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  • File : 1273223179.jpg-(46 KB, 485x282, od8cy.jpg)
    46 KB Arnold!? Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:06 No.16586497  
    the episode where helga first got her arnold boner in kindergarten: i fukken cried.

    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:07 No.16586513
    Hey Arnold was having sudden BAWWW moments before Futurama.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:09 No.16586523
    You mean Helga on the Couch? Yeah, that episode was stellar.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:11 No.16586557

    i never realized how dark that show was till i saw that episode a while back

    best cartoon ever
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:15 No.16586597
         File1273223730.jpg-(166 KB, 1024x768, 1271311466821.jpg)
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    Looks like it's time for a Helga/Arnold dump!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:16 No.16586607
         File1273223809.jpg-(1.96 MB, 2471x3293, 1271311598749.jpg)
    1.96 MB
    This is my absolute favorite cartoon in the history of the world... And Helga is my all-time favorite cartoon character.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:17 No.16586618
         File1273223849.jpg-(101 KB, 800x989, 1271311654752.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:18 No.16586629
         File1273223900.jpg-(36 KB, 1008x700, 1271311784269.jpg)
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    lol, wut?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:19 No.16586636
    their kids would be horrific

    giant malformed heads with unibrows
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:19 No.16586637
         File1273223944.png-(630 KB, 527x757, 1271311789772.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:19 No.16586640
    So is that Agent Hermann with hair?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:20 No.16586648

    The episode in question
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:27 No.16586719
         File1273224435.jpg-(288 KB, 625x786, 1271311861908.jpg)
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    This is my all-time favorite Helga/Arnold pic
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:28 No.16586731
         File1273224524.jpg-(380 KB, 900x1385, 1272444719470.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:30 No.16586741
         File1273224618.jpg-(296 KB, 674x1204, 1272445236581.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:31 No.16586752
         File1273224682.jpg-(214 KB, 800x1036, 1272445731374.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:32 No.16586760
         File1273224728.jpg-(457 KB, 635x1346, 1272448149042.jpg)
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    Lol, I love this one
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:32 No.16586768
         File1273224771.jpg-(167 KB, 900x604, 1272445953322.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:32 No.16586769
    When did Helga join Gorillaz?
    >> Spocktimus_prime !QYO6Vkm2m2 05/07/10(Fri)05:33 No.16586773
    I...I'm not the only one that wants a tiny hat like that, am I?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:33 No.16586779
         File1273224830.jpg-(85 KB, 900x510, 1272446527140.jpg)
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    DAAAAAW :3
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:34 No.16586788

    They're living in a miserable apartment and they're broke, but it's THEIRS and they're HAPPY, so they'll make it somehow...

    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:34 No.16586790
    Of course not, Spocktimus... We all do.

    By the way, adding my trip.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:35 No.16586799
         File1273224923.jpg-(361 KB, 701x779, 1272448560113.jpg)
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    I'm the guy posting the dump.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:35 No.16586805
    Oh, shit! I want this movie made now.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:37 No.16586818
         File1273225038.jpg-(100 KB, 600x770, 1272448575933.jpg)
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    I know! See why it's my fave?

    This show makes me feel happy inside... I genuinely believe that Helga and Arnold's romance is the sweetest and most complex of any other cartoon.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:37 No.16586822
    I don't understand it...
    I mean, it's obvious that they've just moved in together, probably because college or somesuch, and they're probably about to have sex, but what's with the nonepad?
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:38 No.16586830
         File1273225126.jpg-(215 KB, 808x559, 1272449611400.jpg)
    215 KB
    Related to >>16586648
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:40 No.16586843
         File1273225210.jpg-(116 KB, 900x669, 1272446953125.jpg)
    116 KB
    I'm guessing two things... Either Helga is an artist, or they're making a list of what they want to do with the place, or their lives.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:40 No.16586849
         File1273225248.gif-(107 KB, 175x131, 1269232667383.gif)
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    >her face
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:41 No.16586851
         File1273225268.jpg-(442 KB, 646x800, 1272446266495.jpg)
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    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:42 No.16586861
         File1273225325.jpg-(429 KB, 657x1116, 1272446296131.jpg)
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    C'mon, /co/, let's get some more Hey Arnold love in here!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:42 No.16586863
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:42 No.16586871
    i thoroughly enjoyed this series.. Learned alot of stuff, being a non-native english speaker myself, i always though the cartoons on TV taught me more english than any book can.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:42 No.16586872
         File1273225362.jpg-(113 KB, 495x391, 1272446937733.jpg)
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    A classic.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:43 No.16586876
    in before very very very very very very very very hot feet
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:43 No.16586877
    I fucking like this guy's style.
    It's reminiscent of the show's original style, but with a bit of a more....I dunno, sharper look to it.
    It looks a bit less cartoony, and a bit more mature. Fits with the older characters.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:43 No.16586886
    anybody realized Helga is tsundere?

