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  • File : 1309078581.png-(187 KB, 564x180, Hat_compare.png)
    187 KB Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)04:56 No.27174228  
    ITT: Discuss your feelings about the changes Pokemon has ungergone since it started
    >> Hombre del Murcielago !!XiFbjXVMLAY 06/26/11(Sun)04:58 No.27174255
    i just wanna know...
    did he ever won any pokemon league yet? and i mean first place
    and not that bullshit when he gave his trophy to his mom.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)04:58 No.27174257
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    >Professor Oak's new voice actor.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)04:58 No.27174273
    yeah he won the orange league.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)04:59 No.27174277

    At least the show doesn't even pretend to be building up to something now.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)04:59 No.27174282
    Unless one of te changes is that Ash no longer acts like a big dumb sack of derp, it hasn't changed enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:00 No.27174296
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    >Got rid of that ugly worthless Charizard of his that was never good for anything
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:00 No.27174305
    But the Orange League doesn't even count....he only needed 5 badges insted of the usual 8
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:01 No.27174307
    I liked seeing Ash get better as he went along, but sometime in the third season I noticed pikachu had the same tough time fighting simpler battles and the fact that real battles between any trainers in the show were few and far between.
    >> Hombre del Murcielago !!XiFbjXVMLAY 06/26/11(Sun)05:01 No.27174314
    that's the one i meant
    more like phony league
    >> Lord Megatron !!DyCajXxsLlP 06/26/11(Sun)05:01 No.27174318
    Pokemon is fucking gay now and so are you OP for still watching it.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:02 No.27174332
    Are you 14 or what?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:03 No.27174340
    I personaly HATEthe new character design, and in Black and White Ash acts like he's just started his journey for the first's ridiculously annoying
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:03 No.27174343
    he managed to win the Battle Frontier.

    And was apparently so good that he was invited to stay
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:04 No.27174355
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    >Meowth's new voice actor
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:04 No.27174357
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:04 No.27174369
    It's the status quo of pokemon. Since they refuse to replace Ash and Pikachu, they need some way to not alienate new viewers from watching the backlog of hundreds and hundreds of episodes. So Ash is in a constant loop of relearning shit he already knew and getting called a noob and staring at the world with constant wide eyed wonderment.


    Japanese Butch Hartman is in charge of Pokemon anime.
    >> Lord Megatron !!DyCajXxsLlP 06/26/11(Sun)05:04 No.27174370


    No, I'm 22 and you're a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:04 No.27174371
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    >Oh boy a hoodie! Is our character "hip" and "with it" yet?
    Fuck all of pokemon's new character designs, they all look like little pansy girls.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:05 No.27174375
    This show seriously needs a fucking reboot.

    The Pokemon games are still huge, but no one gives a shit about the anime anymore, or goddamn Pikachu.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:05 No.27174380

    Fucking this

    Pikachu can defeat a Latios and 5 days later loses to a fucking level 5 Snivy? And later it loses to the water monkey

    And Trip who is a new trainer curbstomps Ash every time they battle, seriously the writing of the anime is horribly shitty
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:07 No.27174402
    They quietly shushed levels away in the anime when they realized the status quo wouldn't make much sense if Pikachu was a super saiyan compared to the rest of the world.

    So, context sensitive power levels.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:07 No.27174410
    I never understood why they insist on keeping Ash. He should have bowed out around Ruby/Sapphire's adaptation and definitely should have been replaced by Diamond/Pearl. Having him around now is just ridiculous, especially since they can't do anything to give him any character growth.

    Plus the fact Pikachu should be beyond level 500 now and still gets his ass kicked on a regular basis.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:08 No.27174411
    So, how long until we get a generation of Pokemon with a Professor Ash?
    You know it'll happen eventually.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:09 No.27174428
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    >Ash is still 10
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:09 No.27174437
    >insist on keeping Ash

    Fuck that, why do they insist on keeping TEAM ROCKET?

    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:10 No.27174446
    Will never happen. Gary is the only character who was allowed to have character growth, strangely enough.

