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06/12/10(Sat)06:53 No.17585660  File1276339998.jpg-(84
KB, 614x461, oldschoolish.jpg)
 >>17585599 Soul
crushing, but interesting. They took us through the main character
rooms for each park during orientation, and I was almost in tears by the
time the day was over. Nothing destroys the magic faster than scrubbing
vomit out of disembodied Chip & Dale heads and hearing stories
about how a performer got crushed to death by a float in a Pluto suit.
Alternately, nothing was
quite so awesome as working on star wars weekend. Dave Filoni came back
stage and fanboyed at all of us who worked on the Ahsoka costume, since
she premiered that year. So have a picture of me hangin the best
performers in the park, as evidenced by the dorky grin on my face. |