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  • File : 1314906576.png-(185 KB, 1250x694, 1310366719047.png)
    185 KB Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)15:49 No.29272122  
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)15:51 No.29272161
         File1314906671.png-(323 KB, 640x480, 1313791325916.png)
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    >> Mr. Impatient 09/01/11(Thu)15:54 No.29272231
    Hey, Jenny was just having a bad dream too!
    Man, everyone's having bad dreams now.
    What's going on?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)15:55 No.29272241
    You know what that means:

    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)15:56 No.29272274
         File1314906997.png-(160 KB, 900x506, allofmycum.png)
    160 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:06 No.29272539
    there is any news of zone flash ?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:07 No.29272556
    Am I right to assume that Zone is really really fat?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:08 No.29272584
         File1314907698.jpg-(197 KB, 1280x1012, haveingagoodone.jpg)
    197 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:16 No.29272824
    iam not complaining or anythin (helps nothing). but i wonder
    it really takes so much time to make a quality flash ?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:36 No.29273376
         File1314909392.jpg-(15 KB, 512x360, amaliabound.jpg)
    15 KB
    Ankama have teams of animators and take months for each episode. Zone has to do it alone.

    Also helps if your OS doesn't suddenly start hating your programs.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:38 No.29273418
    oh its only 1 person ?
    well that explains a lot
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:43 No.29273568
         File1314909811.png-(567 KB, 858x598, 1310366941567 - CENSORED.png)
    567 KB
    Well this time it's a collab with Fluffy but that's only for story boards.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:48 No.29273702
    well i must be patient ´cause i know it will be good,
    like midna and all the teen titans flash
    it gonna be a shorth flash or a long one like jinxed ?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:51 No.29273786
    From the looks of the screenshots, it's going to be a movie. No idea on length or how many things happen though.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)16:53 No.29273816
    thanks for the info
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)17:34 No.29274908
         File1314912874.jpg-(75 KB, 540x451, 129152683611.jpg)
    75 KB
    I wish Zone would stop by and tell us how things are going. Apparently Flash's eyedropper tool would crash it, so getting the right colors was impossible.

    I suggested entering the values manually and saving them on a palette but haven't heard how that worked out.

    There was also mention of new screenshots before the problems. Personally I'd be alright with uncolored version or more storyboards.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)17:35 No.29274934
    Wait, THAT Fluffy?

    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)17:37 No.29274978
    Zone's kept him locked in a cellar these last few years.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)17:38 No.29275015
         File1314913102.png-(163 KB, 890x890, 1313854071410.png)
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    >still using a Mac
    well, that explains a lot....
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)17:45 No.29275222
    It fucks up even worse on windows, apparently. Sounds like it's the program's fault.

    I'd say I'd be torrenting a different version of Flash but then (s)he wouldn't be able to open the work files.
    >> animoose 09/01/11(Thu)20:07 No.29278732

    Artist of >>29274908 here.

    I wouldn't mind helping out with the animation if Zone wouldn't mind my help.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)20:42 No.29279574
         File1314924123.png-(637 KB, 1024x668, Yugo I came.png)
    637 KB
    Zone x Animoose collab ....
    pic related if this ever happens
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)20:43 No.29279620
    Amalia is cute.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)20:55 No.29279925
         File1314924929.png-(739 KB, 800x1235, elf_by_gueuzav-d48ji9e.png)
    739 KB
    While we're talking wakfu art and artists, an artbook on Xavier Houssin's art will be released on september 22nd.
    He also said he might consider making coloring tuorial videos in the near future.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:27 No.29280852
    Neat. Gotta wonder how fapworthy it's going to be.
    >> /co/nan the barbarian 09/01/11(Thu)21:40 No.29281247
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:43 No.29281320
    I can't help but see two giant moles on her feet.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:47 No.29281437
    Eva's cuter
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)21:58 No.29281722
    Damn right.
    >> /co/nan the barbarian 09/01/11(Thu)21:59 No.29281748
    I will kill you both and have your children work in a coal mine.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:01 No.29281827
         File1314928915.png-(294 KB, 530x576, amalia is SRSLY pissed off.png)
    294 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:03 No.29281868
    so who is confirmed for having sex in this show now?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:03 No.29281900
    Yugo and everyone else. He's a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:04 No.29281919
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:06 No.29281963
         File1314929170.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 27 KB, 640x360, Eva has never looked better.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 27 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:07 No.29281998
    oh amalia
    u so ka-razy
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:11 No.29282148
    still no date for E13 then?
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:13 No.29282213
    more "amalia is jelly of eva being prettier than her" in S2 please
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)22:14 No.29282271
    Too bad I don't have any.
    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)23:14 No.29284156
         File1314933294.png-(186 KB, 798x833, 1308621931024.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)23:20 No.29284290
         File1314933651.jpg-(90 KB, 768x1024, 1308540950639.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/01/11(Thu)23:27 No.29284445
    They reconciled quickly.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)00:31 No.29286263
         File1314937905.jpg-(88 KB, 918x1050, luckyyugocolour.jpg)
    88 KB
    An Zone/Animoose collab would be perfect. He always got the style down nicely.

    Legendra said he talked with Zone about a second Wakfu flash ande he/she was interested. Animoose should get his emailing!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)01:24 No.29287774

    yeah right, and wait another 3 years to see it done?!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)06:40 No.29293199
    That guy who has been resubbing S1 released episode 23 today:

    only two left (he did 25 in advance)
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)06:52 No.29293262
    Fluffy was a busy man, apparently. Moose and Legendra would get their stuff in a lot faster.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)06:56 No.29293301
         File1314961005.png-(108 KB, 735x511, wakfuawesome.png)
    108 KB
    I would wake her up by licking her armpit, if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)06:59 No.29293320
    What if she didn't wake up?

