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  • hey guys, just fyi: we've got this great board called /r9k/. it's really good and we'd enjoy it if you checked it out, posted some, and stuck around for a while. see you there! toodles~

    File : 1272472530.jpg-(76 KB, 580x329, Doc Ock fusion.jpg)
    76 KB Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:35 No.16351193

    >This summer, scientists at the Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory in California will try to make a tiny star in this building. By inciting a fusion reaction, they hope to create a sustainable source of energy on Earth, much like the one that powers our solar system.

    Uh oh.
    >> Lone Wanderer !!TI3ka8HOGie 04/28/10(Wed)12:36 No.16351205
    They've tried this before.

    It will only last less than a fraction of a millisecond.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:36 No.16351213
    What could possibly go wrong?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:37 No.16351220
    either that, or some mad scientists or terrorists steal the laser and turn it into a Death Laser or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:38 No.16351227
    Less than 10 years. That was fast.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:38 No.16351230
    > By inciting a fusion reaction, they hope to create a sustainable source of energy on Earth
    Because it doesn't take a shitload of energy to induce fusion or anything. This is totally viable.
    >> ‪‮‪‮/oc/ fo rednamm/oc/‮ ‭Vorked Larfleeze‫‭‭‪‮‭‬‬‬‬‬ !BEEtLE/iVI 04/28/10(Wed)12:38 No.16351233
    1: It cannot expand, energy does not work like this.
    2: It burns SO FAST, they will record a massive flux of energy for a millisecond.
    3: If it does work, say hello to terrorists.
    >> poopy 04/28/10(Wed)12:39 No.16351238
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:39 No.16351241
    The power of the sun in the palm of my hand.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:40 No.16351247
    The scientist will end up killing us all and the world as we know it someday.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:40 No.16351250
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:40 No.16351257
    Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:41 No.16351268
    >Because it doesn't take a shitload of energy to induce fusion or anything. This is totally viable.

    It's not like most of the energy for the planet isn't already provided by an ongoing fusion reaction 93 million miles away, fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:41 No.16351270
    Yeah, fuck cheap energy!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:41 No.16351274

    And just because a bunch of luddite morons think you shouldn't, doesn't mean you should stop.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:43 No.16351287
    On a semi-related note, would you be willing to eat cloned/cultured animal or plant cells?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:43 No.16351292
    >Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:43 No.16351296

    Why not? They'd be identical to regular plant/animal meat, wouldn't they?

    Bring on cultured human meat!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:44 No.16351305
    If you're American, you already do.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:44 No.16351307
    Yes. But only if I can bio enginner another arm.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:45 No.16351311
    Theyre not going to ask us. Theyre just going to put that shit into the stores and we'll eat it. Same thing with those experiments, nobody asks what the people wants. They just do shit without asking because theyre "scientists".
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:45 No.16351312

    Damn right. My grandfather drilled for combustible dinosaur goo, my father ran most of his life around combustible dinosaur goo, and by god, we're gonna use combustible dinosaur goo until it becomes prohibitively expensive, runs out, and ends civilization as we know it!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:45 No.16351314
    2012 anyone?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:45 No.16351317
    Wouldn't that be much more expensive than just growing the stuff the usual way?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:45 No.16351318
    inb4 this goes horribly wrong and makes the first superhuman.

    We should name him Solar Centurian or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:46 No.16351322
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    >Implying fossil fuels are liquid dinosaurs
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:47 No.16351333
    then whose fossils are they?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:47 No.16351334

    Cloned? Certainly. I don't know why you'd invest all that effort, but sure. It's the same shit, genius, by definition.

    Cultured? Well, depends a lot on what they're "culturing" it for. If it's, say, developing a strain of wheat you can harvest more often and which therefore can feed an increased population on the same acreage? Fuck yeah.

    Sorry, I love science and I don't fear progress, because I'm not a raging faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:47 No.16351345
    Are they gonna contain it with 4 robotic arms?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:48 No.16351351
    It's mostly cycad trees and such from the pre-Dinosaur times. Same with coal.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:48 No.16351352
    They're angel fossils. Oil is a gift from God.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:48 No.16351356
    >Implying you should provide high levels of detail while mocking morons.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:49 No.16351376

