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  • File: 1335571259.gif-(215 KB, 500x392, tumblr_lv8ghiS9LQ1qf968l.gif)
    215 KB Homestuck General! Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:00 No.36218852  
    Didn't see one in the catalog, so hey! Here we are!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:01 No.36218873

    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:02 No.36218898
    anyone got the fruity anus asshole factory link
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:06 No.36219037
    >no replies
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:08 No.36219107
         File: 1335571700.jpg-(140 KB, 462x412, Nep.jpg)
    140 KB
    :33 < Does a radioactive cat have 18 half-lives?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:08 No.36219118
         File: 1335571720.gif-(388 KB, 320x179, 1335231004466.gif)
    388 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:09 No.36219136
    What if Nepeta dies?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:10 No.36219164
    i meant fruity rumpus asshole factory
    fuck im tired
    i remember the link being russian or something
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:10 No.36219184
    Jane's Skaia was destroyed by CD and the other Archagents, but let's assume that it wasn't. How would it be merged with Jade's Skaia?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:11 No.36219218

    im the one percent
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.36219226
         File: 1335571921.jpg-(413 KB, 733x608, davehasathingforolderwomen.jpg)
    413 KB
    What if
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.36219238
         File: 1335571941.png-(396 KB, 800x1200, On the dykepath.png)
    396 KB
    yke's lo
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.36219241

    It wouldn't, that's the point of destroying it in the first place.
    >> Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.36219249
         File: 1335571961.png-(41 KB, 284x342, 1332841838941.png)
    41 KB
    *curls up next to thread*
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.36219251
         File: 1335571969.png-(319 KB, 777x621, johnisactuallypreparingtoliftu(...).png)
    319 KB
    >> wateven 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.36219252

    Old thread was >>36212592 and hadn't put Homestuck in the subject. It's almost at max though anyway.
    >> Guy !pRqJctqU3c 04/27/12(Fri)20:12 No.36219260
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.36219261
    >It's like Hussie took a lesson about plot writing from Square Enix.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.36219262
    So hey, girl who wants impregnation, are we cool?
    I just want us to be able to get off to us being forcibly impregnated by alien futa together and in peace.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.36219269
         File: 1335571993.jpg-(151 KB, 600x777, 1329319829938.jpg)
    151 KB
    Aradia's thick, thick thighs
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.36219276
         File: 1335572015.jpg-(15 KB, 297x299, 1332972968063.jpg)
    15 KB
    *honks into thread*

    hey guys its me chen
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.36219282
    Jade's Battlefield was merged with it. The Battlefield is not Skaia. It goes in Skaia.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.36219287
         File: 1335572034.png-(151 KB, 1024x768, 1334777986866.png)
    151 KB
    The Dolorosa's long, long, long legs
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:13 No.36219292
    >A mini starts at $300, a game starts at $600 and it goes up based on how long it'll take to complete. Something like Jinxed or XJ9 would go into the thousands but not $8000.

    Hm, that's actually fairly reasonable. Getting an Ovipositive flash from zone may not be out of our raising range.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:14 No.36219305
    So the whole point of this little story was to reveal that Dave (and possibly Rose) might not be dead in the reset universe?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:14 No.36219307
         File: 1335572067.jpg-(69 KB, 600x776, 1335307555447.jpg)
    69 KB
    Ok so in the Aradia rape impregnation, they'll be intelligent? I thought we were going for animalistic swarm. But 0k.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:14 No.36219310
         File: 1335572073.png-(895 KB, 960x1920, tumblr_m35xo2JYq91rtv4mso1_128(...).png)
    895 KB

    Nice to see this is picking up again.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:14 No.36219316
    YEAH AND this time we'd actually get something out of it

    ahem, dildos..
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:14 No.36219317
    fuck you chen
    you don't talk
    get out of here
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:15 No.36219329
    so can we find homestuck shit at hot topic yet?