    What then anon?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)07:04 No.29293341
         File1314961447.jpg-(108 KB, 500x375, woodys-rape-face.jpg)
    108 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)07:06 No.29293359
    Maybe she'll be soothed by gently massaging her breasts.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)07:07 No.29293364
    >implying that you wouldn't get sent down into th Sadida dungeons for life
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)07:15 No.29293416
         File1314962159.jpg-(17 KB, 501x363, 131437347884.jpg)
    17 KB
    >implying you'd survive for that, after her bodyguard sticks a fire arrow up your ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)07:20 No.29293436
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:00 No.29293738
    I don't think that we will ever be able to truly determine who is the hotter one until a picture similar to this one with Amalia, and as far as I know one has yet to be produced.
    On a down-note, look at those feet.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:00 No.29293740
    >implying that you wouldn't get sent down into th Sadida dungeons for life
    implying it wouldn't be totally worth it
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:01 No.29293744
         File1314964878.jpg-(150 KB, 382x1276, 1311382264975.jpg)
    150 KB
    Fuck you, captcha
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:04 No.29293766
    I hope that the summer break this time around isn't as stupidly long as S1's was. At least the last episode before the break didn't end in a cliffhanger this time.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:06 No.29293787
    I hope that flash releases soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:07 No.29293792
    don't worry, they'll just have only 13 episodes to rerun after the break to finally get the new ones.
    can't wait to be in december!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:07 No.29293797
    the captchas seem to be getting more and more difficult don't they
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:10 No.29293819
    >13 episodes
    you mean 14.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:28 No.29293973
    Actually he meant 12.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:30 No.29293988
    I didn't see the "rerun" part.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:37 No.29294051
    Wakfu:French Kids in the 10's::DragonBallZ:American Kids in the 90's/early00's.

    You know it's true.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:39 No.29294070
    they do more then stand around, talking about power levels in Wakfu.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:39 No.29294072
    I've never watched Wakfu but I've fapped to that blonde elf chick like a dozen times.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:40 No.29294080

    He's talking about popularity and constant re-runs, genius.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:47 No.29294136
         File1314967620.png-(196 KB, 850x1000, Cra myssai.png)
    196 KB
    Then you've probably fapped to this one thinking it was the same.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:50 No.29294176
         File1314967837.jpg-(225 KB, 764x966, __Cra___for_Wakfu_by_gueuzav.jpg)
    225 KB
    But in fact she's Tirlangue Portey.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)08:53 No.29294208
         File1314967990.gif-(60 KB, 426x300, steve-jobs.gif)
    60 KB
    >It fucks up even worse on windows
    There is a reason for that, Zone needs to save up the money he made off commissions and buy a PC. Instead of trying to use Windows on an iMac.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)09:02 No.29294306
         File1314968527.png-(343 KB, 579x473, 72472472477.png)
    343 KB
    If the program is infected it just needs to be reinstalled, or simply the computer is so shitty it can't handle flash anymore
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)10:26 No.29295383
         File1314973611.jpg-(58 KB, 996x417, scene from cancelled miniwakfu(...).jpg)
    58 KB
    japanese schoolgirls bump
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:25 No.29297369
    Bump for Wakbros.

    captcha: trySEur sacri
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)12:27 No.29297410
         File1314980879.jpg-(90 KB, 430x633, surprisesacriersex.jpg)
    90 KB
    >>29297369 sacri

    that sounds to be like captcha want to PRAISE THE GODDESS WITH HER HANDS TIED, BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODDESS
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)15:29 No.29301657
         File1314991767.jpg-(29 KB, 700x389, amal.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> M*S !C7Io1PKRUo 09/02/11(Fri)15:56 No.29302364
         File1314993364.jpg-(21 KB, 432x288, yaranaika.jpg)
    21 KB
    I know that feel all to well.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:04 No.29302555
    > fucking with the subs
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:10 No.29302709
    I don't understand what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:11 No.29302750
    > fucking with the subs
    well, considering the girls' voices are ear-sex to me, it's not unconcievable ....
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)16:37 No.29303400
         File1314995879.png-(298 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2011-09-02-22h37m26s21(...).png)
    298 KB
    >ear sex
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)19:40 No.29308395
         File1315006840.png-(151 KB, 335x273, yugo coolface.png)
    151 KB
    >ear sex
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:25 No.29312262
         File1315013112.jpg-(107 KB, 1023x575, eva and amalia see tristepin n(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    Who's the worse girl of the Brotherhood: Amalia, or Eva?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:40 No.29312769
    Depends in what regard.

    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:46 No.29312951
    Just trying to think, but...has Amalia ever done anything useful? I literally cannot think of a single moment where she's actually done anything other than throw that stupid doll and even then it never does anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:50 No.29313032

    well there was that one time...

    oh wait that was the tree of life controlling her.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:50 No.29313044
    most significant moment in my mind regarding her is when she writes that letter to jay in S1's boufbowl arc telling him that if he destroys his team then he can go on a dinner date with eva
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)21:57 No.29313259
         File1315015042.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 128 KB, 536x698, wakfu___miranda_by_parkdaleart(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 128 KB
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/02/11(Fri)22:08 No.29313593
         File1315015709.png-(295 KB, 805x438, Picture 3.png)
    295 KB
    She's one of the most powerful and versatile members of the group, and boasts a large repertoire of offensive (Ep. 2, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 24, 30) and defensive spells (Ep. 6, 16, 27), which she routinely uses to save her less careful teammates.