    Naw, it's still from dead stuff, but since the world is only about 6,000 years old, it doesn't take as long to form as those pinko faggot "scientists" tell us, so we don't have to worry about it "running out." How retarded would that be?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:49 No.16351377
    >Solar Centurian
    it's Centurion
    And the name doesn't quite...I
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:50 No.16351379
    Only if they are mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:50 No.16351383
    Are they stupid or something? Don't they know that Spider-man isn't real so there will be no one to stop it?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:51 No.16351390
    I'mplying we wouldn't name him Captain Sunshine
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:51 No.16351395
    Yeah because making a fucking sun on earth sounds like a fucking amazing and great idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:52 No.16351403
    Nobody wants a fusion generator anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:52 No.16351407
    >Spider-man isn't real

    lol tell me another one anon
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:52 No.16351408
    Fucking science, where has it ever gotten us?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:52 No.16351410
    Fuckin scientists, they always lyin and pissin me off.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:52 No.16351416

    This is how retarded you sound, just for the record.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:53 No.16351420
    And why do we need this?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:53 No.16351429
    Did you even SEE Spider-man 2?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:54 No.16351438
    >implying that scientists are super human and always right about everything.
    >> Mr. Monitor !XBVfKv4nAs 04/28/10(Wed)12:54 No.16351442
    >Fucking science, where has it ever gotten us?
    It's the only thing that allows you to continue living as you do today. It's the reason 2/3rds of Humanity hasn't starved to death. It's the reason you will live past the age of 40.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:54 No.16351443
    It's obviously a loose plot point created to explain the origin of one of earth's future heroes or villains.
    >> Fudge 04/28/10(Wed)12:54 No.16351445
    >implying they aren't
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:54 No.16351447
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:55 No.16351450
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:55 No.16351453
    And it's about damn time.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:55 No.16351455
    >he acts like it's perfectly safe
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:55 No.16351468

    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)12:55 No.16351469
    Fusion reactions have been started before, there are dozens of ongoing projects.

    It's perfectly safe, the trouble is keeping it going and making it provide net positive energy.

    But I prefer the project to build power sources out of artificial black holes, now that's superscience. You can even use them to power starships.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:58 No.16351492

    I'm not anti-GMO crops, per se, but the talking point about using them to feed more people rings hollow given the actual applications of genetic engineering thus far.

    Would I support cultivating GMO crops that actually increased yields? Sure, if caloric scarcity was a physical reality and not just a matter of distribution governed by the logic of capital accumulation rather than basic nutritional need.

    Do Monsanto and other companies working on plant genetics actually create seeds that significantly increase crop yields? So far, no. GMOs have largely been used so far as weapons to corner seed markets through the application of intellectual property law rather than as tools to feed the hungry.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)12:58 No.16351494
    If people are really worried about scientists exploding the world, they really need to check out some other, much more likely world-ending scenarios.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:01 No.16351538
    Lets hope the Tokamak reactor at Cadarache will work !
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:01 No.16351545
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    >implying you can use miracles as a power source
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:03 No.16351568
    they obviously don't understand how miracles work
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:04 No.16351591
    >starships powered by artificial black holes

    Isn't that how the Romulans do it? I know at least one of the Trek races does that instead of the matter/antimatter reaction contained by dilithium method.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:07 No.16351626
    Probably given that the Romulans developed Warp long after the rest
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:07 No.16351635
    >And why do we need a reliable source of cheap energy?

    Are you retarded? What rock have you lived under since, like, the 1960s?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:08 No.16351648
    It's actually a synthetic protostar.

    This is how they power their Warbird ships.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:08 No.16351650

    /sci/entist here. It is not going to work, by the way. Spoiler.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:08 No.16351654
    i do NOT support any method used by dirty romulans
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:09 No.16351680
    ITT: People use a product of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency to complain about science.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:10 No.16351682
    "/sci/entist" isn't a very clever moniker. Then again, a board for math and science really can't be expected to be creative.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:11 No.16351699
    good one bro thats so ironic
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:12 No.16351713
    The hate, where does it come from?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:13 No.16351721
    shut up, nerd
    >> The Doctor Marmalade of Zur-En-Arrh 04/28/10(Wed)13:13 No.16351734
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    From haters
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:15 No.16351755

    There are several admonitions to the effect that haters shall endeavor to engage in hate-based activity throughout the forum, O My Brother.
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)13:18 No.16351811
    I don't know of no Romulans but what I'm talking about is an actual paper

    Obviously speculative but they done the math and such, pretty mind blowing.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:21 No.16351846
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    >implying the internet was invented by DARPA
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:23 No.16351876
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    >Black holes
    >as a powersource

    Just how would that work, exactly?
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)13:26 No.16351907
    Hawking radiation

    read the paper it's 20 pages, less if you skip the math
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)13:27 No.16351940
    >According to Hawking, black holes (BHs) are not really black, but radiate what is approximately a black body thermal spectrum. The energy emitted is negligible unless the BH is very small, in which case it becomes extremely energetic. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether it is possible to build artificial BHs of the appropriate size, and to employ them in powerplants and starships.
    >> robodevil !vcjC4o0d6Y 04/28/10(Wed)13:29 No.16351966
    You just shine a flashlight at it.
    Like, it sucks energy in one end?
    And it blows it out the other?
    Basically it's, like, a giant box fan that blows you through space.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:30 No.16351974
    /sci/entist is the cleverest because it makes the most sense. What does being a /co/mrade have to do with liking comic books? For our nickname, there's a double entendre.