    Because this looks un-popular enough to be uncool that the supa unique goth snowflake crowd would wear it
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:15 No.36219333
    Yea dude we raised ~$400 easily, and that was just a gift for Hussie
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:15 No.36219342
    * FEAT knock {(XARXETENDRIL k14569) re:ALNR} ;
    * FEAT letfly;
    * summing[0,8]array {Sn6k3, Dr6g0n, Wh6l3, M07h, F0x, B36r, W0lf, H6wk};
    * glyphcast [horripilator:v360 221]
    >> ipgd !wKIHYCm2gs 04/27/12(Fri)20:16 No.36219354
    like i've been saying id be totally willing to raise the money for it again
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:16 No.36219360
         File: 1335572172.png-(1.35 MB, 800x1122, 1313906421891.png)
    1.35 MB
    Do it right.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:16 No.36219364
         File: 1335572177.gif-(17 KB, 770x645, ribbit.gif)
    17 KB
    please d0nt struggle

    i pr0mise if y0u d0nt and get int0 the rhythm 0f it with me it will feel really g00d

    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:16 No.36219365
    What if O-Dave and O-Jade had fucked.
    And their r versions remembered that, and it was both really awkward for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.36219386
    Yes they're intelligent. During the raping and subsequent pregnancy they cuddle you and tell you how beautiful you are and what a great parent they'll be.

    After the initial birth, they are stuck with the brood, and will be impregnated again.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.36219390
    A gift he never acknowledged in the slightest. He doesn't deserve things.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.36219391
         File: 1335572225.jpg-(276 KB, 630x752, 1335504734196.jpg)
    276 KB

    It's entirely possible. Falling down waterfalls without anyone seeing the body is one of the most popular ways of making people think you're dead without dying.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.36219393
    >At least $600 for porn
    Yeah, no thanks. I really like ZONE's work, but I don't think I would ever commission porn. Unless I win the lottery or some shit. Though I guess if it was a group funded thing...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.36219398
         File: 1335572244.jpg-(275 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00695.jpg)
    275 KB
    Oh hey guys.

    Due to my fuckup, I'm only now getting my Gristmas package. Shall we open it?

    Yeah it's blury I fucked up this shot but it saves me having to blot out my address.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.36219414
    Halftruth acknowledged the wolf head. They have it hung over their fireplace
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:17 No.36219419
         File: 1335572277.png-(520 KB, 600x692, tumblr_lpwv0eZgOR1qkf4jy.png)
    520 KB
    The Disciple's couch.

    It's covered in stray pubes.
    >> Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE 04/27/12(Fri)20:18 No.36219427
         File: 1335572301.png-(530 KB, 717x900, 1330799775859.png)
    530 KB
    Troll dildos
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:18 No.36219445
    No one is paying for the whole thing you stupid fucking shitretard

    Oh my god how can your brain be so deficient
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:19 No.36219453
         File: 1335572345.jpg-(109 KB, 367x426, takethis.jpg)
    109 KB
    This should be a Nepeta thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:19 No.36219468
    15375 Redwind Way
    Redwind, WA
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:20 No.36219485
    Delicious pregnant with spider brood monster girl...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:20 No.36219489
    you fucked up dude
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:20 No.36219496
         File: 1335572432.png-(471 KB, 683x741, 1325730279722.png)
    471 KB
    In a purrfect world, yeah.

    But it won't be. Most folks just can't handle her.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:20 No.36219498

    i thought the point was a sort of 'tee-hee' joke gift we send and know he will not acknowledge because it's a fucking silly gross gag gift

    the wolf head was acknowledged and mounted what more do you attention-desperate daddy-issued creepshows NEED
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:21 No.36219512
         File: 1335572473.png-(24 KB, 550x430, 1332366776382.png)
    24 KB
    Oh, these are fullsized Aradias?

    I thought they were fairy-sized so that's why I thought this'd make more sense for Vriska.

    A horde of normal sized Aradias sounds like a wonderful thing and I would be happy to carry their babbus.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:21 No.36219516

    I would send you dragon dildos if they weren't ~80 dollars.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:21 No.36219521
         File: 1335572489.jpg-(48 KB, 400x251, 1333178414556.jpg)
    48 KB
    And that's why I said maybe if it was group funded. Calm your shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.36219537
         File: 1335572540.jpg-(408 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00696.jpg)
    408 KB

    Noooot even close. Plus I forgot to put my apartment number on (That was the fuckup) so it's not like you could send me dildos anyway.