    Hopefully future episodes will be less Eva and Grovy heavy so as to allow her and the other members of the Brotherhood the chance to show their stuff.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:12 No.29313719
         File1315015966.png-(135 KB, 890x890, noximilien costanza.png)
    135 KB
    >counting episodes as one whole season rather than two separate seasons
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:13 No.29313732
    Yeah, hopefully Grovy dies soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:16 No.29313842
    They surely wouldn't do that again... right?

    inb4 "it's ankama what do you think"
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:17 No.29313879
    i heard is having difficulties finishing it
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:21 No.29313995
    Are you talking about you and your sentence? Otherwise I'm not following.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:21 No.29314003
    who exactly
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:22 No.29314020
    i had a brief moment of ebonics
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/02/11(Fri)22:36 No.29314429
         File1315017388.png-(125 KB, 536x325, Picture 4.png)
    125 KB
    I'm not sure they can. I mean, Rubilax can always bring him back from the dead, so unless they do kill him off completely, which would be highly, highly unlikely, it probably wouldn't have any impact whatsoever.

    So I guess for better or worse, we're stuck with him, maybe for the rest of the series and its related spin-offs.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:39 No.29314496
    the solution is to grab Amalia's ass and bang her so hard you fucked the black out of yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:50 No.29314830
    Then 9 months later... the black comes out of her too
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:52 No.29314888
         File1315018333.jpg-(559 KB, 1280x800, 1297046243415.jpg)
    559 KB

    This simply wont do. Its delicious brown or nothing.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)22:57 No.29315053
         File1315018622.png-(58 KB, 252x338, Yumalia.png)
    58 KB
    Delicious brown lolis, then.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:00 No.29315181

    dem dern hips

    she and Eva do it to me every time
    >> pizzaday !wWEIICkXM2 09/02/11(Fri)23:12 No.29315500
         File1315019524.png-(91 KB, 303x454, ae4b51bce08ba8cb9f8a1595fd59b5(...).png)
    91 KB
    I feel kinda shitty for not drawing you guys things recently...
    So I did this, but I'm quite sleepy and can't really work on it more.
    So have the sketch for right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:19 No.29315709
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/11(Fri)23:24 No.29315862
    Looks promising, can't wait for the rest!
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)00:10 No.29317252
    moar fluffy! that's artist was blessed by Aphrodite.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)03:03 No.29321810



    Grovy's voice. English dub. Dominic Armato. Yessss.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)04:01 No.29323149
    I don't know, that voice sounds a little too....... old for Grovy Not that I've really watched Wakfu, or anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)04:28 No.29323687
         File1315038508.jpg-(40 KB, 636x718, ANGRY.jpg)
    40 KB
    >Zone fixes his mac and gets back to work.

    >One day before the release, he gets an email.

    It's Ankama, issuing a C&D.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)06:45 No.29325358
         File1315046707.png-(56 KB, 469x428, troll from france.png)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)09:52 No.29327312
    Second round of that puzzle quest thing started yesterday, and you can also get the newest mini-wakfu mag from ankama shop (if you really fucking want to)
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)09:54 No.29327335

    There's a video online of the dub already

    It's fucking terrible
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)09:57 No.29327373
         File1315058261.jpg-(70 KB, 322x291, chii -_- face.jpg)
    70 KB

    Here it is, starts at about 24 minutes in

    pic related, unfortunately
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:07 No.29327461
         File1315058821.jpg-(220 KB, 1920x1080, 1311887055074.jpg)
    220 KB
    I'd still watch it...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:23 No.29327711
    old video of the voices used for lipsync tests, not the actual dub.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:30 No.29327832
    Goddammit, check the link before being a smartass. There is another dubbed episode, quite recent. And we all hope its still "test" dubbing...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:41 No.29328072
    What the fuck, it's awesome! What's the problem with you guys?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:43 No.29328152
    Also no, if it's that recent it's not test dubbing, it's exactly what you're gonna get.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:44 No.29328153
    Was it just a rumor or is there still a good chance that Funimation might dub it?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:48 No.29328221
    The company in charge of the dub was picked two or three years ago. You won't get any surprise.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:49 No.29328246
    how come /co/ hates flash animation but when wakfu is involved you all jizz yourselves
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:52 No.29328298
    Watch it then tell us why we think its good.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:55 No.29328336
    Why do people still think that /co/ is one guy or a hivemind?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)10:58 No.29328380
    /co/ really just hate badly done flash animation. They just didn't have any good sample to realize that before Wakfu and MLP (well OK, they has Foster's).
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)11:25 No.29328905

    Because a good chunk of flash cartoons are just rushed out and look like shit because of it. Wakfu may be Flash but Ankama actually works at making it good.
    >> ZONE !vroT8j4/dM 09/03/11(Sat)11:53 No.29329373
    It's not going to be a movie, it's essentially like one of the other 'parodies' except you have the option to move forward / backward with a button instead of just watching through it like you would the others.

    Flash is still broken so it's at a standstill at the moment. It's not taking extra long because it's going to be the biggest thing we've ever made, it's taking so long because LOLOL Apple sux NO GAEMS get PC half price master race.

    However, Adobe has the bug fixed internally and it will be repaired in Flash 11.5.1 which is in the final stages of testing.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)12:06 No.29329597

    Take your time

    I still want to laugh while I fap
    >> !.MEOWTH01Q 09/03/11(Sat)12:09 No.29329652
    I still don't see how you would be having troubles on a Windows setup if the Mac update helped break Adobe Flash. Unless for some reason they use different file types.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)12:17 No.29329772

    Are you serious?

    It's horrendous.

    Everyone is either too high or too low pitched
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)12:25 No.29329915
         File1315067157.jpg-(52 KB, 300x372, 1310360170982.jpg)
    52 KB
    I'm not saying its good, but i'd watch it.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)12:27 No.29329942
    I've heard a demo tape from the guy, he can really do all kinds of voices and in my opinion his rendering of Guybrush Threepwood could be really close to Grovy's personality.

