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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming soon (delayed a few days)

    File : 1280060750.png-(52 KB, 252x251, 092034409560943.png)
    52 KB Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:25 No.18875298  
    Homestuck thread. Post here if you are suffering from Homestuck withdrawal.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:27 No.18875312
    All day erry day.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:27 No.18875315
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:28 No.18875334
         File1280060906.gif-(235 KB, 650x450, Prolem Sleuth IC.gif)
    235 KB
    I'm dealing with it by going through Problem Sleuth.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:28 No.18875335
    I'm not, because I don't read Homestuck!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:30 No.18875365
         File1280061000.png-(340 KB, 640x382, 09230509057053.png)
    340 KB
    So what's your face like after a week of no Homestuck?

    Pic related, it's my face.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:35 No.18875443
         File1280061328.jpg-(326 KB, 800x642, Egbert.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:38 No.18875496
         File1280061511.gif-(12 KB, 782x543, Suicide.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:42 No.18875546
    I'm re-reading, starting just after the Intermission. The troll conversations are so much funnier now.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:44 No.18875568
    When you re-read Homestuck you pick up on so much more than the first time.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:44 No.18875573
    I'm rereading it. It's fucking miracles man, it's like reading it for the first time with all the shit I am noticing. Hussie can really tie those tiny details together.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:44 No.18875578
         File1280061877.png-(231 KB, 620x557, yaayfriends.png)
    231 KB

    So jolly
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:44 No.18875580
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:46 No.18875594
    reread mind
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:49 No.18875635

    And then Tinkerbull died because Tavros stopped believing in fairies.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:56 No.18875737
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)08:58 No.18875767
         File1280062709.png-(16 KB, 650x450, Tavros2.5.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:00 No.18875784
         File1280062822.jpg-(398 KB, 704x885, Terezi.jpg)
    398 KB
    >Cut to the chase and begin LARPing immediately.
    >> Sniper Joe !!Xq8uKDi9WA8 07/25/10(Sun)09:00 No.18875787
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:00 No.18875788


    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:03 No.18875815
         File1280062983.png-(429 KB, 500x600, 2orryiitsjustliines.png)
    429 KB
    Jesus Christ this is going so slowly
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:04 No.18875839
    >mfw hussie gets killed in a car accident when coming back from comic-con
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:11 No.18875940
         File1280063515.jpg-(25 KB, 558x448, Karkat.jpg)
    25 KB
    >My face when Hussie is abducted by Islamic terrorists who cut his infidel hands off
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:13 No.18875976
         File1280063635.jpg-(13 KB, 357x283, Toitle.jpg)
    13 KB
    >My face when he gets back safely and decides to drop MSPA for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:37 No.18876334

    I just finished Problem Sleuth yesterday.

    And now I'm gonna go through the Midnight Crew intermission again.

    Also, Pickle Inspector is clearly the best character in Problem Sleuth. When he insults Problem Sleuth is adorable. 'Not polite'. I'd try and integrate that into my daily conversation if I weren't already trying to integrate *drinks whiskey* into conversation.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:39 No.18876358
         File1280065197.gif-(142 KB, 650x450, PI.gif)
    142 KB
    All the PI based characters are awesome!
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:46 No.18876447
    CHRIST. I only noticed the Cosbytop blinks in the troll act. But it blinks here as well:

    And Pickle Inspector is the best PI based character! Because he inspects pickles.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)09:59 No.18876602
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:01 No.18876637
         File1280066506.gif-(51 KB, 650x450, ps000007.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:04 No.18876672
    so, what are you guys opinions on equiusxaradia becoming canon?

    I think hussie just went full retard
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:07 No.18876705
         File1280066824.png-(117 KB, 600x941, Aradia.png)
    117 KB
    The next update's probably going to flip that shit on its head :(
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:07 No.18876713
    date-rape is SOOOOOOOO romantic
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:11 No.18876753
    I'm just at the Frog Girl part of the Troll section.
    The Trolls really bore and annoy me, does it go back to the humans and post-apocalypse crew anytime soon?
    >> !TA0T5gpKEQ 07/25/10(Sun)10:14 No.18876786
         File1280067277.gif-(21 KB, 650x450, fucking mIrAcLeS!.gif)
    21 KB
    So far I've re-read Problem Sleuth and restarted Homestuck. I really can't wait for the culminating Flash at the end Troll Saga.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:15 No.18876792
         File1280067304.gif-(15 KB, 650x450, 02226.gif)
    15 KB
    We don't know, it's still gray skinned hornfags still.