    Nope, this is something better...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.36219546
    Come along children
    Now we're going to have a little music
    Like old times
    Look now, I'll start the melody on the organ
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.36219547
    I never had a dad, so is it even possible for me to have daddy issues
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.36219548
         File: 1335572552.jpg-(54 KB, 480x603, 1334547365919.jpg)
    54 KB
    why am i so nonsexual
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.36219555
    I'm lonely.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:22 No.36219556
         File: 1335572571.jpg-(25 KB, 393x340, 1335472515549.jpg)
    25 KB
    Yeah I'm not entirely sure of the circumstances and I'm writing this I guess.
    >> Boardgame zoltanon 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.36219562
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.36219564
         File: 1335572587.png-(530 KB, 693x1056, 1334858868960.png)
    530 KB
    Fatstuck Friday anyone?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.36219566
         File: 1335572590.png-(208 KB, 575x719, Spiderska.png)
    208 KB

    Actually it's just vore.
    >> chief 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.36219573
         File: 1335572595.png-(17 KB, 504x487, 1335316250364.png)
    17 KB
    say we did all raise the money for a flash

    who'd be in it and whose art would it be based on? (since most of the models in the actual comic are just sprites)
    >> flammable lamp !VqGIGO1oSM 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.36219579
    they need love
    >> wateven 04/27/12(Fri)20:23 No.36219586
         File: 1335572617.gif-(116 KB, 650x450, 1335183359689.gif)
    116 KB
    Stop that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219599
    The digit I couldn't make out and substituted an X for might be a 5. Not sure.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219600
    *wwalks into thread*
    wwoah guys sorry it took so long
    wwalked into the wwrong neww thread
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219604

    Hussnasty style
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219606
         File: 1335572658.gif-(52 KB, 450x324, 1295194224415.gif)
    52 KB
    Well, you're going to whether you want it or not. You're going to end your date, walk down the dark road, and bump into a grinning, leering young girl in red. Then you're going to notice the other 7 of them surrounding you.

    Nobody will hear your pleas or screams as they tear off your skirt, force you up against an alley wall, and fuck you so roughly and long that you need to be hospitalized for nearly-broken hips and a torn vagina.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219613
    Hussnasty. If that is unachievable, then hero mode probably.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219619
    When, not if, will we see Vriska and Kanaya resolve their issues? Vriska and Tavros are addressing their shit. I imagine Vriska and Kanaya will as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219623
    starting in five minutes
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219630
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219631
    So quit being lonley and be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.36219634
    We've been over this.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:25 No.36219642
         File: 1335572712.jpg-(24 KB, 425x348, eternal_1.jpg)
    24 KB
    >mfw my friend tells my other friends about homestuck
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:25 No.36219650
         File: 1335572729.jpg-(416 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00698.jpg)
    416 KB
    Best. Gristmas. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:25 No.36219654
    Jade, Jane, Rose, Roxy.
    Lexxy's style.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:25 No.36219660
    I gave you the premise last thread, do you want me repost it?

    These are ~6 sweep old Aradias, about 5 and a half feet tall.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.36219670
    I love that Pimppeta.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.36219674
    >When, not if, will we see Vriska and Kanaya resolve their issues?

    Next intermission when it turns out to be the reason why Kanaya is so mad at Gamzee or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.36219678
    That's pretty great, man. Congrats.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.36219690
         File: 1335572799.jpg-(393 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00699.jpg)
    393 KB
    It even has wings!

    ...Wait... what's that? There's something else in the box...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.36219694
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.36219695
    Why can't I find a male friend in real life that likes Homestuck?

    [spoilers]And have sex with him?[/spoilers]
    >> wateven 04/27/12(Fri)20:26 No.36219696
         File: 1335572812.gif-(25 KB, 281x316, 1335259124186.gif)
    25 KB
    Sweet haul!
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:27 No.36219708
    Hey board game people, wait a second, let me get my computer back up
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:27 No.36219711
    Cause you're not looking hard enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:27 No.36219721
         File: 1335572859.jpg-(393 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00697.jpg)
    393 KB

    Seriously, thank you whoever my Gristmas Santa was. This is the best thing ever.
    >> flammable lamp !VqGIGO1oSM 04/27/12(Fri)20:27 No.36219728
    because you don't know how to use spoilers
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:27 No.36219736
    You hide your power level in real life, that's why.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219739
    I did the spoiler tag perfectly
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219746
    Here's the premise I proposed last thread, not sure if the author wants to do it.