    Guess Gary one-upped Ash again.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:10 No.27174454
    Professor Ash my ass. He's gonna become a mother fucking pokemon master and he's going to fucking like it!
    >> Hombre del Murcielago !!XiFbjXVMLAY 06/26/11(Sun)05:11 No.27174463
    once again is DA MAN
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:11 No.27174471

    I'd hate to have a professor who apparently completely forgets everything about his chosen field at the beginning of every year.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:12 No.27174486
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    >> Hombre del Murcielago !!XiFbjXVMLAY 06/26/11(Sun)05:13 No.27174491
    well that could explain why he asks over and over rif you're a girl or a boy...
    or what's the name of his grandchild
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:13 No.27174492
    They atleast used to be somewhat threatening with a good combination of comedic fuck they're just fuck ups.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:13 No.27174495
    oh, the irony...
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:14 No.27174504
    I really don't see it happening bec-
    >Suddenly realize that Ash is a type of tree
    You son of a bitch...
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:15 No.27174520
    Too bad his parents are dead.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:15 No.27174523
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:15 No.27174524
    >> Hombre del Murcielago !!XiFbjXVMLAY 06/26/11(Sun)05:16 No.27174526
    one more than ash!
    >> Lord Megatron !!DyCajXxsLlP 06/26/11(Sun)05:16 No.27174530

    >Im a huge faggot

    Fuck off dipshit, you are beyond the comprehension of any intellectual conversation
    or in your term, "Go back to /b/, you faggot."
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:17 No.27174546
    >discussing anime on /co/

    Wait, why?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:18 No.27174561
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    Don't worry, I'm sure you'll feel better sometime.
    >> Rager_Laser [BASED GORDON] !7eC0RPMSJc 06/26/11(Sun)05:19 No.27174569
    Never really liked the show the games are fun
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:20 No.27174576
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    Show us on the doll where Pikachu touched you. Show us on the doll.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:20 No.27174580
    It's a cartoon, yo.
    >> hupla 06/26/11(Sun)05:20 No.27174583
    Team Rocket has actualy gotten kinda badass
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:21 No.27174593
    Because I'd rather not discuss pokemon with weaboos.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:23 No.27174627
    Yeah, Ash needed to go a loooong time ago. He just plain looks out of place in the new seasons.

    Look at say, Digimon. Things got to be a clusterfuck, so they just started over from scratch and are still awesome.

    Pokemon keeps trying at a continuity, and it just gets worse, and worse, and worse.
    >> Lord Megatron !!DyCajXxsLlP 06/26/11(Sun)05:23 No.27174632
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    >Sad lonely virgin

    Go fuck your'self.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:24 No.27174650
    I approve of this.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:25 No.27174654

    Did they make James sound less gay now or was it just that part?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:26 No.27174674
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:27 No.27174688
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:30 No.27174734
    this is a cartoon yo
    >> Snarky Bastard 06/26/11(Sun)05:30 No.27174735
    i miss the old show.

    who else totally bought that hat when they were kids, though? i did, first chance i fucking got.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)05:32 No.27174756
    I miss the first two episodes

    After that, it turned to shit.

    Why did Misty have to follow him?

    Better question, why did they make Misty into some ugly trailer trash skank with so much sand in her vagina she might as well be her own coastline?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:16 No.27175298
    I don't even know. I watched a recent episode and felt a bit sickened.

    The show should've just moved on to new trainers after every five seasons or so. It's ridiculous.

    He owns a Charizard capable of taking on Entei ("legendary pokemon"). He never uses the guy. Ever.

    He's gone through more Pokemon Leagues than I can count. And yet he still gets his ass whooped by run-of-the-mill Gym leaders.

    And he's STILL just a kid? This is worse than Simpsons syndrome.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:18 No.27175341

    He broke her bike when they first met. So she followed him around 'till he got enough cash to pay her back.


    Shut the hell up. We're drowning in MLP and general bullcrap, and you complain about THIS?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:20 No.27175367
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    Dude back when this show was still decent and the card game was in it's prime, I use to go to those Toys R' Us events every weekend to do tournaments. They had goals you could make to earn gym badges.

    Totally wore those fuckers on the inside of my coat just like 1st season ash. Shit was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:21 No.27175369
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    Lenora isn't a normal gym leader

    She's a goddess.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:21 No.27175372
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:23 No.27175400
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:24 No.27175412
    Digimon did end up with its own share of problems, though. But at least it tried something different.

