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  • File : 1302177135.gif-(1.36 MB, 270x150, 1302022662672.gif)
    1.36 MB Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)07:52 No.24920927  
    /co/. Serious question.
    What is your super power? Come on. We are anonymous, you don't have to worry about your friends finding out.

    I have a feeling that everyone has a superpower as strange as it seems. People might call it an uncanny talent but no. This is ridiculous.

    My superpower is bathwater detection. I can run a bath and leave it and instantly know when its ready before it overflows. I've had people tell me that I'm going to drown the bathroom while playing games and I say "Relax, I got it." And I get it everytime.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)07:55 No.24920965
    When I was a child, I knocked down a hornet's nest on my head and had to go to the ER. Now, I have the power to touch bees and wasps without getting stung. I can put my lips on a wasp and no harm.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)07:58 No.24920986
    I've a somewhat odd superpower. If you were to shoot a firearm at me, the first two bullets that hit me would strike regularly. The third one, however, will bounce.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)07:58 No.24920988
    When i was
    A young boy
    my father
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)07:59 No.24920994
    I predict the future in my dreams, never anything good or useful. Usually dialogue or something insignificant that happens in the following day.
    I also suffer constantly from having random, very vivid and irrelevant flash backs.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:01 No.24921016
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    This is going to sound weird but... little boys, aged 11-16 love me unconditionally

    I don't really know why, and I'm not a pedophile or anything. But I've never met a little boy who isn't obsessed with me. Feels weird man.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:02 No.24921024
    In my childhood I have ate large amounts of spices and salsas. I have gained the ability squirt Tabasco in my eye without it even burning.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:02 No.24921029
    Are you a dinosaur? Or a stupidly hot female teacher?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:03 No.24921036
    I'm a 19yo human male. I have no explanation for my power, it just is.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:03 No.24921040
    Are you a 19yo male that looks like a stupidly hot female teacher?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:04 No.24921044
    I am immune to groin kicks. Just kicks. If I get punched it doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:04 No.24921053
    No, I look like an average 19yo male.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:08 No.24921094
    I was born with the ability to speak, but not read, dead languages. If only someone would try to converse with me in Arawak or Novgorodian.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:09 No.24921104
    Luck. I don't check train times, because I'll always arrive with just enough time to buy a drink and stroll on (and I'll get the last free seat, of course). Exam results? You can bet that I got exactly the amount of marks needed to get the highest grade. Plane crash? Well, I haven't tried it yet, but I probably would be "that guy"...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:12 No.24921132
    I... can shoot lightning out of my vagina.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:13 No.24921145
    I'm a television psychic. I'll suddenly think of a quote from a TV episode or think of a movie and that movie or episode will air within 12 hours. I haven't used a TV Guide in years.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:14 No.24921148
    I build up an unusual amount of static electricity - it's gotten so bad that sometimes i'll just casually touch metal things and get a huge shock - same with other people. The lights in my room regularly pop put im not sure if this is coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:15 No.24921163
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    Same for me. I have some classic deja vu sometimes as well, but this is something else. It's not like I feel "Ive seen/done this before" it's more like, "oh shit. I dreamt about this exact moment a few days ago". It's cool :D
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:18 No.24921191
    i train life from batteries and electronic devices. things like laptops and cellphones lose their charge at twice the usual rate around me.

    i also draw ridiculously cute things
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:18 No.24921198
    Hit anime of the year RIGHT HERE
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:20 No.24921214
    catch a cold every weekend
    Never have been sick with anything at all in 25 years of my life.

    I've never thrown up (due to illness) never had a fever, flu, anything.

    Im not sure if thats really a superpower though.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:20 No.24921216
    I'm Harry Dresden, without the magic. Electronics, mechanical objects, they all fry around me. Things with built-in radios last a lot longer than anything else though. It's strange.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:20 No.24921217
    I haven't practiced my power for a while

    But I could predict exactly what simpsons episode was on that night

    All I do unexpectedly think of a random, memorable moment from that episode, and boom, it's on tv later on
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:22 No.24921233
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    Not really a superpower i would say, but I always pull through whatever happens. For example I almost never study to tests (im in university) and almost always get through on the first try anyway. I push things infront of me, doing them at the last possible moment and succeed. Don't train especially hard, but still grows stronger than many of my gym friends who work out more often and harder than me (Im not freakishly strong, its just that I get stronger than people who train as much as me) and when I did boxing and karate I only went on about 50% of the training sessions and still beat most of the others in the club (who started when I did).

    Also I was in Sri lanka during the Tsunami and while people on my hotel died I survived(not only of course) and also didnt loose any of my stuff.


    would love to have these two :D
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:23 No.24921242
    I always get on with elderly people, even when we don't share a language.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:23 No.24921247

    That sounds exactly like me, although my predictions usually happen 1-1,5 years earlier. But like yours, they are usually very insignificant moments.

    I remember once, in junior high, I was able to completely change the way a conversation was going because I had seen about 15 seconds of it in a dream approx. eight months earlier. When I suddenly realized the conversation I was having seemed awfully familiar, I decidedly replied the complete opposite of what I had said in the dream. It felt empowering and other-worldly to change the timeline... but again, it was a conversation about some rather mundane issues and had no critical impact on anyone.

    And like you, I can remember some incredibly accurate but irrelevant things that happened to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:24 No.24921252
    I've got lesser versions of these powers also I get deja vu a lot. I also always wake up exactly when I need to. even when I set no alarm.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:26 No.24921273


    I never been able to change any of my predictions since its usually to late when I suddenly notice whats going on. I must try and be more on edge and change something. Would be awesome!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:30 No.24921301
    I make crazy people , male and female fall in love with me.
    I'd prefer 11-16 years old boy at this point.
    I'm also a 4chan psychic ; whenever I want a thread about a very specific subject , I find it in the front page. ( works for every board and scares me.)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:30 No.24921304
    I have the power to be much, much better in retrospect than I ever am in person.