    Here it is:

    I know.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)12:29 No.29329988
    Are you the real Zone? Troll us with a drawing so we can be sure
    >> ZONE !vroT8j4/dM 09/03/11(Sat)12:32 No.29330054
    >> !.MEOWTH01Q 09/03/11(Sat)12:33 No.29330070
    Google the tripcode and you find your answer in 2 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)13:09 No.29330894
    Sounds great. Will there be many stages?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)14:13 No.29332516
    >Suddenly, wild ZONE appears!

    Sounds really awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)14:31 No.29332963
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)14:41 No.29333221
    How the hell did you fuck that up?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:11 No.29334011
    So a movie with looping segments? Always thought that would be a cool feature in the other movies, especially Jinxed, since there's so many scenes going on.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:20 No.29334245
         File1315077627.png-(209 KB, 1172x1156, awesome_N.png)
    209 KB
    >mon visage quand
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:23 No.29334331
    love your flash though did you even consider actually doing your own flash mini series?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:26 No.29334411
    Who's that?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:39 No.29334770
    Someone from Dofus IIRC
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:43 No.29334855

    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)15:49 No.29335052
         File1315079390.png-(249 KB, 328x613, n.png)
    249 KB
    N, known also as Nail.

    A crazy, evil, twisted and ungodly powerful Eliatrope from the flash game Les Gardiens.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)16:07 No.29335521
    That thing on his head, is it supposed to be his ears or some sort of fluffy 'hat'?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)16:13 No.29335695
    He is an Eliatrope so that is his version of their iconic hat. While Yugo's seems to be pretty much the standard/ vanilla version, each Eliatrope usually has a little different design.

    Nail's doesn't have that "tail", it only consists of the "ears" and a turban like middle piece
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)16:17 No.29335779
    >implying that Zone is still here but anyway...

    A complete standstill? I thought it was just the eyedropper that crashed it. Should be able to get by with similar shades from the Color Palette for the time being, then recolor everything right after the fix.

    If there's still hope of more screens, b&w lineart with be cool.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)16:18 No.29335813
         File1315081088.png-(302 KB, 687x406, épilogue_4.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)16:19 No.29335849
         File1315081152.png-(282 KB, 685x405, épilogue_5.png)
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    >> NewWakfuFan 09/03/11(Sat)17:07 No.29337045
         File1315084020.png-(112 KB, 550x310, encapuchonnes.png)
    112 KB
    So apparently, Nox was disguising himself as a Hoodlum before the series began.

    I guess that explains how he managed to stay incognito with most of his activities despite them being anything but inconspicuous.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:11 No.29337170
    I hatee being that guy, but what show is this?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:12 No.29337202
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:18 No.29337379
    wakfu for everything wakfu related
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:28 No.29337703
         File1315085337.jpg-(281 KB, 900x1259, wakfu cast.jpg)
    281 KB
    Wakfu. A very, very good French fantasy cartoon with a lot of comedy in it that gets jawdroppingly epic halfway though the first season. Tha main characteris an awesome and adorable kid who can create portals seeking for his true family with a bunch of rag-tag misfits that join him on the way. It also stars Nox, one of the best villains to ever appear not only in a cartoon but in any medium ever - not even joking about that. Oh, and all girls are sexy as hell. Currently it's on season two.

    Definetly worth a watch. You will find everything (including Wakfu comics) here:
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:33 No.29337822
    I'm still pissed they followed up Nox with king of the space dragons.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:34 No.29337851

    >I'm still pissed they followed up Nox with king of the space dragons.

    You're so pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:34 No.29337857
    Sounds remniscent of code lyoko. And I enjoyed code lyoko so I suppose ill give it a shot.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:40 No.29338020
    They followed one of the best and most sympathetic villains of all time with LOL YOU'RE ACTUALLY FROM A RACE OF SPACE DRAGONS! ALSO YOU'RE OUR KING! I think I have every right to be annoyed.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:40 No.29338031
    Is this the same guy who posts this every time I've seen it?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:43 No.29338140
    No, but it's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks that. But you're probably just going to assume it is anyway so meh.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:43 No.29338142
    Yup. That's the same guy allright.

    You didn't even see the villain do villanous shit yet. You don't know his plans, motives or backstory. Stop. Being. Dumb.

    Oh, and crazy time traveling clockmaker time mage in an Iron-Man suit, a giant mecha spider-clock, a crazy hyenadog running faster than sound and a magical cube is somehow less ridiculous than a space dragon? Riiight...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:47 No.29338267

    Confirmed for retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:51 No.29338363
    i love how dumb ass "fans" who jumped into the show after the first half of season 1 , act like season 2 is ruined because the badguys havent done anything close to what nox did...
    but they forget that during the whole first half of the show nox did worth shit , it wasnt until he the fight in episode 17 that we really got to really see him as a dangerous villain .

    >inb4 hurrdrup you are wrong i liked wakfu even before season one hurp
    because you didnt.
    >> The Xelor Drawfag !!rx4qqRYdPHB 09/03/11(Sat)17:51 No.29338373
    Hey guys, it's been like ages since I've been able to take part of these threads.
    I see we still have a good groove going on, or something, nice.

    Oh, and we still have NWF. Feels like home again
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/03/11(Sat)17:55 No.29338476
         File1315086909.jpg-(41 KB, 300x409, Qilby.jpg)
    41 KB
    You have to admit though, Nox is a tough act to follow.