    The worst part about the Pokemon anime is that it's set in one of the most interesting and diverse fantasy worlds modern games have come up with, and if the crazy fan stuff is any indication there's all kinds of awesome stories you could tell in it. But as long as this shitty commercial is shitting out the same recycled scripts season after season, we'll never see anything interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:24 No.27175417
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:26 No.27175445

    Shuddup beaner, that is all.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:34 No.27175523
    Contests ruined Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:39 No.27175553
    Games are still awesome, anime is a shitty pile of shit, also Ash will never win a league that matters and never keep any of his awesome Pokémon when he goes to a new region.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:39 No.27175560
    He'll become a Pokemon Master, then lose that title one hour later when he gets his ass kicked by some three year old with a new born Magicarp
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:41 No.27175571
    This is closer to a cartoon since Ash is going to be 10 years old until the show ends.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:43 No.27175605
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    At least there's Pokemon Special.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:45 No.27175615
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    Guess he was the first person to figure out how to get to Johto.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:46 No.27175627
    One of the best things about Pokemon is how buttfuckingly ridiculous the Pokemon are supposed to be. For example,
    >Long-lived Magikarp are able to utilize their immense splashing power to leap high enough to jump mountains

    Magikarp can jump over mountains.
    >> Snarky Bastard 06/26/11(Sun)06:50 No.27175659

    i think it was either Rapidash or Magmar, there's one that burns as hot as the fucking sun.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:50 No.27175663
    >Games are still awesome
    I disagree. Even on the DS, the Pokemon games still seem dated, like there's huge room for improvement. I think the only thing holding them back from creating a "next-gen" Pokemon game is the fact that the portable games are still considered the "main series". There's a whole lot more that they could do if they decided to make a real Pokemon game on a console, instead of just Stadium and Coliseum or whatever other console games they have, especially considering the kind of detailed sandbox games that we've been getting on consoles by other companies. With the advent of the WiiU, Nintendo could even give us a Pokemon game that seems truly "modern". As it stands there's just no reason that the portable games should be considered the best.

    That and they've still failed to top Pokemon Snap.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:50 No.27175664
    I think most of you are wrong. About anime being shit now. Yeah, it's true that it's unbelievebly stupid how Pikachu is getting raped by pretty much everything, but you know what? This season pretty much implies that he will become Pokemon Master. His team consists of 9 Pokemon now. He trains all of them (maybe except Pikachu for obvious reasons) equally, You've got to ignore the exsitance of 500 past episodes and act as if he was really just beggining his journey.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:51 No.27175675
    When they're eating meat, are they eating pokemon? or are there also other animals in the world?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:51 No.27175682
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:52 No.27175691
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:52 No.27175694
    lol, I've always found it funny how they acted like they discovered completely new species of Pokemon when they were just living on the other side of some mountain that a whole bunch of OTHER people were already living.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:53 No.27175695
    this show and game have always been garbage i'm pretty sure the only thing that changed were VA's and they probably had so much of that shit they left so some other slump could take their part

    the fandom of this show is still worse than MLP
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:54 No.27175706
    I've lost more hours of my life to pokemon snap then I care to admit.
    It also makes for a great drinking game if your friends are nerdy enough.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:54 No.27175709
    There are other animals, I remember when Ash first went into the Cerulean Gym there was an aquarium-esque room filled with non-pokemon fish
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:54 No.27175711
    >maybe this time when I stick the fork in the power socket I'll get delicious candy instead of electrocution!
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:55 No.27175716
    he DID just start his adventure.
    if you listen to the first episode he is 10 years old and starting his first adventure.

    the cartoon isnt meant to have some huge serious continuing plot, black/white is starting over and 'ash' is basically taking the place of the player character from the game (albeit with a different adventure)
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:55 No.27175721
    Farfetch'd sounds tasty
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:56 No.27175731
    Wait. Why are you faggots allowing this here? It already has two boards it could be on. This ain't one of them.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)06:58 No.27175749
    They should explore the world of underground pokemon street fighting, where they pit homeless bums and prostitutes against wild pokemon in a brutal death melee. That's where Misty went.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:01 No.27175773
    Ah, I remember the first Pokemon I caught. Fucking Kakuna. Kakuna looks badass when you're a little kid and you don't want to catch any fucking bug or little bird. Especially with the sprite, made Kakuna look like a BAMF.

