powered villainess, Iron Colon.

    Some people just hate gag characters I guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:36 No.36505997
    >Some people just hate gag characters I guess.

    Oh, that's what they call "fetish bait" nowadays? I guess they got tired of being unable to convince people after spamming it on /co/, so they decided to be more covert about it. "You don't hate fetish spam, you just hate FUN!"
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:39 No.36506113
    nope, not saying she's not a fetish. She was spawned for the endless fart threads that continue to be made on /co/.

    Just saying you shouldn't call a character evil because of that.
    Though why can't you laugh at it, or even find the absurdity of it funny? I find it hilarious that it got so far.
    >> Endpiece 05/06/12(Sun)18:42 No.36506204
    >Though why can't you laugh at it, or even find the absurdity of it funny?

    Personally I think it's just a poor concept, unless you're planning on writing for the Beano or the Dandy.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:42 No.36506212
    She's not funny in the slightest. She's just fetish pandering, and she isn't even GOOD or SUBTLE fetish pandering.

    "The Sponge" - a woman who absorbs water "like a sponge", growing to a massive size and able to expel the water like a cannon. As well, she can absorb moisture from a person, dehydrating them.

    Windbreaker - Fart fetish super hero in Fart Fetish superworld farts on fart fart and farts hot fart fart.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)18:43 No.36506218
    Don't you ever think that it is just too much?
    Most people do not find it funny at all, it is just embarrassing

    Yo bro, chill the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:49 No.36506423
    different senses of humor I guess.
    I don't normally enjoy fart jokes, but when you start leveling cities with farts, yeah I'm gonna laugh at that.

    All I'm saying it that I think it's funny.
    There are plenty of worse concepts out there that other people find funny.

    Now you're just arguing about your personal preference in fetishes.
    I don't really give a crap about the fetishes though.
    Never was into that super inflation thing that gets spammed around here a lot.

    There's obviously some bad blood I've missed out on with this particular /co/ creation.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:50 No.36506466
    The thing is, "The Sponge" is a real comic book character.

    That's the thing, her fetish never overpowered the medium she was in.

    Meanwhile all Windbreaker EXISTS for is farts.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:54 No.36506577
    What is with people and imagining massive conspiracies against them?

    Yes, some people like Windbreaker only for the fetish aspect.
    But no, some other people like her because they find the concept fun and funny.
    The existence of one group does not at all preclude the existence of the other group.

    And nobody is colluding in secret to spread her around for the sole purpose of getting one's rocks off.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:56 No.36506654
    yeah, she was created from s fetish for the sake of perpetuating a fetish.

    I find that funny. If you don't, then fine. It's not really something to get mad over or argue about.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:56 No.36506678

    Go back to bed, Michael Bay. The adults are talking.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)18:59 No.36506790
    >All I'm saying it that I think it's funny.

    And all we're saying is we don't. It's almost like we have different opinions.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:01 No.36506828
    >What is with people and imagining massive conspiracies against them?

    Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize all that thread spam was imaginary. Thanks for telling me.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:05 No.36506964

    The traditional gauntlet gave her gravity based powers, which resulted in her super strenght, and probably some form of pull/push beams.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:07 No.36507034

    Doomzula is counted as part of the JCO, but in limited capacity (only Cynthia and maybe Doom matter).
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:12 No.36507219
    that makes more sense.

    What about the ability to absorb and release kinetic energy?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:13 No.36507262

    Don't think it has ever been discussed, but I'm out of the loop on stuff regarding /co/lette.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)19:16 No.36507343
         File: 1336346164.jpg-(184 KB, 658x622, 1255585469648.jpg)
    184 KB
    So we are not going to see much of her then?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:20 No.36507471
    Didn't that comic leave off with Azula being best buds with Spider-Man?

    >in before Azula becomes his side-kick, and they have to foil Dr. Doom.
    >because of her disguise, Cynthia doesn't recognise her mother
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:21 No.36507511
    I heard once that one of her gauntlet's functions was similar to an impact dial's.

    Though is seems more like zero-point energy at times.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)19:24 No.36507593

    Cynthia was a recurring "villain" of /co/lette early in her carrer.

    But they are mostly friends.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)19:25 No.36507646
         File: 1336346750.jpg-(612 KB, 720x926, 129473038982.jpg)
    612 KB
    Looks like it

    When did this happen?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:03 No.36508899
    there's a pic somewhere (can't find it) of Cynthia telling /co/lette and allies that they must now deal with the DAUGHTER OF DOOM, but only until supper time.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)20:05 No.36508965
         File: 1336349106.jpg-(105 KB, 1000x1000, 1209524208843.jpg)
    105 KB
    This one?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:08 No.36509048
    ...Why is Spiderman talking to Azula?
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:08 No.36509076
    yeah, that one.

