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    File: 1330035361.jpg-(29 KB, 440x270, Lorax_440x270.jpg)
    29 KB Fox News Criticizes Studio Ghibli's Latest And The Lorax Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:16 No.34549358  
    >In a segment on Monday's episode of Lou Dobbs Tonight, puffy-faced, human-combover Lou Dobbs argued that both Studio Ghibli's adaptation of The Borrowers and the upcoming adaptation of Dr. Seuss' The Lorax are "demonizing the so-called 1% and espousing green policies, come what may."

    >"[This is] a story you won't hear anywhere in the national liberal media" he says, before accusing both films of pushing "Hollywood's liberal agenda."

    >Impressive, given that Arrietty is a Japanese film. Dobbs then shows us a short montage of President Obama saying the word "fair" over and over again like he's in some kind of bizarre presidential remix, before introducing a trio of right-leaning pundits, one of which suggest parents protest the film by littering in theaters.


    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:17 No.34549395
    We shitstormed over this a few times.
    It's dumb.
    >> Nemo 02/23/12(Thu)17:17 No.34549402
    It's an American network owned by an Australian with a Chinese wife.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:18 No.34549405
    It's Fox News. Who cares?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:18 No.34549407
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    >espousing green policies

    But...isn't that a good thing?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:18 No.34549412
    Let's be honest, who didn't see this coming?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:18 No.34549417
    >fox news

    stopped reading there
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:18 No.34549419
    EXTRA EXTRA! Read all about it!

    Fox News is fucking stupid! As if we didn't already know that!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:18 No.34549429
    >Fox News says something stupid

    Why is this surprising?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:19 No.34549447
    No!!! It's LIBERAL!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.34549485
    Didn't Fox once refer to Onion News as a credible, real source? Wasn't too long ago either. It was at that point where it was clear that there is no hope left for these people...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.34549487
    So we're outsourcing executives too?

    Damn, Lady Liberty has became a mercenary whore.
    >> The Erotic Poet 02/23/12(Thu)17:21 No.34549492
    >>one of which suggest parents protest the film by littering in theaters.

    The hell did the theatres ever do to these jerks?

    Seriously the only thing that would possibly do is piss off the guys who have to clean up after the movie
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:22 No.34549512
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:24 No.34549555
    Damn Harvey, eat more fiber...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:27 No.34549631
    To be fair, they are really preachy, and they espouse one set of industries that have failed to produce jobs at the expense of others that have always delivered.

    He's a ranting jerk about it though.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:28 No.34549633
    >parents protest the film by littering in theaters

    Just when I thought Fox News couldn't get any stupider...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:28 No.34549652
    Republicans hate green. Green means rules and regulations. Which means you have to spend money to make sure your smog belching factory doesnt belch smog
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:29 No.34549659
    asuming its done TOO MUCH that it forces factories to close and Mass unemployement and degrade in the economy since cars and simular transportation vehicles are far more aviable then electric cars that are cheaper to produce. lord monkton is correct here.

    taxation to breath and take warm baths.
    that is the worst of the green effect though. nothing much we can do about it even if it is our fault.
    we can still change to a less poluted world by trying to drive electric cars to be made more effective and cheaper though. its a slow process though
    make factories effective but without as much waste and pollution. because if they are ineffective=less money and more unemployement
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:29 No.34549663
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    What are you some sort of growth killing Communist? God commanded us to be stewards of the Earth. You and Obama clearly must be "Earth Worshipers" and would sacrifice man's needs over the planets. You sir are a pagan.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:35 No.34549784
    fox news hates something!? No way next we'll hear that they aren't racist and they're a reputable news channel
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:36 No.34549788
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    The White House has gone too far.

    this war on fox news is outrageous!

    "Liberals" love to ignore how Fox attracts independents and democrats by delivering the news far more objectively than the declining left-wing outlets.

    The left-wing propagandists are? betraying America by siding with socialist government, rather than the productive and capable and honest American people.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:37 No.34549828
    I love how Fox didn't mention the books that these two movies were based on.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:38 No.34549846
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:38 No.34549848
    anyone remeber that old BBC, (i think) televison series of the borrowers? i had a serious crush on the boy from the house borrowers they meet few episodes in.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:38 No.34549852
    Fox does not believe its viewers know books.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:39 No.34549861

    Books scare Republicans unless they have pictures of other Republicans on them.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:40 No.34549876
    Or naked children.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:41 No.34549899
    Cnn is also dumb
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:42 No.34549915
    When has the EPA ever shut down a manufacturing plant and have it not be justified? I mean if it's something like "this sparrow is endangered right here but common as fuck everywhere else in the country, you have to replace your smokestacks with giant sunflowers" then yeah, that's retarded, but if it's pouring toxic waste into the river then it's to everyone's benefit to have it shut down.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:42 No.34549929
    well, didn't expect a comment so even headed
    Jesus, the only real story that should be Lorax related is that friggin' car commercial they sponsor. And littering at the Lorax is the least messy things these people would do in the theater, I have a feeling once Act of Valor is out, they'll all be sweating on the seats beating off sticky puddles on the floor
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:43 No.34549937
    ...why is that dumb?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:45 No.34549971
    The only book they know is the Bible.