    Decisions like that are why I had to annihilate the Elite Four with a level 80 Charizard and the 5 dwarfs.
    >> sage 06/26/11(Sun)07:02 No.27175787
    I could at least tolerate the new show if they kept the same formula that made it interesting. Same voice actors and writers...

    But now its just miserable. Though if you watch the dubbed Japanese episodes they aren't that bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:06 No.27175819
    Conversely, it's pokemon's stubborn refusal TO advance that holds the appeal.

    I mean, the most popular RPG series in Japan is Dragon Quest. Dragon Quest... the series that had eight games before you could even see your characters in battle, and animated monsters.

    Pokemon is Nintendo's Dragon Quest.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:14 No.27175900
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:17 No.27175919
    keep in mind the lead pokemon dude has aspergers.

    they like repetition
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:17 No.27175922
    >> artencot arken 06/26/11(Sun)07:17 No.27175923
    i just hate how ash could be a great trainer if he actually thought.
    example in DP victors, when paul had electrovire grab infernap with the tails ash should of called it back and sent out pikachu. also same episode when it was thunder punch vs iron tail, ash should have used quick attack to get pikachu out of attack range.

    i freakin rage how ash can be such a noob. i get when he first started. but now you think he'd plan this kind of stuff.

    also new rocket motto jessie should be wearing white while james wears the black clothes
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:18 No.27175933
    This reminds me. There's some pokemon said to be from the sun. I'm able to take it and the pokemon that burns hotter then the sun down using a flamethrower from my charizard. Just how hot does my charizard get? With all these firetypes able to burn hotter then the sun wouldn't the atmosphere just combust or something?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:19 No.27175944
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:20 No.27175955
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:21 No.27175964
    the pokedex is written by non-scientists. the inaccuracies in there are due to a lack of proper scientific knowledge
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:22 No.27175969
    I remember when catching 150 Pokemon was an honorable, challenging, and attainable goal. It would mean becoming a Pokemon Master. And I believe Ash could've done it.

    >+30,000 Pokemon
    Fuck it!
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:23 No.27175973
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:23 No.27175975
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    Whoa whoa whoa

    When did Pokemon get delishush brown booty?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:24 No.27175977
    I'll always be disapointed the Team Rocket ALMOST quit after a smart realization at Giovanis headquaters.
    But then for the sake of Status Quo returned at the end of the episode.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:24 No.27175981
    >all those boards
    >doesn't mention /a/
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:26 No.27175992
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    Don't be fooled

    It's a Jynx
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:26 No.27175997
    Yeah, I remember getting every Pokemon in Gold, I even convinced someone to trade me a mew, then hearing about Ruby and Sapphire. Never before or since have I felt the amount of rage I did when I learned you can't trade Pokemon over to the then new games.
    >> BLAJT !RTicMkuHnE 06/26/11(Sun)07:29 No.27176025
    I actually started out with Ruby and Saphire. I played Yellow when I was smaller but I don't think I ever got past Misty. So RnS were my first REAL pokemon.

    Never before have I had so much fun in a pokemon game. I mean, holy shit. There was so much to do and I never felt forced to do it. And those pokemon are by far my favorite, every generation afterwards has been such a letdown.

    I played the remakes of the first two, and really enjoyed Firered/leafgreen. But Soulsilver/heartgold were meh, and DnP were such a bore. Haven't played BnW yet.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:30 No.27176028
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    Best pokemon
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:31 No.27176032
    I am really sad that digimon couldn't into games like pokemon, the digimon anime was IN FIN ATE LY better than pokemon, even season 2.

    You never hear about digimon in anything mainstream now. (yes I am a hipster now)
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:34 No.27176055
    I stopped giving a fuck about Pokemon after Silver and Gold came out. It was a lot better when there was just 151 Pokemen.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:35 No.27176057
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    Since now.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:35 No.27176060
    Pokemon isn't getting worse, you're growing up.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:36 No.27176068
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:36 No.27176070
    Nah, it's definitely getting worse.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:39 No.27176094
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    Before playing:
    >She's HOT.
    After playing:
    >She kicked my ass! She's the first gym leader in my entire time playing these games that beat me!...THAT IS SO FUCKING HOT, WHY IS THAT HOT.
    >> Ash Ketchum 06/26/11(Sun)07:39 No.27176097
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    Pokémon Black & Pokémon White.