    The longer I go without hanging out with someone, the more fondly I am remembered, and the more they like me. After hanging out with them again a few times the sheen goes off, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:31 No.24921309
    I can unconsciously keep track of time, give or take 5 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:32 No.24921318


    Yeah, that usually happens to me too. The incident I mentioned is probably the only time I was able to change the timeline for two reasons:

    1) I had a line during that convo that was exactly at a place where a line can change the course of the convo
    2) the person talking before me had a long say, I'd say about 8 seconds of it was in the dream I saw so I had just enough time to realize what was going on and prepare for it

    Otherwise, the feeling of dejavu usually hits me far too late, seconds after the actual moment has already occured. But again, they're rarely anything important, just random snippets and flashes of the future, mundane things...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:34 No.24921338
    I have a very limited form of mind control. I can sing one bar of any song and that song will be in our head for the rest of the day. It doesn't matter if it's a catchy tune or not. If you've ever heard it before, you'll be singing it the rest of the day.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:35 No.24921349
    I've got this too. Sometimes I sort of manage to do it on purpose too.
    And on the other hand, I have a strange effect on animals, either they become incredibly calm or they go crazy around me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:37 No.24921362
    ha ha oh man I love these threads because its the one place I can be honest without having to worry about the implications of it.

    In a nutshell, my super power is that I can't die. Kinda. I seem to just reincarnate with the memories of the life before me. Not reincarnation in the way that "I think I used to be X celebrity", but in the way that I lived, I died, I lived again and I'm the exact same person.

    Sucks though because it doesn't actually give me any advantage over anything really and right now is the most interesting time in my life because technical development is lightning fast compared to centuries ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:39 No.24921383
    I have two powers. I have the ability to "merge" other peoples "powers" with my own, my own power being "daily attraction of mentally unstable people"

    honestly, no matter where i am, even if it's out of the god damn country I RUN INTO SOMEONE COMPLETELY FUCKED UP EVERY DAY. From the mundane homeless man throwing bibles at blue-line buses in Toronto to a man covering himself in chocolate sauce in India and screaming "THE SEAGULLS ARE BEAUTIFUL" I will experience this phenomenon no matter where i go, and it honestly gives me a great repertoire of stories to tell...

    now my friends or a series of acquaintances tend to have smaller abilities as well, my friend Jessica for example will be hit on by elderly men no matter where she is, but put us together? you get one crazy old man asking her if her panties could help give him his vision back.
    or my friend JOE who tends to attract droves of people, usually 3 to 7 at a time, put us together...homeless colony here we come.

    it is a curse my friends...a curse...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:40 No.24921389
    I have the power to put my tongue over my uvula. I can feel my inner nostril holes.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:43 No.24921430
    My pain tolerance is through the roof...except for rapid temperature changes. Brought in with that, I'm supremely flexible in my arms, to the point that they can be twisted and turns in ways that arms should not be twisted and turned without me feeling the pain.

    I've been warned about it actually, because I could easily go too far and break a bone from not tapping out (I do Tae-Kwon-Do, so that mostly applies to training)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:44 No.24921439
    I can eat anything and not put on weight. I love it. My friends hate it.

    But my metabolism is super-great!

    I had a Double(Down) the other day to no ill effect.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:44 No.24921440
    If you write a book about your life I'll buy a hundred copies, seriously.
    And if you do PLEASE LET ME ILLUSTRATE IT !!!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:44 No.24921444
    Let`s sat I believe you, why don`t you just buy some paintings or invest money in a bank so you can take it in the next life.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:44 No.24921446
    Okay, you know those buttons on pedestrian crossings that are supposed to make the light change more quickly but everyone's skeptical that they do anything and think they're probably just there to stop angry pedestrian uprisings? They actually work for me. I press one and the light changes. I'm trying to develop more pedestrian-based superpowers, 'cause fuck a car.
    >> !!jZdlL2TMYA6 04/07/11(Thu)08:47 No.24921475
    I've got a silver tongue. Not literally, of course, but I'm ridiculously persuasive and can almost always find a way to get what I want, be it a physical object, or knowledge from someone, or getting out of trouble with the law, and more. Combine this with being ridiculously lucky, especially when it comes to randomly meeting people that have a bit of power in one way or another, it leads to some neat stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:48 No.24921486
    I can shit shits taht are exact replicas of other shits.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:48 No.24921490
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    You would have good grades in history though.

    My "power" is that no one dislikes me. It's kida strange, when i was younger I looked like a typical little boy who would be bullied; skinny with glasses. But even if my friends got bullied I never was. The "cool guys" in school (during my whole life) somehow, for no apparent reason wants to hang with me, invites me to parties and such, liked me. Sure I hanged with them now and then but I prefered my nerdy friends and I did so openly. This is still ongoing, but with just about all people I meet, at University, at parties, comicbook stores, karate practices etc. It's not limited to my age either. All my friends siblings and parents also likes me. It also goes for both male and females (not in the "love" way though ;/ ). Also as Im working as a high school teacher aswell, I've gotten only positive feedback from the students who love me, and the other teachers who likes me aswell.

    Its a good power according to me :D
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:49 No.24921498
    Hahaha we could form a league ; My power is that whenever I'm in a car , you will NEVER hit a red light.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:51 No.24921522

    I don't usually follow my posts in these topics up, but I will to this because it's a decent question.

    The thing is, I can't choose where I get born next. Makes it really difficult picking up stashed goods and/or inheritance. When a seemingly knowlegeable stranger with no apparent connection shows up to claim a fat wad of cash or assets, people get really reluctant to hand things over as well.