    If it weren't for all the weeabo overload at some point in my life, i wouldn't had made that assumption.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:44 No.16586898
         File1273225487.jpg-(9 KB, 254x191, 1272447435757.jpg)
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    Let it out, anon... I BAAAAW'D more times to this show than any other.

    I always thought that Hey Arnold was one of the most educational shows on television... It taught life lessons in an entertaining, non-patronizing way, and had a cast that you genuinely came to care about.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:46 No.16586915
    Agreed. In retrospect, Hey Arnold was a damn good show.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:46 No.16586916
    ....Do I hear a Bon Jovi song playing somewhere?
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:47 No.16586924
         File1273225641.jpg-(92 KB, 413x393, helgaimplying.jpg)
    92 KB
    Yeah, I thought the same... Less rounded, with more defined facial structure.

    >anybody realized Helga is tsundere?

    >Implying we all didn't know that

    Nah, I'm just kidding, bro...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:48 No.16586930
    get that [a/ shit outa my /co/
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:48 No.16586931
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:48 No.16586939
         File1273225734.jpg-(180 KB, 1024x683, 1272446876974.jpg)
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    I know I did...
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:49 No.16586947
         File1273225788.jpg-(73 KB, 596x474, 1271311665350.jpg)
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    Whoa, whoa, calm down, bro... Keep the love going
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:50 No.16586952
    My only problem with the Teenage Helga/Arnold relationship is, after they finally get together, Helga would probably stop acting like such a bitch, but, I just really can't see her character losing that aspect...
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:50 No.16586954
         File1273225834.jpg-(496 KB, 706x959, 1272446651313.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:52 No.16586970
    shame the movie never got made.
    or that helga never got her spin off serie
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:52 No.16586972
    Oh man, I read it as them.
    and lol'd
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:52 No.16586981
         File1273225971.jpg-(112 KB, 635x824, 1272447098797.jpg)
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    I always picture her as remaining a snarky, incredibly sarcastic and smart-assed young woman, but I think it would still fit with her character... Picture the way she acts with Pheobe, which is arguably the person she really is, and imagine her like that all the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:53 No.16586985
    I like how every single episode refocuses your attention to other kids.. It feels like they are all your pals and you get to know them..... I almost remember each and everyone of them's unique trait somehow..... wow..
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:53 No.16586987
    I can see her being kind of sarcastic and maybe still occasionally making fun of Arnold, but in a less threatening way.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:53 No.16586991
    You know, as horrible as it sounds, I think that by the time Arnold is a teenager, his Grandma shoulda kicked it.
    I mean, she's fucking ancient and senile.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:54 No.16587003
         File1273226055.jpg-(555 KB, 900x919, 1272447266443.jpg)
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    ;_; Hapy tears...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:56 No.16587028
    oh dammit ;__;
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:56 No.16587031
    Yeah, I guess.
    And I suppose she could still act like a bitch to everyone else.
    I also get this distinct feeling that she'd be the tough one of the couple, like, if someone were to insult her, Arnold would step up to defend her honor, but instead she just beats on them.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:57 No.16587048
         File1273226266.jpg-(340 KB, 900x1312, 1272448269919.jpg)
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    I agree... I mean, it has to happen sometime. But remember, at this point, Arnold probably has his parents back.

    What do you guys think? Do you think it's better for Arnold to finally find his parents, or to accept their loss and make it a part of who he is?

    >;_; Hapy tears...

