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  • File : 1324347783.jpg-(115 KB, 821x1069, average Invader Zim fan.jpg)
    115 KB Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)21:23 No.32498989  
    It's that time.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)21:45 No.32499619
         File1324349127.jpg-(81 KB, 1000x500, 1323957282817.jpg)
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    >> Tax 12/19/11(Mon)21:53 No.32499823
         File1324349595.png-(37 KB, 148x144, lowrestien.png)
    37 KB
    W-What is this?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)21:54 No.32499858
    What does "ZADR" stand for?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)21:58 No.32499957
    is this an invader zim thread or a rage thread?

    the Z is for zim, dunno about all other letters
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)21:59 No.32499984
    Zim and Dib Romance?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)21:59 No.32499986
         File1324349958.jpg-(33 KB, 297x300, 1322290175.half.keatonfox_comp(...).jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:00 No.32500013
    Zim And Dib Romance
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:01 No.32500064
         File1324350095.jpg-(18 KB, 250x271, jerry_seinfeld_21798.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:03 No.32500118
         File1324350199.jpg-(82 KB, 500x528, 296517_231604353568034_1685254(...).jpg)
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    >having a fursona
    you are normal
    >unability to organize though
    you are fucking insane, you deserve shock therapy
    >> SinisterSerpent 12/19/11(Mon)22:06 No.32500225
    oh boy, I hope the guy(s) stalking me wont show up in this magnificent thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:08 No.32500268
    what am i reading here
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:09 No.32500295
         File1324350562.jpg-(506 KB, 1188x1515, 1322435272861.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:09 No.32500298
         File1324350571.jpg-(21 KB, 273x300, asukafreakout-273x300.jpg)
    21 KB
    >mfw it's real
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:10 No.32500323
    god, if you're gonna be socially retarded enough to wear a shirt with your stupid fucking pairing on it OUT IN PUBLIC, then for the love of god, at least make it LOOK like the fucking characters.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:14 No.32500467
         File1324350894.jpg-(45 KB, 434x455, 310833_267815483258062_1000008(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    is this the obamunism they talk about?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:15 No.32500471
         File1324350905.jpg-(22 KB, 351x342, 1322811788237.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:16 No.32500529
         File1324351013.jpg-(198 KB, 700x561, 1320820076310.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:18 No.32500598
         File1324351126.jpg-(47 KB, 720x576, 309548_314779505199615_1000000(...).jpg)
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    and only onw reptil
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:22 No.32500719
         File1324351353.jpg-(17 KB, 182x273, Untitled.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:24 No.32500774
         File1324351456.jpg-(353 KB, 886x942, 1320224778068.jpg)
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    >> sexycowgirl69 !!vo+UtGIgwPI 12/19/11(Mon)22:24 No.32500786
    that is totally prince, prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:26 No.32500842
    Okay good, I wasn't the only one seeing that.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:26 No.32500844
         File1324351618.png-(312 KB, 402x464, hahahaohwow.png)
    312 KB
    I always piss myself at that picture of him at the bottom. It's just so hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:27 No.32500847
         File1324351625.png-(11 KB, 500x500, Luigi Hurts to Live.png)
    11 KB
    >these threads
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:27 No.32500848
         File1324351626.jpg-(32 KB, 393x392, 385308_235198243208645_1685254(...).jpg)
    32 KB
    he is not this funky
    >> sexycowgirl69 !!vo+UtGIgwPI 12/19/11(Mon)22:28 No.32500883

    confirmed for total weeabo non prince.
    >> Buzzclaw !!GuBRMOHpyR4 12/19/11(Mon)22:29 No.32500914
    I remember the first time I took a good look at the picture...

    At first I was like
    >The Watchmen as furries? Well that's ok I guess. I mean we have Captain Carrot and...

    But then
    >The Watchmen as diaperfurs? May this drawing burn in unending fire.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:29 No.32500928
         File1324351796.jpg-(71 KB, 641x682, r8qh6.jpg)
    71 KB
    does it help being black?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:30 No.32500951
         File1324351852.jpg-(82 KB, 500x634, gatsby.jpg)
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    >> sexycowgirl69 !!vo+UtGIgwPI 12/19/11(Mon)22:31 No.32500967
    please tell me that that isnt a fake gf.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:32 No.32501005
         File1324351964.png-(63 KB, 256x240, 1323672899165.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:33 No.32501015
         File1324351984.jpg-(146 KB, 873x915, 1298941043959.jpg)
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    ther is a vedeo of him fucking a pillow

    do you want to watch it?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:33 No.32501019
         File1324351993.jpg-(107 KB, 960x585, 1318464175761.jpg)
    107 KB
    no, that's a real girlfriend
    >> Buzzclaw !!GuBRMOHpyR4 12/19/11(Mon)22:34 No.32501056
    I'm not even mad, I pity him.

    >weeaboo hopes to get a sex change and become a kawaii bishie boy and sleep with businessmen
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:35 No.32501085
    I've seen an unedited version of that screencap and her last name is Waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:36 No.32501104
         File1324352162.png-(121 KB, 500x500, 1324338486542.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:36 No.32501118
         File1324352184.jpg-(5 KB, 251x212, 1323360910126s.jpg)
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    No not really...
    >> sexycowgirl69 !!vo+UtGIgwPI 12/19/11(Mon)22:36 No.32501124
    I have lost all faith in humanity.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:38 No.32501185
         File1324352309.jpg-(65 KB, 619x614, 1322167820167.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:39 No.32501230
    I'd read a comic about him. Read the FUCK out of it
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:40 No.32501239
         File1324352408.png-(562 KB, 765x799, Diapered Sram.png)
    562 KB
    I just found this today.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:42 No.32501310
         File1324352544.jpg-(73 KB, 640x571, 1283057853126.jpg)
    73 KB
    you still browse diaperanime?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:43 No.32501323

    Y'know, I KNOW it's a diaper.