    Sure, I could go ahead and bury stuff and then go back to it in the next life... But look at the logistics of that. I live till I'm 60, having made my money during that life, I bury what was left of my life savings minus whatever I had to pay sustaining myself as an old man.
    The next problem is finding the same stuff 20 years later when the lay of the land changes constantly these days, and with the population of the world being what it is, I'm lucky if people don't find it first.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:54 No.24921548
    What happens when the man who always keeps cars moving meets the man who can always stop cars?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:55 No.24921557
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    My power is an odd one, when Im high, I become a wizard.

    1. During a blazing session with some bros at about age 19, I was going through his old books including this one red book he has as a kid about mushroom people (I dunno), after reading and somewhat enjoying the book I closed it, only to find it had become yellow. even after we came down it was still yellow, same book, just yellow instead of red. WIZARD.

    2. During another blazing session, I was bitching about how one of my mates was dating my ex gf (he was out on a date with her at the time) I then said to a few friends 'I hope he smacks his face in and the bitch dumps his ass' LO AND BEHOLD the next day its revealed that around the same time we had the session, he was at the ice rink with her, she had just dumped him and he then went head first into the ice breaking his teeth.

    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:55 No.24921559
    duh they surrender and take the bus together
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:55 No.24921568
    It's like dividing by zero.
    I let the capchat answer "major stogne"
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:56 No.24921575
    15 car pileup. Both men are uninjured. (and the driving mans car is fine)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)08:57 No.24921587
    I`m pretty sure that if you write a Will the right way you can claim it even being a total stranger to the deceased. For example, I leave everything to whoever says the right code phrase "bla-bla". A lawyer won`t be able to do anything about it.
    >> ge_mnr_engine_01 04/07/11(Thu)08:59 No.24921598
    I have the talent of ruining every relationship I get into by being clingy and hoping that I'll be loved in return.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:02 No.24921620
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    Alright adding a dimension to the thread: Choose three people in the thread to make a superhero/villain team with. Motivate your choices.

    They would be a non-action focused team, using their abilities of persuation and ability to see into the future to manipulate their way onto the top of the world. The likeable guy will be the face outwards to avoid annoying protesters and such.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:05 No.24921639
    My brainwaves attract retarded people and dumb fucking rednecks.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:05 No.24921646

    You could also be assured that any lawyer or law firm that has been sitting on a fair amount of cash gaining roughly 20 years of interest would also be very good at cockblocking an apparent stranger from collecting said money.

    Never trust a man, no matter how legitimate, with more money than you have in your wallet. That's an important life lesson.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:05 No.24921647
    I have really good hearing. I can pinpoint the direction of a sound exactly just through sound. I cant even sleep wekk without the radio or something on because the sound of electricity in the wires of the house annoys me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:10 No.24921686
    What's your power again ?
    >> Caveat Lector 04/07/11(Thu)09:12 No.24921696
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    I have a particular knack for finding things and an excellent sense of direction
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:14 No.24921715
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    Shut up Kenny
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:15 No.24921738
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    I'm essentially Taskmaster. All I need to do is observe and understand the intricacies of any process, be it physical, mental or social, and I can explain in detail or mimic it nigh flawlessly without any prior practice or instruction. Thought it was beginner's luck when I was younger but then it started happening all the time.

    Incidentally, Taskmaster is the reason I got into comics since upon reading a description of him, I realized that he's a superhero/villain/whatever version of me. Though unlike his reflexive muscle memory, my ability is based entirely around mental capacity, so it can fail theoretically if the process is just too ridiculously complex (especially physically), but I haven't run into anything like that yet.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:16 No.24921750
    And how would they do it if he explicitly met the conditions?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:17 No.24921759
    Falling down the stairs headfirst many times whenever I tried to greet my parents on the door from work as a child gave me the uncanny ability to rotate my head.

    That in turn gave me my other abilities like autism, OCB, aspergers, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:17 No.24921761
    give us some cool stories then
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/07/11(Thu)09:17 No.24921764
    My loogies take the paint off drywall. I spit on drywall and when it dries it turns the paint (and some of the drywall underneath) into flakes. It's a pretty awesome power.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:18 No.24921770
    Brush your fucking teeth, and try some mouthwash sometime.
    >> Kaz­iklu !!xmPwI2cR932 04/07/11(Thu)09:19 No.24921773
    I can see into the future via dreams. It's never useful because it's always irrelevant trash.

    If I'm in need of a comic or book someone else will request it or post it. Happens often. Could be coincidence. However, this happens with real life items too.

    Finally, deus ex machina. When shit hits the fan something will happen out of fucking nowhere and set things straight for me. So far this system never failed.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:19 No.24921775
    I have double jointed toes, but normal flexibility elsewhere. It's great for climbing trees, and freaking people out. I also have a fairly accurate internal clock, and experience deja-vu all the time.
    >> Caveat Lector 04/07/11(Thu)09:20 No.24921787
    sounds like you have an excess of mirror neurons

    Just mentioning that cause I learned about them yesterday and thought of Taskie
    >> Bad Wolf !XLIjtOmIpc 04/07/11(Thu)09:24 No.24921822

    I have nice white teeth, bro. Brush 'em every day. It's not a question of bacteria, my spit just has a higher pH level. Always has.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:30 No.24921879
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    Action team! PullThrough will be the basic "core"member, not excelling at stuff but having an easy time to work up his physique and skills thus being able to comprehend the average thug.
    Samsara (reincarnate guy) will be the one who can take the bullet if need be, the last resort though. He'll be back in time anyway.
    The Mirror will be the support offensive of the team, spending the first part of the fight to observe the opponent and then copy him or copy:
    Painless, will be the main offensive guy training Tae-Kwon-Do and being able to take a beating. he is the "Tank".

    Together they fight crime!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:31 No.24921893
    So, how old are you in a new life before you remember your old life?