    I sweat to GOD I put that second "P" in there... Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:57 No.16587050
         File1273226273.gif-(174 KB, 345x347, 1251777322016.gif)
    174 KB
    You sir, are no man, and I laugh at you're womanly displays of emotion.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)05:59 No.16587068
    I think it probably would have been good if, when they went to the jungle to find them, it turns out they had died or something, but Arnold at least takes comfort in the fact that he knew they died for a good cause or whatever.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)05:59 No.16587070
         File1273226378.jpg-(48 KB, 359x312, helgadissapoint.jpg)
    48 KB
    >I sweat to GOD I put that second "P" in there...


    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:01 No.16587085

    thanks! Just got back from the episode....

    I didn't cry, but i can see the cry-inducing aspects of it though... obsession can be such a bitch..
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:01 No.16587089
         File1273226513.jpg-(56 KB, 322x251, helgadisgust.jpg)
    56 KB
    Your flaming-hot heart has no place in this thread, Wang Fire! Begone, and take your sneering superiority elsewhere!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:03 No.16587098
    all helga needed was getting laid
    >> Deadfool !!djQDVFvIHTA 05/07/10(Fri)06:04 No.16587108
         File1273226672.jpg-(28 KB, 232x356, 213442546.jpg)
    28 KB
    This is the only show that makes me wish I was a kid again so I could watch it all over again. I love plenty of other cartoons but this one takes the cake forever
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:05 No.16587114
         File1273226736.jpg-(168 KB, 791x828, 1272447533734.jpg)
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    Bob and Miriam... Absolutely fucking useless human beings.

    They may have shown they cared in "Arnold's Thanksgiving", but for me, it was too little, too late.
    >> Oberon Sexton 05/07/10(Fri)06:05 No.16587116
    She was nine.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:07 No.16587122
         File1273226822.jpg-(283 KB, 900x1221, 1272446920757.jpg)
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    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:07 No.16587127
         File1273226871.jpg-(389 KB, 500x524, 1272446487599.jpg)
    389 KB
    God dammit, I love these threads...
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:09 No.16587135
    Oh, Hey Arnold, haven't watched any of it in forever even though I love it for some reason...
    Let's just hit some of that and...
    God damn it. I love you /co/
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:10 No.16587144
         File1273227030.jpg-(121 KB, 600x525, 1272448388810.jpg)
    121 KB
    We love you, too. :3
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:11 No.16587154
    workhaholic dad
    pill popping drunk mom
    over achieving sister

    poor helga
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:13 No.16587163
         File1273227186.jpg-(362 KB, 618x800, 1272449228946.jpg)
    362 KB
    One of my favorite things about the show was how the entire cast were all real kids... Not women playing young boys, or things like that.

    And, as the show progressed, we heard them grow up along with us, as thier voices changed, and the writing became more and more mature. Sure, Arnold's voice changed a few times, but it was for the better, I thought.

    Also, mindfuck: Wolfgang is played by second season Arnold
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:14 No.16587173
         File1273227247.jpg-(520 KB, 1206x656, 1272448335419.jpg)
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    "I'm going to pwe-school!"

    >> Oberon Sexton 05/07/10(Fri)06:14 No.16587176
    Man, one thing that I think this show did wrong, and that pretty much all shows do wrong, is they made the characters too young.

    I mean, Arnold and the gang were supposed to be like, 9 or 10 in this right? Yet they all act far too mature and smart for such an age, especially in regards to Helga's affection towards Arnold.
    I had the same problem with The Weekenders and Avatar. All these kids act way older than they are, so why not just make the characters older?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:16 No.16587189
    i can still see him stalking helga, every time she and arnold are about to kiss. his heavy breathing will be heard.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:16 No.16587192
         File1273227401.jpg-(98 KB, 900x427, 1272448871556.jpg)
    98 KB
    It's threads like this that I wish Craig Bartlett himself could see and participate in... He probably knows how much we all love it, but I'd like to let him know that we still do, after all these years.

    I mean, I would much rather have the show on DVD than watching pirated files or on YouTube... But Nickelodeon has forced us to do just that.