    Especially considering the fact that the potential new Big Bad of Season 2 is the Wakfu equivalent of, well, pic related.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:55 No.29338484
    Wakfu threads have been fewer in number for a bit now, because of the hiatus and what have you.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:55 No.29338491
    Dude, calm down. I agree the new plot's a bit absurd, but we're 12 episodes in. By this point Nox had done fuck all and neither has Quilby. At least give him a chance to do something before you start talking about how shit he is. For all we know he could have an even better motive than Nox. Now stop being a rabid fanboy until you actually have a reason to dislike him.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)17:57 No.29338545
    You are either samefagging and pretending you are not or there are actually two people who compare two different stories, one that is complete and one that barely started, and are thick enough to rage that the one which is completed is the better one. Before episode 13 Nox was a crazy time mage, NOTHING MORE. Till then he was no one special and he really bloomed only after episode 17. Give the story time to evolve goddammit.

    Oh, and don't try this "IT'S FROM SPACE, IT RUINS EVERYTHING" bullshit, because if that's your only argument you have the mentality of a gradeschooler.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:00 No.29338628
    Yeah, I figured it'd be that way. But I'm ready to get back on the Wakfu train as soon as season 2 picks up again.

    It was nice to see there was actually a Wakfu thread though, very welcoming in a weird way
    >> 008 09/03/11(Sat)18:01 No.29338654
    Oh, for anyone in the mmo, the Saddida area on the Nox server has been opened.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:07 No.29338823
    That's what I meant dude, you are barking up the wrong tree.

    And I'm here since the Polish dub came out. I didn't want to wait an entire week for every new episode, so I searched the net and found the fansubs (around that time episode 22 aired).

    Will you draw something for us?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:10 No.29338891
    Why not? I'm a little rusty but I'll do my best
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/03/11(Sat)18:10 No.29338901
         File1315087831.gif-(2.11 MB, 256x144, 1292657825548.gif)
    2.11 MB
    Come to think of it, none of the barrage of multi-episode arc villains of Season 2 have been all that impressive:

    Rubilax-Gets beaten up by Eva and Remington excruciatingly easily, eventually pussies out of his own plan.
    Remington-Great character, but as a villain, he seems to be a scapegoat for Rubilax if nothing else, frequently screwing up to drive plot points forward. (Stealing Swordlygrove, Releasing Anathar)
    Rushu-Gets frightened by a Bowmeow, seriously?

    The only one who's made a really strong impression so far is Anathar.

    Now I know what you're going to say, it's just the beginning of Season 2, these guys (or at least Remington, Rushu, and Qilby) can still do awesome things to impress, but do you guys remember Episode 1? With the maniacal magician with the Clock Fu, Laser Beam Shooting Swords, and Time Stopping? That was a strong first impression, something that many of Season 2's potential big bads have not had, and perhaps that's why they've failed to enthrall so far.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:13 No.29338976
         File1315087998.jpg-(84 KB, 500x298, asterixbretons..jpg)
    84 KB
    Sweet! You know, there is another French animation I love... Can you draw a crossover?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:29 No.29339400
         File1315088999.jpg-(156 KB, 1280x720, ax.jpg)
    156 KB
    Fuck year Asterix
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:38 No.29339648
    I missed you in those threads.

    So, how about something with our favourite "useless" Eniripsa?
    >> The /co/mrade Hunter 09/03/11(Sat)18:40 No.29339705
         File1315089639.jpg-(44 KB, 430x515, 1306103055540.jpg)
    44 KB
    >vercingetorix and Wakfu crossover

    I Like It
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:49 No.29339920
         File1315090154.jpg-(124 KB, 768x1024, 1309923507647-.jpg)
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    > how about something with our favourite "useless" Eniripsa?

    I found the male one quite "useful"...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:50 No.29339954
         File1315090211.jpg-(90 KB, 726x720, smile, it's your birthday.jpg)
    90 KB
    Desuba is spending time some time out right now, the injuries eventually piled up and she had to be hospitalized.

    Nah, not really. She's out there on the field not healing nor damaging enough like all the other Enis
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:52 No.29340010
         File1315090335.jpg-(17 KB, 251x240, 1312580961747.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:53 No.29340041
    Is that the male Eniripsa whore?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:54 No.29340088
    Damn, even the men have dem hips
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)18:55 No.29340115
    If memory serves me well he was supposed to be him, but I couldn't see him that well because only the web raw was available at the time so I kinda improvised
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:08 No.29340394
         File1315091288.jpg-(44 KB, 351x440, 1271789580192.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:09 No.29340453
    Have I missed something?
    Why are we all saying Quilby's evil?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:09 No.29340456
    I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:12 No.29340514
    You know about the classes names right?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:13 No.29340554
    Nope. I'm not in threads very often.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:16 No.29340631
    OK, try taking the names of one of classes in Wakfu and looking at it for a bit, you should notice something peculiar.
    Try Xelor, I think it's one of the easiest to notice
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:18 No.29340696
    Oooooh you mean the puns. Yeah, but I don't get the Desuba thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:21 No.29340764
    Flip Desuba around.

    The initial joke was that the Eniripsa was drawn repeatedly getting beaten up, or...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:25 No.29340878
         File1315092322.png-(178 KB, 1031x869, slowtrope.png)
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    Read it backwards.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:30 No.29340990
    We demand more glorius 'trope fanart.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:35 No.29341125
         File1315092927.png-(113 KB, 511x593, 1308945225547.png)
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    In the current state of the Beta, Eniripsas are utterly useless and underpowered, even in the fields they are supposed to excel. This makes them girefing magnets and generally everyone's bitch.