    I don't know if they ever appear together in any other pics though.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:12 No.36509205

    Azula's relationship with Doom went to hell with the birth of Cynthia, so they divorced. Doom left with Cynthia.

    Azula ended up alone and depressed.

    She was going to commit suicide, but Spidey saved her.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)20:12 No.36509220
         File: 1336349548.png-(32 KB, 800x450, 1285746041798.png)
    32 KB
    Yeah there is like none with both of them

    It was Doomzula
    A /co/ thing where Azula married Doom and had a kid
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:12 No.36509229

    Not story pictures, that I recall.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)20:16 No.36509364
         File: 1336349811.jpg-(348 KB, 1034x734, ohunclezuko.jpg)
    348 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)20:40 No.36510155
    and suddenly Hazel.

    We've been time traveling again...
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)21:18 No.36511482
         File: 1336353534.jpg-(182 KB, 479x574, 1293758899027.jpg)
    182 KB
    Yep, and our next stop on this little trip is here
    >> Bronie in the Shadows !!21SpEzzSQgf 05/06/12(Sun)22:00 No.36512864
         File: 1336356013.png-(487 KB, 1152x1728, colette.png)
    487 KB
    a gift from me to the /co/ i love.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:11 No.36513285
    Oh my, thank you based god.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:12 No.36513328
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:13 No.36513357

    you'll have to refresh my memory with that one.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:13 No.36513372
    Is her neck like, all robotic. Cause... that's my very specific fetish. If not, it's all good.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:15 No.36513419
    I vaguely remember it myself, and I'm not sure if it's any older than Rocket Childhood. Looks like it was defintiely more relevant when My Life as a Teenage Robot was more active.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)22:22 No.36513613

    It was when /co/ fought against that little girl who hated robots from the Christmas episode of Batman the brave and bold
    Well she knock up Jenny and they had a kid
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:30 No.36513867
    and I'm kind of remembering it now...

    Didn't that get spammed for a while? A few months I think.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)22:34 No.36513994
    I forgot
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:35 No.36514016
         File: 1336358129.jpg-(9 KB, 179x125, ebony.jpg)
    9 KB
    To be specific, I meant the artist shown in that post. As an aside , /co/rad's side-kick beats Ebony hands down.
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)22:42 No.36514203
    the most content you're going to get is

    plus >>36450809
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:06 No.36514942
         File: 1336360017.jpg-(25 KB, 250x300, ebony_white.jpg)
    25 KB
    Thanx pard.
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/06/12(Sun)23:24 No.36515517
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/06/12(Sun)23:30 No.36515706
         File: 1336361433.png-(21 KB, 600x400, 1234766041851.png)
    21 KB
    I wonder how many of you remember her?
    Because I don't
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/06/12(Sun)23:35 No.36515885
    Allright, I've been busy asking /tg/ for their OCs as well, and have gotten enough ideas for a /co/ vs /tg/ kinda deal. Even got a few arenas, too!

    Latest roster for /co/:
    Squid Pro Quo

    Support chars for /co/:
    Poison Dart
    Awesome Man
    Nicky Two-Vests
    Jetpack Viking
    Ma'am Aries

    Latest roster from /tg/:
    Los Tiburon

    Support chars for /tg/:
    Boxcar Joe
    Crazy Hassan
    Random Imperial Guardsmen
    >> Endpiece 05/06/12(Sun)23:49 No.36516418

    I do

    because I drew that as well
    >> Anonymous 05/06/12(Sun)23:56 No.36516668

    Not many people seem to remember Conata. I kind of like her though. She's different from Konata in that she's fiercely energetic, but she's still a huge nerd and selectively athletic/apathetic. I think we're lucky that most of the fanartists that have done Conrad/Colette/Conata fanart have made her a charming character rather than a Scrappy Doo kind of character.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:33 No.36518199
    whatever happened to this drawfag?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)00:35 No.36518259
    I would suggest Old Man Henderson be added to the /tg/ roster
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)01:25 No.36519744
    I like this list
    >Fuklaw/ANGRY MARINE
    Mother of the Emperor I think I know who I am going to play as

    Oh damn

    Psu is still around, doing request and make awesome stuff
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:29 No.36519861
         File: 1336368582.jpg-(352 KB, 750x1125, 1336015174411.jpg)
    352 KB
    he's busy making a comic among other projects.

    here's the preview he posted a couple days ago.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)01:37 No.36520076
    It's going to be awesome
    Also talking about /co/ related projects what is happening with the projects?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:40 No.36520182
         File: 1336369255.png-(38 KB, 1120x600, 1336015776502.png)
    38 KB
    We all know it will be.

    and I've no idea about how the other projects are going.
    Other than the comic psu is doing and the comic OP is planning to do (I hope he got something out of this thread), I think it's still the same random assortment of independent projects.