    We don't do it just to lol, we do it because we CARE about the fucking show, and want to be able to watch it whenever we want!
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:19 No.16587205
         File1273227571.jpg-(471 KB, 700x700, 1272449114109.jpg)
    471 KB
    To appeal to a younger demographic, and an older one at the same time, is my guess.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:19 No.16587209

    Parent's Day

    I...I just have something in my eye here.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:20 No.16587217
         File1273227631.jpg-(283 KB, 900x1500, 1272448664308.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:20 No.16587219
    I always thought they were in the 13- 15 bracket. Damn that show was cool.
    Favourite fan comic though is the one some one re worded where it goes like this
    Arnold:Jesus helga why are you always such a bitch to me? Why do you hate me so much?
    Helga: To be honest football head i dont hate you... i like you... alot.
    Arnold: well you sure got a fucked up way of showing it *walks off*
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:21 No.16587223
    Dude, this show sucks. Fuck this shit.

    Icarly is better.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:22 No.16587225
         File1273227720.jpg-(244 KB, 800x1102, 1272449408550.jpg)
    244 KB
    It's... It's not like I'm crying, or anything...


    By the way, I LOVE this picture.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:23 No.16587236

    Mm, that coat is FAAAAABULOUS!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:23 No.16587242
    I agree man.

    Drake and Josh/Icarly beats this old man shit anyday.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:23 No.16587244
         File1273227838.jpg-(130 KB, 575x936, 1272457026153.jpg)
    130 KB
    Silly troll... You'll have to do better than that. HA is impossible to hate, even for the newest of newfags. You lose.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:24 No.16587248
         File1273227897.jpg-(90 KB, 588x927, 176235 - Arnold Gerald_Johanss(...).jpg)
    90 KB
    Anyone have this pic without the dick in it?

    I erased the dick for courtesy.
    >> Dr. Doofenshmirtz !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:25 No.16587253
         File1273227921.jpg-(3 KB, 83x110, doof5.jpg)
    3 KB
    Looks like somebody stole my Samefag-Inator.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:25 No.16587254
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:25 No.16587255
    I big to differ. I couldn't stand it when it was on when I was growing up, I can't stand it now that it's DA fanfiction wankery.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:27 No.16587264
         File1273228022.jpg-(263 KB, 756x1047, 1272449729459.jpg)
    263 KB
    Why was there a dick in there in the first place?

    Criminy... >:(
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:28 No.16587267
    Dat kilt
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:28 No.16587269
    Fucking lol'ed is black sidekick laughing at arnolds wang or helgas misfortune?
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:28 No.16587270
         File1273228121.png-(184 KB, 402x364, 1272545016484.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:29 No.16587272
    /co/ has the least amusing trolls.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:30 No.16587278
         File1273228201.jpg-(213 KB, 788x788, 1272449862062.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:30 No.16587281
    People always talk about how when they go back and watch this show as adults, they realize all the implications about Helga's shitty family life and whatnot, and other things that flew over their heads as kids. Me? I figured it out at the time. It was obvious - because I was myself a nine-year-old girl with alcoholic and emotionally abusive parents. Growing up with this cartoon made me feel like maybe I wasn't such a freak, and there was hope out there after all. After all, there are plenty of kids out there with drunk moms and shitty dads, and even uni-brows. The problem is, usually you don't realize it before you're old enough to start reading J.D. Salinger, and by then it's probably too late anyway. To this day I'm really grateful that Craig Bartlett respected his 8-12 demographic enough to put that kind of content in there, even if he did have to slip it under the rug a little.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:31 No.16587288
         File1273228295.jpg-(256 KB, 900x1105, 1272451359228.jpg)
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    And there you are again! Ha ha, just leave and crawl into the black pit of fail you call your soul, you worthless pile of internet-puss. The adults are talking.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:32 No.16587294
    To be fair, I hated all the 90's nick cartoons save for Ren and Stimpy. Doug bored me to tears, Rugrats was beyond insipid.
    >> Evil Emperor Proteus !Opn6LYNH7s 05/07/10(Fri)06:34 No.16587307
         File1273228449.jpg-(122 KB, 1426x838, delicious brown chloey (2).jpg)
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    The joke is that Arnold has an errection.

