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  • File : 1276448432.jpg-(194 KB, 602x915, blue-beetle-36.jpg)
    194 KB Mexican to get his own show Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:00 No.17617342 sticky  
    # GeoffJohns0

    Blue Beetle's going to appear in most of the Brave and the Bold's this year and we're hoping to develop a live-action show. Fingers crossed! 3 minutes ago via web

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    # Geoff Johns GeoffJohns0

    BLUE BEETLE NEWS from DCE!! We have a live-action test of Jaime Reyes' scarab activating his suit. It. Is. Awesome. 4 minutes ago via web
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:01 No.17617357
    Posting in a...sticky

    >Live action Jaime Blue Beetle
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:01 No.17617358
    why is this stickied?
    >> pi8you 06/13/10(Sun)13:01 No.17617359
    posting in a Jaime Sticky
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:02 No.17617364
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:02 No.17617366
    Oh boy. It's black spider-man all over again. Make a sticky now please? Flood of these fucking threads inbound...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:02 No.17617368
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    >>we're hoping to develop a live-action show.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:02 No.17617369
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:02 No.17617370
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:02 No.17617376
    This is so great.
    >> The Fizz 06/13/10(Sun)13:03 No.17617384
    Please excuse me while I squee like a damn fool
    >> Sniper Joe !!zfpgxfRHBaQ 06/13/10(Sun)13:03 No.17617387
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:03 No.17617390
    Sticky means that it's something important. What did we miss about Blue Beetle?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:03 No.17617394
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:03 No.17617398
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:03 No.17617401
    aw yiss
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 06/13/10(Sun)13:04 No.17617408
    >> Izanami !nNfx3g9eXc 06/13/10(Sun)13:04 No.17617412
    Is this not going to get cancelled when people just download the episodes?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:04 No.17617413
    > Blue Beetle's own show


    > Live action

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:05 No.17617423
    Live action Blue Beetle series...

    I don't know how to feel about this.
    >> Gatewizzle for schizzle dizzle !A0rZLfg4Oc 06/13/10(Sun)13:05 No.17617430
    sticky post
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:06 No.17617442
    My bet it ends up like Smallville.

    99% teen angst
    >> The Mighty Monarch 06/13/10(Sun)13:06 No.17617443
    Janitors! You ARE there!

    I dunno about this, but fuck man. Think about it. America's first homegrown sentai show.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:06 No.17617447
    I am so goddamn excited

    I can't wait to see a cast list
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:06 No.17617450
    Hey cool a stickied thread that isn't about off topic bullshit no one cares about. Way to go mods.

    On topic:
    >live action
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:06 No.17617461



    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:07 No.17617463
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    >Blue Beetle


    Good to know he's getting his own show though
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:07 No.17617465
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    >>live action
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:07 No.17617467
    OH MAN


    >> Golden 06/13/10(Sun)13:07 No.17617470
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    For once i am ok with this. I would prefer a cartoon, but a live-action well done could be awesome too
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:07 No.17617473
    >live action

    >blue beetle as jamie
    I wanted Ted ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:08 No.17617477
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:08 No.17617484
    This probably won't be as awesome as I'm imagining, but if it's at least as good as last season's Smallville, I'll be quite happy.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:08 No.17617495
    Please be better than Smallville.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:08 No.17617497
    inb4 stereotypes
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:09 No.17617507
    Smallville hasn't bee like that in about two or three years bro. Keep up.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:09 No.17617510
    Prefer cartoon, has live action ever been done well?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:09 No.17617518
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10 No.17617524
    >Mexican to get his own show

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10 No.17617526
    I hate when something good happens and Geoff Johns is involved. It sours the whole thing. Like 52.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10 No.17617527
    goddamn mexican gets his own show, probably because of some affirmitive action bullshit. You don't see batman having his own live action show or nothin. I wish DC would just cleanse their multiverse of this garbage and bring back ted kord, making the blue beetle white and proud again.
    >> pi8you 06/13/10(Sun)13:10 No.17617528
    So.... Cartoon Network or CW Hell?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10 No.17617531
    Flash, recent Smallville, most of the other Superman shows, 60s Batman. It can be done.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10 No.17617539
    so, we are going to get several years of shit and after that something good? And this is supposed to make me happy?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:10 No.17617541
    I for one welcome more visible and board-specific moderation.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:11 No.17617553
    I'm guessing Fox like Human Target. We'll see though.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:11 No.17617558

    Didn't they learn from Smallville that this is NOT a good idea?!

    Did they not learn from Spectacular Spider-Man that animated is?!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:12 No.17617562´s like, when americans make a TV show they think mexicans will like
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:12 No.17617564
    Personally, I hope neither.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:13 No.17617580
    Smallville is more popular than Spectacular Spider-man.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:13 No.17617583
    I would like that.

    But let's be fair. You can't reproduce Chi McBride's awesomeness.
    >> The Reach 06/13/10(Sun)13:13 No.17617593
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    yes yes yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:13 No.17617595
    yeah, teen girls love it
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:13 No.17617602
    Not sure if want.

    They'll fuck it up.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:14 No.17617606
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    your horns are showing
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:14 No.17617617
    Sorta want. Could be interesting.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:15 No.17617626
    Well, casting time.

    I don't know any young Hispanic actors but that girl that does Panini's voice on Chowder could be Brenda.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:15 No.17617636
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:16 No.17617645
    So how much do they have to tone down the Scarab to make Jamie work in live action form? I mean, they couldn't even afford a decent fight scene in the Smallville JSA episode, Johns himself said they had to cut most of it out.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:16 No.17617661
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    >Confirmed for Jaime, Traci 13 and Milagro
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:17 No.17617662
    The only thing Smallville has proved is that you shouldn't hire people who don't want to make a superhero show (show greatly improved once the "no flights, no tights" guys left) and special effects are expensive. Considering Johns is working on this, that first thing shouldn't be a problem.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:18 No.17617686
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:18 No.17617706
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    Jaime Reyes, huh?
    >> BlackHaze 06/13/10(Sun)13:19 No.17617719

    Jaime finally getting what he deserves.

    Ted, on the the other hand... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:21 No.17617749

    Why would they want a show about a man who committed suicide?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:22 No.17617770
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    >>Live action

    this will not end well
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:23 No.17617781
    are you sure? they will hardly target on males, since every 14-35 years old dude is going tu pirate it. If they put money in it, they will want a lot of people to watch it, and by a lot of people i mean a lot of teen girls, because they are stupid enough to buy it and put posters of the main cast on their walls
    >> Fudge 06/13/10(Sun)13:24 No.17617793
    Let's hope people won't think this is a Ben 10 ripoff, 'cause it's not.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:24 No.17617799
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:24 No.17617800

    They'll probably get some unknowns.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:25 No.17617813
    The final villain of the first season is Arizona.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:25 No.17617819
    Live Action? Riiiiiiiiiiiight.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:25 No.17617822
    well, every other /co/mrade and their dog seems to think it's a kaimen rider rip-off.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:26 No.17617837
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    Well it is pretty clear they copied Big Chill from Alien Force

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:26 No.17617839
    Really this is more of a Guyver-type situation than Kamen Rider.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:27 No.17617848
    IT IS based on Kamen Rider you cannot deny this.

    This is good, homever.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:27 No.17617854
    ...It's niggas in cheap suits fighting monsters made of cheaper suits.

    Same thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:28 No.17617866

    As far as the modern ones go, Guyver is Kamen Rider material, just without the title.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:29 No.17617879
    Did Giffen ever say it was based on Kamen Rider or is that just a conclusion you've drawn because of the similarities?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:29 No.17617880
    Guvyer is all about bio weapons.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:29 No.17617886
    My monitor got stickied when I saw this, if you know what I mean.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:30 No.17617902
    the analogy works better there, but you know how /co/ is. Once they get something in their head, they won't shut the fuck up about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:30 No.17617905
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    posting in an AWESOME sticky
    >> Shockguey !Risty9VuFI 06/13/10(Sun)13:31 No.17617916
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    >Mexican to get his own show

    Phase 2 has been enacted: Take over the media.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:31 No.17617926
    I really don't know how to feel about a live-action Blue Beetle series. Part of me feels that it's going to fail miserably. The other part is at least slightly hopeful. Wonder what channel it'll air on...

    Sitcom with Ted BB and Booster Gold, on the other hand. I might be able to get behind.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:32 No.17617933
    How on earth would they get the SFX budget for this, just one episode of Beetle using his suit would be mind-blowingly expensive.

    Also where is my Gotham Central TV series, Johns?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:33 No.17617940
    I don't know enough about the plot of Kaiman Rider to agree. Other than superficial similarities in the suits, you're going to have to point out how it's "based" on Kaiman rider when it's an American Legacy character and the concept art had the look based more on Mexican luchadors.
    >> Shockguey !Risty9VuFI 06/13/10(Sun)13:33 No.17617946
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    >America's first homegrown sentai show.