    Also, premise:
    Knock on the door and Aradia (just a normal one) comes to the door and says she's lost and sick. After you take care of her for a bit and go to sleep, there's a whole mess of them. THEN they rape and impregnate you.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219747
         File: 1335572893.png-(47 KB, 265x275, 1335051161190.png)
    47 KB
    I think I got this.
    A single Aradia says she's cold and alone and you invite her inside. When you fall asleep, you wake up pinned by a swarm of them. The alpha bitch aradia forcefully impregnates you, while the betas cuddle and pet you and coo about what a great parent you will be?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219750
         File: 1335572898.png-(740 KB, 869x1028, Fatty magnet.png)
    740 KB

    I dunno, I'd rather be raped by Vriska 8-fold than Aradia.

    I'd want the Aradia's to be really sweet about it, so fucking adorable that I just can't refuse them.
    >> zoltanon 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219753
    ya got three minutes
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219754
         File: 1335572902.jpg-(50 KB, 514x156, k.jpg)
    50 KB
    not only the wolf head.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219756

    Spoiler is singular, not plural.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219759
         File: 1335572913.jpg-(448 KB, 600x805, homestuckkanayagamzeehuntin.jpg)
    448 KB

    Kanaya punched Vriska in the face. That's all you're going to get from Hussie.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219765

    It's not plural.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219768
    There's no s
    like this
    [ spoiler] like this [ /spoiler ]
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219770
    because you are fat
    >> cardinalGardener 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219772
         File: 1335572933.jpg-(1.17 MB, 1588x750, alphasadstuck.jpg)
    1.17 MB
    Hey guys, how does this look? I've been messing around with my tablet lately, thought I'd see what you all think.

    Their glasses are purposely missing, jsyk. This was inspired by the bit of sadstuck we've had lately.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219774
    it's spoiler not spoilers
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:28 No.36219776
    No you didn't there's no 's' in the spoiler tags.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.36219780
         File: 1335572946.jpg-(16 KB, 474x313, ndgt.jpg)
    16 KB
    hsg what do you think of neil degrasse tyson
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.36219792
    Yes, exactly.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.36219793
    Carl sagan of our time, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:29 No.36219797
    >Puts an "s" after spoiler
    >Uses the ending "[/spoiler]" when the spoiler is at the end of the post
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:30 No.36219809

    His middle name sounds like a show about high school.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:30 No.36219813
    how art thou today homestuck general
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:30 No.36219816
    hey can i play the board game with you guys
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:30 No.36219825
    My waifu....
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:31 No.36219835
         File: 1335573062.jpg-(15 KB, 441x411, DownsHomer.jpg)
    15 KB

    But I use spoilers all the time and this is the first time I messed up.

    HSG is making me dumb.
    >> ipgd !wKIHYCm2gs 04/27/12(Fri)20:31 No.36219836
    he's fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:31 No.36219838
    I would like to think they would kiss and make up.

    But their whole "thing" has been a bunch of stupid bullshit that never went anywhere anyway.

    So I wouldn't count on it.
    >> zoltanon 04/27/12(Fri)20:31 No.36219846
    get in there now

    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:31 No.36219847
    That show was really addictive and entertaining until it got "INTENSE." So fucking tryhard.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:31 No.36219851
    Alright I'm about to reread Homestuck. Anything I should look out for?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219855
    He looks familiar
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219856
    Go fuck thineself
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219866
         File: 1335573154.png-(719 KB, 1599x1000, 1305880552094.png)
    719 KB
    So it'd just be a sort of nervously accepted thing? You see one eyeing you bashfully earlier in the day, and know that later that night you'll have no choice but to let one impregnate you and make you a mother as they close in and seduce you into compliance?
    >> wateven 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219868
         File: 1335573155.png-(192 KB, 823x600, 1335125945190.png)
    192 KB
    Dude this is excellent! Love the color and textures especially. Are you starting your art blog up again? Where's that at?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219869
    cocks flying into your ass
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219871
    Watch out, we got a badass over here
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219875
    Fuck Halftruth. We didn't buy the horsecock or the wolf head for Halftruth.
    >> atomic 04/27/12(Fri)20:32 No.36219877
    That's pretty
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:33 No.36219886
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:33 No.36219887
    Looks nice in my (untrained) eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:33 No.36219894
    Would you suck a horsedick to have sex with ipgd HSG?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:33 No.36219897
    why did i laugh so much
    >> wateven 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.36219905
    Never skip ANYTHING! Even if it doesn't seem relevant!

