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A Comprehensive Review of the Star Wars Movies Part 2
!VwS7BoMTPQ 04/02/10(Fri)20:38 No.15696436>>15695836
Prequels are cult movies to me, they are for Star Wars FANS that want
more information about the mythos of Star Wars. Excluding the
Medichlorians, excluding the gratuitous amounts of special effects, and
cluster-fuck of the screen, it is a valid explanation of the events
pre-dating the Original Trilogy. However there is one big difference.
Wars Episodes I, II, and III, have NO structure without the original
Star Wars Episode I - Wither people will admit it or
not, the movie relied on the knowledge of the original movies to allow
you to comprehend on what everything is. Secondly, it was HEAVILY
written with politics in it. The Galactic Senate? Really? You mean to
tell me, we went from Space Knights/Sage + Cowboy + Damsel of distress,
to, government bullshit? Sure there was a princess in distress, but for
fuck sakes. The people that had her hostage look like fucking morons.
The plot was completely A.D.D., no flow that could be comprehended the
first time, and Star Wars fans had to watch it several times to make any
sense of it. Even George Lucas admits that he put too much in it at
once. He should of just sicked to the basics, making multiple story
lines at once in feature length movies is unwise. I mean look at
Spiderman 3
Part 3 coming soon |