    Uh, bro.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:33 No.17617948
    This. I want a Gotham Central series so hard.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:35 No.17617985

    Considering the amount of respect the Blue Beetle writers had for Ted, I wouldn't be surprised if Booster was a reoccurring character and there was a time-travelin' Blue and Gold episode.
    This is me being extremely optimistic.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:35 No.17617990
    1) They look similar enough.
    2) Tech based power armor that can form at will with a tech device. Modern Kamen Rider is all about this.
    3) Science based weapons and suit modifications.
    4) Jamie even acts as a protagonist to some rider series, like Ryuki.
    5) It will be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:36 No.17617999
    It really doesn't have much in common at all with Kamen Rider, besides being live action rubber-suit fighting, and there are better examples that are more closely related as >>17617839 pointed out.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:37 No.17618015
    So you have no actual proof and this is all conjecture?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:37 No.17618016
    >Modern Kamen Rider
    >Symbiotic tech based suit
    >Bio armor
    >Blue Beetle
    >Symbiotic Tech suit

    Yeah man it's tottaly Guvyer.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:37 No.17618021
    As good as Blue Beetle is, he doesn't seem a logical choice for a TV show?

    How on earth are they going to afford the SFX on this?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:37 No.17618022
    So, like was said, you're just saying it was "based" on Kamen Rider based on superficial similarities between the suits. Not much of an argument.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:38 No.17618030
    Holy fucking Jesus. What is the fucking difference? Not only that: Who cares? Fucking Beetle man. Fuck Mark Hamill and a bunch of Tojos.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:39 No.17618043
    That would pretty damn cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:39 No.17618050

    That's Kamen Rider. And not the anon you're speaking with but honestly from my comparison with all the seasons of KR I have seen I doubt BB is similar to it. BB seems more to me like Guyver in all due honesty.

    I would say at this point the only real similarities between BB and KR is the bug theme and now that they will both be Live Action Series. Him being a teenage Mexican with a bioorganic power armor from out of space sort of throws out any KR similarities.
    >> BlackHaze 06/13/10(Sun)13:40 No.17618053
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:40 No.17618055
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    Far one on the left.

    If I cannot convince you how they based his design to the Rider series then ok. In no interview they outright state this, they say "lucha libre influence" yet his mask only barely resambles Blue Demon's mask and his suit is nothing like a Lucha Libre suit.

    Even if they did blindly copy this design, at least say the end result it's similar.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:41 No.17618074
    I say go for it, it sounds like a pretty awesome idea in all seriousness.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:41 No.17618075
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:41 No.17618079
    Guys who cares if he's based on Kamen Rider?
    It really doesn't matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:41 No.17618087
    >IT IS based on Kamen Rider you cannot deny this.

    Is it difficult to talk out of your ass like that?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:42 No.17618094
    The people saying that he is based on Kamen Rider also posted that they enjoy this.

    Why are dc fans so lunatic?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:42 No.17618098

    Are you honestly comparing Kamen Rider Gatack to The Blue Beetle? SERIOUSLY?!

    Or Arata to Jaime? Oh man.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:42 No.17618099
    Just reminding you guys the chances of this getting actually developed is still quite hard. They could make a pilot and the network could still not like it. Fucking Cartoon Network said no to this fantastic Plastic Man show.
    >> Dr. Monkey 06/13/10(Sun)13:42 No.17618104
    So Scottish! So awesome!

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:43 No.17618110
    >Far one on the left.

    That came out in 2006. Doesn't Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle precede that?

    In all honesty, this BB has more in common with Guyver than Kamen Rider as far as basic origin plot goes. Kid finds doodad, doodad turns out to be power armor created by aliens.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:44 No.17618118
    Because bickering about the technobabble behind a particular suit is asinine.

    He's obviously going to come out looking like Kamen Rider. This much is true. But who cares what the in-universe explanations for the suits are.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:44 No.17618121
    >Modern Kamen Rider
    >Symbiotic tech based suit
    What the fuck are you talking about? Kamen Rider suits aren't symbiotic, or even suits at all in some series. The only one you could maybe argue that for is Blade, since the sealed Undead were used for suit operation, but even that's stretching it.

    Whereas Guyver forms a much more symbiotic connection with the user.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:44 No.17618132
    Gee, and I wanted to see SFX that had possible theological implications.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:45 No.17618140
    How the hell didn't that get picked up, its awesome!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:46 No.17618146
    >He's obviously going to come out looking like Kamen Rider
    Why, because you've got that idea stuck in your head? For fucks sake, stop posting.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:46 No.17618158
    Didn't they go with Johnny Test over this?

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:46 No.17618160
    I've been saying the whole time there are superficial similarities in the suit. You seem to think that all it takes to make a character is the design, as opposed to characterization and plot. Show me how the characterization is more Kamen Rider than say, Spider-Man. Show me how the plot in any way resembles Kamen Rider. The writers have never indicated Blue Beetle was based on Kamen Rider from what I've seen. It's cool to point out how the suits look a bit similar, but I don't get how any of you cats can say it's "based" on Kamen Rider. Do you not know what "based on" means?
    >> Jaimytron !rIlD2JheN2 06/13/10(Sun)13:46 No.17618166
         File1276451212.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 87 KB, 469x428, ohgod.jpg)
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    inb4 they cast a black guy to play him
    >> Neku 06/13/10(Sun)13:47 No.17618172
    Well that's neat.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:47 No.17618176
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    Yes he does. I just wanted to show that Riders have always resambled insects.
    The one I posted is merely Kamen Rider Black with some blue armor.

    And yes, his origin is very similar to the one in Guvyer and they share some design traits as well, the colors are pretty much the same.

    But at the same time the way Jamie uses his powers are prettu much the same that Kamen Rider Black RX and the first modern riders.

    I've yet to see him use any Luca Libre moves.

    Anyway, Guvyer = Awesome, Kamen Rider = Awesome, Live action Blue bettle = Best live action show in america
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:48 No.17618183
    >The people saying that he is based on Kamen Rider also posted that they enjoy this.

    >Why are dc fans so lunatic?
    Actually I believe it's more the Kamen Rider fans that are pissed, since the people commenting that it's clearly based on Kamen Rider are showing great ignorance about the series.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:48 No.17618188
    You just realized his face will be static.

    No moving parts.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:49 No.17618193
    itt: A bunch of tokusatsu lovers get bitched by DC fans who think that power armors are an original idea done by DC despite the fact the tokusatsu lovers are excited just as bad as the DC fans
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:49 No.17618200
    Any word on what network would be playing it?

    For something like this, I'd REALLY hope it turned out to be like an HBO series.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:50 No.17618210
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    >we're hoping to develop a live-action show
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:50 No.17618212
    Keep dreaming. It'll probably end up on the CW.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:50 No.17618222

    Maybe I confused your enthusiasm for something else, but even still you seem to be a little confused yourself. Observe the progression of shows like Guyver and Kamen Rider versus something like Smallville.

    Japan and America have two very different ideas of what Live Action could and should be about. I am not default saying it will be bad, but it is highly unlikely this series will play out like any of the Kamen Riders I have seen. The people here in the west just do not think that way, it is unlikely to work.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:51 No.17618233
    Guys, GUYS!

    Calm down for a minute, let's look at the bigger picture here.

    Does this mean there's a chance his ongoing will come back?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:51 No.17618235
    >Live action Blue bettle = Best live action show in america

    Ah, I see. You're used to hyperbole and poorly thought-out statements. Because this show doesn't even have a pilot out yet and you've just called it the best live-action show in America. Why don't you do me a favor and start trip-faggin so I can more easily ignore you in the future?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:52 No.17618247
    Protip: No one cares whether it's based on Kamen Rider. Our problem is that some idiot is saying that is definitely is with no real proof.


    Jesus Christ /co/.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:53 No.17618260
    oh shit, this is awesome. Reminds me of Freakazoid.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:53 No.17618264
    Pretty much this. That's why the DC fans in this thread got their backs up (well, me at least).
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:54 No.17618267
    Maybe, but it sold like shit before so I'm not sure why anything would change unless they put a bigname writer like Johns on or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:54 No.17618276
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:55 No.17618284
    Pirating hurt that book more than it did others, I think. I believe the interest is there, DC just needs to find a way to take advantage of the internet.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:55 No.17618289

    Rumor has it that someone pitched that idea to WB and they passed on it. I've read a few people talking about it as if it were fact but I've never been able to find anything to back it up.