    Whatever you do, don't Google "Homura Subaru Pokemon", Team Rocket posted those images.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:39 No.27176100
    >You never hear about digimon in anything mainstream now.
    That is most likely due to there being a 3 year gap in between Frontier and Savers (dubbed as Data Squad) which killed a very large part of the fanbase.

    >you will never experience Digimon popularity like it was between 1999 and 2002 ever again
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:41 No.27176116
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:42 No.27176126
    fuckin loved me some digimon, i stopped watching after they could turn into digimon
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:43 No.27176137
    Which is a great thing. Stupid kids show that was trying to steal thunder from Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:43 No.27176139
    that is when I stopped caring myself.



    if like, then endgame had them melding, yes, that would be badass, but it's not what you base the series on.
    >> Snarky Bastard 06/26/11(Sun)07:43 No.27176140

    only Leader (hell, any Trainer EVER) i've ever had any real trouble with was Norman, from R/S.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:44 No.27176149
    Holy shit, this. Fuck him and his slaking.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:45 No.27176154

    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:46 No.27176169
    Damn, I'd study her.
    Rule 34 NOW!!

    Anyways, why do people complain about the show being crap? I mean it's one, anime. And two, started the whole "ten year old gets something to fight people with" series that for several years television stations were overloading with in the hopes of out doing Pokemon and to please the soon to be weeaboos.

    Have you seen stuff like Fighting Foodons and Dinosaur King? Beyblade? Battle Beamon? It's all the fucking same. Dinosaur King was really bad since they used almost the same voice actors as old school Pokemon.

    So maybe, if it's anime, and it's not Kirby! Right Back At Ya!, it's suck?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:48 No.27176187
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:50 No.27176202
         File1309089005.jpg-(33 KB, 320x240, Not WB.jpg)
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    I used to dread watching WB's afternoon lineup. Sonic isn't that bad, but it's one of the only shows they have left.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:50 No.27176209
    Those thighs.

    Boner so strong.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:51 No.27176218
    >Fighting Foodon

    Why must people remind me that existed? Why can't people just let me forget?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:51 No.27176221
    It's more like it's taken this long to put together a National Pokedex compiling data on everything seeing as each region has a long history of people and Pokemans
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:52 No.27176228
    So Gary basically became a pokemon master and went on to study pokemon like Oak.
    So he beat Ash at his own game and learned years worth of knowledge while Ash basically is having trouble beating low level pokemon in some new region.
    Damn Gary.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:53 No.27176241
    Nah, the WB was decent until they tried too hard to please the unreleasable weeaboos.

    Pokemon was good.
    Stuff like X. Showdown and Jackie Chan was even better.

    Sonic X was meh. But I grew up on AoStH so that's why I dislike it.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:53 No.27176244
         File1309089221.jpg-(40 KB, 590x441, goddamn.jpg)
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    You kidding? Sonic X is a travesty. Subbed or dubbed. Half the time the animation looks like this shit and ugh. Just...bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:55 No.27176261
    *unreasonable weeaboos
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:58 No.27176275
    Because it's the poster child of shitty Japanese cartoons, and a great series to troll weeaboos with.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)07:58 No.27176277
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    She's not very popular since she's 1) milf, and 2) black
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:00 No.27176297
    God damn it. My little brother and I figured "what the hell, first episode of this show is coming on" — I forget what the time slot was and what show it was coming on before/after — "might as well watch it."

    That was, what, ten years ago by now? That's the only one we watched. But the fucking opening theme is still burned into my head, and so are the dub voices. I can't even order fried rice at a Chinese food place without hearing FRIEEEEEED RICERRRR, FRIED RICER! in my head.
    >> Snarky Bastard 06/26/11(Sun)08:03 No.27176330
         File1309089838.png-(298 KB, 500x556, phoe.png)
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    best Pokegirl.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:04 No.27176336
    It's an opinion at least I share.

    It's true that 4kids gave it the typical shitty dub treatment, but it was a mediocre show at best even before the dub, is brought down by the shitty human sidekick cliché that we all learned to hate with Transformers (and G1 My Little Pony) and is based on a franchise in a death spiral that's abandoned any pretence of being anything but cashing in on nostalgia with no drop of creativity or talent left in the developers.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:05 No.27176342
         File1309089912.jpg-(185 KB, 723x959, lenora - 16276981.jpg)
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    But we're talking about a WOMAN.
    >> Snarky Bastard 06/26/11(Sun)08:06 No.27176351
         File1309089967.png-(55 KB, 150x278, ph.png)
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    can't hold a candle to Phoebe.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:06 No.27176353
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    In the manga it was obvious. Professor Oak stays safe in Ash's hometown while inviting his mother over to talk to her son. Meanwhile, he is collecting DNA and battle data from Ash's encounters

    Professor Oak is Gary's uncle. Gary is being spoon fed classified information.

