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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272479609.jpg-(25 KB, 640x384, judgedoom3.jpg)
    25 KB Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:33 No.16353125  
    You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night. Soon, where Toon Town once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see!

    My God, it'll be beautiful.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:34 No.16353151
    ;_; EVIL WINS!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:34 No.16353155
    Go back to /new/ - trains.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:35 No.16353166
         File1272479725.jpg-(13 KB, 208x199, rection image expressing displ(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:38 No.16353228
    I remember this scene from the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". A film which for some reason, because of this OP, triggered my memory.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:39 No.16353243
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:39 No.16353248
    The plot of Roger Rabbit was based on a true story. Judge Doom represents General Motors and the American oil industry.
    In the true events, the bad guys won.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:41 No.16353271
         File1272480064.jpg-(12 KB, 187x187, freddy.jpg)
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    This guy sounds legit, i say we trust him and help him
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:44 No.16353333
         File1272480247.jpg-(24 KB, 200x325, CensoredRabbit.jpg)
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    Same person from here:>>16353228

    I did not knew about that the real events based on the book until I saw the wikipedia article about the film. What's even worse, I did not knew that the film was actually based on a book!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:31 No.16354374

    Yep. They were comic strip characters in the book, and they even spoke with word balloons.

    The author ended up liking the movie more than the book, so he wrote a sequel to the movie.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:34 No.16354450
         File1272483248.gif-(39 KB, 309x262, rorscach.gif)
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    Hrm. Movie where evil wins. Sounds fishy. Will have to investigate.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:35 No.16354478
    >true story
    >conspiracy theory
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:39 No.16354573
    In real life, the badguys always win. Allways. All the time. The good guys never win and they never will.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:39 No.16354579
    >I see a place where people get off on the freeway

    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:43 No.16354657
    The events went to trial, and the guilty parties were fined minimally for their misconduct. The damaged was not reversed and nobody harmed was compensated.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:45 No.16354720
    What the fuck?

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