    Blame that on Birds of Prey flopping.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:55 No.17618294
    Well from what I understand he was a relatively unknown character at the time, and his series ended RIGHT before he started getting more exposure from Brave and the Bold. If he gets his own series which is well-received, it's possible they'd pick the book back up thinking it'd get sales based on character popularity.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:55 No.17618298
    Christ, PLEASE keep Johns away from Jaime.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:55 No.17618302
    Thankfully, they are. They're just not rushing into it and dumping scans like Marvel is.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:56 No.17618305
    It was selling less than Tiny Titans. At that point, you can't blame piracy.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:56 No.17618313
    don't get my hopes up like that! I'm already more excited than I ought to be for the show.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:56 No.17618318
    But... Tiny Titans is awesome...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:57 No.17618322

    Pretty much. The fact that a lot of it's fanbase was pirating the book didn't really help either.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:57 No.17618323
    Afraid he'll write a decent book, like he has done for many titles over the years?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:57 No.17618333
    >but it is highly unlikely this series will play out like any of the Kamen Riders I have seen.

    Which is true, if it's aimed towards teens, it will be mostly high school drama bullshit. If aimed for adults, it will SUPERSERIAL!

    But all I ask is if it follows the formula that japanese tokusatsu has. Man walks into town, problem arises, problem is linked to organization X, HENSHIN!, RIIDAA KIICK!, problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:58 No.17618342
    If he wrote it like he wrote Adventure Comics or how he's writing Flash, it would be good. But yeah, someone like Sterling Gates would be a better fit.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:58 No.17618344
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:59 No.17618353

    Johns is one of the few things keeping him from being killed off for shock value, and the reason he's going to get more exposure.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)13:59 No.17618359
    *sigh* yeah. Maybe it wasn't adequate promotion on DC's part? I really don't get why this series fizzled. It had the potential to be like Spider-Man.

    What are /co/'s theories? Poor promotion? Pirating? Lack of interest in a Latino character? I know a lot of Ted fans were pretty pissed at a brown kid taking his place.
    >> The Mighty Monarch 06/13/10(Sun)14:00 No.17618366
    First two. That brown kid thing was crushed once everyone realized how cool Jaime is.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:00 No.17618378
    Let's not start that debate (because it's very much a debate) here. Let's just say I don't think his writing style would work for Jaime.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:01 No.17618384
    Well, unfortunately I didn't find out about the series early enough to support it. If they renew it though, I'll definitely be picking it up every month.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:02 No.17618399

    Yeah and though they're upset, a lot of Ted fans seem to accept Jaime for the most part. At the very least, their is no bitter war like there was between Hal and Kyle fans.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:02 No.17618412
    The only reason I brought up the racism thing was because it only disappeared as a common complaint shortly before the series got canned. Like maybe Ted fans got over it too late/
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:03 No.17618423
    I think it was a combination of poor promotion on DC's part and piracy.

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:03 No.17618434
    The comic book sucked so I expect this to be just as bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:03 No.17618436
    >>17618176resambled insects.

    You clearly haven't seen any rider from Hibiki, Den-O or Kiva, nor the likes of the three movie riders from Missing Ace and various riders from Ryuuki, such as Imperer, Odin, Tiger, Oja and Zolda, to name a few.

    None of those riders remotely look like insects.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:04 No.17618438
    I bought the last three issues :(

    I didn't find out about it until everyone was pretty sure it was on it's way out.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:05 No.17618454
    I'm a Dutchfag who specifically asked his local comic book shop to import it for me, so quit your whining!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:05 No.17618461
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:05 No.17618463
    You're adorable.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:05 No.17618466
    Really? Well, while I'm glad he's taken an interest and is protecting the character, I really don't want him writing Blue Beetle.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:05 No.17618470
    Honestly, I don't know if I'd buy an ongoing that isn't written by Rogers. The Sturges stories haven't impressed me and I don't know many other writers who could pull it off (though, like mentioned before, I'd give Sterling Gates a try).
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:06 No.17618480
    Yeah, I really think DC dropped the ball on promoting Jaime. I had never even heard of him until /co/ started having threads about the cancellation announcement and him showing up in Brave and the Bold.

    If only the series had managed to survive a little longer for Brave and the Bold to come out, maybe things would have turned out differently.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:08 No.17618520
    I have no problem with you, kind sir. But anyone who complains about it being canceled, if you knew about the series before it ended and didn't buy it then you have no heart!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:09 No.17618537
    After reading Red Robin, I'm convinced Yost could probably do the character justice. I'd check it out anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:09 No.17618540
    >Yeah, I really think DC dropped the ball on promoting Jaime. I had never even heard of him until /co/ started having threads about the cancellation announcement and him showing up in Brave and the Bold.

    If DC doesn't kill Titans it'll probably be him and Static headlining it.

    (Though for my money, a Blue Beetle and Static double-title is more appealing. Who wants to read Titans shit?)
    >> The Mighty Monarch 06/13/10(Sun)14:10 No.17618548
    I got like the first 5 issues... but I couldn't afford regular comic buying anymore and it was kind of boring at the time...I'm sorry, /co/
    >> Friendly Neighborhood English Major 06/13/10(Sun)14:10 No.17618552
    As excited as I am about the possibility of a Blue Beetle show...can Jaime Reyes' version really work as live action?
    >> The Mighty Monarch 06/13/10(Sun)14:11 No.17618572
    Kind of. Have you seen how much CGI goes into Power Rangers nowadays?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:11 No.17618575
    Did you at least buy the trades?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:11 No.17618580
    >Blue beetle show
    >live action
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:11 No.17618582
    The target audiences are different.

    Anyway, this sounds cool. I could see a well scripted kids or young adults adventure show of this. Jamie stopping supervillians in his hometown, reimaginings of some old Blue Beetle foes, the space deal as a thread through the show with a finale arc against the Reach.

    Also Paco hitting people with sticks.

    Finally. Some of you say Kamen Rider, some say Luchador, some say Guyver I say everything but most importantly its Blue Beetle.

    Inspirations about what make up a character are less important than how it comes off in the end. The first Blue Beetle whas the Phantom with electric powers, the second whas Bruce Wayne as Spider-Man.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:14 No.17618634

    I have to agree with you. A movie could work, but a TV show with a limited budget? I'm a bit worried.


    If DC gives it a good stable creative team again I think Titans could do well. At the same time it'll probably be canceled when Young Justice starts and replaced with a new YJ ongoing.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:14 No.17618639
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    I'm never getting Ted back, am I?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:14 No.17618647
    sooo who should be blue beetle?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:15 No.17618667
    Ted could still appear in a mentor role.

    I am excitement.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:16 No.17618673
    I'd love to see a team of Static, Blue Beetle, and Red Robin.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:17 No.17618699
         File1276453040.jpg-(16 KB, 445x292, handsome dex.jpg)
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    Ted Kord
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:20 No.17618750
    Live action Mexican superhero and his family will tank so hard. A cartoon version would have a chance, but (assuming they hire actual mexican actors, and not just tan white people speaking with an accent) a live action version has no chance at success.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:21 No.17618779
    I'll be perfectly honest here, I thought the way they handled his race was a little ham-fisted. I got through like the first 20 issues before deciding I just didn't want to read it anymore.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:22 No.17618803
    You mean like how they didn't make any issue of it at all?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:24 No.17618852
    >race not mattering much at all

    oh u
    >> ‪‮‪‮/oc/ fo rednamm/oc/‮ ‭VORKED MANBACK‫‭‭‪‮‭‬‬‬‬‬ !BEEtLE/iVI 06/13/10(Sun)14:25 No.17618886
         File1276453550.gif-(30 KB, 338x391, BlueBeetle_YOUMAKEMEANGRY.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:26 No.17618902

    U Mad that a character is getting a show? Or you mad that people only started giving a shit about Ted when he got his brains blown out? :3

    Little late, guys!
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)14:26 No.17618903
         File1276453596.png-(363 KB, 624x352, vlcsnap-2010-04-03-20h21m39s10(...).png)
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    Hells yeah!!!!

    Stuff like this keeps happening and I don't care what Johns does in the comics
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:27 No.17618912
    Blue Beetle handled race better than any other comic I've ever read. His race was never made an issue in stupid ways like every other ethnic character. The only time I remember his race being an issue at all was that arc where the politician made him out to be some kind of super powered border patrolman, and he was conflicted because people accused him of being racist. And even that was handled pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:28 No.17618935
    And then he shows up in Teen Titans and suddenly every other word out of his mouth is Spanish.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:29 No.17618946
    I'm calling it now
    Live action Brenda will be /co/s new queen
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:29 No.17618958
    >reading Teen Titans

    lol, that's your own fault bro
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:29 No.17618964
    So.. like Power Rangers, right?

    Will there be giant robots?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:30 No.17618987
    I picked it up BECAUSE he was in it! It's not like it was a regular thing!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:32 No.17619035
    It's unfortunate, but you can hardly blame his ongoing for that.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:33 No.17619046
    No and no.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)14:33 No.17619059

    Wait that happened in the regular series too! Not just the Wednesday Comics one? Dammit.