    God wrote that I think.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:45 No.34549977

    Which one? They remake it like once a decade.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:45 No.34549979
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    >taxation to breath and take warm baths

    >mfw this is what republicans actually think could happen
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:46 No.34549995

    i don't remeber shit from that series, i watched thefirst episode of it, then fucked off and did other things.

    it's the one television series as a kid that i wanted to watch, but never actually followed through watching.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:46 No.34549998
    I like how NOT completely raping the environment to death has gone from being a courtesy thing to being staunch liberalism. Whatever happened to bipartisan support for ad campaigns against littering?

    I get that the Bible says God gave you the earth, but I'm pretty sure he didn't say "Be fruitful and destroy."
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:46 No.34550005
    Fox News is moronic, alarmist, and impossible to take seriously, news at 11.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:47 No.34550012

    the 90's one, i don't think the others have aired in my country.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:47 No.34550015
    >The only book they know is the Bible.

    They don't know the Bible, so much as they've heard of it and will argue about it.

    Much like /v/ with video games
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:50 No.34550066
    They know the important parts about not sleeping with another man but not the ones where god wipes out entire towns or the thing with the camel and the rich man and the eye of the needle.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:51 No.34550080
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    >Japanese film "promoting" American liberal agenda

    also Arrietty is based on books from the 50s/60s... So that kinda makes their argument baseless. It's not some new story they made up to push this so called "agenda".

    Also, what's wrong with "green" technology? Oh god, we won't have to be in the pockets of other countries. Oh god, the horror of saving a fuck ton of money. Hell, we might even save some trees.
    Doesn't that sound just awful and satanic?
    >fox logic
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:51 No.34550081
    Because those books are not new, and the movies are what will draw people to try the books. So if they "Stop" the movies they keep people from going for the books.
    The EPA gets to both write the rule/define terms in laws AND enforce. They are a lazy outlet that Congressmen of both parties hide behind so they don't have to get their names attached to up or down votes on controversial laws. The EPA needs to have their Pseudo-legislative powers revoked and the elected Legislature needs to pass each of these regulations as laws or to shoo them down. I believe the EPA once outright said "If congress does not pass this law we will make it a regulation ourselves"
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:51 No.34550093
    I'm glad we have Fox News to keep us from going crazy. Of course, by that I mean that sometimes I say "Don't sound like Fox News" to myself before I almost say something about something I know nothing about.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:52 No.34550119
    That is one of the best analogies I've ever read.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:57 No.34550214
    the biggest problem with today's green technology is that it's being hyped to doing more than it can actually do. There's a reason ethanol is only 10% or less, it causes damages in higher percentages in standard cars and you can't fully have it replace gas because of all the land you'd need to grow the crops and how much of it has to be allocated out of the food market as one example
    it's really more a problem of either side refusing to give ground to the other
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:58 No.34550222
    Making a movie to re-highlight the issue isn't promoting it?

    Green tech has proven very inefficient so far, Electric Cars just move the Fuel expenditure from the gas tank to the power plants (Which cannot sustain a massive shift to Electric cars as-is and we cannot build more unless they are low yield solar and wind)

    The current administration thinks that artificially increasing gas prices (This new tax plan, shooting down the Pipeline) will somehow convince more people to switch over, rather than just causing suffering. (Even if they did witch over it would be brown-out hell) If I were the oil companies I would tell all my stations to put his portrait next to the priceboards)
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)17:58 No.34550225
    As usual, they have no idea what they're talking about, have done no research, and are indulging in knee-jerk reactions in a sensationalistic fashion for the sake of ratings.
    >But...isn't that a good thing?
    I know, right? Even if you don't believe global warming is happening, sustainable, clean fuel still makes more sense than fossil fuels since they won't run out in the next 50 years and don't spit out toxic gases.

    Unless, you know, you have a stake in the oil industry(who should be the ones investing in and pushing green tech because seriously they have to realize they can't keep this up forever. It's just good business sense).
    Switching over to green fuels would create jobs making said fuels to replace those lost by shutting down old fossil fuel production.

    No one expects things to change overnight, but a good chunk of politicians opposing for reasons that are sketchy at best and stupid at worst, coupled with the fossil fuel industry pushing their fuels, full knowing that they will NOT last forever, mean things are moving far slower than they should be.

    The consequence of NOT working towards green fuels now will be huge when gas starts running low in supply, as prices will skyrocket, and the cost of everything else will as well as transporting things also rises in cost, and people will be forced to change over at a larger cost because the tech won't be as developed as it needs to be and will still cost tons of money to produce, and as stated, shipping will play murder on the prices of such tech.