    >Sex Ed

    Gerald probably knew it all already.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:34 No.16587308
    I had the same reaction, in a way... I realized what was going on with Helga's family, Oscar's wife, and most everybody at a younger age, and drew more out of the show because of it.
    It wasn't just Helga and Arnold... Nearly the entire cast had complex relationships with the various denizens of Hillwood, and it made for incredibly interesting television.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:35 No.16587319
    >J.D. Salinger
    Id rather watch Icarly then read that again.
    'Coming this summer, Catcher in the rye starring shia labeouf as holden and gary busey as maurice' To be fair thats just because i wanna see gary busey punch that transforming cunt
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:36 No.16587327
    This in a coat that surrounds me. But a guy coat... because I'm a guy with shit.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:37 No.16587328
         File1273228625.jpg-(203 KB, 1280x707, 1272451049630.jpg)
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    Probably because that, as the small, drooling post-fetus you obviously were at the time, the complexity of the English language and general knowledge of social interaction escaped your not yet fully-developed brain.

    Go back to grade-school, faggot. Enjoy your Total Drama Island.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:38 No.16587338
    oscars wife?
    of course gerald did that pimp mother fucker
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:39 No.16587339
    I guarantee you that I'm older than you. You're the one seeing complexity in a children's cartoon where there is none due to someone mentioning poverty and alcoholism once.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:39 No.16587342
    r e M O v E Y o U r I L L E g A L c l o N E o F A T C h r i S t o p h e R p O O L E h t t p : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 / I s T H e O r i G I n A L f a g g o T
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:39 No.16587343
    This show was so good, my god.
    Why does every good 90's cartoon have to be wrapped up in legal issues preventing dvd releases? ):
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:41 No.16587360
    I can't believe they never released the show on DVD! How annoying!
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:43 No.16587375
         File1273228991.png-(311 KB, 515x395, pidgeonman.png)
    311 KB
    >You're the one seeing complexity in a children's cartoon where there is none due to someone mentioning poverty and alcoholism once.

    Pidgeon Man, anyone?

    And Helga's mother's alcohol abuse was implied.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:43 No.16587383
    Why do you still care? If you didn't like the show, you already said so, so why are you still here? Do you think you are going to change everyone's opinion?

    If everything you said was true, you would still be an asshole for saying it. Who cares if some one enjoys a cartoon that you don't? Even if they DO read more into it than what's there? Maybe you should just go make your own iCarly thread in /tv/
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:45 No.16587398
    what about pidgeon man?
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:46 No.16587408
    Homeless guy. Poverty. There you go.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:48 No.16587417
    Because some dipshit said it was impossible to hate this show, without realizing that hundred post threads about this show every day make it quite possible to hate both the show and its fans very much. But you're right! You guys are morons who sexualize everything with a face so AWAY I GO!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:50 No.16587431
    You just admitted that you're trolling, more or less. I see where you're coming from though, /co/ makes me hate things I never even had a chance to like. If you can find something else to do, don't stay here and let them ruin things you like.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:52 No.16587438
         File1273229543.jpg-(35 KB, 600x400, riddlerhemad.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:53 No.16587448
    Very much so. /co/ didn't used to be /I have a fetish, also remember the 90's?/
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:53 No.16587449
    so Thats the mature themes? Its set in the city, homeless people are fucking everywhere
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:53 No.16587454
         File1273229628.jpg-(717 KB, 701x1210, 1.jpg)
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    Let's get this back on track with a short comic...

    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:53 No.16587455
    you said you were leaving, dont be a liar
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:55 No.16587463
         File1273229731.jpg-(687 KB, 701x1210, 2.jpg)
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    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:56 No.16587469
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)06:58 No.16587481
    Is there a part two?

    And can someone post the link to the french helga episode?
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)06:59 No.16587483
         File1273229941.jpg-(658 KB, 701x1210, 4.jpg)
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    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)07:03 No.16587510
         File1273230216.jpg-(734 KB, 701x1210, 5.jpg)
    734 KB
    Part Two? Not that I'm aware of...

    And here's Arnold's Valentine. It appears to be mirrored, sorry.