    Anyway who's Jimmy Smits going to play
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:35 No.17619107
    if it's live action, is it going to be like a mexican kamen rider of sorts?

    maybe okay with this?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:36 No.17619112
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:37 No.17619126
    But... the comic DID have giant robots...

    Jaime fought them often.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:38 No.17619158
    GAY on the FAKE Blue Beetle's new rise >.>
    >> Golden 06/13/10(Sun)14:38 No.17619162
    The writer for the wedsneday comic was awful, more likely because it was the Teen Titans
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:38 No.17619166
    Also giant naked man

    and giganta
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:39 No.17619167
         File1276454340.jpg-(9 KB, 150x214, blue-beetle.jpg)
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    Yo soy muy excitedad! Si!

    muy bueno
    >> Rice and Beans with Porkchops !ozOtJW9BFA 06/13/10(Sun)14:39 No.17619182
    That is one gay image.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:41 No.17619217
    Worst part is that that was written by the fucking EDITOR of Teen Titans.. thats how HE wants him to be
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:42 No.17619230
    oh, I loved how that was handled. The whole "I have to be a superhero for everyone" thing? That was fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:43 No.17619256
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:45 No.17619287
    He better say Henshin.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:45 No.17619292
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:45 No.17619296
    Blue Beetle will get a giant robot and call it the Big Bad Beetleborg.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:46 No.17619317
    No it will be like this
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:48 No.17619353
    I love how he looks at the prop like "What the fuck is this supposed to be?"
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:51 No.17619401
    Uhhh when was the last time there was a very successful live action show starring a non-white male?

    This shit is going to be canceled faster than Speedy Gonzales.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:51 No.17619409
    >> Laertes !5ZNCcG9gZM 06/13/10(Sun)14:53 No.17619433
    If only I were younger and more mexican looking...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:53 No.17619450
    >>17619401 successful is Corey in the House?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:53 No.17619452
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:54 No.17619457
    the show is crap without booster gold.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:55 No.17619480
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:55 No.17619486
    Why? Was he even in the book besides the end of the Reach arc?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:56 No.17619505
         File1276455403.jpg-(28 KB, 480x368, Reaction Panini.jpg)
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    >/co/ spends months complaining about how DC ignores Jaime

    >DC gives Jaime his own show, thus guaranteeing his survival and probably meaning he'll get a new book

    >/co/ complains that it's live action

    Oh, /co/. You'll never be happy about anything, will you?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:57 No.17619508
    Oh boy Jaime sure is almost 1/100th as good as Ted!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:57 No.17619512
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:58 No.17619537

    What if Blue Beetle got a non-live action show? durrrrr, pay attention.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:59 No.17619540
    Why is this stickied now? We've had threads on it before.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:59 No.17619554
         File1276455595.jpg-(8 KB, 171x167, 1275424673582.jpg)
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    >/co/ spends months complaining about how DC is stuck in the silver age

    >DC gives Jaime, a modern character, his own show

    >/co/ complains that a silver age character won't have a show
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)14:59 No.17619555

    From what i gather not as successful as That's So Raven, but still successful.

    I think the better question for that /co/mrad to ask would have been, when was the last time a Hispanic had a successful live action show.

    Personally I think the show will end up with a lot of buzz for being centered around one, and in the end that'll give it some great promotion.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:00 No.17619567

    Are you new here?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:00 No.17619570
    How did we have threads before? Johns only tweeted about this ten minutes before this sticky was created.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:01 No.17619589
    The idea has been on superhero hype. I've seen people link it before.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:02 No.17619591
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:02 No.17619605
    That chunky frog is correct!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:03 No.17619620
    That's not really the same as a statement directly from the guy who works on everything outside of comics.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:04 No.17619636
         File1276455872.jpg-(1.02 MB, 1500x2356, 1266648173764.jpg)
    1.02 MB
    Oh Milargo, you told us this would happen.

    Escarabo, Vamonos!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:04 No.17619644
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:05 No.17619652

    Yes we've had threads about how Johns wants Jaime to be a bigger character, but this is confirmation that it's starting soon. Big difference in knowing that something will happen eventually, and knowing how and when it will happen..
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:07 No.17619683
    I just realized that this is probably CW's Smallville replacement
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:09 No.17619728
         File1276456144.jpg-(25 KB, 480x356, static-serious.jpg)
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    Where the fuck is MY live-action series????
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:09 No.17619738
         File1276456167.png-(119 KB, 1000x1000, WHARBLBLBLBLBLBLB.png)
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    Any hope I had for this show just died with this statement.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:09 No.17619739
         File1276456170.jpg-(52 KB, 560x336, what?.jpg)
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    I'm going to be pissed if this is true.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:09 No.17619741

    Probably. Smallville is about to end afterall. I just hope they approach this right. Remember the Robin show they wanted to do? I really don't want to see this become like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:10 No.17619764
         File1276456247.jpg-(86 KB, 803x499, 1275626905535.jpg)
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    >Geoff Johns. Smallville writer.

    Mind blown.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:11 No.17619771

    We want a character people don't have to adjust the settings on their TVs to see.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:11 No.17619779
         File1276456289.png-(88 KB, 397x449, hugsovertheinternet.png)
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    Bro, I agree with you so much.

    But this is really exciting.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:11 No.17619785

    Static had a cartoon I'd rather see other characters given a chance.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:12 No.17619798
    >>17619739 know I mean their new show to attract guys right? Not a show that's 8 years of love triangle.

    But fuck you guys for hating teen dramas
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:12 No.17619800
    Calm down, Smallville's kind of good these days.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:12 No.17619808
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    >> CUNT 06/13/10(Sun)15:13 No.17619820
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    If Ted & Booster don't get even a single episode, I'll cry.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:14 No.17619838
         File1276456454.jpg-(78 KB, 468x421, 1272739323903.jpg)
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    >This whole thread
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:14 No.17619848

    Booster will hopefully be a recurring character who tells stories of his JLI days with Ted. Maybe even a JLI reunion episode.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:15 No.17619859
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:16 No.17619880
    I'm only reason I'm sad they won't have Ted and Dan is because I liked that dynamic of W.W.T.K.D.

    But then /co/'s tears of never seeing Booster and Ted are so so tasty that I think I'm alright
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:16 No.17619885
         File1276456610.jpg-(68 KB, 420x640, 1271972269129.jpg)
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    >Live Action Booster God, do not know if want.

    Nevermind, WANT!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:17 No.17619892
         File1276456641.jpg-(13 KB, 320x240, 105.jpg)
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    Think you're pretty funny, huh?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:18 No.17619914
         File1276456706.jpg-(31 KB, 363x310, oh wait.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:18 No.17619915
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:18 No.17619916
         File1276456713.png-(10 KB, 136x179, Blue Beetle.png)
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    >Jaime gets his own show, becomes the more popular Beetle and they bring back his comic only for it to sell like hotcakes.
    >Booster/Kord never mentioned ever on tv and will never be brought back to life

    I don't even hate Jaime, I just don't understand how the two can never co-exist.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:19 No.17619931
    I think Danielle could be adapted without too much trouble so we'd still have that legacy element.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:19 No.17619934

    he will probably be a guest star sometime in season 2
    appearing just after Traci 13s first apperanxce

    thats right people
    Live Action Traci 13

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:20 No.17619936

    Look what happened to Wally when Barry came back. DC hates having two characters with the same legacy operating at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:20 No.17619945
    because one is DEEEEEEAD

    and honestly Ted might have a big story in that show
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:22 No.17619982

    I could see them doing what The Brave and the Bold did. Have an episode where he learns about and researches the original and learn that he committed suicide.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:23 No.17619989
         File1276456988.png-(604 KB, 720x579, 1273035559496.png)
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    Since I'm pretty sure there's a captive audience of Ted fans... I'll just leave this here.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:23 No.17619993
         File1276456998.jpg-(27 KB, 330x261, 2ac29_surprised-cat1.jpg)
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    >My face when Jaime and I come from the same town.
    >Oh wait, it's shit, nevermind.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:24 No.17620012
    EL PASO.
    Fuck yeah.
    . . . fucking Jaime needs to clean up this place.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:24 No.17620015
         File1276457079.jpg-(83 KB, 328x422, trollmax.jpg)
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    >learn that he committed suicide.
    >> Homor !!wCDgooQnYF8 06/13/10(Sun)15:24 No.17620019
    So it's gonna be like Power Rangers, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:25 No.17620024
    This. Ted was brought up a lot in Jaime's series. In fact, Jaime would ask "What Would Ted Kord do?" and they even flat out said that he was probably smarter than Batman. Plus they used the Bug a couple times.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:26 No.17620055

    I bet he lives in the lower valley.
    Shit is ghetttoooo.
    You think they would shoot here? They'd probably shoot in new mexico.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:26 No.17620064
    That doesn't even make sense. It wouldn't be a team series, and there'd be no huge robot vs huge monster fight at the end of every episode.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:27 No.17620066
         File1276457221.jpg-(415 KB, 642x1083, 1276126166671.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:27 No.17620068
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    I love it when a plan comes together
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:28 No.17620092
    Why did you post an image of Wonder-Woman holding a sword? That doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:29 No.17620112

    The Scarab sees through your bullshit Lord.