    But we've gotta be nearing the end given that they're almost all introduced and the only reason he didn't introduce the 2 SEA DWELLERS was because he knew his hiatus would interrupt his glorious SEA DWELLER narrative.

    On the plus side, we got robot makeout sessions
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:16 No.18876810
    That's the exact page I just turned to.
    I'll grin and bare it I guess, it'll go back to the John Crew or the Vagrant Crew sooner or later.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:17 No.18876826
         File1280067462.gif-(30 KB, 650x450, Tavros1.gif)
    30 KB
    >My face when Hussie changes Homestuck to be purely concerned with the trolls from now on
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:18 No.18876838
    stop whining about the trolls, the're all going to die during the rift anyways
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:27 No.18876953
    Since getting the soundtracks, Homestuck has jumped up to 5th or so on my most listened, a fact I was not aware of until last night.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:29 No.18876968
         File1280068176.gif-(48 KB, 650x450, Dance.gif)
    48 KB
    Bought Vol 5 and Alternia about four days ago. Not actually listened to anything besides them since.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:34 No.18877031
    I wish the What Pumpkin people would get the albums onto Pandora so I could find music similar to Sburban Jungle. Seriously, what genre is that song?
    >> Sniper Joe !!Xq8uKDi9WA8 07/25/10(Sun)10:36 No.18877052

    Genre: FUCK YEAR
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)10:45 No.18877185
         File1280069143.png-(166 KB, 823x421, Bob Geldof dressed as a nazi p(...).png)
    166 KB
    >My face when Homestuck withdrawl
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:00 No.18877403
         File1280070049.jpg-(802 KB, 900x3589, KarkatGoats.jpg)
    802 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:03 No.18877445
    What song is that?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:05 No.18877486
         File1280070342.gif-(9 KB, 650x450, Karkat1.gif)
    9 KB
    No Children by the Mountain Goats
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:06 No.18877497
         File1280070398.gif-(56 KB, 650x107, 01596_2.gif)
    56 KB
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 07/25/10(Sun)11:06 No.18877504
    Feels good that I don't have to constantly check if there was an update or not.
    >> CaptainChip !!a7iW0bdboIC 07/25/10(Sun)11:08 No.18877536

    Here's a funny homestuck song I found on a different thread a few days ago.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:11 No.18877586
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:11 No.18877594
    That'll be fixed in a couple of days.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:14 No.18877650
         File1280070861.gif-(22 KB, 650x450, Equius2.gif)
    22 KB
    lol oh wow
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:18 No.18877724


    Also does anyone have more art?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:18 No.18877726
         File1280071114.gif-(38 KB, 650x450, 02292.gif)
    38 KB
    >hero mode .gif
    >horns are more than the dark orange color
    nope. Just doesn't happen with Equius
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:20 No.18877758
         File1280071218.jpg-(89 KB, 427x420, SweetJesus.jpg)
    89 KB
    You're entering a world of pain
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:22 No.18877801
         File1280071346.jpg-(1.32 MB, 1143x2000, Battle_on_the_Beat_by_KingJigg(...).jpg)
    1.32 MB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:23 No.18877817
         File1280071388.png-(316 KB, 623x980, SweetJesusChristNO.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:23 No.18877834
         File1280071429.gif-(75 KB, 300x1267, datrump-2.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:23 No.18877836

    Oh my GOD D':
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:26 No.18877896
         File1280071615.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 231 KB, 630x745, overtavrosAGctback.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 231 KB
    is that the sequel of that picture?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:27 No.18877914
         File1280071677.png-(438 KB, 600x1700, Equius Nonsense.png)
    438 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:27 No.18877915
         File1280071678.jpg-(81 KB, 546x1464, alternian_ghost_by_Doodle_Mast(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:29 No.18877949
         File1280071768.jpg-(396 KB, 1600x1200, cardnight.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:32 No.18878006
         File1280071945.png-(96 KB, 782x493, terezikarkatfaces.png)
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    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)11:33 No.18878042
         File1280072028.png-(33 KB, 317x364, 1279656465638.png)
    33 KB
    Hey guys whaddid I miss? :V
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:34 No.18878049
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:34 No.18878053
         File1280072056.gif-(187 KB, 650x450, PI2.gif)
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    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)11:36 No.18878104