    Here's the other preview psu posted.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)01:50 No.36520465
    I heard Ladybug, Awesomeman. and Poison Dart are making some connecting story

    Also I'm guessing that's her older sister behind her?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)01:51 No.36520502
    Update question duck. Goddamn.
    >> Tomo the Canadian /co/mrade !TOMOXeus5M 05/07/12(Mon)02:08 No.36520994
    windbreaker and motion
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:21 No.36521411
    you know... I cannot remember who she is.

    I've seen pics of her before, but I just cannot remember. This is going to annoy me now.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)02:32 No.36521722
         File: 1336372328.jpg-(449 KB, 576x778, 1313245054458.jpg)
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    Ladybug is a other namefriend who is making a super hero comic called the Lovely Ladybug
    The first chapter is out
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)02:41 No.36521987
    I meant the girl behind /co/lette.
    I cannot remember that girl's name or background despite recognizing her.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)02:48 No.36522186
    Ha, oh, so that other girl was a /co/ creation?
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/07/12(Mon)03:06 No.36522638
         File: 1336374407.png-(4 KB, 102x161, Colette pixel color.png)
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    colorscheme test. Still kinda meh on the pants.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)03:33 No.36523277
    Looking good
    >> Indonesian Gentleman 05/07/12(Mon)04:06 No.36523905
         File: 1336377962.png-(1 KB, 70x139, OMH pixel bw.png)
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    *busts into thread*
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)07:52 No.36526680
    Heh, so I guess that /Co/lette /Co/llector hypno request from the last thread is never getting done then? Oh well.

    Looks good so far, the fabric on her costume could use some more color though. Maybe give it some green highlights like with the gauntlets and anklets, or some gold to with the Power Girl motif.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)08:02 No.36526778
         File: 1336392152.jpg-(100 KB, 833x594, 1238129049514.jpg)
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    >no mention of Professor Badass for the /co/ roster.

    I remember /co/nata just fine. I agree with the earlier remark that she'd make a good BB Hood (read: Darkstalkers character) type fighter.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)08:41 No.36527218
    >>Even got a few arenas, too!
    One of those had better be /co/s floating city.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)09:32 No.36527867
    yeah, she is.

    She normally wears red I think.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)09:41 No.36527978
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)11:51 No.36529903
    How about some wacky race antics?

    Like a machine applies old cartoon physics to the surrounding area and they have to race to it before some other villains get there?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)11:53 No.36529943
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    >deepseated, incorrect implications HSG and metastuck is not the best thing /co/ amounted to.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)12:40 No.36530784
    if you're interested in incorporating other boards to introduce the plot, how about /g/, /m/, /sci/, and maybe /o/ build a space vessel that detonates on launch since it was actually an inter-dimensional wormhole making machine.
    Now it's up to /co/nrad and /co/lette (the hired problem eliminators since they were the cheapest) to deal with the after effects before things start to get too strange and the laws of physics become permanently shattered.

    Or you could just have them go car shopping and not buy anything since none of them come with preinstalled ejector seats.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)14:52 No.36533573
         File: 1336416767.jpg-(379 KB, 750x1141, casey.jpg)
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    Yes, that would be someone playing the part of older sister. She's fresh just for the comic.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)16:10 No.36535584
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)16:42 No.36536564
    oh, OK then.

    I knew I'd seen another pic of her before.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:49 No.36540239
    bump, because there might be new more content.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)18:56 No.36540480
    /co/nrad and /co/lette try fighting crime, but they have to look after /co/nrad's little niece, /mlp/, who is constantly assaulted by other people. Hilarity ensues.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)19:03 No.36540674
    /mlp/ is actually /co/nrad's younger sister, whom he disowned after... something happened.
    >> A Dead /co/mrade 05/07/12(Mon)20:18 No.36543319
         File: 1336436283.jpg-(497 KB, 1474x2128, 133515365598.jpg)
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    The only way most people can tell they are related is through the hat

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