    I just don't have the page saved, unfortunately.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:30 No.17620125
    Booster is like that stubborn ex that can't let shit go.

    Bitch should go find another friend and stop being a fucking fag.

    So sick of Tedfags preaching their homo shit.
    >> Homor !!wCDgooQnYF8 06/13/10(Sun)15:32 No.17620153
    Okay, so it'll be like Kamen Rider?
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:32 No.17620154

    No /co/ is the stubborn ex, Booster is over it. It's almost like there was an entire arc about him dealing with it actually
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:33 No.17620166
    I live near the Lower Valley and . . . it's not /that/ bad.
    But yeah.
    They'd shoot here.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:34 No.17620183
         File1276457664.jpg-(229 KB, 1244x1172, 1275666222327.jpg)
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    Awww yeah. Bitches love the scarab.
    >> Bya !!oFGaiPWRZOF 06/13/10(Sun)15:34 No.17620189
    Hey guys, this obviously means that Ted Kord is going to be in it somehow, which by extension means that Booster is going to be in it.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:35 No.17620195
         File1276457713.jpg-(74 KB, 479x364, 1275632339025.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:35 No.17620198
    Wonder if Guy Gardner will make an appearance...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:35 No.17620200
    Want if in the first episode Ted Die's and we get the scarab passed on ?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:35 No.17620210
    Maybe... Dan Garret?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:35 No.17620214
    There have been SEVERAL arcs about him dealing with it.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:37 No.17620233
    Hey guys we actually want this to happen so watch The Cape and No Ordinary Family to show networks that superhero shows are profitable.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:39 No.17620270
    Booster was the one who got him started on his path to herodom. He introduced him to Batman and everything.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:39 No.17620271
    If so they better get Jensen Ackles!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:40 No.17620285
    >implying any of that would be included in a live action series
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:41 No.17620296
    it's because he's mexican isn't it.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:41 No.17620300
         File1276458086.jpg-(80 KB, 930x512, yeahok.jpg)
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    >> !bgREVLN8FU 06/13/10(Sun)15:41 No.17620303
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:42 No.17620314

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:42 No.17620317
    Guy will show up the the Green Lantern movie franchise, so, he's out of order.
    >> Bya !!oFGaiPWRZOF 06/13/10(Sun)15:42 No.17620318
    I'm not sure if you're joking or not.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:42 No.17620319

    hispanic, not mexican
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:43 No.17620337
    Probably. I'm sure the JLI gang will make a few appearances. Peacemaker I'm not sure about. Really though I don't mind if we don't get a lot of guest stars. This show is about Jaime and his supporting cast and while that cast may include a lot of history and different heroes, it's probably best to focus on Jaime, his family, and his friends and the adventures that ensue rather than fitting as much continuity from the comics as possible. That said, I would love if Guy, Booster, and possibly Kid Devil were to show up. Then again, for all we know, the show may never be greenlit.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:43 No.17620343
    >He tries to Sage a Sticky thread
    >He tries to bump a Sticky thread
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:45 No.17620376
    I honestly wouldn't bet on many, if any, appearances of comic characters until it goes a few seasons.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:46 No.17620395
         File1276458388.jpg-(27 KB, 695x316, 1276107215158.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:46 No.17620399
    They better not fuck this up like Smallville.
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 06/13/10(Sun)15:46 No.17620402
    I am.

    So what prolific Hispanic actors are out there, and which one has the best chance at the title role?
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:47 No.17620412

    Peacemaker is pretty important to the whole Reach plot as I recall.
    >> Bya !!oFGaiPWRZOF 06/13/10(Sun)15:47 No.17620415
    oh god

    oh god

    oh god
    i just realized a terrible truth
    george lopez is going to be the dad or somethin
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:48 No.17620429

    Kid Devil will never appear in anything as long as Didio is in charge.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)15:48 No.17620433
         File1276458512.jpg-(24 KB, 400x400, Kamen_Rider_Decade_Toei and Is(...).jpg)
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    I honestly wouldn't mind if they made a live-action Blue Beetle TV show like it were a sentai series, because those shows are often very fun as well as being easily marketable to both kids and older fans looking for some nostalgia.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:48 No.17620440
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:49 No.17620441
    It's true ;-;
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:49 No.17620442

    The term is "tokusatsu".
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:49 No.17620443
    If they try to adapt the plot from the comics AT ALL, Peacemaker's a pretty essential character. He's also a lot less likely to get fucked over by movie rights and shit than a lot of the JLI characters. I would expect to see Peacemaker as a recurring character before I'd expect Guy Gardner or even Booster Gold as a guest.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:49 No.17620445
         File1276458546.jpg-(45 KB, 553x390, fuuuuuuu.jpg)
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    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)15:49 No.17620457
         File1276458572.jpg-(18 KB, 260x355, jimmy_smits.jpg)
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    The only known actors will be the adults, I bet all the kids are near unknown. And /co/ will BITCH like they've never watched TV when they cast 20 somethings.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:49 No.17620458
         File1276458575.jpg-(39 KB, 340x400, BlueDevil.jpg)
    39 KB

    ...I hate you.

    So much.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:50 No.17620470
         File1276458613.jpg-(106 KB, 854x460, 1275327981750.jpg)
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    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)15:50 No.17620486

    Sorry, my mistake.

    Mind telling me the difference really quickly? (I'm assuming sentai are for teams, right?)
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:52 No.17620516
    Wait wait.

    So does this mean they AREN'T just going to kill him off when they bring Ted back?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:53 No.17620531
    >implying they'll ever bring Ted back

    >> Bya !!oFGaiPWRZOF 06/13/10(Sun)15:53 No.17620534
    *Laugh Track*
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:54 No.17620549
         File1276458880.jpg-(124 KB, 600x629, 1028693-static_42_11_super.jpg)
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    Static better be in the fucking main cast.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:54 No.17620551
         File1276458881.jpg-(73 KB, 1680x1050, 1256523177622.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:55 No.17620561
    Sentai is a specific set of related series, tokusatsu is the genre it falls into.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:55 No.17620573
    Could be worse. Could be Carlos Mencia
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:56 No.17620584
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:57 No.17620592
    Please tell me Keith Giffen is doing at least some work on this. Though I dont recall him ever doing any TV work. It is highly likely that J.M DeMatteis will write the occasional episode though, since he tends to have a history of doing that for DC's shows, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:57 No.17620598
    In b4 every episode ends with Jaime's dad giving him some "what we learned today" speech, like ES ABOUT LA FAMILLLLIA, MIJO! and Jaime writing in his journal.
    >> Bya !!oFGaiPWRZOF 06/13/10(Sun)15:57 No.17620599
         File1276459046.gif-(410 KB, 300x200, 1272317450670.gif)
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    But in all seriousness, they wouldn't do that to keep a 'friendly' atmosphere.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:57 No.17620603
    Don't joke. Don't even joke.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)15:57 No.17620605

    Now now, it won't be a sitcom. It'll probably just be in the same vein as Supernatural or Buffy, but instead of vampires and ghosts, it's aliens and stuff.

    Oh, and it'll be very tongue in cheek, like so:
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:57 No.17620609

    >>Mods are mexicans
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:58 No.17620627
         File1276459128.png-(55 KB, 149x170, 1274933409821.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)15:59 No.17620640

    La familia es buena jaimito, you should breed with mexican women so you get to tell this message to your sons and daughters.
    >> Bya !!oFGaiPWRZOF 06/13/10(Sun)15:59 No.17620641
    I'm not expecting it to be a sitcom either, but I have a bad feeling about this.
    I would just kill to see something like a sitcom version of I Can't Believe It's Not Justice League.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:00 No.17620646

    >in the same vein as ... or Buffy

    ok Now I'm excited!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:00 No.17620650
         File1276459221.jpg-(37 KB, 480x640, bluebeetleborg.jpg)
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    I can't wait.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:00 No.17620661
    FUCK YEAH, I LOVE ...!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:01 No.17620664
    True. I wonder who will play Peacemaker. Also, I'msure they may be able to use Booster and maybe some other JLI members. Guy seems unlikely because of Green Lantern movie and what not. Ted is likely and essential to the back story because of the legacy. I want to see Dani Garrett in this show if it's made.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:01 No.17620671

    ... was the best show of the 00's
    >> The Master !!ASP/O9CHBbJ 06/13/10(Sun)16:01 No.17620674
         File1276459310.gif-(494 KB, 275x151, happy and mad.gif)
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    > Blue Beetle's own show


    > Live action

    ummm.....well, well just have to see i guess.....
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)16:01 No.17620675

    I don't. It's not all that hard to do well.