    And don't try to rush though it, make sure to pace yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.36219909
    *grabs your dick*
    guess wwho
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.36219912
    Jake and Dirk look like holocaust survivors.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.36219915
    After this can we have some other tales of this pack of rampaging rapist Aradia's?

    I'd love to read about them turning a guy into their bitch.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.36219926
    Yes, this is perfect.

    If you do make it a girl, could you do another one later on where it's a boy? Two parents are better than one

    the boy could even be lured in by the girl, like over the phone
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:34 No.36219932
    nary a doubt in my mind that this is a fish
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:35 No.36219939

    I don't even want ipgd I'd suck the horse dick just because I'm a huge furfaggot.
    >> cardinalGardener 04/27/12(Fri)20:35 No.36219943

    it's back at there aren't any of the old requests up yet, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:35 No.36219952
         File: 1335573339.jpg-(319 KB, 1280x1067, homestuckdrinkitnepeta.jpg)
    319 KB

    Yeah, I'm going to second this. It's probably the worst mistake you can make, to think that things are just dragging on and the characters are just making meaningless smalltalk. They aren't, this shit is important.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:35 No.36219955
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:35 No.36219958
    hsg stop talking in archaic shit
    i have to open a new tab to pronounce this shit
    i dont come to hsg to learn latin
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:36 No.36219968
    Also, don't make them look in opposite directions. Looks like they both have lazy eyes.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:36 No.36219973
    Wouldn't this qualify as a commission? That means zone would have to ask Hussie for permission first. Whoever had problems with pornostuck will probably have problems with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:36 No.36219976
    ii 2wear to god iif you dont let go ii wiill 2aw you twiice a2 much a2 you are riight now
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:36 No.36219988
    I don't think it's possible honestly.
    I mean isn't Zone's thing that he uses actual voice clips?
    Sure he could animate it like an [s] flash, but that would just be pretty surreal.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:36 No.36219991
    hark this mans rump is flaming
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36219997
    >We need a daddy for the baby, so we're going to fuck you in the ass until you submit.
    >Then we'll probably do it some more because we're expecting you to break before the fourth has her turn and leaving the rest of us out wouldn't be fair
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36219998

    >implying a cat wouldn't want the milk
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36220000
         File: 1335573433.png-(19 KB, 533x464, 1335475494002.png)
    19 KB
    Ooooook how about this. I write 6 quick stories where you are raped and impregnated by swarms of the female trolls, seeing how each one handles it differently. Hyena-like Nepetas battling to assert dominance and earn impregnation rights, a lone Vriska webbing you up and raping you roughly, a Kanaya drugging your tea and bringing you back to the Mother Kanaya, etc etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36220003
         File: 1335573444.png-(3 KB, 175x240, 1335163459321.png)
    3 KB
    but my waifu isn't a disgusting monster that impregnates people
    >> stupit 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36220004
    Hey dumbshit we got the dragon dildo for her you stupid piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36220005
    Did he ask for the permission of wakfu's creators? or mlaatr?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36220014
         File: 1335573466.png-(22 KB, 436x456, jane and her sizable bowl.png)
    22 KB
    do all Maids have such prominent boobs
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:37 No.36220015

    Pretty Palutena~
    >> flammable lamp !VqGIGO1oSM 04/27/12(Fri)20:38 No.36220018
    commissions are generally accepted to be fair game. you might still need to or be better off asking but approval would likely be given whatever the fuck. I highly doubt it would be the first porn commission
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:38 No.36220021
    that board game is cool
    when can i play
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:38 No.36220044
         File: 1335573538.gif-(914 KB, 287x216, sonicrobotnikeyes.gif)
    914 KB
    >Zone-tan walkaround flash
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.36220047
    I'm interested to see where things stand with Vriska and Aradia, now that they're pretty much completely even.
    Of course, that would require Aradia being relevant, and it seems like her plan is to make Hussie overlook her so she can stay alive.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.36220049
    That's why I didn't mention the candy corn dildo that was for her, dipshit.

    Her acknowledging gifts intended for Hussie, the man without whom she would be worth -nothing-, is not the same as Hussie doing so.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.36220050

    In a couple of hours when the current group is done.