    But at first glance it looks like a Diamond Encrusted pair of silver battle-panties.

    And I know those don't exist but it's a lot easier on the brain than "Diaper."
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:43 No.32501325
         File1324352590.png-(169 KB, 750x750, 1303206233918.png)
    169 KB
    Yes, mainly for shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:43 No.32501345
    p. sure this fellow has released a CWC-esque sex tape of himself making love to an anime body pillow of this waifu of his
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:43 No.32501355
    Someone assure me things can't come out of my screen and rape me right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:44 No.32501377

    Don't worry. She only will if you speak the word on her shirt three times while pricking your finger.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:44 No.32501378
         File1324352684.jpg-(63 KB, 508x599, 1299035104604.jpg)
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    you are brave
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:47 No.32501449
         File1324352852.jpg-(166 KB, 1217x567, 1320224154145.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:47 No.32501454
         File1324352870.png-(235 KB, 1000x1000, 1318988370.rogeykun_rogeyflutt(...).png)
    235 KB
    >I thought today I was safe, but I was wrong. I woke up and found myself in a different world. I realized that I had been captured by a odd entity. Fluttershy was her name.

    >I tried to stand up and move, but it was already too late. Fluttershy had stuck something into my mouth and it was hard to resist what was in the bottle.

    >The milk was absolutely delicious and I couldn't help but suckle the bottle. I was in absolute helplessness, but the worse part was that I kept on suckling and even felt comfort from my captor...
    >> Buzzclaw !!GuBRMOHpyR4 12/19/11(Mon)22:48 No.32501460
    >> Glow 12/19/11(Mon)22:48 No.32501466
    He is on /sp/ almost every monday
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:49 No.32501491
         File1324352973.jpg-(59 KB, 604x401, laughing hard[3].jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:49 No.32501498
         File1324352992.png-(171 KB, 789x802, 1318988828.rogeykun_rogeycomfl(...).png)
    171 KB
    >I began to nurse so much that I began to forget who I was... I began to see mommy right in front of me and at this moment I began to feel shy...

    >She lifted me right off of the table which made me a bit nervous. I was only greeted with cuddles as she comforted me. I got even more nervous at this, but yet it was really comforting to the point that I even blushed.

    >Fluttershy had completed her experiment and now I am under her love and care.....

    >Drawn by Liljdude
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:50 No.32501508
    I find it hilarious people don't realize this is a joke.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:50 No.32501514
         File1324353050.jpg-(516 KB, 1776x1509, toodeep0001.jpg)
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    This is my fursona...
    >> Buzzclaw !!GuBRMOHpyR4 12/19/11(Mon)22:50 No.32501516
    This is too funny for me to even rage.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:52 No.32501536
         File1324353120.jpg-(188 KB, 770x965, 1304580141522.jpg)
    188 KB
    this guy has to be super beta to be dominated by the most beta of all ponies
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:52 No.32501539

    What did I just read?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:52 No.32501542
         File1324353141.png-(315 KB, 1000x700, 1319696299.hydroftt_twilight_s(...).png)
    315 KB
    Also requested by rogueykun.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:52 No.32501549
    What exactly is a "traditional ladies' education"?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:53 No.32501559
         File1324353189.jpg-(60 KB, 720x540, 378156_187770314645374_1000023(...).jpg)
    60 KB
    the pics or the text?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:53 No.32501566
         File1324353219.png-(472 KB, 1000x1814, 1320040164011.png)
    472 KB
    Anyone who understand this shit gets an internet cookie.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:54 No.32501580
         File1324353274.png-(548 KB, 1012x1445, 1319954269103.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:55 No.32501590

    Those would indeed be minor characters for the Justice League.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:55 No.32501594
         File1324353316.png-(584 KB, 1012x1856, 1320299156348.png)
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    >> Glow 12/19/11(Mon)22:55 No.32501598
    Cook soup, wash dishes and suck dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:55 No.32501599

    Why does Doc Manhattan need a diaper? Couldn't he just teleport his shit into the ocean or something?
    Does he even need to shit?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:56 No.32501612
    The text in the pics. I'm not raging, but just really confused. The logic is so so flawed it makes my head hurt a bit.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:56 No.32501625
    I remember back when /lit/ first discovered that shit.
    They threw a major hissy fit and emailed the author to tell her how bad her book is, she was really respectful in her response and everyone felt like an asshole. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:57 No.32501627
         File1324353423.jpg-(246 KB, 1047x762, Day_of_the_diesels_by_thomasan(...).jpg)
    246 KB
    If i didn't know any better, I would say that this was intentional. You know, capture the feel of an USI high schooler who likes anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:57 No.32501639
         File1324353461.png-(136 KB, 1224x1180, 1301293843813.png)
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    is your reading comprension low?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:58 No.32501649
    Oh my god is that Kyle's cousin?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:58 No.32501659