    Also, I guarantee you I am more creative and at least as artistically gifted as anyone. The science and math board isn't filled with geeks - it's mostly filled with people who are intelligent and gifted in ALL areas, barring the trolls of course.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:32 No.16352003
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:32 No.16352005
    >Some dude said that aliens exist
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:33 No.16352030
    I was sort of just screwing with you, but most of those name kind of make sense. Like /v/irgins, /b/-tards, /k/ommandos, fa/tg/uys etc.

    I suppose folks are called /co/mrades because /co/ is love and whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:39 No.16352133
    I know it is. But I still say /sci/entist is the closest sort of moniker out of every board. Every other name depends on being "close enough": /b/tard - retard, /k/ommando - commando. fa/tg/uy is pretty close too, but it should be two words.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:41 No.16352168
    >I suppose folks are called /co/mrades because /co/ is love and whatever.

    No, as this thread proves, it's because they're godless fools.
    >> poopy 04/28/10(Wed)13:43 No.16352202
    2012? Right on time.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:44 No.16352220
    I'm... not sure that makes a lick of sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:47 No.16352287
    To me, it seems as though that would be like us being called "/co/micbookfans", despite it being accurate, it's still shitty and unamusing.

    Just saying though.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:48 No.16352301
    The power of the sun... in the palm of my hand.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:49 No.16352316
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    >inb4 this goes horribly wrong and makes the first superhuman.

    >We should name him Solar Centurian or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:56 No.16352452
    >and will exert more pressure than 100 billion atmospheres

    So... it will explode?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)13:56 No.16352466
    and thats the way I like it

    and I love this thread.
    >> Tekkactus !yDE403/aMc 04/28/10(Wed)13:58 No.16352503
    I agree /co/mrade is a little weird compared to the others, but it's still the best option we have. At least we have it better than the /fa/ggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:02 No.16352562

    I dunno, in my head, you're all /co/cksuckers.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:03 No.16352580
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    >> Rex Smythe Higgins, Suzerain of the Seas !JcovR21AYE 04/28/10(Wed)14:03 No.16352586
    1 million exploding suns?
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:03 No.16352587
    This thread needs more tritium
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:04 No.16352613

    A morning filled with 400 billion suns?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:05 No.16352625
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:07 No.16352650
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    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:07 No.16352658
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:08 No.16352668

    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:08 No.16352684
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:09 No.16352690
    So will this experiment create some supervillains? Finally?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:10 No.16352715
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    >> Haymaker !!n3XHhLE1dAR 04/28/10(Wed)14:13 No.16352776
    What in the fuck compels scientists to try all this shit that could rip apart the goddamn universe?

    Seriously, those are some arrogant motherfuckers.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:14 No.16352800
    >>16352650 h3-molecule.gif
    >> h3-molecule
    >> molecule
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:16 No.16352841
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:26 No.16353004
    >pretending this could rip apart the universe

    To answer what compels scientists, though...

    Knowledge isn't additive. It's multiplicative, even exponential. Adding one fact to a list of a hundred isn't 1% better. It's not even 100% better. It's thousands of times better. We never know what piece of knowledge will be crucial in years to come, or help us make sense of something that has been a stumbling block for ages.

    We set out to seek knowledge, not because we know immediately what beneficial applications it will have, but because we never know what beneficial applications it will have, and what beneficial discoveries may happen accidentally along the way.

    Why do we drive gasoline-powered vehicles today? Because someone did exhaustive research into the uses of gasoline? No. We had the shit lying around. It was a byproduct of making kerosene, and no one had a good use for it, so it was cheap when people experimented with internal combustion.

    By the same token, a lot of scientific advances we think are spiffy aren't really the result of The Search For That Thing, they're byproducts of the search for something else entirely.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:27 No.16353032
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    >That Thing
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:29 No.16353063
    sorry I didn't get it
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:31 No.16353089

    Tireless scientist. Always trying to find out the nature of reception in the modern world. Note, he never asks if they have That Thing. He is not interested in their possession of it. It is only vital to know whether they GOT That Thing he Sent Them.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:36 No.16353188
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:38 No.16353216
    as soon as a guy builds giant cybernetic arms to preform those said experiments
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:41 No.16353274

    Nope. We need the fusion power plant to make the moon base feasible. Sorry.