    Or whenever somebody else starts a fresh session.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.36220052
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.36220053
    >approval would likely be given whatever the fuck.

    Hahaha, no. Not with lexxy or halftruth. He's way better off doing it on his own under parody laws.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.36220057
    Is it ironic that everyone has boners for Jake, and Jake constantly gets boners?

    Or what I'm really saying is; everyone crushes on Jake, and yet he's the character shown in the "on the floor, hearts over his head" pose the most often.
    >> cardinalGardener 04/27/12(Fri)20:39 No.36220064
    ... is it that they're too thin?
    fair enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:40 No.36220079


    That is actually completely unironic.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:40 No.36220087
    fine i will make one
    don't blame me if it sucks
    >> stupit 04/27/12(Fri)20:41 No.36220092
    Look mr obvious "omg guys i hate halfcunt11!!!1"
    Would you rather have her announce they got the stuff or have it never mentioned on Hussies page forever and never.

    >the man without whom she would be worth -nothing-
    omg lol you so buttfrastrusted
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:41 No.36220097
         File: 1335573677.png-(304 KB, 471x764, tumblr_luhamftCOu1r6r25u3.png)
    304 KB

    Yes, unlike Vriska who'd pin me down and bind me up before I even got to say yay or nay. I'd want it, but she doesn't give a shit either way.

    Just one look at her eyes as she asks me if I would help carry her spawn and I wouldn't be able to say no. Then she brings in a few others and they're so thankful that I'm being compliant with them, not fighting and struggling to get away as they fill me up with their young and their juices, and when they're done they all leave except the one who asked in the first place. She then strokes my engorged stomach, gives it a kiss and tells me I'm going to be a wonderful mother.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:41 No.36220098
    I was thinking more a regular flash like syncing it up to a homestuck song, using a combination of sprites, hero mode, and mimicing art team members.
    Only with sex.
    ...The problem is that it seems like that would be much more hilarious than erotic.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:41 No.36220101
         File: 1335573681.gif-(14 KB, 400x300, 1335538990441.gif)
    14 KB
    Alright, it's friday evening, someone should make a stream!
    >> flammable lamp !VqGIGO1oSM 04/27/12(Fri)20:41 No.36220104
    Uh, no, not no, yes. Lexxy doesn't really have anything to do with it, and they really don't give half a fuck about commissions. He probably wouldn't have to ask, and even if he did (and even if he did he probably wouldn't, but if he did), they'd probably just say whatever
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:42 No.36220121
    Is your point so nonexistent you have to use shitty strawmen for everything
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:42 No.36220141
    man everyone hates halftruth like it'll somehow make her leave hussie and he'll put his cock in them instead

    she's down with the wolfhead and equius and horsecocks and cocknaya and other silly shit

    people here are so damn bitter and jealous
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.36220145
    I don't hate Halftruth.

    I'm just sick of her being a mouthpiece. We want to hear from the Wizard of Oz, not the goddamn gatekeeper shit.
    >> stupit 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.36220150
    You brought up the shitty point to begin with

    What is backpeddling for 200
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.36220152

    other room
    will start when we get around 5 players
    >> wateven 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.36220153
         File: 1335573805.png-(42 KB, 300x300, 1335294557365.png)
    42 KB
    I'm streaming Thor and then Captain America in about an hour at the request of Shota Peen.
    >> atomic 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.36220155
    >people here

    I hate this.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.36220159
         File: 1335573813.png-(1.1 MB, 865x771, 1314413581610.png)
    1.1 MB

    Nah, when Vriska rapes you Vriska rapes you 8-fold.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:43 No.36220161
    >she's down with cocknaya
    wait what
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:44 No.36220176
         File: 1335573860.png-(15 KB, 504x487, 1325899986532.png)
    15 KB
    ah jeez... and there she goes
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:44 No.36220182
    I love everything this artist does.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:44 No.36220196
    I am absolutely 100% sure that they would reject it if he asked. ESPECIALLY if he does it for a living, holy shit (Have you ever read one of halftruth's rant on the subject?).
    Then what? Do it anyway? The entire fandom would hate him for breaking their precious copyright holder hearts.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220197
         File: 1335573905.png-(525 KB, 1024x768, 1335037792207.png)
    525 KB
    Alright so I guess you guys would prefer multiple Arapeia fics then different troll impregnations.