    I fucking love these. Someone post the "BUT JAMES WAS WATCHING" one.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:58 No.32501660
         File1324353526.gif-(142 KB, 1000x336, 1323755721192.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:59 No.32501668
         File1324353563.jpg-(162 KB, 757x1055, 1299131413757.jpg)
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    The final panel really makes this a classic.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:59 No.32501675
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)22:59 No.32501676
         File1324353580.jpg-(296 KB, 1200x1307, 1307037563664.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:01 No.32501709
         File1324353668.gif-(140 KB, 1000x336, 1323758219123.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:01 No.32501720
         File1324353692.jpg-(28 KB, 150x121, feels bird man.jpg)
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    I posted the badwebcomicswiki article on LICD to my facebook and started a giant shitstorm when half my friends list revealed they had been following the comic from the start.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:02 No.32501733
         File1324353728.gif-(136 KB, 1000x336, 1323757218301.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:02 No.32501739
         File1324353740.jpg-(630 KB, 1122x974, papa_smurf__s_new_wardrobe_by_(...).jpg)
    630 KB
    It will be a bad day when diaper fetishists have a recommended reading list with actual published books.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:03 No.32501768
         File1324353807.png-(Spoiler Image, 583 KB, 950x695, 1277074649_remmylyne_evachange.png)
    Spoiler Image, 583 KB
    >Skull fucking
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:03 No.32501772
         File1324353822.jpg-(19 KB, 216x265, WolverineHOLYSHIT.jpg)
    19 KB
    >Atlas Shrugged, Harry Potter crossover

    Holy shits, what the tits?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:03 No.32501773
         File1324353822.png-(191 KB, 298x327, 1320549621983.png)
    191 KB
    You have mt condolences.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:03 No.32501777
         File1324353831.gif-(125 KB, 1000x336, 1323756952943.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:04 No.32501794
         File1324353868.jpg-(208 KB, 1280x1024, 1319088828572.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:04 No.32501795
         File1324353871.jpg-(1.76 MB, 1280x1600, 1307061137708.jpg)
    1.76 MB
    all your friends are douches and/or jocks?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:05 No.32501824
    What the hell is this jester suit thing? This weird neckbeard guy I know who looks like he doesn't shower wears one all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:05 No.32501827
         File1324353952.jpg-(277 KB, 1024x1943, 1314241991541.jpg)
    277 KB
    infantilism is still a pretty new fetish, we still have to wait several generations before a major author with that fetish is born
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:06 No.32501841
    Is /lit/ any better?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:06 No.32501853
    Jesus, that place got even worse after GamerGirl was harpooned. I'm so glad I left for /co/.
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:07 No.32501855
         File1324354028.jpg-(183 KB, 602x854, 52ea4dc39d504feafc6e57abd19695(...).jpg)
    183 KB
    I have two friends that read LICD and both of them are short, fat neckbeards. I guess it makes sense because it allows them a chance to project into the role of a "cool guy"
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:08 No.32501884
         File1324354087.jpg-(501 KB, 800x600, 1314275570_jimmyrumshot_rocko.jpg)
    501 KB
    there has been a good backlash against most tripfags

    and if you are lucky they will not troll your thread, beside that is a good board
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:09 No.32501913
         File1324354156.png-(414 KB, 900x900, 1320228835686.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:09 No.32501926
         File1324354195.jpg-(38 KB, 444x322, 1317959984494.jpg)
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    i cant even describe how much the diaper fetish disgusts me. why is there so fucking much of it?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:10 No.32501931
         File1324354206.jpg-(304 KB, 1407x660, 1307513200725.jpg)
    304 KB
    that makes sense

    also that feel when i suscribed to silvof's youtube channel because she had an episode of bounty hamster and never uploaded any other
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:11 No.32501959
         File1324354265.jpg-(130 KB, 916x1251, 1323661808010.jpg)
    130 KB
    is not that big, it just gets posted a lot here
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:11 No.32501980
         File1324354319.jpg-(259 KB, 765x676, Dom__s_Bio_Card_by_D_Hero19.jpg)
    259 KB
    It just gets posted more often than the other fetishes. Also, i think some of the more messed up fetishes can't necessarily be posted here.
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:12 No.32501989
         File1324354341.jpg-(408 KB, 1258x1188, 1303245079139.jpg)
    408 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:12 No.32501992

    As a diaper fetishist, I'm disgusted with most of the art I find here. So it's not even like any of this is good, it's just... wrong. Most of it is literally pedophilia.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:12 No.32501998
    I'm normally in favor of letting people do what they're gonna do and not getting upset about other people's fun and weirdness

    but do people like this not realize how fucking ARROGANT they are being?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:13 No.32502018
         File1324354395.jpg-(30 KB, 600x170, Rorshach_Din_Din__s_by_Beastbo(...).jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:13 No.32502027
         File1324354420.jpg-(147 KB, 1086x1280, 1318043338_friar_kokobain.jpg)
    147 KB
    >Most of it is literally pedophilia
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:15 No.32502068

    Also furries. And gay furries. And gay.