    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)07:04 No.16587515
         File1273230275.jpg-(761 KB, 701x1210, 6.jpg)
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    All right, fellas, I need to go for a little while... Be back soon!
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)07:06 No.16587528
    I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)07:06 No.16587529
    And just so people know, it's not just that she's constantly drinking mixed drinks of one sort or another and "needs a smoothie" when she's stressed and acts kind of wasted. For instance, in the Helga on the Couch ep someone posted in the thread, Helga asked her dad where her mom was and he told her she was "passed out behind the couch again". When she woke up she couldn't find Helga's lunch that she packed because she accidentally left it in the oven, and when Helga opened it, it had moist towlettes, 1 pack of crackers, and a can of shaving cream.

    Oh yeah, that's something fruit smoothies totally do to you.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)07:09 No.16587542
    so apart from helgas shitty parents and the general squalor of their neighbourhood is there anything else intresting I may not of picked up on?
    >> briX !ShItEhrOYg 05/07/10(Fri)07:11 No.16587552
         File1273230672.jpg-(59 KB, 231x300, Mr__Hyunh_Goes_Country.jpg)
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    >>I have very creepy laugh. 's CREEPY. Gives me CREEPIES
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)07:16 No.16587575

    fuck i nostalgia'd so hard and got all warm and fuzzy inside

    d'awwwwwwwwwww :3 :3 :3
    >> /dak/ - Dinosaurs and Kaiju !!CIRvMZ3wehY 05/07/10(Fri)07:19 No.16587593
         File1273231161.jpg-(16 KB, 480x360, sharkeys_fursona.jpg)
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    Anyone who doesn't smile by the end of that song is dead to me.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)07:26 No.16587644
    I smiled. But also at first I thought she called arnold a pimp.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)07:27 No.16587652

    Implied? it was laid out fairly obviously. But yeah I seriously miss shows that didn't brush shit under the rug or create a universe where NOTHING BAD REALLY EVER HAPPENS.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)07:33 No.16587689
    Damn it, I went in determined not to smile but failed after 5 seconds. I am weak.
    >> /dak/ - Dinosaurs and Kaiju !!CIRvMZ3wehY 05/07/10(Fri)07:35 No.16587714

    The OST is on /rs/, by the way: >>>/rs/Hey+Arnold!&from=ALL#return=
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)08:16 No.16588199
         File1273234595.jpg-(423 KB, 1000x752, 1272452461956.jpg)
    423 KB
    THANK YOU!!!!

    Also, I'm back!
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)08:20 No.16588238
         File1273234828.jpg-(215 KB, 900x1117, helgashrine.jpg)
    215 KB
    Posting more Hey Arnold goodness.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:22 No.16588263
    that christmas episode about his daughter, was so sad....and she never apeard or was talked about ever again after it -_-
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:23 No.16588276
    with helga's parents I'm surprised how well olga turned out.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:24 No.16588281
         File1273235051.jpg-(90 KB, 720x451, Roger_Luan,_The_Jungle_Mov(...).jpg)
    90 KB
    Wish they'd make this movie.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:25 No.16588290
         File1273235132.jpg-(172 KB, 515x615, sleep_safely_by_limey404.jpg)
    172 KB
    Fuckin sweeeeeeettt
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:28 No.16588311
         File1273235305.jpg-(899 KB, 713x2113, 1271344158229.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:29 No.16588318
    W h y A r E y O U S T E a L I N g c O n t e N T c H R I s T O p H e R P O o L e ? h t T P : / / 8 8 . 8 0 . 2 1 . 1 2 /
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)08:30 No.16588325
         File1273235402.jpg-(123 KB, 1059x380, Hey_Arnold___fanart01_by_jingu(...).jpg)
    123 KB
    Ooo, didn't have that one! Thankies!

