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  • /a/nimu fans: Our pals at Nico Nico just announced a partnership with FUNimation to stream/simulcast shows from the fall season and beyond

    File : 1318640098.jpg-(1.05 MB, 1500x1050, SFxT_collect.jpg)
    1.05 MB Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)20:54 No.30570486  
    Well that was all a bit underwhelming... here's hoping tomorrows UMvC3 panel is a bit more robust.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)21:03 No.30570751
    I like the gem system quite a lot.
    It gives customization nuts something to tinker with and give them a more personal experience as well as increasing the longevity of the game.
    On the other hand however 'hardcore' people can opt to not play with gems and have tools and options where they can play other people who don't like using gems either.
    I don't see what all the rage is about, this is a good thing.

    As for tomorrow... COME OOOON ROCKET!
    >> Songbird/Diamondback 10/14/11(Fri)21:06 No.30570867
         File1318640818.jpg-(174 KB, 1600x1200, Rmika-alpha3-fixed.jpg)
    174 KB
    WHERE'S R. MIKA?!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)21:31 No.30571664
    bitching and moaning general
    >> Anonymous 10/14/11(Fri)21:54 No.30572308
         File1318643688.jpg-(636 KB, 1500x2000, nina valentine-vengeance.jpg)
    636 KB
    >Jill Valentine

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