    Can an otherwise normal, straight, not into furfaggotry, diaper fetishist get a witness?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:16 No.32502091
    This literally looks like some of the stuff my friends 13 year old brother looks at. Mind you, he's autistic. What does that tell you about the people who create these things?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:16 No.32502093
         File1324354596.jpg-(139 KB, 662x870, technology_p3ns_faith_by_d_her(...).jpg)
    139 KB
    I forgot to mention this, but most diaper fetishists are against people who do self-inserting.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:16 No.32502094
         File1324354596.jpg-(268 KB, 790x1012, Rorschach_The_Chao__by_AshLoom(...).jpg)
    268 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:16 No.32502101
         File1324354605.jpg-(843 KB, 4136x1398, 1296375128514.jpg)
    843 KB
    you still have many options
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:18 No.32502132
         File1324354684.jpg-(44 KB, 720x540, 386264_2345950480817_101168679(...).jpg)
    44 KB
    this thread should not be called wut threads but autism threads
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:19 No.32502161

    Oh god, lol. Everything is fucked, isn't it? There are some messed up individuals using DeviantArt. I've got an account where I post some of my short stories (none of that faggy emotional poetry), and every day I see all of these "new uploads" that are literally the cancer eating away at the human race. I mean, fuck, you should be able to practice all you want, but these fanarts are literally the dumbest things ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:19 No.32502189
         File1324354779.png-(1.09 MB, 1388x1500, 1321947008156.png)
    1.09 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:20 No.32502207

    >entry for geek
    >entry for everything

    Fucker needs to get out more. Also a few years of "observing" people isn't enough to sequester certain people into one subgroup.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:21 No.32502235
         File1324354875.jpg-(127 KB, 624x352, aislingfuck.jpg)
    127 KB
    I just got to the point where I could watch The Secret of Kells without reminding myself of this.

    Thanks, you ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:21 No.32502236
         File1324354877.png-(238 KB, 1409x1325, 1307234155013.png)
    238 KB
    keep the hope, only nerds use the internet, normal people only uses facebbok ocasionaly
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:21 No.32502243
    Wait, is this true?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:21 No.32502244
    What if that person has not yet launched their career? We live in a digital age, where fetishes infect the unprepared like herpes. That person may be reading this thread AT THIS VERY MOMENT. You may have just inadvertently seeded the literary aspirations of an infantilist, or a furry, or a voraphile, and the future existence of the "Consolidated Diaperfag Reading list" would fall squarely on your shoulders.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:22 No.32502257
         File1324354922.gif-(178 KB, 212x327, 1321827700956.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:22 No.32502262
    Why do those crazy Zim fans always look like murderers? Jesus.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 12/19/11(Mon)23:22 No.32502263
         File1324354935.jpg-(919 KB, 821x821, ZadrAlbum.jpg)
    919 KB
    Here's something I made for /mu/ once.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:22 No.32502276
         File1324354963.jpg-(161 KB, 562x437, 1322163923867.jpg)
    161 KB
    >can narrow body to 1mm thin
    >not metahuman
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:23 No.32502294
    This one actually looks almost decent. Why the fuck would you waste time on shit like this if you could draw something reasonably normal?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:23 No.32502306
         File1324355015.jpg-(12 KB, 250x257, 1289483129723.jpg)
    12 KB
    >Rep: -77
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:23 No.32502312
         File1324355036.jpg-(146 KB, 806x1017, Oh_Sweet_Jesus_Perry_by_chibi_(...).jpg)
    146 KB
    This reminded me of that one animu picture of Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird but now I can't find it
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:24 No.32502336
         File1324355075.png-(343 KB, 1440x900, 131544777846.png)
    343 KB

    Dude, that guy is totally right. All literature that isn't Japanese is stupid. It's like, why do white people even try? None of them are any good.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:24 No.32502349
    You know, a well written novel about a person who has one of those pariah fetishes could be a interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:26 No.32502375
         File1324355162.png-(23 KB, 372x442, tumblr_lt0g9qcVAb1qkea6xo1_400.png)
    23 KB
    >be a diaperfag
    >be an aspiring writer
    You'll be mad
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:26 No.32502377
    Well, now I feel bad for not being able to set up Chromium.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:26 No.32502380
         File1324355166.jpg-(392 KB, 832x948, 1324080175956.jpg)
    392 KB

    Who makes shit like this, seriously?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:26 No.32502381
    fucking hell this cannot be serious
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:27 No.32502414
    I've actually known some reasonably cool furries. Furries in general are kind of hard to avoid at an art school.
    >> Buzzclaw !!GuBRMOHpyR4 12/19/11(Mon)23:27 No.32502415
    >Human with enhanced abilities (not super/meta human)
    >Human with enhanced abilities
    >(not super/meta human)
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:28 No.32502432
         File1324355291.jpg-(378 KB, 600x900, lovenemies_cover_by_hoshinoyor(...).jpg)
    378 KB
    I don't even know anymore
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:28 No.32502435
    I have a suitemate and watches The Big Bang Theory and reads XKCD.

    After watching a few episodes of Big Bang Theory, I understand. He acts like Sheldon whenever anyone says something that is a grammatical error or is in any way ambiguous.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:28 No.32502441
    Only if you write it poorly.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:28 No.32502452
    There is no image to describe my feeling right now. I doubt there's even a word to describe it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:29 No.32502467
    People with no creativity, so they have to make their characters from a story they didn't write. There's a huge difference between being inspired by a story, and taking it and making a terrible spinoff.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:29 No.32502470
    Neil Degrasse Tyson likes Big Bang Theory. Bring that little factoid up in /sci/ if you ever want to rustle some feathers.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:29 No.32502472
    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:29 No.32502477
         File1324355375.jpg-(229 KB, 650x900, ab8e647a4kD8s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:29 No.32502482
    >it's perry
    I can't scream loud enough
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:31 No.32502498

