Fucking nothing....just the regular Toonami ending bump. Just a "LATER..." Kinda dissapoint
So perhaps that implies that Toonami is sticking around.
Why don't you send a billion emails to CN and see if they do something about it rather than whine
It's because it's not his final farewell, silly.
>>35460580Maybe.Send your stuff to the network and make sure they know your feelings. Show how much you want to keep the block and all.
Because he'll be back on Saturday.IF YOU FUCKING E-MAIL THE SHIT OUT OF THEM
Time to shit my pants until next Saturday.
They bought a bunch of new Licenses for this, Toonami is BACK.
We'll have to wait and see to find what this means. I'm neither optimistic nor pessimistic. We'll just have to see...
He'll be back next Saturday dumbass, no need for a "final farewell", just a "later."
I don't knowI felt really satisfied with the "Later"His presence was just enough
>>35460591>>35460591Whoa man, mass emailing CN to change their programming seems kinda ENTITLED don't ya think.
>>35460758dude, we're the fans. This is what we DO.
>>35460758but we aren't disagreeing with what they are doing. We are praising them for airing Toonami so that they'll do it again.
>>35460758You don't know what we went through with the ME3 ending, man. You don't know the withdrawal we all went through. You will, though. You will.
>>35460758welp people who doesn't like the change could MASS E-mail back.let's see who wins the game of CARE
All part of the fool, my friend.
Not really. Toonami always ends with a LATER
I dont want toonamie to come back if this is what its going to be.Just random out of order oldfag anime.They need to get some fresh new animu and sprinkle in a bit of the old to have a good mix.
Are they seriously doing 24 hours of screwy squirrel again?
Fuck I'm too wired to sleep, it was awesome guys, so many manly tears.
All of my money for this.
>>35460874This, maybe put the old stuff on late or 'early' in the am. Just bring toonami back, no old bumps, no stupid kiddy robot sidekicks, no word for word pandering, just something fresh, that keeps the true blue SPIRIT of toonami alive.
>>35461034Tex Avery show needs to come back. Informative and awesome.
He's motherfuckin Tom, do you want him to give a farewell speech or something?
>>35461069No. I want him to play and review Skyrim, then do a segment on Plastic Beach.
>>35461069Well... yeah.
>>35460874That's pretty much the current AS, actually. The biggest difference is a total lack of enthusiasm for anime and never cycling out old shows (Inuyasha...).
>>35461069I want him to come back, I want him to tell me everything is going to be okay... You've obviously never had a friend or relative suddenly die, and never give you a chance to say goodbye...
>>35461090You forgot 2 LOLRANDUM slots and one for live action crap.Before you call me out on the random comment, tell me Assey McGee and that fucking random ass horrible incest porn CG style thing with the "angel" were something else.
>>35461103you sound pathetic.
>>35461132Yeah well, fuck you
>>35461039What are they going to show?Who's going to watch it?Most anime are fansubbed and dropped online within a few hours of airing in Japan.Are people really going to want to watch anime from two seasons ago or something, especially if they can get it subbed online? Today, "something fresh" means something that aired this week.I guess they could show Madoka or something? Maybe One Piece? Wakfu? I guess, but are you REALLY going to watch all those shows again? Just because it shows up on Toonami on some weird time block?Don't get me wrong, I loved the block and still have fond memories of watching Sailor Moon S1 finale etc etc, but is Toonami a block that can be relevant to their viewers?
>>35461132Let him feel...
>>35461103Surely this isn't the first time this has happened to you.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAttFerhtnw
you could always go herehttp://www.cartoonnetwork.com/feedback/index.htmlprogrammingtoonami and post your feedback
>>35461148A lot more people watch Cartoon Network than browse 4chan, especially /co/ or /a/ regularly.You put shows on their, it'll be a lot of people's first exposure.
>>35460874But....new anime is poop, and has been ever since they switched to digital and got cheaper.
>>35461209Yeah, that's the problem. Ever since some smart roger discovered you could make the big money with only slice-of-life animes and love pillows, there really hasn't been any sort of anime that would fit Toonammi.There's Bunny and Tiger, but that's about it
>>35461237What is Bunny and Tiger about?
>>35461148I'd tune in depending on what it is. I'd at least give whatever they would air a shot. I actually prefer turning in every day/week/whatever then just downloading the entire show and watching.
>>35461209If you look past the moeshit fad, there's a few diamonds in the ruff.Obviously they'd still have to keep stuff like Bleach and Durarara in for a while. I hear people bitching about FMA too, but fuck I've seen the whole series several times over and the whole thing is on Netflix now. It's getting tiresome. Just like the constant Cowboy Bebop and GITS.
>>35461237Hunter x hunter, FMA brotherhood or gurren lagann wouldn't be amiss, especially gurren lagann. plus it's not like gundam is still going or anything.
>>35461148I partially agree with this. There just doesn't appear to be any success with airing current anime. SyFy tried this about a year ago, and they couldn't even give a "2 hours a week" block a consistent timeslot. And current AS is too damn lazy and disinterested to get more than one new show a year. Subs won because dubs fell out of the limelight past the 90s, and it was pretty much a point of No Turning Back.Still, I only partially agree because I think, and let's just admit it, that we want our nostalgia fulfillment. What we really want is the Boomerang/Nicktoons/HUB treatment where old, forgotten shows have a place to air. In this case, it's 90s anime and TOM. It's questionable whether or not this would succeed, especially due to the massive HELL it is getting the rights to these shows. Yet, CN did dangle the possibility in front of us, even if it was only a malicious, cruel joke.