    The worst we could expect from this is a Smallville crossover episode and even that's not so bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:02 No.17620677

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:02 No.17620690
    I wouldn't be surprised to see Booster guest star, but I was just pointing out that I think Peacemaker is more likely to show up than pretty much any other hero.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:03 No.17620706

    Smallville is ending this season, unless you mean like Clark shows up at some point.

    If they work this into the Smallville U that would be a little amazing actually
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:04 No.17620718
    I would flip my shit if a Smallville crossover happened for one reason.

    That would pretty much fuck the possibility of having any kind of timeline that makes sense, because Jaime would be showing up as a superhero before fucking SUPERMAN.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:05 No.17620726
    I think Smallville's next season is the last. Unless you mean it'll be in the same continuity.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:05 No.17620738
    No they have one more season
    and if the Blue Beetle Pilot is in pre now, a show wont show up for anoter year
    so in 1 years time Smallville wil end and Blue Beetle will start
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:06 No.17620754
    Clark's basically Superman right now anyway besides the costume and name.
    >> RahrahGaGa !QoOqdoPQD. 06/13/10(Sun)16:06 No.17620760
         File1276459601.gif-(7 KB, 358x370, omgyay!.gif)
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    I've been so depressed with how they're handling Jaime in Generation's Lost (and in his Booster co-feature) but THIS IS A GOOD THING.
    His book can come back and I can stop crying myself to sleep at night.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)16:06 No.17620764

    I mean in a "Jaime falls into a portal that plants him in an alternate reality or back in time" kind of way.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:06 No.17620765
    you think smallville has a timeline that isnt completely its own? Or that it gives more than a cursory shit about mainstream continuity? So sad.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:07 No.17620767
         File1276459621.jpg-(405 KB, 2000x919, Inception-1-lg.jpg)
    405 KB
    Hi guys, I'm from Warner Brothers Pictures. I need to raise interest for Inception on the internet, and 4chan being as popular as it is, I decided to post in sticky threads since it'll get the most views.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:07 No.17620772

    Exactly, a perfect substitute for Smallville, assuming this is on CW. Hell they can even have Waller/Checkmate/Chloe show up to investigate this new hero.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:08 No.17620792
         File1276459686.jpg-(179 KB, 2000x919, Inception-2-lg.jpg)
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    It's from Nolan, who's truly /co/ related.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:10 No.17620822
         File1276459813.jpg-(528 KB, 2000x919, inception_new_banner_large.jpg)
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    The Riddler, Alfred, Scarcrow and fucking Tom Hardy are in it.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)16:10 No.17620827

    It has the names Christopher Nolan, Leonardo DiCarpio, and Ellen Page.

    It'll do fine.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:10 No.17620828
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:10 No.17620833
    But even if Clark's established publicly as a hero (which I don't think he is at this point, though I don't watch Smallville) Jaime would be showing up as a hero at right around the same time. So rather than being a young guy getting his bearings in a world already full of heroes, he'd just be one of the first heroes to show up. Kills a lot of what made Jaime's book kind of cool.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:10 No.17620837
    I know. I agree with you He's not very well known as isn't really connected to any larger heroes like Batman or Wonder Woman so he's ripe for the pickings, especially since he was a recurring cast member in Jaime's series.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:10 No.17620840

    Common mistake MTL, no stress. Basically Sentai roughly refers to a group of team. Super Sentai would be a super team such as the Power Rangers as they are always in a group.

    Tokusatsu basically just means a special effects heavy show. Kamen Rider does not always have a team or group, though nowadays it is common for there to be at least two Riders per show, an some even had 5 or more however often they would not work as a group more so work cooperatively if they just so happen to be facing a similar threat.

    Considering stuff like Smallville I guess Blue Beetle will technically be very Special Effects driven what with all the crazy stuff that happens in a superhero story.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:10 No.17620843
    Weird movie looks weird. I'll wait for it to play on TBS or something in like 6 years
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:11 No.17620850

    Are you so mad they killed Ted you're bombing a sticky?

    And I was sold when I found out Joseph Gorden Levitt was in the cast anyway
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:11 No.17620853
         File1276459903.jpg-(435 KB, 2000x919, inception_new_banner2_large.jpg)
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    It seems something /co/ would have interest in.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:12 No.17620862
    >>implying weird makes it bad
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:12 No.17620865
    The public know him as the Blur and they know the S-shield. Also, the JSA is established (though, I don't think they were public) and they've got a makeshift JLA going on.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:13 No.17620880
    Weird makes it something I'm not really interested in.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:13 No.17620890
    Point is, Jaime worked well as a newbie in a world where supers have been around FOR GOD DAMNED FUCKING EVER and taking that away seems like a really shitty idea.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:14 No.17620891
         File1276460046.jpg-(373 KB, 500x741, 41966.jpg)
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    AKA, the Riddler
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:14 No.17620893

    The general public thinks the JSA was a group of criminals, but Hawkman was like "We're getting the band back together"

    Watch them have Jaime in Smallville as a backdoor pilot
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:15 No.17620902
    I watched both the trailers for it and still have no idea what exactly its about.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)16:15 No.17620912

    Joseph Gordon Levitt is not going to be the Riddler.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:15 No.17620913
         File1276460127.jpg-(443 KB, 666x1023, 4grhbq.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:15 No.17620915
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    It's about people who plant ideas in people's dreams. It's James Bond on drugs.

    Trippy maybe, but not Lynch territory.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:15 No.17620925
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:16 No.17620932
         File1276460183.jpg-(368 KB, 500x741, 41962.jpg)
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    We can only hope.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:16 No.17620934

    And then they steal the ideas though. It's Nolan doing a visually amazing heist movie
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:17 No.17620947
    I disagree. I don't think the universe he was in really mattered that much as far as the newbie vibe was concerned.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:17 No.17620948
         File1276460238.jpg-(356 KB, 500x741, 41965.jpg)
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    Plus, fucking Scarecrow is in it.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:17 No.17620955
    >"a representative for Gordon-Levitt has already denied the rumor, which is to be expected, considering David S. Goyer hasn't written the screenplay yet."

    the Script is done actually
    has been done for like 2 months now
    But as usual Pre production wont start untill atleast 1-2 months after Inception hits
    >> Homor !!wCDgooQnYF8 06/13/10(Sun)16:17 No.17620958
    Worse yet, he could play Paco.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:18 No.17620962
         File1276460291.jpg-(366 KB, 500x741, 41967.jpg)
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    To be on topic... uh... I hope it's Giffen inspired.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 06/13/10(Sun)16:18 No.17620977
         File1276460323.jpg-(30 KB, 631x411, Coleman_Reese.jpg)
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    I'm hoping it's Coleman Reese, since you know, he already has a motivation set up.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:19 No.17620986
         File1276460363.jpg-(366 KB, 500x741, 41964.jpg)
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    Tom Hardy? This cast makes me wet.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:19 No.17620993
    Oh my god, it's completely retarded!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:20 No.17621011
         File1276460447.jpg-(431 KB, 500x741, 41968.jpg)
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    That guy's to fat and uncharismatic to play the Riddler. But, in Nolan we trust.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:21 No.17621037

    ...he's old enough to be Paco's granddad.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:22 No.17621046
    enough with the viral marketing already
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:22 No.17621056
    >implying they wouldn't replace Paco with a different character if they wanted
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:23 No.17621066
    >check box on post
    >select spam/advertising/flooding
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:23 No.17621075
    Maybe this will finally be a live-action superhero show that doesn't suck.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:24 No.17621093

    what do you mean there's no evidence of this and i'm retarded?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:24 No.17621095
    We can only hope.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:24 No.17621098
    We can only hope.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:24 No.17621106

    Don't start that in here
    >> Homor !!wCDgooQnYF8 06/13/10(Sun)16:24 No.17621109
    >Paco's granddad

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:25 No.17621127
    >implying Flash wasn't good
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:26 No.17621139
    i'll do what i want.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:26 No.17621154
    It didn't last long enough. Generation X looks like it could have done well. But all we have is a made for tv movie, that still kicks X3's and Wolverine's asses btw.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:27 No.17621184
    Lois and Clark was good too though
    >> Masked Avenger 06/13/10(Sun)16:29 No.17621210
    Yeah, but having it in a cape-ridden world would inflate the budget unnnecesarily. I'd rather they focus on his family and friends than on other heroes. Jaime would work fine as a coming of age+lasers series, which was my fav part of BB.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:30 No.17621242
    >Paco's Grandad
    I can just imagine Paco touting his grandad as one of the funniest men of his time and Paco ends up being the only one who laughs at his jokes.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:33 No.17621314
    They don't need to actually SHOW all the other capes and shit though, I just think explicitly stating that it's NOT in a world like that by crossing it over with Smallville is stupid. You could just have the cast namedrop some other heroes and shit to achieve the desired effect.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:33 No.17621320

    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:38 No.17621449
    It was actually just a doublepost fuckup.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:38 No.17621450
         File1276461502.jpg-(386 KB, 658x1022, 10xr5dy.jpg)
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    ITT: Aquagirl or Traci 13?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:40 No.17621497
    I don't think it would really matter though. The universe rarely factored into Blue Beetle at all. Really, it seemed like they distanced themselves from everything else for the most part. Only the occasional reference. The only time other heroes mattered much was I guess the Infinite Crisis and Sinestro Corps War stuff. That could all be omitted without losing the core concept of the character or anything really important. You can still have him feeling helpless in the Reach arc without the need to include specifically other heroes ignoring him, for example.
    >> Masked Avenger 06/13/10(Sun)16:40 No.17621500
    I don't watch Smallville, but didn't they had the JSA there not long ago? That's enough heroes for me.