    Believable. I know a closet furry (he doesn't know I know) and he's pretty much a really funny/cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:31 No.32502502
         File1324355467.jpg-(222 KB, 1021x663, 1312347514698.jpg)
    222 KB
    history will be the judge
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:31 No.32502507
    Just kill the entire human race right now, we are clearly one of nature's most tragically failed experiments.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:31 No.32502516
         File1324355506.jpg-(102 KB, 1190x1063, 1314989738592.jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:31 No.32502519
    Holy sweet baby Jesus. I just realized and I'm now extremely sick to my stomach.
    >> madadayo !!VCtdMMXfYap 12/19/11(Mon)23:32 No.32502534
         File1324355554.gif-(1.52 MB, 400x225, fedup.gif)
    1.52 MB

    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:32 No.32502536
         File1324355570.jpg-(329 KB, 650x900, 19895cafaYG1I.jpg)
    329 KB
    One of my closest friends is a furry. He's so fucking chill and hardly ever brings it up though, so that's probably why. On the the opposite end of the spectrum, I know somewho who is so obsessed about the fact that he's a furry that it's all he ever talks about. His fucking otter fursona and all his great furry porn and the costume he's making.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:32 No.32502538
    Who the fuck are any of those...
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:33 No.32502546
         File1324355593.png-(85 KB, 768x805, Oh shit, Fontaine, Wha(...).png)
    85 KB
    The worst thing NOT written by Yami_joeys_dog.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:33 No.32502554
    I read it in his voice
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:34 No.32502562
         File1324355661.jpg-(64 KB, 363x326, double gay.jpg)
    64 KB

    Warning: Massive amounts of homosexual.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:34 No.32502565
    If you had a crazy-ass fetish and could draw, could you honestly say you wouldn't indulge youself a little bit?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:34 No.32502571
         File1324355694.png-(70 KB, 256x256, 1324009597100.png)
    70 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:35 No.32502576
    I love that qualifier.
    I really do.
    Reminds me, I should show you guys that amazingly bad fanfic I found one night.
    Gimme a second.
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:35 No.32502578
         File1324355712.jpg-(144 KB, 744x1062, p_d__colored_pencil_gangster_b(...).jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:35 No.32502580
         File1324355714.jpg-(29 KB, 500x116, tumblr_lqtmj3xp5n1qjgqsko1_500.jpg)
    29 KB
    pic related
    /lit/ tripfags
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:36 No.32502594
         File1324355763.jpg-(24 KB, 640x480, I see what you did.jpg)
    24 KB
    >Have a FurAffinity account
    >Frequently draw furries and sergals
    >Have furries on the site say I'm not a furry
    >ask why
    >"Well you don't have a fursona and you don't act like a furry"
    >Works for me
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:36 No.32502601
         File1324355789.jpg-(129 KB, 1089x686, 1304739451470.jpg)
    129 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:36 No.32502607
         File1324355797.jpg-(41 KB, 316x239, 1309120364356.jpg)
    41 KB
    >mfw I finally realized what this is
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:37 No.32502622
         File1324355845.png-(5 KB, 493x402, highfive.png)
    5 KB
    Welp. I didn't think I could rage any harder but I did. Congrats on making my blood pressure skyrocket.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:37 No.32502626
    Post more Yami_Joeys_Dog
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:37 No.32502629
         File1324355865.png-(910 KB, 600x783, athf_doggy_luvin_by_devilinnde(...).png)
    910 KB
    Really hits you when you realize it, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:37 No.32502636
         File1324355876.jpg-(45 KB, 499x440, 311759_273488039351989_1000007(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    having a fursuna should be part of the charade when you make comissions for furries

    but what is acting like a furry? being a complet and utter faggot?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:38 No.32502651
    What is it? I'm still stuck on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:38 No.32502653

    You should frame those responses to have on record.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:39 No.32502668
         File1324355961.jpg-(166 KB, 900x900, iwontdealwithit.jpg)
    166 KB

    >this image
    >this thread
    >this world
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:39 No.32502671
         File1324355962.jpg-(45 KB, 500x400, Cheer_Up__Douschebag_by_puppet(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    Perry the Platypus and Doofensmirtz from Phineas and Ferb
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:39 No.32502677
         File1324355976.png-(63 KB, 1007x608, 1305063654011.png)
    63 KB

    i have read almost all his works, ask me anything
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:39 No.32502683
         File1324355983.jpg-(127 KB, 550x670, diaperedtoph.jpg)
    127 KB
    Here Yami's version of this >>32502546
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:39 No.32502686
    They're right though.
    I mean beating off to furry drawing doesn't make you furry.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:40 No.32502704

    What? How? They don't look anything like them!

    I mean, I know about artistic liberty and all, but this is going a bit far.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:41 No.32502712
         File1324356075.jpg-(173 KB, 630x700, tl;dr.jpg)
    173 KB
    Has he written anything new under the new editor of his?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:41 No.32502715
         File1324356081.png-(58 KB, 386x227, femreaction.png)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:42 No.32502752

    How do you stand it? Copious amounts of alcohol?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:42 No.32502759
    he recently uploaded a new chapter but i dont know if he has many capters to edit or if he has just been short on ideas
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:43 No.32502763
    If they're in the closet, chances are it's because they're not enough of a faggot to be open about it.

    Thus, they're usually cool guys. To them it's just a fetish that they keep to themselves, like every other normal person.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:43 No.32502784
    From what I understand, it's being unwilling to "freeform" roleplay in comments and in IRC.

    So yeah, it's not acting like a faggot.

    I don't do commissions though, or at least I've never been asked to do anything like that.