    Other than the initial woman letting a sick and cold one in, what else ya want?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220198
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220207
    Anyone who's going to reread Homestuck should make use of the title screen:

    Just as a warning, it takes a long time to load.
    >> chief 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220210
    Tough fucking shit. When the Huss is busy he's got to have someone talk to the people, and just because you don't like who that is, it's not like it's going to change anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220211
    not you specifically

    the people here who constantly have to talk about and obsess over her and trash on her

    that doesn't happen anywhere else
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220213
    I'm not the same guy
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220215
         File: 1335573943.jpg-(192 KB, 465x551, vriska97.jpg)
    192 KB
    if it was of Vriska, Hussie would shoot it down.

    no way he wants more people jerking off to his waifu
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:45 No.36220224
    need just 1 more
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.36220230
    Too bad.
    The Wizard doesn't want to talk to you.
    And why would he?
    Do you honestly believe you're entitled?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.36220234
    is the guy with the steve buscemi tulpa still on

    i wanted to ask him how he pictured it dying when it inevitably did

    for the sickref
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.36220241
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.36220245
    She made a fucking joke about being the anon who always posts the cocknaya and the 'haters' of her backed up behind it and used it as a strawman argument if she is brought up,

    seen in the previous post.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.36220246
         File: 1335574011.jpg-(290 KB, 900x1200, dFggB[1].jpg)
    290 KB
    hey bro

    you havent taken a ssshower in a while

    why isss that
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.36220250
    That's all well and good for a willing, compliant and biologically inclined host but what about otherwise?
    If the person they approach doesn't want to do it do they just tie her down and fuck her over and over, day after day until she starts showing signs?
    That could take weeks. Daily sessions of hard fuckings by Aradia after Aradia.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:46 No.36220251
    I just said I don't hate Halftruth. Read.
    >> flammable lamp !VqGIGO1oSM 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.36220257
    dude nobody gives a fuick about porn

    lots of people make shitty meager livings off commissions and those are allowed and occasionally even given more attention by halftruth and nas and whoever the fuck else. those one's aren't pornographic usually, but people don't care nearly as much as you think they do. It's a commission, it isn't ~~~tied to the homestuck name~~~
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.36220259

    Get in here please.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.36220262
         File: 1335574041.png-(9 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m07fduQ0IQ.png)
    9 KB
    >Aurthor letting out a happy little poot while being milked
    >> wateven 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.36220265
         File: 1335574044.jpg-(65 KB, 360x389, 1335127218853.jpg)
    65 KB
    That Peter Criss Gamzee always puts a smile on my face.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.36220267



    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.36220275

    Pretty snake. :3
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:47 No.36220276
         File: 1335574068.png-(37 KB, 571x387, halftruth's pretty okay when s(...).png)
    37 KB
    I don't hate her, but she acts obnoxiously enough online that I unfollowed her because I was sick of seeing petty bullshit/social justice posts on my dash all the time.

    This is the only post I've seen recently that made me reconsider having done that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:48 No.36220283
         File: 1335574082.jpg-(83 KB, 500x354, 1318205466982.jpg)
    83 KB

    >Aradia finds out Vriska is planning to fuck shit up in the bubbles
    >tries and fails to convince her that death can be fun
    >finally gets sick of trying to convince her with words and proceeds to fuck Vriska affectionately instead
    >does this every time Vriska thinks about fucking shit up in the bubbles

    Best resolution
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:48 No.36220291
    People raised a fairly modest sum of money to buy him shit. You bet your fucking ass we're entitled to a thank-you.
    >> Snax !fQn6EnAid2 04/27/12(Fri)20:48 No.36220292
    HSG did someone post a nipple earlier?

    I need to know.

    For science.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:48 No.36220295
    >human pls go im trying to take a shower here
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:48 No.36220300
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:48 No.36220306
    >> chief 04/27/12(Fri)20:49 No.36220319
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:49 No.36220320
    Add a stutter and we got ourselves a tsundere snake
    >> Nick's Ass 04/27/12(Fri)20:49 No.36220323
         File: 1335574152.png-(22 KB, 722x570, 1304214038676.png)
    22 KB
    Oh man you guys, I was cleaning out my bookmarks today and I found an old vaguely Sollux/Kanaya fic that someone from HSG wrote last June. Hardcore nostalgia.

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