    And they're not scary fucking experiments. It's just a bunch of reactionary morons not paying attention to or understanding the actual science being research or the technology employed to do so.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)14:44 No.16353332
    i aint no science wiz but it doesnt take stephen hawkings to know that black holes are bad and if you make one close to earth we's gonna die
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)14:45 No.16353353
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    Of course they fucking exist you idiot

    Look at the hubble deep field photograph

    >Representing a narrow "keyhole" view stretching to the visible horizon of the universe, the Hubble Deep Field image covers a speck of the sky only about the width of a dime 75 feet away. Though the field is a very small sample of the heavens, it is considered representative of the typical distribution of galaxies in space, because the universe, statistically, looks largely the same in all directions. Gazing into this small field, Hubble uncovered a bewildering assortment of at least 1,500galaxies at various stages of evolution.

    Each galaxy has millions of stars and there are more GALAXIES than sand on the beach, there are probably millions of civilizations in that simple photo and it's just a speck of sky

    And they're all extinct because it represents a snapshot of the universe millions of years in the past

    But you think you can discredit Stephen fucking Hawking with a snide ignorant comment based on your ignorance and reruns of encounters of the third kind
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:46 No.16353368
    >i aint no science wiz
    You got that right. Now stop posting.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:46 No.16353378
    >Each galaxy has millions of stars
    More like trillions, bro
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)14:47 No.16353398
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    well fuck you too mr science man

    jeez i thought scientists were supposed to be cool mellow people like carl sagan
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:48 No.16353413
    >>16353274 We need the fusion power plant to make the moon base feasible.

    lol no
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:49 No.16353433
    They are. There's just no scientists on 4chan. Go look at /sci/, it's just a massive HURPDURPfest.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:50 No.16353453
    >Implying aliens exist
    Take off that tin foil hat, bro
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:50 No.16353455
    >i aint no science wiz

    This is the only part of the sentence you got right. There are black holes all over. They aren't "bad". Creating micro-black-holes isn't that bad either, as they'll have about the same impact as moving a fleet of carriers on the other side of the earth. But, again, you don't know enough science to get that "black hole" doesn't mean "enormous ravening rip in the fabric of space time that sucks in planets and stars". A tiny black hole is going to evaporate long before it's a threat to anyone or anything.
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:51 No.16353469
    you just went full retard
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:51 No.16353470
    All the new boards are turning out to be disappointments, aren't they?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:51 No.16353476
    >Hurrrrr durrrrrrrrrrrrr
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:51 No.16353477
    >i aint no science wiz but it doesnt take stephen hawkings to know that fires are bad and if you make one in an engine we's gonna die
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:52 No.16353486
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    >stephen hawkings
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:52 No.16353490
    Where is your proof?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:52 No.16353494
    >>i aint no science wiz but it doesnt take stephen hawkings to know that lightning strikes are bad and if you make them travel through wires to our houses we's gonna die
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:53 No.16353496

    Well /news is doing a good job of containing the political bullshit and racists that escape /b.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:53 No.16353515
    >Aliens actually existing in real life
    Are you motherfuckers serious?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:54 No.16353540
    That just proves his point even more.
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)14:54 No.16353547
    Billions, trillions, I tried looking it up but I couldn't find a reference on what the average galaxy represents, but yeah, big numbers. Multiplied by big numbers.

    Just because stories of alien abduction are nonsense doesn't mean the galaxy is empty, that's a category error

    >it doesnt take stephen hawkings to know that black holes are bad and if you make one close to earth we's gonna die

    The paper suggests building them orbiting the sun, but aside from gravity it's just like any other rock in the sky, put it in a stable orbit and it keeps going in the same direction it doesn't magically swallow everything (Unless you get close enough, but they're small so it's fairly close)
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:54 No.16353548
    still full retard

    Look mang there's life in other galaxies or reaches of our own we might never explore properly, it's nigh impossible for us to be the sole kind of animal or organism that has this level of sentience or organization, ya fucking christfag
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:54 No.16353549
    >>i aint no science wiz but it doesnt take stephen hawkings to know that fungus is bad and if you make a drug out of one we's gonna die
    >> Earth-2 Grant Morrison !!gaO76uvlijs 04/28/10(Wed)14:55 No.16353562
    No one said they're landing here or anything, but there's anywhere from 10 sextillion to 1 septillion stars in the universe. That's 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars. Let's say each had only 5 planets. You're telling me that out of all those planets we're the only one that has life? We've found single cell organisms on moons in OUR solar system and on Mars. To think that there aren't aliens is extremely ridiculous.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)14:55 No.16353568
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    that is a huge fuckin difference and you know it

    stop tryin to troll me, i already got told off by some jerkass scientist
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:55 No.16353576
    No proof, no deal
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:57 No.16353604
    What makes you think life is not unique to this planet?