    Not indulging yourself is actually a bad thing. I just can't do it, or at least can't do it usually, because I don't want to wind up as some completely fucking awful furry artist (even if I draw aliens/fantasy races mostly and not just animal-people-for-no-raisin-furries).

    Indulging, and drawing porn, is actually what draws people to your gallery. They'll stay for other stuff, but porn is what brings people to see your stuff in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:44 No.32502799
         File1324356248.jpg-(71 KB, 400x600, Jesuschristisalion2.jpg)
    71 KB
    nothing special, i just read it
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:44 No.32502813
         File1324356291.jpg-(84 KB, 600x750, motivator392b4fd05349f4606e579(...).jpg)
    84 KB
    Not the same person, but I do find Back to Basics to be hilarious bad at times.
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:45 No.32502819
         File1324356305.jpg-(354 KB, 622x772, YOUUUUUUUUUUU_by_puppetcore.jpg)
    354 KB
    It doesn't make sense to me either
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:47 No.32502867
         File1324356434.jpg-(79 KB, 600x483, 7oscp.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:47 No.32502875
    >Unable to work due to autism, adhd, severe anxiety, mild developmental disability and serious emotional issues
    >Claims all diagnosed
    >I am diagnosed with High Functioning Autism/Aspergers Syndrome
    Wait, so he claims he's been diagnosed, but doesn't understand Autism and Aspergers are basically different levels of the same thing?! No doctor is going to be like, "you have autism and aspergers syndrome." He's going to diagnose you with one or the other.

    Not to mention that there's no excuse for not going to college or getting a job, especially if he actually has Aspergers instead of actual Autism. I have Aspergers, ADD (not hyperactive), severe anxiety, and the works, and I was able to go to college and get a job.

    Fuck these people. You get diagnosed, you get on some pills, and then you get a psychologist if you can't fix the problems by yourself. Psychological issues such as these are not a disability that can prevent you from working. They're disabilities, sure, but they're fixable.

    I hate these kind of people.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:50 No.32502944
         File1324356608.png-(25 KB, 690x680, 1288156202267.png)
    25 KB
    You know, there's just something not right about having a blind character wear diapers.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:51 No.32502967
    You know, I really like that response.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:51 No.32502986
         File1324356709.jpg-(51 KB, 720x460, 318668_2513430073032_117156558(...).jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:54 No.32503069
         File1324356885.gif-(28 KB, 622x585, 1314729268545.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:54 No.32503072
         File1324356890.jpg-(97 KB, 748x1140, vanessa_diapered_by_dsguyx-d2z(...).jpg)
    97 KB
    dont die on me thread
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/19/11(Mon)23:55 No.32503094
         File1324356955.jpg-(104 KB, 769x900, Logan_in_Leather.jpg)
    104 KB
    Jesus christ how horrifying
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:57 No.32503120
    So autism is like Super Saiyan aspergers?
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:57 No.32503127
         File1324357057.jpg-(102 KB, 672x1280, 1313373832_friar_sevfrez.jpg)
    102 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:57 No.32503130
         File1324357063.png-(108 KB, 217x184, Sally.png)
    108 KB
    >please kill me
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:57 No.32503136
    I don't know, it's like taking advantage of somone's disability.

    The bioshock crossover pic is much creepier the more you think about.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:58 No.32503145
    I've never seen this mentioned anywhere else, ever.
    I have no idea how I stumbled across this.
    This is, the worst thing in existence.
    This is a continue the story thing, where a bunch of options are available after each section of story, and you can follow along different threads. Most lead to dead ends, so it can be a bit tricky to find the main story.
    This one is about Teen Titans, and starts with Raven finding a wish granting ring.
    Many people contributed in later parts, including Yami_joeys_dog!
    The part I linked is Raven wishing for a gigantic cock then jacking off.
    Read on.
    Or better yet, don't, ignore this post, for the love of god get out of here.
    >> Anonymous 12/19/11(Mon)23:59 No.32503182
    I think he's done two other stories like that. Both probably related to teen titans.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:00 No.32503186
    llike that doll fucker who become the caregiver of retarded girl?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:00 No.32503198
    Wow, that guy is a wizard, an inspiration to all.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:01 No.32503207
    Is that the sexdoll that guy made out of a skeleton?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:01 No.32503213
    Something like that but with a psychopathic conman and a paralyzed, blind girl.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:02 No.32503241
         File1324357371.jpg-(123 KB, 700x589, 54240037.jpg)
    123 KB
    now i am creepied
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:05 No.32503283
    Ash's reaction sums it all up.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:05 No.32503301
         File1324357542.jpg-(80 KB, 600x600, 1320825547260.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:05 No.32503305
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:09 No.32503386
         File1324357782.jpg-(499 KB, 700x796, 1307235080862.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:12 No.32503442
         File1324357932.jpg-(166 KB, 483x345, 1300739154824.jpg)
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    >> The Music Anon !NJkA7Pii0Y 12/20/11(Tue)00:12 No.32503465
         File1324357967.jpg-(77 KB, 275x1007, 1262027739262.jpg)
    77 KB
    >This Thread
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:12 No.32503467
         File1324357978.jpg-(65 KB, 326x490, angg_1.jpg)
    65 KB
    I really want to post a pic of yami himself but people have actually said not to.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:13 No.32503482
    This....actually isn't bad. I'm not particularly a fan of Naruto, but this crossover isn't grossly out of place like the others in the thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:13 No.32503489
    Maybe I'm completely retarded.
    I'd like to see this.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:14 No.32503500
    we know he is a blob

    and he is just beyond anything on this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:14 No.32503507
    Why doesn't he just lose the weight?
    From what it sounds like, he's so obese that if he dropped his weight his penis would grow 5 times what it is currently.