    Also next time you're old and dying, bury some cash somewhere. Could come in handy a few decades down the track.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:32 No.24921902
    I have an iron stomach. I can go out with friends, we all eat at the same place, everybody gets sick but me. Or I can eat things and only later realize they were horribly expired or gone bad but suffer no ill effects. Chunky milk, three month old lunchmeat that was slimy, Hostess fruit pies with fuzzy mold bubbles inside, I could go on, no problem at all. The tradeoff is a hyper weakness to fluoride, though. One rinse with a fluoride mouthwash, for example, and I'll be several pounds lighter in a few hours, to put it mildly. So, bacterial food poisoning, nothing. Common beneficial chemical, guts must be emptied.

    Animals and children all love me, even the shiest, unfriendliest cat will walk right up to me, and shy kids come out of their shells. Unfortunately though, I strongly dislike little kids, so I wish I could turn at least half the mystery charisma off. Or better yet, repurpose the kid charisma into lady charisma, that would be much better.

    Crazy people consistently are drawn to me and consider me God, The Chosen One, or spiritually significant somehow. Different crazy people, different cities, same reaction.

    Electronics that I use tend to malfunction. Computer lab computers, ATMs, cashier scanners, I can't count the times I've heard something along the lines of "Huh, it's never messed up like that before."

    And several times I have come extremely close to a situation that would have likely been fatal, for example, being inches away from being crushed, so I might have some kind of luck/death-retry power.

    Oh yeah, I've seen and heard ghosts on many, many occasions. So I either have super-crazyness of the sixth sense or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:35 No.24921936
    I have an unusually high bio-electric field. I can sense on electronics.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:35 No.24921938
    No matter how distracted I get or how badly I drive, I have never gotten into an accident by my own powers. I have run red lights constantly just by being distracted. I have had hundreds of close calls where I legitimately probably should have been hit and killed. It just doesn't happen. I have super-luck driving.

    Though I have had my car totaled once. Wasn't my fault though. Waiting in the turn-lane at a red-light, some high douche didn't hit his breaks and hit me at 40 MPH.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:36 No.24921951
    My luck stat is maxed when in danger.

    Just the other day, a was crossing the street and a car sped out from behind a bus. Without a thought, I leaped out of its path to safety. I turned around and the car stopped well within my previous location.

    Boy, would that have hurt!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:40 No.24921986
    that`s not luck - just reflexes. luck would be if the car stopped without you moving or some third party got involved saving you or stopping the car
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:41 No.24921992
    I never get cold's or flu and I never get hangovers.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:42 No.24922007

    Sounds good. So, you guys mentioned in the post: when will you meet up and do this? With great power comes great responsibility. You cant let your powers go to waste.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:43 No.24922009
    >Animals and children all love me, even the shiest, unfriendliest cat will walk right up to me, and shy kids come out of their shells. Unfortunately though, I strongly dislike little kids, so I wish I could turn at least half the mystery charisma off. Or better yet, repurpose the kid charisma into lady charisma, that would be much better.

    reminded me of New Romantic from Wildstorm
    > I can mind control people via pheramones but it works only on women. And I`m gay. Don`t let nobody tell you that God doesn`t have a sense of humor.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:43 No.24922020
    I have the best super power of all. I can eat and drink anything I want and never get sick. My stomach is made of iron! This one time, at high school, I drank a mixture of random (non toxic) chemicals for money and I didn't feel sick or anything! Another time, at high school, I did it again for more money! I think my power is only activated when I know I could get money for using it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:44 No.24922028
    I never get lost. Ever. Wilderness, urban, suburban...I always know where I'm going or where I've been. I think I've been a lost a whopping...Twice.

    Also, my books never seem to come to harm...Until the very second I lend it out to a friend. Suddenly? Chair gets slammed down on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:46 No.24922053
    It's luck, I think. I almost got shot 3 times as a kid, but each time the bullet missed.

    Oh, and a couple years ago, a rabid dog chased me for 20 feet before it got hit by truck.

    Maybe I'm lucky with good reflexes to boot.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:48 No.24922077
    I have the ability to survive suicide.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)09:49 No.24922087
    I have the power to know when a TV is on, anywhere in a house. I can just hear that faint tingle in my ear, and just know what's up.

    >Dresden Files fan
    Oh, I love you
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:51 No.24922104
    The new book's coming out soon. Harry is genuinely dead. Also, next book is named after something cold.

    Winter Knight Dresden, go go go!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:51 No.24922111
    >Harry Dresden
    >On /co/

    ...Well, this might be the best day ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:51 No.24922112
    i have a sort of danger sense

    one day i was at the beach. i got in the water an felt something was amiss. something deep inside me told me not to stay. so i left

    next day someone was attacked by a shark at the same beach
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:52 No.24922121
    here. I realise this doesn't mean anything without some context.

    I'm 23 years old, 6ft tall, approximately 154 pounds, barely and muscle and fat on me. I've been my current weight +/- 1 kg for I don't know how many years now.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:53 No.24922137
    >>24921104 here

    I would offer to fight you to the death, but we would probably find our bullets missing at point-blank range. Consider yourself lucky.
    >> Caveat Lector 04/07/11(Thu)09:54 No.24922151
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    there was a graphic novel adaptation you know he is fair game
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:55 No.24922157
    On the other hand, I've made it through all of my life so far WITHOUT almost being shot 3 times or being chased by rabid dogs. I suppose technically that's just as lucky.

    Unless you're a dare-devil, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:55 No.24922164
    >consider yourself lucky
    pretty sure he does already, bro
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:57 No.24922197
    Both our guns misfire.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:58 No.24922214
    I said the luck kicks in when I'm in danger.

    I'm not lucky in other way.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)09:58 No.24922221
    I can run in circles.
    Far longer then anyone I know.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)09:59 No.24922233
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    Ghost Story? Umm...I don't mean to spoil you or anything, but Harry is already the Winter Knight...