    At least the anime series heavily downplayed Gary's ego and backstabbing.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:07 No.27176368
    >At least the anime series heavily downplayed Gary's ego and backstabbing.

    but those are the best parts, aside from him actually being good.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:07 No.27176369
    See, even though I think the show was retarded, there was a bit of charm in it. Battles actually went fast, and not for hours like Yu-gi-oh.

    Also, it was just so absurd, that it was actually cool. I mean, Applegator? My apple pie could EAT PEOPLE? FUCKING AWESOME!!

    But it was still generic anime, and as such, 4Kids didn't really care about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:08 No.27176371
         File1309090081.png-(35 KB, 249x231, Black_White_Iris.png)
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    new game gave us Iris, the obvious daughter or Yugo and Amalia.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:09 No.27176391
    That fucking gap!!!!!
    Those hips!!!
    Tell me there some Rule 34 on her.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:09 No.27176393
    what changes, there has been almost no character development since season 2
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:14 No.27176425
    That gap?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:15 No.27176435
    The gap isn't that hot. Too much room if you wanted to stick your cock between her thighs.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Opn6LYNH7s 06/26/11(Sun)08:16 No.27176447
         File1309090593.jpg-(517 KB, 690x780, 14519307.jpg)
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    Here ya go.

    >They wore the lightning like armor!
    >Pokemon Champion has Legendary Pokemon.
    >Random Nurse Joy has a Latias.
    >They went back to Kanto for a whole arc and we didnt see any od the old characters.

    The anime is shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:19 No.27176471
         File1309090750.gif-(22 KB, 3403x403, 070728170345-1180635784395m.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:19 No.27176472
    it's just realistic. all of the old characte grew up and discovered how childish that pokémon shit really is, so they got back to school and found real jobs. Only Ash is aspie enough to wander the world for so long and fight other autists.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:21 No.27176494
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    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:21 No.27176496
    Too true.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:22 No.27176503
    Foreskin! In my hentai? I love you Japan. No weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:23 No.27176509
    flash fact : only USA has jew cocks in their porn.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:23 No.27176513
    why is this on /co/? there's an entire board for pokemon specifically so /v/, /a/ and /co/ don't have to suffer pokemon threads
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:25 No.27176529
    Hey, I'm just happy that it's the kind of cock I have!

    I love my Eurocock.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:25 No.27176532
    Ash has indeed been getting better. Look up his battle with Tobias if you want to see what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:26 No.27176540
    I read something somewhere about Team Rocket having become a "more serious threat" in recent times

    this true at all? Only change I'm aware of is they now wear black instead of white

    also, Meowth's original (second, anyway) voice actor/actress died.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:26 No.27176543
         File1309091195.png-(86 KB, 351x302, a sad martian.png)
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    >You will never have a black cougar with big tits titfuck you.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:28 No.27176565
    shut up hello mega, you don't have cock
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:28 No.27176568
    Has there been an episode where they meet a young boy who works for the government?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:29 No.27176573
    he'll only be "better" when he's not a kid anymore

    also, the new voice actors can't act their way out of a wet paper bag
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:29 No.27176576
    >telling a shapeshifter she doesn't have a cock
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Opn6LYNH7s 06/26/11(Sun)08:29 No.27176580
         File1309091387.jpg-(35 KB, 480x480, 1271519045122.jpg)
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    His level 500 Pikachu nearly lost to a level 1 starter. This is the same PIkachu who double KO'd with a high level Dragonite and has faught legendary Pokemon, nearly defeating them.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:29 No.27176581
    >Pokemon thread
    >150+ posts
    >People actually discussing the show and games
    >There is porn
    >It's not of animals.
    I love you /co/.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:29 No.27176582
    Do they even have a government?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:29 No.27176586
    I'm not sure what you mean by that. Are you referencing Iris or are you really that retarded?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:31 No.27176603
    I mean when Ash isn't "10 years old" anymore