>>35461237I really liked Code Geass, and it seems to have some following. Plus the rights wouldn't be much of an issue.
>>35461260>It's getting tiresome.I know what you mean. Didn't help that the last time I watched Adult Swim regularly they didn't show the episodes in order. Like one week they show the second to last episode of Bebop. Next time Bebop is on I tune in and they're playing episode five. Have they at least stopped doing that kind of shit?
>>35461262Hunter x Hunter is saturday morning lineup show. Especially in beginning but it's getting darker.
does /co/ like the monster rancher anime? I was good IIRC.
>>35461296Hunter x hunter gets gruesome later on, especially during the chimera ants arc
im so god damn happy. i think i might shit myself. i mean it to like i will take a picture of my shit if i have to prove it but god damn. TOM IS FUCKNIG BACK
>>35461294I honestly can't keep track of Bebop's episode orders. It's a great show the first few times, but they've really killed Saturday night themselves.It's kind of ironic how much showing old shows could feel like a breath of fresh air.
If they are bringing Toonami back I wouldn't mind if they had some older shows that never made it here to the states. Not sure if they should dub it or sub it though. I mean if it's an older show then depending what the show is you think the rights to air it would cost lower then any show being made now or just finished recently. I mean I don't know anything about airing rights and things like that but this makes sense to me.
>>35461302Monster Ranchers is amazing. For a 10 year old.Watch it again, it's really pretty mediocre.
>>35461346The ps1 games were the shit though.
>>35461291Code Geass couldn't play on Toonami. There are too many moral issues with it that parents would bitch about. Like, you know, the main character trying to be an overlord.
>>35461346But still loved though
>>35461387>mfw the foul language and sexual references in adventure timeIt's cartoon network not the disney channel.
>>35461387>Code Geass couldn't play on Toonami.It could if Toonami comes back as a Saturday Night AS replacement.
>>35461387In terms of airing it on [AS] saturdays though, it would be fine. This would seem like the likeliest option for CN to take if they bother taking it at all.I don't expect the daytime CN to give up ANYTHING to Toonami 2.0.
>>35461302I recently downloaded the complete seriesIt's not as good as I remembered. The original Digimon and Pokemon series held up a lot better
Great night. Only wish I got a reason to post this.
>mfw the one night i decided to go to bed early I miss Toonami
>>35461557I loved that show.
>>35461291>>35461387Geass aired on Adult Swim for a while, but they moved it to 5AM right before the best part. And then when they brought it back to a sane hour for season 2 and re-aired the last few S1 episodes to recap, they started with the ep AFTER that. That's when I said "fuck it" and dropped cable. True story. Avatar was done, Justice League was done, Teen Titans was done, Battlestar Galactica was done. If AS was going to shit on its anime holdings, there was nothing left tying me down.
>>35461607Who didn't?
>>35460874>mfw i miss the old days so much i make my own blocks of anime old and new. Toonami needs to come back in one form or another with a similar format of classic shows with a newer show every now and then. I really hope tonight signaled a revival of Adult Swim's line up. If they got money to actually get some newer shows and keep showing the older ones I will be as happy as a clam.
>>35461596Same here bro.
I only tuned in at 5, so I fucking missed most of this.Was somebody recording the whole thing? I would love to watch the entire block.
>No MoltarThis isn't Toonami.
For everyone else that missed it, this made me feel a bit better about it.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbovoZRdiCQ
>>35461711I hope someone recorded it.
>>35461730I've been looking for a torrent for a little bit now, I guarantee at least one person will have archived it for their collection.
>>35461090IMO Inuyahsa saved anime on Cartoon Network. Only Inuyasha fans were determined and loud (and unreasonable) enough to carry the torch for japanese cartoons until CN had to pay heed. Sure, they eventually stripped it down to just it and the textdrop that is Ghost in the Shell, but they still listened to their rabid fanbase and (barely) complied
>>35461769/co/ was truly love... and toonami was back. they had an insanely good line up.
>>35461801It's ok. It didn't have Moltar, so it wasn't the REAL Toonami.
You know, I can't believe I missed so much of this because I was watching a shitty SNL rerun and a movie. Katy Perry and The Usual Suspects are not worth missing Toonami for.
>>35461808wait this happened on april fools day
>>35461801That feel, you're not alone.
>>35461820Yes and now everyone that missed it died a little inside.
Is there like, anywhere I can download the old bumpers/promos/music videos and such for Toonami? I pretty much have the majority of the old shows, but it would be awesome to have the in-between stuff.
>My face when that Mass Effect 3 review was the most fair out of all the reviews
>>35461835Yup, and it was on a mainstream network.
>>35461835Of course it was. TOM would never steer you wrong.
Hell, he VA'd major characters in ME2 and ME3 and he still managed to be impartial
>>35461851Yes, and he admitted the ending was ass
>>35461835>>35461835if you noticed it was 08.5 not 8.5subtle
They gave up on "Saturday anime night" because reruns of Family or Futurama would routinely get higher ratings than any of the anime