    Hell, they have not even been able to find Earth like planets, only gas giants.

    Get out of here with your crazy alien bullshit
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:57 No.16353607

    The only difference is that you understand the ones making fun of you, and you don't understand the other. Every single advance in science has been met with reactionary bullshit like "THIS IS DANGEROUS UNTAMED IN THE WILD IN HUGE AMOUNTS! THEREFORE WE SHOULDN'T LEARN HOW TO HARNESS IT FOR OUR BENEFIT!"
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:58 No.16353621
    That's not even the reason you are a dumbshit though. You said "cool tinfoil hat bro" as if people are paranoid about aliens taking over the planet or something.

    You know, as if your only knowledge of astronomy came from old-ass scifi movies.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:58 No.16353624
    We've found single-cell organisms on other planets. That is extra-terrestrial life.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:58 No.16353628
    >fire burning for millions of years and growing bigger as time goes by rather then grow smaller
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)14:58 No.16353632
    There's no god then, because of no proof ya christfag
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:58 No.16353641
    >stop tryin to mock my stupidity, i already got told off by someone with a clue

    Corrected. Just because someone understands basic principles of progress doesn't make them a "scientist". It's not like being a "christian", you can't just have a basic idea what you believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:59 No.16353649

    You're still a retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)14:59 No.16353660
    >So called scientists calling someone a christfag because he calls them on their lack of proof.

    Seriously? I though you faggots were all about the proof.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:00 No.16353671
    that's becase not everyone int he world is a certified fuckin 5th degree pshysicist with recommendations from hawkins and tesla and psionic powers derived from marie fuckin carie

    the commonfolk are gonna doubt you of course cause they dont know this shit. they know as far as "sun = star so if we make a star here we's all gonna burn up"

    you gotta be a bit more tolerant man
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:00 No.16353674
    As a reasonable person, nothing makes me think that it's impossible for Earth to be the only planet capable of sustaining life. It's just very improbable.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:00 No.16353678
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    >he thinks we haven't found earth-like planets
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:00 No.16353685
    lol, making up shit now?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:00 No.16353688
    >>16353604 Hell, they have not even been able to find Earth like planets, only gas giants.

    lol no
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)15:01 No.16353693
    >>implying I'm not laughing at you or that there is proof and this is not just a big troll off
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:01 No.16353697
    >>So called scientists

    Called by whom? People who understand science are not "scientists." It's not the name of a sect. It's a job title. Everyone on earth uses science and its fruits every day, it's just some people are afraid of the bits they don't personally understand.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:01 No.16353703
    >People who actually believe Avatar was a documentary
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:01 No.16353713
    i was never fuckin tryin to disprove the guy, i just wanted to know how this shit would work cause up to my knowledge i just thought they were tryin to kill themselves by makin black holes

    jesus, you cant fuckin learn science now without pricks callin you out on everythin?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:01 No.16353715
    For all the people using the size off the universe as proof extraterrestrial life exists: It doesn't work that way. Just because it's highly probably there's something out there does mean there actually is. Also, it's entirely possible even if there is life out there there's none in our own galaxy and we will never ever come in contact with another species.

    To people saying "Oh noes black holes!!1" Mini black holes form in our atmosphere on a regular basis. We don't notice because they only last an instant and are very small. Scientists would have to make a friggin huge one for it to have even the slightest effect on earth. Stop panicking.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:02 No.16353730
    Aliens are real, right?

    Are they watching you right now, bro
    >> Earth-2 Grant Morrison !!gaO76uvlijs 04/28/10(Wed)15:02 No.16353731
    It's called logic. Of course there's no proof, but there are educated theories, which are a lot better to go by than "no proof, no deal".

    Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.
    >> SHARKWEEK !9BpMq6SeuY 04/28/10(Wed)15:02 No.16353736
    Scientists don't know as much as Vorked Larfleeze and co.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:03 No.16353748
    >that's becase not everyone int he world is a certified fuckin 5th degree pshysicist with recommendations from hawkins and tesla and psionic powers derived from marie fuckin carie

    Yeah, because that's required to understand someone else's work, or a Wikipedia page.