    First chapter is up here:
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:00 No.24922245
    I know, but he hasn't done any of his duties yet. That'll be book 14.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:02 No.24922269
    Oooooh, I see. Well, that would be cool. Butcher already said it would take more than death to get out of a deal with Mab, so that throws a lot of theories out the window.

    Big question is who killed him; my money is on Nicodemus. Or at least someone working through him. Or maybe Mavra; she hasn't done anything lately.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:04 No.24922293
    He's pissed off so many people, I don't know WHO to blame.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:05 No.24922310
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    I can fap without using hands

    beat that
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:06 No.24922320
    Too easy for it to be Kinkaid, given that he's said multiple times the exact method he'd use was what happened.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:06 No.24922328
    Ah, this is nice; I have a friend reading the series right now, and he started Summer Knight last night. I'm so excited that we can talk about it and stuff; wish there was a board to talk about it here. /lit/ never wants to talk about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:07 No.24922338
    Same here

    I can also call any cat by bending over and making click noises
    I am the cat clicker
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:08 No.24922347
    /tg/ get to talking about it every once in a while.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:08 No.24922354
    When /lit/ first started, we had 4 maxed Dresden Files threads in a row.

    Then nothing for awhile.

    Changes came out, discussions were had.

    Then nothing.

    Just wait until July
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:09 No.24922364
    Yeah, no way it can be Kincaid. Ivy would never let him do it. It has to be an agent of hell, according to the first chapter of Ghost Story. Or at least someone working for them.

    Oooh, neat.

    I would totally play a Dresden Files MMO.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:09 No.24922371
    The Summer Knight might have done it. Harry's powerful without Winter's magic behind him...just think of the havoc he could wreck on Summer.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:10 No.24922384
    The tabletop RPG system is really good, if you're in to that kind of thing.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:11 No.24922390
    Will do; that's nice to know.

    Fix? I guess he could....he's used guns before. And Titania is still pissed at Harry.

    But remember the guy who got in a car accident with Harry way back when? I bet this is the same guy.

    I hope it isn't Fix though, that would suck. I like him.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:12 No.24922398
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    Painless approves of this. We shall meet at the topmost spire of New York City, and pose heroically. Then, ya know, fight crime.

    But the dramatic tenstion needs to be there!

    maybe I should have also mentioned my drastic moodswings. That can be a superpower...I guess
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:12 No.24922408
    You're assuming the guys he is talking to are the good guys and telling the truth. I remember someone saying the name of the angel he saw guarding the place was one of the ones who followed Lucifer in Christan mythology.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:12 No.24922409
    If it's someone from Hell, there's still that demon who has three of his Names. Can't think of anyone else who'd have connections, beyond the Denarians.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:14 No.24922436
    Reread the scene from the begining of small favor when fix thought Harry had become the knight, he said if Harry ever did take the power he would deal with him swiftly.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:14 No.24922444
    Remember, Fix is deathly afraid of Harry. Deathly afraid before Harry got more power and aligned against him.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:14 No.24922446
    I'm really not, but maybe one day. I've heard good things about it.

    Very very good point. Maybe guarding purgatory is his punishment, though?

    Oh yeah, I forgot about Chauncy
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:15 No.24922455
    Yeah, it's a similar case. I like animals, so being good with them works for me, but the kid thing, blarr. I want them to leave me alone, not bother me more. Meanwhile I so frequently fail with the ladies. Unless I don't like them, of course. I'm great with girls I don't like. Aside from animals, it seems like my charisma works in reverse to what I want to achieve.

    Oh yeah, I have the amazing ability to accidentally bring up a person's horrible memories or regrets over the course of random conversations. Like, we're joking around about dramatic cliches, and I mention my friend going NOOOO over his dead brother, and it turns out he has a dead brother, and I even got the name right. Or the one time I ever, (and somewhat out of character,) used the "what are you adopted?" insult, the kid really was adopted, and it really bothered him. This sort of thing has happened so many times, but only that once in insult form. I've always felt bad about that, and avoided any potential insult that could be unintentionally personal and accurate. And these days I avoid even hypothetically throwing out a name for any reason, because I will pick the name of that person's dead fiancee or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:16 No.24922465
    It would make him one of the fallen.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:16 No.24922473
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    ...well, shoot...

    That would probably mean Lily would be against him too. Which means the entire plot of Summer Knight is pretty much pointless, and Harry should have just used the Unraveling on Susan.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:16 No.24922475
    I read stupidly fast. 300-500 pages in an hour is my usual, but I get faster after I've read something multiple times.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:16 No.24922480
    The fallen are the ones who rebelled and refused to repent.
    >> Iceman 04/07/11(Thu)10:17 No.24922485
    Beyond limited precognition of future events and same as another poster said with the "Simpsons episode prediction" I can, without a doubt, attract older women to my cause.

    It's almost like I'm Spider-Man. But with old women. With great power comes great sugar candies.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:19 No.24922517
    I wouldn't say it was pointless at all. The fact that Harry continually cops shit for being A Good Man is one of the cornerstones of the series.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:20 No.24922545
    I'm glad God and his angels are actually good guys in this series. Too many series either disregard Christianity or turn it into some evil cult of demon worshipers with an absent God.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:22 No.24922557
    Also in dead beat Guard said that he was destined to die in the ally and her saving him would have repercussions. If he was already out lived his destiny how could his life have been cut short.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:22 No.24922572
    I suppose so, just...Changes was so much, I just want him to get a break.

    If the little short story extra was any indication, I like how they're working in some Lovecraft without it being really overt and obnoxious.