    And namedropping would just be frustrating. Saying that Superman destroyed a meteor would only remind people they could be seeing Superman destroy meteors instead of people talking about it.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:47 No.17621670
    This. keep name dropping to a minimum unless its relevant or a clever eater egg in regard to the story. Other than that, focus on the main cast.
    >> Jason Canty 06/13/10(Sun)16:48 No.17621700
    Live action Jaime?

    If they include his dream to be a Dentis to support his family... then it will be awesum.
    >> Jason Canty 06/13/10(Sun)16:50 No.17621732
    In Japan he'll be "Mexican Henshin Beetle Boy Super Go!" or something.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:51 No.17621772
    Well, I think it's awesome.

    Granted, Jaime is totally my husbando, so I'm biased as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:52 No.17621799
         File1276462373.jpg-(16 KB, 540x540, question-mark.jpg)
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    Question to all the Smallville haters and... watchers.

    What mistakes did Smallville make that this show needs to avoid?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:53 No.17621812
         File1276462397.jpg-(41 KB, 300x300, gattack37wq.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:53 No.17621828

    >> Jason Canty 06/13/10(Sun)16:55 No.17621863
    Ah Yes but hes not Mexican.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:56 No.17621885
         File1276462566.jpg-(12 KB, 300x245, dung-beetle.jpg)
    12 KB
    If Jaime was based on a dung beetle, he'd be the Poo Beetle. Har har har.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)16:57 No.17621912

    Either have a plan to end at X seasons, or have plans for new stories past X seasons. Dragging out Lana-Clark-Lex is what I'm told killed those seasons of Smallville. Jaime wouldn't have as big a problem with that because Clark HAS to end with Lois which is also hurt Smallville.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:58 No.17621927
    They've honestly fixed most, if not all, of their problems by now. It's a decent show. As long as the guys who work on Blue Beetle remember they're making a superhero show, it should be fine.
    >> Sonofholhorse !!EPauA328psg 06/13/10(Sun)16:58 No.17621935
    I, for one, would watch the heck out of this show.

    Especially if it means I get a live action Guy Gardner out of the deal, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)16:59 No.17621954
    how was the Zatanna episode of Small ville

    and the JSA
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:01 No.17621992

    cause Lana left
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)17:02 No.17622016

    The JSA one was mediocre and covered it up with fanservice. The Zatanna one was pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:02 No.17622020
         File1276462946.png-(130 KB, 288x299, picture-61.png)
    130 KB
    hmmmmm, The Guy Gardner Show.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:02 No.17622021
    Zatanna's had two I think? I barely remember either of them but they were alright I guess. The JSA episode was kind of disappointing imo but still pretty alright.

    I'd say the best episode recent episode with guest stars was the Wonder Twins one.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:02 No.17622025
    >>17617339 wbcbbeeetcypsejshspbqurfo
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:02 No.17622028
    the flash show wasnt that good man.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:03 No.17622042
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)17:04 No.17622066

    The Checkmate one was REALLY good too
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:04 No.17622068

    sounds like a comic. Looks like they nailed it.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:07 No.17622120
         File1276463243.jpg-(51 KB, 300x306, Werner Herzog.jpg)
    51 KB
    A sticky for a possible /tv/ show about a third rate superhero? This will be ratings gold! Oh, wait...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:07 No.17622134
    holy fucking shit.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:09 No.17622161

    They said they wanted to use the Brave and the Bold to build him up.
    >> Amazon 06/13/10(Sun)17:15 No.17622275
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:18 No.17622365
    They realised Ben Ten is popular as fuck and saw BB was a good opportunity
    trouble is that might mean its a kids show
    or it'll probably be SMALLVILLE TIER bad
    and they might keep him as a spic, but probably pick a spic that looks fairly white

    also need Ka/m/en Rider awesomeness
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:19 No.17622380
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:22 No.17622454
         File1276464152.jpg-(61 KB, 800x600, Jaime application.jpg)
    61 KB
    Two latest stickies are Cass Cain and Jaime Reyes. Best. Mod. EVER.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:22 No.17622464
    I was just mourning Jamie's relegation to shitty Titan comics but it's good to see DC is trying to push him a little more.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:32 No.17622614

    Cast Off!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:33 No.17622628
         File1276464785.jpg-(22 KB, 240x300, bb-ar-megablue.jpg)
    22 KB

    ITT: New theme song
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:35 No.17622680
    Why live action, seriously that shit is going to suck.
    You should only make live action superhero stuff if you have a big budget, like with a movie, otherwise it looks completely cheesy and retarded.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:36 No.17622691
         File1276464983.jpg-(54 KB, 540x720, 30029_134794943200178_10000009(...).jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:37 No.17622699
    If they do the typical american "every action scene sucks" maybe.

    If they go balls to the walls with the effects no matter how cheesy, you get tokusatsu. And it's good.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:37 No.17622706
         File1276465063.jpg-(33 KB, 540x720, 30029_134795133200159_10000009(...).jpg)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:38 No.17622711
    Live action Jaime Blue Beetle = Beetle Borgs v.2
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:38 No.17622718
         File1276465116.jpg-(41 KB, 540x720, 30029_134794973200175_10000009(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:39 No.17622742
         File1276465190.jpg-(50 KB, 540x720, 30029_134794956533510_10000009(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:40 No.17622749
    No, that would be fucking horrible.
    I rather have nothing than the equivalent of Adam West Batman or fucking Power Rangers.
    Seriously, that shit doesn't fly anymore.
    >> Rice and Beans with Porkchops !ozOtJW9BFA 06/13/10(Sun)17:41 No.17622765
    I take it back
    This image aint gay.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:41 No.17622774
    I don't think so, Tim.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:43 No.17622803
    Why not just go for animation? Isn't that what WB is good with?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:49 No.17622917
         File1276465790.gif-(1.27 MB, 211x211, 4j82uh.gif)
    1.27 MB
    >>I don't think so, Tim.

    Now, wait a second. I kind of think SO, Al.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:52 No.17622962
         File1276465921.jpg-(12 KB, 212x188, My face.jpg)
    12 KB
    I bet you also think wrestling is the coolest shit ever, right?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:55 No.17623058
         File1276466150.jpg-(75 KB, 1024x768, Zebraman3.jpg)
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    I will eat your face
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)17:58 No.17623099
         File1276466281.jpg-(100 KB, 450x591, adam.jpg)
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    The kid who played his son on his sitcom is 18 now, playing for Gonzaga.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:06 No.17623295
    saging a sticky... because I can
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:12 No.17623427
         File1276467158.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 13 KB, 230x348, flashTV.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 13 KB
    you'll never live up to me.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:12 No.17623429
    It's a DC property so It'll be on the WB. Oh dear god please don't let this be like Smallville.