    And while exercise would be the best method, liposuction isn't all that expensive.
    >> Waifuanon !kNOh/UiID6 12/20/11(Tue)00:16 No.32503559
         File1324358199.jpg-(167 KB, 450x600, Xandir_no_Jutsu_by_Carmeliza.jpg)
    167 KB
    I think it would work.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:16 No.32503562
         File1324358207.gif-(9 KB, 336x330, these hands of mine burn with (...).gif)
    9 KB
    Why does this diaper fetish even exist? Sure there's the other fetishes(foot, fat/WG, breast expansion, transform, etc) all understandable, due to all the conscious or unconscious psychological experiences we've had.

    It's just that this fetish just seems to defy all logic , ethics, and morals. The line is very thin, between sanity and out right pedophilia.

    This thread, the fact that my D&D meeting today has been cancelled despite hope, and other frustrations, I can only feel rage at this point.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:16 No.32503566
         File1324358214.jpg-(122 KB, 350x447, 1324168172893.jpg)
    122 KB
    I raged at my self for getting a little turned on
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:17 No.32503576
         File1324358248.png-(462 KB, 694x997, 1310675005656.png)
    462 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:18 No.32503601
         File1324358325.png-(4 KB, 493x402, 1323199047670.png)
    4 KB
    I weep for humanity..
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:19 No.32503616
         File1324358373.jpg-(147 KB, 1280x960, 1312239976916.jpg)
    147 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:20 No.32503642
    and he gets off to the idea that it may be possessed with the ghost of the dead...person or something.

    find his DA page and read some of his comments.
    you'll wish you didn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:21 No.32503650
    I smiled all the way through.
    Lost it at
    >and pretend that you are now a top
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:22 No.32503678
    I heard he had a kind of girlfriend and that he killed her for the bones for the doll.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:23 No.32503706
    I'm going to deny it and at least say he bought fake ones like they do at school. No real skeleton in there nope NOPE NOPE
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:23 No.32503712
         File1324358627.jpg-(112 KB, 613x1398, 1309825270764.jpg)
    112 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:23 No.32503721
         File1324358635.jpg-(68 KB, 614x514, 1320601836436.jpg)
    68 KB
    As a fat dude who did his best to work out before a work injury slapped his shit, I can tell you getting started is hard even if you're motivated. That's not to excuse his actions, it's just the most likely reason he and many others don't lose weight. The prospect of long term gains isn't appealing to most as they just want it all now. Most of them can't even be arsed to change their diet citing genetics as a magic thing that keeps them down. Pisses me off as I've managed to drop 30+ pounds with multiple spinal injuries...asshats.

    On topic, have a present.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:24 No.32503728
    >beating off to gay porn doesn't make you gay
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:24 No.32503746
    >beating off to porn doesn't make you a pervert
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:25 No.32503750
    whats his DA
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:25 No.32503752
    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:27 No.32503803
    All I got. I don't tend to save things that make me rage.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:27 No.32503814
         File1324358849.jpg-(176 KB, 600x959, mau5_trap_by_p33z-d484fjc.jpg)
    176 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:28 No.32503844

    >Bruce changed from his business suit, to some hot pink skinny jeans and a Bring Me The Horizon sweatshirt. He didn't want to be recognized. He also gave Crane blue skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance sweatshirt.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:29 No.32503859
    You people are so far in denial it makes me cringe. If you are sexually aroused by anthpromorphic animal you are a furry, if you are sexually aroused be gay pornography you are gay or bi. Come out of the closet and deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:29 No.32503862
         File1324358956.png-(140 KB, 764x751, 1308342929615.png)
    140 KB
    who the fuck is lil kim?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:29 No.32503883
         File1324358989.jpg-(97 KB, 387x984, 1296690793868.jpg)
    97 KB
    >That mental image
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:29 No.32503888
         File1324358997.jpg-(86 KB, 224x344, 1324190154786.jpg)
    86 KB
    What is with all the fucking diapers?! Why do so many people on DA have the hots for fucking DIAPERS of all things?!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:30 No.32503898
    I thought the definition of furry actually meant having a fursona.
    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:30 No.32503903
    A musician who is popular with the kids these days. Alos lol planet moon.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:30 No.32503905
    Don't be stupid. I don't even listen to that genre of music and I've heard of her.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:31 No.32503909
         File1324359063.png-(211 KB, 600x798, 1312695771038.png)
    211 KB
    I don't get too many reactions out of this one. Eva's face cracks me up.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:31 No.32503924
         File1324359106.jpg-(206 KB, 723x1279, 1312534753230.jpg)
    206 KB
    it has been said a lot of times, is not that big, it only gets posted a lot
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:31 No.32503928
    >these days

    What are you, 40?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:31 No.32503929
    Why don't we use these as reaction images?
    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:32 No.32503930

    Grovy just sounds cooler.
    >> Brotrooper !kdTye/KgPU 12/20/11(Tue)00:32 No.32503933
         File1324359129.gif-(1.57 MB, 300x200, Whatsinthisthread.gif)
    1.57 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:32 No.32503941
    her face and just No are making me laugh and i don't know why
    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:32 No.32503953
    No not really. What do the kids of this time period not enjoy lil kim?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:33 No.32503958
    How does that put the cherry on the cake? If you like furry porn you're furry. A fetish is a fetish. Trying to divide yourself from the more extreme fetishists that go out of their way to share it doesn't make it any less of your fetish.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:33 No.32503965
         File1324359210.jpg-(98 KB, 653x915, 1309130160252.jpg)
    98 KB
    im not american, not all of your celebrities are famous on other countries
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:34 No.32503978
    She's been around for at least 15 years. She's more of an icon than a musician now.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:34 No.32503986
    Did you guys get to the part where Joker's pregnant?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:35 No.32504015
    I'm not American either, but I'm still not ignorant for the sake of being ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:36 No.32504029
    >21 chapters

    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:36 No.32504036
    15 years? Damn I had no idea it had been so long.