    If you think prices are bad now, imagine if gas prices went up to $15 tomorrow, and the alternatives cost just as much if not more, and the prices of gas only goes up from there. It's a nightmare we could be facing in the near future.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:01 No.34550288
    Keep sucking big oil's cock.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:03 No.34550323
    yea, in the future, with more research
    he's talking about them trying to make the shift before the technology is ready to support that kind of mass usage

    and hell, i know someone told me once but what happened to Hydrogen energy fuel? That's been the only green technology to excite me until they said we're a year away from lab grown meat
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:03 No.34550326
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    Fuck it, I'm moving to the moon.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:04 No.34550336
    Still not showing me a concrete case of abuse of power or working to the common detriment.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:05 No.34550358

    Even if the pipeline was built, prices would stay high. We need to invest in long-term solutions to our energy needs rather than burn through the last few remaining supplies of oil we have left, and developing green infrastructure is a smarter investment than drilling platforms.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:05 No.34550366
    The oil companies aren't supporting it because they want to make as much money as possible, and alternative fuel sources eating into their profits is bad for business.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:06 No.34550383
    The technology's already ready. It's been ready for years. What's missing is the infrastructure.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:06 No.34550393

    Hydrogen cells are prohibitively expensive for mainstream consumers.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:08 No.34550429
    >We can't have green technology, it'll cripple industry!

    >We can't have unions, they'll cripple industry!

    >We can't get rid of child labor, it'll cripple industry!
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:09 No.34550442
    Re-insurance companies push for ecological policies. Because global warming is much worse the global economy than a little more taxation.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:09 No.34550456
    >Fox News

    Stopped reading right there.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:09 No.34550457
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    Hey guys I'm just going to chill over here in my "recycled" house and my nearly non-existant utility bills. Solar and wind, bitches. Solar and wind.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:11 No.34550488
    I never said that.

    I said artificially trying to force people to use it by attacking existing fuel is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:14 No.34550560
    You seem to have what I said backwards.

    I am against crippling industry in order to push green tech.

    Once Green tech can compete without artificial conditions I am all for it replacing the current crap. Build the green tech and if it beats old tech let the old industry die.
    >> Laertes !5ZNCcG9gZM 02/23/12(Thu)18:14 No.34550569
    >Lou Dobbs says something on his own program
    >Suddenly it's all Fox News
    I mean, Fox News along with CNN and MSNBC are a cancer upon legitimate journalism, but really people, target Dobbs
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:15 No.34550575
    Why don't the oil companies just get into the green energy business? They can still make thair gas and oil money while those are still the commercially viable option for most people, but they can start up some green energy deal too. With their money and men and research potential they can transition into green energy and the money made will return to them.
    >> Laertes !5ZNCcG9gZM 02/23/12(Thu)18:17 No.34550621
    Solar and Wind are money sinks, there's a reason they're massively subsidized.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:19 No.34550655
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    >Fox News
    >Complaining about something

    I honestly think they don't even care anymore. They just see something in popular culture and say "Okay, how should we say THIS is destroying America?"
    >> Laertes !5ZNCcG9gZM 02/23/12(Thu)18:21 No.34550690
    They never cared about reason, they're just in it for the money. If soccer moms leaned left, Fox News would be retardedly least-common-denominator liberal.
    >> Kiwicoem 02/23/12(Thu)18:23 No.34550710
    That would require innovation, thought, planning, and most of all, work. Companies don't excel at any of those, they just do the same old same old until they run it into the ground. See: Marvel and DC Comics, the pre and post 80's crash video game industry, and most banks. They don't believe in the long term because most of them know full well they'll be dead or retired or sitting on piles of money long before there are any real consequences, so why should they care?
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:23 No.34550720

    Because they're afraid of change and don't like to admit mistakes. This whole SOPA deal could probably have been avoided if they'd all just stuck the stuff they already had on itunes or netflix and charged any amount they wanted. Instead /co/ NEEDS to use piracy to view some old cartoons that we know they still have on file because they get neither reruns nor DVD releases.

    Or how say, the Canadian government is slicing down several hundred miles in rainforest to create an oil pipeline that needs so much money to maintain and chemicals to treat it's been declared inviable, but they want to anyway, even though just hauling it through on trucks is cheaper.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:24 No.34550725
    Hark! Do I hear the futile call of the conservative denialist? Hear how it insists that Fox is not representative of his ideology's retarded base! O! That I could be as carefree as thee, thou CD!
    >> Mr. Stone !zWb42fBPMM 02/23/12(Thu)18:26 No.34550756
    Fox News is essentially the Troll News Network at this point.
    >> Laertes !5ZNCcG9gZM 02/23/12(Thu)18:27 No.34550776
    Gay pacifist that loves civil liberties. Yes, TOTALLY conservative.
    Fox News is shit, CNN is shit, MSNBC is shit, all for the same reason: Shitty reporting.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:28 No.34550803
    The original ending for the Lorax was pretty dismal. I'm sure that whatever happy ending Pixar tacks onto this story will make there version utterly forgettable.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:31 No.34550870
    >Escapist Magazine

    OP is an admitted tard.

    That aside, Hollywood's got a liberal agenda for a lot of things, but as >>34549407 said...
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:32 No.34550875
    There are degrees of shittyness.
    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:34 No.34550911
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    >> Anonymous 02/23/12(Thu)18:35 No.34550920
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