    /co/ felt compassion for them and thus a few OCs like Desuba were born thanks to the help of our drawfags.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:38 No.29341215
         File1315093102.png-(63 KB, 535x389, 1308959377762.png)
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    fucking captcha
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:42 No.29341346
         File1315093359.png-(194 KB, 688x744, 1308954632345.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:44 No.29341400
    >Time mage
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:47 No.29341476
    Flip the class names around for a pun. Now flip Desuba around and look at >>29339954 again. Notice anything?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:49 No.29341534

    I may be late, but I fixed that for you.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:55 No.29341673
         File1315094120.png-(222 KB, 533x857, 1309405262936.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:57 No.29341739
         File1315094273.png-(151 KB, 865x512, 1308958742002.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)19:59 No.29341794
         File1315094385.png-(139 KB, 545x605, 1308883691315.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:01 No.29341849
    The only real misstep season 2 has made so far is Bringing back Sadlygrove so quickly

    No I don't hate him.
    Yes I was using spoilers to hide spoilers, not unpopular opinions.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:02 No.29341875
         File1315094534.png-(78 KB, 490x469, 1308886504153.png)
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    Also, can anyone post elor Drawfag's entry for the BoT contest a few months ago, which was somewhat based on Desuba? Forgot to save it and the BoT website is goofing again
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:02 No.29341895
    Spoiler tags can hide spoilers? Who knew?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:04 No.29341927
         File1315094660.png-(86 KB, 375x534, 1308868439324.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:06 No.29341979
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:07 No.29342041
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:08 No.29342055
         File1315094904.png-(72 KB, 476x410, 1308882692927.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:09 No.29342071
         File1315094954.jpg-(30 KB, 800x623, 1313463448597.jpg)
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    /a/ here. Is wakfu back? subs out?
    >> !.MEOWTH01Q 09/03/11(Sat)20:10 No.29342108
         File1315095037.jpg-(134 KB, 1920x1080, [NoDRM]-117_-_grougaloragran_l(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:11 No.29342120
    Nah, there was a small update on the Zone flash I think. This justifies a general.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:11 No.29342123
    S2 hasn't resumed. However, someone has been resubbing S1 so that it's all consistent-looking:
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:12 No.29342175
    alright, thank you. is there a movie coming out?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:13 No.29342208
    Perhaps Wakfu will be the show that finally unifies /a/ and /co/. But not likely.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:15 No.29342272
    wakfu is hitting the states?
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:16 No.29342304
    Unfortunately not. Wakfu threads get sagebombed on /a/ and you can get banned for posting them on there.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:18 No.29342356
    I just



    for them to butcher the opening.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:18 No.29342373
    For some reason I'm unable to post the image, but here's a link
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:19 No.29342378
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:19 No.29342401
    do they dub jap openings?
    i can't think of one SO I HOPE
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:20 No.29342424
    hey, we have nice wakfu threads once in... a while.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:25 No.29342599
    I joined a new guild with some high level Eni's, and they've actually surprised me with their abilities. A lvl 50s Eni can heal up to 200hp per turn. That being said, a similar or slightly higher level Sadida can heal themselves 350hp per turn, as well as taking 200hp+ off of opponents around him.

    Although Eni's have a new spell that inverts healing and damage dealing on a target for 10 turns, and boosts each by 150%. They have potential at least.
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)20:33 No.29342851
    >A lvl 50s Eni can heal up to 200hp per turn. burning their WP faster than a battletank burns gas. They will only heal that much for 4-5 turns

    that new spell seems like they finally realised how gimped the class was. After about 9 months, it's about time .....
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)21:45 No.29345060
         File1315100743.jpg-(186 KB, 620x1000, eniripsa.jpg)
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    Well, at least they look pretty...
    >> Anonymous 09/03/11(Sat)23:58 No.29349297
    Well, speaking of the game-side of Wakfu, has anyone bought or tried the demo for Islands of Wakfu on the Xbox Arcade? I tried it last night, and I thought it was pretty fun. I liked the graphics, too.
    >> High Fructose Corn Syrup !!9H5gso8egDW 09/04/11(Sun)00:27 No.29350144
         File1315110441.jpg-(50 KB, 480x439, 1302550146136.jpg)
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    I bought it, too bad it finally starts to get fun right when it ends and not enough singing clams/flowers.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:04 No.29351214
         File1315112665.jpg-(38 KB, 333x444, ecaflip-dofus.jpg)
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    what kind of set you'd recommend for a lvl 40 air ecaflip?

    i am kinda bored of tofu set already.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:06 No.29351276
    Wait it's been a day?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:14 No.29351476
    /v/ here.

    I must know something.

    The image with Yugo being a Sexual Tyranasaurus, thats just made up, right?

    Like, you guys made up that saying, right? or is it taken from something else?

    I need to know this, and ill tell you why later on.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:16 No.29351541
         File1315113371.png-(371 KB, 1914x1090, 1298705016642.png)
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    i think /co/ made it up. it just happened in a thread. dont hold me to that though, im not sure.
    >> Chimichanga !!Z35HNha4FuB 09/04/11(Sun)01:16 No.29351547
    It's from Predator.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:19 No.29351637
    Is it? Ah, ok never mind then.

    New game is coming out soon, and there was a leaked video of some gameplay. One of the skills the character could obtain was "Sexual Tyrannosaurus" and the first thing i thought of was that image with Yugo, and i thought it might have been some sort of reference.

    But being from Predator, that makes WAY more sense for it to be in the game. Thanks for that.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:19 No.29351653
    This thread has been alive for three days.