    I am not sure what pisses me off most about this lady. Hard to narrow down.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:37 No.32504051
         File1324359434.png-(1.14 MB, 840x675, wonderwoman.png)
    1.14 MB
    is serious
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:38 No.32504078
    i wanna see that.
    >> Brotrooper !kdTye/KgPU 12/20/11(Tue)00:38 No.32504080
         File1324359489.gif-(2.37 MB, 320x240, Finns Rage.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:39 No.32504116
    Is this one for real? I don't think I can go through life knowing this person exists.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:39 No.32504119
    Why are young people allowed on the internet? In fact, let's just euthanize everyone under 20 and start over. These kids are going nowhere.
    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:40 No.32504136
    20 is a little high. Why not just 19 and under?
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:41 No.32504147
    What I find more disturbing is that you people have all of this saved for whatever reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:41 No.32504159
    said Dan Dashly, 20 year old.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:42 No.32504176
    >satan rocks there is no god
    ...uh wat
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:42 No.32504205
         File1324359771.png-(231 KB, 455x516, baby_dragon_by_r55-d3gdaj8.png)
    231 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:43 No.32504219
    Pretty sure at least half of the EDM artists in those works know about the existence of that tumblr, which makes it twice as funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:43 No.32504222
         File1324359809.png-(28 KB, 1207x419, lol_weeaboo_by_guardianpinknek(...).png)
    28 KB
    i have a rage folder for these threads
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:43 No.32504232
         File1324359838.png-(69 KB, 500x305, friendly handshake.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:44 No.32504235
         File1324359857.jpg-(34 KB, 989x234, ohmygod.jpg)
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    god, some fucking people
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:44 No.32504239
         File1324359867.jpg-(83 KB, 819x352, 1321684541069.jpg)
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    Been waiting to use this one
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:44 No.32504256
    The Japanese beat us again...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:45 No.32504277
    Did anyone ever figure out which tripfag this was.
    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:45 No.32504283
    I actually find these super funny. Am I a bad person or just desensitized?

    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:46 No.32504301
         File1324359996.png-(50 KB, 564x431, 1313563581376.png)
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    i watched a couple of episodesand i still cant understand spike
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:47 No.32504312
    >thinking stealth hides you from your own faction

    man what an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:47 No.32504316
         File1324360033.png-(4 KB, 300x300, 1301550609396.png)
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    /a/ made that to troll people on Deviant Art
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:47 No.32504322
         File1324360044.jpg-(61 KB, 1233x647, Sora_kairi_slimey_snails_by_th(...).jpg)
    61 KB
    Sora and Kairi went to Bilkini Bottom.
    Plankton appeared and blast them with a ray gun.
    Sora and Kairi turned into snails.
    Plankton he will never change them back and he ran away.
    Sora and Kairi didn't mind they stay like this.
    Now, Sora and kairi live the rest of their lives in Bikini Bottom as snails.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:47 No.32504323
         File1324360045.png-(911 KB, 782x1156, Nala.png)
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    I finally broke down and started a folder full of this stuff. This is all I have to contribute for now.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:47 No.32504325
         File1324360054.jpg-(106 KB, 544x499, 1307678936355.jpg)
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    uggu heil
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:48 No.32504339
         File1324360098.png-(831 KB, 900x1174, team_k_i_d_z_comic_cover_by_ca(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:48 No.32504341
         File1324360105.jpg-(129 KB, 450x500, 1283040725524_2.jpg)
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    Aw cripes, I remember this from years back when he first posted it on the It Just Bugs Me! forum. I honestly couldn't believe he wasn't a troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:49 No.32504353
    Does anyone have the the creepy Nina Tucker images.
    I need them for research.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:49 No.32504376
    I remember a thread a while ago, I think it was on /x/, where someone edited the girl's name to include Aeris, which was the name of an annoying avatarfagging tripfag and everyone was like "GOT YA NOW BUB". But other than that, no.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:50 No.32504379
         File1324360204.png-(1010 KB, 900x1126, team_k_i_d_z_page_1_by_cartoon(...).png)
    1010 KB
    Super micro storytime!
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:50 No.32504397
    he wrote lucky star rape fics

    >image limit
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:51 No.32504415
    I don't know if it was proven, but most people were pretty sure it was Taiga.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:52 No.32504443
    None of these induce rage in me at all. Rage threads never had. They're just funny, gross, and sometimes sad but I don't see why they would make me angry...
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:53 No.32504470
    Yeah, no one really rages in rage threads.
    >> Anonymous 12/20/11(Tue)00:53 No.32504471
    that is why they are called wut threads
    >> Dan Dashly 12/20/11(Tue)00:55 No.32504518
    I think most everyone has that reaction.

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