    I don't have to tolerate people who think their ignorance is a good reason to curtail progress. The fact that you're a retard may entitle you to special classes at school, special treatment by the state... but it doesn't entitle you to go "ZOMG STOP I'M TOO DUMB TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE DOING SO I THINK IT'S BAD!" and expect to be obeyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:03 No.16353750
    Actually believing aliens exist is crazy
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:03 No.16353755
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    since we have scientists on the board, let me ask this

    explain this shit right here
    >> TacticalFail !mlhPZuuce. 04/28/10(Wed)15:03 No.16353758
    Proof doesn't work that way. Even if you have at least one occurrence, that doesn't show any kind of trend. Similarly, just because there is not physical/direct evidence, doesn't mean it isn't true. As we've already found single celled organisms on Mars, that's far more evidence of life being on other planets than your side has put up. Additionally, there is the statistical analysis of existing planets in the universe which many people have cited.

    0/10 you troll.
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)15:04 No.16353776
    no they're watching YOU masturbate, whilst eating popcorn with ceiling cat bro.

    Aliens and cats love popcorn bro
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:04 No.16353778

    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:04 No.16353783
    God exist now?
    >> War !VnqjgZgVXc 04/28/10(Wed)15:04 No.16353788
    This will be amazing if it actually works...I kinda hope it does work now.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:04 No.16353789
    >Hopefully, this star will be able to act as the primary power source for the upgraded CERN large hadron collider.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:05 No.16353797
    >i was never fuckin tryin to disprove the guy, i just wanted to know how this shit would work cause up to my knowledge i just thought they were tryin to kill themselves by makin black holes

    >i just thought they were tryin to kill themselves by makin black holes

    >i just thought they were tryin to kill themselves

    So, are you trolling, or just painfully retarded? I'm not entirely sure, because there are people out there who seem dumb enough to think this.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:05 No.16353798
    well jesus tap dancin crhist man, i'm sorry but i just dont got the interest for it

    listen i wasnt tryin to be ignorant i was just tryin to understand this whole fucking shit.

    jesus fuckin DOC OCK making black holes and shit.

    still you were a huge prick about it
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:05 No.16353799
    When did he stop existing?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:05 No.16353814
    >People thinking that just because the galaxy is vast that there has to be intelligent aliens

    Sorry, thats not how it works
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:06 No.16353819
    Look at me, I believe that the cosmos are ruled by a giant crazy lady with a luminescent fruit and no one can stop me.

    As if believing in aliens is so far-fetched when compared with the most mundane religions.
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)15:06 No.16353824
    When he became all
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:06 No.16353835

    How do you know?
    >> Earth-2 Grant Morrison !!gaO76uvlijs 04/28/10(Wed)15:06 No.16353841
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:07 No.16353848
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    uh it was a figure of speech

    jesus, it was a freakin joke stop being so antagonistic aaaaaaaaaa
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:07 No.16353851
    How do YOU know?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:07 No.16353863
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    On a totally unrelated topic, does anyone have the propulsion system for a small space ship?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:07 No.16353864
    I don't think anybody in this thread said that alien life would be intelligent or sentient.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:07 No.16353868
    >Aliens and god real
    Alright, this thread just got really retarded.
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)15:07 No.16353873
    How does anybody know?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:08 No.16353875
    >listen i wasnt tryin to be ignorant i was just tryin to understand this whole fucking shit.

    Few people try to be ignorant. The thing is, you have to try NOT to be ignorant.

    And what you said was

    >i aint no science wiz but it doesnt take stephen hawkings to know that black holes are bad and if you make one close to earth we's gonna die

    That's not trying to understand a goddamn thing. That's "LOL I'M DUMB SO THIS IS BAD!"
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:08 No.16353879
    Uh, they did
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:08 No.16353889

    I don't know.

    Nobody knows.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:09 No.16353900
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:09 No.16353904
    >"Science" with no proof whatsoever
    >> Sage01 04/28/10(Wed)15:09 No.16353906
    Then who was the receiver?

    Surely he hasn't delivered the answer
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:10 No.16353921
    A few posts ago
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:10 No.16353922
    I can't even begin to understand what forces are at play here.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:10 No.16353928

    Not the people who actually believe there's alien life out there. It's just what they were accused of believing by the strawmanning morons.

    The original idea was "LOL Hawking is so dumb and not to be trusted because he allows for the POSSIBILITY of there being intelligent life in the universe!"
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:10 No.16353930
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    well since you took the time to (very asshole-ish like but still) explain how it works then HEY I GUESS I WE MIGHT NOT BLOW OUR SHIT UP AFTER ALL
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:11 No.16353957
    Meh, Carl Sagan was far cooler.
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)15:11 No.16353958
    the life on mars thing isn't conclusive, we have

    a) Chemical reactions in the Viking lander samples, very peculiar but it could be just chemistry

    b) Micro fossils in meteors that came from mars. They sure LOOK like bacterial remains but they're basically just tiny little holes

    There have been other sightings of gas plumes, weird spectra, etc but nothing conclusive. Still there's a good chance there's some life in Mars, even if it's just contamination from earth.