    God, I LOVE that one.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:31 No.16588337
         File1273235485.png-(351 KB, 900x719, HA___Whatever_by_SquirrelTamer.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:32 No.16588345
    olga SEEMED perfect, but I doubt that was the case.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:33 No.16588348
         File1273235593.jpg-(235 KB, 500x2000, __Helga_My_Love___by_Katranima(...).jpg)
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    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:34 No.16588356
         File1273235683.jpg-(101 KB, 800x582, HA___A_Bartletts_Brandy_by_Neo(...).jpg)
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    >>16588345 There aay be some unseen mental damage.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:36 No.16588370
         File1273235780.jpg-(1.07 MB, 864x1632, __Mistletoe___by_bloochikin.jpg)
    1.07 MB
    >>16586861 this comic is a follow on to this one.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:37 No.16588379
         File1273235854.jpg-(112 KB, 658x850, 16_bad girl phoebe.jpg)
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    Pheeb's has her own unique charms.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:38 No.16588383
    The Miriam would be better if she just divorced the loud and obnoxious buffoon and actually did stuff with her daughter like in that one episode where she rode the mechanical bull.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:39 No.16588393
         File1273235996.jpg-(200 KB, 631x957, Hey_Lila_by_bleedman.jpg)
    200 KB
    Some Bleedman for you
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:40 No.16588400
         File1273236056.gif-(19 KB, 186x256, 1168741175404.gif)
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    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:42 No.16588406
         File1273236140.png-(403 KB, 744x611, HA___Da_Future_by_SquirrelTame(...).png)
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    >>16588383 Or the Beeper queen episode where Bob crippled himself and she took over the buisnuess fora while.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)08:42 No.16588413
         File1273236170.jpg-(333 KB, 621x738, hatjm1.jpg)
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    I've always thought of Olga as a very fragile young woman... She retreats into her "la la land" as a way of dealing with her emotional insecurities after seeing the way her parents treat Helga.
    She excels only to avoid the same treatment, and to become financially stable enough to be able to help those less fortunate than herself, to make up for her inability to do so with her sister.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:43 No.16588418
    Her problem is that she replaces one addiction with another. In that one episode she had a job, but ended up as a workaholic.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:43 No.16588419
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    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:44 No.16588429
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    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:47 No.16588455
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    her relationsip with Lila is a bit odd.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:49 No.16588482
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:50 No.16588487
    I don't even remember this. weird.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:52 No.16588512
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    >>16588487 and thus a crack pairings was born.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:53 No.16588527
    when, and why did this happen?
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:54 No.16588531
         File1273236845.jpg-(74 KB, 448x718, Best_Friends_by_elixirXsczjX13.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:54 No.16588537
    I hated lila with every fiber of my being
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:55 No.16588544
    I'd forgotten that Helga's mother was damn near explicitly alcoholic. Damn that show was awesome.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)08:55 No.16588550
         File1273236942.jpg-(297 KB, 752x1247, 1272453657002.jpg)
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    Well, Olga and Lila are really very much alike. Both use "excellence" and sugar-sweet niceness as a distraction from the world in which they live, so it's only natural that they would get along so well.

    In fact, I don't really remember, but weren't Lila's parents a pair of scumbags? Or am I confusing her with Jenny from Forrest Gump?

    Seriously, man, there are some really good, high-quality tracks here... Thank you.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:56 No.16588553
         File1273236963.jpg-(468 KB, 823x1220, PJLilaDressed.jpg)
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    >>16588527 I do not know and cannot tell.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:57 No.16588566
         File1273237052.jpg-(470 KB, 481x729, Aww__Arnold_by_Lilostitchfan.jpg)
    470 KB
    Another Hey Arnold! thread?

    I am so not complaining. Love you /co/. c:
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:57 No.16588567
    Lila lives with her father, IIRC from the episode she's introduced, and he seems just as humble and good-natured as her.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)08:58 No.16588575
         File1273237088.jpg-(67 KB, 355x370, Oficial_pataky_by_tronkan_trok.jpg)
    67 KB
    >>16588544 The lost spin off aimed at the teenages viewers 'The Pataki's' would ahve dealt with her being an alchoholic, show never amde it to air though.