    Think it could be cool if it was done like reaper, but with the action a bit more serious.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:13 No.17623458
    Hot damn.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:14 No.17623466
    this. I hope it doesn't end up like Birds of Prey either.
    >> Snapper Carr 06/13/10(Sun)18:22 No.17623673
    This is one of the first times we'll be able to see DC Entertainment in action.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:25 No.17623733
    Not sure if want.......
    >> Kaos Machina !xSZBqZMT.M 06/13/10(Sun)18:25 No.17623747
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:29 No.17623817
    Herp Derp "Oh the japanese are so wacky"
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:31 No.17623865
    Only /co/ would complain about something this awesome.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:37 No.17623990
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:42 No.17624117
    HURR HURR legitimate criticism about bringing back characters from the 60s and the unintended consequences DERP DERP


    This isn't /v/. Calm the fuck down.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:46 No.17624222
    Hm. I really hope DC can grow something good up in general with their franchising outside of comics, at the moment all we've had DCAU, Nolan Bats, BATB (and the old films yeah)... And I like Blue Beetle, and I like Kamen Rider and Guyver and all that shit, but this doesn't feel right. Depends if it's a kids show or what, it's probably going to be an ABC Kids show or a CW show? Which means it'll probably be fucking shit, like Smallville or whatever, unless they get some really good writers involved... And a big problem is budget.
    ...And audience. Even Smallville didn't really have any colourful costumes until it'd cemented a loyal idiotic fanbase.
    >> Carlos !penisASZp2 06/13/10(Sun)18:54 No.17624387
         File1276469661.gif-(1 KB, 55x58, tinycarlos.gif)
    1 KB
    Why does Jaime look so blue in that picture?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)18:58 No.17624506

    Carlos I'm going to be straight with you for once. I will break your fucking neck, if you don't shut the hell up.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:01 No.17624570
    Wait, what happened with Cass? I missed that.
    >> NuBlackAnon !!z6ldXGL61Wm 06/13/10(Sun)19:03 No.17624624
    Blue Beetle is Orgus/Guyver now.

    And with his beam weapons being NOT VOTEKKA, it can't be helped.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:04 No.17624636
    We had a sticky because there was a rumor that the guy that did Shi might do a comic with her.

    Which would be bad because he's spent over a decade working on Shi, a character that has a lot in common with Cass, but some absolutely essential differences. Like the fact that Shi kills.

    If he wrote Cass he might accidentally start writing her like Shi out of habit, and since killing gets you kicked out of the Batfamily, and since being in the Batfamily is the only way for Cass to remain viable... that would be bad.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:05 No.17624694
    Why the fuck is this shit stickied?

    Who the fuck cares?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:08 No.17624763
    >>Blue Beetle
    >>who cares?
    I can't tell if you're a troll or retarded. Oh, wait, troll.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:09 No.17624782

    This one was actually pretty good, since it's a double entendre.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:09 No.17624802

    You care enough to post here.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:10 No.17624834
    >I can't tell if you're a troll or retarded. Oh, wait, troll.

    He can't be both?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:13 No.17624903
    They just do not have the budget for a series of this at all, I don't see why they're trying... If they do it'll be horribly restrained and it'll probably be full of shitty teen drama and shitty whedon-gen wit.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:14 No.17624937
    This would work much better as a movie. People love spidey and iron man, this is basically the two shoved together but with cooler colours and ethnicness right?
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:15 No.17624965
    I dunno... Doctor Who doesn't have much of a budget either, and does okayish. Outside of Reach armor they could get away with low level special effects for a lot of things...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:19 No.17625075
         File1276471150.jpg-(16 KB, 255x352, LaughingElfMan.jpg)
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    >implying Doctor Who is at all decent.
    >> Anomnomous 06/13/10(Sun)19:19 No.17625098
         File1276471183.jpg-(46 KB, 800x450, lantern-corp.jpg)
    46 KB
    Posting in a sticky.

    Also, it's a great character. I just wish it didn't have that "replacing Ted" feel to it. He probably would have been more successful as an original character, instead of a legacy.

    Also, I think I remember reading some issue (maybe blackest night) where it said that the scarab was more powerful than a green lantern (potential energy). Has a pretty epic setup...
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)19:23 No.17625217
         File1276471431.jpg-(55 KB, 431x300, demons-buffy-snake-431x300.jpg)
    55 KB

    Part of Doctor Who's charm is that they go for looking low budget.

    Hopefully it'll be like Buffy and everything will be so good that we won't care that in the finale there's a badly CGI'd giant Snake. And like the guy said outside of the transformation scenes it shouldn't be TOO expensive.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:24 No.17625245
    I'd rather this be stickied than seeing a new thread posted every time someone checks their twitter and sees Johns's tweet.

    We should have had a sticky when that Captain America concept art pic was released too. Way too many threads for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:25 No.17625251
    Ted Kord is dead.

    Long live our new Mexican overlords.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:25 No.17625271
    As this thread get bigger, people will start creating threads because they don't want to load/read through a 500 post thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:26 No.17625287
    Doctor Who uses shortcuts. It's only 11ish episodes a year and some of them usually have minimal special effects. Also it has very little action compared to what Blue Beetle would need. US TV gets a much bigger budget but even so... It's a stretch.

    >implying Who this year isn't 1000x better than the last 4 years
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:26 No.17625296
    He works perfectly as a legacy character, the only people who have problems with Jaime "replacing Ted" are butthurt extreme fanboys who can't accept change when a character they like dies.

    Aside from that, yeah if you read the Blue Beetle ongoing it was pretty obvious that a scarab user has a lot more power than a green lantern. He can do all kinds of crazy shit, like phasing out of real space or whatever it was he did to find the reach ships, plus that triple doppleganger thing he did. Also, the weapon with "theological implications" from when he was fighting lobo.
    >> Bya !!oFGaiPWRZOF 06/13/10(Sun)19:27 No.17625317
    I just want Ted back.
    I like Jaime too though.
    Ted would work,seeing as how he didn't need the scarab anyway.
    >> Skip 06/13/10(Sun)19:28 No.17625320

    >when a character they like dies.

    You mean when a character they like to pair up with another character dies
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:28 No.17625325
    Even if they cast a spic actor, there's no way they're calling him Jaime (or at least not pronouncing it the spanish way)
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:29 No.17625351
         File1276471744.jpg-(12 KB, 352x240, staticgall3.jpg)
    12 KB
    >>This thread has been requested 2 times now.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:29 No.17625362
    Everything about that post is just straight up pants-on-head retarded.
    >> Sheboodles Le Pretentious Hipster who is everywhere !cRnMwNDwcs 06/13/10(Sun)19:31 No.17625390
         File1276471863.png-(337 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2010-03-11-19h28m32s24(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:34 No.17625461
    Leaked clip:
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:36 No.17625484

    Brave and the Bold does it, so chances are this will too.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:38 No.17625538
         File1276472306.jpg-(20 KB, 641x480, thumbsup_000.jpg)
    20 KB
    Well, /co/...

    Say hello to Jaime Reyes.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:39 No.17625582
    omg gwen araujo

    too old though :(
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:40 No.17625587

    Thirty is way to old.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:40 No.17625591
    Looks like a slightly hispanic Matt Smith...
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:41 No.17625618
    eh, the guy on vampire diaries is like 35 and playing an immortal 16 year old
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:41 No.17625628

    Way too old
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:41 No.17625632
         File1276472518.jpg-(250 KB, 800x600, 1241285474384.jpg)
    250 KB
    Fucking. YES.

    Fingers crossed this is a hit, then we can get some BB movies.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:42 No.17625635

    Oh yeah I forgot logic doesn't go into casting these kinds of shows.
    >> Carlos !penisASZp2 06/13/10(Sun)19:42 No.17625658
         File1276472574.jpg-(22 KB, 439x329, carlosDEEP.jpg)
    22 KB
    Yeah that post is just plain loco!
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:43 No.17625686
         File1276472637.png-(5 KB, 292x156, 1276039711145.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:44 No.17625692
    This thread has been requested three times now.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:44 No.17625697
    somebody hypnotise geoff johns into making it like this
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:46 No.17625747

    I'm sure if someone sends him it he'll be slightly inspired.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:46 No.17625749
    As long as it's not Power Rangers bad, I'm cool with this.
    >> Faiz, Vindicare !!oHNZ1QN/tbk 06/13/10(Sun)19:46 No.17625761
         File1276472808.gif-(1.92 MB, 320x180, Gatack PUT ON FUCK YOU.gif)
    1.92 MB
    This is how awesome this news is.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:47 No.17625770
         File1276472823.jpg-(80 KB, 509x500, guyver_dark_hero.jpg)
    80 KB
    Srsl. All I could think when I first saw the suit was "It's the fucking Guyver!"
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:47 No.17625775
    I think you're underestimating the power of a GL ring. The scarab's not that much more powerful. I mean, the Guardians and the Reach had a war and whatnot right? They're supposed to combat each other but I don't think one's necessarily stronger than the other.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:53 No.17625935
         File1276473213.png-(185 KB, 292x268, 6a00cd970e83b84cd500cd97262114(...).png)
    185 KB
    Does anyone else find it ironic that DC/Warner has virtually managed to produce a live-action Spider-Man series before Marvel has?

    Tokusatsu-less live-action Spider-Man, I mean
    >> Noh Koh 06/13/10(Sun)19:53 No.17625942
    The GL rings were SCARED SHITLESS of the scarabs.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:58 No.17626055

    Their was a live action Spider-Man show. It was a huge failure.
    >> Anonymous 06/13/10(Sun)19:58 No.17626057
    ...but there WAS a live-action Spider-Man show besides Toei's tokusatsu show.

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