    Dresden Files seems really, REALLY good at blending myths and things together.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:24 No.24922591
    The explanation about God made sense.
    He's an outsider so powerful, he literally can't interact directly with the world, so he does so through intermediaries.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:24 No.24922599
    Well my interpretation is God didn't create the universe but is only so powerful because he has the most worshipers ATM.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:24 No.24922601
    /a/non here, I have the same power of some DC villains.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:25 No.24922602
    Remember: Odin offered him a meal and a place to stay under any circumstances.

    Does that offer include Valhalla?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:27 No.24922630
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:27 No.24922632
    The book never says he created it. All it says is that he's a powerful, seemingly benevolent non-physical god that exists in the Outside.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:30 No.24922675
    10 bucks says Marcone becomes an Einjerjar at the end of the series. Probably Hendricks too.

    Harry and Lash, OTP
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:30 No.24922680
    From changes t seemed that Odin used to be as powerful but when people stopped feeding him with their faith he lost most of his power. that seems to suggest gods get their power from peoples faith, as has been pointed out so repeatedly faith has power, and even magic is shaped by how people believe it works.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:31 No.24922687
    I still think Lash will come back. Wizards always heal, eventually.

    Of course, now that he's dead, it's probably never going to happen.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:32 No.24922704
    Yes, faith feeds these deities.

    God, if you count Jews, Muslims, and Christians, has 3-4 billion followers.
    >> BDB !!XRtLMufDCaR 04/07/11(Thu)10:33 No.24922710
    My superpower: I can make people vomit/strongly emote them by talking... Im like a supervillain bard, I have some many times made people feel strong emotions and even vomit with just describing stuff to them... These are people without the immunity 4chan creates, but I made this one douchebag vomit cause I described how he would be forced to suck out his grandfathers klamydia[sic]"sprouts" from hes recently dead fathers ass...
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:33 No.24922713
    Naw Marcone is going to become the leader of men. 10 bucks says he leads the mortal forces in the apocalyptic trilogy.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:34 No.24922728
    I love those books.

    My power is to be very very flexible without practicing. I can do a bridge and stand back up from it,and I can also do the splits very easily.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:35 No.24922739
    My power is calling rain. Every time I open my window it rains, and when I shut it so my room doesn't get soaked, it stops. Every damn time.
    >> BDB !!XRtLMufDCaR 04/07/11(Thu)10:37 No.24922770
    This is the most recent one, I suppose you could call it some sort of telepathic suggestion, creating a image in someones head with only words and (most importantly) your voice
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:37 No.24922771
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    Does 20/20 hindsight count?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:47 No.24922913
    I love that the books in the apocalyptic trilogy are going to be called Hell’s Bells, Stars and Stones, and Empty Night.
    >> Elpizo !8gUHBIvFTM 04/07/11(Thu)10:49 No.24922946
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    I love it too; we've got 10 books still to come, too!

    >Hell's Bells

    >Stars and Stones

    >Empty Night
    Ummm...probably Outsiders, Black Council, that sort of thing.

    Anyways, sorry for kinda dragging the thread off topic, /co/; it's just so nice to talk about this series with you guys. This board is so awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)10:53 No.24923006
    You could make a will and put in something like "give all my money to a man or woman who, upon seeing my grave 20 years from now, jumps three times and shouts ARRRRRRBAKALOOOO"?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)11:02 No.24923112
    >my thread is still up.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)11:24 No.24923338
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    Toaster timing.
    I can set something to toast, go do something else and always walk back into the kitchen just as the the timer goes DING! without thinking about it.

    Also I attract Asian women like a magnet. My japanophile friend is jelly.
    >> The long-awaited return of Gateway !A0rZLfg4Oc 04/07/11(Thu)11:30 No.24923392
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    I can slide anyone one notch on the Kinsey Scale in my favor.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:35 No.24925147
    I can always tell when there is another human nearby, even if they are completely hidden from view and silent. Something just feels wrong (or right?) and points me in their direction. When I meet a person, I can instantly judge their character with surprising accuracy, even if they are exceptional fakers. I have the uncanny ability to know when someone is about to enter a room or arrive home without warning. I've also seen two ghosts in my lifetime (or so I think.) I think I have some sort of soul radar. Souldar. Souldar Soldier.

    My weakness is that my power stops working when I am badmouthing someone or making an exceptionally lewd comment in front of the wrong party. With great power comes great responsibility and all that stupid shit.

    I don't think I'd really be any help on a /co/ superteam, though. Maybe I can pair up with the two people who have iron stomachs? I can sense when there is a bad guy hiding in an abandoned building and then the other two can eat him. By day we can play in a band: Souldar and the Iron Stomachs.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:38 No.24925212
    I have low level electrical powers. Everytime I walk by a flickering light it goes all the way on or burns out.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:46 No.24925331
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    I have the power over exhistance.I can look at people, then right through them, crowds of college students cease to exist. Cashier I just order some dank food from, they were never there. Friend driving the vehicle, NOPE. Nagging hoe bags, haha, better luck next week. If i don't want you to be, you won't.
    A devil's tongue, am able to talk my way into and out of any situation. (I.E. your pants, jail)
    Also am constantly lucky. scratch tickets, vehicle accidents, grades, timing of events.

    weakness include: drugs, STDs, firearms, history papers, heavy accents.
    (pic related, it's me)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:48 No.24925362
    my superpower is being able to do the same thing every day for years at a time and never get bored
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:49 No.24925384
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    I can go all zen when I'm working and make time fly by while doing everything perfectly. I more or less sleepwalk through work, and it's awesome.

    Pic related, it's me in a couple decades if I'm driving cabs.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:49 No.24925386
    i shoot a thick white subtance from a biological cannon
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:52 No.24925461
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    I have a super stomach. I can last a whole day without food or water. My only weakness in by mentioning the word "food".
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:53 No.24925465
    If something is down to random chance (Usually in videogames) I almost always get the most statistically unlikely option. It usually works in my favour, but not always.