    >> High Fructose Corn Syrup !!9H5gso8egDW 09/04/11(Sun)01:19 No.29351658

    I believe it's Boar gear. While they phased some water sets in, they phased air sets out. Not sure if Arachnee set is still viable for air anymore till you get to Lv 55 to wear Crow gear. If that's the case, best to invest in butt-kicking gear.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:21 No.29351706
         File1315113689.jpg-(435 KB, 912x1985, 1298831288495.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:25 No.29351821
    We need to harvest this thread's Wakfu for master Nox!
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:29 No.29351922
         File1315114179.png-(398 KB, 737x498, 1299758940061.png)
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    get out of here you...
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)01:34 No.29352045
    Hate to break it to you, er..... same-person?... but this thread is pretty close to the bump limit. It is not long for this board.
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)02:09 No.29352908
         File1315116574.jpg-(402 KB, 1417x945, Rubilax_by_ntamak.jpg)
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    Don't worry, Rubilax will save it! Because...plot convenience.
    >> Flip !!2M2ZGCTL84d 09/04/11(Sun)02:15 No.29353041
    Jesus christ this thread is still here?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)02:18 No.29353127
    Blibli Hat and Boots, Itou Lascione (cape), Tofu Spaulders and Amulet, 2x Wax ring
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)02:22 No.29353281

    how i hate wearing incomplete sets. this is so fucking weird when people do that.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)02:27 No.29353399
         File1315117665.jpg-(68 KB, 610x693, 1315026288963.jpg)
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    >Plot convenience

    You're still upset over Grovy being alive aren't you.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)02:28 No.29353411
    Enjoy not getting the most efficiency out of your element.

    The Air bonus on the Blibli set is avaliable at 2 pieces; giving them an extra 7% damage on top of the 14% they got from the set pieces. Same with Tofu. If they just did a full set, they'd get bonuses they don't need, which is a waste.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)02:30 No.29353451

    i know that.. it's just ruins the purpose of a set.

    glad no one blames me so far for nor "lol random earth spells"
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)03:56 No.29355467
         File1315123008.jpg-(3 KB, 432x95, KR20.jpg)
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    It's more on how and when they brought him back. It just felt horribly inorganic to the main story of season 2, if only to allow the team the excuse to fight Shushus, which they haven't done all that much so far.

    Rubilaxia itself though was beautifully animated and realized, and should've been run by Anathar from the start (it would need a different name, but still), would've been a better way to kick off the second season than with two minor villains (Rubilax and Ombrage/Shadofang) who ended up not doing much, at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)06:36 No.29358025
    >implying that they won't fight the Shushus again
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)06:42 No.29358103
    >look at Wakfu art
    >shirtless men everywhere

    I'm getting the strangest boners.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)06:44 No.29358121
         File1315133089.jpg-(200 KB, 1073x645, no_shirts_allowed.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)07:42 No.29358679

    you know wakfu have a female audience too?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)07:49 No.29358722
         File1315136946.jpg-(27 KB, 286x286, 131351379752.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)07:51 No.29358745
    I swear Wakfu is giving me a foot fetish...
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:02 No.29358831
    Announced date
    For episode 13 yet
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:06 No.29358869
         File1315138003.jpg-(90 KB, 768x412, amalia_derp.jpg)
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    herp derp
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:23 No.29359048
    I need to get this off my chest.
    Six goddamned episodes. Those could have been something else that wasn't a complete waste of time.

    The first three accomplished what? They got a boat? Ruel stole the boat anyway.

    The second three? Feminist crap? Kids don't even care about that kind of shit. When they showed up looking for "Kriss la Krass" I didn't even fucking remember who it was.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:29 No.29359113
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:34 No.29359167
         File1315139683.jpg-(858 KB, 2230x2000, hips everywhere.jpg)
    858 KB
    You seem mad. Have some hips to cheer you up.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:41 No.29359261
    I was mad, when I watched them.
    I'm not too mad now. I just hate boufball and pray that this doesn't become a 'thing' each season, a boufball trilogy during the middle of each season.

    Hips are better colored, but the effort is appreciated, anon.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)08:46 No.29359321
         File1315140376.jpg-(789 KB, 1600x1200, come_to_me_dark_tristepin_by_l(...).jpg)
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    I sure am coming
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)09:00 No.29359511
    Don't worry, new Season 2 episodes are coming soon for My Little Pony.

    Seriously though, I thought we'd get at least a teaser or something. At this rate it'll be October.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)09:03 No.29359556
    Great, that leaves me time to catch up!
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)09:06 No.29359604
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)09:11 No.29359698

    Y'know I totally dug the first Boufbowl arc, but the one in Season too was really fucking bad.

    It might just be that I'm mad because they benched Ruel for no fucking reason, despite him being their most seasoned and best player.
    The Entire thing is just ignoring previously established shit, which is one thing I liked about Wakfu, action governed the plot, not the other way around, hopefully season 2 picks up again after.
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)09:30 No.29359986
         File1315143027.png-(707 KB, 888x495, Samefaces.png)
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    Not to mention the frequent, far more obvious uses of recycled animation.

    This one sequence/set of frames alone is reused over a dozen times in the Brakmar arc:

    (Episode 10)
    (Episode 11)
    (Episode 12)

    It was a slow, awkwardly paced affair, that just seemed so unnecessary, but then again most of Season 2 has been like that, so...par for the course?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)10:40 No.29361075
    >It might just be that I'm mad because they benched Ruel for no fucking reason, despite him being their most seasoned and best player.

    But there was a reason: Brakmar wouldn't allow them to use their Bonta gear, and because Ruel was being a cheap fuck as always and wouldn't give the Brakmarians any money, he wasn't allowed to play.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)12:15 No.29362759
         File1315152934.jpg-(143 KB, 947x739, 351.jpg)
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    is it about time for another thread?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)12:23 No.29362884
    We stil have 35 posts to go.