    Obligatory Sado-Meso-Pedo-Robo-Necro-Bestiality~
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 07/25/10(Sun)11:39 No.18878157

    I'm debating whether to do this or not.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:40 No.18878173

    Engage in the aforementioned activity?
    >> CaptainChip !!a7iW0bdboIC 07/25/10(Sun)11:41 No.18878209
         File1280072512.png-(3 KB, 203x212, uguu.png)
    3 KB
    I posted it already.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:42 No.18878235
         File1280072575.jpg-(31 KB, 1076x609, Hussie.jpg)
    31 KB
    Homestuck got me to go back to drawing after I gave it up three years ago. Hussie's lips are god.
    >> GeneralIvan !!es8jpwZdntp 07/25/10(Sun)11:43 No.18878243

    No, just the song.

    I've already done that aforementioned activity... Twice.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:45 No.18878295
    I hear tell that after three times you get a badge.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:48 No.18878370
         File1280072902.gif-(15 KB, 723x500, thisisawesome.gif)
    15 KB
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)11:51 No.18878442

    Sorry, I skimmed over the thread.


    They say 10 times you get a trophy and 20 you get an achievment.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:54 No.18878478
         File1280073242.gif-(332 KB, 650x450, Oink.gif)
    332 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)11:54 No.18878498
    Just finished the Midnight Crew Intermission. Then fiddled around on the Act 4 introduction. You know, the pseudo video game segment, where you actually control John and hit imps with hammers.

    I ran into an imp repeatedly until I died.

    Nothing happens, he just warps back to the beginning, but then Nanna gives you the entry speech so I assume it's reseting as opposed to just warping back to the beginning.

    Honestly, I was expecting some kind of secret game over tangent. But then there's an side-game over tangent when John and Jade die and Dave goes back in time to save them.

    Which isn't the same as a secret game over tangent.

    What I'm saying is, the introduction to Act 4 needed more cool explorey stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:07 No.18878722
         File1280074041.gif-(106 KB, 650x450, 01146.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:07 No.18878730
         File1280074078.gif-(13 KB, 650x450, Terezi1.gif)
    13 KB
    >Instinctively go to MSPA
    >Notice some unvisited pages on the right
    >OH BOY
    >Realise you cleared your browsing history yesterday
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:12 No.18878803
         File1280074332.jpg-(599 KB, 640x1350, 1279432354604.jpg)
    599 KB
    So should I start another repost dump or something?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:19 No.18878948
    Some discussion would be nice. We could discuss Karkat being adorable.

    Karkat is adorable. He is actually the cutest character in the entire story. Bar none. Barn fun, without the animals. So it's just fun, and that's what Karkat is, he's fun.

    He's cute in spite of swearing his mouth off. He's cute because of it. But I don't like how Karkat is constantly angry. I just want to see him watch a romantic film and be happy.

    I would LOVE to see Karkat be happy watching something.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:19 No.18878952
    What about 413 and 612 dump?
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:21 No.18878977
    I believe the term you're looking for is "Adorabloodthirsty"
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:22 No.18879003
    There's no way Karkat is cuter than Nepeta.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:23 No.18879015
         File1280075004.jpg-(29 KB, 617x976, Untitled-1.jpg)
    29 KB
    I am listening to the Vol. 5 CD right now and oh my gog there are so many songs.

    also, unreal air
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:23 No.18879017

    Yes, please.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:26 No.18879086
         File1280075216.gif-(38 KB, 650x450, Terezi.gif)
    38 KB
    >Implying Terezi is not better than Karkat
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:27 No.18879091
         File1280075223.png-(19 KB, 472x684, 1279633718841.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:28 No.18879117
         File1280075314.png-(176 KB, 1000x500, karkatburn.png)
    176 KB
    I don't believe he can be happy. I don't believe he can laugh or cry either. He's anger incarnated.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:28 No.18879125

    My candidates:
    Guardian v.2
    Skaian Skirmish
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:32 No.18879210
         File1280075534.png-(336 KB, 768x1024, 1279503479141.png)
    336 KB

    Opinions change, let's not start the drama, everybody got different tastes.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:33 No.18879230
    Man I know it just came out but nothing speaks to me more than The La2t Frontiier

    It's like hopy shit this is jawesome
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:33 No.18879239

    Yes, but no one can shoehorn nasty words into the adulation I feel for Karkat. If they did, then it would mean a different emotion that I'm not feeling.