    Pic is the one known screen cap of Helga in it.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:58 No.16588576
    I thought she just had a really poor dad. I remember all they had left was a can of beans or something...that was her right?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:59 No.16588591
         File1273237191.jpg-(382 KB, 600x1423, HA__I_will_possess_your_heart_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)08:59 No.16588594
    I'm kinda glad they didn't make that...the thought of Arnold moving away...well that's just horrible.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:00 No.16588598
         File1273237206.jpg-(67 KB, 309x387, HA___Down_On_The_Farm_Lila_by_(...).jpg)
    67 KB
    >>16588576 Yeah, she had a very poor dad, they moved to the city from the country.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:02 No.16588611
         File1273237320.jpg-(380 KB, 1037x1370, MarcosTradeCol2.jpg)
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    So many crack pairings.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:03 No.16588618
         File1273237398.jpg-(120 KB, 632x473, 1254613287129.jpg)
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    Who did people hate more, Lila or Ruth?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:04 No.16588627

    I don't even remember ruth
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:04 No.16588630
         File1273237498.png-(397 KB, 1000x867, HA___As_Things_Collide_by_Squi(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:05 No.16588637
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:05 No.16588638
    Why am I so aroused?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:05 No.16588641
    I liked big patty.
    and chocolate boy.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:06 No.16588643
    Same. I only remember her because you posted a picture.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:06 No.16588644
    oh wait was she the girl arnold had a crush on?
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:08 No.16588655
         File1273237691.jpg-(99 KB, 319x411, HA___Helga_Faces_02_by_King_Ch(...).jpg)
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    >>16588643 Ruth was the girl arnold had a crush on before she was moved aside in the series and replaced by Lila :P both were subject of Helgas jealousy.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:09 No.16588662
    fuck those guys. The ice cream man was the shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:10 No.16588668
         File1273237808.jpg-(7 KB, 160x213, Eugene1[1].jpg)
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    this poor kid. I felt so sorry for him
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:10 No.16588675
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    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:11 No.16588682
         File1273237898.jpg-(165 KB, 800x575, Say_Cheese_by_bloochikin.jpg)
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    >>16588662 The Jolly Olly man :P
    >> the goshdarn BATMAN 05/07/10(Fri)09:12 No.16588687
    when i was growing up i had no idea what the hell hey arnold was talking about.
    i was like 6 or 7.
    i watched it regardless because it was funny.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:13 No.16588700
         File1273238000.png-(183 KB, 600x595, HA_GB___Not_a_Fan_by_SquirrelT(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:14 No.16588712
    fap fap
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:15 No.16588720
         File1273238138.png-(260 KB, 643x542, Always_There_by_Danilee3240.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:15 No.16588722
    What the fuck? Where did she get a hat that awesome?
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:17 No.16588733
         File1273238221.png-(274 KB, 694x1000, HA___My_Turn_Today_by_Squirrel(...).png)
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    >>16588722 She's big pimpin.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:17 No.16588738
    You sick fucks ruin everything. I hope you and your ilk all die slowly, from cancer.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:18 No.16588745
         File1273238303.jpg-(43 KB, 320x240, 1192754361.king-cheetah_pictur(...).jpg)
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    This be a party.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:22 No.16588768
    I did too. You reminded me of that birthday episode of his.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:23 No.16588774
         File1273238623.jpg-(86 KB, 680x936, HA__Welcome_to_the_grave_by_ae(...).jpg)
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    >>16588738 Settle down fuzzy lil man peach. Its furries who ruin everything and im not about to post the pics where Helgas a badger or Arnolds a weasel or some shit.
    >> Sniper Joe !!zfpgxfRHBaQ 05/07/10(Fri)09:25 No.16588784
    I like Hey Arnold too, but it seems to be the only Nicktoon /co/ really talks about.
    >> Cheddah !!Z+MFgMkH7uH 05/07/10(Fri)09:28 No.16588797
         File1273238882.jpg-(234 KB, 800x843, 1272456846035.jpg)
    234 KB
    I don't know if you guys are interested, but this is the college profile of Fancesca Smith, the VA for Helga.
    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:29 No.16588803
         File1273238945.jpg-(658 KB, 1082x789, HA___Helga_G__Pataki_by_Squirr(...).jpg)
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    >> Space Weasel 05/07/10(Fri)09:38 No.16588877
         File1273239521.jpg-(147 KB, 800x618, Let__s_Bowl_by_bloochikin.jpg)
    147 KB
    >> Anonymous 05/07/10(Fri)09:43 No.16588932
    Avatar is from Nick too and there is always Avatar stuff somewhere on the boards.

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