04/01/12(Sun)01:56 No. 35453532 File: 1333259779.png -(87 KB, 998x1317, tom.png ) use this well anons You ask us, "Why do you care?" You tell us, "Every anime Toonami ever showed was terrible." You call us underage. You call us 'dubfags'. You sage our threads. But why? Because you do not understand. We
care, because this was our childhood. We aren't children anymore, no.
But we were, and we're young enough to be able to look back and
remember. We watched because it was awesome. When you're 12, men
screaming at each other for 25 minutes straight is awesome. When you're
12, giant robots are incredible, no matter what the story behind them
is. When you're 12, that ditzy chick that somehow magically undresses
and dons a miniskirt is really fucking hot. When you're 12, watching
hot, nubile women fight over a guy that has some kind of magic
lightsaber thing that never works makes you feel funny. When you're 12,
cartoons are great, and the ones from that place that makes sushi are
even better. When you're 30, you're old and bitter. When you're
20, you can remember. And when the things you remember cease to exist,
you don't forget. You reminisce. R.I.P. TOM. Nevar forget.