    Karkat is cuter than Nepeta. He is specifically 30% cuter than Nepeta. I'm going to explain this so as to prove that I'm not just throwing out numbers.

    Karkat and Nepeta are both at the top of their game. They both have hair and bodies that are particularly cute. Almost cherub-like. They both get the maximum writing for their basic personalities. Nepeta and her Lusus searching for the Fountain of Cute is utterly adorable. But you can't deny the cuteness of Karkat drawing a picture of his Lusus, and putting it on the fridge. It's almost impossible to imagine someone as angry as him doing that. These two character are clearly pretty evenly tied.

    A tie breaks. One of them needs the advantage over the other. And it's Karkat. Because Karkat joined in with Nepeta's roleplaying. Even though it was insincere, and he was merely indulging a friend, he gets the bonus cute points for making that compromise.

    Nepeta isn't as cute as Karkat until I see her watching his shit films. (Which could still happen, so I may end up admitting that they are perhaps evenly cute.)
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:33 No.18879244
         File1280075620.png-(11 KB, 326x494, 1279327465748.png)
    11 KB


    .....................Have my babies.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:33 No.18879246
    Black and Keepers are awesome!

    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:34 No.18879250
    >He is /v/ incarnated
    Fixed. I've never seen one person who can accurately represent a board of hundreds before.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:34 No.18879253
    Holy fucking cute wars; give it up.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:34 No.18879266
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:35 No.18879280
         File1280075709.jpg-(213 KB, 600x486, 127888755786.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:35 No.18879286
    I just got to the part in Problem Sleuth when Pickle Inspector makes Hysterical Dame carry all the guns because they're too heavy.

    Also, I forgot that FINAL BOSS FIGHT lasts for roughly about half the entire comic.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:36 No.18879323

    I never implied Karkat is not better than Terezi. In fact I didn't imply anything, I was pretty explicit. Err, thank you???


    Films can induce more emotions than happiness. I would settle for seeing Karkat watching something that makes him cry.
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:37 No.18879338

    Upward Movement
    Skian Skirmish

    Also Descend should probably get a walk since it's basically every other song remixed together.
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:37 No.18879339
         File1280075843.png-(199 KB, 558x599, 1279649455660.png)
    199 KB
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:38 No.18879360
         File1280075896.png-(136 KB, 600x800, 1278745208471.png)
    136 KB
    >> theorizedCorporal 07/25/10(Sun)12:38 No.18879379
         File1280075938.gif-(30 KB, 650x450, 01188_1.gif)
    30 KB
    Verdancy Baseline
    Liquid Negrocity
    Pony Chorale
    Upward Movement
    Sburban Jungle
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:39 No.18879382
         File1280075945.png-(154 KB, 500x600, 1279749406086.png)
    154 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:39 No.18879395
         File1280075987.png-(121 KB, 480x640, 127861488125.png)
    121 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:40 No.18879408

    Harlequin (Rock Version)
    Beatdown (Round Two)
    Carbon Nadsat/Cuestick Genius
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:40 No.18879424
    Just started reading this. I began a while ago after reading Problem Sleuth but broke down during the SBURB stage and barely got to the beginning of the furniture moving about and stuff.

    Up to Ectobiolobabysitter. Should I slow down? From the sounds of things I might get to a sudden halt where he doesn't draw very much....
    >> Dragoon !!dk3K2zO0RO4 07/25/10(Sun)12:40 No.18879425
         File1280076054.jpg-(23 KB, 220x260, 1279749796625.jpg)
    23 KB

    In no particular order:

    Pony Chorale
    Hard Chorale
    Liquid Negrocity
    Three in the morning
    Hearts flush

    Or I can go ahead and say I love all of it :V
    >> Anonymous 07/25/10(Sun)12:42 No.18879464
         File1280076150.jpg-(272 KB, 673x599, 127943215096.jpg)
    272 KB

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