    There seems to be a limit to the power, though. I haven't won the lottery yet, for example.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:54 No.24925498
    i hate when like ten other people say this.

    Happens to me too, but it can't be a real power something...


    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:56 No.24925521
    I have the power of "Toddler Empathy". I can figure out what a toddler is thinking at a glance, and communicate with looks. Doubly weird because I have aspergers and am notoriously dense to real life signals.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:57 No.24925537
    I am super mediocre.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)13:57 No.24925544
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    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:02 No.24925640
    My friend says she has the power to transmute food into poop, but I don't believe it. Girls don't poop. Not even if it's their super power.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:11 No.24925810
    Diagnosed at age 30. Want the doctor's letter I also get the weird "I know exactly what's going to happen next" thing.

    >In park
    >Wild toddler appears!
    >Anon used Empathy!
    >Toddler is curious.
    >Anon transmits feelings of D'aww!
    >Toddler grins and waves.
    >Wild toddler fled!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:43 No.24926400
    I can analyze people and know more about them then they probably know. It's true.

    Friend get's new gf. Knew she was a gold digger and was going to leave him within a month. Happened.

    Kid in my acting class, took one look at him and knew that he played a chello. Total bros now.

    Knew that this girl was a bastard child that it really made her feel inferior which is why she was always such a bitch. 100% true.

    Knew the blond girl in my art class was totally crazy and had daddy issues. Totally did and I used it to get sex from her

    Knew my brother would break up with his gf within a few weeks cause she was a idiot. Just saw he changed his relationship status on facebook and I just called it.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:47 No.24926471
    I can perfectly pronounce any language as if I was a native speaker, so long as I learn of pronunciation rules beforehand.

    My one weakness, though, is the spanish rr

    I can't get it right, for whatever reason.

    Also, I know 4 languages
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:47 No.24926487
    In my life I have broken both my arms, my leg, and two ribs. My doctor keeps my xray's in his office because my leg and arms healed almost completely in about a week. Yet I get a paper cut and it lasts 2 months. He uses me like a medical "What the Hell?" to other doctors
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:48 No.24926498
    My mother's super power is predicting lines in and endings to movies she has never seen. I am not so powerful, constantly in suspense.

    (Captcha: Quothe Allanrod. Her name is not Allanrod you ass, she is a LADY.)
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:50 No.24926553
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    I have an unusually sensitive sense of smell.

    A while back we had a /co/ project called the Mediocre Mutants, where /co/mrades reported in their odd abilities and got names for it. I became The Nose.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)14:52 No.24926580
    Occasionally I have prophetic dreams about the future (not far enough to be useful, only thing it's ever been helpful with is cheating on a math test by writing down my future answers) and cats love and obey me.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:25 No.24927164
    I know how to make certain animal calls that stop all animals in their tracks. I once hypnotized a pride of house cats by making the same meow that my cat used to make when we gave him a bath. I also know how to do a baby bird tweet that makes birds immediately fall silent and stop whatever they were doing.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:33 No.24927266
    Cats seem to like me.
    Oh, and I can sleep up to 16 hours without getting a headache.
    Whelp, I can't fight crime with these, can I?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:34 No.24927277
    I don't know about fighting crime, but I do know about this: You must be called The Cat Napper.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:35 No.24927293
    I have the uncanny ability to type a 5-7 page research paper in under an hour.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:35 No.24927301
    I dunno about my super power but my weakness is water.


    Water related incidents are #1 on the top ten things that ruin my days.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:36 No.24927316
    I can touch a fabric and instantly know what it is, right down to the blend.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:37 No.24927339
    I can feel when televisions or computers are on, 15 mts. away. And i make radios tune easier.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:38 No.24927363
    My superpower is that I can wake up 10 minutes before my alarmclock is set to go off. Every time, even if I change the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:41 No.24927418
    I can usually tell the time within a minute or two, no clock necessary. Even if I have been out doing something, with no time-telling device on hand, I still get it right. What a power.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:41 No.24927424
    I'm a human copy machine.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:42 No.24927439
    I can perfectly imitate any accent, except for a german one. My parents have german accents so I got completely desensitized to them.

    Also for some reason whenever I realize someone I know has really nice, clear skin, they will get some kind of blemish or zit on their face within the week. It's sorta freaky, and I feel sorta bad every time.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:43 No.24927449
    I have the power to read my own mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:47 No.24927523
    I have a healing factor.

    Obviously not like Wolverine or something, but I've been seriously injured several times, and each time I healed so quickly it surprised the doctors.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:48 No.24927528
    Holy shit I have this power too
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:50 No.24927562
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    I have the power to rear-project major cities!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:54 No.24927621
    You guys can do it too?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:57 No.24927696
    I can always find holes in crowds and I always manage to know the perfect time to get somewhere before a crowd.

    It's wonderful at theme parks. I can walk from the entrance of Main Street to the Haunted Mansion in five minutes or less (depending on walking speed) on even the busiest days.

    It feels great to jump into an empty line and then watch it back up past the door when I go places too.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:57 No.24927699
    I have the power to calmly catch and free confused small birds or animals from places they should not be. Even blue jays, and blue jays are super mean.

    I even know how to get a hold of an injured raptor should the need arise, but so far it hasn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:58 No.24927726
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    I'm an improbability manipulator.
    #23 mother fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)15:58 No.24927733
    Piercing through social facades

    I can instantly tell if someone's lying or being two-faced unless the person is a VERY good liar.
    I don't know shit about psychology, I'm not very empathetic either, I don't know where it's coming from, I just know.