    Europa might be a good spot, it has 60km deep oceans.

    Terrestrial planets> Yes we have found some, it doesn't make the news anymore because they're finding hundreds now, the first ones were gas giants only because they were easier to spot but they're finding all kinds of shit now, including a solar system where the planets orbit in the wrong direction relative to their star, which is WEIRD
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:11 No.16353962
    Nobody made any mention a few posts ago of there being intelligent/sentient life outside of Earth.
    >> Earth-2 Grant Morrison !!gaO76uvlijs 04/28/10(Wed)15:12 No.16353981
    >>16353814 Sorry, thats not how it works

    It actually is. It's simple probability. Even if the probability of something occurring is low (in this case, intelligent life on a planet), if you increase the number of events (in this case the number of planets) then the probability of the specific event occurring approaches 1.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:13 No.16353993

    Player swings bat. Momentum built. Player pushes one end of bat backward while letting go. Objects tend to travel in a straight line unless constrained. The center of gravity for the bat wants to keep going on the same path. One end wants to go backward. The center of gravity continues, so the ends spin around it.

    It ain't rocket science, son.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:14 No.16354003
    well let me tell ya son i been tryin to do it for a WEEK now and i fuck it up

    busted my elbow too
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:14 No.16354008

    >black holes
    >suck things in
    >blow our shit up
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:15 No.16354028
    Probability is not proof.

    There is a small probably that the Mayans were right, and Xenu will come down from Mars to fight Godzilla and Zeus.

    It doesn't mean its likely to happen or that they exist.
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)15:17 No.16354056
    Probability is funny, a star going supernova is so fucking rare it only happens once in a billion years in a billion stars or something ridiculously unlikely.

    The thing is there are so many fucking stars that if you look into the sky your chances of seeing one going off every night are reasonably good.

    The probabilty of life existing is nonzero, because here we are, therefore it's out there, somewhere. We don't know the numbers so it could be ridiculously common or rarer than supernovas by a factor of a billion, but you can still look at the goddamn deep field picture and be certain there's a few in there
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:17 No.16354064
    it's a turn of phrase implying we kill ourselves

    jesus are you really gonna bust me on THAT?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:17 No.16354084

    Damn, there you were, minding your own business, being a giant ignorant dick, and people had to come in and get all mean at you? You poor child.
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)15:19 No.16354117
    And the probability of some things IS zero, like superman giving you a hug

    It's not gonna happen.

    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:19 No.16354135
    See, you're just confused. He's talking about when something is actually probably, but you are comparing it to the exact opposite: something that is practically impossible. The event you described is so improbable that it is basically impossible, whereas the event he is talking about is practically assured. Neither outcomes are certain, but neither is anything else so you know, get used to it.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:19 No.16354137
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    i fuckin know right?!

    geez the nerve of some people
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:20 No.16354143

    It doesn't matter how close it gets to 1, it doesn't matter how likely something it, until you have proof or even just good evidence you can't say anything for certain. Yes, it is extremely likely there is life, intelligent or otherwise, out there. It's almost ridiculous for there not to be. But we still are lacking strong evidence and so the high probability of their existence doesn't prove anything.


    Don't stars reverse rotation a few times during their life? The planets probably originally were going in the same direction.
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)15:20 No.16354159
    >just be glad I haven't mocked your horrible spelling, grammer, punctuation, etc, etc.


    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:20 No.16354161

    Obviously. For every dumb thing you say, I'm going to bust on you. In this fashion, I hope you learn to associate saying dumb shit with being made fun of, and attempt to say less dumb shit in general. It's a public service.

    Hell, just be glad I haven't mocked your horrible spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:21 No.16354170


    beat you.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:21 No.16354171
    this shit will give superpowers to everyone, if you think internet have changed the world, just wait when these things are going to be used on a daily basis
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:21 No.16354183

    I don't know what you're talking about. No such post was ever made. You're mad, mad I tell you.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:22 No.16354195
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    actually i can type with perfect grammar, i just dont do it on 4chan cause...

    well i'm a lazy fuck to be honest

    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)15:23 No.16354206
    >Don't stars reverse rotation a few times during their life? The planets probably originally were going in the same direction.