    For me it was not the fact, that they showed the same people over and over, but rather that they were doing the same stuff ever time they were shown (with few exceptions) - it made the people in the audience look like robots. If they changed the animations a bit every time they showed them, I'd have an opposite effect, giving the audience more depth and personality.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)13:03 No.29363757
    >For me it was not the fact, that they showed the same people over and over, but rather that they were doing the same stuff ever time they were shown
    That annoyed me too.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)15:17 No.29366877

    Yea, agreed 100%

    Around the time of the first tournament, I was actually getting ready to stop watching because I was like "Seriously, this is it?"

    Glad I didn't, but still.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)17:24 No.29369834
         File1315171469.gif-(792 KB, 640x480, blablabla.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)17:36 No.29370117
    Here's how Zone can fix the mac issue.
    >> !.MEOWTH01Q 09/04/11(Sun)18:07 No.29370891
    I never watched this the million times I saw it spammed on /g/, but now I wish I did.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)18:14 No.29371089
         File1315174473.png-(204 KB, 640x480, 130025428115.png)
    204 KB
    More string!
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)18:21 No.29371301
    why so tsundere, Eva ?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)18:36 No.29371659
         File1315175801.jpg-(112 KB, 900x636, las_boufbowlindas_by_capsidia-(...).jpg)
    112 KB
    >Hating boufbowl
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)20:28 No.29374326
         File1315182518.png-(647 KB, 956x487, Huh?.png)
    647 KB
    Just the Brakmar arc apparently.

    (Episode 10)
    Episode 11
    Episode 12
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:31 No.29374401
    You don't have to bloody list every single occurrence of the same scene being repeate-

    What else did I expect?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:39 No.29374627
         File1315183143.jpg-(5 KB, 200x200, reaction-amused-putin.jpg)
    5 KB
    "Give me back my photos!"
    Holy fuck, my sides hurt!
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)20:52 No.29374941
    Aspies gonna aspie.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:00 No.29375162
         File1315184442.jpg-(385 KB, 1000x750, 1314973156535.jpg)
    385 KB
    >NewWakfuFan returns
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:05 No.29375278
         File1315184702.png-(132 KB, 627x494, wak_0011_Layer-18.png)
    132 KB
    >>29374401 2011 not having NWF filtered
    dude...what are you even doing?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:05 No.29375279
    You should've seen what he did in a thread a few days ago.

    You know that picture of Eva in a diaper while a menacing Amalia looks on? He wrote 4 posts as a response to a guy renaming the file as "amalia gets her revenge on eva being prettier than her.jpg" explaining why Amalia did that. Seriously, what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:06 No.29375314
    Anyone got that pic of Yugo as the God Emperor of Mankind?
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)21:08 No.29375372
         File1315184911.png-(653 KB, 953x535, The Hell.png)
    653 KB
    And who could forget this, seriously, I don't think anyone will for quite some time:

    (Episode 10)
    (Episode 11)
    (Episode 12)


    You don't have to complain about it, but hey, that's all on you.

    You go ahead and do that.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:09 No.29375386
         File1315184954.jpg-(16 KB, 575x246, Remington Smisse contemplating(...).jpg)
    16 KB

    That's so stupid that all I can do is post Adam Jensen reflecting how I feel.


    I have it. One second.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:10 No.29375429
         File1315185038.png-(505 KB, 500x512, 1307233748200.png)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:11 No.29375466
         File1315185119.jpg-(375 KB, 856x1354, commissar_evangelyne_by_epicto(...).jpg)
    375 KB
    Thanks, bro

    Have a Commissar for your troubles
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:16 No.29375590
    >And who could forget this, seriously, I don't think anyone will for quite some time
    dat painfully bad and obvious sarcasm
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)21:19 No.29375661
         File1315185549.jpg-(32 KB, 401x439, Darth Yugo 2.jpg)
    32 KB
    You're the guys that keep posting it, I just thought it was a good opportunity to point out that Evangelyne has been doing rather poorly in her bodyguard duties, you just took it out of context, as usual. Seriously, you haters blow everything I say out of proportion.

    Since it's been posted, have this instead.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:21 No.29375714
         File1315185669.jpg-(33 KB, 600x399, yugodeathisservant.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:22 No.29375743
         File1315185748.png-(547 KB, 500x512, yugogodemperor.png)
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    Here is a clean one.
    >> NewWakfuFan 09/04/11(Sun)21:22 No.29375752
         File1315185763.png-(708 KB, 951x518, No HOmo.png)
    708 KB
    This would've been funnier if it had only been used that one time, but hey, it shows that Brakmarians have a softer (or at least a closeted) side to their rampantly misogynistic, uncouth selves.

    (Episode 10)
    (Episode 11)
    (Episode 12)
    15:23 (the degree of laziness here is especially impressive as they’re about to fall into lava)
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:25 No.29375817

    >> !.MEOWTH01Q 09/04/11(Sun)21:29 No.29375901
         File1315186165.jpg-(384 KB, 2048x1536, 1305034962538.jpg)
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    Sure there is
    >> !.MEOWTH01Q 09/04/11(Sun)21:30 No.29375914
         File1315186204.jpg-(86 KB, 500x663, 1314184747151.jpg)
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    >> Inspector Redwood !Rcd8kmTONE 09/04/11(Sun)21:34 No.29376004
    Wow this thread took a long time to hit autosage

    Looks like Wakfu is losing a bit of steam
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Opn6LYNH7s 09/04/11(Sun)21:35 No.29376029
         File1315186503.png-(59 KB, 155x296, 1304798830313.png)
    59 KB
    N was a terrible character. Hardly surprising, though, considering he is based on Sasuke from Naruto.
    >> Anonymous 09/04/11(Sun)21:40 No.29376128
    You must not be into black chicks.

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