    What I don't get, if they have all these types of pokemon like "dog types" "cat types" and all that, where are all the animals they're based on? seems like only pokemon exist, but if that's the case, where do the classifications come from?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:32 No.27176614
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Opn6LYNH7s 06/26/11(Sun)08:32 No.27176615
         File1309091568.png-(242 KB, 413x358, hikari shark face.png)
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    If this thread was on /v/ it would be full of porn. If it was on /vp/ it would be about Pokemon Roleplaying.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:33 No.27176621
    I have no clue. Strangely enough, if they did, I could imagine Giovanni being the president
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:33 No.27176623
    Right. That's the part that doesn't make sense to you...
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:33 No.27176625
         File1309091618.jpg-(324 KB, 833x1200, lenora.jpg)
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    Sexiest Lenora image is also fetish

    It is a conundrum
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:36 No.27176650
    This is what I've wondered my whole life.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:36 No.27176654
    Misty - plain
    May - boobs
    Dawn - ass
    Iris - loli

    now we just need a teenage girl for some straight shota stuffs
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:37 No.27176666
    Misty and Iris are boner-killers.
    May and Dawn are god tier.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:40 No.27176701
    Misty's appeal was her short-shorts and tank top

    I don't get May though, how does a 10 year old have boobs like that
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:41 No.27176715
         File1309092074.jpg-(119 KB, 900x1023, DawnMay.jpg)
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    Dawn plus May is the bonerest.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:43 No.27176734
    I stopped watching pokemon a long time ago, I remember Misty was easy on the eyes but also a real bitch, and May had good size but... she was kinda dumb

    don't know anything about Dawn and Iris except Dawn has some kind of fashion fetish
    >> @$$ 06/26/11(Sun)08:43 No.27176742
         File1309092236.png-(1.06 MB, 900x900, 1280166856290.png)
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    >I mean when Ash isn't "10 years old" anymore
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:45 No.27176756
    Maybe Pokemon are highly evolved versions of animals. And Pokemon takes place millions of years after our time. And humanity just went in a cycle of super advanced world to primitive caveman days and then back to super advanced world of computers.

    This would explain how Japanese or English is still used in their world that doesn't seem to be like ours. Other Nintendo concepts like Zelda are shown to have their own languages that aren't Japanese/English. Also the reason why environmentalism is so rampant because there has to be text that implies we were bad at maintaining peace with nature.

    Which would explain why the Pokemon world borders on a utopia for environmentalists. Since they understand what happens when people do treat the environment well. The animals evolved into creatures that could actually protect the planet and themselves, all independently, and that, may be the true origins of Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:45 No.27176762
    Bovine growth hormone is a helluva drug.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:48 No.27176790
         File1309092502.jpg-(373 KB, 692x1026, pokemawon.jpg)
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    Why does Ash's voice sound retarded?
    Why's they get rid of Brock?
    Why'd they get rid of Misty?
    Why did Team Rocket change their motto?
    Why do all the new Pokemon look stupid?
    Why is Pikachu the only Pokemon to stay with Ash for his entire journey?
    When will Nintendo just let Pokemon die?
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Opn6LYNH7s 06/26/11(Sun)08:50 No.27176807
         File1309092610.jpg-(360 KB, 1400x960, 12732975.jpg)
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    Wat. Interesting "opinion".
    >> Endpiece 06/26/11(Sun)08:50 No.27176812
    What, no Dismay?
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:51 No.27176821
    >You've got to ignore the exsitance of 500 past episodes and act as if he was really just beggining his journe

    It'd be easier to do that if they just MAKE A NEW CHARACTER

    it's not that hard, every game has a new one
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:54 No.27176852
    Maybe he meant personality wise, there are some women that, while beautiful physically, you would not want anything to do with because of how they act.
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:55 No.27176853
    they had something called "Pokemon Chronicles" going for awhile, focused on different characters each episode

    don't know what happened to it
    >> Anonymous 06/26/11(Sun)08:56 No.27176858
         File1309092973.jpg-(59 KB, 336x233, 1309018542230.jpg)
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    >of being anything but cashing in on nostalgia
    >drop of creativity or talent left in the developers

    >Sonic Team trys something new with Sonic
    >New Sonic Team trys to make something new and give familarity

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