    Pretty lame, I know, but it saved me from some bad experiences so far like dating someone who, what I've learned later on, cheats a lot etc.
    My life is an avenue of facepalming because the people I know fall for asshole "friends" all the time
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:01 No.24927785
    I can fly
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:04 No.24927844
    >I can instantly tell if someone's lying or being two-faced unless the person is a VERY good liar.
    Protip: everyone can, they're just not a huge asperger who doesn't know when you're supposed to pretend they don't and misses all social cues.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:04 No.24927848
    A natural ability for stealth. Say someone's in the kitchen and I go in to get something from the fridge. I can get in, do my stuff and out and unless I say hello they usually don't notice me. Works best on people I know who are waiting for a bus. Just stand next to them, say 'morning', watch them shit themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:06 No.24927910
    This is because what you're currently experiencing is actually a recollection of events which already occurred. In dreams the process of you remembering the events in order is very often mixed up in your case, leading to 'predicting the future'. I wouldn't claim to know really where 'the present' actually is, but what you perceive as the present is actually little more than part of a cycle of remembering the past which becomes more distorted each time the cycle completes.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:09 No.24927957
    I can become completely invisible, even while surrounded by a crowd of people.

    No one even knows I'm there, and they just go on with their conversations.

    Unfortunately, I can only go invisible, I can't actually stop being invisible to people. It's almost as if I don't actually exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:11 No.24927986
    I was breast fed until I was 3 years old. Now, mere association with me makes women's breasts grow (I've kept tabs on my female internet friends).

    Needless to say, time has been very unkind to my mother.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:11 No.24928000

    Holy shit, a blank post!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:12 No.24928008
    the ability to dream.

    I can bend reality at will, and because of my narcolepsy I actually do it a lot.

    I'm addicted to sleep, but am able to find happiness in my dreams whenever i want to.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:12 No.24928010
    Not the guy you were talking to, but I dreamt my dad fell and died from a head injury and didn't put too much stock into it. 8 months he was dead. The official cause of death was a heart attack, but the injury he suffered as a result caused the most damage. How is that a "recollection of events that have already occurred"?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:13 No.24928031
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:13 No.24928032
    *8 months later, I should have said
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:16 No.24928076
    You are both stupid. The reason he can "predict the future" is because dreams have a lot of vague or missing details. When you experience something remotely similar your brain quickly fills in the gaps with the current set of details and you "remember".

    Your "time is a cycle" theory is stupid and you are stupid for think it.
    >> Bonerific !ALxfxYDG9M 04/07/11(Thu)16:16 No.24928078
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:18 No.24928120
    I can see creatures from other planes with my left eye.

    And then I draw them and sell the pictures for profit! OwO
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:18 No.24928121

    I have the same kind of thing going on with me!

    I can also put my hands on my hips and without removing them I can bring my elbows forward and make them touch.

    After developing more muscle though from working out, the distance is becoming very limited.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:18 No.24928123
    8 months is enough time for a lot of dreams which don't come true. And who can remember what their dreams were like 8 days ago, let alone 8 months.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:19 No.24928138
    That's just a dream man, people have dreams of loved ones dying all the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:19 No.24928142
    I can sense crazy. It's only happened twice in my life, but when I come into contact with someone who's seriously mentally unbalanced, I can tell right off the bat. No one else believed me until the two people start proving how fucking crazy they were (both were adults; one of them had a temper tantrum at a kid they were babysitting and nearly slugged him, the other started going through my mother's mail, etc.)

    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:19 No.24928143
    whatever you say bro.
    staying away from two faced assholes =/= acting like a ADHS retard in public
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:20 No.24928153
    my special power....

    ▲ ▲
    I CAN TRIFORCE!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:22 No.24928186
    This doesn't happen too often but when it does it's weird as hell. The hair on my arms and the back of my hands twitches just before a phonecall or when someone switches something electrical on. And the hair always moves in the direction of the phone or the appliance.I also get
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:22 No.24928196
    >duurrrrrrr you need to become less distrusting of people around you jesus anon stop being such a social retard

    I feel you bro
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:22 No.24928200
    Not only does your brain like to fill in these vague gaps in previous memories or memories of dreams with specific details from the immediate present time, but your brain also tricks you into thinking you like an activity or event by actively going back and implanting fake dreams or memories where a vital detail was removed and replaced with the current event or activity.

    So lets say earlier today you were at a store. You were humming the theme song to X-Men. There are videocameras and microphones that recorded you humming the theme song to X-Men. Eye Witness accounts of several employees and customers have vivid memories of you humming the theme song to X-Men

    But then later on in the day you see an episode to THE NEW ADVENTURES OF JOHNNY QUEST, your brain remembers how much you enjoy the show and to recreate this enjoyment your brain goes back and "fixes" your memory and you go OH MY GOD I WAS JUST HUMMING THE THEME TO THIS SHOW RIGHT NOW AT THE STORE JESUS CHRIST I MUST BE A PSYCHIC. TIME TO FIGHT CRIME
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:25 No.24928243
    ITT people who don't know shit about deja-vues and think they have some kind of weird deeper meaning and make you special
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:26 No.24928273
    >Knew the blond girl in my art class had daddy issues. Totally did and I used it to get sex from her

    okay, what does mean, I saw like a hundred times, but exactly does that mean? and how did you use it?
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:26 No.24928275
    Those of you who can feel when electronics are being turned on, is there just a sense of knowing something's being turned on or is there a physical sensation? I get this too, but I feel it right at the base of my neck, like a bee got caught between my vertebrae.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:28 No.24928298
    It's like high-pictured white noise. Almost like a whistle you can't hear, but you can tell in your head that it's there.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:29 No.24928318
    >>24928186 here
    I've actually watched the hair follow a mobile as I moved it around my hand.
    >> Anonymous 04/07/11(Thu)16:29 No.24928333
    I can kill any conversation with my mere presence and the power of AWKWARDNESS.
    All the other time, i have absolute stealth, because people mostly ignore me.
    Also, i can hear the Call Of Mom by a mile away.

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