    No... they're STARS. They're pretty big, and heavy. There's no mechanism for them suddenly doing the cha-cha-cha and turning the other direction which is why scientists are baffled since a solar system forms off a rotating accretion disk and everything should be going in the same direction except for the odd captured outsider rock or planet
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:23 No.16354210
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    why? we've done it before.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:23 No.16354217
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    i fuckin saw that bro!

    you cant hide from me!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:23 No.16354222
    The formation of intelligent life has already happened (see: us).

    None of your examples have happened.

    Therefore, extra-terrestrial life is probable.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:24 No.16354239

    You're a crazy man. No one will believe you.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:24 No.16354244
    Maybe that solar system is in the other hemisphere of the universe where galaxies flush backwards.
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:26 No.16354274
    he did it! you gotta believe me, he made a typo!

    he's illiterate! ILLITERATE I TELLS YA!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:26 No.16354278
    Maybe we're going the wrong way.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:28 No.16354312

    i aint no grammar wiz but it doesnt take william safires to know that typos are bad and if you fix one close to 4chan we's gonna die
    >> Tino's White Horse !/D18/CGPKk 04/28/10(Wed)15:30 No.16354341
    alright now yer just bein silly

    let's just drop it man.
    >> Earth-2 Grant Morrison !!gaO76uvlijs 04/28/10(Wed)15:30 No.16354343
    But for simple life, the probability isn't small. As I just said, even if the probablity of life occuring on one planet is small, there are a massive (MASSIVE) amount of planets, and so the probability actually approaches 1.

    I have to retract what I said about intelligent life. I don't know how improbable that is.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:30 No.16354347

    You realize that the post you're replying to explained exactly why stars and planets rotate in the same direction and axis, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:30 No.16354350
    What am I looking at?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:31 No.16354371
    Based on limited understanding.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:34 No.16354453

    Errr, perhaps. But given that all but one discovered system supports the theory, it's far more likely that the one system is the unusual one, than that all the systems heretofore known are the aberrations. Admittedly, our model may be inaccurate, but it makes a solid amount of sense in the context of all the known systems and galaxies.

    It's POSSIBLE that tomorrow we'll find out that "gravity" was just God keeping his infinite hands in place to push things together. But for now, the system we have models known behavior a little too accurately to go "Well, maybe there's no such thing as Gravity."
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:34 No.16354466
    What is this?
    >> TacticalFail !mlhPZuuce. 04/28/10(Wed)15:35 No.16354475
    Those pieces of evidence are based on things that haven't happened, and while those are in the realm of "possibility" the probability of those things listed is on the magnitude of probability of at least trillions or quadrillions if not more.

    On the subject of proof, can you prove that you're not just some retarded troll?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:35 No.16354477

    You sure are arrogant
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:35 No.16354480
    Lawrence Livemore National Laboratory in California

    I've been trying to get a job there for two years, hope the hiring spree hits again in DOE
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:36 No.16354511
    It's like some one broke reality.
    >> Odd, the Sun God !3XecTnhxdM 04/28/10(Wed)15:39 No.16354557
    ITT: Everyone is being trolled by one samefag that is making fun of people believing in the possibility of extra-terrestrial life.

    C'mon /co/, we can be better than that!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:46 No.16354735

    I don't know about EASILY. As I said, it's possible that Everything We Know Is Wrong, it happens fairly often. But to say that one datum being different out of thousands isn't the outlier is... well, illogical.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:47 No.16354748
    This thread is sure pretentious
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:54 No.16354913
    I'm just saying there are cases where everything has matched up then there's one outlier that makes the theory questionable. The fact that it's there at all is enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)15:56 No.16354964
    >Believing in aliens
    Tell that to a normal person, and see what sort of looks you get.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)16:10 No.16355265
    They're all weirdos
    >> Anonymous 04/28/10(Wed)16:14 No.16355358

    On another note, if it succeeds we'll make bombs or space lasers with it. (If someone can make a buck off of it, because no science that can't be sold and monopolized ever gets off the ground)

    If it fails, we might make a few snide remarks and move on... or a point singularity occurs sucking everything for a mile into a smoldering ball of screaming super-compressed nothingness. Either or is cool with me.
    >> Hentaikid 04/28/10(Wed)16:19 No.16355473

    If you're Stephen Hawking, you get rapt attention and nods of assent.

    Principle of mediocrity, we're nothing special, there's trillions (European trillions, not the weakass american ones) of rocky planets in the Goldilocks zones of stars identical to ours. Those planets have proteins and minerals and physics identical to ours.

    Experiments like Miller & Urey prove that matter tends to organize in the presence of energy, prebiotic elements appear on their own.

    Which is not the same as saying Men In Black is a documentary

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